
Tony nearly died giggling, “Yes, on occassion. It was a spy secret.”he said grinning before sighing a little. “Okay. We’ll work on things from there.”He muttered pleased to know where some of the lines were before rolling his eyes. “Fine. No overly dangerous sucidial stuff.”He said sighing quietly. “...well. I don’t think I can really protest being Captain America’s one and only. It’s like the american dream or something.”Tony snickered a little. “What?”Tony paused at the yell, backing away from the fire as he got it under control. Already starting to look around, jarvis searching for her cell phone. “I’m not finding her or any of her tech. Nat?Clint?”He said as he saw the others arrive, already working his way through the rest of the building.”Nothing so far.” “Does Barnes need taken back to the tower?”Tony asked, wondering if they needed medical attention right now, or if he’d hold until they could find anna.
he nodded, smiling at Tony. "we can make this work." he promised the other. "we just have to put in a little effort, right?" he asked with a smile. "we get along pretty well as it is so i don't think we'll have to work too hard at it, we already work pretty damn good together." he admitted with a smile. "well. i won't be too made at you if you do stupidly suicidal stuff like saving the world." he assured the other. "well, provided you don't get hurt too badly in the attempt." he promised before laughing. "oh your in America's dreams alright." he leered with a grin.

"Find Anna!" Steve ordered again, this time through the Comm link so Tony could actually hear him. "son of a bitch!" Steve gasped, shaking his head. "the firefighters are here and the building is empty save for the people here trying to help James. let the firemen do their job and branch out, look for clues!" he ordered. "i don't know how bad Bucky's hurt. i''m no doctor..." "i've got him Cap." Bruce promised. "since it was jst a fire i thought my doctoring skills would be more useful than my smashing ones." Bruce admitted, settling next to James and looking him over. "i don't think he has a cracked skull, possibly a minor concussion but i think he'll be fine by morning, provided we find Anna before then."
“We can.”Tony fidgeted a little, because he knew eventually the other would figure out that he’d had real reasons to set his heels down about this, but for the moment, he was enjoying simply being with him. “We do get along pretty well....and don’t worry. I like myself to much to commit suicide.”Lies, mostly. Most days he barely tolerated himself, but for steve, he was willing to try to be better. “I’m thinking your the america dream there Cap.”he said rolling his eyes.

“I’m looking.”Tony said sounding worried and upset as he looked, before sighing quietly. “I’m on-”He paused listening to bruce. “We’ll look for Anna. Can you get James back to the tower?”Tony asked as he not only searched the area himself, but tapped into the video feeds surrounding them, his shock at what he found actually so bad that the suit shut off for a few minutes, sending him falling for a few feet before he got control again. “We have a problem.”He said sounding shocky. “Our favorite doctor got removed by Shield. Cap?”He said his tone strained, because he knew if the soldier woke and they didn’t have anna back yet, james was going to go through shield, whether they’d have anything to do with it or not, like a wild storm.
Steve smiled a little at the other. "you hate yourself most days Tony." Steve pointed out with a smile. "but that's okay i love you enough for the both of us." he promised, giving Tony a surprise kiss before heading out to help with the fire.

"Yes, he can be moved." Bruce said after carefully analyzing Jame's head neck and spine with a very fancy portable X-ray Tony had helped him to build. "we need to be careful not to move his head too much." he admitted, already gathering a neck and head brace from his doctors bag. Steve froze, stock still for a long moment, a move Bruce, and everyone recognized as 'i'm trying hard not to kill something right now' default. he used it with James and Tony a lot. "Shield Initiation 33321..." Steve started speaking into his special Shield Only phone. "emergency override all systems, complete shutdown activate in three, two, one..." and back at shield every single door slammed shut and everything but the backup lights went down, trapping everyone. even the safe houses. "Shield initiation 445116, track all know Shield Agents in six mile radius of current position." Steve spoke, examining the hologram field that appeared in front of him. "....i have no idea what i'm looking at, Tony come here and translate this for me?" he was too calm, that meant he was ten seconds away from killing something, probably whoever had taken Kate.
“Good. Get him out of here. If he’s here when he wakes up, he’ll injure himself more.”Clint said looking worried even as he helped bruce get james on the back brace and his shoulder and neck supported. Tony swallowed thickly as he landed next to steve, watching him go so utterly still with nervousness. “Well. At least that’s going to keep them all nervous.”Tony muttered swallowing thickly. Moving over to the hologram, “Don’t go killing anyone just yet. I’ll let you have the agents okay?”Tony muttered afraid to talk to much in case the man lashed out. Already moving over and looking through the hologram, “Jarvis?Can you give me a vague position of where Anna’s phone last pinged?”He asked, watching it overlay before pointing to the cluster of dots, “here. This is a shield warehouse.And close to where she was last.Enough people to keep her there, not enough people to be a true danger to us.”
Steve nodded to Bruce who started carefully moving James onto a wheeling stretcher and then right out to the street where Happy was waiting with the limo. plenty of room for James until they got to the tower. "they better be fucking nervous." Steve hissed before glancing at him. "i won't kill anyone who doesn't deserve it." he promised, eyes narrowing at the... whatever it was he was looking at. he still had some issues with technology sometimes. especially the stuff Fitz made. the boy was a genius and he feared the day he and Tony and Bruce and Simmons got into the same lab unsupervised, but the boy was too much of a genius and sometimes things like what Steve was trying to use now baffled him too much. he examined the building Tony was talking about and nodded. "that's warehouse fifteen." he admitted. "lts see here... Shield Initiation 55632 Override command." Steve spoke into his phone. "Authorizing single Television Activation of Warehouse fifteen." he waited a moment and then. "This is Steve Rogers, Commander of Shield. i am aware of your location and wish to inform you that everyone in that building had better have a good damn reason for having Kate Daniels in their possession. if she is harmed in any way form, or fashion i will allow the Hulk to play with your broken and battered bodies for the rest of your very, short lives." he warned. "be aware. and prepare yourselves, any attempts at fighting back will be dealt with harshly and at the cost of our lives. we will be there momentarily. have your excuses ready." he warned before snapping his phone closed and stalking for the building that Kate was in, which was locked down just as tightly as headquarters was.
“well, I guess that’s better news then the other Cap would promise.”He said rolling his eyes behind his mask, because sarcasm was his way of dealing with things, and he was worried about what was going on. “I think it’s inapporiate to voice how hot I’m finding you like this, but indeed, it’s very interesting to see.”Tony muttered as he listened to the other, swallowing thickly as he glanced at natasha. “Go with james. You might be the only person beside Anna who’ll keep james sane if he wakes before we get back.”he said softly, nodding towards clint. “Take James’ bike. We’ll meet you there.”He said already spotting the Vincent black shadow sitting on the curb.”See you there.”Clint said heading over, swallowing thickly. He just knew this was going to be bad. “You know, I’d think giving them over to Klondike is a worse threat then a hulk.”Tony muttered as they got to the warehouse, pausing at the door. “NOw, this is former director Stark and current Commander Rogers, we’re willing to let you walk out before he barge our way in.”he said using the suits speakers, prepared to break in.
he snorted. "James would have killed everyone for trying to stop him." he agreed. "it is slightly inappropriate. however, i find myself completely uncaring." he admitted. "just avoid fondling me for a while and we'll be good." he decided before nodding. pleased that Tony, at least, was thinking straight, sending Nat with James would keep James calm for a little while at least and Natasha was already heading outside to join Bruce and Bucky back to the Tower. "and don't scratch it!" Steve yelled at Clint. "James is gonna kill him for touching his bike ou know." Steve informed Tony, looking more amused than worried. "the Hulk is more frightening to people because he can't be reasoned with, part of them still thinks James isn't as scary as they think he is because he looks like just another human. Hulk doesn't look human at all and people have seen the destruction he can cause. they're very stupidly thinking Hulk is more dangerous than James." he admitted. "then again, none of them have ever seen us play Fetch with Hulk using a massive glittery ball." he admitted, letting Tony handle the command while he unlocked the door. a good six people exited immediately, looking very shaken and confused. they didn't know what the hell was going on, why Steve was pissed or why Kate Daniels was tied to a chair in the interrogation room. though they where able to report that while she was pissed, she was completely unhurt.
“It’s probably a good thing he has a concussion at the moment then. Keeps him out of the game.”Tony muttered before laughing quietly. “I think I can avoid fondling you for a moment.”He smirked a little before focusing, watching natasha go for a long moment before nodding. “I know. But for once he wont be pissed at me, so I’m willing to let clint be yelled at.”He snorted a ltitle before shaking his head. “James can’t be reasoned with. Hulk I might be able to convince not to drop me off a building. James if given the right motivation, would turn the city into a city of dead.’Tony said shaking his head before snickering. “Very true. That glittery ball sorta takes the fear away.”he snickered a little before sighing as they walked out. “Just go talk to Hawkeye, me and cap will clear the rest of the place.”Tony directed them towards the agent walking towards them, getting him to stay put with the agents before heading in with cap, making his way towards the iterrogation room. “Anna?”
Steve nodded. "i have to agree." he admitted. "James being awake right now would not be good for anyone." he grimaced and shook his head before flashing Ton a grin. "you can fondle me later, i remember you promising to teach me how to take a flogger." he admitted. which was a lie, Tony had made no such offer, but who was keeping track? "that damn sparkly ball." Steve huffed, a smile ticking at his lips. it had been Natasha who had made it, using the large swatches of the most eye blinding colorful fabric covered in glitter that she could find. it was as big as a beach ball and stuffed so that if Hulk threw it at them it wouldn't hurt them. they could still get the wind knocked out of them, but it was much less dangerous than using a real beach ball. it was Hulks favorite and he loved to go bounding after it when they shot it from a custom made cannon. "hold on Tony, be careful, there's still three men unaccounted for." he warned, watching Clint cuff the six, who weren't struggling. good, they probably didn't know anything but better to be safe then sorry. "Tony?" Anna asked, turning to him. she was blindfolded, her hands cuffed to the chair, feet tied to the legs. "don't move." a voice ordered, Anna tensing as something touched the back of her neck. a gun. she went very still and Steve froze, his ja tightening so much you could practically hear his teeth cracking, the vein in his jaw twitching as he watched the Shield agent threatening Anna's life.
"...I'll definitely enjoy teaching you a flogger."tony hummed pleased with the idea. Because the man didn't remember saying it,but he was willing to teach steve anything he wanted to know. Snickering a little at the idea of the ball."I think she just wanted to see if we'd like spaz when we saw it."tony sighed softly. "I'm always careful."tony said walking carefully and slowly as they moved their way through the building."yea hey anna. Sorry it took so long."tony said swallowing hard before freezing as he heard the order,tilting his head a little. Clearing his throat."I feel obligated to inform you your endangering your own life doing this.she's carrying a very dangerous man's child and he's going to be truly unhappy."tony said giving himself time to think of a way out of this."...why are you doing this?"
Steve brightened eagerly at the idea of being hit. Tony seamed to enjoy it so, so, so much and Steve wanted to try it too. "you know, you'd probably be right." Steve admitted. Natasha was always trying to mess with them. "it didn't take that long. they where expecting you would take days to find them. i guess they weren't there for the memo that said that all Shield Facilities had been upgraded." she admitted, not bothered in the least by the gun pressed into the back of her head. "dangerous man? who, you?" the man scoffed, a sly curl of Steve's lips making the man pause. "well, it's supposed to be a secrete you see. but i don't see the harm in telling you." Steve admitted. "that baby belongs to one James Buchanan Barnes." "your a lying fucker ainthcha?! he's dead!" "so was Phil." "he's Dead!" "so was i." "He's Fucking DEAD!" "So was Fury." "Look! just shut up! we're sick of you being in charge!" the man spat. "we're sick of you totalitarian types coming in here and changing everything all the time!" the man snarled, Steve cocking his head. "then it might please you to know that Tony Stark is coming back as Co-Director of Shield." "i... wait, what?! no! son of a bitch what the fuck is wrong with you people!? Stark's just as bad as you re Rogers!" "hmm. you do realize that we have to follow the orders of the council right?" "would you shut the fuck up!? i don't give a damn about the council! just promise you'll step out of shield and i won't blast pretty Anna's brains all over the floor!" "you think i'm pretty?" Anna asked, smiling a little. "oh... er. yeah sure." the man said, momentarily distracted. Anna had clearly learned that from Natasha.
"It was long. I mean, it took me time to go over the grid. And make sure our resident bloodhound was okay. Which he is. He'll be unhappy but he's okay."tony said knowing the woman had to be worried about james, calm and collected as ever."definitely not me. I like the American dream to much to date my doctor, no offense anna."tony smirked before shaking his head."oh no. It's worse. And you gotta admit james does have a habit of dying alot. But the bastard always comes back. And he's so not going to like this. You better hope we kill you first really."tony snorted easing closer slowly whill the man was ranting."I what?I am?"tony said sounding as startled by his reinstatement as the villian did."you are definitely pretty."tony agreed as he grabbed the agents hand and tightened his grip breaking both through gun and bone. Before flinging him to the side standing guard as steve got anna
she shrugged. "it was like, a half an hour, it's not been that long really." she admitted before sighing in relief. "i was so worried when they came out of the building and James didn't follow. they snatched me up before i could do anything. they promised not to hurt me so long as i played nice, so i did." she admitted. "i knew James would be pissed off if i got hurt doing something stupid." she admitted. "so i figured it would be better to just be an obedient little frightened woman." she admitted, the man behind her huffing and rolling his eyes, muttering something about how he'd never believe her being 'helpless'. no Shield agent, even the doctors, where ever helpless. "i don't believe a word you idiots are saying. Barnes died and he stayed dead. we all saw him when that weird gray elf thing stabbed him through." the man scoffed. "no one survives that. ever." "Phil did." "shut up!" "yes. you are. i can't do this goddamn job on my own." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "look! i'm getting gray hairs!" he complained, shaking his head. the villain shrieked as he went down, collapsing on the floor, cradling his hand and waiting. "Kill them! kill them!" he screamed, the sound of bullets being pulled into chambers echoing around the room as two more rushed in from behind, guns aimed. they didn't look too sure bout it though. "Son? you really wanna do that?" Steve demanded of the one on the left who started trembling before he shook his head and set the gun on the ground. he was not about to get involved in this pissing contest.
"I'll let you tell james that. He'll think it was to long."tony snorted a little before nodding."he's got a concussion but he'll heal it. He's to hard headed to let that keep him down."he said before nodding."he would indeed have been unhappy if you got hurt."he said before snickering."I'll let him tell you that when your having a conversation about this cluster fuck."tony sighed quietly."....that's not grey hair,capsicle. You can't go grey,cause if you are it means I will to and that's just depressing." Tensing at the sound of rounds being chambered he turned to look at the other's raising the eerily glowing repulsors, a promise of pain."guys, don't make this worse then it is. If you shoot me. And Captain America and his girlfriend, the Soldier is going to pull you apart like a gleeful child pulling wings off a fly." "....nice imagery there, tony. truly inspired." "I try."tony smirked as the arrival of the archer had the last man laying down his gun."Widow called, said there's no true lasting damage even if he's going to be unhappy about being laid up for a bit."
she snorted. "i think we'll keep this a secrete from James." she decided. "a concussion won't keep him down for long. a day at most." she mused. "he's going to be unhappy i got kidnapped period. which is why we should have a blood oath right here and now. we never, ever tell James." she ordered, making Steve snicker, the kidnapper sighing as he realized he wasn't being taken at all seriously. he didn't want to hurt the woman, but he would if he had to. too bad he waited too long really. Tony was faster than anticipated. "right. your all three under arrest. you'll be lucky to see the light of day again, that is, if i don't just kill you." Steve growled, yanking the one with the crushed hand to his feet and cuffed him while Clint untied Anna. "well that was an adventure." Anna chirped. "i can't believe they thought kidnapping me would make you stop being Director. your both the best directors we've ever had. with both of you working together, everything will work perfectly." she decided with a smile. "i'm glad he's going to be okay." Anna admitted. "i'm late for my doctors appointment now though." she admitted with a sigh and a pout.
"As long as he doesn't pry into it, we shall never tell him."Tony agreed knowing better then to try and promise to never tell him since it'd be a lie. He'd tell him if james was overly threatening about it."...lucky?you mean we just can't tell james these are the bastards who gave him a concussion? That would be amusing."Tony said as he helped steve handcuff everyone before rolling his eyes."they're not the most intelligent people in the world...and don't include me on the list of best directors."tony protested rolling his eyes before sighing."I'll call your doctor and have him meet us at the tower. I have a feeling you better be there when james wakes up otherwise it'll be unpleasant."
"good enough." she agreed with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "well you know. we could but we're not allowed to torture people to death anymore." Steve admitted. "it's against the Law or something, cruel and unusual punishment or something." he admitted. "we don't want James being deported again." he admitted. "and in any case, so long as he never realizes Anna was in danger he won't really give a damn they attacked him trying to make me stop being director." Steve admitted. "you where one of the best." Steve admitted. "notice the other name they threw in their. Fury and Phil." he pointed out. "if your as good as Fury or Phil was, then you where clearly one of the best." Steve admitted with a smile. Anna nodded her agreement before nodding in response to Tony's suggestion, handing her phone to Steve who called the Dr. Hartman who was her Obstetrician. he was more than happy to come to her when he found out she had been kidnapped, worried about stress and not wanting to make her suffer it more than she already had.
“..True, though I might be willing to get him deported. I mean, peace.”Tony snickered a little. “No you wont. You were as upset as the rest of us when he went missing.”Clint rolled his eyes a little. “Yea, I guess. I mean, being director again wont be that bad....I’ll get to spend more time in the lab though, since I’ll have help.”Tony said perking up a little bit, smiling as they headed back to the tower. “You want to see if James is up before you see Dr. Hartman?”Tony said tilting his head a little as he let clint and phil take care of the prisoners, heading down to the med lab with the other two, wincing at the angry tones he could hear already down in the hall. “Well. Sleeping beauty’s awake.”He muttered.

“-I’m leaving. Stop it. I’m fine.” “No you’re not. You’ve got a concussion and a busted shoulder. Anna’s got tony and steve taking her to the doctor’s. Now lay down and stop freaking out.”Bruce scolded the angry super soldier and hulk glaring at each other.
Steve glared at him. "You get James deported and your not getting sex for a week, even if it makes me sick." he warned, Anna snickering at the threat. "you two working together would literally be the very best directors ever." Anna informed Tony, making Steve grin because he fully agreed. "you'll both have more free time and a lot less stress for it too." she admitted. "and then no one can bitch because about half the people want Steve to say, half the people wanted Tony to stay ad the few who don't want either where just arrested for kidnapping me." she admitted with a grin. "yes, i better see to James first." she agreed.

"James Buchanan Barns you lay back down right this instant!" Anna ordered firmly. "your hurt! and i'm grumpy because someone wouldn't stop to ask for directions to Dr. Hartman's office!" she complained, glaring at the two men behind her, Steve managing to look very, very sheepish indeed. "So Dr. Hartman is coming here because he is a nice man and LL of you will BEHAVE or so help me god you will all regret ever surviving your short and traumatic childhoods got it?!" Steve was nodding in agreement, more than happy to obey her when she was really starting to get a temper going. "Now! who is going to explain what the hell happened to James?!" "he was attacked by a three man group who wants me out of the Commanders chair or rather, out of shield completely." Steve stated simply. "they've already been arrested." the best part of that was it wasn't a lie, he just hadn't explained all of what had happened.
“A week?Just a week?”Tony snickered a little, shaking his head even if he knew he wouldn’t be getting james deported. “Hm, we’ll see how it is then.”Tony said nervous about being director again, but excited at the idea of being able to do more good as director.

“Wha?”James startled, turning to look at her, his right arm in a body sling that kept the arm tight against his chest so he wouldn’t try using it or moving to much, to let it heal without messing up the broken joint. “Sorry anna.”Tony muttered looking at her with wide eyes, her tone enough that even knowing the truth, he looked decidedly sheepish and upset. “....Okay, anna.”James said looking up at her, looking younger then his 34 years, young and upset, sheepish as he watched her. “So, what’s the damage bruce?” “Broken shoulder joint, and a fairly bad concussion. The shoulder’s the worrying break, since bone, even on a super soldier, takes awhile to heal, and being his dominate hand...”Bruce trailed off knowing they'd all know just how utterly unbearable it was going to be livign with james
"yes. because i'll be lucky to hold out that long." he admitted. "plus i'm pretty sure that's how long it would take to get Bucky BACK." he admitted with a shrug before smiling at him. "we'll do good things together." he decided, bending down and kissing Tony gently, almost hesitantly before heading in to look at James.

she just glared at him, demanding obedience with just her eyes was a skill she had worked very hard to perfect. "good." she stated, pleased when he obeyed her. "i don't want you hurting yourself too badly, we can't have sex if you can't move after all." she pointed out. "and if you permanently cripple yourself you'd never get over it." she admitted, smiling at him, stroking his hair. "well, we'll just have to help him then." she decided, examining his left, false arm. "i'm sure he'll get used to using his left hand soon enough." she admitted. "we just have to be patient while he learns to adjust." she admitted, looking up when Jarvis informed them that Dr. Hartman was there.
“Ahhh, that’s true.”Tony snickered amused at the other’s words, blushing slightly as he kissed back, both pleased and worried at the idea of doing good.

“...Okay.”James muttered going quiet at the glare, ducking his head a little as he was glared at. “Well, yes. Behaving to have sex would be a good thing....though at this point I could just lay back, and let you do all the work.”He said smirking a little before twitching. “I don’t think any of us would get over it if he was permanently crippled. Can you imagine the belly aching?” “...Just cause I can’t hit you Stark, doesn’t mean you’re safe.”James sulked looking at the billionaire as he leaned his head into anna’s hand. “I don’t think we’ll be the ones who have to be patient. You should be telling him.”Tony stated, glancing up. “Thanks J. Can you direct him down here?” “Of course Sir.” “Well. Come on then.”James said levering himself up carefully, having every intent of sitting in with anna.
she smiled at him a little. "yes. you should always obey me because if you don't, you won't get sex." she agreed with a chuckle. though, considering how much she herself adored sex, those limits wouldn't last long. "you could, but it would probably hurt." she admitted, examining his shoulder. "can you imagine how many people would be dead if he was permanently crippled? i don't think he'd care at all if he really couldn't use his rm, he still has another one to kill everyone responsible for his injuries with." Steve pointed out looking amused. "don't worry James, i'll hit Tony for you later." he promised. yes, Tony would adore having the whip used, he had a feeling Tony was going to need it by the time the day was done. "nope. i'm staying here." she informed James. lay back down, everything Dr. Hartman needs is in here anyway." she admitted, smiling when the perfectly normal doctor walked in, looking a bit nervous about being in a Tower full of superheros. "Good morning Ms. Richards." the doctor said with a smile. "will we be having your examine in here?" he asked, glancing at all the people. "yes. James can stay, he's the father. the rest of you get out." she ordered, Steve chuckling as he obeyed.
“hm, I’d believe that if you weren’t as addicted as I am.”James smirked a little before wincing. “Probably.”he sulked a little at the idea of no sex, making a face before rolling his eyes. “It would be a nightmare truly.”Tony agreed smirking a little, amused at the idea of james destroying everything if he’d been permanently injured. “Promise?”He muttered smirking a little. “...Don’t wanna know about your sex lives.”James whined making a face, before frowning as he was ordered to lay down but not protesting. “Hey, doc.”he smiled a little. “We’re leaving. Don’t worry, I don’t want to see Anna naked. James’ll casterate me or something.”Tony babbled smirking a little as he walked out.
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