
“Would not.”James muttered smiling a little, before haking his head. “I don’t look that bad. And I’m not bitching.Always fine.”He growled, frowning a little as he made a face, huffing slightly. “You take care of me, don’t need to take care of myself.Don’t want to.”He muttered groaning as she licked him, fisting her hair, rolling his hips, fucking her mouth, whimpering quietly. “Always.”He muttered sighing softly, gasping as he jerked, his head falling back onto the pillows as she sank down onto him, squeezing his eyes shut as he moved with her. It felt so good, it was almost painful. “Nat...”He swallowed hard, hands resting on her hips, swallowing thickly, letting his hands fall away as he nearly squeezed to hard, afraid of hurting her as he held onto her, a twitchy gasp mess of a man a he rolled his hips.
"you do look that bad." she huffed with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "you are bitching." she stated with a snort. "well that's true. but what happens if i'm sick with the flu and can't suc you off?" she asked, looking highly amused, moaning as he fucked her mouth. god how she had missed this. so much. "that's right. say my name James." she moaned, rising up and down, riding him with all the wild passion she was capable of. "go on. hold me. use me. fuck me." she moaned. "i like it when you bruise me." she promised him, amused because he always got weird when he was like this. why he was worried now about leaving bruises when he left bruises on Anna all the time, and used to go out of his way to leave black and blue hand prints on Nat back during the hydra days, she would never know. she didn't mind though even if she would rather him hold her tight, control her a bit she could do this for him. he needed it, she would give it to him.
"...that's why I have a left hand. Mastervating whill you watch works to."he muttered shivering as he swuirmed. He was so lost in his own memories, own tired induced past, that he forgot he actually had a girlfriend."cука"he growled as she rode him' shivering as he looked up at his vixen. As exhausted and hurting as he was, he was definitely enjoying himself. Whining quietly as she ordered him,looking torn. As dominant as he was every day, even with natasha and anna, he wasn't usually bothered by hurting them because he knew they enjoyed it. There was just something about this mood, this quiet pained time, that made his even more vulnerable to his time in taking care of them.growling at her hestudied her for a moment before rolling them, pin ing her there as he buried his face against her neck, taking her at her word, biting her, hands tight on her hips as he fucked her. He'd regret it later, both doing the sex and because he was going to be hurting,but he wanted her under him.
she snorted. "well, i suppose that's true." she agreed with a chuckle, moaning when he called her Vixen. "your so cute when your like this you know. so pliant under me." she teased, well aware that he would take that as the challenge it was. "oh! oh! yes. oh... fuck yes." she moaned when he rolled them, pinning her to the bed and biting her. sh arched into his teeth, legs wrapping around his hips, encouraging him. "fuck m. oh god James!" she moaned, rocking her hips, wanting him to own her in a way she hadn't been owned in years.
"Not pliant. Content."James smiled at her even as he took it as a challenge. Growling pleased as she cried out, pinning her there keeping her from being able to move alot with him, simply enjoying having her under him again.gasping as he bit her hard enough that his teeth damn near met through her skin he came with a growl, the animal side of his nature quite pleased that she was going to be wearing that mark for days, no matter that after he rested he would probably feel badly for the nasty already darkening bruise
she moaned eagerly, writhing as much as she could, not much to be honest but she tried anyway, crying out at th teeth on her flesh, tiny droplets of blood bleeding on her skin once he let her go, shuddering as sh came under him, gasping and moaning and chanting his name because she could do nothing else. "mmm i love you." she murmured, kissing the corner of his lip before snuggling in to go to sleep, enjoying the lingering ache of her bruises and bite mark. "go to sleep now." she murmured. "you need the rest."
James smirked pleased to himself as he raised his head to look down at her as he slid out of her with a moan, shivering as she kissed him. “Sleep is good.”He muttered agreeing, shifting to snuggle into her, teh man to tired and exhausted to consider anything except how amazing it felt to sleep next to her.

The next morning James sighed tiredly as he nosed her neck, sighing quietly. Sleepily content, doing better then he had been since he’d gotten hurt, but he didn’t want to wake up, and yet the man never slept more then a few hours, though he did sleep longer then steve did. “ might scar....I think you could identify my body by just comparing my teeth to this mark...”He muttered to content to be upset just yet.
she grinned at him, arching against him when he slid out, grinning a little. "very good." she agreed with a chuckle.

she hummed as he nuzzled her. "don't give a damn. it'll scar if it scars." she mumbled. "no worse than the teeth prints on my ass." she admitted with a chuckle. "besides, your immortal. no dying yet." she admitted with a yawn. "how ungodly early is it?" she asked sluggishly. "oh. and when you start freaking out, look at the text on my phone." she ordered, snuggling deeper into the pillow and blankets, intending on going back to sleep.
“Hm, that’s true. Though this one everyone can see. Your ass is just mine.”He muttered before snorting, “No, no dying yet.”He agreed looking amused as he sighed, “...Early. Probably gonna go jog with Cap.”he muttered already moving to get up, before pausing, staring at her for a moment. “Not freaking out.”he muttered, biting his lip, though he was starting to wake up enough to do that indeed. Pausing he glanced at her phone, before letting out a quiet relieved sigh. Well...maybe they’d be okay. I mean, she’d been sure that she’d still love him even if she remembered this was okay, right?”Gonna go jog.”He said easing away, pausing to press a kiss to her head as she snuggled into the bed, smiling as he headed for the good captain’s room, before pausing. “Jarvis, is Cap up?” “Of course, Sir. Shall I tell him you’re looking for him?” “yes please.”
she snorted a little and wiggled her ass. for him. "yu wake up too damn early." she whined, shaking her head. "you are freaking out." she mumbled, smiling when he checked her phone. the last text from Anna that said 'fuck his stubborn ass until he goes to sleep. tie him down and fuck him if you have to' so that was pretty decisive. "okay. have fun." she mumbled, settling in to go back to sleep. "don't get into trouble." she ordered before smiling when she was kissed, very happy.

"hey James. your looking a lot better." Steve admitted when the other walked in, finishing brushing his teeth and getting ready for his jog as he did so by stretching. "heading out with me?" he asked with a grin.
“Not my fault you sleep so long.”James said smiling a little, “Am not.”he said huffing a little as he read the text. Making a face for a moment before sighing, “I will.”He promised smiling as he watched her sleep for a moment before he left.

“Thanks. I’m feeling better. Got some sleep.”Natasha shrugged a little, rubbing his shoulder carefully even as he stretched himself. Taking his time carefully making sure he was limber and okay to jog, even if his shoulder ached something fierce, he was okay. “Yea, I am. Figured I better steal some of your day before you went and holed up with Stark somewhere.”he teased a little, as he tied up his tennis shoes, looking calmer and relaxed then he had in days.
she huffed. "insomniac." she growled, trying to burrow deeper into her blankets, going right back to sleep, breathing softly and calmly. soft in a way she never was when awake.

"good." Steve chirped with a grin. "i got laid." he admitted. "Tony is amazingly flexible." he admitted with a snicker. "he's sleeping still. he tried to bite me when i kissed him good morning." he admitted with a snigger, watching the other stretch while rinsing his mouth out. "nah, Tony's probably going to be holed up in the lab today." he admitted with a smile. "so we'll have plenty of time." he admitted. "i'm glad your finally feeling better." he admitted. "where should we go today?" he asked, planning his route in his head.
“Flexible and a nympho, you seriously lucked out.”James teased a little before laughing. “of course he did. It’s 6 am. He probably didn’t go to sleep till 2.”He pointed out amused that steve had even tried to get the morning despising genius to kiss back. “Cool. And I really am feeling better.”He said blushing a little, even if he’d come to join steve for his run to be able to talk, but he still couldn’t admit to what happened. Even if the girls approved, he was still worried about how this relationship was going to work. “We should take the bikes out of the city. Go to the Shawna Gunks national park. Make a day of it.”he said, simply wanting a day with his best friend. Feeling more balanced then he had in weeks, maybe months, he wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.
he nodded. "like you can't say the same for Anna or Natasha." he scoffed, amused. "besides, Tony will fuck me right back so i'm doubly lucky." he admitted. "he used this thing called a crop on me last night and i came without a hand ever touching my cock. it was fucking fantastic." he and James had always traded sex stories. "well. that's true. i did keep him up late last night." he agreed with a chuckle before nodding, txting Tony informing him that he was 'going into the woods to live like a caveman' and that he'd be back before dark. he knew Tony would refuse to step foot in nature so didn't bother trying to invite him. "okay." he chirped, shoving his phone back in his pocket. "i told Tony we'd be back before dark. lets head out." he agreed, heading for the fridge to grab a few dozen protein shakes and bars so they wouldn't starve in the woods.
“Well, that’s true.”James snickered a little amused as he considered thatm before rolling his eyes a little. “It amazes me that you’re such a kinky bastard. I mean, you’re captain america, you’re supposed to be all vanilla and pure, and shit.”James snickered, because they both knew that was a lie. So, so a lie. Snickering as steve texted the other, amused. “We should invite him. I would pay money to see Tony survive nature.”James grinned as he shoved his own phone into his poocket, grinning as they headed out. Quite happy to be spending the day with the other.

Hours later, so late that they’d spent most of their day walking, hiking, even swimming in the lake to cool off, the two had done what they’d rarely had a chance to do. Simply be friends, to goof off as much as they had as teens. Though it was better these days, since steve wasn’t sick or anything. Collapsing onto the dock the brunette sighed a little as he laid out naked to dry off from the water, he turned his head to look at Steve. “I slept with Natasha last night. And anna says she’s okay with it.”he said fidgeting, finally getting around to talking about what had sent him to talking to his best friend, because he trusted his friend’s opinion, if he said it was okay, they’d be okay.
James smirked. "i've always been a kinky bastard. even back when Gay people where the devil." he pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i've seen Tony in nature. he destroyed half the forest and then cried because he scratched his suit." Steve admitted, looking amused. "i have video." he admitted.

Steve chuckled, laid out, naked on the dock before James even got out of the water. "did you?" he asked, he didn't sound at all surprised. "well Anna has been saying that for a while now. that she would be fine if you had sex with Natasha." he admitted. "you have two hot women willing to be with you, why are you having so many problems? Natasha will always love you, after all the shit, all the hell you two have faced together how could she not? you can't just get rid of such an emotional connection, and you grieved together, fought together, fuck you even died together a few times.your never getting rid of her. Anna is a psychologist, she knows what your thinking better than you do. if she says she wants to try a threesome, then trust her on it." Steve suggested. "sure, it might not work out, maybe you won't have them both in the end, but they aren't going to abandon you or stop being your friend just because they don't love you the way a lover should love you." he pointed out. Natasha will always love you, and Anna will too. stop fretting and enjoy it, because they'll always be your best friends." he promised with a smile.
“That’s awesome. I totally want to watch that video.”James snickered at the idea of tony in nature.

James sighed closing his eyes, simply enjoying the late afternoon sun. “yea. I was tired. Apparently some old habits are very hard to kill.”James said shrugging a little before smiling sightly. “I do. Which is amazing really....that they both want me.”James said sighing quietly, thinking about it. “I don’t know.....I scares me badly....I mean, yes I know. I believe them when they say it, want to believe it’ll be okay...but it scares me Cap.”he shrugged a little, rubbing a hand over his face, smiling a little. “Well, that’s true....they’re smarter then me. I’ll just trust them.”He sighed quietly, the hard knot of twisted feelings and conflicting interests, and the worry he’d inflicted on himself without actually meaning to, starting to ease as he realized steve was right, that they wouldn’t stop liking him, even if it didn’t work out. Stretching slowly he sighed softly. “We probably should go, before your genius worries. And anna, and nat. If we’re going to lng, they’ll worry.”He said sitting up, glad that he’d talked to steve, because the blond was probably the only person in the world who could have told him to simply enjoy the threesome and got him to believe that it would be okay.
Steve smiled a little. "i think it's a good thing, you looked like shit for a bit there." he admitted. "of course they both want you, you're a sexy man." he admitted. "well of course it scares you, women are scary as hell and the last time you had a long term relationship it ended very badly due to the outside influences." he pointed out. "just trust the girls. they know what they want and you'll end up with them both even if you don't want to." he pointed out. "you are dealing with a psychologist and a woman who manipulates people for a living." he admitted with a chuckle. "yeah. it'll be dark in another few hours." he agreed, standing up and getting his clothes. glad that James was finally feeling better. he knew that it probably wouldn't last long. their lives where too violent and too painful to sustain good moods.
“I looked fine.”James protested rolling his eyes a little before snickering.”I am indeed sexy. It’s so good of you to notice.”James smirked at his best friend before sighing a little, nodding slowly. “Well...that makes sense.”He said realizing that it was okay, that he just had to trust the girl’s to know what was best. “Well, at least there’s a type I like. Girls who can take control of me sometimes.”James snickered a little before nodding as he dressed. Utterly happy ,even if he knew it wouldn’t last, he was in a good mood.

Which was how, hours later Tony paused in the doorway to stare at his captain and the soldier, who had been yelling so loudly at each other that he’d thought he’d find them in a fist fight. Finding them in the middle of a race on mario cart had definitely not been what he thought he’d find. “You two are horrible influences. If only the rest of the world could see you like this, they’d believe cap cussed like a sailor.”
Steve snorted. "i always noticed. thank god you never noticed the massive crush i hat on you in the sixth grade." he teased. "then again, so did all of the football team." he admitted, looking amused. that was a horrible time for Steve really, because he was so sure he was sick, getting turned on by men like that. the only one that lasted all year had been Bucky, but he'd gotten over it a long time ago. "it is rather nice that they can order you about when you need it." he agreed with a smile. "and as kinky as they are, they're perfect for you." he admitted with a chuckle.

"YOU COCK SUCKING CUNT!" Steve roared when James knocked him off the playing field. "i aught a turn you into paste you cheating fucker!" he raged, tapping B so much you'd think he was trying to make the little floating orange dude on the cloud hurry the fuck up. oh wait, he was. "hey Tony!" Steve called, offering him a grin before cheering when he repaid the favor by knocking James character out of the feild with a red shell. "take that you son of a bitch! FUCK!" he had stopped paying attention and rolled right into the Lava.
“Well, considering I’d just discovered girls, noticing my best friend was crushing on me was a little beyond me.”James teased, amused because the two of them had figured out long ago that James was so straight that it was painful, but they’d figured out how to be together, had simply made them stronger friends. “Hmph. You’re not allowed telling them that, otherwise I’ll be getting ordered to do stupid shit....and they really are kinky.”James agreed snickering.

“You pipsqueak cock sucker!”James howled as the other knocked him out of the field, howling “You,suka, blyad!!да! я выигрываю!”James crowed, the russian coming out as he finished the race, grinnign as he turned off the game. Smirking at Cap. “Well, I think I’m going to go see about seducing my girlfriend....girlfriends. A victory like that requires sex.”Oh yea, the man’s utter good mood was going to be lasting for DAYS now. Grinning as he whistled, actually dropping a kiss to tony’s cheek as he past him, heading for his bedroom.

“....I’m a little creeped out now. He kissed me.”Tony said looking a little surprised, he’d never seen james in such a good mood.
he snorted a little. "that's true enough." he admitted with a laugh. "granted, i don't think anyone was really paying attention to if someone liked them at that age. we where all too focused on who we liked." he admitted with a smile ad a shake of his head. "oh i'm telling them." he teased, smirking. "i am so telling them. maybe you'll get tied up and they'll take turns fucking you senseless. that would teach you." he teased, sniggering.

"...did you just tell me to suck balls?" Steve demanded, he didn't speak Russian, but that's sure what Suka Blyad sounded like! "Your a dick!" Steve whined, sulking when he lost. "asshole!" he growled, snorting when the other smirked. "gloating is unbecoming of a hero!" he called out before snickering at the sex declaration. "yes, he did just kiss you. i'm jealous, come here so i can kiss you too. make sure you wash that cheek though, he has woman germs and now they're all over you." Steve teased with a chuckle.

Natasha and Anna where both curled up in bed when James got there, facing each other but not touching. Natasha was curled up in a cute little ball, and Anna was laying on her back and whistling softly when she breathed. both fast asleep.
“True.”James smirked a little before wincing, “Hmmm, I’d enjoy that. Being ridden till I’m senseless.”he snickered a little shaking his head.

“Hm, no. Fuck you, mother fucker. I totally won that.”James grinned amused as he won, smirking. “It’s a good thing I’m not a hero then.”He said grinning as he left. “You should be jealous. Everyone wants to kiss me. And I will. Otherwise I’ll get natasha cooties.”Tony said grinning as he walked over, smirking as he slid into the other’s lap, snuggling against him as he stole a kiss.

James paused, staring at the two for a long moment before smiling, gently shifting them a little so he could get between them, smiling as he snuggled them both before going to sleep.
Steve chuckled a little and watched Tony, settling his hands on the others hips. "you already have Natasha cooties. she hugs you all the time." he pointed out. as soon as Pepper and Maria had turned on him, Natasha had realized how desperate Tony really was for affection, so she hugged him at least once a day and no longer spoke to Maria or Pepper, since they had basically taken advantage of Tony. "hmm, i love how perfectly you fit in my lap." Steve admitted with a grin, kissing him back. "we should have sex." he admitted. "can't let James outdo us after all right?"
“Not on my face. He kissed my face, cap!”Tony whined smiled though as he pressed against the other. Snuggling close because really, he just liked complaining....even if James being this nice to him freaked him out a bit. He wasn’t used to it. “So glad you’re happy at having a pint sized boyfriend.”he grumbled rolling his eyes as he kissed him back, before smiling, nodding. “No we can’t. Let’s go have sex.”He grinned amused at the idea of sex. While he was vaguely worried he was going to get bored with sex with his captain, and this relationship like he always did, that steve would eventually get bored with the manic genius. But for the moment, the man was quite happy to have sex all the time.

A few days later James smiled as he laid back in the bed, closing his eyes as he simply enjoyed the two snuggling against him. Amused that two women could sleep so differently, and yet be demanding of his physical presence to keep them warm. Sighing quietly, he nuzzled his nose against natasha’s hair as she snuggled into his side, simply enjoying the feel of her against him. While they hadn’t discussed things yet, the man had simply settled into being a threesome. It was interesting, and for the moment, he was content to not poke at it yet.

In the lab tony paused the music, frowning a little as he pulled up the news feed as he talked to pepper, mostly ignoring the woman before wincing. “What?What do you mean you’re on your way up?”He said sounding vaguely panicky at the idea of seeing his ex, having not seen her really since he’d gotten together with steve for real, and even if she had known that they were fucking, he was worried about how she’d react when she realized that they were actually dating, especially considering how badly he’d gotten treated over the whole sleeping together thing. Swallowing thickly. “Okay. Well...I’ll meet you upstairs.”He said sounding worried as he headed upstairs, wondering just what could be so interesting in the tabloids that pepper could want to see him right away before he had a chance to read about it.
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