
she smirked. "i can totally stop anytime i want to." she lied, making Steve snort. "it'll only be for a few days James, stop sulking. you wanted to talk to Nat anyway and i know it'll take you a while to build up your courage." she teased with a chuckle. "of course i promise." Steve assured him with a smile. "i'll even let you pick what i hit you with." he promised. "i wanna know about your sex lives." Anna admitted, studying the two boys, Steve going bright red in an instant and hurried Tony away before the man spilled too many private things. "ah... interesting fellow." Dr. Hartman admitted. "anyway, you don't need to be naked." he assured her. "just lift your shirt please." he asked, nodding when she revealed her belly while he did a Ultrasound to check on the baby, nodding. "well! this is a surprise." he admitted. "older than expected, but i can't see the gender yet." he admitted, humming. "certainly a calm little fellow. not raising a fuss or anything." he admitted. "perfectly healthy." he promised her. "i'll need a blood sample from you, i might put you on some pre-natal vitamins to help you keep up both your healths." he admitted. "i want you to drink as much milk and take Calcium supplements for now. the baby will leach at your stores to build it's own body, so we want to make sure you have plenty of that." he admitted.
“No you can’t.”James snickered a little amused before biting his lip, ducking his head a little as he nodded. “I did.And I can talk to her just fine.”he grumbled, ignoring the utterly curious look tony was giving him. “...oh!There’s lots of sex, and steve!stop, she wanted to hear!”Tony whined as he was moved away, sulking. “He is indeed.”James snorted watching the billionaire leave before relaxing, pleased she didn’t have to get naked as he shifted to look, frowning slightly as he tried to make sense of the ultrasound. Despite having had a child before, and been expecting another, he’d never been allowed in for the doctor’s visits, so the ultrasound puzzled him. Looking relieved though that they were both healthy, even if he wanted to question it, he wasn’t quite brave enough to state that he didn’t believe it, and wanted some better proof then a grainy picture, not when he was sure anna’d smack him for it. “I’ll make sure she gets the milk.”He smiled pressing a kiss to her head.
she snorted. "right, that's why you constantly avoid her." she agreed. well, more like she was taunting him really. "no, Tony we are not telling Anna sex stories." Steve ordered, amused and mortified all at the same time. Anna just snickered, delighted to have embarrassed Steve. Dr. Hartman smiled at James, recognition the look of an overprotective would be Father and wheeled the screen over to James. "the baby is very small et, too small to have any limbs, it's barely the size of a pomegranate seed but you can see it, right here." he circled the screen so he could see. "she's only about six weeks pregnant." "...but i left Charles.... i mean..." "ah, i see your confusion. it can take anywhere from a week, to ten days for the sperm to reach your ovaries." Dr. Hartman explained. "so you could have had sex with him and left right away, but you didn't get pregnant right away." "oh. well that's.... news." she admitted, looking rather baffled. "so James could..." "claim the baby completely as his and call it an early birth when it's born in nine months or so? yes." Dr. Hartman admitted with a smile. "let me take the blood sample real quick and get you a rag to wash that stuff off your belly...." "can this stuff work as lube?" she wondered, examining the clear blue jelly stuff on her belly. "i wouldn't advice it, no." Dr. Hartman admitted with a chuckle. "she'll probably start having morning sickness and cravings if they haven't started all ready and her mood-swings will also be starting." he warned. "if the morning sickness get's too bad, or if it lasts longer than a few hours in the mornings i want you to contact me immediately. ginger ale or flat lemon based soda and crackers can help you sooth your stomach on rough mornings." he assured her. "i know you already know, but no smoking, no drinking, no drugs. if you can avoid it, try not to take any blood thinning painkillers. children's aspirin would work best." "Tony doesn't allow us to smoke inside so i won't have to worry about second hand either." Anna promised.
“I do not. I can totally talk to natasha.”He grumbled making a face. “But I wanna!Steeveee.”Tony whined unhappy with being moved, but amused at having embarassed his boyfriend. James frowned a little as he stared at the screen, looking at it carefully, before nodding a little. “Okay...I think I see it...”He said frowning at the screen before snickering a little, wincing as it jostled his arm. “That’s baffling. but...Hey. Anna. I’m a super soldier. Super sperm, might swim faster then the idiot’s.”James teased her a little, simply because he wanted to make her smile before smiling as the doctor helped anna clean up, growling quietly, protectively as the doctor lowered the washcloth to clean her up. Even knowing he’d be seeing her naked, or wasn’t doing anything weird, he didn’t like it. “....Do you want to use everything as lube?”he muttered shaking his head a little, looking upset at the idea of morning sickness or cravings and moods, but he’d known it was coming. Natasha had been miserable pregnant, this was just upsetting to him, since he couldn’t fix it. “Considering how compromised his lungs were at one time, I’m amazed that even with extremis he lets anyone smoke in the vicinity of his airspace at any time.”James snorted before sitting up slowly. “Come on. I want to go to bed.”
the doctor smiled. "as the baby grows, you'll be able to more of them." he admitted with a smile before glancing at him, worried when he winced. "it is kind of baffling." she agreed. "but it was a good four weeks after i met you and i doubt Super sperm is THAT impressive." she admitted with a chuckle. "indeed not." Dr. Hartman admitted with a chuckle before blinking when James tensed, handing the cloth to Anna before he annoyed the overprotective boyfriend too much. "yes. i want sex." she admitted, Hartman chuckling. "yes, that's common." he admitted. "no, i'm always like this." "...oh... well you can still have sex." he promised with a shrug. "even the kinky stuff?" "even the kinky stuff." he admitted. "just avoid hitting your stomach." he suggested. "i'm not. more than anything Tony likes the people around him to be happy, besides the Tower's air filtration system removes everything, even cigarette smoke." she admitted. "i don't." she whined, pouting at him. "i want to eat something." she admitted. "something with chocolate." she decided. "do you think Steve knows how to make chocolate doughnuts?"
“Good.”James said pleased with the idea of seeing the baby, before smiling slightly, “I broke my shoulder in a fight. Laughing hurts.”He sulked a little before whining a little. “Well, I could totally be that impressive.”He pouted watching as the doctor handed over the washcloth, not protesting but relaxing some. “Good. I think we’d all be miserable if we couldn’t have sex.”James smiled a little looking pleased as he kissed anna’s head. “We can do that. Simply be careful.”he smiled before frowning. “Even at his own expense?”he said looking thoughtful before sighing. “Well we’ll go see steve. And he did when we were younger, I don’t know if he remembers.”James said as they headed upstairs after showing the doctor out.
Hartman nodded. "make sue to take good care of that shoulder then." he suggested. "i'd offer help but i don't know anything about bones really." he admitted. "i just handle pregnancy and birth." he admitted. "it's alright, we have Dr. Banner." "Banner? he's the one who wrote that Thesis on regeneration right? brilliant man." Hartman admitted with a nod. "he is rather brilliant." Anna admitted with a smile. "i would be miserable to be sure and i would make sure you where all miserable with me." she admitted with a sniff. "especially at his own expense. he cares very little about his own well being you know." she admitted, wishing Dr. Hartman a good drive home before heading into the Kitchen where Steve was already working on chocolate Doughnuts. " love you Jarvis." Anna sighed, looking so very delighted.
“I will. Rest and relaxing, and it’s fine. I’ve got Banner, and Steve, and Anna looking after me.We’re good.”James said looking amused as he nodded. “he did.And between him and tony, they make my head hurt.”The super soldier made a face before rolling his eyes. “good thing he has steve then. Makes sure he takes care of himself.”He said looking amused at the sight of steve already cooking. “I knew it. You loved me.” “She said jarvis, tony.”James said looking amused at the sight of the billionaire on a barstool, hovering at steve’s elbow as he watched. He totally failed at cooking, but he was absolutely fascinated with the idea of trying to cook, and was always trying to sneak in helping if no one was looking. “Same thing. I created jarvis, she loves me.”
the man nodded. "just make sure to follow your primary physicians orders." he ordered before smiling at Anna. "and you, don't abuse your boyfriend too much." "of course i won't. i'll only change my mind three times before letting him get it right." "good enough." the doctor agreed with a chuckle. "they make my head hurt too." Anna admitted. "thank goodness Steve can make them shut up." she admitted. "i only love you about two percent. the two percent that made Jarvis... well, three percent for the office chair i stole from you." she decided. "well, no, the office chair is only worth a half percent. two and a half percent is how much i love you." she informed him, knowing he'd get a kick out of her using smart people words. and admitting she loved him in any manner. "i love Steve fifteen percent because he's making me pregnant person food. hey! did you know my baby is the size of a pomegranate seed? weird right?" she asked with a grin.
"I always listen to orders."james said with a smile before rolling his eyes."as if. I'll let you order tony about and we'll both relax."james smirked a little."you know I'd be more annoyed at having you only love me 2 percent if I didn't enjoy the smart babble so much....I guess I'll have to settle for cap loving me just a little bit more."he said blushing though at the admittance to knowing steve loved him even if he didn't think he deserved it."that is weird."he agreed."and I no longer want pomegranates." "We all love steve more cause he makes food."james pointed out with a smirk
"you never do." Anna huffed, rolling her eyes. "but yes, i'll order Tony around that sounds a lot more fun." she agreed, nodding. "i love you ninety eight percent Tony, hows that?" Steve asked with a smile. "you get a two percent deduction for drooling on me this morning." he informed him before Tony could protest. "that was seriously gross, you can get your two percent back later and no, i won't tell you how." he admitted. "no one wants pomegranates. they're not only disgusting, but they're a pain to eat too." Natasha informed them. "we do love Steve." Anna greed. "how long will those donuts take?" "twenty more minutes." "then that's a twenty percent deduction." Anna decided, making Phil snort.
“It is. Especially when he likes being ordered about.”James said not about to admit that even if he trusted her, and natasha when the woman when she was pregnant, the man still got twitchy when given orders. “...What?!I don’t drool. I didn’t do that, and I’m totally going to do something to your dick and make it feel good to make up for this crime you so dare accuse me of.”Tony sputtered twitching a little. “It’s quite amusing to watch him have a fit over things.”James snickered a little smirking slightly. “Wait! Can I have his 20 percent then?”Tony asked giving anna big puppy dog eyes
she chuckled a little and nodded. "he really does." she agreed. "which is a bit weird considering who he is." she admitted with a shake of her head. "anyway!" she chirped. "we should get you some of those fun painkillers that Steve takes when he's hurt. you know, the kind that make him float in the clouds? i'd pay to see you high." she admitted with a giggle, grinning when Steve teased Tony. "you give me a decent enough blowjob and i'll give you an extra ten percent with the two." Steve agreed with a chuckle. ""it is amusing watching him." she agreed, her head tilted. "if you can make him cook faster, then yes." she agreed, grinning at Tony. "or if you give me something from your candy stash." everyone knew Tony had a candy stash, they just couldn't FIND it. rumor was Natasha and Clint knew where it was but they never messed with it never took anything and never acted like they knew, so it was hard to be sure.
“Hm, it is, but I think it takes the right person for him to truly enjoy it.”James said smirking a little. “painkillers?”James swallowed hard, because he truly hated taking stuff. It always freaked him out, thinking he was being put under again. But he trusted them, didn’t think he’d be put under but it still freaked him out. “I could go for some....just not the strong stuff. I get weird on it.”He shrugged a little. ...Really?I can do that.My blowjobs are always decent!”Tony whined a little making a face. “....”Tony stared at her at the mention of his candy stash before bouncing to his feet and walking out. “It’s saddening we can’t use jarvis to spy and find out where his stash is.”James aaid truly pouting that he hadn’t been able to find it.
she nodded. "i think so too. still he does what i ask, if only because i'm pregnant and he wants to see the baby just as much as everyone else does." she admitted with a chuckle before wincing. "Natasha remembers being pregnant though." she admitted sadly. "she told me the other day." she admitted with a sigh. "yes, painkillers. you'll need them in order to sleep tonight and don't even bother trying to deny it." she ordered sternly. "no, your Blowjobs are always amazing." Steve stated simply. "i'm holding you to a different standard than the average person, since your clearly superior to their skills." he admitted with a smirk. "you'll have to work for that twelve percent." he teased, watching Tony bounce off with a smile. Anna beaming happily when Tony came back with chocolate, taking her time in picking the right one before choosing something with chocolate and caramel. Natasha snickered as she watched all of this, amused. she knew where three out of five stashes where. well, she suspected he had more than five, but she knew the general location of the two she didn't know precisely where they where. sometimes, when she wanted to mess with Tony, she added things to his stashes.
“That’s true.”James snickered a little before flinching, looking away.”How’s she doing with it?”He muttered, even if he could go ask natasha himself, anna and everyone was right, the man was still having problems actually talkign to natasha. “No. I wont. I can sleep fine without painkillers.”He said even though his shoulder, even immobilized, throbbed and hurt. “...Oh. Well. I’m have to work for it then.”He said blushing as he considered giving steve a blowjob. Smiling as he bounced out, before walking back in with his candy, trying not to growl as he gave it to her. He could share, really! “Those ones. Those natasha put in there, and you can eat those.”Tony said pleased as ana took what she wanted, rolling his eyes at natasha because he knew it was natasha and not clint who was fucking with him.
she shook her head. "i'm not sure." she admitted. "she's handling it well, i think she's repressing because she doesn't want to admit she'll never have babies again." she admitted, sounding sad. "i think she's wondering f the problem between the two of you is her, instead of you. which is ridiculous i know. but a woman feels what she wants to feel." she admitted. "you won't sleep at all you mean." she scoffed. "i know better." she admitted. "you will have to work for it." he teased Tony with a grin. "i won't make it easy on you either." he admitted, eyes glittering playfully. that glitter let Tony knew Steve was about to get very creative in the bedroom. he was probably going to use that cursed feather too. "Thank you Tony. you get fifty percent." Anna chirped, very proud of him for actually sharing, even if they weren't technically his. "so, let me get this straight. if Tony does something good, he gets percents? and if e does something bad, you take them away? and this works?" Phil asked, looking rather baffled. "apparently." Steve admitted, watching Natasha smile ever so innocently at Tony.
“...Okay.”James swallowed hard, staring down. Because while he knew it was hydra’s fault for natasha’s inability to have kids anymore, he shouldered more then his own guilt for it. “...It’s not her.”He growled, even if he knew natasha knew that, everyone knew that, he was still protective, even if it would be simply protecting natasha from her own feelings. “...I will totally sleep.”He said rolling his eyes a little. “I enjoy it when you don’t make it to easy on me.”Tony muttered blushing. Still not used to actually having steve, to being able to flirt and be with him, so this was new to him. “You’re welcome.”Tony smiled ducking his head a little, blushing. Because while he liked sharing tech with his people, and was generous with money, there was something about chocolate and sharing that made him twitch the fuck out, so it was a rare day indeed when he shared chocolate. “...How does that work?”clint stared looking equally baffled. “Only for Steve and Anna, cause I want them to like me.The rest of you don’t matter.”Tony huffed, and james silently snickered, because that had to be one of the biggest lies tony ever told. If anything, tony cared to much about them all.
Anna nodded. "i know it's not her. but you have to understand she's upset and confused and isn't exactly thinking clearly." she pointed out. "it's not her fault she's thinking such things after all." she admitted. "you can't stop her from feeling what she's feeling, all we can do is try to make her feel better about the things she feels." she admitted. "you'll pretend to sleep until i AM asleep and then you'll sneak off to sulk alone because you hurt too much to sleep." she corrected. "Tony? i'll give you fifteen percent if you have our paperwork finished by tomorrow afternoon." Phil offered. "and i'll throw in a box of those fancy chocolates your always stealing from Pepper." he offered. "here Tony." Steve stated, handing Tony a newly made chocolate doughnut and handing the rest to Anna, he wasn't too sure she's share but he'd saved a heart shaped one for Tony anyway so he didn't care so long as Tony got his, and he did, so Steve therefore, didn't care.
“I you think...she’d feel better if...I tried talking to her? I couldn’t hurt could it?”James aid looking so adorably awkward, because he wanted so badly to help natasha, but it still made him twitch and get flustered to consider talking to natasha about them, about their relationship. “...Would not.”James huffed, not about to admit that she was right. “....I don’t do paperwork. And I should always get chocolate.”Tony stated with a sniff, even if you knew the paperwork would be on phil’s desk within hours with the promise of chocolate on the line. Smirking a little as he looked at the doughnut, bibbling on it. “I almost don’t want to eat it. It’s adorable.”he said teasing his lover.
she shook her head. "no. this is something she has to work out for herself i'm afraid." she admitted with a sigh. "she would not appreciate that we where talking about her in the first place after all." she admitted. "would too." she huffed right back, looking rather amused. "you should." Phil admitted with a smile. "and i'll give you chocolate when you deserve chocolate." he admitted simply. "why thank you. eat it though or it'll go bad and attract ants." he warned with a smile and a chuckle while Anna snarled at Phil for trying to take one of her doughnuts. James got one of course, just one, she was hoarding the others and stuffing herself so they couldn't have any because she was pregnant, possessive, temperamental and moody.
“...okay. Well. That’s true. I’ll get smacked for talking about her.”James made a face before rolling his eyes but not protesting that he’d actually do it either. “...I’ll do paperwork. For chocolate.”Tony decided happily. “No. No, ants can’t have it. It’s mine.”Tony growled as possessive over it as anna.

Four days later found James shuffling into Natasha’s bedroom without warning, blinking stupidly at the woman as she got out of the shower, looking exhausted and near collapse, and you knew that was why he was there. Because the super soldier had finally checked out enough that he wasn’t truly aware of what he was doing, his body falling into old habits, and old habits said he was tired and in pain, which meant he needed natasha. Whining quietly as she stared at him, he dropped his head, like this, more puppish and upset, like tony. As dominate as the man was, it was times like this, where he was willing to let natasha take care of him, to trust her to be in control, that he was adorable. “Nat?”He muttered his short hair having grown long enough to fall limply across his forehead, dark shadows under his eyes. He nearly looked sick, and indeed, much like steve, without sex or rest, the man was starting to get sick.
Natasha paused, blinking at him. there was a towel wrapped around her, hair still dripping and a toothbrush in her mouth. she blinked a few times at him, startled because she was pretty sure he'd been avoiding her. she had to smile when she realized he wasn't exactly aware of where he was and what he was doing, he was always so cute when he got like this, even if she hated the reasons for it. "Hey James. lay down i'll be right there." she promised him, heading back into the bathroom to text Anna for permission, nearly yipping in delight when she got it. she rinsed her mouth out and brushed her hair and blow dried it and then headed back out, naked. "you look like shit James." she informed him. "when was the last time you slept?" she asked, carefully removing his shirt and examining his shoulder to make sure that he wouldn't be in too much pain. even if Bruce said it was mostly healed, she didn't want to just go about doing what she wanted to him. hips up." she finally ordered, undoing his pants and sliding them off his hips, tossing them in her clothes hamper once they where off and doing the same to his underthigs, well, if he was even wearing them. "you should take better care of yourself." she chastised, shaking her head, wrapping a smooth hand around his cock and giving it a few strokes. "what are you going to do when i'm not here to do this for you?" she chastised him, just as she always did, each and every time.
“Kay.Hurry. I’m tired.”James muttered as he climbed into the bed, snuggling down into the bed. Sleepy and content, and while his should ached, he’d been allowed taking off the brace, so while he had to be careful, he was definitely not injured still. Whining a little when she came back out, he made a face. “You blow dried your hair. Took to long.”he grumbled a little, whining a little as she pulled off his shirt,”I do not. I look fine. Shoulders fine to...and AWhile?Maybe?...”He muttered. Whining quietly, as he squirmed to help her get out of his pants, definitely was quite adorable and happy like this. Content to be with her, whining, shivering a little. “Cold.”he whined as she took his pants, showing that the good Soldier went commando, which would be such a joke if tony ever heard it. Talk about a howling commando. “I take good care of myself. Just can’t sleep.”He whined, his head dropping back onto the pillows as she touched his cock, hips rocking up into her hand without thinking about it, having gone to long without sex that his system was rebelling to it. Groaning quietly, making a face at her. “Take a shower, pretend your joining me, and stroke myself off.”James teased a little, always what he said, carefully avoiding admitting to how desperately he needed her. Snuffling a little he turned his head, looking up at her blearily. “’re never gonna not be there, I’m with you till the end of the line.”He muttered, while he rarely said i love you, till the end was his way of saying, that even if he had nothing, he had her.
she snorted at him. "you'd bitch if my hair was wet." she pointed out. "you look like something ate you and then shit you out." she stated simply. "well if your shoulders fine then i don't see what your bitching about." she teased him with a smile. "you'll be warm soon." sh promised him with a grin. "you never take care of yourself." she huffed, rolling her eyes, stroking his cock to make sure it was as hard as it was going to get before giving it her tongue, swirling and sucking and teasing before smiling at him. "that's true." she admitted. "i will always be here for you." she promised before smiling, straddling him and lining up, slowly guiding him deep inside of her, moaning eagerly. "god...." she moaned, clenching around him, milking his cock with a shudder. "you always feel so good inside of me." she moaned. "it's been entirly too long." considering that she said that even after an hour since the last time, it wasn't that unexpected. "you feel so good. you could do some of the work you know."
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