
by the time Steve woke again, groggy and confused, he was all better. no more fever. he looked down at Tony and smiled, stroking the man's hair. "i'm never going to live this down. am i?" he asked. "nope." Natasha admitted. "you are not. we've got you on You-tube." she admitted with a smirk. "well fuck me." Steve grumped even if he looked amused. "how long was i sick?" "two days? maybe three? that we know of anyway. Tony went in to yell at you or something and you where passed out on your desk, sick." Steve winced. that, was bad. Tony was going to yell at him now, and the James was.
James smirked from his chair as not even steve waking up had managed to make the sleep deprived billionaire stir just yet. “Oh no. Never. You already have a million hits on youtube. Your fans obviously like watching you be cute.”James smirked a little before nodding. “Tony dragged you back, freaked out and made sure you were looked after....and then promptly went to sleep himself. He hadn’t slept in like....46 hours.”James shrugged a little."I told you this idea of yours was going to backfire,rogers."
he nodded before wrinkling his nose. "i am not cute." he complained. "do they at least know i was sick and not high?" "yeah, it's in the Title. 'Sick Captain! So Cute!" "i despise you all. i will have y revenge." Steve complained even as he chuckled before wincing, stroking Tony's hair gently. "i wih he wouldn't do that to himself." he admitted with a sigh before shrugging. "i'm not the one who was being stubborn... oay i was, but what else could i do? i'm a loyal man Bucky and Tony has abandonment issues. if i'd gone and had sex with someone else he would never have forgiven me." he pointed out. "i did what was right, for both of us because if i had slept with someone else i never would have forgiven myself either."
“You are. Like a adorable golden retriever.”James smirked a little before nodding. “yes, we made sure everyone was aware that drugs still don’t effect you.”He promised sighing softly as tony snuggled into steve’s hand. “I know, but I doubt you’re going to convince him to not run himself into the ground.”James sighed a little before nodding. “I know you are. And he wouldn’t have, but it was still a stupid idea.”James sighed a little, running his fingers through his hair, glancing at the clock. While he knew he had to get going soon, he had a appointment with anna at the doctor’s, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to leave natasha’s company. Despite his reservations, over the last day, the man had been with the redhead as much as he’d been with anna, the desire to look after her, warring with his fear of being abandoned. “And stark’s issues could fill a dump truck, you can’t cater to every one.”He pointed out.
Steve huffed. "if 'm gonna be any sort of animal, imma be a rabbit." Steve huffed in his Brooklyn twang. "guess why." he scoffed, looking amused before he snorted. "James i can't even get myself to stop running me into the ground, the hell makes you think i even try with him?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i'm just there for him once he crashes and makes sure he gets proper food." he admitted. "it was a stupid idea. it was a stupid idea that seams to have worked." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "you need to be somewhere?" he asked James. "i'll watch over Nat if you need to go." she was curled up on the other bed, having had a nightmare and came down seeking comfort in company. "i don't cater to ALL of Tony's issues James, just the important ones."
“A rabbit....cause you want to nibble on a carrot?”James said, his own brooklyn twang straining the words, which was a odd mix of the south where he was original from, to brooklyn and a slight russian sound to the words. A truly unique way of talking. “Cause you care more about him then you do yourself.”he shrugged a little before nodding. “Good. He needs to eat more.”he huffed before making a face. “Yea, cause apparently Barton reminded him no sex makes you sick, and he taled to anna. No idea about what, but it helped.”James shrugged a little, before nodding as he looked at his watch.”Anna has a doctor’s appointment.”He said biting his lip, glancing at natasha before nodding. “Thanks. We shouldn’t be to late.”He said before snickering. “Catering to his desire to make a toaster called califer just cause he looked like a kicked puppy when you said no, wasn’t the most important one.”James said rolling his eyes as he headed for the door.
he smirked. "no, a rabbit, because i never stop humping shit." he admitted with a chuckle before grinning at the other. "well. that's true." he admitted. "but it's not saying much. i never really cared about myself. even when i was tiny." he admitted. "so long as i can protect everyone else, i'm happy." he admitted with a smile before grimacing. "oh. great. so he's here out of a misguided Guilt complex.... well, i can work with that." he admitted. "at least he talked to Anna." he admitted, smiling. "okay. you go with Anna." he ordered. "we'll stay here and watch over Nat." he promised with a smile. "....that is a different thing entirely." he huffed. "i can't say no when Tony looks at me with those big wet eyes." he complained, pouting. "and make sure Tony never, ever finds out." he ordered James. "i'll know who to look at if he figures it out James!"
“’re right. You and STark are going to be worse then rabbits.”He groaned, before sighing. “Well, that’s why you have the rest of us. We look after you.”James smiled a little before shaking his head. “Some. But I don’t think that’s all, it’s just...he’s been weird since he brought you in, more then if Clint had just guilted him over things.”James frowned a little before grinning, “I’m not telling him anything, till he stops calling me klondike.”he called back. “You ready to go?”James said leaning into anna’s office with a smile.

“...which will be never. He’s a russian frozen treat.”Tony muttered starting to wake up as he listened to the super soldier leave.
he chuckled a little. "just make sure you knock before entering a room and you'll be fine." he teased with a grin before smiling. "yeah, you and Natasha are horrid little nags." he complained before smiling. "i guess he must have realized something." he mused. "i just hope it's a good something." he admitted before smiling a little at Tony once James left. "Tony.... Klondike Bars aren't from Russia." he pointed out, sounding highly amused. "and how long have you been awake hmm?"

Anna looked up at him and smiled. "almost. i just have to finish the paperwork from Tony's session." she admitted. "i'm almost done, give me two minutes?" she asked hopefully.
“No I wont Cause you’ll do it in the living room or somewhere else disturbing.”He muttered before rolling his eyes.”We wouldn’t nag if you’d just be careful.”he huffed before nodding. “Me to.” “...They’re from switzerland, which is over there by russia, so it’s close.”He muttered sleepily, blushing a little. “....enough to hear the klondike leave.”

“Kay. No hurry.”he smiled leaning against the door jam and watching her, simply because he liked watching her. “Steve’s feeling better, so I’m sure you’ll have more paperwork to add soon enough.”James said well aware even if it went well, it was going to freak tony out.
he smirked. "I'm too possessive for that." he stated simply. "we'd lock the tower down and then do it. you'll just have to wait outside until we're done." he stated with a grin at Jame before shaking his head. "when i can be sure that the world is safe for more than a month, i'll be a little more careful. maybe." he stated calmly before grinning at Tony. "you do know he's going to hurt you someday." he pointed out with a chuckle. "i don't really believe you but that's okay. how are you feeling?" he asked Tony. "do you want me to shut up so you can go back to sleep?"

she grinned at him before snorting. "no i won't. they'll just fuck each other comatose and i won't have to deal with them for at least a week. wouldn't that be great?" she asked with a smile, finishing a few moments later with a flourishing signature. "there. all done." she stated, tucking it into Tony's folder and the tucking it into her locking filing Cabinet.
“...No he wont. It’d upset you, and if I’ve learned anything, James has a weakness for not wanting to make you cry.”Tony hummed a little, snuggling close. “I’m sleepy, but I’ve slept to long. Extremis is waking me up.”he sighed softly, because it wasn’t as bad as the serum, but he needed less sleep, even if he pushed the boundaries by staying up for days on end.

“...Urgh. I vote we go stay at steve’s till that finishes. I mean, it’s going to be horrible.”He grumbled before snickering. “It would be great though. If on;y I wouldn’t have to listen to Stark bragging after.”he smiled holding out a hand for hers, tugging her against him as they headed out. “How you feeling today?”
Steve snorted, looking amused. "as long as he doesn't maim or kill you." he teased with a smile. "i'd be pretty pissed off but he knows i wouldn't strangle him to death or eviscerate him if all he does is smack you. might break his arm and legs, but i wouldn't kill him." he admitted with a smile, watching him. "well. how about some breakfast then? i'll make you something special."

she snorted. "i second that vote, only i think it will annoy Steve when he comes back to his place for more sex. i think we'd be better off staying at a hotel." she admitted. "one of the lower end ones that Tony would never set foot into. no even that might not be safe. we'll sleep in my office." she decided. "yes. my office in the hospital, they'd let be bunk there without too many questions." she admitted with a smile before brightening at him. "i'm feeling quite wonderful actually."
“.....You’re not making my fear of James go away with comments like that.”Tony grumbled a little, twitching as he snuggled down into the bed, even if he was awake, he wasn’t moving away from the snuggling going on. If anything, he was snuggling closer. “Feed me in bed?That would be awesome.”He muttered smiling as he sat up.

:...You know. You’re probably right. We should go somewhere else.”James frowned thinking it over before smirking at her, raising a eyebrow. “We could totally play doctor if we do that.Even risk getting caught having sex.”He muttered shuddering at the idea. He was such a exhibitionlist sometimes,. which meant always.
Steve chuckled a little. "well i'm not going to lie Tony, especially when you'll gate even more angry at me for lying." he pointed out with a smile, ecstatic that Tony wasn't protesting the cuddling currently happening. "sure!" he agreed with a grin. "you wait here and i'll go make Breakfast." he agreed, standing up and enjoying a languorous stretch before heading to the kitchen, humming as he worked, so very happy that things finally seamed to be working out.

she smirked at him. "and just who gets to be the doctor i wonder?" she asked with a chuckle. "are you an exhibitionist Jamie? we could go to that Club Steve talks about, they don't mind if you have sex in front of other people i don't think. plus then i won't get fired for being unprofessional."
“Well, you could pretend to protect me. I mean, he’ll take you seriously sometime, and kill me in my sleep or something.”Tony grumbled before yawning. “Awesome.”He snuggled down into the bed, studying the blond as he left, sighing quietly as he settled into bed. Content to doze until still came back for food, whining quietly as he smelled it. “...what did you make?”He muttered sounding sleepy and lazy.

“I do.I get to probe and prod you.”James smirked a little before flushing, ducking his head a little. “I am.”He said because while he was the dominate in any relationship he had, his history of being everyone’s victims making him overly dominate, but this kink was the one that embarassed him. Tilting his head a little before nodding. “ wouldn’t mind going?”he asked, his voice sounding hopeful, and mentally kicking himself because he’d thought of something, but not quite brave enough to ask.
he snorted. "Tony. if James ever seriously hurt you, ever permanently marked, harmed or otherwise attacked you? no force on his earth, no person in this universe, not eve the fact that he is my brother, would stop me from turning him into a paste." he assured the other with a smile. "i will never let anyone hurt you. not even family." he promised the other, before smirking when he walked in. "Captain America Pancakes." he admitted with a smirk. and indeed. he had made red white and blue pancakes. glazed blueberries and strawberries dripped all over the pancakes and mounds of whipped cream topped that while blueberry and strawberry syrup flowed off everything in messy, sticky drips.

she sniggered a little. "fine then. will you restrain me too? i might be dangerous after all." she teased, her eyes glittering with laughter as she followed him. "mind? for gods sakes James i'm a slut." she pointed out. "the thought of people watching me while you fuck me senseless is a damn good one." she admitted with a smirk. "and i'll even let them touch me if you allow it. granted, i think your too possessive for that and i'm certainly not going to go looking for anyone else." she promised him. "but if you ever feel the desire to loan me out, or let someone fondle me while you fuck me i won't care too much." she admitted with a chuckle before blinking at him. "something wrong?"
“....Okay.”Tony said smiling a little, relaxing as he considered that. Well aware that james probably knew that steve would turn him into paste if he really hurt tony. “....seriously?”He muttered raising his head to look at the pancakes, smirking a little as he sat up to get settled in to eat. “ this your way of making me eat you?I mean, you could just ask for a blowjob. Might be easier.”Tony muttered twitching a little, so utterly relaxed and easy with being near the other, and being romantic, that it was almost supicious, as if he was plastering good feelings and taping himself together to keep from completely falling apart.

“oh, definitely. I don’t want you to be a danger.”James smirked a little before grinning. “That’s true. I’ll just have to punish you for being such a naughty, naughty slut.”he smirked pressing a kiss to her head as they got to the garage, sliding onto the bike before passing her the helmet and grabbing his own, grinning. While tony might be scared to death of him, he did still get the nicest toys, with mircophones in the helmets so they could keep talking. Shuddering as she setted behind him, he smirked. “...I’ll keep that in mind.”He said even if the idea of lending her out, or letting someone else touch her made him growl. Well. At least someone besides natasha, that thought just made him melt. “’s just...I thought of something...that I’d like...but I’m not sure how to ask.”he said, glad that they were at least driving, meant he didn’t have to look at her, and definitely meant she couldn’t see james barnes blushing.
Steve smiled at him. "yes." he admitted with a chuckle, watching Tony react to the pancakes. "no. i just knew you liked Captain America puns and figured i'd beat you to the punch." he admitted with a chuckle before shaking his head. "i didn't know it would be okay for me to ask for Blowjob. you where pretty freaked out for a while there." he admitted, staring at the other. "your still pretty freaked out i think." he admitted stuffing a piece of bacon into his mouth, watching Tony.

she sniggered. "excellent." she purred with a grin before nodding. "oh yes. i think you need to punish me a few times, since it takes me so long to learn my lessons." she purred with a grin, pulling on her Helmet, eagerly snuggling into him. she adored riding on this death trap! "you kep that in mind." she agreed with a giggle. "oh? well let's make it simple. if you want anal sex it's a yes. if it involves anything you should do in the bathroom it's a no. does that help?" she asked with a giggle. "just ask. i won't get mad at you, communication is important. if i don't like it, the wrst i'll do is tell you no." she promised. "okay?"
“Ahhh. Well. It does sorta look like your shield, with all that stuff on it.”Tony said as he studied his pancakes, “I freak out when alot of people ask me for blowjobs, so it wouldn’t have been that surprising. Including, but not limited to, Barton, Barnes, Coulson, Wilson, and Fury.”Tony said making a joke, deflecting because he really was holding his emotions together with what amounted to emotional duct tape. Refusing to look at the other even as he ate.

“Hm, you are indeed a slow learner.”He snickered a little as he drove, smirking to himself as he wove through traffic, before snickering. “Definitely.Sorta.”James said relaxing a little, leaning back into her for a moment before settling in again to drive, twitching a little. “....Can I ask Nat to come?I mean....just to watch. If she wants.I don't know if she would. but...I would like it...."
he snickered a little and shook his head. "it looks nothing like my shield." yes it did, Steve had even put a white star in the middle of the red and blue circles. "yeah, your blowjobs are so amazing i am now jealous of all those named." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "it's really okay you know." he admitted. "i know how hard this is for you." he admitted. "and i'm not going to set any rules okay?" he asked Tony. "that would only upset you after all." he admitted. "and i know how you are with Rules. i won't get mad at you for forgetting dates, hell i can't remember them myself." he admitted. "i won't get mad if you sleep with other people. i know how you get when your stressed out, especially in other countries or states." he admitted, looking at Tony. "i'm going to let you set the pace, okay?"

she smirked a little at that and nodded. "that's right. you might have to punish me for years." she admitted with a giggle before blinking at him. "...okay, really? didn't we literally just have this conversation?" she asked, sounding amused. "of course Nat can come. i like the idea of her helping you put me in my place really." she admitted. "and if she wants, and your okay with it, she can touch me too." she promised before pausing. "James...? i think that building is on fire."
“It does to.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little, before snickering. “Don’t be. They just asked to get my attention,, which was amusing considering I freaked out and said no to all of them.”Tony rolled his eyes a little frowning down at his plate as he listened to the other. “...But...if we do this....all relationships have...rules.”Tony frowned little looking upset. Even if he could never remember the rules, or to follow them, or when stuff happened, it still upset him to not have any. The submissive wanting some sort of direction. Smiling slightly, “It always amuses me when you forget dates nearly as much as I do.”Tony muttered, biting his lip. Looking utterly thrown at the idea of still being able to sleep with others, cause had never happened before. Pepper, Maria-for the few days they’d tried- every boyfriend that had gone before, had always been so pissed when he’d simply stressed himself out enough to need sex when he wasn’t near them. “...Kay.”He muttered glancing up as jarvis spoke.”Anna?What’s up?”he said as jarvis put the call through.

“I know we did, but it’s still weird to ask.”James muttered making a face as he parked the bike, shuddering at the idea of natasha coming as he pulled off the helmet, “Okay. I’ll ask her when we get back to the tower.”he said. He might not be ready to face the actual emotional side of having a relationship with natasha, but he liked the iea of putting on a show with her. Pausing at Anna’s words he frowned looking up, craning his neck up, handing over his phone, forgetting she had one of her own.“Damn.I think it is. Here. Call the team, and then shield to get rescue crews down here. I’ll go start helping people out.”James said already stripping down out of his jacket and shirt, tossing the shirt over the back of the bike and taking the t-shirt as he jogged towards the towards the building and inside, knowing he’d need the shirt as a temporarily smoke mask. It was a good thing the man was a super soldier and wouldn’t have to worry as much about smoke inhalation as a normal person would.
he snorted. "they still asked." he admitted with a smile. "then again when your in a tech haze that's probably the only way they could get your attention so maybe i'll forgive them, just this once." he decided with a smile. "i'm not surprised you said no. some of the others are kind of gross." he admitted, grinning impishly to show he was teasing. "well, sure there are some rules i guess. i can't think of any though." he admitted. "i suppose you already do everything i want you to do. eat the food i give you, pay attention to me from time to time, let me know when your going to be gone." he admitted before huffing. "thank god for Jarvis." he agreed with a smile before chuckling at Tony's stunned expression. "Tony, i know how you function." he admitted. "i know Sex is a lifeline. i would rather you go out, get drunk and fuck someone senseless than try to kill yourself in an episode of suicidal mania." he admitted. "besides it's kind of hot watching you dominate people." he admitted. "i always loved watching you i the club." he admitted. "even when i didn't know it was you." he paused when the phone rang, his head tilted.

she nodded with a giggle. "i imagine so." she admitted with a chuckle. "okay." she agreed with a smile. "might as well get our sex in while we can before Tony and Steve start in on it." she admitted with a smile. "uhm... okay?" she asked, worried as she dialed the team. "hey Tony. we just came across a fire on fifth. the police and fire department aren't here yet. James just ran inside to try and help people." she admitted before yelling at James. "you have to wet the shirt first or it won't filter the smoke right!" she turned her attention back to the phone. "yes just run inside, you'll have to hurry, he won't stop until everyone is out and he might hurt himself doing it." she sounded calm, but Tony had been friends with her long enough to notice the strained sound of panic. especially when James didn't come back out, he'd been hit, very hard, across the back of the head as soon as he'd hit the first apartment door.
“...probably. They’re very annoying like that, interrupting work.”Tony huffed a little, snickering a little before nodding. “they are indeed. Not to mention there’s no telling where Klondike’s dicks been.Or fury’s.”Tony snickered a little happily teasing because those two images he knew were the ones that would freak steve out to imagine. “...Oh. Okay. well...I like your food. And I get yelled at when I disappear.”He muttered before relaxing, leaning into the other. Sulking slightly. “...I don’t nearly kill myself. That one time in Tokyo doesn’t count as a mode of operations.”He muttered shivering a little. “Me to. You were good to.Liked watching you.”he muttered before frowning, already moving to get up. “I’ll be there in minutes, and the team’s on their way. Don’t worry about Klondike, we’ll make sure he gets out.”Tony said already suiting up, extremis responding to his urgency and panic at knowing james had the survival ablities of a gnat. If there was a problem, he’d find his way into it. “Come on Cap. Let’s get going.”Tony said pausing only long enough to let Steve suit up before flying them both out, knowing clint, bruce, and natasha would catch up soon.

James paused nodding and waving to show that he’d heard her, pausing in the lobby at the drinking fountain to wet down the shirt before starting at the apartments. And indeed the world blanked out as he was hit.

“I’ll leave you at the bottom floor, and go to the top, start putting out the fire and work my way down.”Tony said dropping steve off at the doors before heading to the roof to take care of the fire. Not aware of what steve was going to find when he got to the first apartment.
Steve chuckled a little at that ad shook his head. "i know exactly where James dick has been. inside Anna. gross." he admitted with a chuckle before choking. "FURY did that!?" he demanded, more than a little shocked. that was so not cool. "if he wasn't already dead..." Steve mumbled. "good. continue eating the things i feed you and don't vanish and we should be good. i'm sure there will be other things that come up, but those'll happen when they happen." he admitted with a smile before snorting. "it totally counts." he complained, shaking his head. "i'd rather you fuck people than do dangerous shit." he admitted before smiling a little. "well good. but i think i'll keep my cock to you if you don't mind." he admitted with a chuckle. "i don't particularly like most people so fucking them is a bit harder for me." he admitted before sobering as he realized that James was doing stupid shit again. he quickly suited up and let Tony take off with him, he would never admit how much he loved feeling that damn suit pressed against him. he hit the ground, flashed Tony a thumbs up and raced inside only to stop. there was a small group of people, trying to stabilize someone who was laying on the ground under a small puddle of blood. James. who had been hit so hard ont he back of the head he might have a concussion. "Tony! Tony James is down! look for Anna! look for Anna!" because part of him that was thinking, realized that if they hadn't taken James, then they'd wanted her instead.
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