
he snorted a little. "well come here and i'll lick his nasty germs off then." he promised with a smile. "i am happy at having a pint sized boyfriend, whose very flexible and a complete nympho." he admitted. "who is fucking fantastic with a horse crop." he admitted with a grin, following Tony up to the bedroom.

Natasha hummed a little when he nuzzled her and Anna whined, snuggling deeper into her blankets and into James, rolling onto her side in order to curl up against him. Natasha grumbled at the whine, snuggling deeper into his side as well, trying to ignore the oncoming daytime. neither woman liked waking up and put it off for as long as possible.

"i mean, i am on my way up." Pepper informed him. she knew he was horrified at the idea of seeing her outside of her picking him up from the club. after Anna had chewed her out she'd taken a long hard look at what had happened and realized just how wrong she was. just how bad she had been. she had never realized that she'd essentially taken advantage of Tony until Anna, and Steve, had said something. that was why she'd always picked him up from the Club, because she wanted to do what she could to make up for the damage she had done. she looked up when he walked in, face creased with worry lines, handing her the Tablet. on it was a news reel. James Barnes on the screen as the news woman informed the worked that James Barnes was not only still alive, but was The Guardian. "i'm not sure what that means, being the Guardian but i have a feeling it's pretty big." she admitted, fidgeting. "how bad is this Tony? do i need to start talking to people to try and cover this up or do i need to start hiring a private army or what?"
“James snickered quietly as they cuddled into him, sighing softly. It amused him greatly that they both sulked this badly at being woken up. Smirking to himself he knew just how to wake them both up, it was a good thing he was equally good with his hands, otherwise his idea of the perfect wake up call would be quite hard. Smirking as he squrimed down some, he focused on sliding his fingers into them both, concentrating on touching them both just how each woman liked being fingered, eyes screwed closed and a look of deep concentration on his face as he worked

“...Well.You could have called earlier.”So he could have been somewhere else. Which would have been ideal really, or at least met her at shield, so he could have steve talk to her instead of talking to her himself. He trusted steve to make sure she behaved. While he didn’t truly dislike her, he didn’t trust this new mood, so he was still working on how to handle things. Taking the tablet he frowned, “J?Can you get Commander Rogers please.”He asked knowing the AI would know to let steve know it wasn’t in his role of boyfriend that tony wanted him, but as the good commander. “The guardian is...”Tony frowned thinking on how Nick Fury had described it. “The invisible monster who keeps the other monsters at bay. The guardian....he does whatever is acutally makes sense the Soldier became the guardian....he’s a assassin on a galaxy scale, if that's what's needed to protect it....”Tony paled a little as he considered what it had to mean.. “he’s here for Skye.”He said wincing as he realized that James hadn’t returned for Natasha(oh, the woman was going to be unhappy and vengeful over that) but because his duty was to deal with threats to any world. And without true control, and being kree partially, skye was that.
they both mewled when his finger slid inside them. Anna rolled onto her back again, lifting her hips a little, making it easier for him. Natasha on the other hand straightened, arching into him but remained on her side, making everything a challenge. they where the same in many ways, but completely opposite in others. "mmm this is a perfect way to wake up." Anna murmured. "shhh. i'm still sleeping. he has to work harder if he wants me to get up." Natasha mumbled, making Anna snicker.

she gave him that look that said 'i'm not dumb' and then ignored the comment. "Of Course Sir." Jarvis stated, Natasha looking troubled. "so... the Guardian is..." she hesitated and then. "he protects the earth no matter what? even if he has to..." she swallowed thickly and then nodded. "i'll get started on that private army then." she decided, well aware that Tony wasn't going to turn his back on James, and neither would Steve, so S.I. would back them up. as a large business, she had every right to hire as much security as she felt necessary. she'd put in a few low key offers to some superhumans in need of a job and go from there. "Tony? what is it? oh hey Pepper.... uhm... did... someone die?" "no. but. well, here." Pepper handed him the tablet and Steve blinked. "....well Natasha is going to be pissed."
James grinned a little as he shifted, smirking as anna made his job easier, growling quietly as natasha made this difficult. “Such a little cyka.”He muttered, pressing a kiss to his vixen’s hair as he shifted his attention, while he was still working on anna, he was devoting even more attention to waking natasha up. “You got me ‘up’, you should take care of it, Cyka.”He muttered.

“Yes. He is. Whatever means necessary, and usually no one knows exactly who it is. For obvious reasons. Villains tend to react badly when their plans get messed up.”Tony said swallowing hard, because he knew just how had that job had to be, to know that if it was required, he’d have to kill again, and would do so. And yet, the man had willingly shouldered the burden, without telling anyone. His respect for the soldier deepening as he looked up at steve, nodding a little. “A private army would be good.”He said knowing it wouldn’t just be villians who got in james’ face over this, but most definitely shield agents to. “”He ordered before nodding slowly, “Yes. She is...You didn’t know?”Tony asked quietly, figuring if anyone had known, had been told why James had disappeared for so long, not only to get his head together, but because he’d shouldered a new burden, he knew it would be steve.
Natasha smirked a little. "oh, i'm thinking you're going to have to 'make' me." she teased, Anna laughing, pressing a kiss to Jame's temple. "i'll be right back." she whispered, sounding impish indeed. she slid out of bed and to the closet, grabbing two things, several lengths of rope and James 'toolbox'. which was literally a large tool box, filled with vibrators, clamps, floggers and anything else he enjoyed using on the girls. "hey!" Natasha protested as Anna started tying her hands to the head of the bed. Natasha struggled, making it a challenge, but it wasn't a real struggle because if Natasha didn't want to be tied up, Anna would be bleeding on the floor. Ann crowed in delight as she succeeded in getting Natasha's hands tied and smirked at her handiwork before grabbing Natasha's ankle and forcing her to uncurl. though, again it wasn't much of a struggle, soon Natasha was laid out flat and open to James, the woman pouting but eyes glittering with delight as she squirmed against the ropes. again, if she'd wanted to be free, she'd be free, but it was fun to pretend sometimes.

she nodded, looking a bit frightened. she'd always been a little bit afraid of James though so this wasn't anything new. "he does too much." she sighed. she could understand why James did it though, he'd needed to get away, but he'd needed to feel useful too. "i'll get at least fifty new employees. we can afford to cover them easily enough." she admitted, tapping at her tablet. "well fuck." Steve muttered once he'd read. "no i didn't. i didn't need to of course." he admitted, looking troubled. "this is not going to end well at all." he admitted. "....we, need to tell Bucky." he admitted. ", i need to tell Bucky. Jarvis? is Bucky up yet?" "Yes Captain. however, he is currently, as Sir calls it, getting laid. interrupting him now would not go well, i don't think." "uh... yeah no... let Bucky know i need to talk to him once he's done would you?" "of course Capetian."
“I enjoy making you.”James growled looking amused, before turning to look at anna, laughing a little as he saw what she had. Smirking. “I think we can handle making you, Cyka.”James smirked leaning down to press a kiss to natasha’s breast, biting her ever so gently as she struggled, even as his eyes found the bruise on her neck. Even days later, the bite mark was still vivid and bright. Smirking as he watched anna tie up natasha, he simply enjoyed watching them as he settled abck against the bed as he watched natasha squirm.”Hmmm....all tied up for my pleasure....I think I enjoy you like this.”James smirked as he leaned across to kiss anna, hand resting on natasha’s stomach, a casual touch simply bracing himself as he leaned across to anna. Looking down at natasha after a moment he smirked, “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you. So much trouble.”He smirked as he lowered his head, nipping at her hip before sliding around, sliding between her legs, shifting her up so her hips were resting in his lap, groaning as he rubbed himself against her.

“He does, but for him, it made sense to do I bet. He needed something, this gave it to him.”Tony shrugged a little before nodding, “God. That should be enough. And send the list to me before you hire everyone. We need to make sure they fit in here, even if we’re not working with them every day, we need to be able to work here without causing problems.”Tony smiled slightly, before nodding, looking troubled himself. “I’ll go with you to talk to him if you want.”Tony offered before wincing. “Yea, no. Don’t interrupt him. He’ll be in a bad mood even before we tell him what’s going on if we do.”
she smirked. "i know you do." she scowled a little. "but tag teaming is totally against the rules." she complained, shaking her head and sulking at him before moaning into the kiss on her breast. "mmm James. stop teasing you asshole." she whined, tipping her had as if showing off hi bite mark, which she was. "i think you'll like it a lot less when i do the same to you." Natasha growled, a smirk ticking at the corner of her lips, watching him and Anna kiss, pouting because she hadn't gotten a kiss yet, arching her belly into his hand, making Anna snigger. "you like it when i'm trouble." she reminded him, licking her lips before moaning as he rubbed against her. she had gone to bed wearing nothing but an over-sized T-shirt and a pair of panties. so getting access would be easy for him.

Steve nodded. "as much as i hate the idea of it, i have to admit i think he's the best man for the job." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "i'll make sure to send you the complete list." Natasha agreed. "i'll be asking the X-men first." she admitted. "they will have the most contacts." she admitted. "and we already know that the Avengers can work well with the mutant community." she admitted. "no, i think i'd rather keep your head attached to your shoulders." Steve admitted with a smile. "but, i would like to have you go with us to shield. i want to make an announcement that Shield will be working with the Guardian for the betterment of the entire population, instead of just America." he admitted. "we'll still be focused on our country, but we'll be working with James as well to prevent cataclysms or... something, i need to work on the angle a little bit." he admitted.

(so i just realized. Cyka doesn't mean either Fox or Vixen. he's been calling Natasha Bitch for the last however long XDD)
“No it’s not. It’s totally allowed.”James snickered a little smiling a little as he looked up at her, “No. I think not. Teasing you is what I do best.”He smirked a little before shrugging. “I do indeed like it less, but we both know you love this.”He said smirking at her, grinning at natashas pouting. “True, I do.”James smirked as she moaned, hands tight on her hips, “Beg, Natalia, and I might just give you what you want. What you’ve wanted all night, if this underwear-less state is anything to go by.”he teased smirking at her.

“He might hate it, we might hate it, but he wont choose sides. And he’s...”Tony frowned thinking on it, before smirking. “He’s probably the only person currently living that has the emotional distance to actually act in the interest of everyone, and not simply certain people.”Tony said frowning a little, before nodding. “We are. That would be best.”Tony said relieved to know that pepper was aware of exactly what they needed. “Hm, I can do that.”Tony said frowning as he considered that. “Cataclyms or world wars, or inter-galactic problems. He’ll work for the better of everyone, not just countries or powers....he works for the good, the bad, or the indifferent.”Tony shrugged a little before wincing, sighing quietly. “...There’s going to be people who aren’t going to be happy about this.”

(are you serious?That’s amusing considering that’s what google translated vixen into.XD)
мегера (megera) is Vixen and Fox is лиса(lisa). according to Translate.)

"it's not allowed!" she whined, pouting before groaning. "your just being mean, James!" she whined, struggling rather pathetically against her bonds before snorting. "you love being tied up and teased. well, so long as your in the right mood for it." sh admitted, Anna looking curious. "really? he has submissive moments?" "he does, yes." she admitted. "those are pretty rare though." she admitted before moaning when he held her still, eyes glittering with lust and want and amusement. "i think your going to have to make me beg." she growled, challenging him again, because that was when he did all the best stuff. moaning at the accusation. "i was going to ride you thi morning, but you woke up before me."

Steve nodded. "James is the only person from earth who could do the job... might explain a few things about Fury actually." he admitted. "bet he was the Guardian before James." he muttered. "mmm. yes, and i'll hire a few people that Phil recommends as well." she admitted. "he would know best who to recommend." she was already typing up emails to send to both Phil and Charles. "it would be best for Shield if they had a global network anyway, Fury did want to spread our influence so we could protect more than just a single country and it's allies but the entire world from alien threats and super-villains." Steve admitted. "we could actually do that if James gives us a bit of help." "there are people who aren't happy that i'm still alive." Steve pointed out. "there are people who don't like that Pepper is still CEO or that Phil is still second in command. we can't please everyone Tony." he admitted. "we have to do whats best for everyone. if that means people are going to be a bit annoyed or unhappy with our decisions then so be it. it's no worse than taxes." he sniffed, making Pepper roll her eyes.
“I’m never mean.”James smirked a little before twitching. “Lies. So many lies.”James said leaning down to nuzzle her stomach a little before raising a eyebrow. “You know that doesn’t work alot. I have to be beyond tired to even consider it.”James said rolling his eyes at how curious anna had looked. Amused a little before growling, biting down gently. “I can do that.”he said lips playing over her hipbone, “Well, you should wake up earlier.”He prvided smirking as he slowly bit her harder, sucking slowly, grinning at the bright red and black bruise starting on her hip even as he shifted, sliding into her slowly. “Beg.”he growled as he shifted, keeping her still, having every intention of hearing her beg and using her for his own pleasure until he heard it.

“It might. And he had said he talked to Fury before I died.”Tony pointed out, before nodding. “Good. Between us all, we’ll get something going.”Tony said before frowning slightly, nodding. “If Natasha doesn’t kill him first, then yes, he can help.”Tony snorted a little before nodding. “True. And James working as the guardian, really is the best. We just have to make sure everyone knows we’re not going to leaveh im out in the could for taking the job.”
"you are mean. always." she groaned before grinning at him. "i know. but she looks so interested i thought she should know." she admitted with a snicker before smirking at him, moaning when she was bitten, Anna sniggering. "i should have." she agreed. "but mornings are so... morning" Natasha whined, Anna nodding her agreement. "Fuck! James!" she whined, trembling against him, trying to arch against him. sh held out for a full minute before caving. "please. James. please. don't tease anymore, please, fuck me, fuck me hard oh please."

Steve nodded. "he did say that. Fury must have passed on the mantle." Steve muttered before he nodded. "we'll have to do more of a 'for the people' approach while James does the more 'for the whole world' approach. that way it looks like we're both compromising and working for whats best for everyone." he admitted before snorting. "oh, Natasha won't hurt him that bad." he scoffed before nodding. "i will not abandon James. not when i've only just gotten him back." he complained, smiling at Tony. "we can announce our decision to Co-command Shield at the same time."
“Never.”James smirked a litlte before rolling his eyes, leaning up to kiss Anna. “Don’t get any ideas.”he said smiling a little before laughing, “You are so cute.”He muttered smiling softly before growling as he rocked his hips a little, groaning before smirking. “OKay, okay. I’ll take care of you, megera”He said nuzzling her a little, shifting her, growling softly as he laid her down completely so he could pound into her, bracing himself above her as he worked into her, “You beg so prettily.”He said softly, because while he was dominate and in control, he was never able to resist when natasha begged him to do something.

“Exactly. Perfect for that Compromising and working together, easier to accept.”Tony agreed sighing softly, before rolling his eyes. “I doubt that. She’s going to be violent or something.”Tny said snickering before nodding. “I know that, we all know that, but the world as a whole, probably expects you to abandon we can. Might as well get all the bad news to them all at once.”
she snorted and Anna snickered, kissing him back. she was always happy to watch, the little voyeur. "she is kind of adorable." Anna agreed with a giggle, watching Natasha finally come undone. "yes. fuck me. fuck me. oh god YES James!" she moaned, arching against him, delighted when he fucked her just as hard as she always loved, panting when she came with a cry and slumped to the bed, grinning rather stupidly. "mmm i love it when you fuck me like that." she slurred, Anna giggling as she wrapped her arms around James from behind. "i love watching you fuck her." she breathed.

he nodded. "yes exactly." he admitted. "Natasha isn't that bad Tony." he complained, rolling his eyes. "and i don't care what the world wants. i died twice for the world, i have every right to be selfish now if i want to be." he admitted with a shake of his head. "but yes. might be less of a shock if we tell them all at once instead of staggering it. better make it hard for them to decide which decision they hate more than giving them a chance to bitch about both." he admitted with a chuckle.
“She is.”James smirked amused as he listened to natasha, growling softly as he looked down at her, shivering a little as he watched her come, coming within moments, staring down at her for a long moment. That quiet, soft look on his face that showed even if he’d never come out and say it, that no matter how much he protested or fought with himself over it, Natasha Romanoff held a huge part of his heart in her keeping. Shuddering as he shifted, leaning into Anna. “I love that you watched.”He said turning his head to kiss her slowly, lazily, for the moment to content to get the motivation up to get her off. “You okay?”He muttered, looking worried though, well aware that he had to work, to make this work, which meant taking care of them both, before frowning when Jarvis spoke, the AI knowing he had to interrupt now, otherwise the sex-a-thon would probably last all day. Sighing softly the super soldier whined, not wanting to get out of bed yet.

“Yes, yes she is.Both her and James are terrifying.”Tony whined, because despite loving the woman, and her being one of the few people he accepted unconditional touches and hugs without freaking out from, he was well aware of how deadly she was. “Oh yea. Anything else we need to tell them, while we’re dropping bombs on them?”Tony snickered a little, wincing as Jarvis informed them that james and the girls were on their way otu.
she moaned at the growling and shuddered against him. she loved it when he growled before smiling back at him, just as soft, saying she would always love him. no matter what. "i'm fine. i fingered myself." Anna promised with a giggle. that was the nice thing about Anna, she was almost always satisfied even if he never actually touched her. she was like the ultimate sub, so long as he was happy, she was happy. oh..." she looked up at Jarvis, blinking. "well. i never took Steve for a cock blocker." she admitted, making Natasha laugh and roll out of bed. "hey! i worked hard on those knots! you could at least pretend to have had trouble with them!" she whined, heading for the closet to get dressed.

"they are not!" Steve complained, rolling his eyes. he would never be afraid of James because he had always known James, good and bad. he know more than anyone what James was really capable of. he also knew he could always stop James if he had to. "that i'm gay ad fucking my Co-Commander?" he guessed. "or that Pepper Potts is now the only controller of S.I since Shield just arrested all of the board?" Steve asked. "or maybe that the missile threats from Columbia was actually a disgusting prank from Loki?" he asked. "or maybe that we're slowly killing our planet?" he wondered. "any of those would do it."
“Oh. Good.”James smiled quietly at Anna, kissing her again before sighing as he sat up. “Stevie just doesn’t want me to have fun.”James pouted a little even as he pulled on clothes. “Yea Nat, you should at least pretend.”He teased leaning in to steal a kiss before he headed for the door, content and happy, with no idea the mood was going to blow up in his face soon enough.

Tony rolled his eyes but not bothering to argue about it, looking slightly amused though. “Hm, if you want everyone in the world to know your fucking iron man, go ahead. Though I’m sure you’ll get yelled at for that.”Tony sighed softly, before snorting. “Leave SI out of it. Pepper has enough problems without having agents get in her face over it.”Tony said fidgeting, because no matter how much the woman still freaked him out and made him twitchy, he would protect her. “And definitely the prank from loki. That was just amusing.”Tony snorted, because while the idiot was a pain in the ass, Loki and tony had developed something of a tolerable relationship. Glancing up as James walked in, he swallowed thickly, looking worried as he glanced at Natasha, before moving closer to steve, even as he handed over the tablet to the woman, having every intention of making her break it to james, cause well, he figured he wouldn't kill the messanger then,
Anna giggled a little. "we should totally get Tony to punish him." she agreed before sulking at Natasha who rolled her eyes. "i am not going to pretend, what kind of super spy would i be if i couldn't get out of knots like those?"

he snorted. "and why shouldn't Captain America fuck Iron Man?" he asked. "i think that's the best Ship ever." oh god, someone had introduced Steve to fan art. "in any case, i'll get yelled at for dating anyone, so..." he shrugged. "alright, no S.I." he agreed. "seriously though, the board of directors was all arrested for trying to organize her kidnapping. yours too, though i doubt they would have succeeded in actually kidnapping you." he admitted. "that was one of his milder pranks." he agreed. "we only 'almost' went to War this time." he hated Loki, totally hated him. never mind that Loki only acted up when Thor was on planet. "...." Natasha accepted the Tablet and scowled as she read it, turning to glare at James, her gun out in seconds, shooting him point blank with no warning or explanation before stalking out of the room, nose in the air, tablet in Anna's hands, whose eyes where wide with shock that Natasha had actually shot James. James knew Natasha was only a little pissed though because it was a clean shot, straight through and had missed anything life threatening or even overly painful.
“We will. Tony should punish him.”James agreed before rolling his eyes at natasha. “I’m tying you up better next time.”He snickered.

“....You’re the one who keeps sending me fanart ?! I thought it was James or Bruce making fun of me.”Tony sulked a little before snickering. “Well, that’s true. But more people hate me then if you were say, dating a woman. Or Carter.”Tony said, because he totally didn’t count Sharon carter as one of the women in the world. “I know they were, but if the agents think I’m using shield as a way to clean up my own company and using things as my personal army....well. Things will be messy.”He pointed out shrugging. “Almost, and Thor fixed it. He onyl acts up when Thor’s here.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little, because he knew steve didn’t approve of his friendship with the mischief maker. “..Fuck!’James gasped as teh bullet caught him off guard, spinning him to the side enough that he staggered a few steps before he recovered. “Fucking hell.”The guardian straightened, ignoring the stares of shock he was getting from everyone as he probed at his shoulder, the wound just under his collar bone and coming out above his shoulder blade. A straight through and through, a shot that would take awhile to recover from, but not life threatening or overly painful. Just annoying to the super soldier. And if the small cluster of scars decorating the area, it wasn’t the first time he’d been shot. “....I can’t believe she shot him...”Tony said looked shocked.
Steve shook his head. "no, it's not me, i keep getting it too. i suspect Loki." he admitted with a scowl. "or Pepper." "it wasn't me!" Pepper protested. "it might have been Maria or Natasha." she admitted. "because i keep getting Fanart too. some of it is actually very well done." she admitted. "Phil keeps getting Fanart too now that i think about it. it's mostly of him and Clint so he's pretty tickled." she admitted. "Carter is dating Agent Hill." "she's WHAT?!" Pepper demanded. "....wll that explains why i couldn't get her to go out on a date with you." Pepper mumbled. " don't know?" Steve asked, blinking at Pepper. "know what?" "are you serious? you've been picking Tony up from that club for months and you don't know?" "oh! oh Tony did you finally tell Raven who you are?" Pepper asked, sounding delighted and Steve blinked. "she honestly doesn't know... look Tony, someone who actually didn't know before you!" he teased, looking highly amused before scowling a little. "i hadn't noticed that, but now that you mention it, that's true." Steve admitted, head cocked to the side. "so he's trying to get Thor's attention or something?" he asked, baffled.

" i didn't think she'd be THAT pissed." Steve admitted, watching Natasha storm out, not looking surprised at all. "here." h handed James the first aid kit since Anna seamed to be too stunned with horror to do anything. "relax Anna. Natasha shoots him all the time." he promised. "he'll be healed in a matter of a day or three." he promised with a shake of his head. "here." h handed James the Tablet too. "before you read that, i want you to know me and Tony are standing behind you." he admitted. "we won't let you handle it alone, we'll help you as much as we can."
“Huh. Well. Maybe. Him or natasha, I really wouldn’t be surprised.”Tny said rolling his eyes before smirking at Pepper. “You are?And you’re right. Some of it is really good. Gave me some ideas really.”Tony smirked at his boyfriend before laughing. “I still don’t believe that. Carter wants to steal you.”Tony grumbled before looking at pepper, staring at the other. “What?”He stared realizing pepper didn’t know, sulking at steve. “I’m still mad about that.”he grumbled. “And Peper, Steve is Raven.”He said rolling his eyes a little before nodding. “He is. It’s a weird brother attention needing thing.”Tony shrugged.

“I don’t want whatever got me shot.”James whined a little even as he straightened, taking the first aid kit, swallowing hard. Before glancing at Anna. “She does. It’s how I tell how mad she is. She’s upset,but not enough to kill me. This’ll be fine.”He promised anna even as he set the first aid kit down after he bandaged himself, paling as he read the tablet, glancing up at the others, as if not certain if he should believe that they were staying. “...Okay....are you sure?I mean....there’s reasons the guardians never named...I can...go...”He said looking shaken, the news of his identity in the shaken him even more then getting shot had.
"you know i really wouldn't be surprised if it was James." Steve admitted with a roll of his eyes. "can you get internet service in space though?" he wondered. "i wouldn't know. never been." Pepper admitted, looking amused before sighing. "Carter doesn't want to steal me, i have too much cock and not enough boob." Steve admitted with a chuckle before turning his head so he didn't laugh in Peppers face. "....Raven is Steve? you've been fucking Captain America and we didn't notice!?" she demanded, stunned. "well... that's..." she made a face. "i am not telling Maria." she decided. "probably for the best." Steve admitted. "your not getting along with her?" "no. the bitch won't accept that i've moved on." Pepper admitted with a roll of her eyes. "it took a few sessions with Anna before i realized how much i fucked Tony over." she admitted. "Maria refuses to admit that she did the same thing. she's determined to think it is all Tony's fault and it's not." Pepper admitted, Steve nodding. "well. i can't fire her just for that but if she causes problems i'll take care of it."

Steve shook his head. "i think you need to know." Steve admitted to James before smiling a little. "so she's not all that mad at you then?" he asked, amused. he'd seen her shook James before so he wasn't in the least bit surprised. "i'm sure." Steve admitted. "your my brother, i'm the head of Shield. working with you is what's best for this country and the people of this world." he admitted. "i don't think i could stand to loose you again James." he admitted. "we'll get through this together. and you can always deny it if you feel that strongly about it."
“...I wouldn’t be either.”Tony snorted amused before shrugging. “probably. I’ve never tried actually.”Tony said looking interested, and wanting to go to spae now just to check it out. “I don’t believe you.”Tony stated, making a face. No one would ever be able to convince him otherwise, jealous and possessive enough to be weirded out by sharon sometimes. “...Yes I have. And I didn’t notice, he told me. And good. Maria shouldn’t get to know.”Tony said with just enough venom you knew that whatever maria was saying to him in private, was enough that it had seriously fucked with him. Not willing to admit to it, even if the damage was there.

“I don’t want to.”James grumbled before shaking his head. “No she’s not. I’ll deal with it.”he said though mentally he was panicky, the cool facade of calm a utter lie to a man who was reeling and upset. But for the moment, he was ignoring it. “God. I don’t want to go anywhere either.”James said relaxing. “Besides, this gives us a excuse to tell them everything. Me being co-director, our dating status, a little bit of everything. You being guardian, will just be another new worthy event.” “No it wont be.” “No it wont, but we’re not going to abandon you. And I think we can do some real good together.”Tony said watching james. “....Okay....I...I need time to think.” “Take what you need.” “....I need to talk to natasha...”james said before going in search of the russian woman. Tony smiled slightly, gently squeezing anna’s hand as he got near her. “You okay?”He asked wondering how she was handling it, and actually surprised james hadn't even paused to ask.
"you haven't been in space that many times Tony." Steve said, rolling his eyes. "just as James he'll know." he admitted. "you better believe me." Steve huffed, rolling his eye before shaking his head a little. "has Maria been bothering you Tony?" Steve demanded. "hey! maybe once she finds out your director again she'll quit?" he asked with a grin. he didn't care much for Maria. the fact that she just suddenly decided to be gay after dumping Tony made his blood boil. especially since he knew Maria was only using Agent thirteen, gent Carter, who was a sweetheart just like Peggy had been. Agent Carter was going to have a broken heart before all this was through. Steve just knew it.

"it'll be fine. she's probably more angry that you only came back for your job." Steve admitted, looking amused. "you better not go anywhere." Steve growled, eyes flashing. "i an, and will have Tony hunt you down if you vanish again Barnes." Steve warned. oooh, using the last name too, he was serious. "that's right, drown them in new information and they won't really have a chance to bitch too much." he agreed with a nod. "i think if we can work together, it would be best for everyone." Steve agreed, nodding before smiling. "take the body armor!" he warned. "she's likely to shoot you again!" he warned with a laugh before blinking at Anna. "i'm okay. i've just.... i've never seen anyone be shot before, and he wasn't even phased by it. is that normal?"
"I don't want to. Asking james isn't as much fun as going to space."toNY whined. Before squirming a little."no. She's bothering agent 13. Who really likes her you know."tony said well aware that steve was going to pick at that scar later,especially since tony had just basically admitted to being well aware that sharon was in love with maria, when maria couldn't give would fuck about her."maybe. Though with my lucky things would get worse."tony shrugged a little.

"Probably. But like I told her...I would have come back life's here...this...job...just moved up the timetable and made it necessary."james shrugged as he finger ed his shoulder,hurting enough he couldn't leave it alone. Like a kid,poking at it cause it hurt." disappearing,I promise,commander rogers."james said snapping off a quick salute, one of the few times he was being completely serious in calling him commander. We'll aware steve would track him down if he left. "Indeed.Easier on everyone to if we work together."tony said snickering as james paused to get the body armor as he left. "It is. For them."clint said as he walked in,looking worried a bit. About anna. Having realized that james hadn't even paused to make sure anna was okay, the archer was slightly worried about if anna would be angry with Jim for wanting to look after natasha. Because while he knew thresome could work, watching james try to find a balance between the three of them scared clint, because he knew that if james messed up or hurt one of them emotionally,it would cause damage to a man already breaking.
Steve snorted. "you are NOT going into space just to see if you can get an internet signal up there." he ordered before grimacing. "yeah, i know. but there's nothing i can do. i cannot get involved with the relationships of my employees. especially when i don't have any proof at all." he admitted. "i can only advise that Pepper be there to help her recover." "why me?" "because i'm no good with crying girls and Tony will just do what he always does when facing high emotional stress." Pepper smiled. "he'll try to make her feel better but ultimately make everything worse." she agreed. "alright i'll be on the ready." she promised. "and if Maria does break Agent thirteens heart, well. i might have a few tidbits of blackmail i might be willing to part with." Pepper admitted before watching James and Anna curiously. "don;t poke at it." Anna ordered. "you'll make it worse." she grumbled, annoyed that he'd been hurt by someone who was supposed to love him. "oh... she really shoots him? like, all the time?" "not all the time, just on a bad day. Hydra tends to do that to people." Steve admitted with a smile at Anna who nodded, wondering if she could be with James and Natasha? she didn't have the same connection. logically she knew she and James would never work, even if there was no Natasha, she wanted to try anyway.

Natasha was in the bedroom, cleaning her guns. the only visible sign that she was upset. she always cleaned her weapons when she was upset. though again, she wasn't that upset, because it was only the one gun on the table, if she was really upset she'd have been cleaning her whole arsenal. "would you ever have come back? if i hadn't found Skye, would you even have looked at me?" she asked. "i didn't know you then, you could have completely ignored me and i might never have even recognized you..." like Tony, Natasha had a deep set terror of abandonment. it was her biggest, unvoiced fear that James would someday not want her anymore because she was too old, to brittle, too broken.
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