
he chuckled a little. "it's disgusting." he admitted with a smile. it was disgusting, but he drank it anyway. "okay, i'll pick up one of those K-cup machine things. they seam to make coffee you like." he admitted. "if not i'll get a normal coffee pot and then set it up every night so all we have to do is hit the start button or something." he decided, kissing Tony's forehead, stroking the other. "okay. i'm perfect." he agreed with a chuckle. "you want me hmm? well then i guess you should have me. go lay on the bed. i'm going to drop you." he purred. "use the flogger, just like i promised and then fuck you long and hard until all you remember is my cock." he murmured, turning off the water, eager to give Tony what he needed, and wanted.

"very evil." they both chorused, grinning at each other. "no problem Guardian. just call if you need anything else. i have to go listen to my brother bitch at me for three hours." Loki admitted, looking quite pleased with himself. "he used my Title, instead of my name." Loki delighted in pissing Thor off. mostly because it was hours of nothing but Thor paying complete and total attention to Loki, even if Thor was yelling. "i don't have a sugar addiction." Natasha protested. "i do!"Anna yelled, her mouth stuffed full of food. or rather, full of sweets.
“Hm, they do make the coffee I like.Especially that mudslide flavor. It was epic.’Tony grinned pleased with the idea of alcohol tastes, without actual alcohol. Shivering as he was stroked, he squirmed a little. “I do. Always. You’re the best.”he muttered smiling happily at the other before nodding eagerly, climbing out of the shower and pausing only long enough to dry off before heading for the bed, laying down with a smile.

“I will.Bye loki.”James said rolling his eyes a little, “You are so weird.”he teased amused that the two had such a odd relationship, even if he had no room to talk since he sometimes annoyed natasha just to make her want to punish him. He was dominate most of the time, but he had his cravings to let her be in control sometimes. “Yes you do. You have a sweet tooth, Ms. Rommanov.”James teased wrapping his arms around her waist, nuzzling her a little, relaxing. Closing his eyes, for the moment, forgetting everything else.
"mudslide?" he asked, looking confused. "i'll pick up some cups then, and a regular coffee pot as well for the mornings, i'm not sure the K-cups can keep up with how much you drink in the mornings." he admitted with a chuckle before smirking. "lay on your stomach and don't you dare cum until i tell you that you can, feel free to move all you want." he ordered, picking up the flogger, Tony's favorite because it hit just right with just the right amount of impact. "ready?" Steve asked. "what's your Safe-word Caesar?" he asked, smirking because he liked the way Tony went utterly compliant at his 'other' name. it was Steve's way of saying 'you are safe, i have you, let go'.

Loki shrugged. "if this is the only way i can get Thor to look at me, so be it." he admitted with a shrug. "besides, i really don't think you have any right to talk." Loki admitted, Natasha smirking. "he totally doesn't." she admitted. "i don't. " she grumbled even as she stuck a spoonful of rocky road into her mouth, enjoying the snuggles before grunting when Anna plopped into both of their laps, wanting her own snuggles. Natasha chuckling and wrapping an arm around Anna. "comfortable?" "not at all. your entirely too bony..." there was a pause and she gave Natasha an odd look. "that had better be a gun." "it is." "okay then."
“Awesome. And yes, it’s a alcoholic chocolaty drink. Coffee doesn’t have alcohol, but it tastes like it.”The perfect drink for a recovering alcoholic. Shuddering as he laid down on his stomach, he sighed quietly as he relaxed, closing his eyes, shuddering at the sound of his name. “Spangles.”he muttered shivering, knowing steve had him, knowing he was safe was enough.

“I totally do. I don’t do stuff to make natasha do things.”He said rolling his eyes a little even if he knew the two of them were right. Grunting a little as anna landed in his lap, he smiled wrapping his arms around them both before snickering, amused that both him and natasha were armed, smirking at natasha. “A gun in a uncomfortable place huh?”He teased, rocking his hips up a little into anna’s ass as she sat on him, amused at having them both right there, and even if his shoulder was aching something fierce, having them there revved a always running libido.
he snorted a little. "you know, they make non-alcoholic drinks." he pointed out. "you could drink those easily enough instead of finding coffee flavored to taste like it." he said with a smile before grinning at him. "that's right." he agreed, stroking Tony's back with soft fingers before stepping back and tapping Tony's back with the knot of the flogger, the warning before the strike. Tony never reacted well to sudden surprises, as Raven had figured out. so he warned Tony always before beginning. the warning done, he brought the flogger down in just the right way, so all the lines fanned out, each one striking Tony's back in different locations simultaneously, alighting every nerve with the dull, thudding sensation of pain.

"of curse you don't. you just threaten to cut off my sex." she grumbled, sulking at him. "it's poking me in the ass." Anna informed him, Natasha chuckling as she removed the gun and set it aside. "much better." Anna chirped happily, squirming on top of James. "we are not having sex in the ice-cream room so if you want fucked we have to leave first." she informed him, making Natasha snigger. "i think it's Anna's time to be tied up." "yes please!"
“I know, but this combines my loves of life. Coffee and alcohol sorta drinks. It’s perfect.”he squirmed a little smiling happily, shivering as he felt the other tap his back, sighing quietly. “Ohhh...”he muttered, gasping as he felt the flogger coming down on his back with a gasp, grinding his hips down into the bed with a groan.

“Hmm, though you know that never last long. I mean, I love sex to.”James said before smirking.”I’m sure it is poking you.”he snickered a little before groaning as she squirmed, whining softly. “But but we should combine sex and ice cream. It’d be epic.”He grumbled even as he stood up with anna in his arms, before nodding. “I think we should tie her up indeed.”
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "your funny Tony." he admitted with a smile before smacking him in the back with the flogger. "remember Tony. don't you dare cum." he ordered before tapping his back again and fanned the straps again, bringing them down along Tony's back once more, striking him three more times before getting bored with the flogger, mostly because of the way Tony was moaning. "where are you sitting Tony?" he wondered, tangling his hand in the others hair and forcing his head back so he could get a clear answer. once he had one, he gave Tony what he wanted most, a good hard fucking.

"yes you do." Natasha admitted with a snicker before chuckling a little, and poked James. "she's handling the guns better than i thought she would, so there's that." she admitted, watching Anna shrug. "i am a part of Shield you know." she admitted, reaching up her skirt and revealing she had her own little gun hidden away. "i've never had to use it though." she admitted before scowling. "no. i don't want my ice-cream made all gross by having sex on it, and it's getting cold." she admitted before squeaking when she was picked up, Natasha laughing while she followed.
“I’m always funny.”Tony agreed moaning louder as he was hit, whimpering as he squirmed, nodding.”I wont. Promise. Wont.”He moaned, definitely had dropped. Shivering as he looked up at steve, blinking slowly. “5...I’m okay.”he muttered moaning quietly pleased as he got exactly what he wanted.

“Don’t poke me...I’m supposed to poke you.”He said with a perverted little smirk before nodding, “She is. And We know, but we carry more guns then a shield assault team, we were worried you’d be upset.”He said smiling a little looking amused before shaking his head.”Fine, bed it is then.”He snickered.

The next day tony sighed quietly as he twitched, watching the agents as they gathered in the meeting hall, and watching them, he was glad he’d convinced natasha and anna not to attend. At least if it went badly, they wouldn’t have to worry about natasha killing everyone because they insulted james. Not that he was feeling any better considering Steve was talking to maria about work, the dark haired woman made him twitchy, and it was hard to know that he’d slept with her. “You okay?”He muttered looking at james as the man walked onto the raised stage, not looking reassured as the man nodded. “Fine. Commander?”James said moving closer to steve, acting more skittish then he had in years.
Steve was watching everything as the place filled up and then cut Maria off with a sharp hand gesture. "we're ready to begin?" Steve asked James, ignoring the black haired woman. "it's gonna be fine." he promised James, looking over at Tony. "Alright! everyone shut the hell up!!"Steve demanded. "i have several announcements to make!" he informed all of the heads of department, department managers, assistant department managers and everyone who was in charge of anyone else. "many of you have been grumbling about the way i've been doing things around here. many of you don't think i have what it takes to be the Commander. so, since you all seam to feel that way and some of you even went so far as to kidnap a pregnant woman and threaten her to make me quit, i am absolving the commander position." he informed them, the rom going completely still. "instead, there will be two Co-commanders. myself, and Tony Stark." he informed them. he paused and then. "also, many of you have heard the rumors that the Guardian of the Galaxy has been named. this rumor is true." Steve admitted, indicating James. "Shield will be working with the Guardian to ensure the safety of the entire world, instead of just our country. we will be expanding into the American affiliated countries for now. creating a base in England will be the first step and we will be using the second base as a test run to see if it can be done. they will work mostly independent of us, have their own channels, own generals and yes, they're own Commander than answers to the Queen. we at Shield will be focused on protecting the earth, while the Guardian works on protecting most of the Galaxy. this is an effort to work in unison for the betterment of everyone, not just ourselves." Steve informed them, looking at Tony and James. "any other announcements?"
“We are.”James swallowed thickly, looking around at everyone, and barely stifling the snicker at the look maria gave them as steve spoke. Hanging back a little both tony and james gave the crowd that carefully blank face that said they were plotting things and scheming and being annoying bastards mostly. Raising a eyebrow Tony smirked quietly at the mention of Anna’s kidnapping, tensing though as he felt James go utterly still and tense next to him. Belatedly realizing that they’d managed to actually keep it a secret, he hadn’t known she’d actually been taken when he broke his shoulder. “Oh.”James’ eyes widened, listening, looking vaguely panicked at the idea of trying to talk, and despite having loved the attention when he was younger, his time as the Soldier had broken him of it. Ignoring the grumbles and muttering starting Tony took over when it was obvious James wasn’t getting the words out. Pointing to Steve he grinned, and you just knew he was going ot be a evil bastard. “Also, before any of you get any bright ideas anything, I’m also screwing my co-commander, so don’t even try making me feel badly about it.”Tony said with such a thread of anger, you knew someone had tried to already, before gesturing to james. “Also, the Guardian-” “The soldier?” “Yes. The former winter soldier-”Tony said ignoring the sneered question, intending on keeping the crowd calm, “is currently living in the tower,-”Tony winced as his voice was drowned out as the crowd turned on them, obviously unhappy with what was going on. Wincing hard as he felt James sliding away and into the soldier mode as he pushed his way to the door, needing away. james knowing he had to get out, and trusting steve and tony to take care of things, not even seeing the punch that rocked his head back. gasping a little as he got lost in the crowd of attackers, the mob mentality setting in even as he heard tony cursing as iron man suited up."Steve?"Tony called as he started working his way into the crowd.
Steve barely managed to keep from smirking at Maria, glancing at Pepper who was watching just because sh could. "Tony. your not supposed to tell people that so bluntly." Steve said, shaking his head, highly amused before he glared at the man who had called James the Soldier. "That's it!" Steve snarled, drawing his Icer and in seconds, so too had most of the people loyal to Steve, shooting everyone who had attacked James with no mercy while Pepper called Natasha and Anna. "Anyone who just tried to blatantly attack James Barnes is hereby FIRED!" Steve snarled. "i want all of these bastards in cuffs and put in a holding cell!" Steve informed the handful of people who hadn't gotten involved. "we'll question them all separately! i want Maria Hill in cuffs as well!" he ordered, gathering James into his arms and half carried, half dragged him out of the room so they could get him into an empty room before he melted down and started trying to kill people. Anna and Natasha where there two minutes later, since they'd been shopping nearby. "talk!" Anna ordered Pepper who gave a swift rundown of the situation.
“Yes I am. I’m proud and I don’t want anyone giving me shit over it.”He sulked a little before wincing as he heard steve drawing the icer, wading in, glad for the suit, at least he couldn’t feel most of the hits as he got to james’ side and managed to push most of the people away from steve, smirking behind the mask as he heard maria protesting, wincing as he felt james punching at the suit. Damn super soldier could rattle his cage. James indeed wasn’t trying to kill them yet, simply fighting to get free because steve and tony were keeping him from going after anyone. Fighting like a caged animal, a mindless wild thing desperate to get free. “Natasha!Get in here!”Tony yelled through the door when he realized she was there, hoping that at least the woman would get through to james as he stepped back, turning him lose in the room, knowing he’d bloody himself and them in the effort to get away.
Steve smiled. "alright good point. i apologize." he stated calmly, winking at Tony before glaring at the people who where raising a fit. "honestly, these are trained people, you'd think they could act like rational adults instead of like a pack of animals." he huffed, glaring at Maria. "don't think i didn't see you pull your gun Maria Hill!" he snapped at her. "and don't even try to pretend it was your Icer!" he snarled before dragging James out of the room, grunting when he got punched too, enough to pull a good few breaths from his lungs. "fuck!" Natasha groaned, leaping into the room after James, backhanding him in one swift motion. "Soldier!" she snapped. "Get your ass up off the floor this instant and calm the fuck down! Stand down Soldier! Stand Down!" she demanded. this had about a fifty percent chance of working. she knew if she failed, Steve would step in and he and James would just beat the shit out of each other.
“Uh, since when have you ever known any of them to act like adults?”Tony huffed looking at maria as agent 13 slapped the cuffs on. Knowing it had to be killing sharon, and making a mental note to talk to her later, even as maria did indeed try to protest. “Don’t. It was a gun,I’ll have you up on attempted murder.”Tony snarled watching her get dragged out. “Fucking hell.Hits like a bull.”Tony gasped, even through the suit he’d felt that punch. Turning towards Natasha as she slapped him, James paused trembling a little as he tried to sort his head out before snarling, moving towards her, but after a moment it was obvious it wasn’t him threatening her as he shoved her towards the corner and placed himself between her and the door, and her and steve. He wasn’t back yet, but he’d recognized Natasha enough to want to protect her, even if it was from his friends, hands twitching in a familiar way, obviously looking for either the shield or his gun, and despite being armed, he was still aware enough to not pull a weapon on least not a serious one, as steve moved in, the combat knife flashed up between them, intent on harm, not killing.
Steve snorted a little and shook his head before looking at Sharon. "i'm sorry Agent." he said, voice filled with sorrow. "i truly am. come by the Tower later and we'll explain everything in more depth, since your emotionally involved." he promised the woman. "he does hit hard. now you know why i'm always hesitant to spar with you, even with the suit on." Steve admitted with a chuckle before flinching when Natasha slapped him. would it work? looks like it did. sort of. Natasha grunted as she was shoved into the corner, but didn't protest, settling herself in lace so he could focus on keeping her safe rather than controlling her. she didn't want anyone getting hurt. Steve moved closer to try and make sure Nat was safe and paused when he saw the knife. he slowly raised his hands, palms out, indicating he was unarmed. he took slow, exaggerated steps backwards, showing James that he was leaving and motioning Tony to leave as well. only once the door was closed did Natasha speak. "James, baby?" she asked him. "you with me?"
“So I can see. Might have to make a better suit.”Tony huffed a little, amused that the punch of a super soldier rattled him more then getting hit by thor had. Growling as he saw Steve coming closer, fingers tightening around his knife, but not attacking. Not moving to, simply a warning to stay away. Aware enough to know that he didn’t want to hurt the people in front of him, but feeling out of it enough to want to go unarmed. Relaxing slowly as both steve and tony left the room, he slumped slightly, turning his head slightly at the sound of her voice, eyeing the door for a long moment, making sure they were staying gone before turning to look at her more as he put the knife away. Swallowing thickly as he turned, crowded in close, even if he was simply cuddling her, and not hurting her. “...Did i hurt anyone?”He muttered voice rough and broken as he nuzzled her.
he chuckled a little. "might have to." he agreed, shaking his head a little. "i know we can hit a bit harder than Thor if we really want to. we tested. Bruce wanted to see our physical limits." he admitted before examining James while the other snarled at them, backing out and closing the door, sighing softly. "okay. i think it's okay." he admitted, dialing the number to the detention center. "anyone down there hurt?" nope, every single person had only been iced. James hadn't hurt anyone. "No one was hurt." he declared, loud enough for Natasha and James to hear him. "nope." Natasha assured him, smiling. "your okay. you didn't hurt anyone, though i think you might have a broken jaw." she admitted, stroking his hair gently. "your alright, and a good chunk of those bastards who attacked you are now cooling their hot heads in the detention center." which was basically a small prison. they would all be questioned, anyone who didn't have a proper explanation for their actions would be immediately fired.
“That’s actually really cool.”Tony snickered a little even as he looked concerned. “I think so to.”Tony muttered looking worried but calm, knowing if james really had lost control, natasha was one of the few people who’d be okay around him. Tony snickered a little at the knowledge that no one was hurt, making a face. “To bad. Maria should have at least gotten hurt.”Tony grumbled having a bad feeling that no matter what explanations were given, they were going to find that maria had been egging them on. James slumped relaxing as natasha reassured him, closing his eyes as he leaned into her hand a little, swallowing thickly, frowning. “No. I don’t.”He muttered because he might, but he’d never admit it because he was tired of the one who was always being hurt. Slumping a little he moved closer, slumping into her with a sigh. “ guys done with your shopping?”he muttered, well. At least that was a good sign, if he was asking, it meant he was steady enough to subject himself to shopping with them, so he was okay. At least calm enough to want to be with them, no matter what they were doing.
he shrugged. "Nat will be fine. Anna could probably go in there now too, but i think she's helping Pepper." he admitted. "oh. she did. Sharon realized that Maria didn't really love her and 'accidentally' smashed the woman's face into the door a few times." Steve admitted with a grin. "i'll have to chastise her for that of course but she won't actually be punished." he assured Tony.

"you so totally do." he huffed, examining his jaw. "those rat bastards." she grumbled before shaking her head. "no. but i don't think either of us, me and Anna that is, are going to be in the mood for shopping after this." she admitted, smiling at him. "you gonna be okay?" she asked him, gently stroking his hair, her head tilted. "come on, let's go home."
“Really?That’s awesome.”Tny said grinning at the idea of maria ending up with a broken nose, looking into the room with a sigh, relaxing as he realized james was back. “let’s get out of here. This mess can wait tomorrow to sort out, and they deserve a night in the slammer.”Tony snickered a little. “Good.”He said smiling a little.

“Do not.”James muttered even as he let the other examine his jaw with a sigh,”I’m okay.”He muttered kissing her carefully, indeed he did break it some, but it was okay. He totally would be okay soon enough. “Well, that’s true. Good.”He muttered more then anything, just wanting to be with her, leaning into her hand with a soft smile, before nodding. “Yes. Let’s.”He muttered following her as docile and content now as a puppy, looking up at tony and steve as he walked out, wincing a little. “Sorry guys...”he muttered.
Steve nodded. "yup. pretty awesome." he agreed with a smile. "i agree. we'll come back tomorrow. afternoon." he decided. "i'll leave it to the others to handle. Thirteen can take the lead on this." he decided, texting her. she was delighted to have her just desserts against Maria. it would be good for her to have a healing balm against her broken heart.

"do too. liar... [i[bad liar[/i]." she taunted, well aware that for a spy, that was a wicked insult indeed. she kissed him back gently and smiled at him before helping him to his feet. "no problems." Steve assured James. "we've all had our moments. i ever tell you the time i almost strangled Clint to death because he scared me on a bad day?" he asked James. "come on, we'll stop and get Frozen ogurt and then go home." "yes." both Natasha ad Anna agreed, nodding. "Ice-cream solves everything."
“Hm, she’ll enjoy that.”Tony snickered a little even as he added to the text that she was expected at the tower for dinner, because well, he might have a odd thought about her wanting steve, tony was willign to be nice, and try to invite her in....not to mention, he was well aware that he’d need to make friends with shield agents, to be able to run things again.

“I am not!”He growled even as he flinched, the words making his jaw ache as he kissed her. Sighing a little as he wrapped a arm around Natasha, looking relieved at steve’s words. “...Thanks....and no you didn’t. Though I’m surprised it wasn’t Stark you tried to strangle.” “Hm. Treats of strangling have stopped working. Everyone’s tried to threaten me into silence.”Tony hummed as they headed out, grinning amused at the girl’s words. “Indeed. Though buying it by the bowlfull has to be a sad step down when you have a ice cream room.”Tony teased as he took them to the ice cream shop, smiling as he paid for what everyone bought.
"you are a bad liar!" she teased him with a chuckle. "a horrible bad liar." she teased, kissing him again before smiling a little. "nah, Tony knows better than to pester me on a bad day. besides, the only way i want to strangle him is with my cock shoved down his throat." he admitted with a grin. "it works pretty damn nice too." "i am not trying that." Nat informed them. "...i might consider it." Anna teased with a giggle.

three months later, Anna was sitting in the kitchen, stroking her pregnant belly while waiting for Steve to make her some proper food. since, apparently, eating an entire room of ice-cream in a week as very not healthy. never mind that she'd eaten all of the fruit as well. Loki had been very amused at the emergency mirror call and had to restock while Anna was wailing about all her ice-cream being gone. he had also brought James more information, as he did every few weeks. Thor had, of curse, stopped by for a few days, only to end with every part of him being dyed pink, his beard cut off, his hair shaved off, his shoes glued to the floor, his Hammer charmed to squeak when he struck something with it and, of course, all his pop-tarts rigged to explode. that one had garnered Loki five full hours of complete and total attention. but Loki, had, after some good advice From Anna, had started doing the total opposite. he hat taken to completely ignoring Thor. oh, he was still there when Thor was, but he pranked everyone but Thor, didn't look at Thor, didn't talk to Thor and worst of all, didn't respond when Thor spoke to him. for once, it was actually getting to the man. "i do not understand why he has suddenly turned back to hating me... was it because i yelled at him too much!?" Thor asked James, sounding rather frantic.
James paused in mid crunch,, hanging from his feet, looking at the man upside down, before sighing as he dropped back down and sighed. “I dont’ think so. Considering I had to listen to for a hour about everything under the sun, which includes you, I doubt it. Ignoring you gets him more attention then misbehaving. After all, these days it’s mostly steve and tony who pay attention when he acts up.”He pointed out before undoing his feet and flipping out of it, landing nimbly on the floor, wiping the sweat off his face. “Come on. Let’s go talk to Anna or Natasha, they’ll have better advice then me.”He said heading upstairs, pausing at the sight of his girlfriends, offering a small smile, still so in love with them, and their fighting was starting to get to him.
Thor shook his head, watching James. the habits of humans still confused the hell out of him. "attention!? he's doing this for attention!?" Thor shrieked, outraged before groaning. "i should have noticed. that's why he does all that stuff when i'm on earth! so i'll pay attention to him! what kind of brother am i?! i've failed him all over again!" man Thor was dramatic sometimes. "yes, alright. women are better at understanding Loki." he agreed. that was because while Loki preferred the male form, he was dual gendered in his mind. male or female he thought like them both and seamed to prefer behaving more like a woman than a man. if only because it freaked people out a bit. "i'm telling you! you can't!" Anna complained, stabbing in Natasha's direction with her fork. "and why the hell not?" "because he'll get upset!" "no he won't!" "he totally will!" "enough! both of you stop it!" Loki intervened, nursing his temples. "Natasha stop goading Anna, she's pregnant! Anna, stop getting in Natasha's face every three seconds over stupid shit." Loki demanded, only to groan when both women started sniping at him. "fuck this!" Loki snapped right back, vanishing in a swirl of green and purple smoke. looks like Nat and Anna weren't the only grumpy ones this morning. "....well..." Thor muttered. "i guess i won't be asking for advice after all..."
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