
“Yes he is. How many times do you yell at him after he does a annoying, but mostly harmless prank?I mean, he fucked with your hammer, and you yelled at him for five hours.”James snickered before sighing, shaking his head.”Don’t be so dramatic. You’ve not failed. Just been a little dense.”James snickered a little before nodding. “Indeed. Not to mention he’s giving them ice cream, so they’re more likely to have a good opinion of him instead of tony who’s still annoyed his suit’s neon pink.”James snickered, because he’d gotten to hear the genius howl over that one for DAYS. Pausing in the doorway he looked at a loss, tilting his head as he watched the fight. “...What will I get upset over?”He said after a moment as he watched loki disappear before shaking his head. “No, I guess not. Though pay attention to him now, and listen to him vent about...whatever this was.... Might make him happy.”James shrugged looking at the thunder god.
Thor flushed a little. "i wouldn't yell at him for so long if he didn't sit there snickering at me." he huffed, sulking. "besides! my hammer is a holy object! it shouldn't be messed with!" Thor complained. "i have failed. how could i have missed what Loki was doing? i'm worse than a dunderhead!" he complained. "that's true." Thor agreed. "they do adore Loki, and Tony forgave Loki eventually, after Loki gave him some.... smart person stuff." Loki had shown Tony an algorithm for space/time manipulations and let Tony have fun with it. Tony could have teleports up and running in a matter of six to ten years. provided he didn't get bored with the project. "not you." Anna grumbled. "Bruce!" "i still think it's a good idea! he spends so much time alone!" "setting him up on a blind date with one of your slag friends would not make him feel better!" "well at least he'd get laid! and your one to talk! calling someone a slag!" "like your any better you whore!" "....well i'm gone!" Thor declared before vanishing himself in a more traditional way, out the balcony and into the air.
“Well, he knows that. He’s enjoying the attention...and it might be a holy object, but it was epic listening to it squeak like a mouse.”James snickered a little before smirking. “You know, Loki;s called you that. But I think you just didn’t expect him to want attention. Now just make up for it, since you know about it.”he shrugged before snickering. “Hm, he’s been blathering on about that stuff for days now. I’m ten minutes away from shoving him in a closet with steve, and lock them in there till he shuts up for awhile.”He snickered before staring at his girls. Looking utterly confused. “..”Looking after thor like he wanted to join him in running away, nearly whimpering because he wanted to run away. To get away from the fighting. Swallowing thickly. “...Well. Why don’t you go spend time with him?I mean, it wouldn’t be dating, but...”James said looking a little lost on how to get them to stop fighting. “And if anyone’s the whore in this relationship, it’s me. Not you guys.”He said looking upset.
"He is enjoying the attention i think and it was not funny! not funny at all!" he complained, sulking before shrugging a little. "i suppose i just assumed he was trying to be a villain still. i never bothered to tell him he was terrible at it." he admitted sheepishly before nodding. "i will make up for it." he agreed with a smile. "well, perhaps you aught to inform Steve that Tony needs to be pleasured? i am sure he would be more than willing." he pointed out before sighing when he realized Anna and Natasha where fighting again. "i Don't..." Anna paused and then. "that's a good idea." she admitted, Natasha nodding. "it is a good idea." "your not a whore!" both girls protested, reaching out to him and pulling him into snuggles, both feeling much better now that he had found a solution. Anna did feel bad for Bruce, who was often too afraid to even leave the tower, scared he would hurt someone. he liked her, she knew. found her funny and smart. they talked about science and doctor stuff all the time. James was right, she could hang out with Bruce and maybe he'd stop being so lonely.
“well, he thinks he’s funny.”James said not about to admit he found it fairly amusing to. “Well, tell him that. It’d be quite amusign to listen to him complain about being deemed a sub-par villian.”He snickered a little. “Yes, I will do that.”he snickered at hte idea of telling that to steve sighing at them fighting. “I always have good ideas.”He said before yelping, surprised as he was pulled in before rolling his eyes. “Are to. I mean, ask anyone. I was a whore when I was younger, didn’t really change. I just have sex with two people now instead of everyone.”He snorted amused a little but the words had had their desired effect, made them stop fighting, their fighting made him twitchy and upset.
Thor snorted. "so does everyone else!" he complained, sulking before chuckling. "it was a little amusing... just a little." he agreed, shaking his head a little. "i will tell him, here so Jarvis can do the recording thing so you can watch him sulk." Thor decided with a grin before shaking his head at the fighting females. Steve sighing and shaking his head. "you do have good ideas." Anna agreed, Natasha nodding. like always they where perfectly happy with each other when Jmes was there, it was only when ames wasn't there that they started fighting. "well. okay you have a point." Natasha agreed, Anna huffing. "he does not!" "well, it's not like i changed at all, i'm still a slut." "...okay, yeah true i'm still a slag too." Anna admitted with a giggle, resting her head on James shoulder. "make Steve cook faster, i'm hungry."
“Hm, glad to know I’m the idea guy.”He said snickering a little, because they all knew james usually relied on steve to have the ideas, or tony. Not that he wasn’t intelligent, he just didn’t like having to plan things. A holdover from first being the second in command of the commandos, and a the habit reinforced as the soldier, where he had no options. “...I’m glad you two are getting along now.”james muttered nuzzling anna’s hair with his nose, pressing a kiss to her head, the quiet tension in his muscles relaxing for the moment, simply glad to not have them fighting anymore. But you just could see the stress of the fighting was starting to get to him. He’d been spending more and more time either in the gym, or in the lab helping tony test a suit that could stand up to a super soldier’s strength. “Steve, cook faster.”He ordered craning his neck to look at steve.
"you always where." Steve teased, because it was so not true. Steve had always been the one with the ideas. even if most of them where bad ideas. "we always get along." Natasha huffed, rolling her eyes, Anna nodding. "even when i want to strangle her, we're getting along." Anna agreed, smiling up at him. she was beginning to realize though, she'd never be truly in love with him. would she be happy? sure. but she and Natasha couldn't get along with them both wanting his undivided attention. it was time to face facts. it was time to be honest. she'd have to ask Loki his opinion. the man was a godsend for her really. "it's not my fault she keeps changing her mind!" Steve complained, making Anna hide her snickers into Jame's chest. Natasha not even bothering to hide her snickering.
“Yea, I really am.”James snorted amused, because he knew it wasn’t true. Looking down at the two he rolled his eyes a little. “Whatever you say.”He said, not wanting to argue about it, nuzzling anna a little, as he relaxed, snickering at anna’s demands. “Well, stop changing your mind and he’ll make food.”James urged amused as he nuzzled her.

Later Tony sighed softly as he laid back on his bed, wincing at the sounds of arguing from down the hall. Looking up from his laptop he rubbed his eyes, looking at steve as the man got ready for bed. “So. How long do you think it takes james to realize he’s going to have to choose?”Tony muttered as he finished the last of his paperwork for the day, having been putting it off in the middle of a working spree, he was just finishing it. And hearing james and natasha arguing, even nearly a hallaway away from them, was getting to be a frighteningly common thing. As if the more anna and natasha disagreed, the more stressed out james got, more he dug his heels in. Pausing he listened for a long moment, before tilting his head. “....Are they seriously arguing over if James is ready to be a dad again?”He said looking worried, bemused. Because while they all were worried about how james was going to handle things the bigger anna got, the closer the memories got to the surface of the last time he tried having a child, it seemed only Natasha was willing to seriously get in his face over it, and he knew she was trying to be helpful, but he though she knew better then to take that approach to her stubborn boyfriend.

James sighed frustrated as he looked at natasha, slumping back onto the bed, glad at least anna was down with Bruce, at least she wouldn’t have to listen to them argue about the baby again. “I’m fine. Seriously. Even if it’s not technically mine, the kid’s going to be mien in any way that matters. I’m good with kids. Are you really worried about me being a dad again?”He said, his voice soft and quiet, slightly scared at the idea. because he wanted so badly to be a dad, he was scared she didn't want to do this with them.
Steve shook his head a little. "about as long as it takes for Anna to realize she's doing more harm than good in trying to stay with him." Steve admitted around his toothbrush. "Anna's starting to realize it, which is why she's constantly fighting with Natasha, because she knows Natasha has what she never will, but she's also upset because if she leaves James then she has to keep the baby of her abusive rapist boyfriend." he explained. "Natasha sees the signs too and is trying to prepare James for the crushing emotional blow that's going to happen any day now because Anna is falling in love with Bruce, even if neither of them are really aware of it yet." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "gossip is good for some things i suppose. Agent Thirteen told me most of this, she's as good at reading people as Nat and Anna are. too bad she's still all torn up about Maria. she's been spending a lot of time with Pepper though." he admitted.

Natasha sighed and slumped into her favorite chair. "no... it's me i'm worried about." she admitted after a long moment. "and i'm worried about Anna James..." she admitted. "there's too much stress. sh and i can't get along for five minutes without you to buffer us. i'm terrified she's going to leave because of me and when you choose her i don't know what i'll do because it will be all m fault and i... and i..." Natasha couldn't hold it in anymore. she was crying because she knew, if he had to choose between the girls, that he'd choose Anna becaus she was the one who could still have babies.
“Hm, good. Maybe they’ll get through this.”Tony sighed a little before shaking his head a little. “Natasha will always have what anna cant have. James total and undivided attention. The fact that he’s trying to pay attention to them both, is actually really astonishing really.”Tony hummed a little ebfore looking up at steve as he closed his laptop. “James is going to be devastated....even if natasha is preparing him. He’s trying. Which means he really does love her.”Tny sighed making a face, because it had taken alot of talks between him, steve and pepper to even get him this emotionally aware to be picking things out that were happening around him. “Good thing 13 really is amazing. Otherwise, we’d have to listen to them even longer.”Tony made a face before grinning. “Well, that’s goign to be a match that’ll be terrifying. 13 and Pepper.”

“James tilted his head a little, before stretching his leg out, pressing his toes into her thigh, demanding a foot rub with a small smile, “well, I’ll figure out how to make things better. I just wont leave you two alone. Less stress.”James said frowning slightly, looking upset himself, before starting, frowning looking utterly confused as he watched her cry for a moment before getting up, moving over and wrapping his arms around her, holding her like she was so ever breakable, and really, for him, he did keep thinking her fragile, so worried for her. “...Natasha....why...why would I choose her, when without you, I can’t be me? I mean...”He trailed off, having said it before he’d thought about it, having responded without even considering what the words would mean to anna, he’d been simply voicing the truth that tightened his chest to the point of pain to see Natasha so upset.
he nodded. "i know they will. eventually. i'm sure hearts are going to be hurt but they won't abandon each other so i think it will be okay." he admitted, pausing to spit and rinse. "James does love her, but he doesn't love her as much as she deserves. he loves her baby more than he loves her." he admitted. "he doesn't realize that though." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "it's going to be a mess but i think we can all get through it." he admitted, smiling at Tony and leaning over to give him a kiss. "Sharon is pretty amazing. i've promoted her to second in command. her and Phil. with two Co-commanders, we each need a second in command. Phil is mine because i don't think he's forgiven you for the pile of paperwork you left behind for him to do when you left the commander position. you get Sharon because she won't put up with your shit." he teased with a chuckle. "and because i make her feel uncomfortable since everyone seams to want her to 'forget liking women and fuck rogers'." he huffed. "not to mention it sort of hurts to look at her. sometimes i'll look at her and i'll call her Peggy before i remember that peg is dead." he admitted, shaking his head before smirking. "amusingly enough, Pepper is reacting favorably to an emotional intimacy."

she smiled and smacked at his foot, playfully. y"ou can't just sit with us constantly James. if this is going to work me and Anna have to be able to get along while on our own too." she admitted, breaking down because she hadn't come to terms with the fact that she would never have a baby, that she had been tortured, that her baby was dead. she had only been fourteen when her first was born after all. nineteen when her second had died. she shuddered when he wrapped his arms around her and pressed her face into his chest. "because she can give you what you want." Natasha sniffled. "she can give you a baby and i can't..." she admitted, shuddering against him. "besides, Anna makes you smile the way i can't and... and..." she paused, sniffling, not sure why else he would choose Anna, but two reasons was more than enough wasn't it? she didn't realize Anna was sitting outside the room, rubbing her belly and realizing she was going to have to be the one to make the choice. she'd talk to James later, after Natasha had calmed down.
“Probably. It will be. I mean, he’s a idiot, but he can figure it out. If I can figure out how this wasn’t going to work, means he can to, if he really thinks about it.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “he wants a family. He loves her, but he loves that idea more.”Tony shrugged a little, and it wasn’t that surprising really. To know james wanted a family, to start healing what had been lost to him. “...He’s totally forgiven me. He gave me percentage points and everything. Besides, I didn’t chose to leave you know. Being demoted means not finishing paper work.”he whined a little even as he kissed him, resting a hand on his chest, they’d settled well. Talking politics and commands even in bed, but it was quite a interesting effect on tony, to talk work while in bed. It turned him on in a whole new way, made him a little more bossy sometimes. Much like talking engineering had a effect of sending him into fits of ingenious kinky ideas. “Well, I was only teasing about that. I stopped teasing her about that months ago.”He whined a little, because he had. Once he’d been more secure in his own relationship, and wasn’t afraid of being abandoned, he’d settled more at having sharon around. “...wait no. You can’t let her be my second. She’s been hanging out with pepper!Pepper’s evil. She’s taking over the world. We can’t let sharon have command.”

James whined curling his toes into her thigh, teasing as she smacked his foot. “Hm, well, I could just have sex with you guys for hours on end, you’d be to tired to argue.”James reasoned. Sighing quietly as he simply held her, stroking her hair, holding her ever so gently. Even if he’d been given the evidence that it wasn’t working, the more they tried to tell him it wasn’t, the more he dug his heels in about it. Determined to make it work, not realizing that it wasn’t his love for anna, which wasn’t what she deserved,but ti was his love for hte child she carried that made him even more stubborn then normal. It was a rarity that he considered the years separating him and his girl, though he was technically 96, he was really only about 29, having been about 22 when his first girl had been born, 27 when he’d lost it all. “....What?You make me smile?I don’t...I smile at you. Always have. Even if Anna makes me smile, it’s cause she’s....”James struggled for the words, sighing quietly. “She’s innocent, Nat. Innocent in a way neither of us have been in years...watching her....makes me remember the world is a good place. That I need to protect it....she makes me want to be the guardian, instead of having it just be a burden. I need you guys...”He muttered nuzzling her a little.
Steve nodded. "your forgetting how stubborn and in denial he is. he's not going to be the one who breaks even if it kills him." he pointed out, shaking his head a little. "both him and Natasha desperately want a family again." he admitted. "neither of them realizes it. it's enough to make me want to strangle all three of them." he grumbled before snorting. "he's only forgiven you because you'll do your paperwork in return for chocolate." he teased with a grin. "in any case, i think your downplaying what happened. you weren't demoted, you where chased out in fear for your life." he huffed, shaking his head. "thank god i have some help now, i was about ten days away from going insane." he admitted, shaking his head, well aware of what talking about work did to Tony. the opposite of what it did to Steve. talking about work just made Steve want to submit, relax and let someone else have some control for a while. "yeah, you weren't the only one saying it. she knew you where joking, but over two thirds of Shield things her and me are 'destined' because she looks like Peggy. they conveniently forget that both me, and her, are gay." he admitted, shaking his head a little. "i've informed all of Shield that if they bring it up again i'll have them up on sexual harassment charges... huh. General Wilkes just got promoted. isn't he that openly mutant Soldier?" he asked, ignoring Tony's complaints about Sharon completely.

she snorted and wiggled his toes, shaking her head before smirking. "you know, i think we'd probably like that too much." she admitted with a chuckle. "and both of us are more than enough to wear you out." they'd tested. "i don't. James. not really." she admitted, wiping her eyes. "i make you hurt too much, too many memories." she said softly. "she is innocent." she agreed. "you shouldn't be stuck with someone as broken as me." she sighed, shaking her head. "i'm just too selfish to let you go." she admitted, snuggling into him. "i'm glad your the Guardian." she admitted. "someone needs to keep us safe." she admitted with a smile. "makes me feel safer." she admitted, smiling at him. "i love you. you know." she promised him, laying her head on his shoulder. "i do. till the end." she promised.
“Urgh. He really can’t be that stubborn. I mean, he’s going to be a pain.”Tony whined a little, even if he was well aware that james had sunk his keels down and was going to be a bitch to move him off that point. “Well, you know, there is a option here. Anna doesn’t want the baby, James and Nat do....let them raise it. Anna could be the fun aunt.”Tony muttered before maaking a face. “It was not. He forgave me before that. Chocolate just helps.”He said looking amused before sighing. “Hmmm, well. Getting run out of office, demoted. Same thing in our world.”He shrugged a little before grinning. “We can’t have you go insane, I’m the insane one in this relationship.”He said looking amused before running his fingers through the other’s hair, smiling a little as he watched steve relax. “Hm, so glad you’re gay....”He muttered, not about to admit that despite their talks, some of the agents still had problems about the former director- once again commander, dating the good captain. “...Yea, that’s him.”Tony said rolling his eyes at steve’s ignoring his complaints, tugging on his hair a little. “REady to go to sleep?”

“You would, and no you’re not. I can totally keep up with you both.”James snickered even if he knew his body would give out before his will did on the whole tiring him out from sex. “To many memories. Yes. But there’s good ones to.”He muttered rubbing her back, upset that she was upset, having no idea how to make this better, but knowing he needed to. “Well, she doesn’t deserve someone as broken as me to.”He pointed out, holding her ever so gently, as if he was a afraid of breaking her. “...I love you to.Till the end.”He muttered nuzzling her a little.
he nodded. "i think Anna has to come to that conclusion on her own though." he admitted. "she does love the baby, even if she hates it too." he admitted. "i don't know if she'll be capable of giving it up unless she comes up with the idea herself." he admitted. "Chocolate does help." he admitted. "remind me tomorrow that i owe you chocolate for doing the dishes." he ordered, looking amused. it was much easier to bribe Tony into doing things. "yes exactly, you are a bit insane." he agreed, looking amused that Tony had falln into that one. he smiled, relaxing into the fingers in his hair and nodded. "me too. so glad i'm gay." he mumbled with a smile. "hmm. it will be good to have a mutant in such a political position." he admitted. "and best of all, everyone knows he's a mutant so no one can bitch about it." he admitted with a smile before chuckling at Tony. "if i go to sleep i'll be up in three hours you know." he admitted even as he turned his tablet off and settled down for a nice 'nap'.

"you've tried and failed." she teased. "never mind that we where just as exhausted by the time your worn out." she stated with a snort. "there are some good memories." she admitted with a smile before shaking her head. "yes, but she's a psychologist, she can fix your broken pieces." she pointed out with a smile, kissing his nose and settling in to relax, startling when a half an hour Anna bounced in with steaming mugs of her special hot chocolate. she used real chocolate to make it. "what's this for?" Natasha asked, confused. "well. i came by earlier and noticed you where crying, so i thought this might make you feel better." Anna half lied, making Natasha blush at being caught breaking down even if she accepted the hot chocolate.
"I know I know. And it might not even work, orthat they would want to,but they have to figure it out."tony whined making a face at the idea of waiting for someone to come up with the idea he'd already come to."you do owe me chocolate. I even did them by hand instead of the dishwasher."he grinned s little because really he was easier to bribe instead of just order to do it."true. It would be good to have a mutant there to help..."he smiled a little before squirming closer."I know but sleep next to me and I'll sleep for awhile. I've been up for days. I need sleep before I fuck your brains out."he smiled.

"They are very good memories."he agreed smiling a little before sighing softly not arguing as he leaned into her with a sigh.simply holding her as he startled, tensing as he looked at anna before relaxing when he rea lied who it was."thanks anna."he said eyeing anna, wondering just how much she'd heard or if she'd heard anything. Feeling anxious and worried about it
he nodded. "exactly. we can't interfere in this unfortunately." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "hmm, you did a very good job too. i didn't even have to follow along behind you to fix it." he teased with a smile before nodding. "he's in a high enough position now to nix any anti mutant talk." he admitted. "last year there was a close call when a bigot tried to order tanks to go to the Xavier school for gifted youngsters and blow it up. thank god the president found out and had him fired." he admitted before flushing at Tony, nodding. "yeah. okay." he agreed with a smile. "can we try the strap? the flogger felt fantastic but it wasn't enough." he admitted sheepishly. "i need something a bit more... intense maybe?" he muttered, trying to place the right word.

Anna smiled at them and then sighed. "we need to talk..." Anna admitted, looking a bit upset, Natasha tensing. "i've.. realized something." she admitted softly. "i... i don't want to hurt you, but it's best for everyone involved. we're not happy. NAtasha and Me... i couldn't figure out why for a good long time...." she shook her head. "i love you James. i do, but it's not the way we need to love. your like the big brother i always wanted." she admitted. "i can't be your lover, if i keep thinking, and feeling you as a big brother." she admitted. "i...i was fighting with NAtasha so much, because i was scared, and didn't want to admit that i was going to have to break up with you." she admitted. "the thing is.. i... i can't." she wiped her tears off her face. "i can't raise this baby. i just. i can't... i love it, so much but there are days when i hate it more than anything else in this world..." she admitted, setting her hands on her stomach. "it makes me feel so very ill..." she looked up at them. "i can't be your lover... but... but would you... would you still raise the baby? would you... keep it? as yours? your child i mean?" she asked, trembling, not because she was afraid of them, but because she was afraid of how they would react.
“No, we can’t.”he whined sounding upset at the idea, before grinning. “You wouldn’t ever have to do it. I don;t need followed around,.”Tony sulked a little before nodding, “I remember that. Thankfully yes, this should stop it.”Tony agreed before nodded, gently stroking the other’s hair, relaxing, starting to fall asleep. “Yea, we’ll try the strap. I’m sure it’ll be good.”He muttered nuzzling him a little.

“What?”James looked upset, tilting his head looking at the two before frowning, tensing, looking confused and lost. Because while he’d known it was rough, he’d never considered it ending, even if natasha had been trying to prepare him. “...I don’t....what..”he trailed off, looking utterly miserable and lost, looking at them both. “I can do better. We can do this, I can help things...make it better...”he muttered looking upset as he stared down before startling, blinking slowly as he sipped his hot chocolate. “You want...what?”he said looking bemused and confused at the idea of keeping the baby even if they weren’t together.
he nodded. "Tony i hate to tell you this but you tend to leave a trail of mess wherever you go." he teased with a smile. "i usually follow along behind cleaning up after you." he teased with a chuckle, kissing her. "it should, but i don't know how accurate that will really be." he admitted, yawning a little as he settled in for sleep. "hmmmm i hope so. i love it when you hit me." he admitted with a smile.

she sniffled a little and wiped her eyes. "i'm sorry James but you can't fix emotions." she admitted softly. "being better won't change the fact that i don't love you the right way. i will always love you, just not in the way that lovers should." she promised him. "i want you to keep the baby." she repeated softly. "i know how much you want it. want a family and i... i could never raise this little one properly." she admitted softly. "you and Natasha will make great parents so i want you to have the little one because i know you will always love him or her the way they deserve." she admitted, looking up at him. "do you want the baby?"
“I do not.”Tony sulked making a face at the other, shaking his head a little before smiling. “I know you do.”he smiled.

“Yes, yes I can.”James growled, looking upset and baffled, as if he couldn’t quite figure out how or what to do, but trying to deal rationally. “...Okay.I....”He stuttered looking lost before bolting to his feet. “Мне нужно подумать.
.”he declared heading for the door, upset enough that for a moment, his grasp on his native tongue slipped, and settled into russian. And you knew that he wanted the baby, so badly it was a ache in his stomach, his heart, but he was utterly lost on how to deal. Heading for the door, even as he did, he knew he was doign this wrong, but he needed space. Growling as he headed for the genius’ bedroom, he paused when he realized they were asleep. Frowning at it for a long moment, before glaring at the door as he waited for them to wake. Well, for steve to wake. And as soon as he did, the super soldier bolted into the room, shoving at steve, with a demanding annoyance for attention that was so rare these days that it hardly showed that james needed help. Was a desperate plea for help. “Spar for me.”
Anna winced when he bolted to his feet and Natasha nodded. "go on. i'll stay here with Anna." she promised him, moving to comfort Anna who looked very distraught at upsetting James.

Steve snorted a little when he was attacked by James, aware enough to not attack the other, blinking at him before sighing a little, staggering to his feet and following him to the Gym, though only after taping a note to Tony's forehead that he was in the Gym with James who appeared to be having some sort of meltdown. mostly because he knew it would annoy Tony to wake up with something taped to his face. "so. you wanna talk first or Spar first?" he asked James, staring at James in the ring, waiting for the attack he knew was coming.
“...he’s going to kill you for that.”James muttered snorting as tony humphed, and snorted at feeling the tape on his forehead. Following james downstairs, he smirked a little as stepped into the gym, for once, not even bothering to tape up his wrists before taking a swing at the other. “Spar first.”He said as he got into the ring, to wound up to even find the word in english.
Steve smirked. "i hope he takes it out on me in bed." he admitted before snickering at the snort, well aware Tony was still asleep. he spent the next twenty minutes getting the shit beat out of him. not that he didn't give as good as he got. James was just as bad as Steve was once they finally broke for a breather. "feel better?" he asked James, shaking out his broken wrist so it would settle into it's proper place. Bruce would be very displeased if he found out about it.
James huffed a little as he slumped down into the ropes and sinking to the floor, still amused that tony had put in a actual boxing ring, instead of just the mats to let them spar. He was so adorably geeky sometimes. Panting as he nodded a little, rubbing his shoulder. He could feel the bruised muscles, and he knew he’d broken a couple fingers, not to mention he damaged the metal arm when steve had hit him back. It was going to be so bad when he had to tell tony he broke the genius’ creation. Sighing softly he looked up at the other, panting. “...Anna broke up with me.With us.”
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