she snorted a little. "yes, you had sex with her, i never did." she admitted with a smile and a shake of her head. "you'll be a perfect father, you just wait and see." she ordered him. "i love you." she admitted, pulling him down for a kiss. "she was happy every time you walked through that door." she admitted with a smile. "i wish i could have saved some of the drawings she made." she admitted with a sigh and a shake of her head before smiling at him. "i'll remind you." she promised before looking up when Bruce knocked on the door. "hey. i'm doing an experiment... could i get DNA samples from you guys?" he asked, voice soft so he wouldn't disturb Anna . "i can't use Anna, she's pregnant, it'll throw off the results." he admitted. "i need a sample from all of the avengers, i think i might have found the correlating Gene between all of our superhuman abilities." he admitted. which was true, just not all of the truth. they didn't need to know he was going to do a paternity test as well. and he'd taken DNA samples from them before, he always used two swabs, just in case one was ruined or got extra particles or germs. not that he would ever contaminate a swab sample, he was too good at what he did, but it was always better to be safe than sorry.
"it is a bit of a long shot, but since we have your fathers... uh, Zabu i mean, genetic... whatever on file we can check to make sure he's really your father as well." he admitted. "might as well cover all our bases while we can." he admitted, glancing up at a camera, well aware Jarvis was already explaining to Bruce. "oh, either Oedipus or Sigmund Freud would be pleased." he teased with a snigger.