
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "Tony is going to kill us for busting your arm." he admitted, looking not very worried at all. "ah. i see." he flopped down next to James. "did she say why?" he didn't look at all surprised, the asshole. "James. you know she wouldn't have broken up with you if she hadn't thought it to death first." he admitted, watching James. "are you really upset she's breaking up on you or are you upset at the idea of her leaving?"
“He is. Then he’ll disappear into the lab for days, and you’ll have to suffer without sex. Which really, is the best punishment for breaking it.”He said snickering a little. Frowning as he looked at the other, looking annoyed that the other didn’t look surprised. “....well. She should have thought about it more.”He grumbled, flopping back down onto the floor, before growling. “Of course I’m upset that she’s breaking up with me!”He scowled, though really, it was the fear of being left. Of being alone. Natasha’s leaving him when she’d had her memories gone, had broken him, even more then he already had been. The man was even more afraid of being left then he’d been before.
he groaned. "that's so mean!" he complained, shaking his head. "even if it is true." he grumbled before he shook his head at James. "just because she's not going to fuck you anymore, doesn't mean she's leaving you James." he said simply "you have to admit, you don't love Anna the same way you love Natasha. you treat Anna more like you used to treat me when i was still small and naive. your treating her like a sister, or a daughter." he admitted, looking up at Skye when she walked in for her daily lesson with Natasha. "Nat's not here. we're having a... moment." he told the girl, examining her. it always amused him how muh like Natasha Skye looked. only with James coloring. huh. that was an odd thought.
“It is mean, but you totally know he’s going to go for days with tech.”James teased amused. “....”James frowned looking upset before nodding a little. “I...It’s different for Nat. I thought...I thought since it was newer....that....sister?”James said sounding a little lost, before swallowing hard. “...Yes...I guess...”he paused, tensing as skye walked in. “Okay.”Skye tilted her head a little as she looked at the two, looking worried for the two beaten super soldiers. “Do you two need anything?”
he nodded. "that's true." he admitted. "i'll just have to get used to my hand for a few days." he admitted with a smile before shaking his head. "it is different for Nat. you love Nat like a wife or a lover. i'm never sure and ou seam to flip flop." he admitted before smiling. "yes, James. Sister. you feel a lot the same for me and her." he admitted before looking up at Skye. "no, we don't need anything, but could you check on Nat and Anna? take ice-cream with you." he suggested, giving her a smile before focusing on James once more. "you know i'm right, and that's why your glaring at me."
"I guess so.”James snickered a little before sighing, staring down before frowning, tilting his head. “...there’s a difference between wife-love and lover-love?”He asked looking curious before huffing, looking annoyed at the other’s assurance that what he was was that for a sister. “Yea, I will.”Skye said smiling as she left, detouring to grab the ice cream. “...Is not. I glare at you all the time.”James sulked.

“Nat?Anna?”Skye asked knocking on the door lightly.
Steve snorted and nodded. "yes there is." he admitted. "a 'wife love' is sort of a contented love. you can sit there in silence and look at her and love her even though neither of you are doing anything. a lovers love s usually coupled with lust and desire common amidst new couples." he admitted. "they're mostly interchangeable really." he admitted. "at least, that's the way i understand it." he admitted before smiling a little at the other. "you only glare when you know i'm right and you don't like it." he teased, shaking his head.

"come in." Natasha said. Anna was laying on the couch, drying tears on her face, head cradled in Natasha's lap fast asleep. Nat pressed a finger to her lips, indicating that Skye should be quite as she moved into the room. "Sorry about missing the training." Natasha said, voice quiet so she wouldn't wake Anna.
“Ah. That makes sense. Though natasha always makes me want to jump her.”She said looking amused, smiling softly as he considered his lover, that soft quiet smile utterly happy, despite the emotional problems he was having, the man was okay. “...okay. So maybe your right.”He grumbled, looking annoyed at that, sighing softly.

“Hey.”Skye muttered as she stepped inside quietly, sitting down next to the woman, before smiling a little. “It’s okay. Seeing two sweaty super soldiers laying on the floor, was worth missing training.”She laughed a little, quietly before looking at the woman. “Steve asked me to come see if you needed anything.”
he snorted. "your both sluts." he admitted. "not that i have any right to speak." he admitted with a grin. "i'm even worse than you are really." he admitted with a snigger before smiling at him. "so. should we go check on Anna and Nat or get your arm fixed first?" he asked, his head tilted.

she snorted a little. "you better not have been eying up my man." she teased with a grin, because she didn't give a shit if people looked at James. she knew he was sexier than most people would ever see. "i don't, no." she admitted. "Anna just needs some rest. she hasn't been sleeping well. nightmares." Anna admitted softly, stroking the woman's hair. "she's been dreaming about her abusive ex... i forget his name..."
“We are indeed. Though I dare you to let Natasha hear you call me that. She gets protective.”he snickered before nodding. “Well, considering who you’re dating, I’m not surprised you’re worse then me.”James teased a little before sighing, looking down. “Fix the arm, otherwise I’m going to be hearing about it forever.”He grumbled.

“I was most definitely eyeing him up.He’s sexy.”Skye snickered a little knowing the other really didn’t care. Looking amused before nodding. “Well, she seems to be resting well.”she muttered before shaking her head.”The idiot....we should get james to go see him. Then he really would be ex.”
He chuckled a little. "yeah i know." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "yeah Tony's a minx." he admitted with a grin. "he's the best really. he can actually keep up with me." he admitted with a grin before chuckling a little. "yeah, we'll hear about it anyway so try not to delude yourself too much there Barnes." he warned with a grin and a shake of his head, heading to the lab where he knew Tony was, currently sulking about having something taped to his forehead. "Tony! Barnes broke his arm!"

she snorted a little and shook her head. "it's nothing the Ex has done. he's in prison and won't be getting out anytime soon at all." she admitted. "it's because of the baby." she admitted, stroking Anna's hair gently. "in any case it wouldn't make Anna feel any better knowing he was dead." she admitted, looking up at Skye. "she broke up with us." she admitted with a sigh. "but she wants us to keep the baby."
“Which is truly disturbing you know, I could live without knowing you two can outlast me and the girls.”he grumbled, before rolling his eyes. “Yes, but this way I’ll just hear about it from tony. If I talked to the others, Anna and Nat will give me hell.”he said snickering as they walked into the lab, snickering slightly at the sight of the sulking genius who looked to be working on a new uniform for neon pink. “What?!? He what?!What you broke my creation!What did you do?!”Tony whined nearly pouncing on james and ignoring the super soldier’s squeak of surprise as he was bullied into a chair so he could lok at the arm.

“Ahhh.”skye relaxed a little before sighing, “Hm, but it’d make the rest of us feel better.”She pointed out before wincing, “Well. That explains why there was a super soldier smack down going on downstairs. What are you goign to do?”
he smirked at his best friend and shook his head. "oh no. this is something you will never live down. i am better at sex than you. you'll never forget it." he teased with a snigger. "well, that's true. Anna and Nat would never stop complaining about it." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "...Tony... why is my suit pink?" he asked, sounding more amused than annoyed. "he did break your creation. it's all his fault and i should in no way be held responsible and be forced to spend the next three days without sex."

"well. it might but Anna would only feel worse." she pointed out before nodding. "i'm going to keep the baby. i can't have them anymore and i want a child so badly." she admitted. "James will want to keep it too once he's gotten over his emotions." she admitted with a smile. "how are you doing?" she asked Skye, her head tilted.
“You are not, pipsqueak. I’m amazing and you only have to keep up with one person, even if he has extremis. I have to keep up with Anna and Natasha, who really should have sex listed as their superpower.”James snickered a little before nodding. “They really wouldn’t.” “You stuck a note on my head. And you broke my creation.”Tony huffed, even if he’d been making the suit before he’d known they’d broken the arm. “Tony...” “What?Stop moving. I’m fixing and stop fidgeting!”Tony growled looking upset as he used pliers to straighten out some of the pieces, looking upset before pointing at james. “You are getting a new arm. In three days. But this one will work for now, the pieces are fixed, though I’d avoid trying to have sex for the moment, just in case you cut one of them on the metal pieces.”Tony said tapping the slightly bent plating in the fingers, cause while it wasn’t a huge problem, it was obvious it really did need worked again. “What?No sex?” “Nope.”

“Hm, maybe.”Skye sighed a little before tilting her head, offering a small smile. “Good. I’m glad. You two are so good both need a family.”She muttered wanting to ask, but not sure how to without bringing up bad stuff before smiling. “I’m doing okay. Clint and Phil have been teaching me spy things, while you do sparring, and I even learned to use a bow yesterday.”
he smirked. "ah, but Tony has the libido of a super-soldier thanks to Extremis." he pointed out. "so it's more like i'm fucking another me." he admitted with a snigger. "i'm going to tell them you said that." he teased. mostly because he knew they'd be flattered, they where such nymphos. "i did stick a note to your head, you don't notice it otherwise." he pointed out. "and i didn't want you to think i'd just left for no reason, i know you hate that." he admitted, watching Tony patch up the arm. "well think about it this way James. i'm not getting any sex either since Tony will be busy." he admitted. "and this will give you time to decide how you really feel for Anna." he admitted with a smile, kissing Tony's forehead. "i'll bring you down some lunch and dinner while your working." he promised. he never tried to stop Tony or get him away from his science. that only ended badly. usually he just came down and drew Tony while he worked and made sure Tony ate.

Skye smiled at her. "yeah. a family." Natasha sighed, looking for a moment, very wistful before smiling at her. "should i be concerned that those airheads are corrupting you?" she asked, her head tilted. "you want to ask me something. go ahead. ask. i won't get mad." she promised. "i might not answer, but i won't get mad."
“Hm, that’s true.”James said looking amused though before snickering. “GO ahead, they’d like it.”James agreed smirking a little, before snorting at tony as he sulked. “You could have put it on the coffee maker.”he grumbled. “...Well. that really doesn’t make me feel better. The girls.....”he trailed off, swallowing hard. “Natasha will be annoyed that I can’t have sex.”he said smiling slightly making a face. “Fine, go away I’m working.”Tony whined at being interrupted to get kissed, huffing as he settled down to work. “Come on, let’s go.”James said snickering a little at the sight of tony working as they headed upstairs.

“Airheads?’Skye snickered before shaking her head.”No, you shouldn’t.”She said smiling a little before biting her lip a little, sighing quietly. “....With what happened before....are you okay with....thinking about adopting the baby?I mean, with james?”
he sniggered. "i am well aware of that." he admitted before rolling his eyes at Tony. "i've done that Tony. you ignore the note." he stated simply before smiling at James. "they'll forgive you." he stated simply. "besides, the reprieve might be good for you." he admitted, grinning at Tony's whining. "he's freaking adorable when he gets like this." he admitted to James, heading upstairs.

Natasha nodded. "airheads. all Coulson ever thinks of is Captain America and Clint doesn't have a spare thought in his head." she admitted. "i know he's like a father figure to you, Phil. seriously though, you could do better thn to take on Clint as a big brother." she teased Skye with a chuckle and a shake of her head before she sobered. "i was fourteen when i had my first. i named her Alina." she admitted. "Alina Natalia Barnes." she admitted. "i was nineteen when Alina was killed, simply because James took too long coming back. those sick bastards, punishing James for something like that. punishing me simply because i had another baby they could play with... the stress of losing Alina made me lose the baby i was seven months pregnant with. it was a little girl. i never even got to hold her before they took her away..." utter furious rage filled ?Natasha's face. "they threw her in the garbage can, you know.... and then they punished me for loosing the baby and punished me again for being unable to carry others because of the scarring." she admitted, eyes alight with viscous, violent rage before she sighed. "after that, James went missing, and i ran away, rescued by Clint." she admitted. "it hurts still, but this is a new baby and a new chance to raise someone with love and affection." she admitted with a smile. "i won't let anyone take this chance away from me." she admitted, smiling at Skye. "don't worry. you'll always be my third daughter." she promised with a smile. she had practically adopted the girl, no harm in admitting it.
"Do not. I always see notes."tony muttered making a face."and no sex?how can this be a good thing?"james said rolling his eyes before rolling his eyes."he's not that cute."

"I'm sure coulson thinks about clint on occasion. And clint's great, but don't worry you're still the best."skye snickered a little. Before watching the other nodding a little. shuddering at the knowledge that they had thrown her child in the trash, as disposable to them as the newspaper."you two will be okay."skye muttered looking up as james paused into the dooway."good I always better be the third daughter."skye said smiling as she moved to get up. " okay?"james said looking over natasha with a small smile
"i'm sure Coulson fucks Clint at least twice a day." Natasha quipped back playfully. "i better be the best." she said, mock seriously before smiling at Skye. "i do remember one thing of the baby i never got to hold." she admitted. "she had a birthmark, right here." she lifted her shirt, revealing a blemish across her ribs that looked like a lopsided heart. "my baby had the same mark." she admitted with a smile. "i always remembered that. for a while, i went into the nursery every time there was a new baby, just in case and looked for that mark but i never found it." she admitted with a sigh. "i went a little mad, honestly." she muttered. "but what else was to be done? James as on ice, i had lost both my daughters." she shook her head. "it took a lot of therapy to get over what Hydra had done to me." she admitted. "of course, i was captured again and they wiped everything. blank slate, a new start, that's what they said. thank god Phil was there to rescue me... i'll never forget budapest." she admitted. "it was a mess." she admitted with a smile before looking up at James. "i'm fine. Anna's.... recovering." she admitted to James. "she's been having nightmares. the baby scares her." she admitted before a fire lit up in her eyes. "i'm keeping the baby." she informed him. "you can either accept that, or shut up." she admitted.
“Most likely.”Skye snickered a little before tilting her head. “Huh.Definitely a dinstinctive mark.”And a familiar one. Feeling panicked for moment she swallowed hard, thinking about it before nodding. “You survived. That’s what needed to be done.”Skye muttered glad that the woman had gotten here, gotten to this moment, where she might be able to have a family. Smiling slightly as she got up, moving away from them, and leaving them alone. Needing someone to talk to. “Those are my choices?You always were such a hardass.”James teased a little looking amused at her ultimatium, having settled in, moving over, and resting his head in her lap. “And what if I choose no?”He muttered curious before nodding, “We’re having a baby.With anna’s help of course.”He muttered sighing quietly.

Skye looked up at steve as she walked in, looking worried. “Steve? I think...I think there’s a problem.”She said looking upset and worried.
she nodded. "my mother had the same mark from what i understand." Natasha admitted. "i did survive. i survived, o got stronger, i regained my memories and now i am going to make Hydra Pay." she growled, pausing when Anna fidgeted, stroking her hair and murmuring soft reassurances, watching Skye leave before smirking at James. "i am a hard ass. and if you choose no i'll kick your ass and deny you sex until you say yes." she admitted with a chuckle. "we are having a baby." she agreed, leaning into him with a smile. "are you okay?" she asked him.

Steve looked up at her, blinking a little. "a problem?" he asked her, his head tilted. "what kind of problem?" he asked, puzzled. "did something happen?" he asked, worried.
James smiled a little as he watched anna rest, reaching out to rest a hand on her back gently rubbing, soothing."promises of violence. Sounds like foreplay."he muttered snorting a little before nodding pressing a kiss to the leg his head was resting on."I'm okay....just...I don't know how to be a good dad nat."he muttered because more then anythingn the idea of failing scared him.

"We'll I was just talking to nat about the baby and the baby she lost and she said something about a birthmark. Exactly like this one."skye said pulling up her shirt enough to show him looking upset and confused.
"it is foreplay." Natasha admitted with a chuckle, smiling at Anna with her head tilted. "you know. i think i finally understand why we where constantly fighting." she admitted. "she's like the annoying little sister i never had. damn no wonder i felt weird trying to get turned on." she admitted with a smile before snorting at him. "don't try to pull that shit James. you where a perfect father." she admitted. "how else was Alina so happy while we had her? she was always smiling, you remember? she was happy James and you made her happy and that means you where a good father despite all the abuse we all went through at the hands of Hydra."

"...okay, cam down." he ordered her with a smile. "it's easy enough to find out." he admitted. "we just get a DNA sample from you, Natasha and James and see if they're a match." he admitted. "i'll tell Bruce to get ready for a DNA test. we'll just tell James and Natasha he's trying to find specific genetic markers. it's true, after all. if they're not your parents then no harm done, if they are.. well, would you really be so upset at the idea?"

....No. We can’t describe her as a sister anymore, you and steve say that, and I feel weird knowing I’ve had sex with her.”He whined a little looking amused before sighing. Closing his eyes. Because he’d tried, so hard to make sure aliana had remained untouched by the darkness that had stained their lives for so long. “I remember....and she was. So happy when I was at home.”He muttered because while it had been hard on him to be away from them at times, he’d been aware the missions were the only reason he’d been allowed to stay with him. The blood and pain worth the price, to have his family. “....I might need to be reminded closer it gets...”he sighed quietly.

Skye nodded calming, making a face. “I know it’s a long shot,’s weird.”Skye said before relaxing, nodding a little. “We can do that.,,,and no. Not really. Though if he’s my father, I’ll be finding it weird that I checked him out a few times.”Skye joked making a face.
she snorted a little. "yes, you had sex with her, i never did." she admitted with a smile and a shake of her head. "you'll be a perfect father, you just wait and see." she ordered him. "i love you." she admitted, pulling him down for a kiss. "she was happy every time you walked through that door." she admitted with a smile. "i wish i could have saved some of the drawings she made." she admitted with a sigh and a shake of her head before smiling at him. "i'll remind you." she promised before looking up when Bruce knocked on the door. "hey. i'm doing an experiment... could i get DNA samples from you guys?" he asked, voice soft so he wouldn't disturb Anna . "i can't use Anna, she's pregnant, it'll throw off the results." he admitted. "i need a sample from all of the avengers, i think i might have found the correlating Gene between all of our superhuman abilities." he admitted. which was true, just not all of the truth. they didn't need to know he was going to do a paternity test as well. and he'd taken DNA samples from them before, he always used two swabs, just in case one was ruined or got extra particles or germs. not that he would ever contaminate a swab sample, he was too good at what he did, but it was always better to be safe than sorry.

"it is a bit of a long shot, but since we have your fathers... uh, Zabu i mean, genetic... whatever on file we can check to make sure he's really your father as well." he admitted. "might as well cover all our bases while we can." he admitted, glancing up at a camera, well aware Jarvis was already explaining to Bruce. "oh, either Oedipus or Sigmund Freud would be pleased." he teased with a snigger.
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