
Natasha snorted a little and shook her head a little. James was such a pushover. she'd go in there and check and make sure there wasn't anything too personal to James in Tony's cap room. she knew Tony wouldn't argue because she wouldn't touch anything unless James would really want it. "okay. yeah. i can do that. totally. i love kicking her ass in the ring." Natasha agreed, her eyes dancing with delight before blinking at Anna. "i wanted to make baby blankets." Anna admitted. "all the baby books say that a blanket made with love and care will make a baby feel better, especially if it smells like the parents. i won't be raising it myself, but Natasha won't learn and James would never so i thought i'd try." she admitted. "it's a little challenging but i think i've got the hang of it. kind of." she admitted with a smile.

Steve groaned when he realized James was as manic as Tony after a three day lab binge. "who the fuck gave you sugar Barnes?!" he demanded sluggishly. "and why are you humping my leg you pervert? Tony doesn't share well and i'm not into incest get the hell off."
“Oh. That’s awesome really.”Skye grinned at the idea of the baby blankets. “And you should make to. One from natasha and james, and one from you. I mean, just cause you’re not raising it, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have your own special blanket....even if you’re making both of them, cause natasha’d rather kill someone with a knitting needle, then sew with it.”Skye snickered a little before grinning. “Well, you have a few months to figure it out.”

James snickered, “I haven’t had sugar.”He grumbled before laughing out loud as he collapsed into the bed next to the other, “And I’m not humping your leg. I’m bouncing .Making sure you’re still limber old man.”He snickered.
she nodded. "it is awesome!" she agreed with a smile before brightening. "that's a great idea Skye!" she agreed, struggling to her feet. she wasn't fat enough she needed help, but she was large enough that getting up was starting to be a challenge. "in any case, Natasha totally needs to show me how to kill with a knitting needle." she admitted with a grin. "so what's the Spa day for?" she asked curiously. "oh. Skye is my daughter. for real, like, genetically. she was the baby i thought was dead on birth." Natasha explained, Making Anna blink and then nod. "well that explains why i kept thinking she looked so familiar." he admitted, beaming at Skye. "i'll make you a blanket too." she admitted. "i'd tell you to call me aunty but we're the same age." she admitted with a chuckle. "i'll make you a sew blanket though, your old enough for a proper quilt and i love to quilt." she admitted happily. "we'll stop and pick up some fabric and you can pick the color and patterns." she promised Skye.

"i'm pretty sure you have had sugar." Steve grunted, snorting a little. "your like a freaking Chihuahua. you never shut up, you hump everything that moves and you annoy people who are trying to sleep." he grumbled. "so Skye's really your daughter huh?" he asked, looking amused. "hows Natasha handling this?"
Skye smiled biting her lip to keep from offering her a hand up knowing that anna would refuse until she couldn't do it on her own."I'm sure she'd show you how. It'd be like a knife really."skye looked thoughtful before laughing a little."you know, everyone keeps saying that. Thou gh I have james' eyes."she said before snickering "I would love a quilt...and how's it feel to have slept with a guy old enou ch to be your dad?"she teased looking at her 'aunt'

"I have not. And I'm not a chihuahua. I'm not the one who owns a fluff ball of a dog."he huffed making a face as he settled down contentedly in the bed."yes she is. And she seems to be doing well with it...though that might just he shock....they went for a spa day."
Anna stuck her tongue out at Skye before managing to get up all on her own quite happily. "i hope so! a young lady should never go without knowing how to defend ones-self." Anna admitted happily. "so since i'm a young lady i need to know too. especially with an amazing teacher like Nat here." she admitted with a smile before shrugging at Skye. "yeah well... it's true." she admitted with a smile before pausing and then blanching, staring at Skye in horror. "that's not funny! not funny at all! nope!" she complained. "i am no longer speaking to you." she decided.

he snorted. "you are a Chihuahua. your worse than Snowball." he admitted with a yawn and smiled at him. "Spa day is good for women to bond... now the real question is, how does it feel to have fucked a woman the same age as your daughter? Anna is only twenty seven you know." he teased with a smirk.
“Exactly. And natasha is the best teacher.”Skye agreed before snickering. Grinning at Anna’s reaction, tilting her head a little. “It is a little funny, admit it. We’re the same age, and James is my dad....even if technically he’s only 32, instead of 97.”She snickered amused.

“Am not. Your dog is horrible. Though I think tony’s taken posession of the dog. I saw her down in the lab earlier.”James snickered before nodding, “It is indeed.”he agreen before pausing. Thinking about it. “About the same as screwing any other woman. I mean, every woman I could have sex with is young enough to be my’s it feel to be fucking a man young enough to be your son?”He countered.
she shook her head. "it's weird as hell that's what it is." Anna stated simply, shaking her head, happily settling into the back of the car. she had to move to the front seat after she got carsick though.

"i know. she comes and get's me if Tony's doing stupid shit." he admitted. "besides it's good for Tony to pay such close attention to something that's actually alive." he admitted with a smile before snorting, rolling his eyes. "okay that's a very valid point." he admitted with a snicker before smirking. "well, the nice thing about being gay, is that i'll never have a son." he paused. "well, unless i adopt or we surrogate but Tony's not ready for that just yet." he admitted with a smile, watching James, his head tilted curiously. "seriously though. how are you?"
“It is, but it’s still okay.I mean, if I checked out his ass, you sleeping with him is the less weird then that.”Skye pointed out with a smile looking out the window as they drove towards the spa.

“Well, thats good. Between you and snowball, you two have a good babysitter for him.”James snickered a little, before nodding. “Indeed. It’s good for him to take are ofo him...And I always have a valid point.”He said before snorting, “I dare you to tell tony you want to adopt. That fit would be stuff of legend.”James snickered before sighing, rubbing a hand over his face. “ I just came off ice....I feel numb. Disconnected.”
"....oh my god Freud would be so happy right now!" Anna said with a laugh. "don't worry, it's only weird if you check him out now that you know. just turn your eye candy eyes onto Steve instead. he's only your uncle in name." she teased Skye with a giggle, Anna snorting and setting a hand over her lips. really, she shouldn't laugh, her poor daughter was never going to get over being traumatized.

"yeah we do." he agreed with a smile. "i am not telling Tony. not yet... actually i..." here he hesitated a little and then. "i got him a collar..." Steve admitted, glancing at James before glancing back down at his hands. "and i connected my old Dog tags to it... i'm... not sure if he's ready for that though..." he admitted before nodding. "your in shock is all." he admitted. "you're probably overwhelmed." he admitted. "i'd be, if i found out i had a fully grown child." he admitted. "especially if said child had been checking my ass."
“This, this conversation is why I don’t go to therapy. Though I might need to start. This is traumatizing.”Skye said grinning as they got to the spa, smiling as they all settled in the room with the masseuses, smirking a little. “Okay. Well. Let’s see, I’ll check out the rest of the team then, and let...Mom...check out James.”Skye said making a face, because th word sounded both odd and right all at once.

“You should. You totally should. He’d forgive me for taking a potshot at him if you did. Cause that would be even more traumatizing then me nearly shooting him.”James snickered before raising his head, looking startled, before grinning. “Good.”James said pleased that steve was giving tony that much. Thinking about it for a moment, “You should just give them to him. After he finishes my arm, but before he goes to sleep. Otherwise he’ll freak out if he’s awake enough to understand really what’s going on.”he pointed out before nodding. “Yes....I think I am....and oh gods, I could have gone without thinking about her checking me out.”he whined a little.
Anna sniggered. "oh, honey. i'm not allowed to give you therapy. it's considered a conflict of interest." she admitted with a grin, moaning in delight as they settled her into a special chair for the pregnant mothers who couldn't lay on their back or belly's and let the pleasure wash her away. "you don't have to call me mom." Natasha promised. "i imagine it's pretty weird for you. later, when your more comfortable with it, feel free to call me mom, but for now Natasha or just Nat is perfectly fine." she promised with a smile.

"are you still picking on Tony?" he demanded, eying up James. "don't pick on Tony." he ordered before smiling a little, stroking the leather collar he was keeping under his pillow. two matching collars. well, semi matching. each had been specialized. Tony's had Steve's dog dags attacked and was red or could be flipped to black, with gold alloy instead of chrome or steel. they came with matching cuffs. Steve's was blue with a silver alloy and could be inverted to black as well and also came with matching cuffs and had a melted mangled bit of something that Tony had given to him years ago that Steve had attached personally. "your right actually but that's kind of taking advantage of him isn't it?" he asked, looking amused before smirking at him. "i know. but i'm a cruel, sadistic bastard so..." he shrugged and smiled at James. "honestly, this is a good thing James. you have your daughter back."
“Well, good. I don’t want to see you for therapy. I’ll have to find someone else.”Skye made a face, because really, she knew tony was looking for a therapist that would fit well with everyone who couldn’t see anna anymore. “Oh good...”skye sighed softly in pleasure as her back was rubbed, snorting a little. “Nat works....though I might call James Daddy just to watch him drop something.”She said though you knew she wouldn’t. She knew that that line wasn’t one that probably should be crossed.
“I always pick on tony. Have you not noticed he sort of freaks out on me when I try to be nicer these days?He thinks something’s wrong if I am.”James snorted amused rolling his eyes a little as he watched steve stroke the collars, knowing better then to ask steve to see them, knowing how important they were. Knowing he’d see them when tony got his. “Hm, no. You’re the tactical genius. It’s just stacking the deck in your favor.”James smirked a little before nodding. “You are a sadistic bastard....and I’s just....I feel numb about it. Like...I have no idea what to think.”
"i have a friend who could come in." she agreed. "we'll give him a trial run and see if he's a good match." Anna decided. "Him?" "yes. Him, his name is River." she admitted. "we graduated together." she admitted with a smile. "he's really laid back." she admitted. "i think he'd make a good match for the Avengers." she admitted with a smile before groaning eagerly as they massaged her head. "oh god this is good." Nat just laughed at Skye. "your just so cruel. do it and record it." she ordered with a giggle.

"....true." Steve admitted with a huff. "Tony's too paranoid." he grumbled. "makes trying to set up a surprise party nearly impossible." he grumbled with a sulk. "...okay that's true." he agreed with a smile before snorting a little at the other. "i'm only sadistic to you." he admitted before smiling at him. "your just feeling too much is all." he admitted. "once you start to calm down you'll realize how happy and excited you really are. you never where very good with our own emotions." he stated, patting James shoulder.
“We should. Hopefully.”Skye said looking thought as she considered it, before grinning as anna moaned, shivering herself at how good it felt. Sighing quietly before snickering. “IT is amazing. And I don’t see you protesting me being cruel to him.”
“He really is. And I don’t think he’d actually enjoy surprise parties.”James pointed out before snickering. “No you’re not. I’m fairly certain Tony enjoys your sadism.”He teased before sighing softly, “...I’m amazing with my own emotions.”He muttered raising a eyebrow as tony bounded into the room and dived for the bed, before frowning as he ame face to face with james. “Barnes is in my bed.”The billionaire whined tiredly.
"why should i? it's a daughters prerogative to make her fathers life hell after all." Natasha admitted, letting the masseuse reposition her. "how do you still have the ability to think?" Anna wondered, nearly boneless as they worked on her feet.

"well. no. but his presents are supposed to be a surprise." he pointed out. "and that's hard to manage too." he admitted. "i know he enjoys my sadism." he agreed with a smile before snorting. "and how many years did it take before you realized you loved Natasha?" he wondered, looking very amused indeed before looking up at Tony. "yes he is. he's having a moody moment." with the flat of his foot he shoved James off the bed. "i love you James, but i love Tony more." he admitted simply. "go talk to Bruce, he's good at the whole emotional thing." he smiled at Tony. "C'mere Tony. i have something i want you to have." he admitted. "if you'll accept it anyway."
“Ah, well. That’s true. Though I don’t think he’s going to apperciate me making his life hell these days.”Skye snickered before looking at anna, nearly boneless herself. “because we’re not pregnant. You’re body hurts more then ours does.”skye snickered a little.

“Ahhh, that’s true. Like I said, pounce on him when he’s tired.”James snickered a little before rolling his eyes. “I always knew I was in love with Natasha.”he huffed. Which meant it had been nearly a year of knowing the 17 year old black widow to know he wanted her. “Go away.”Tony huffed giggling a little as james cursed as he hit the floor, grinning a little as james cursed as he hit the floor. “Violent, captain.So violent.”James grumbled waving goodbye, but feeling and loking better then he had when he’d arrived, more settled. “Hm?You have something for me?”Tony whined a little sleepy as he squirmed, looking up at him.
"ah, he'll get used to it." Natasha admitted with a giggle before smirking at Anna who didn't bother with an actual rply. she just made a sound that sort of sounded like Hmmmrrrffg." Natasha snickered a little and looked at Skye. "i'm starting to think that we shouls just bring her down here ever week." she admitted.

"i'll do that." he agreed with a smile at James, shaking his head a little. "no. you knew she was hot. i'm pretty sure that Hydra forced you to, er, breed with her originally." of course. she'd only been thirteen, close to fourteen at the time. but as she'd grown older, she'd grown more and more attached to James and their second child had been a creation of love. not that they hadn't loved Alina they just hadn't chosen to have her. "i am violent. go away James. Tony needs sleep." he teased the man, smirking at the super soldier. "yeah... uhm.. here..." he handed Tony both Collars, fidgeting while he waited for the others response.
“I’m sure.”skye said before laughing a little, smirking slightly. “We should. She’d probably feel better for it. Not to mention she could use the relaxation.”Skye said smiling a little.
“....well. Maybe. But we got better the older she was.”And 25 year old James had been utterly smitten with the 17 year old. “”...Fine. Bye.”James rolled his eyes as he left, looking amused though. “....You want collared?I can do that. You’d look good in them.”Tony said sounding sleepy and tired, not quite realizing steve was giving him his tags, instead of keeping them for himself.
"That's very true." Natasha agreed, humming happily as the Masseuse worked on a knot in-between her shoulder blades. "and since Tony pays for everything, we don't have to take the pay cut to afford this." she admitted with a smile.

"No, Tony... this one is for you... i want... i want you to wear this, and i'll wear this one." he explained, setting the one with the dog tags into Ton's hands. "i want... i want you to have that. so i can know, always that you'll be mine and you'll always come home, safe and sound no matter where you go." he admitted, chewing on his lip. maybe he should have waited?
“True. And we all know it’ll make tony feel better for paying for this. He gets so weird sometimes about paying for things.”Skye snickered sighing softly as her massage ended, stretching slowly, looking at natasha, biting her lip a little. “How do you think James is doing about this?Really.”

“....Oh. Okay.”Tony said giving him that bright, happy, tired smile that said he’d probably be having words later about this, and the fact that he’d been pounced on when he was sleepy, but he was utterly delighted with the presents as he slid the collar on with a happy little whine as he shifted to snuggle. "I'll always be home."he promised.
"that's very true. come on, let's go get some manicures while we're here." she suggested, Anna nodding eagerly. "James is fine. he's... delayed? his emotions have been stunted. he'll talk to Steve and be much better once we go home... you know. if we go home. we never did get to finish our shopping trip." she admitted with a smile.

Steve smiled at him, relaxing, kissing the others forehead. "thanks Tony." he murmured, slipping the collar onto his own neck. "and just so you know. i will still let you sleep with others." he promised. "especially if you are out of town." he admitted before shaking his head. "your a superhero. not to mention your a politician. we're going to have to travel, together and separately." he admitted. "but that's okay. you go to sleep before you pass out okay?" he asked with a smile.
Skye looked at Anna, before nodding a little. “Okay. And we might not go home. We should totally just go shopping.”Skye snickered at the idea. “Since everything’s calm for the moment, we should totally go.”she looked amused.

“Welcome.”he muttered smiling happily, “....but...I’m not going to. NOpe. No others.”He muttered snuggling into the other,resting his head on the other’s chest. “... Don’t wnat to. I wont travel.”Tony huffed making a face before nodding. “Sleep is good.”He muttered going to sleep.
The next day James raised a eyebrow as he watched the man working on his arm, “’re acting oddly.”he said after a long moment, wondering why he’d been dragged out of bed at the crack of dawn, when it was rare tony was out of bed before noon most days. Studying the collar the genius was wearing, he decided that it was a good thing that the other hadn’t taken it off, even if he seemed to be having problems. “Nothing. Just I dislike Maria Hill.”he said whining a little as he put the arm in place, smirking slightly as he watched james move and feel it. “I really, really dislike her.”He said making a face, because despite the woman being on disciplinary probation for getting james attacked, she could still cause a cluster fuck of headaches for the co-commander of shield. Who wasn’t sharing things, because he knew it’d upset steve.
"we should go shopping, we need to get you that gold bracelet i promised you." she admitted with a smile, leading the way to the manicure area, paying for three manicures using Tony's card before heading to the jewelery store to let Skye pick out her bracelet.

"hmm. you say that, but i'm not sure you mean it." he teased with a smile, kissing the other. he knew Tony would try very hard, he also knew Tony would be oversees or in another state or at a meeting and he'd crack and need to fuck or be fucked and that was okay.

"What's she done now?" Natasha asked from the corner, flipping through a magazine. "she commented on your new look didn't she?" Nat asked, examining the collar. she knew exactly what that meant. "i could kill her for you? oh! by the way, did you know Pepper was bi-sexual? i caught her and Sharon in a closet." she admitted, hoping to distract Tony a little. "seriously though, if Maria is causing you problems, i want you to tell me so i can kick her ass okay?"
"No. She Didnt." James frowned watching tony work on his arm before sharing a little with could kill her."he agreed wondering just what had set off the genius. "Don't kill her. Despite her dislike she's good at her job."Tony muttered flexing a little just to feel the collar digging in a little before smirking at natasha."I know. Made dating her and having thresome even easier."he grinned amused momentarily distracted before finishing james' arm with a sigh."why are you having problems with this?"james said studying tony wondering if he needed to go track down steve, make sure they hadn't broken up or something. "I'm not having problems."
Natasha rolled her eyes. "Tony. seriously. don't suffer just because you think it will cause problems for Steve. it will cause even more problems for him if he realizes that you just stood back and let it happen. he'll feel guilty for not noticing and be upset that you didn't trust him enough to say something and you know it. he's even worse about blaming himself for everything than you are." she admitted, smiling at him. "it was kind of hot watching Pepper and Sharon tangle tongues." she admitted before examining Tony. "Tony!" Steve yelped, racing into the room, looking rather panicked. "Tony! Sharon and Maria are in the middle of a fist fight in your lobby... what the hell do i do!?" poor Cap, he could never handle breaking up a bitch fight. he had problems handling women at all really.
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