
Tony frowned a little, looking down. “Maria’s being bitchy. You know, herself. Commenting on the collar just gives her something else to bother me about.”tony said, twitching hard enough that it caused james to grind his teeth as the wires sparked. “It’s not his fault. I just don’t think it’s important enough to worry him about.”tony muttered. : “It is very hot watching pepper kiss someone.”he agreed with a snicker before pausing, looking confused. “Why are they fist fighting?”he questioned frowning even as they headed for the lobby, ignoring the snickering super soldier who was heading out after him, knowing he couldn’t keep james and natasha from following.
"yes well. you did ruin her chances of getting even. she's likely to be very bitchy about that." Natasha admitted. "never mind that she wanted to get even with you for sleeping with her, no matter that she's the one at fault for that in the first place. taking advantage of you when you didn't have but half a brain." she teased him. mostly because it was true. Maria had 'dated' him right after he'd erased a good chunk of his memories. she'd taken advantage of him and the only people who couldn't see it was maria and Tony themselves. "Maria made a comment and Sharon took offense to it and Maria made another comment and Sharon started kicking her ass!" Steve explained. Natasha snorting. "Maria probably made another nasty comment about Tony wearing his collar." "she's been what now?!" Steve demanded suddenly, tone very harsh. "that is IT!" he snarled. "MARIA ANNABETH HILL!!!!!!" he raged so loud the building nearly shook. the two women springing away from each other. here Sharon's superior training was evident. she had a single bruise and Maria had a busted lip a broken nose and both eyes where black.
“Well, it’s not my fault. And sex with maria was good.”Tony said making james look at him. “Do you even remember sleeping with them?” “Yes!” “Uh-huh.”James looked amused, glancing at natasha, curious, wondering if tony really had any idea for that year leading up to the brain wipe. “Well, damn.”Tony muttered wincing as he looked at steve, before ducking his head, “It wasn’t that bad.”He muttered as steve snarled. Following the man in, “....Commander.”Maria panted looking up at the man, as tony looked them over. “This is utterly unbecoming of a shield agent.” “Says the man caught having sex in the elevator.”Maria said rolling her eyes a little.
"Tony. you don't remember anything of that year. i know. i was there when our amnesia popped up again." he reminded the other. "it was that bad Tony. for that year, you where lucky to even take a piss on your own." he admitted before his eye twitched at Maria and he did something he'd never done before. he struck a woman, the back of his hand striking Maria's cheek with just enough force to leave a bright red mark behind, though there would be no bruise. "says the woman who raped a man who had no capability to think for himself for an entire year." he snarled at her. "it is time for you to face facts you stupid bint." Steve informed her, his eyes burning with rage. "yu have overstepped your lines on more than one occasion. i have, in my office, fifty six complaints about you. and that is just for a single day." he narrowed his eyes at her. "and now you are sexually harassing Sharon, verbally abusing Pepper, and emotionally torturing Tony. it's enough. pack your things. your fired and you will be monitored for dangerous behaviors and terroristic activities until the day you die." he informed the bitch.
“...I do to. I totally remember.”Tony huffed making a face, before sighing a little. “...I could function.” “No you couldn’t. You were lucky you remembered how to work a screwdriver.”James said shaking his head a little grinning as maria got struck, holding out a hand towards Natasha, having bet her that it’d be steve who snapped before tony did and hit her. Maria stared, head snapping to the side a little as she looked at the other. “You’ll regret this.” “Already do.”Tony said watching her walk away, eyes wide and surprised as he stared after her, unlike James, he’d never imaged steve could, would be so emotional over something said to him.
"it took you over a year to remember how to function on your own." he informed Tony. Natasha sulked but handed over the twenty obediently. she was sure Tony would have snapped first. "i will regret nothing." Steve stated firmly. "especially as there is base evidence that you might in fact, be a Hydra spy." Steve hissed, making the gathered crowd gasp and murmur. "you are a jealous, power hungry, abusive bitch who has run roughshod over my agents, myself and m co-partner for the last time." he stated, his eyes burning. "throw her out. she is barred from all bases and safe houses and she is to be chipped and tracked." he ordered, Phi and Sharon taking great delight in cuffing Maria and dragging her off before she even reached the doorway. "...Tony? are you okay?" Steve asked, gently cupping the others face.
“I’m not the only one who has been accused of being hydra in the room. At least I didn’t kill anyone to get a new title.” “...was that aimed at me?”James snarled quietly, already moving towards her even as sharon and phil dragged her off, anger tightening his features even as tony stopped him. “Don’t James.”Tony said gently, for the moment avoiding looking at steve even as the man touched his face, before nodding, leaning into the other’s hand a little, sniffling, hiding the upset behind the cool mask, not wanting the others to realize how upset he was. “I’m fine.”he muttered.
Steve slapped her again. this time on the other cheek. "James Barnes has had his Loyalty tested fifteen times in the time he has been with Shield." Steve informed her. "he is more tested and loyal than a little brat like you. crying because she can't have her way." he sneered at her. "as for Nick Fury, he was dead and dying before James ever met him." Steve informed her. "i knew he was going to be dead within the year when Tony took up the mantle of Commander. Bone cancer does that to a person. even if James did kill Fury, it was at Fury's own request." Steve informed her before looking at Tony. "your not okay." he mumbled back, quietly enough that the crowd couldn't hear him. "Tony? take James back upstairs before he tries to kill her, would you? i need to do the paperwork for her soon to be incarceration."
"...he was dying?"james muttered glancing at tony. He'd killed fury because he asked, he hadn't ever stopped to question why the man wanted to die then, simply did as requested for a friend."I'm fine steve."tony protested before looking at james nodding g."me and natasha got him. Go enjoy your paperwork."he said kissing the other lightly even as they got a snarling still angry james upstairs, knowing the assassin simply needed time to calm down. Glancing at natasha the billionaire smirked."so hulk room or the gym?"he said having every intent of tossing james in one of the rooms until he was calm
Steve nodded. "he had weeks left, if that." he admitted. "his days where full of pain and misery." he admitted. "i didn't know until after he died and i became Commander. i had access to his medical files and i found out that way. i'm sure Tony knew too until he erased his memories and damaged his mind." Steve admitted. "okay. try not to incite his rage even more." he teased, kissing Tony gently. "and meet me in the bedroom later. i'll give you a firm fucking." he teased with a smile before heading off to do the paperwork to have Maria monitored for the rest of her life. "Gym. i'll spar with him until he calms down." she promised. "come on James. let's go kick your ass and then fuck on the floor." she teased.
Tony smiled kissing him back, “As if I’d ever annoy a enraged super soldier. I’m a genius.”he said looking amused as they left. “...Lock the door. I’ll see you guys later.”Tony said smirking a little as he headed down to his lab to get some work done while he waited for steve. “You want to fuck me?”James said anger tightening his features as he looked at her, goaded and annoyed. Having obviously slipped back to the winter soldier protocol, and much like when he’d first came back with natasha not remembering him, at the moment, he didn’t know her. Only saw a woman who wanted him, wanted to hurt him, then ride him.
Natasha snorted at him. "you always annoy people." she teased him before nodding and locking the door before turning to put her entire attention on James. "yes. i want to fuck you. i want to ride you until you can't think anymore. i want to hurt you, make you cry out as i fuck you, make you mine." she growled, licking her lips. "i'm going to fuck you until your unconscious, and then i'm going to fuck you more because i know you like it." she purred, watching him. "so why don't you be a good boy, and start stripping so we can have some fun?" she asked, well aware she was more likely to be attacked. he wouldn't just lay down and let her fuck him, no there would be a dominance battle deciding who would be getting fucked. would still be damn fun though.
“....I am no one’s. Not anymore. No strings. Nothing but my own control.”James snarled at her, pacing around her, head turned towards her to keep her in site, watching and careful. Deciding when he wanted to attack before moving, grinning fiercely as he realized just how good his new arm was, slamming into her with a full body slam, fighting her with a single minded focus that was usually reserved for sex.
she smirked. "you are mine. always." she admitted. "but i am also yours. always." she informed him, stalking around in a circle as well, watching him, keeping him in her sights, always. she grunted when he rushed forward and slid out of the way with elegance that only a black widow could show, her foot snapping out and popping him in the ass with a well placed kick, a snigger on her lips. she wasn't sniggering ten minutes later when she found herself, pinned underneath him. panting and restrained so well she could hardly even wiggle. she huffed and then blew a lank of hair out of her eyes, blinking up at him. "well. you've caught me, Любовник. now what?"

Translation: Lover.
“Never.”James snarled watching her, nearly yelping as her foot connected with his ass, before getting down to business. Snarling as he pinned her, he looked down at her, hips pressing down into hers, simply using muscle and weight to keep her pinned. Blinking slowly, he looked down at her, smirking slowly, definitely James was back in control and not the winter soldier. Though that cold arrogance and dominance was lurking just under the surface. “hmmm, there’s so many options.”he muttered lowering his head, gently biting her, teeth nipping at the slight teeth marked scar along her skin, tempted to redo it, scar her more, simply to mark his claim.

“Steve?”Tony looked up startled, frowning, looking confused. Not understanding that a fair amount of time had past since retreating to his lab, instead of going up to the bedroom to wait in anxious and upset nerves, he’d simply lost himself in work. Smiling slightly at his blond he sighed, dropping his head a little, simply to feel the press of his collar against his chin.
"always." she snarled right back, moaning as he pressed down with his hips, spreading her legs to him, shuddering underneath him. "James. please. we had the foreplay, not i'm wet, horny as hell and i need you inside of me." she moaned, looking up at him, pouting when he chewed on her shoulder, panting at him and tried to wiggle again, just to tease him, rubbing her ass against his cock.

Steve smiled at him, carrying a huge bowl of Tony's favorite and a plate of another and two hot cups of coffee just the way Tony liked it. "hey. you've been down here a couple of hours, Nat and James are fucking on the Gym floor." he admitted. "here. eat." he ordered. "you missed Lunch." he admitted, setting down the food and pressing a cup of coffee into Tony's hands, well aware he wouldn't eat till he had Coffee.
James groaned as she pressed against him, swallowing hard. “Hmmm, begging suits you.”He muttered biting down, smirking as her skin darkened with a bruise, having every intention of leaving a hickey as he reached around her, jerking her pants down with quick jerks. “Such a tease.”He growled as she rubbed against him, groaning as he felt how wet she was, rocking his hips a little, sliding against her, teasing her just as much as himself.

Tony smiled grinning at the sight of mac and cheese, while it was simple and easy, the cheesy pasta was his favorite, one of the few things his father had ever cooked him when left with his son, because mac and cheese was all howard start knew how to cook. So it’d been a rare treat to get it. “I figured. Told Jarvis to record it, and probably use it as blackmail other.”Tony snickered a little as he sipped the coffee with a happy simle.
"Begging suits you more." she moaned, gasping as he bruised her, arching into him and murmuring pleads. whining with eager anticipation when her pants where yanked down, shuddering against him. as always, she wore no underwear. "oh.. James... please. please i can't take it. fuck me. fuck me so hard. please!"

Steve smiled a little, watching the other. "do you really think James cares if people knows he's fucking Nat?" he asked, looking very amused before leaning down and kissing Tony before examining what the other had been working on, his head tilted. "so... what is it?" he asked curiously.
"Oh no, I'm sure it fits you better."james smirked laughing quietly as she arched against him, looking down at her in amusement before dragging her up to her hands and knees with a smirk, fitting his body over hers easily, having every intention of screwing her every way he could think of till they couldn't move."you beg so prettily."he growled as he thrust into her, gasping as he felt her tight and hot around him.

"Hm no. Natasha might. Granted they probably both don't give a fuck."he snickered sipping his coffee with a sigh, kissing him back before frowning down at the ness of wires and metal, "...a coffee maker I think..."well. That showed just how much maria hill had gotten to him
she whined, shuddering against him, mewling when he finally slid into her. "yes! James, Yes! please! fuck me hard. oh yes." she moaned, clenching tighter around him. she sighed once he was finally done, laying on top of him, nearly exhausted. "mmmm that was awesome." she mumbled. "i love having sex after sparring. you get so interesting." she admitted with a grin.

he chuckled a little and nodded before sighing. "yeah, that's what i thought." he admitted, stroking his fingers through the others hair. "eat your dinner and then we're going to bed. i'm going to bruise yu up, massage you down and then fuck you senseless." he decided. "hows that sound?"
James panted groaning as he fucked her, shivering as they finished. Groaning as he laid back, closing his eyes, draping her across his chest as a living blanket, frowning a little. “You mean sex with me isn’t normally interesting?”He muttered sulking a little.

“...I can make stuff. Awesome stuff....”He muttered leaning into the other as he ate, ducking his head a little, simply to feel the strain of the collar pressing against his neck before nodding. “Awesome. I like it.”he muttered groing quietly for a few minutes, leaning into steve. Knowing he should know better, but he had to ask. Because....he was tony stark, and poking at something that was doing well, was working, was what he did. “...Are you with me, cause I make things easier?Leading things, making people listen....not doing my mad science this for behaving?”he muttered, soundign a little defeated. wondering if the other really wanted him, or was simply rewarding him for not messing things up.
she snorted. "you are always very interesting in the bed." she assured him. "your just like, six times as much when your all riled up and pissed off." she admitted, kissing him. "Vanilla sex is boring as fuck." she admitted with a grin. "which is why we never have it."

"you do make amazing things." he agreed. "just not coffee makers apparently." he admitted playfully before frowning a little at the other. "easier?" he asked, baffled before laughing. "Tony, god no. i'm with you because you make my life a challenge!" he admitted. "I'm with you because your obstinate and stubborn, but still do what i say because i say it. i'm with you because your a snarky asshole to anyone who deserves it, yet can be oh so sweet when people need to be comforted. you are a hardass, a tough guy and an all around tough guy, yet you can be tender and soft. i'm with you, because your complex, and convoluted and confusing and only make sense to me." he admitted. "i'm with you because i love you. you make life interesting and fun and you make me laugh even when i want to cry or burn the world down." he admitted, smiling at the other. "i'm with you, because as much as you annoy me, you also lift me up and that's half the fun. your so unpredictable, our relationship will never get old or boring. i'm with you, because i want you, and nothing will ever make me change my mind."
“Ah.”James muttered looking amused at her words, kissing her slowly, laughing quietly. “It’s good we’re not boring. Boring sex would be horrible.”he muttered stroking her hair, fingers gently stroking her neck, sighing quietly. “You’re going to scar again....more.”He said, sounding both sorry and utterly pleased with the idea of her wearing a bite mark, sighing quietly. “...I should go talk to anna.”He muttered sighing softly, knowing that he needed to talk to anna about the baby, to assure the woman he was doing okay.

“Apparently not.”Tony muttered before nodding, frowning slightly. “I don’t make you stop me doing mad science. Makes life easier.”he muttered before looking up as the other laughed, frowning slightly. “...Everyone deserves snark.”Tony muttered before snoritng. “I am not confusing. Just cause you don’t understand science, doesn’t mean it’s my fault.”he said pouting a little, before smiling shyly, leaning into the other, sighing softly. “I want you to. I love you.”he muttered, biting his lip, because it was still like pulling teeth to say the words, but he could say it, he could let the other know he was loved. “...not even maria and her stupid whatever agenda?”He said leaning into the other as he finished eating, eyes wide and eager, needing to hear it. More then anything, maria had knocked him off his game.
sh giggled a little and nodded, kissing him back. "boring sex would be boring." she agreed sagely, looking very amused indeed. "mmm i love it when you bite me." she admitted, examining the bite mark. she didn't have much in the way of super powers, but her scars always healed perfectly. she still had the scar, but it was always a smooth scar, even the bullet wounds. "hmm, Anna's out actually. she's getting some guy named River to come in and be the Avengers Therapist." she admitted, frowning as she pulled out her phone. "huh... she said she was going to call once she got there." she admitted, looking confused before dialing Anna's phone number. "weird, no answer... i wonder if she's getting laid?"

Steve chuckled a little. "i like watching you work." he admitted with a smile. "and you always stop when i tell you times up." he admitted. mostly because he didn't stop Tony after five hours, he usually waited a day or two and just made sure he ate and drank. "nah, your confusing because half the time when you talk, it's not in English." he teased, smiling at Tony, kissing him again because Tony was just so adorable when he finall said those three wonderful words. "Maria can suck ass and swallow." Steve stated simply before smirking. "Clint taught me that one... i'm not sure i get it..." he admitted before smirking. "in any case, she's been deported to Alaska." he admitted. "she's in a cell right now. she'll spend the next two years there learning the error of her ways." he admitted.
“Good. Cause I like biting you.”He muttered nuzzling her a little before tensing, looking annoyed. “Really?She didn’t take anyone with her?”He asked sounding angry and annoyed as he sat up, standing up with her still laying on him, holding her close even as he grabbed their clothes, shoving them into her hands before starting to pull his own clothes on. “Time to go.”he said growled and worried, upset needing to find anna.

“WEll, you never stop me unless it’s important, or I’m really tired.”he shrugged a little before snorting. “I always speak english.”he said before blushing a little as he kissed the other back, snickering a little. “I don’t know. Clint has some weird cursing.”he muttered before snorting a little. :Good. She’s horrible.”Tony muttered, utterly glad that he wasn’t going to have to be worried about maria, grinning as he kissed the other, following him upstairs to their room with a quiet smile.
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