
“I know, but he’ll still hit on you.”James smiled a little before looking up at her, gently nuzzling her a little. “Oh, so glad that’s the only reason.”He snickered a little, before rolling his eyes.”And this is from the woman who was having sex with birdbrain. I feel jealous over knowing this, when you think he’s gross.”He pouted a little before nodding. “Probably not.”

“She does frighten me. I’ve learned that instinct that tells me to run away, is there to save my life when I try having sex with beautiful scary woman. Though, you know, Star Trek....” “Oh god. Please tell me that’s not still on tv.”PEter groaned rolling his eyes a little, “It is. A seducing a green woman, definitely still one feat Kirk’s done that I haven’t.”Tony said wtih a bright flirty smile despite steve sitting there, and that he’d just admittted to being afraid of gamora.And wait-what? Studying the woman for a long moment, he tried to decide if he was frightened, or intensely curious about how james met these people. “Okay then. He should be moving within 24 hours.”Tony promised before looking at rocket, nodding. “Yes they do.” “I am groot.”Groot said nodding some. “Well, sort of dead is what happens when you petition a death deity to be allowed to keep the bastard alive until the guardian in satisfied he’s suffered enough.”Tony smirked a little, hoping that james would be up soon. Even if they hadn’t been overly threatening yet, tony wasn’t easy with them being here.

And yet, despite tony's wishes, it wasn't until early the next morning James and natasha appeared in the doorway for the kitchen, anna cradled ever so gently in his arms. having made sure she was okay to be moved, james had known he had to come up and see the others ,but hadn't been willing to leave anna, or let her walk to join them upstairs since she was tired of being stuck in bed. so they compromised, and james was carrying her. and the idiot, still sleepy and content, had utterly forgotten that it wasn't just Peter that would be here. but also Gamora. Gamora who he'd been avoiding even speaking to for six months.
she sniggered a little. "well i'll still kick his ass." she promised with a yawn. "well, i did make sure he had a shower at least half an hour before i let him fuck me." she admitted with a smile before frowning. "i'm sorry, b the way... i should have been loyal. i never should have gone to bed with Phil and Clint." she admitted. never mind that she hadn't remembered him or the fact that she was in love with him.

"Tony. you never, ever listen to that little instinct." Steve pointed out, looking very amused that his collared Lover was half flirting with a green alien woman. he didn't even blink at the mention of some thing called Stark Trek. he had long ago learned never to ask Tony. "i do not know who this 'Kirk' is but i assure you i have not had sexual relationship with him." Gamora insisted, looking a little annoyed that some puny man was insisting she had slept with someone sh didn't know. "then we will give you twenty four hours." she agreed, settling into a chair to relax while James slept. "oh... that's good! i like that!" Rocket agreed, grinning at Tony. "an i play with him too? anyone that hurts a pregnant lady deserves to be blown up a little." Gamora nodded, agreeing with Rocket.

when James had finally appeared Rocket had built two death rays, a bomb and something that, well no one knew what before curling up inside of Groot for a nice little nap. Gamora had watched over Rocket and made sure to keep him from annoying Tony too much and grabbing things little squirrel fingers where not supposed to have. she was surprisingly patient with the Racoon and shockingly gentle as well. "Guardian! it is good to see you safe and well." Gamora admitted. "we had become worried about your safety after we had not heard from you." she admitted, examining Anna. "this is the child who was harmed?" "yeah, this is Anna." Nat admitted, stroking Anna's hair since the pregnant woman was staring at the green skinned alien and giant tree with a racoon sleeping in it with wide eyes.
“Ahhh makes sense.”James snickered at the shower idea, before sighing, “Don’t worry about it.”he muttered, because he knew this was so going to blow up in his face. totally.

“I do to. Natasha threatening to strangle me with her thighs, definitely made me listen to that instinct and stop flirting with her.”Tony piped up amused before smirking at Peter. “Don’t worry about it Gamora, it’s not a real thing. ‘Star trek’ and ‘Captain Kirk’ are a story. Like those books I got you for your birthday.”Peter said quickly, not wanting her to be upset with the billionaire he knew just couldn’t help himself. “Of course, everyone’s getting a turn at the bastard.”Tony reassured.

Tony twitched a little as he ate, because while he utterly loved building things and having people help him build insane things, having a talkative raccoon doing it made him twitch a little. “I am well. Thank you, for coming. It wasn’t....I was being paranoid.”James said flushing ever so slightly as he looked down at the woman in his arms, pressing a kiss to her head as he sat down with her in his lap, smiling as steve got him food. “It’s fine, Guardian. I think we all understand overreacting when a loved one is hurt and in danger.”Peter said looking thoughtful as he watched them. “It’s James. I don’t go by Guardian here, it’s my home. I don’t want to just become a title.”James said making a face even if he was watching anna, instead of the other guardians, because simply being in the room with gamora, was enough to open that pit of self hatred in him that had been festering for so long. He’d hit rock bottom with her, and ran because he knew otherwise hed’ eat his gun sooner rather then later.
"ah! they are 'for pretend'. i do like the for pretend things." Gamora admitted. "there are people like me in earths pretend?" Gamora asked, looking very curious now. "you will show me?" she asked Peter, looking quite curious indeed.

"I apologize for Rocket." Gamora informed Tony. "he is, ultimately, incapable of being anything but what he is." she admitted. "he is taxing to the best of people, but you would never have a more loyal friend." she admitted with a surprisingly soft expression. there where only two people she was ever really soft for. James, and Rocket. "There is no such thing as Paranoia." she stated simply. "you needed us, and we came." Gamora informed him. "whether for emotional purposes or battle purposes we are there for our own." she admitted, looking at Anna curiously before offering Natasha a rather possessive scowl. she knew that Natasha had been the cause of Jame's... condition. she knew Natasha had hurt him very badly, she wasn't sure how but she would not be likely to forgive Natasha for it anytime soon. "Very well James." Gamora agreed. "James... that woman is green." Anna whispered. "and that Tree has eyes... am i hallucinating? did you give me the good drugs? it won't hurt the baby right?" she was still quite disconnected but at least she'd stopped crying about how she'd gotten the baby killed. Bruce and Loki both had told her the baby was fine and perfectly healthy, though neither was sure of the baby would be... damaged, upon birth. "hey! are we having a party?" Rocket asked, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "...yeah. i'm on the good stuff." Anna decided. "i'm going to sleep until i'm not high anymore." she decided, tucking her face into James chest and closing her eyes.
"Yes the for pretend thing. And there are."peter grinned at her. ""Of course we'll show you. Jarvis, first season of star trek would you?"tony grinned happily as the ai put the show on.

"Don't worry about ir. I just now have a better understanding of how it must be like to deal with me. I feel like I owe everyone I ever met a apology."Tony said smiling at her expression."you do."james smirked a little.A little tense but trying to be normal."well thank you." "You're welcome. It gave me a excuse to come home for awhile."peter said studying the three women and james with a curious little smirk. He felt like he should have popcorn for this."no you're not hallucinating anna. They're just not from ea4th."james promised sounding amused at her conclusion of being drugged. smiling as he nodded."sleep then."he muttered holding her gently shifting so he had a hand free to eat before pointing at the raccoon."remember the rule?"he said slowly not having any intention of having the same problems he'd had last time when the raccoon had seen his arm.
"hmm. somehow, i do not think you are as bad as Rocket is." she admitted with a shrug. "your not that bad Tony." Steve promised him with a chuckle. "i have long desired to see the planet called Earth." Gamora agreed. "i greatly enjoy the pretend that is Star Trek." she admitted. "i desire to have copies of my own, do the people of earth take Units?" she asked hopefully. "i'm going to say no, if only because i don't know what a Unit is." Steve admitted. "but i'm sure we can get you copies." Steve assured her. these where James friends after all, that meant Tony would get them anything they wanted really. "...are we being invaded by Aliens again?" she wondered. "because that would really suck." she admitted sluggishly. the painkillers she was taking made her pretty sleepy, but they also kept her calm which would help the baby recover from it's own trauma. "... of course i do!" Rocket protested before hesitating. "what was the rule?" he asked, his head cocked, fiddling with a socket wrench while staring at James arm, as if hoping the other would look away just long enough for Rocket to take off with it.
“I’m sure I am. Really.” “He is. Don’t let anyone tell you different, Stark.”James said snickering a little as tony sulked. “Really?”James said looking up, amused that they’d let her watch star trek, even as he eyed tony a little, because he knew it wasn’t just by accident that the man had brought it up. “No, but I’ll make sure you get a copy of the show to go home with you.”James promised, even if he knew tony was already on it. “No, they’re friends, Anna. Just visiting.”James reassured her before smirking at the raccoon. “Don’t get closer then five feet with a wrench, rocket. I mean it. I wont take kindly to you trying to take my arm.”James said gently, because he was as gentle with the raccoon as he had been with his own daughter, which only made skye look amused as she watched him. It was odd seeing him parenting a raccoon, stern but making sure that rocket understood the rules. "Remember, you got thrown across the room last time you tried Rocket. Don't make him defend himself."Peter said smiling at the raccoon, even if he was watching natasha. even knowing that she was the reason james had fled earth, it still made him curious and interested in a woman who was so good that even running across the galaxy hadn't dulled the pain.
"well your pretty impossible to deal with sometimes but your mostly a pretty well behaved man." Steve teased Tony with a chuckle, bending his head to kiss the other. "and be careful with her, it might be sideways. and it might have teeth." he warned playfully. well aware James was going to find that hilarious. when they where kids, James had convinced Steve that a woman's vagina was sideways and had teeth and that if he did something they didn't like, his cock would be bitten off. most likely, it was one of the reasons why Steve was now gay, then again could be that he just found girls rather... icky. "i would like that, as well as anymore 'pretends' that you think i might enjoy." she admitted. "particularly more of the Magic type of pretend." she loved fantasy of almost any kind. especially if they had a female protagonist. "as long as they're friends." Anna mumbled. "She is your lover?" Gamora asked, sounding curious, not jealous. "she is very sweet." Gamora said with a smile. "but i need it James!" Rocket complained, sulking even as he dropped the socket wrench and stalked over to the sink, nose in the air, deciding to play with the water and keep Groot watered instead. "we agreed to never speak of that again!" Rocket complained to Peter. "Just like we swore we would never speak about the time i made you dress up as a woman for a plan!" Gamora snickered before glaring at Natasha when she kissed James. "i have to go. i'm on guard duty. Bruce is watching 'Him' at the moment and he needs to sleep." she admitted. "don't blow anything up without me." she ordered James, narrowing her eyes at Gamora, the suspicion already starting. James was acting odd and Gamora was acting strangely possessive.
“Hm, not to well behaved. I get a spanking every once in awhile.”Tony muttered smiling as he kissed the other back, studying steve for a long moment, “....I don’t want to know. Whatever you’re talking about, I don’t want to know.”Tony declared as James snorted orange juice out his nose, choking as he recovered. “That was unkind, Captain.” “Wait!No! You have to be captain again, James.”Tony said with that rather perky grin that said he’d thought of somethign that was most likely goign to get him smacked. “...”James stared at the other, making a face before focusing on Gamora, deciding to ignore tony for the moment. “There are plenty of pretends here. Tony owns alot, we’ll get you plenty.”James promised, smiling down at Anna. “She was. Not anymore.”James said in response to gamora’s question, shifting Anna a little as he ate. “I am groot.” “I agree. No bothering me for my arm. I need it more then you do, Rocket.”James sais smiling a little as he watched rocket play in the water and smiled more as groot relaxed as he was watered. “You swore!You were never going to bring that up again!”Peter winced as James started laughing. “You’d look dashing in women’s clothes.” “I have some, if you feel the urge to dress up again.”Tony said snickering a little. “Shut up, Stark.”Peter made a face looking interested as he watched James. “Hm, kay. I’ll see you in a bit. Be careful.”James said kissing her back, leaning into her for a moment, “And I never blow things up without you.”he whined a little before wincing as Peter stood. “I’ll join you. I want to see this prisoner who dared beat up a pregnant woman.”Peter said with a smirk at the guardian, simply because he knew it would make the man twitch the fuck out to watch Peter Quill walk away with Natasha.
Steve smirked. "only because you like them and are naughty on purpose." he teased with a grin. "it's an old, nasty prank that James played on me that forever turned me off of women." Steve admitted, pleased to have timed that perfectly just to make juice come out of James nose. Gamora just looked puzzled. "of what is he speaking? my mouth? it is the onl part with teeth that i have." "well there you go Tony. perfectly safe!" Steve teased his lover. "i am much confused..." Gamora admitted. "alright. i'll bite. why does James need to be the Captain again?" he asked Tony, well aware the man was probably going to get smacked, if he didn't himself for encouraging Tony. "we'll make sure your well set up." Steve promised Gamora. "was?" Gamora asked curiously. "...hey James?" Anna asked. "the big tree only says one thing, yet people seam to know what he's saying. what gives?" she wondered, looking baffled. "and the talking Racoon is making a massive mess." Rocket usually did, but Groot would soak up the water left on the floor that Rocket was leaving, using the spray hose to sprinkle water all over the tree. Rocket and Groot always took care of each other. "well you swore too and yet you told!" Rocket informed him. "besides! it's hilarious!" Rocket admitted with a laugh. "i'm always careful, your the one that keeps dying." she huffed at him, kissing his forehead one last time before lifting an eyebrow at Quill. "we'll make one thing clear." she informed the secondary Guardian. "you can flirt with me all you want, providing you don't cross a line. but if you touch me, in any way, i will break you... and then i'll let James have your remains." she informed Peter before spinning on her heal and heading up the stairs, Steve snickering.
“...That’s evil.”Tony made a face at the idea. “Don’t ask, Mora. You’re better off not delving into my past pranks on Steve.”James said smirking a little, looking annoyed as he wiped the juice off his face. “Hm, you do bite. And James has to be Captain again cause then it’s another Captain James who has nearly as much of a mouthful as James Tiberius Kirk. I mean, James Buchanan Barnes is horrible.”Tony said looking at James pleased, yelping a little as he was kicked, glaring at the brunette super soldier in annoyance who just ignored him and his joke. Cause well, green ladies and Captain James....he knew he was playing with fire, but as long as James was pretending to have not slept with Gamora, he was going to enjoy harassing him. “Yes was. It seems that despite having amazing sex, I don’t love her like she deserves. Incapable of it really.”James said making a face, because it was true. And it had been true when he’d bolted from Gamora’s side, he’d be aware that he was incapable of loving anyone the way he’d loved Natasha, and it had nearly destroyed him to know it. And only answering Gamora’s questions when he was normally closed off and private, because she deserved answers after him avoiding her for nearly a year. “Hm, I’m not sure how we understand. It’s the tone I guess. I mean, I know whwat he’s saying.” “Maybe a benefit of being the guardian?”Tony said curiously before snorting. “No worse a mess then we usually make.”Tony added shrugging. “Well, I promise, no more dying.”James smiled watching her go as he leaned back in his chair. “Of course, Widow.”Peter said smirking a little following her. “Hmmm, his curiousity is going to get him killed one day.”James muttered rubbing a hand over his face as he finished eating, closing his eyes as he leaned back in his chair. Despite having just got up, he felt emotionally exhausted, and scared. The pit of fear was eating him alive, even if he was struggling to not freak out or do anything to weird or over the top.
Gamora blinked at him and then shook her head, trusting James assessment of the situation. "ust good old fashioned revenge James." Steve teased with a smirk before he howled with laughter as he realized where Tony's Joke had gone. that was hilarious! Natasha was going to be so fucking pissed when she realized why Steve thought the joke was so hilarious. "You are capable of great love! who has told you that you cannot love this woman?" Gamora demanded, hackles raising in defense of a man she truly loved. "i did." Anna admitted. "he's my big brother." "oh... well that's a different matter then i suppose." Gamora admitted. "thought you where sleeping Anna Luv." Steve teased the pregnant girl who shook her head. "green ladies and talking racoons and living trees.this is too cool to sleep through. better than TV." "it very well could be." Steve admitted. "like how Thor and Loki have that all-speak thing, maybe the Guardians have something similar?" Steve wondered. "i am not a guardian." Gamora pointed out. "nor is Rocket, though he and Groot have been together since Rocket was nothing but a sapling and Rocket was a kit." Gamora admitted. "hmm that's true." Anna agreed. "i want to water the tree." she decided, squirming to get down so she could get her watering can. "oh, Nat won't kill him. she might break him, but she won't kill him." Steve hoped so anyway, "Tony. you okay?" Steve asked his lover, looking up when a sleepy Bruce came down for Coffee.
James glared, the look promising that he was going to kill his best friend when he got a chance when he realized just where Tony had taken it. Natasha was going to kill him, and the teasing just made him feel even more anxious, even if he was hiding it well. “Me, and her. I can’ anyone besides...”James swallowed looking lost and broken for a moment before it was hidden again, glancing at her. Because she’d seen him at his worst, even if he was hiding just how badly he was feeling, gamora had seen him cut up and bleeding from a wound that really hadn’t healed yet. He’d simply put enough spackle and bandaids and time slapped over the wound, despite being with Natasha now, he hadn’t really dealt with the feelings that leaving her when she had needed him the most, when she’d forgotten him had left. And gamora, who’d seen the picture James had toted around across the galaxy, knew that natasha had hurt him somehow, and yet despite how deep the wound had gone, James needed her. The redhead was a vital, needed part of him

. “No sleeping then?”James muttered looking down at Anna in amusement before snorting amused as let her get up, swallowing hard and worried as she got up, but didn’t stop her from getting up. “Maybe. But I’m thinking it’s simply something about Groot. Not quite telepathic, but you get the feeling for it.”James shrugged a little, before nodding looking at Steve.”No, probably not.”he agreed. “I’m fine. Though I think Barnes bruised my shin.”Tony growled looking annoyed as he glared at the unrepentant super soldier who was busy ignoring them as he helped rocket and anna take care of groot.

“...So. Are you really seeing the Guardian?Like see-seeing him, and not simply so he doesn't lose his mind again?”Peter said, not flirting, genuininely curious as he looked at the other as they settled in to guard chris, stuying her. Because seh was a beautiful woman, a woman men would go to war over. He could see why leaving her had messed up james. And he wanted to know where things stood, because he needed to know just how badly gamora was going to be off, his own heart tightening a little at the idea of her being hurt. needing to know just how serious things were. not just because he wanted to flirt with natasha, but he wanted to know just how badly gamora was going to be over this.
Steve grinned at him. "she'll forgive you eventually." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head before patting the other on the shoulder. "it's going to be fine, James. just relax a little." he suggested before watching Gamora curiously when she smiled. "you are such a silly human man James." Gamora scoffed. "do you not still love the young Anna? you are capable of great love, you give love that shines as brightly as a sun. just because you do not love them as a lover, does not mean you do not love them." she pointed out. "after all, you love Steven do you not? and Anthony? they are not, and never have been your lovers so why should their love be different from the love you feel for Anna?" she wondered. sh knew very well what he was feeling. she was very good at reading him, even when no one else seamed to be capable of it.

"No sleeping." Anna agreed. she was still covered in bruises, but she looked much better than she had yesterday. "you know you could be right." Steve agreed. "some people are more suitable to telekinetic 'waves' of sorts than others." Bruce admitted. "James is very susceptible. empathetic really though Steve is much less so. Tony on the other hand is highly empathetic and is so much so that he can actually pick up emotions from others that he mistakes for his own." Bruce admitted. which explained all those brain scans he had wanted the other day. "i'll kiss it better later." Steve promised with a smile, kissing the other gently. "did you know you where an empath?" he wondered, head tilted at the other.

Natasha glanced at him and then nodded. "i love him. it took me a long time to get my memories back though." she admitted. "they.. Hydra, that is, they completely wiped me, and i put a block up because i was afraid of a lot of the memories." she admitted, answering only because she knew Peter was honestly worried about James. "he has been my everything for so long that i was actually empty without him." she admitted softly. "he left, because i didn't know him. because he thought i would hate him when he remembered, but he came back, despite me not remembering anything." she admitted, punching in the code so they could go beat the shit out of Christopher. "we have a new chance, and i'm not going to let anyone hurt hi again, not even me."
"No she wont. And I'm relaxed, perfectly relaxed."james scowled a little deciding to ignore tony's snickering Before growing serious as he studied gamora, tilting his head a little."mora, don't you have better things to do then discuss me?"he muttered not wanting to discuss loving anyone at the moment, not when he was feeling to raw."besides. Loving anna and the boys are just siblings. very annoying siblings."james said making a face. " that why you wanted the brain scans the other day?"tony said making a face before sighing. We'll that explained why when he was around others he didn't like himswlf overly much. "Good. You better kiss it better."he muttered kissing him before shrugging."no I wasnt Aware. I mean, I always knew I was more sensitive around some people, but I assumed it was just knowing theydisliked me rather then actually feeling it from them..."

"Ah....we'd known something happened but he never said anything beyond that it involved a girl."peter said smiling sadly tilting her head a little."he was empty...without you to. it was hard tosee a man gutted without seeing a wound to go with It."peter muttered knowing she probably wanted to know to before smiling."good. You two deserve a second chance."the star lord smirked as he saw the abuser looking at natsaha."ladies first."he said smiling as he settled in to wait his turn
"your so tense i could bounce bricks off your ass." Steve said with a roll of his eyes before watching Gamora who shrugged. "not really." she admitted. "you are one of my favorite topics of discussion." she admitted. "Anna seams entirely too sweet to be annoying." she admitted with a chuckle. "ye it was." Bruce admitted. "i was impressed with how much the brain can manage." he admitted. "did you know that every single human in the world, provided they are full blooded human, is completely normal? mutants are not actually humans. they are descendants of some sort of ... alien? of some sort." he admitted. "according to my research only about twenty percent of the worlds population is actually one hundred percent human." Bruce admitted. "there is a Gene pool of about a hundred different alien 'birth parent' genetics." he admitted. "it's fascinating!" he admitted. "even the way the brain works, is different depending on which alien DNA they have." Bruce admitted. "Tony's genetic sampling is actually very similar to Professor Xaviers, only much weaker." he admitted. "i wonder if there's a way we can protect you from other people's emotions? or at least help you recognize when an emotion is yours and when it's someone elses..."

She nodded. "a lot of things happened, but it's not my place to say." she admitted. "if you want to know the rest you'll have to talk to James." she admitted before she smiled. "he's empty now." she admitted softly. "gutted and torn. he can't forgiv himself, he always had problems letting go really." she admitted softly. "i'm sure he'll be okay though. he was always strong. i just have to stay with him, help him where i can." she admitted before smirking at Christopher who started to sob at the sight of her, knowing pain was going to come. she took her time, carving him up with a small scalpel she'd borrowed from Bruce but left him alive, bleeding sluggishly and refused to let him die, no matter that he couldn't. she got bored fairly quickly and let Peter have his turn.
“Am not.”james said his eyebrow twitching a little as he tried to relax, rolling his eyes at Gamora. “You need more things to talk about.”He decided before smiling a little at Anna, looking at the woman as she helped rocket water Groot. “hmmm, she is sweet.”he agreed smiling a little. “Really?That’s fairly cool. Wonder what alien. We should look into it.”Tony said tilting his head, looking interested for once in real people instead of tech, wanting to know more. And he figured it would be a good thing for shield to know. “...Maybe. Might call the professor, see if he has some ideas.”Tony said shuddering a little before smiling as James relaxed, teh talk about science instead of him making the man relax a little. Stretching he looked at Gamora, “Hey. You want to go get a earth treat, and we can take Rocket out to the park for a bit.”james said knowing they’d have to take groot to soon, but for the moment, the tree looked content to stay indoors where the non-talking trees didn’t make him sad.

“I know it’s not. I just...thought you should know how it was.”Peter said tilting his head a little before nodding. “he is strong. You guys’ll be okay.”he muttered before grinning as they worked on chris. Finishing he looked up at Natasha with a smile. “This is both sick and amazing really. Insane.”He said looking at the mess that was christopher, shuddering a little.
Gamora shrugged. "i speak often of Peter Groot, Rocket and Brax as well." she admitted. "i enjoy to speak of my friends." she admitted, watching Anna playing with Groot. "i don't know. as i said there's a huge genetic selection and after so many thousands of years, interbreeding has happened to a massive degree. these genetic variations could also be why the Serum that Dr. Erskine, myself, Osborn and others created have such a seemingly random result." Bruce admitted. "i've studied all of the serums in extensive detail and my serum and the serum from Dr. Erskine's notes-" which Tony had let him borrow. "-even the Extremis, they where exactly the same or so close to the same that the minor differences meant absolutely nothing. so it's me and Steve that are different, not the serums we used." he admitted, making Steve blink in surprise. "comparing our genetics, Steve is actually one of the few people on this earth that is actually one hundred percent human. the Serum simply enhanced his human genetics to peek perfection. which is exactly what it dd to me, only my alien genetics got in the way." Bruce explained before nodding. "Professor X would know." he agreed, Steve nodding. "it's weird, knowing i'm one of twenty percent..." he admitted. "i feel like i should be neutered..." Bruce laughed at that. "pure bread human, you should be studded out." Anna teased him, making him blush quite brightly.

"an earth treat?" she asked curiously, following him, Rocket leaping onto her shoulder. he wanted to go to the park. "you gonna be okay here buddy?" Rocket asked Groot, who was being examined by Anna now, playing with his fingers in utter fascination. "so where do you come from Groot?" Anna asked him, looking amazed. Rocket on the other hand, was happy to hunt bugs in the grass, play in the fountain, freak out the locals and climb the trees and eat his ice-cream once he had it. then again he was also digging in the trash though so that was saying something. at least he wasn't eating the trash, he was just looking for metal bits and bobs. "How are you doing, truly?" Gamora asked James once Rocket was well distracted.

"i know a little bit." she admitted. "but it's still hard to know that he hates himself." she admitted with a shake of her head. "it's hard to know, to see him drowning and not be able to help him." she admitted before smiling at little. "you've never beaten someone before, have you?" she asked. "never enjoyed hurting someone either i'd suppose." she handed him a bucket. "don't pule on the floor, Loki will hurt you." she warned. "come on. he'll heal slowly, by dinner time someone else can have their turn. by the way, don't tell Anna he's here, she doesn't know and she'll just freak out."
“Huh. Random results that aren’t because of the serums, but because of the genetics. Makes sense actually.”Tony said snickering a little as he watched james’ eyes glaze over as the brunette checked out on the science end of things, before nodding a little. “So is James. 100 hundred perfect human, only reason it corrected his eyesight instead of changing him oddly.”Tony said tilting his head a little, smiling slightly at James as the man shared a look with Steve. “I feel like we should run away...they’re going to turn us into studs...”James said looking thoughtful and amused though.

“Yes. Ice cream.”James said.”I am groot.” “Okay. Well, they know how to get ahold of us if you need us back.”James promised. “Don’t worry about it, we’ll be okay here.”Tony promised smiling as groot told them about his homeworld, which was odd and a interesting experience since all he said was I am groot. James smiled as he got the three of them their ice cream treats, snickering as he watched rocket freak people out and let him dig in the trash. Making sure he wasn’t getting in trouble, but content to let the raccoon do whatever he wanted. “...I’m okay, mora.”James said staring across the park as he ate his ice cream, watching rocket with a sigh. “...I’m...okay. No. I’m not. I...I still feel...empty. Hollow, even with Natasha here, and loving her again, I feel...”He shrugged softly. “I love her so much, and it scares me...and it...I don’t know, Mora...”

“You’re helping him. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, or he’s not relaxing, or being happy all the time....he’s not ate his gun. Which was what I was half expecting when Loki showed up on my ship by the way,”-james having asked loki to go round up the other guardians to come to earth-”he’s steady. He’s not crashing, you’ll do okay.”peter muttered before wincing, looking a little sick before making a face. “I have totally beaten up someone in a fight before. But no, I’ve never really enjoyed it.”he said taking the bucket and throwing up after a moment. Straightening as soon as he was done he nodded, “Let’s go then.”he said nodding at the knowledge to not tell Anna, following her out.
Bruce nodded. "yes, the various serums, basically enhance the genetics already in place." he admitted. "they are all different but all do the exact same thing." he admitted before turning to blink at James. "actually no. James is not perfectly human. it's just that his genetics where already well developed." Bruce admitted. "or rather, his genetics are extremely weak in the alien department. he's not as empathetic as Tony is, but he's certainly empathetic enough to feel it when someone is feeling very emotional." he admitted. "well no offense James, but i think you'd have more luck being a stud than i would." Steve teased, smirking a little.

"Ice-cream?" she asked, her head tilted a little before smiling at Groot and Anna, heading out. "well Rocket is pretty happy. even if he is angry that he is a racoon." she admitted with a chuckle, watching him leap out to snag a second ice-cream cone from the ice-cream man. "You are not okay." she accused him, licking her ice-cream and jerking, surprised. "it is cold!" she was quite surprised. "i don't understand why you have come back to her when she hurts you so much." she admitted, looking rather upset. "how can you love someone who brings you so much pain James?" she wondered.

"he's happier than he was when he first came." she admitted. "he's smiling more than he did before i lost my memories." she admitted before smiling. "Anna managed it mostly. i don't think i've ever been so grateful for someone before." she admitted. "Anna saved both of us really." she admitted. "i hate Loki." she grumbled before smiling at him. "don't worry. it just means our still a good, stable human." she promised him. "generally speaking, people shouldn't be able to do that to a person without getting sick." she admitted, examining Chris before shrugging and leading the way back out. Anna had gone back to sleep, curled up in Goot's arms. River was also there, looking rather sickly but no longer depressed while he drank a cup of imported tea with Bruce.
“Ah. Well, thank god for better eyesight and nothing to weird happening. know. Makes sense I’m not all the way human. I mean, I wonder if all the guardians before were ‘other’”James said sounding thoughtful before grinning. “I would totally love being a stud.” “Don’t think about it. Natasha will geld you before she lets you simply be a stud for anyone.”Tony teased snickering.

“yes. Ice cream.”James said smirking a little. Snorting a little at her words, “He’s a very cute raccoon though. It’s not our fault our raccoon’s don’t talk.”James snickered a little before sighing, licking his chocolate cone, before laughing at her reaction. “It’s ice. It’s frozen milk. It’s good.”he promised before sighing a little, staring down at the ground, “I can’t be me without her, Mora. I don’t...”He frowned thinking about it, realizing he was going to have to tell her more, open up more if he was going to make her understand. staring down. Because the messy story of his life as the winter soldier, of what followed, was one only natasha had ever learned in totality. He had no idea why, but he needed this kind, beautiful woman who’d understood him better then he’d understood himself sometimesm. to understand. Maybe because she took such good care of him, he needed her to understand why he’d come back, even if it had hurt. “I’m not as young as I look. I turn 97 in a few weeks actually, not 29.”James sighed quietly.

“When I was young, I was in a accident, that left me with no memory of who I was, but all that skill I learned, the was still there. After the accident, I ended up in the hands of a enemy....who saw a perfect weapon. A assassin to twist to their own ends, without the pesky human thoughts to get in the way of it....and for the next 60 years, I was frozen ,and revived simply to kill, or to train others.”He took a shuddering breath, stepping away from the memories of blood and fire, of killing tony’s parents, one of his first kills, and the one that had nearly shocked him back to himself, only after they’d realized it had happened, had his handlers nearly fried him so badly he’d been useless till his body had recovered from the damage. “Natasha was one of the girls I trained. Taught her how to kill....and forced to bed in a effort to get a child...I...I hadn’t wanted to...not at first. I mean, she was only 14...young, a child.”James shuddered wincing as some of the melted ice cream hit the back of his hand, swallowing hard as he paused to lick his cone before looking over at her.

“ we raised the child we’d created...I fell in love with her. She reminded me of who I was....helped me remembered. I don’t remember how to feel, how to, without her.”James swallowed hard, trembling a little. “Her forgetting me?Not knowing who I was, even if she was looking right at me? That sort of pain had sent me flying clear across a galaxy to get away....and it still hadn’t been enough. I can’t...I don’t know how to be me. I love her, because she’s a part of myself that I’d forgotten was a vital piece, until she hadn’t been there.”He shuddered remembering the weeks, the months leading up to those final days. Petty fighting over stupid things, compliant togetherness, simple fighting, battles...he’d become comfortable enough with his life, that he’d forgotten to be thankful for it. And it crippled him badly sometimes if he thought about it, to think maybe he was the cause of her pain. That he had been responsible because he’d simply forgot to be happy, to be grateful for the gift he’d been given, that life had become so comfortable for him, he’d simply taken it for granted. Wincing a little as he realized that he’d been talking, explaining for nearly two hours, he swallowed thickly, glancing over at her. “...Sorry... You didn’t ask for that....I didn’ could have stopped me talking you know.”He muttered.

“Good.”Peter smiled glad for them both, before grinning. “She seems sweet. I’m glad you guys had her then.”Peter smiled before snickering. “I think everyone who’s ever met Loki has expressed that emotion once in their life. Well. Expect maybe James. Weirdly, those two get along like a house on fire.”Peter snickered before making a face at her promise before nodding. “well, sometimes it’s good to be reminded I’m normal.”He snorted amused before following her upstairs, pausing at the sight, looking around. Realizing there was two obvious missing people, hell even tony and steve were there, though the fact that Tony stark was playing three dimensional chess with his boyfriend, who happened to be the world’s best tactician was just a little weird. Though the star lord did look curious about the hologram board they were using. “Everything good up here?”
"he is a very cute Racoon." Gamora agreed with a chuckle. she was much more relaxed now that she knew it was actually safe. it had taken her a long time to be able to calm down and relax, but so long as her friends where around and calm she could be too. "Milk?" she asked, confused. they didn't have cows in space. "your women have donated their milk to make this?" she looked well and truly disgusted before she settled into place and listened to him talk, smiling at him when he finally finished. "you needed to say it." she admitted. "i understand more, now. about what happened. it wasn't Natasha's fault, it wasn't your fault either." she informed him, before you start fussing about that." she gently took his hand. "you are a good, loyal man James." she admitted. "i am glad you have your Natasha back." she admitted. "i only wish you didn't hurt so." she admitted, kissing his cheek. "i do wish that you had told me you where leaving though. i was very worried about you." she admitted, scolding him a little. "all of us where." she admitted. "i was terrified you had gone off to..." to die. to kill himself. "your happier now, but your still sad much of the time. i wish there was some way to make you happy again." she admitted, setting her hand on his face, offering him what comfort she could, unaware that Natasha was watching. had seen Gamora hold his hand, kiss his cheek and stroke his face now. Gamora didn't see Natasha leave either.

"Anna is very sweet. i hate that this scumbag hurt her." she admitted, kicking Chris again. he wasn't alive enough to moan. "yeah it's freaky how much Loki obeys James." she admitted with a shake of her head. "it's unnatural." she admitted. "it's not so much normal as well adjusted." she admitted. "people aren't meant to do what i do." she admitted with a smile. "i'd have been worried about your mental state if you hadn't gotten sick." she admitted, looking around for James and frowning when she realized he and Gamora was gone. she slipped out while Peter was distracted y the game board. "everythings fine. Groot and Anna are napping, Rocket's with them. he apparently got bored in the park." Steve admitted, moving his Knight out of the way of Tony's Queen. if Tony went for the Rook instead, then he could take his lovers castle. if Tony went for the Knight, then Steve could take the Rook. if Tony took the rook then Steve could then put Tony in checkmate, if Tony took the knight, he'd take the queen.
“No. It’s from a cow. It’s a animal here, that gives milk. It’s good for humans. It’s not human milk.”James promised snickering a little at her reaction. Sighing quietly as he settled in to talk, slouched down, elbows resting on his knees, head in his hands, turning slightly to look at her, smiling as he squeezed her hand. “I wasn’t good enough Mora. I couldn’t protect her.”he sighed a little before nodding, “I did to. And I’m doing better. I’s gotten easier. To figure out how to be happy. It’s just....Anna tells me I’m just starting to really process what happened, all those years, and it’s just going to take time.”He smiled as she kissed his cheek, leaning into her for a moment before sighing, wincing as he looked away. “Sorry. I know I should have, I just...I freaked out and bolted....and I considered it. But in the end....I needed to see Natasha. And I really did have a mission back here on just...became something I needed to do.”he smiled, unaware they were being watched, before smiling slightly. “I am happy. Happier. I’m doing better, Mora, I promise.”He smiled kissing her forehead softly as he got up. “Come on. We better be getting back, before Quill frets himself into a heart attack or something.”

“Well, we’ll make sure he’s regretting it.”Peter grinned before snickering. “It is disturbing and unnatural.”Peter agreed before nodding. “Well, then I’ll be glad for throwing up then.”he said sighing quietly as he watched the others playing chess, sitting down next to them to watch. “Good. And rocket’s easily bored.”He said snickering as he watched tony debate on what to do. “....This isn’t fair. I demand kisses and fucking in repayment for this.”Tony demanded making a face, annoyed as moved the rook, knowing he’d lost anyways, but he was enjoying it.
she blinked a little. "a cow?" she wondered before smiling at him. "of course you where. you did absolutely everything you could, to make your child both safe and happy and you succeeded for five years. Hydra killed your child because they are cruel, evil people and they thought they had a back up." she informed him. "as far as Hydra was concerned your daughter was nothing but a failed experiment. you'll make them pay for that, i'm sure." she promised him, smiling at him. "you could have at least called Peter on that mirror." she complained before sighing. "but it's okay, i forgive you." she admitted. "just never do it again." she ordered. "you are my friend, James. i'm not going to be upset because you decided you didn't want to mate with me anymore." she promised him with a smile. "yes. Quill has become very protective of me lately." she admitted. "he has decided to attempt to curt me properly." she admitted with an amused smirk. "it is entertaining to pretend i am unaffected by his attempts."

"i'm pretty sure he regretted it when he woke up and found himself in Hel. this is just a more personal punishment." she admitted before snorting when she saw Tony and Steve playing some weird space age chess. "Rocket, can hear you!" Rocket complained from where he'd been trying to dismantle a pencil so he could see how it worked. "you'll get your kisses and sex anyway." Steve pointed out, taking the rook, putting Ton in check, one move later and Tony was in check mate and got a kiss for a game well played, looking up at NAt when she came back in, bowl of ice-cream in hand as her excuse for where she'd been.
“It’s a animal here.”He shrugge a little before sighing quietly, staring. Relaxing at her words. “Yes...I did. And they will pay for it. The others are looking forward to doing something about them to.”James smile a little before wincing. “I know. I’m sorry....I was to embarassed about it to do the right thing....and okay. Good. I’m your friend to.”He said smiling a little, before snickering. “I’m sure he’ll be very amusing to watch try to court you.”he teased a little before shaking his head. “I’m sure he’s driving himself insane thinking of better things to do to court you.”

“Rocket, you know you get bored.”Peter pointed out with a amused smile, “and that pencil doesn’t come apart.”He said watching rocket. “Hmm, yes but I should get better kisses.”Tony sulked a little, whining a little in annoyance as he lost, looking up startled as the elevator opened, smiling slightly when he saw Gamora. “Have fun at the park?”He said looking curious as he realized James wasn’t with her. Slightly worried to, wondering where the brunette was. James meanwhile had retreated down to his rarely used suite of rooms, rare since he’d usually been staying in natasha’s, but he wanted space and had gone looking to simply be alone for the moment as he tried to get his emotional bearings before seeing anyone else.
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