
“Fucking hell.”Clint cursed. “Call Johnny and the other’s. Doom might slug it out with them if you give him something else to think on.”clint said settling, calming at steve’s words. “He wont think to mess with the jet, Jarvis might be able to spy n it.”Tony said already having the AI work on seeing what he could do, might be able to give them a report on the girls. “....Fine. You can tell him.”James shrugged with that careless coldness that said his week away from natasha had stripped him of nearly everything. Which made skye look at him worriedly, wondering if they were dealing with the soldier instead of the man they’d come to love and know. “....No. You can’t. You’re directors of shield. You can sit it out, and be sneaky. I don’t have to be.”James said his anger over losing natasha, crystalizing into bright and burning rage as he headed for the door. “I’m getting ready to go. You guys figure out what’s going on and let me know, you don’t need me here to plan.”James shrugged heading for his rooms. “Talk. Figure something out. I’ll keep him here.”Skye said looking worried rushing out after the man. “....he’s right. Sorta. We can be sneaky....but he can walk in there. Guardian’s outside of our rules. If Doom thinks he’s alone....”Tony said glancing at steve, already starting to plan,
he nodded. "good idea Clint." Steve agreed, nodding a little, already calling Johnny so the fantastic four could handle the distraction. they where more than happy to help, even Reed who didn't usually like attracting trouble. they had to look out for their own after all. "Thanks James. i just think we need to try." Steve admitted, he watched the other. "how stable are you right now James?" he demanded before frowning a little. "we are not sitting and doing nothing, James." he admitted. "we are not letting you do this alone." he warned before sighing a little when James left. "he can't handle this." he muttered before looking at Tony, his head tilted. "that will put James at risk. Skye too most likely." he admitted before frowning a little. "it could work though." he admitted. "in this state, James would slaughter them. do we really want that though?" he asked, frowning a little.
James sighed a little. “We’ll try then.”James shrugged a little before staring at the other. “I’m stable. Fine.”James said twitching a little as he left. “He can’t. But we have no choice. We either help him do this right now, or he’ll disappear on us and do it on his own. There’s no other choices.”Tony sighed quietly, rubbing a hand over his face. “No matter what we do, it’s going to put them at risk.....and do you think there’s any way to stop him from going ready for a slaughter?I doubt it.”Tony pointed out, glancing at anna, “Do you think he’ll handle it?”he asked, wondering on her opinion on her lover turned brother, swallowing thickly. “Jarvis, let Thor and Loki, and the others know we’re leaving soon.”He said before pausing. Thinking about it. “I have a idea.”He said, “Jarvis, get loki and James back up here.”he said heading for the living room, wincing at the man walking through the door, the winter soldier at his coldest. Battle ready and dressed for war.
"your not fine." Steve said, scowling at him before sighing, shaking his head. "yeah, i know Tony. that doesn't mean i have to like it." Steve admitted with a sigh. "we where so close to having him back." he admitted shaking his head. "and then this happens. if he doesn't kill that backstabbing traitor bitch i sure as fuck will. just so Loki can bring her back and make her suffer by our hands. if he can anyway, i know he can't do that for everyone." Steve admitted. "yes. James will handle it." Anna admitted. "and then he'll feel badly for a few months about killing again." she admitted. "he's lost to the soldier right now. he'll kill anyone who gets in his way, including us." she admitted. "well. maybe not me." she admitted with a smile. Loki followed James in, looking just as bone chilling cold as James did.
“”I know. I don’t like it either, but it’s all we have.”Tony sighed a little before nodding, swallowing thickly. “we were. And I’m going to break Maria over my knee and do nasty tech things to the bitch that I’ve thought of, but are immoral to do to live human subjects.”Well. That explained why Chris had been screaming about tech. Tony’d been using him as a test subject to developing new tech. “...Then we’ll give him a reason to not to kill us. We’re going to help him.”Tony said before smiling, kissing Anna’s forehead. “Stay here. Hide out in the safe room till we get back, watch a movie or something.”Tony muttered before lookign up at loki and james. “Well?”James said watching them as they headed for the jet, wincing at the sound of booming thunder as the thunder god arrived. Along with Peter and rocket, and groot. They were all ready to go. Tony waited till they were on the way to latervia before answering, gesturing to loki. “Just how good are your illusions? I mean, I know you had clones in germany, that I couldn’t tell which one was you, even with tech, but are you good enough to fool another sorcerer into thinking your someone else?”
Anna nodded. "i'll help." she promised before smiling. "me and Skye will both stay in the safe room." she promised. "locked down so if it's a trick and they come while your gone they won't be able to get to us." Anna decided. "right Skye?" she demanded, having every intention of forcing the other girl to do that if she had to. "we are going to help him." Steve agreed. "will you be stable during the jet ride?" Steve asked Tony. "My illusions are very good, but technology can often see through them as they effect the mind, making you believe that something is there when it isn't." he admitted. "it's a psychic imprint more than anything. i can make it touch you and you will feel it, but take a picture and it will not exist within the camera." Loki admitted. "however. if you wished for me to take the form of James, that is altogether more easy. i am a shapeshifter after all." he admitted. "i can literally arrange my atoms to take his appearance. i will, for all intent and purpose, be him. even my DNA will show as him." he admitted. "the reason why i was able to affect your tech in Germany was because of the Tesseract." he admitted. "think of it as a philosophers stone, allowing me to bypass certain universal rules. provided as i sacrifice something to do it." he admitted. "and no, i will not tell you what i sacrificed. as for why i can trick Jarvis with my clones is because he is now a sentient thinking creature with a mind i can manipulate. he thinks, therefore i can place a psychic imprint into him."
“But I want to go.”Skye said looking annoyed at being left behind. “Stay.Please.”James said shaking his head enough, coming up, aware enough to not want his daughter anywhere near the fight. “I’ll be fine.”Tony said swallowing hard, because as long as he focused on something, he’d be stable. It was going to be the aftermath of a fight that was going to leave the man freefalling into a bad headspace. Looking up at Loki thoughtfully. “Huh. I was thinking appear as Skye. Letting you both walk in there, doom will think your a weak girl, not loki. Even knowing James’ reputation, I think he’ll underestimate what he assumes is just another human.”Tony said watching james, refusing to shuder of feel the fear that the man could invoke simply by being this ice cold. “That’s fairly cool really. Might test magic against tech later....but doom. He’s a genius, but he tends to rely on magic instead of tech. You appearing as skye, and getting sue to hide us from view while we join the party, should mess with doom. Give us a edge.”Tony said glancing towards the window as james flew the jet, seeing the fantastic four’s jet joining them as they flew for latervia. Hoping that they’d get there in time before things went very wrong.
Anna shook her head. "we can't risk it Skye. you don't have enough control over your powers and Calvin is going to do his damn best to make sure that if he can't have you, no one will." Anna warned her. "he's insane, and he's completely focused on you and we cannot give him that chance Skye. it would kill James and Natasha to loose you when they've only just gotten you back. come on. we can't always help." Anna admitted. "you and i can be the most useful locked down where w can't be hurt, so the others can focus, instead of worrying about us." she admitted. "we'll go play something on the TV and wait. they'll be back soon." Anna promised Skye.

"...ah..." Loki's eyes brightened and with a flutter within the space around him, he was no longer Loki, but Skye. "i don't know her as well as i know James or the others." 'Skye' said. "but i should be able to mimic her emotive and vocal patterns well enough to fool people who have barely interacted with her." 'Skye' admitted. "as for Doom, he relies on weak, pathetic imitations. his magic is no match for mine in any way." Loki admitted. "he is a weak, filthy human scumbag." Loki stated simply. "oh... i never noticed how nice Skye's fingernails where." Loki admitted, examining her hands, since he liked to play with his nails when he was agitated. "Tony. this is Johnny. do we have a plan?" Johnny asked through the intercom. "Johnny, this is Loki, we have... part, of a plan." Loki said, forgetting that he was still in Skye's body. "why is Skye there!?" Johnny demanded, startled. "i thought you where keeping her out of this one!?"
Skye frowned looking annoyed before wincing, nodding a little as she watched the other’s go. “You’re right. We’ll do more good here.”she sighed, looking worried even as they headed down for the panic room, snickering because it wasn’t so much a room, as it was a apartment prison penthouse for tony’s paranoia.

“Well, Calvin doesn’t know her that well either. You’ll pass for now.”James said looking a little freaked out at the sight of ‘skye’ that was just disturbing. “And his tech sucks to. Between tech and magic, Doom just blows.”Tony said snorting amused at loki’s summary of doom’s characterization. “....You are such a girl.”James said, the cold chilled fury warming a little as he watched loki. “We do. Sorta.”Tony said before laughing at johnny’s reaction. “Don’t worry. That’s loki pretending to be skye. I’m voting we give Doom exactly what he wants. James and ‘Skye’ on a silver platter, and let them go to town. Watching them assassinate Doom on his home turf would be epic.”Tony said, the manic talking because they still had a few hours till they’d get anywhere near lateveria. “I don’t think he’ll let us that close armed.” “Are you only dangerous armed, Bambi?” “....Of course not. And I don’t even want to know why you remembered now, that steve’s called me bambi.” “Well. You’re sorta endearing like this.” “....Steve. I’m going to hurt him. Make him stop.”James ordered closing his eyes as he rested his head against the headrest.
"Jarvis? lock it down please." she ordered, smiling when River slipped inside followed by Bruce. they would be guards. James had finally given in and let River stay around because River swore an Oath. and not just a human promise but an honest to god Oath. if he broke his promises, River would curl up and die in agony. "River, your ears are showing." Anna warned, the master psychologist blinking, reaching up to touch the fuzzy equipment before they vanished again. "Sorry. it's getting harder to stay in human form all the time." River admitted. "i'm going to have to go back out to the lake at some point." he admitted, looking around. "this is pretty sweet. let me guess. we could live in here for years?" "yup." Anna admitted with a giggle.

"i certainly hope so." Loki admitted, offering them Skye's playful little grin, like the same one she gave just before she had pelted James with water balloons before vanishing with Clint into a vent as quick as she'd come. laughing the entire way to escape. "isn't that the point?" me being a girl?" Loki asked, looking very amused. "well good. Skye's on lockdown then?" Johnny demanded. "yes. she, Anna, River and Bruce." Loki admitted. "and i am all for this plan." Loki admitted. "we go in, NAtasha and Gamora come out, me and James level the place." "i think we might have no other choice." Steve admitted. "but, if they do not release Nat and Mora?" Steve asked. "then they do not get James or 'skye'." Loki stated simply. "we go in invisible. the Four will take the rear, i will cast an invisibility spell and we'll take the front and we kill everything that moves until we find them, and extract them." Loki decided. "he's riding a bad head-space James, you have to be patient with him." Steve admitted.
“Of course, Anna.”The AI said as the doors shut and locked. “They’re very pretty though. And I’m sure they wont be gone that long, you can leave when they get back.”Skye said looking a little worried for him, before snickering as she settled on the couch. “Oh yea. Tony’s threatened to stay locked down here forever, and made sure he could indeed do it.”

James shuddered, making a face. “So creepy.”He muttered before nodding. “It is. But you’re such a girl, even when you’re not a girl.”James teased a little. “They’re in my panic room, they’re not getting hurt.’Tony promised. “We’ll go along with it. They’ll send Mora and Natasha out. If not, well, we’ll do the invisible thing, and still break doom back to the prehistoric age.”James said smiling a little before sighing. “He’s not the only one you know.”James said eye twitching a little. “Sorry.”Tony swallowed hard, he was trying to hold it together, he really was.
"my ears aren't pretty." River sulked, making Anna snicker. "you are beautiful you know River." she teased with a smile, making him sulk before he smiled. "it's nothing i can't handle. if they take too long, i'll just let a few of my glamors drop." he admitted. "you don't seam to mind that i'm not human after all." he admitted before snorting, Bruc chuckling as he made popcorn and asked Jarvis to recommend a movie for them.

"well, whose to say i am not a girl?" Loki asked, lifting an eyebrow. "just because i prefer the male form, does not mean that i am one." he pointed out. "really, one could claim i have no actual gender, or all genders as the case may be." he admitted. "to be honest, my 'Loki' persona isn't even my true form, it's just the one i favor." he admitted. "i'll show you what i really look like sometime." he promised before reaching out and grabbing James hand, form shifting back into his favored 'Loki' form. doing something he very rarely ever did, he pulled James into him and held him, stroking the others hair, offering him comfort and trying to help him straighten out his mind while Steve focused on Tony, trying to keep both calm until they got to Latveria. Loki quickly made the fantastic four Jet invisible to Magic as well as to technology. he left the Avengers Jet unconcealed. they wanted Doom to know they where coming. and soon air control was demanding to know who they where and what they wanted, while ignorant of the Fantastic Four. air control let them land when they said that they where delivering James and Skye in return for Natasha and Gamora.
“He is quite.”skye agreed smiling. “none of us are overly human.”Skye pointed out smiling as they settled in to watch indiana jones.

“...This whole conversation is making my head hurt.”James said rolling his eyes a little, shaking his head in amusement, distracted for the moment as he considered what loki was telling him. Sighing, shuddering a little as the other pulled him close, shifting to cuddle into loki, relaxing a little. “Show time boys and girls.”Tony said smirking a little as James and loki pulled on their game faces on, landing the jet. “Ready?”James muttered smirking a little, “This is gonna be fun.”he muttered smirking as he wrapped a arm around skye’s shoulders as if he was comforting the girl as they stepped onto the run way. Making a face at the castle. “Doom has horrible taste in castles. This is overdone and unclassy.”The guardian said talking mostly, simply because he couldn’t not talk, still to unbalanced and reeling from being left, and this, to be holding the winter’s icy silence perfect just yet. Swallowing hard as he left the other’s on the jet for the moment, trusting them to watch their backs, as he and loki headed for the doors.“Von doom!we have arrived. Send out the women out.”
Loki smirked a little. "i enjoy making your head hurt." he admitted. he had never had sex with James, but he had helped the other like this before, holding him, stroking him. platonic affection. "yes. i am ready." 'Skye' said, standing up and adopting a tearful expression, letting fat tears roll down her face, glancing at Steve. "i will tell Calvin the truth." 'she' promised him. "if he backs down, i won't hurt him. if he attacks, i will kill him." "that's fine." Steve agreed. 'Skye' whimpered, looking quite intimidated by the castle which opened immediately, Skye clutching a manilla folder with all the evidence the good Doctor Cal would need to know that he was the son of James Barnes. as was 'Daisy', now legally renamed Skye. the door opened suddenly, revealing Von Doom, a rather pregnant Maria Hill, just pregnant enough to be showing, and Calvin. "You will send in the girl first Guardian!" Doom ordered. "then we will send out the assassin. once you are here, we will release the other. send her in! and make sure she walks slowly." he demanded. 'Skye' sobbed, gave him a hug, looked back at the Jet and then moved into the castle slowly, looking at Calvin with fear and hate, handing him the envelope. "your a monster." she informed him, watching a tortured, but still stable Natasha staggering out of the castle. Loki knew that Doom wouldn't let the Avengers leave now. as soon as James was there, soldiers would swarm the jet and kill everyone, there would be attempts of capture of course but the Avengers would never surrender.
“you are such a drama queen,”James muttered seeing the tears, it was a little creepy, seeing loki like this really. “Good.If he does....protect yourself.”James muttered, his eyes not really seeing Loki there, but mostly Skye. Skye who james would have burned a world to protect. “....I think I’ve just had every nightmare realuzed, maria pregnant?”Tony said squinting a little, muttering into the ear piece james was wearing, amused and worried even if he could see the slight hitch to the other’s shoulders as he laughed slightly. “Walk slowly, Darling.”James muttered hugging her back, letting her go. “You don’t know what your talking about daisy. They’ve brainwashed you.”Cal said as he took the folder, looking confused even as he took it, opening it to read. “....Go.”James muttered turning his head as Natasha reached his side, watching her the way a lion watches a antelope, a predator sizing up potential, studying her, committing her face to memory, not sure if he’d get out of here alive. Swallwing hard as he walked towards the castle, knowing he couldn’t stop, couldn’t stay with natasha even if it was breaking his heart to let her walk out on her own, “Von doom. Are you truly insane?I mean, declaring war on me?”He said walking up the front steps, for all the world looking like he was going for a Sunday stroll, instead of mentally calaculating, working.
'she' offered him a smirk. "you think that Skye wouldn't be crying if she had to give herself up to save her mother?" Loki asked, shaking his head before grimacing. "yes, she is. disgusting." he grumbled before walking slowly to Cal. "i know more than you do at least i don't kidnap, torture and probably rape my fathers wife." Skye said, pulling away from anyone who tried to touch her. "i'm not your daughter Cal." she stated firmly. "i never was. you had me for what, a month?" she demanded. "by blood i am James and Natasha's. by heart?.... well i haven't known anyone long enough for that, have i? because you keep driving everyone away... i'll never have family, i'll never have friends, and now i'll never have freedom. might as well be dead." 'Skye' said unhappily. "you've killed me Calvin. you killed my spirit and my will to live, i hope your happy with yourself." she informed him before beginning to weep again and turned her back to them, huddling in a corner the way Loki knew she had done as a child and being picked on at the orphanage. Loki also knew that Calvin had seen this behavior before because Skye still did it when she was very distressed. she found a corner, a small space, somewhere that she could protect her back and her sides.

Natasha stared at him and paused just long enough to say "i'm sorry. i was wrong. i won't do it again. come back to me." and then headed into the jet, collapsing once she was out of sight of James. Steve and Tony had to help her into her seat and it was Steve who applied emergency medical care. she was in worse shape than they'd feared, but better than they'd expected. she wasn't in any life threatening situations, just a lot of pain. "Ah, James. of course i am not insane. after all, if i kill you, i become the guardian do i not? is that not what you did?" he demanded, smirking, knife in hand. "getting Skye reunited with her father was simply a bonus." too bad that's not how it worked. the Guardian was chosen by the previous. Von Doom had watched James kill Fury and assumed that was how it had to be done. James no doubt, already had his replacement in mind and even if he didn't, the secondary Guardian, Peter, would either get a 'promotion' or choose a new Guardian. Peter, who was watching from space, ready to step in, in a matter of seconds. the fantastic four would have to take the backburner. the Avengers could help only because it was their teammate who was kidnapped. but to avoid war, it had to be the guardians who did the killing. and kill they would, Peter would never let Doom survive if he hurt Gamora the way they had hurt Natasha. little did they know Gamora was so much worse. he'd actually done invasive surgery on her, exploring her alien physiology. she would be lucky to walk for the next three months. as it was, some grunt had to wheel her past, her eyes like glass, still drugged to the gills, out to the Jet. soon, soon they would all be dead and Von Doom could explore a little more on the green skinned woman. perhaps he could even see if she was biologically compatible with humans? he knew his grunts would be delighted to rape her until she came pregnant.
“Hm, true. But you’re still a girl.”James said making a face. “He’s not married to her. And he is not your father!I am!”Cal scowled looking upset and insne as he read the file, looking utterly lost and out of sorts as he considered his daughter. And no matter what the file said, she was his daughter. But for the moment, he wasn’t attacking or hurting her.

“...I’ll be back.”James said quietly, paine. Because even now, he could feel the dull ache of his body, the abuse he’d put his body through in the last week, enough for even a super soldier’s body have to work to heal. “damn. You’re safe now. We’ll get you out of here.”Tony muttered looking worried as they got natasha settled, and half paying attention to the pissing contest happening outside. “/..Actually no. I killed Fury, because he asked me to.”James frowned looking annoyed at the idea, stopping in front of the other man. “Now. Turn Gamora over.”James said twitching a little, “No.We’re enjoying her”Maria said even as she fired, the bullet catching james high in the chest, a through and through to his shoulder as the man half staggered, falling half way even as he took a wild shot at the others, for a moment to disoriented to fight.
"your insane and being used by an evil, sadistic bastard." 'Skye' spat at him. "will you do THAT to me next!?" she demanded, indicating Gamora in her wheelchair. "will you torture me too?!" she demanded before watching, silent as she watched James coming in.

"i'm fine." Nat whispered. "it's just pain. don't let James go in alone..." she pleaded. "and Skye!..." "it's not Skye, it's Loki acting as Skye." Steve promised. "we can't do anything, not without starting a war, so the Guardians are getting involved instead and the Fantastic Four are backup, just in case."

"it is of no matter." Doom said, smirking at him. "i have searched deep into archives long forgotten. death is the key no matter how you lie." yes, death was the key, when one died, the other took over. still didn't change the fact that Doom would never be the guardian. "that's right. die now." Doom ordered with a sick grin before stuttering when ice started to creep along fingers and feet. "what the hell!?" Doom demanded, eyes wide, whirling to face Skye, who was no longer Skye, but Loki who was smiling ever so innocently. "you have a choice now Calvin." Loki informed him. "i passed along Skye's message and all the information you need." he pushed out with his magic, slamming Maria into the wall, knocking her unconscious. "will you give up on your sick goals and leave your little sister alone, or will you die here by my hands?" "Enough of this! you have no chance against the likes of me, Forsaken!" Loki snorted. "you are a pale imitation. be silent." Loki demanded, Doom freaking out because all of a sudden, his lips no longer existed. he had no mouth, and without words he could not work his magic. now he was pissed, but he was too reliant on magic to do anything about it.
“No!I would never!”Cal said looking at wide the girl with wide eyes.

“he’s not alone.”Tony promised, “Don’t worry. James has all the backup he needs.”He muttered tense and worried as he watched the castle, he just knew this was going to be bad.

“Death as in only one can exist at once. It’s sorta like only one Sith master existing at a time.”James said looking pissed as he staggered, recovering after a moment as he looked at Doom, evil glittering in his eyes even as he straightened. While he was in pain, it had been a horrible shot. “Enough, indeed. Loki, take care of Doom, and see him out to the fantastic’s out there. I’m sure they’re capable of taking care of him. I’ll deal with maria.”he said picking her up, because he didn’t trust the gaping, confused looking son, because while he didn’t turn his back on the other, he trusted loki to keep him safe. Gasping as he felt the bullet hitting him, staring at Calvin as the man looked at him, hitting his knees as he pressed a hand against the bullet hole high on his chest. “Tony, here.”James demanded, knowing that even his healing, had it’s limits, already starting to fold over. With attention, he’d survive, he just needed taken care of.
Doom snorted a little. "still, killing you means i will have the chance." he decided with a smile. "i will not be handing Doom over to anyone." Loki stated, reaching out, blood splattering the floor, Doom gasping through his nose, choking now that his throat was full of blood. dead in seconds, bleeding out on the floor. "now they may have him." Loki decided before snarling when he realized Calvin had shot James while he was occupied with watching the blood on the floor. "Fuck!" Loki snarled, slamming Calvin into the wall just like he had done to Maria. guards where freaking out everywhere but could not get in through the barrier and that soon didn't matter since Rocket, Groot and Peter where there, rounding all of them up. they wouldn't be killed of course, they where mostly helpless without Doom anyway. Steve and Tony where there in seconds, since all Loki could do was try to stop the bleeding. it was Steve who did the minor surgery, removing the bullet, letting Tony do the actual first aid, stitches and bandages while Loki moved to help the other Guardians. terrified for James but needed to do his part to help, instead of hovering and being a distraction. Calvin was alive still, but was completely stripped down and tied up. Loki had searched him and had left him only in his underwear before summoning ropes up to render him completely immobile.
When james woke, the man frowned as he stared at the cieling. Staring as he tried to piece together what was happening. “....What’....”he swallowed hard as he made a face at the mask he was wearing, finding the oxygen mask annoying. “You’re safe. Everyone is safe.”Tony promised jerking up and waking up all the way, yelling for steve and the others, knowing that he was being rude in waking them up, but knowing that natasha and steve, who’d been with james since he’d gotten hurt two days ago, had finally gotten some sleep.
"hey. James. oh thank god." Steve said, staggering into the room, blinking sluggishly, moving over to the other. "leave the mask on, one of our lungs was damaged, you need the oxygen while it repairs." he explained. "we had to drug Nat, she was in here yelling at you to wake up." he admitted. "she should be up any minute now seeking revenge." he admitted with a smile. "just rest." he ordered, wincing when the door slammed open, revealing a very furious Natasha who headed straight for Steve, promise of pain in her face. "James is up!" Steve informed her, halting her in her tracks. in an instant she went from vengeful demon to sobbing woman. crying on James belly and babbling about how sorry she was.
James blinked up, frowning a little as the mask fogged slightly as he breathed. This was unpleasant. He didn’t want this. “...I can breath.” “No you can’t actually. The lung collapsed with Cal’s bullet. It’ll take a few days to heal, you damaged yourself enough beforehand, it’s taking longer then normal”Tony said watching him. “And your girl is a scary vengeful demon, by the way. Who I never want to be seriously angry with me.”Tony said fidgety and upset, as he watched the other, backing away as Natasha stormed in. “Hey. No anger!”Tony warned whining a litle as she stopped, sighing quietly as she started to cry. Moving away from the bed to give them privacy. “...Nat....”James muttered wincing a little as the simple weight of her head on his stomach made it hard to breath a bit, but not about to ask her to move as he raised a hand to stroke her hair.
"just stay calm and you'll be fine." Steve promised him. "we have Cal by the way, Loki couldn't bring himself to kill the man when he's clearly not in his right mind. we have him locked up right now. River goes in sometimes to try to talk to him." Steve admitted. "it doesn't go well..." he admitted before smiling. "she's scary as fuck James, i thought she was going to turn me inside out." he admitted, shaking his head before hiding behind James when Nat came back in. "i'm sorry! i'm hurting you. i can't seam to do anything right when it comes to you." she admitted, wiping her eyes. "i'm just so glad your awake! i was so scared you where... where..." she sniffled again and leaned into the hand before fussing over him, trying to make sure he was comfortable and not in pain. helping him sit up and drink frm a glass, or rather, through a straw, gently making sure he had everything he needed before carefully giving him a sponge bath, making sure he was clean, fussing over him while he didn't have the strength to protest.
“...Okay. I’m okay.”James said looking annoyed with the mask, even if he was calm, before smiling sadly. “well...we’ll decide what to do with Cal later...”he said not feeling up to dealing with his son just yet. Not when everything was hurting and he was worried about natasha.”She’s amazing. Scary.”James muttered smiling quietly, looking at natasha with that soft quiet look that said he didn’t care. That she was the other half he needed, always wanted. “.....You’re perfect. Always good. You just need to talk to me.”He muttered because he still felt lost of why she’d left, but not wanting to talk about it yet, not when he was so worried and scared on how she was doing, still in pain. “I’m not going anywhere Nat.promise.”He muttered sighing quietly as the other took care of him, knowing he wasn’t going to get through to her just yet. That she wouldn’t talk to him until she knew that he was going to be fine. Smiling quietly as he got a sponge bath, he slid his fingers through her hair, tugging her hair slightly. “I should have the strength to really enjoy you giving me a sponge bath. This is great.”He muttered sighing softly, simply feeling lazy and content, drugged enough that he wasn’t really in pain, between the drugs and his own healing ability he was starting to feel better. Even if he hated how drugs made him feel, or that he never felt quite safe enough to take them, he trusted her to make sure he was safe enough to simply relax and recover without injurying himself more trying to protect himself when he had her to take care of him
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