
“She deserves that. It’s okay. I’ll just kill him and just let her kill him again.”James said smiling slightly, before tilting his head as they walked into anna’s room, looking at the woman worriedly. “...How are you feeling?”He said moving to sit on the edge of her bed, leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead.

“Oh. Well.Damn.”Peter said sounding as shocked as gamora did, looking down at her, pressing a kiss to her head. “Well, he is a super soldier. Super sperm and all that.”he muttered because while he knew she had sex, and liked sex, he knew the woman hadn’t had a chance to really have anyone since James bolted, even if peter himself had been trying for months.
she giggled a little and nodded before smiling at Anna who smiled at them. "i'm feeling a lot better actually. Bruce thinks that it was the stress." she admitted. "i'm so glad your both okay." she admitted, snuggling into James and holding Natasha's hand, happy for the company, and comfort before she tensed and looked down where a large wet patch had grown between her legs. "oh hell. James, go get Bruce would you?" Anna asked, something odd in her voice. it was only when James was gone did she reach down and bring her hand back up, stained red with blood. "...oh fuck." Natasha hissed. "Jarvis! Emergency! get Bruce NOW! and for the love of god don't tell James!"

"yes... damn..." Gamora agreed, still in a state of supreme shock. "yeah he is. we weren't sure his human physiology and genetics would even be capable with mine." "actually, according to my more recent studies, human genetics are so flexible that, so long as the alien genetics are close enough to human, we can breed." he admitted. "close enough?" "you know. two legs, two feet, a brain that can think." he shrugged. "about two thirds of the alien species in known existence would be capable of breeding with humans. the Kree have already taken advantage of that fact." Bruce admitted before looking up when Jarvis informed him that it was an emergency. "fuck." Bruce was gone in a second, Gamora blinking, stunned. "...maybe James killed someone?" Gamora wondered.
“Ah, that’s good. You’ll take it easy.”James said settling closer, smiling as he snuggled, “I’m fine. We’re fine, really.”he promised before starting, looking upset and worried before nodding as he rushed towards the door. “I’ll be right back!”He promised as he rushed out of the room.

“...That’s both weird, and awesome really.”Peter said though he sounded baffled and a little weired out that humans could cross breed so well. “Well, we’ll just have to talk to James...”he said stroking Gamora’s back, trying to make her feel better before startling as james nearly running into Bruce as he left, the super soldier running out after Bruce, looking upset and worried as he trailed the man back into the bedroom. “...Maybe.”Peter frowned watching them go. “Miss Anna is in labor, Mr. Quill, lady gamora.”Jarvis said knowing they’d only worry more if they were left in the dark.
"yeah... weird. my genetics aren't human though." "no. but your close enough that James gentic material was acceptable." he admitted. "i doubt a normal human could get you pregnant without a bit of help, but James isn't a normal human. not to mention that over four fifths of the human population isn't entirely human... it's complicated." he admitted before racing off to help Anna. once he got there, Natasha was kicked out, James wasn't allowed in and only Loki and River where allowed in because they could help Bruce. Natasha sat down on a chair and waited, back tense but looking calm. she knew that Bruce and River and Loki wouldn't let anything happen to Anna. it would be fine. it would be just fine... right?
James was sitting in the chair next to her, back stiff and looking utterly locked down, barely flicking a look up when Tony sank into the chair next to Natasha, for once, the tech and smart babble missing as they waited for news. Tense and upset, so rigidly locked down that you knew he was one jab away from breaking down again. Even usually bright wintery blue eyes were glazed over a little as he stared across the room before focusing, “Marry me.” “...what?”Tony sputtered his head snapping around to stare at the super soldier who wasn’t looking at them all, and wasn’t looking like he was truly aware of asking even if he was digging in his pocket, holding the ring gleaming bring in shaking fingers.
Natasha gripped her hands tight together to hide the shaking hands. Natasha jerked, startled when James spoke and then flicked a glare at Tony. "he was talking to me!" she informed him, surprisingly possessive, before smiling at James. "yeah. okay." she agreed, doing her very best to remain calm, reaching over and taking his hand with one and offering the other so he could slide the ring onto her finger. "it's perfect." she admitted, leaning against him and closing her eyes.

it was the next morning before Bruce finally staggered out f the room, tears sliding down his face, walking past them without a word followed quickly by River who was talking to him softly, waving the others back down with a warning glance. Loki stepped out of the room, pale, exhausted and worried. "the baby is hurt." he explained softly. "she'll likely never be able to walk. if her spine does repair itself she'll likely need leg braces and crutches." he explained, voice distant. "...we did everything we could..." Loki whispered. "i'm so sorry... there was too much blood... we... we lost her." Loki admitted. "Anna is dead."
“I know.”Tony said snickering a little, swallowing hard because it felt wrong to be laughing sitting here like this, but it was amusing really. “...Good.”James said swallowing hard, his own hands shaking as he slid the ring on, holding onto her tightly as he settled back in his chair.

“....”James looked up, eyes wide as he watched Bruce walk away, before loking up at Loki. “...”He struggled, swallowing thickly as he bounced to his feet, looking frustrated as he rested his hand on the others shoulders, looking at the godling, frustrated cause the words wouldn’t come.”Вы ... вы пытались. Спасибо.”He muttered looking frustrated that he couldn’t find the english words before turning away, and walking away, and even without asking jarvis where he went, he could guess. The fact that he knew James was going to slaughter christopher to the point it’d take alot of skill to even consider returning him to his body, was a forgone conclusion as the winter soldier tried to get the grief out. tried. thank you.
Loki blinked at him, wondering if he was about to get punched? he looked at the hands on his shoulders and then back up at James, more than a little confused before he nodded. he had poured every bit of magic he had into trying to keep her alive. he was seconds away from collapse but someone had to take care of the baby. thankfully River was back, without Bruce to care for the tiny creature which was born too early to be on it's own. it was in rather good shape aside from the mangled legs and broken back. the little girl would be lucky to ever walk, but Loki was sure there was something he could do, if not, Tony could find a solution right? he was too tired to think, and it was only because Steve was swift moving that he was caught before he hit the ground, passing out. Natasha moved int the room, letting Stve help Loki into bed, glancing at the bed. Anna covered with a white sheet, tears burning in her eyes before she turned to the baby in it's little protected bubble of plastic and technology. "...her name is Anna." Natasha decided. "Anna Jasmine Barnes."
Tony smiled softly as he followed Natasha into the room, nodding a little as he stood next to her, despite wanting to bolt and hide from the emotions that were battering him so badly, he stood with her, “ITs a good name.”he muttered reaching out, sliding a hand into hers, squeezing a little. “Want me to go get James?”He muttered looking worried about the small family, having no idea if this reaction to death was a healthy one or not, having no idea how to help his friends. “Нет необходимости, я здесь.”James muttered as he stepped closer to natasha, swallowing hard, it was hard enough staying calm, he couldn’t get his head around speaking english yet.

no need, I'm here/Sorry...for leaving...
Natasha smiled at him. "no. he's taking his aggression out." she admitted, tears welling up into her eyes as she realized Anna would never get the chance to beat the bastard herself. well, maybe she would, after all Hela would be taking Anna personally and giving her a favored place since she was one of Loki's favorites. all of the Avengers would be going to the same place, even if they died in battle. Valhalla was, after all, a choice. not one that many would refuse, but if it meant being with freinds and family most would skip Valhalla. with Anna in Helhiem, Chris could be reclaimed by Hel and Anna could have her revenge in death. right? "it's fine James. is he gone?" she asked him. Loki had released his soul once James had finished. the asshole was insane anyway so no point in keeping him alive anymore. she settled her hand into his, holding it tightly, more tears coming up. Anna was gone, but that precious, perfect baby girl was theirs. Anna's baby, through the little girl Anna would never truly be dead.
“Kay....well. I’m gonna go play in the lab or if you need anything.”Tony muttered squeezing her hand and stepping back as james moved in. Pausing in the doorway, pausing as he considered things before rushing out, heading for the lab in a manic need, needing to find something.

“Yes. He is.”James muttered, dipping his head to press a kiss to natasha’s hair, closing his eyes as he swayed into her a little, his own hair damp from the shower he’d rushed through a quick shower to clean up. Swaying a little, feeling unsteady as he leaned into natasha, smiling quietly at the little girl.”She’s prefect. So perfect...”he muttered.
she nodded. "i will Tony." she promised. "you call too, if you need anything, okay?" she asked him, looking a little bit worried about him to be honest. she smiled at James, shaking her head a little. "your all wet." she mumbled, watching the baby sleeping, little legs in casts, back wrapped in a brace but looking perfectly happy and content wrapped in her little plastic tube full of oxygen. she was so tiny, couldn't be held yet, but she was so, so very perfect. she was theirs. "she is perfect. i named her Anna." Natasha admitted. "Anna Jasmine Barnes." she informed him. "our baby."
“I will.Don’t worry.”Tony promised, even if they all knew he wouldn’t, or it’d be jarvis who called. “Hm, took a shower.”he muttered, nuzzling his cheek against the other’s cheek, sighing softly. Smiling quietly at the sight of the baby, she was so, so perfect. “Anna is a good name. I like it.”He muttered, resting his fingers against the glass over the girl, holding onto Natasha, shuddering a little. “I think....”he trailed off, because he couldn’t quite think well yet. Still to disconnected and upset.
Natasha nodded. "you smell nice." she admitted, smiling at him, watching the baby with an overwhelming feeling that she didn't fully understand. she was just as terrified as she was excited. this would be the first baby she'd ever raised from birth to adulthood. not to mention the first she'd raised that would have special needs. "you think what?" she asked, curious, encouraging him.
“Thanks. You do to.”he muttered smiling softly, resting his fingers against the glass, feeling utterly overwhelmed and insane. “...I think...we’re gonna be okay.”he muttered shuddering a little. Scared and worried. Swallowing hard, not ready to think on anything else, except that, he was okay right now. “I think...we need some rest to.”he muttered nervous and upset even as he bullied natasha to bed, having moved the incubator into the room across the hall, because he couldn’t stand the thought of leaving the baby, but he couldn’t sleep in teh room with a dead person, so he moved both his girls to where he needed them, before collapsing into bed with a shudder."...we're gonna be okay...."
she smiled at him, a little in shock herself. "...we will be. we have to be. for Anna." she admitted. "the older i mean, she wouldn't want us to be miserable." she admitted, looking up at him. "she'd want us to live long and happy lives, so we have to be okay, for her." she decided. "yeah. rest would be good." she agreed. well aware that Bruce was only sleeping because River had drugged him to the gills. River had made sure to set up the Incubator properly and had an alarm system, both technical and magical to make sure that the baby was as safe as she could be before leaving them to sleep. "we're gonna be fine." she mumbled.

and she was fine. it was Bruce who was having the problems. he refused to leave his room and refused to let anyone in. it was only thanks to Jarvis that they knew he wasn't dead in there. he just lay in bed and refused to get up. Natasha was making herself as busy as possible, even going so far as to make a mess and then clean it up, though most of her attention was taken up by baby Anna. Gamora was back on her feet, still shaky but able to care for herself again and she was helping where she could. it was River who had known her the longest though, so he was the one making most of the decisions on the funeral. he hadn't slept since she had first gone into labor and he had lost the energy to control his Glamor, so was walking around with horns and fuzzy ears. he looked like death warmed over, but refused to sleep.
“Yes. For anna.”James agreed, leaning into her a little, “And for ourselves. She’d want us to move on.”James muttered before smiling, settling in for sleep.

Though James was being himself, the sarcastic nasty asshole he normally was, there was a layer of grief hidden under the sarcasm, and you knew that under the mask of normalcy, he was still shaken and lost over actually grieving a lover, a sister who he’d just accepted was the sister that he’d missed, that after losing everything to ice and war, he’d finally had family again. It was hard for him, to accept that. And tony, well....tony hadn’t come out of the lab in three days, mainlining coffee and the only reason he wasn’t sick or exhausted, was that extremis was allowing him to stay more alert and aware as he worked on things that were utterly useless mostly, since he was starting to be so manic, that he couldn’t actually make things.

“Mora?”James muttered, shuffling into gamora’s living room, well, her and peter’s room, as each of the guardians had gotten a apartment of their own, with rocket and groot sharing the apartment across the hall gamora and peter’s. And while they weren’t officially together, peter was normally found glued to gamora’s side these days. “Hey James. Finally dragged yourself away from Anna?”Peter said with a small smile, as he looked up from making him and gamora lunch, the woman laying on the couch and resting for now. “...Nat ordered me away. Said I needed to be somewhere else before she stabbed me for being underfoot.”James muttered making a face, because this was the first time in years, that he’d lost someone he cared for, the grief was making him a little tough to live with these days.
Steve carefully slipped into the lab, looking around at all the mangled, metal things Tony was destroying in the name of science and grief. he moved over to the other and gently caught the other's wrists, pulling them away from the blowtorch in his hands and carefully shut the thing off before Tony hurt himself with it. he set it aside, gathered Tony into his arms, ignoring the squalling protests, curses and struggles, and carried him out of the Lab. "i want you to hurt me." Steve informed him once Tony had stopped calling him nasty things. "and then i want to hurt you." he looked at him. "and then we'll take turns fucking each other until we can't see straight. i'm tired of sleeping alone and it's been days since i've had sex so no arguments or you'll get the strap first instead of me." he warned Tony with a small, grief filled look.

Gamora looked up at him from where she'd been laying on the couch reading a woman's magazine. "James! how are you feeling?" Gamora asked gently. she too felt very sad by Anna's passing, but, like all of her emotions, they where dull and muted. when you spent your entire life in a world that said emotions where for the weak and to be taken advantage of, you never learned how to feel those emotions. she felt the most for James and Peter, rocket too but others where just vague amusements, or annoyances depending. "Natasha is grieving as well, she'll calm down once Baby Anna is out of the incubator." Gamora promised him. Loki had already found his son, Jormungandr, one of the best healers in the nine realms, to come and look at the little baby girl. already the back brace was off and the Casts where replaced with bracers. Jormungandr informed them that there was nothing more he could do. baby Anna would always have a serious limp and would probably need leg braces for much of her childhood if she wanted to walk at all. but walk she would. survive she would. aside from being born too early and the damaged legs, there was nothing else wrong with her and River and Jormungandr both reported that baby Anna could probably be removed from the incubator once her little lungs finished developing properly.
Tony growled, squawking in annoyance as the blowtorch was taken away, growling as he cursed and twisted in the other’s arms, cursing the whole way. And while he could have fought and punched, even in his anger, he was limiting himself to not really hurting him, simply struggling. Growling as he calmed, realizing he wasn’t getting anywhere he paused, frowning at him. “...But I was working!I can fix Anna. I can. Extremis fixed my back when I broke it, why can’t I fix her?I can!”Tony scowled arguing because while he wasn’t trying to get away, the man couldn’t not argue when he was told not to, stubborn and annoying as he frowned. Well. That explained why he’d been working so much. He wasn’t focusing on losing anna, he was trying to fix the little one.

“I’m okay....”James muttered moving to sit next ot her, shifting her around a bit so he could lay down with her, snuggling against her slightly. “ I’m not...but I’m losing myself...I can’t...I can’t help. I don’t know what to do for anyone, to help, I can’t save bruce, I can’t...”he shuddered, closing his eyes. “I can’t think beyond trying to taking care of anna...”he sighed, closing his eyes as he relaxed, trembling a little, because he hadn’t allowed himself to truly grieve, having been staying strong for anna and natasha, it was starting to get to him. “You’re doing fine, James.”Peter said biting his lip a little as he brought the food in for Gamora and some for james, looking worried, glancing at gamora. This was horrible, because there would never be a really good time to tell him about the new baby.
Steve shook his head. "if you had come up in the last three days, you would have known that Loki's son, who is a healer, has already come and fixed Baby Anna's back." he informed him. "and her legs as well, as uch as could be fixed. she'll always have a limp and will probably need braces for her legs, but she's fine." he promised Tony. "Natasha and James where even able to hold her for a few hours today. all that needs to happen now is for her to grow a little, she's still too small and some of her organs haven't finished developing, thus the incubator." he admitted. "it will be years, two at the most, before she needs leg braces so your fine." he promised Tony. "Jori, Loki's son, says that she'll be able to crawl easily enough and should even be able to stand with help." he admitted. "now, are you going to calm down?"

"your not loosing yourself, your just upset." Gamora assured him. "Bruce is starting to come around, Skye picked the lock into his room and bullied him into a shower and into eating." she admitted. "i'm fine because Peter is taking very good care of me, as is Rocket. Rocket is fine because he has Groot and Groot is okay because he has Rocket. Steve is recovering and has just left to get Tony and they are going to be having... how did you call it Peter? wild and kinky sex?" she asked him before smiling, wrapping her arms around James, holding him tightly before letting him go so they could eat. "thank you Peter." she said, offering him that rare happy smile.
“....”Tony stared up at the other, frowning slightly as he considered the other. “...I can make braces. They’ll be amazing and awesome.”Tony muttered sullenly, before smiling slightly, relaxing. “They did?Good....they should get to hold her...”he muttered calming slowly, swallowing hard as he leaned into the other, running his fingers through blond hair. “yea...I’m okay.You?”he muttered urging him down for a kiss even as he wrapped his hand in the strands, tightening and pulling slightly, but not having the right leverage to do really anything with his hold, since the other man was so much taller then him, it was just a awkward hold.

“...Really?Skye bullied him?”James said snickering a little at the idea, shaking his head. “So much like her mother.”He muttered before sighing, nodding slowly. “...I guess. Everyone has someone...” “Yes. Wild, kinky dirty sex. I wouldn’t try talking to either of them for awhile.”Peter snickered, amused as they settled in to eat. “You’re welcome.”He said blushing ever so slightly at gamora’s words. "You are are quite cute really."James snickered a little as he ate.
"they will be amazing, but she won't need them until she's older Tony." he promised with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "they did. James started crying. it was pretty awesome." he admitted with a smile, not about to admit that Natasha was insisting that Steve and Tony be named as godparents. Tony wouldn't handle that news so well right now. "i'll be fine once you fuck me to an inch of my life." he promised, bending down to kiss the other, smiling a little at the tugs on his hair. "go grab the stuff, i'll get the lube." he breathed. letting Tony pick what would be used on who. he loved it when Tony picked, one because he liked the surprise and two, because he liked watching Tony try and decide how he wanted Steve to hurt him.

She nodded. "yes. she'll be with him for quite a while." she admitted with a chuckle before smirking. "she is much like her mother." Gamora agreed. "dirty sex. yes." Gamora agreed with a grin. "James? i must speak with ou about something." she admitted, looking at Peter. "would you go and get me another blanket Peter?" she asked, giving Peter the hint he needed that she wanted some privacy. once he was gone she looked at James. "i am pregnant with your child, i would like Peter to claim it as his own." she admitted, watching him. "you will, of course, be a part of the babies life but i would like for Peter to be the father and raise it with me."
“True. I’ll make them later.”Tony said pleased with the idea, before smiling, relaxing. “That would be awesome. Jarvis better have recorded it, I wanna see that.”Tony muttered snickering a little, before purring a little. “You sure I can do that?”he smirked a little, whining quietly at the other’s words, even as he headed for the toy box, because he had no idea what he wanted to do. Thinking about it, looking upset and lost as he tried to decide what he wanted. It was so hard! Fidgeting, even as he picked up the box, and the whip, before scampering back to steve’s side, pushing the box into the toher’s hands, “This is for you.”he said flushing and nervous,he’d had it for awhile, but he’d been to nervous to give it to him, at least until grief and emotions had hit him to hard to consider awiting longer. Fidgety as he waited for steve, the simple black collar holding dog tags that had simple diamond, set ub scarred silver metal, and a tracking chip and proof of life chip in it, a way for tony to keep track of steve. And while he wouldn’t ask for it, he could see the edge of steve’s necklace holding his own dog tags over the edge of his shirt, and he wanted them. But he wouldn’t ask, and he was feeling upset and worried enough about everything, to have finally broken down and given steve the present.

“Good. He needs someone to look after him.”James said relaxing at the knowledge that someone was looking after Bruce, smiling slightly at knowing both steve and tony were being looked after. “Hm?”James frowned looking up from his food. “Yea, I’ll get you one.”Peter smiled, kissing her forehead as he walked out of the room. “...Oh.”James said looking shocked and surprised and lost. He had no idea what to say. “Oh...I...uh...”He said barely able to string words together, before nodding. “Okay. You can do that.Okay.”he said because it was her body, her child, he wouldn’t be demanding, even if it made him want to twitch and yell at the idea sharign his child with someone else.
he smiled at Tony. "i don't know. i think it would be better if James didn't try to kill you. maybe i better not show you?" he teased with a smile. "oh, i'm sure if you try hard enough you can do it." he agreed with a grin, gathering the different lubes, the warming one, the cooling one, and the one that tasted like strawberries. "huh?" he asked, startled when he was handed a box, setting the lube down and accepting it, his eyes going wide. "oh Tony, wow!" he muttered, stunned. lifting it out of the box and grinning. he had given Tony his own collar, Dog tags attached, but he'd never realized how much he had wanted his own, a special one from Tony, making the world know he belonged to Tony. "put it on me?" he asked hopefully, holding it out to Tony before kneeling in front of Tony so he could reach Steve and then do whatever he wanted to the super soldier.

"he does." she admitted with a smile. "Skye is doing a good job. she's making him take a shower. i believe she threatened to bathe him herself if she had to." she admitted with a chuckle before smiling at Peter. "thank you Peter." she said before looking at James. "i know that you are very protective." she admitted. "and i know that you want this baby to stay as yours, but you are with Natasha and i desire to make a home with Peter." she admitted. "not that he knows that yet." she admitted. "i want you to be happy James, but i desire happiness too. Peter and i have discussed this part. we will be moving to earth permanently, and living close." she admitted. "we are not leaving." she promised him with a smile. "i know you don't really like the idea, but i think that you and Peter would make wonderful Co-parents."
“Hmm, that’s true. You better not.”Tony snickered a little, smiling a little as the other grabbed the lube, looking amused as he looked at all of them,”Planning on being busy, are you?”he teased before flushing brightly at the sight of the other’s delight for his gift, turning his head just enough to feel the pressure of the collar he was wearing, nodding. “Of course.”he said, relaxing, relieved that the other wanted it as he took the collar and put it on, shuddering at the sight of the dog tags on him, wrapping a hand in the other’s hair, “you look good on your knees, Captain.”He smirked as he undid his pants, raising a eyebrow. Wrapping a hand around his cock and pushing steve towards his cock some, demanding but not forceful yet.

“That would have disturbed him I bet.”James snickered a little, before swallowing hard, he nodded. “I know you do. Even if you haven’t told him yet, I’ve always known you liked him.Even if you give him a hard time about it.”James smiled a little before staring down, shoulders slumped a little, vulnerable and hurting. “I know. And you desire to be happy to.”he said before his head whipped around, staring at her startled. “you’re what?”he sputtered, because that had been the biggest problem he had with peter being the father to his child. He’d assumed they were leaving, and he wouldn’t get much time with the child. “Oh...well.Okay.”he said, flushing a little because he was totally okay with that. He just needed to be involved.
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