
Nat sniffled and shook her head. "your not okay." she whimpered. "and it's all my fault." she informed him, stroking his hair and doing everything she could to make it better. "we have Maria too. she's strapped to a bed in medical. Loki has already claimed the baby. apparently it's going to be magical and Loki wants it raised proper." Steve admitted. "for now, she's strapped to a bed." he admitted. "Loki's looking for a ay to transfer the Fetus. he says it can be done, he just doesn't know the spells for it." he admitted, watching Nat take care of him. "hush. i'm cleaning you." she ordered. "your not supposed to enjoy it. showers are for enjoying. sponge baths are because your too sick to take care of yourself." she informed him. pleased once he was clean and cared for. "stay." she ordered him, leaving at a brisk pace, coming back with a bowl of hot soup, carefully sitting him up and removing the mask so he could eat before replacing the mask and laying him back down. "there. now, go to sleep, your exhausted. we'll talk when your feeling better."
“Not your fault.”he muttered sighing softly as he relaxed, simply enjoying being with her again. “....Huh. Good. Loki will be good for it.”James said sounding interested, thinking about that, rolling his eyes a little. “You are. And I’m naked. You being near me while naked makes me wanna enjoy it.”He muttered sulking a little, eating a little and laying back down.”Sleep is good.”He muttered agreeing as he closed his eyes, simply going to sleep instead of fighting it like he normally would.

It was a few days later before the man was feeling better, and while he was still tender and sore from the two bullet wounds, the man was starting to recover well. Scowling a little as he eyed natasha as she came in.”I’m allowed out of bed. Don’t yell. I’m allowed to move.”He said having a feeling he was going to get yelled at for being up and moving even if he’d been cleared to do so.
"it is my fault." she whispered before smiling. "we where all against it until we found out he had fathered and raised nine perfectly wonderful children." she admitted. "nine! can you imagine!? anyway Thor vouched for the children ad said that only one had ever gotten int trouble with Odin for biting some dudes hand off, but when Odin found out that the guy had been torturing the kid he rescinded the punishment." she admitted. "so Loki's going to be the... mother." she wrinkled her nose because she still wasn't over the whole 'Loki's actually a woman' thing. or at least, she thought that was how it worked mostly she was just babbling.

Natasha had to grin at his automatically defensive stance on being out of bed. if it wasn't for Bruce informing her she'd have sworn he was lying. "relax, i know. but your not supposed to tax yourself too much." it had taken every effort, but she had managed to keep him from asking about Gamora. she was still in a Coma. still hadn't woken up but her vitals where back up and steady once more, once Bruce had gone in and fixed the damage Doom had done to her. "Just as a warning, Loki's pregnant with Maria's baby now so he's a bit moody. apparently the procedure causes like, a dump of hormones or something, i don't really get it, but he's snapping at everyone and won't let anyone into Anna's ice-cream room but Anna." Anna who was still craving ice-cream constantly and just as grouchy because Bruce wasn't rubbing her feet since he was trying to keep Gamora and James steady and stable. not that she blamed anyone, she was just grumpy because her feet hurt and Bruce wouldn't try to have sex with her while she was pregnant.
“I know. I’ve met some of them. They’re both amazing and disturbing to know Loki raised them.”James snickered a little before nodding. “Indeed he is.”

James eyed her as she grinned at him, making sure she really wasn’t going to yell at him before smiling. Straightening a little. “I’m not going to tax myself. I’m gonna go find where Mora’s hidden herself, then we’re going to go hide on Stevie’s deck, and snuggle and talk.”James smiled sounding happy and pleased at the idea, because while it would be a walk, and he’d need help, the man was happy to be out of bed. He knew they weren’t telling him something, but he’d assumed Gamora was mad at him for making the call and walking into Doom’s clutches, which he was sure Natasha wanted to scold him over, but he needed to see her. REally, really needed to. “....He’s...oh man. I hadn’t considered the problems with him actually being pregnant.”he sulked a little, wrapping a arm around her waist, leaning into him a little, tugging her towards the door, more then needing to see gamora, he needed to snuggle and hold natasha, since he’d been hurt, he hadn’t been allowed snuggles until he healed. “Well, at least we wont have to deal with Anna being upset with no ice cream.”James smiled a little.
she snorted at him. "you always Tax yourself." she huffed before flinching and dropping her eyes before smiling weakly. "yeah Loki's a spitfire... listen. James we need to tell you something.." she admitted. "Gamora... she was hurt. bad. Doom did something to her and rearranged all her insides. Bruce barely managed to save her life. she's been in a coma since we got back to the tower. Bruce said she's at no life risk, but he doesn't know if she'll ever wake up, or what her mental condition will be like when she does." Natasha admitted softly, leading him tot eh hospital room next to his. where Gamora was laying, attached to life support and pale. she looked so broken and fragile and there where two scars over her exposed stomach bright red and held together with stitches. they went from sternum to pelvis and one that slashed across her stomach where Doom, and then Bruce had opened her up. Doom for a look see ad Bruce to fix the damage. there where two IV's in her and a respirator to help her breath while she healed. she looked so... broken.
“Do not.”James said tilting his head a little, frowning at her words. Pale wintery blue eyes widening as he looked at the other, leaning more fully into Natasha as the words hit him like a punch, feeling weak and relying on her to keep him on his feet. “Oh...oh mora...”He muttered, stumbling a little as he looked her over, looking shaken and pale as he stumbled for the bathroom, and soon the sounds of both throwing up and whimpers of pain were coming from behind the closed door. The man’s body not appreciating the abuse he was putting it through by dry heaving. Stumbling slightly as he got up, he rinsed out his mouth, looking pale as he looked at Natasha, eyes wide and so close to panic and fleeing, you knew that he was still reeling form everything that happened and now seeing one of his best friends like this. “...Nat....Get me...out.”He stuttered a little.
Natasha let him react, there was nothing else she could do. Gamora had explained everything to her ad she understood now, how and why Gamora was so important to James. she stayed in place while James heaved, knowing he would only strike out at her if she tried to comfort him right now. she moved over to him and helped him back to his feet and helped him out of the room and down the hall into the kitchen where she sat him down, poured him the strongest Tony had and handed him the bottle, taking the shot for herself. they both needed the calm of a soft buzz.
James sighed quietly, leaning into her as she helped him out of the room, taking the bottle with a smile. “You know, this stuff really doesn’t work anymore.”he muttered even as he stood again, holding onto the bottle and gently bullying her into the room tony had only recently completed for him in the week she’d been gone. Making happy noises at the sight of the fish tank wall, something about the cool fishes and soft lighting making him relax, leaving him bottoming out some into a better headspace. Tony had struggled hard to figure out how to help him, without having to hurt him all the time. And he’d come up with the calming fish. Slumping down onto the bed he tugged her down with him, cuddling close, sipping the alcohol, emotionally numb, and floating a little, starting to bottom out into a subspace, his fear and need to be with natasha, and pain leaving him more submissive then normal.
she nodded. "the burn will help." she decided, following him, letting him think he was being bossy. it would make him feel better. "wow." she blinked, looking around at the room. "this is really cool." she admitted before smiling when she realized he was totally out of it. she settled into the bed with him, running her fingers through his hair and sang a lullaby she knew, the only one she knew, in Russian. easing him down with soothing touches and affectionate sounds. easing him to sleep. she could only hope he would feel better when he woke up.
“Probably.”James smiled a little, content in her arms, closing his eyes as she looked around. “It is. Calming to. Helped while you were gone.”he muttered sighing softly, relaxing under her hand as she stroked his hair, he’d always loved having his hair being played with.

When he woke he smirked against her skin, his head resting on her chest, turning his head just enough to mouth at the nipple closest to him. Feeling just enough like himself to want to tease her, even if he knew they had to talk, that there were things to do, but talking could wait till after sex. Or at least a try of sex, even if he wasn’t sure his body would handle the strain of sex just yet.
she moaned a little when she felt the mouth on her nipple and shoved at his head. "stop it. your still sick and i'm gonna be pissed if you get me randy and then can't follow through." she grumbled, smiling at him. "well i can tell your feeling better." she admitted, stroking his hair.

"Peter? ou okay?" Rocket asked, hopping up next to Peter, setting a cup of coffee next to the man. "she's gonna be okay Peter. you know she is." he promised. "even Loki said so." he admitted, looking over at Steve and Tony, Steve who was doing his best to keep Tony calm and Skye from having a mental breakdown. Bruce and Anna where cuddling on the couch, Bruce's first rest in days. he was already asleep, completely exhausted.
James whined as he was shoved, though he didn’t stop what he was doing, rocking his hips into her side, rubbing against her. “No. I want you. You left, Nat!I haven’t had sex in weeks!”He whined squirming a little, smiling a little. “And I do. Really. I can totally have sex.”

Peter smiled a little, looking upset still, tired and exhausted, hurting as he watched gamora as he tried to stop feeling like a idiot for not telling her, talking before now. Neding her to wake up, so he could confess. Offering a strained smile, he nodded a little. “I’m okay...”he sighed tiredly, “...How’s james?”he mutered worried about the other man to.
she groaned again and shook her head, letting him do what he wanted, she could finish the job. "i know. i'm sorry. i'll explain when your not feeling so frisky." she promised. "your not going to like it though." she admitted. "roll onto your back." she ordered, smirking at him. "i'll do all the work."

Rocket nodded a little. "your a bad liar Quill." he admitted sardonically. "we should totally go steal the Guardians arm, you know, to make you feel better." Rocket teased with a grin. "oh, he's being frisky." Rocket admitted. "i think he's blocking out his bad feelings." Rocket admitted. Rocket never did that, he wasn't capable. when he felt something, everyone knew it. like now, he was very worried about Peter and terrified for Gamora. "Quill?" Gamora asked, voice very weak, but there. it was there, she was alive! she was awake! "what has happened? why can i not move? Quill?"
"It'll be a cold day in hell when I'm not feeling frisky around you, doll."james said giving her that grin that had gotten him laid all the time, eveN when it had been socially unacceptable to have sex before marriage. GrinNing as he rolled to his back he sighed, tugging her hair a little."I'm sure I wonf. But I want you. Always."he smiled sighing quietly as he obeyed and let her do the work.cause while he might not like it, he knew he had limits to what he could do at the moment..

"I am not...and if we do, he'll sulk for days about it."peter said even as he smiled at the idea before nodding."he probably did. James isn't good with feeling things he doesn't want to....and we should go steal his arm while he's trying to have sex.that'd be amusing."he snickered a little knowing he shouldn't encourage the raccoon but not able to help it either."gamora?"Peters head jerked up moving to her side holding her down gently."don't try to move you'll hurt yourself again."
she snorted at him and shook her head. "don't be cute or i'll tie you up and leave you here." she ordered, not that she'd actually do that and even if she did, he could always break her knots, the asshole. "i'll never leave you again." she swore. "never." she promised before setting about giving him as much pleasure as possibly. using her mouth all over him to bring him to completion before riding him, moaning eagerly as she rode him. she'd missed having his cock inside of her, so much.

"so!? i need that arm Quill!" he complained. he had no idea that all of the guardians, James included, knew that Rocket was trying to build a robot. he just wasn't good enough at building so he kept stealing parts from other places. "it would be amusing, but i would rather not die. we have to do it while he's sleeping!" "hurt?" Gamora asked, frowning. "i was hurt?" she asked, trying to sit up again before giving up. her body refused to do as sh told it. "what happened? the last i remember is going to the jet and then..." she fell silent, thinking hard. "and then i woke up here." she admitted, so very confused. at least Doom had been kind enough to keep her drugged while he fucked with her insides.
“Hmm, you wouldn’t dare.”James said looking amused, relaxing at her promise. “Good.”he muttered ,looking utterly happy and content at the idea. When they were done, he swallowed hard, panting as he closed his eyes, shivering a little, quiet as he turned his head to look at her, nuzzling his face against her neck as he curled up against her. “Love you.”he muttered

“You could always ask Tony for help. He might have some spare parts.”He said looking amused before snickering. “We’ll do it then, then.”He agreed before looking at Gamora, nodding slowly. “Don’t.”He ordered looking worried for her, before swallowing hard. “yes....Von doom kidnapped you and Natasha....and hurt you both.”Peter looked pale and shaken, having no idea how to tell her what had gone on."Don't worry. you are home. well, at the tower, both of you are."
she smirked. "i so would, don't even doubt me." she teased before chuckling as she lay next to him, panting. "i love you too James." she admitted, smiling at him before she sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "i left because i thought you where in love with Gamora." she admitted suddenly. "that day at the park, i saw you two eating ice-cream and she was touching your hand and your face and when you came back you where so much calmer, so at peace i jumped tot he completely wrong conclusion." she admitted. "i thought you where upset, trying to find a way to break up with me, so i didn't want you to go through the effort and the pain of it." she admitted. "so i left, so you could be with Gamora without feeling guilty..." she admitted, too afraid to look at him. "it wasn't until she came to my base and beat the hell out of me and explained... that i realized i'd just made you feel even worse, that i'd ruined everything..."

Rocket puffed up, embarrassed that he had been caught but said nothing. he didn't want help! he wanted to make a robot all on his own!.... he just, lacked the parts to do it! "yes! i will have that arm!" Rocket agreed, even if he knew he'd never steal from James. "oh... is Natasha alright?" Gamora asked, worried, looking at Peter. "what about Doom?" Gamora asked, worried. "dead. Loki slaughtered him." Rocket admitted. "good." Gamora sighed, relaxing. "how badly was i hurt?"
James smiled against her skin, shifting, snuggling against her, head pillowed on her chest as he frowned a little. “... I love Mora, but love with her.”he muttered frowning a little, sounding annoyed. That she’d even considered that he’d love someone else like that. Before flinching away from the memories, because he loved anna, at least had thought he loved her like that. Shuddering a little he swallowed, refusing to look to closely at those guilt ridden thoughts at the moment before frowning. “I was calmer cause I’d been fretting about leaving her without warning. And cause well....there’s so much I never want you to remember, that sometimes I just need to talk about...but not wanting you to know makes it harder...I just want you to be happy, Nat. I didn’t want to make you remember things if you didn’t already know about them.”He muttered, relaxing, whining softly. “No, you didn’t ruin anything. We’re together.”he smiled a little.

“I mean, he’s iron man. He probably has parts you can steal.”he said, pretending he didn’t know perfectly well that the other really needed help if he was going to do it, and well, rocket liked tony. Figured if rocket asked him, the other might help with the robot. “Natasha’s fine. Better then James actually. Moron got himself shot, even if he’s healing.”peter said smiling slightly, before paling slightly. Nodding slowly, holding her hand gently. “Yes, real bad, Mora.”
she smiled at him. "yes, i know that now." she admitted. "but at the time i thought she was better for you." she admitted. "she's your sister, your big sister. she takes care of you." Natasha agreed. "but at the time i only saw what i thought i saw because i was still... i still thought you would eventually get tired of me because i can't have babies." she admitted, looking over at him finally. "i remember everything there is to remember now you know." she admitted. "i don't have amnesia anymore, haven't since i remembered, Alina." she admitted, voice soft. "we are together." she agreed, smiling at him. "we won't let each other go, not ever. agreed?"

Rocket pondered that and then nodded slowly. he did like Tony. he'd ask the man, worse that happened was he was told no and he'd go find another arm to steal. "James is hurt? how bad?" she demanded, looking worried. "who shot him?! what the hell is going on Quill!?" she demanded, looking frantic. "what did they do? why are you not telling me anything?!"
“ Its sorta like trying to date Anna...”He smiled a little, nuzzling her slightly before frowning, biting her gently. Because it upset him, badly that she thought so little of him, that he’d leave her for that. But not willing to upset her. “We’re having a baby together. Soon.And anna’s doing better.”he muttered nuzzling her a little before relaxing, swallowing hard. “Oh...good. I hadn’t....wanted to ask, and the more upset I got over it, the less I wanted to ask you about was both our faults.”He shrugged a little, grinning a little. “Agreed.”he said kissing her neck, smiling,shifting, laying out on top of her, shivering as he pressed against her. “We should do more, of that together thing. Be one person again.”he said smirking a little, leaning down to kiss her softly.

“One shot through the shoulder, and one through the chest, collapsed a lung, but he is healing, mora. And both Maria and calvin.But I promise, he’s fine.”peter said looking up at her, looking so worried and scared for her, “It’s....they...Doom, cut you open...explored your insides.”He said sounding anxious and worried.
she giggled a little and shook her head a little. "i'm sorry. i know you would never but my head was never one for seeing common sense." she admitted, looking up at him again. "we are having a baby together." she agreed with a smile before nodding. "you should have asked. i guess you didn't remember me informing you that i remembered everything after i molested you?" she asked with a smile before giggling as she was kissed on the neck. "we should do that." she admitted, smiling at him. "we should go do something fun." she agreed. "after the baby is born i mean." she hesitated, looking worried. "Anna's been having some belly pains. Bruce thinks she's going to have a premature labor." she admitted.

"she nodded, relaxing. that wasn't enough to kill James if he was already stable. he was okay, it was okay. "he... he did... what?" she asked, eyes wide. "...sit me up. i have to see. sit me up!!!" "hey, it's okay Gammy. Bruce already went back in and fixed anything doom Did. there's nothing wrong." Rocket promised her, making her shudder and relax again, closing her eyes she started to weep. "nothing was irreparably damaged." Bruce promised, walking into the room. "you will make a full recovery and Loki has a cream that can get rid of the scars." Bruce promised. still looking exhausted, though much better than he had earlier.
“I know that.”James smiled a little, sighing softly. “I was hurt at the time. Sorta didn’t let me remember, but now that you mention it, I do.”He said blushing a little shivering, before nodding. “we should go on vacation. I mean, Tony has a beach house. We should all go out on vacation.”James smiled before wincing, looking upset and worried as he looked down at her, torn between molesting his girlfriend and needing to go check on the other woman. “...Really?Is she still hurt?”He said looking anxious and worried, scared for both mother and child.

“He explored.”peter winced looking upset and worried, even as he helped her sit up. “But the damage is fixed, I promise, Mora.”Peter said gently stroking her hair, looking upset and worried as he looked her over, wrapping him wrap his arms around her, holding her ever so gently, looking up at bruce, “See, you’re okay, Mora.”he muttered trying to sooth her.
she nodded. "yeah, i suppose so." she agreed with a smile, shaking her head before beaming at him. "we should! a beach would be perfect." she admitted before smiling at him. "come on. we'll go see Anna." she decided. "she's not hurt. she's just having a few labor problems. Bruce thinks that Charles damaged one of the baby support things in her so her body is going into labor to protect both her and the baby." she admitted. "he thinks it will be fine, if it goes too bad, he'll put Anna to sleep and take the baby out with surgery." she admitted.

"explored?!" she asked, looking stunned, staring at the massive, hideous scar covering her body. it's fixed. it's all okay?" she asked, settling against him, looking up at Bruce with tears in her eyes, Bruce offering her a soft smile. "everything is perfectly fine. Loki even had his daughter, Hela check to make sure." he promised her. "everything is perfectly fine, he didn't really damage anything, he just shifted a few things around and i repositioned them right back." he promised. "however there is something i need to speak to you about." Bruce admitted. "how long is your races gestation period?" "gestation? like, pregnancy? about twelve earth months. why?" "well. then i would say your about five months pregnant." "...p..pregnant?"
"Yep. You and a bikini would be epic."james grinned at the idea. Before nodding his libido checked and calm as he worried about anna. Getting dressed he frowned slightly glancing at natasha frowning."I'm going to kill him again after we see her..."james muttered sounding upset at the very idea that anna and the baby were hurt.

"It's is."peter said sounding upset and worried as he looked at her, holding her close."...pregnant?"the man said sounding at a loss for a moment before nearly choking on his tongue as his mind caught up to who she'd been sleeping with five months before.
"i would look epic in a bikini." she agreed. "i agree, he needs to die a few more times. we can't kill him permanently though, Anna wants to have that right, and i think it's important to her healing." she admitted. "mental health i mean." she admitted with a smile. "she'll gain a lt of confidence if she can smack around her abuser." she admitted before smiling, sliding into Anna's room. she was on bed rest until the baby was born and she was very unhappy about it, but too tired to actually raise a fuss. she looked perfectly fine at least, if a bit bored and she beamed at her visitors.

"yes. like a baby." Bruce admitted. "i don't know much about her people s physiology however so i can't be certain how old the fetus really is. it is well formed however, if very tiny, so i am making a guess." he admitted. "i'm pregnant? but i was so careful..." Gamora whispered, too shocked to know how she really felt about this.
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