
he snickered a little and nodded. "of course. what better thing to be than busy?" he asked with a smile before kneeling for the other, leaning into the hands on his neck, a shudder running through his back, a sigh leaving his lips, his eyes fluttering closed. that simple action dropping him right then and there. "yes Tony." he breathed. agreeing because he always did when he was dropped. when he was really down, he'd just smile at Tony. he opened his mouth, ran his tongue along the head of his cock before sucking Tony down tot he base in a single movement, sucking Tony like the pro he had trained very hard to be. trained on Tony's cock even. he swallowed around the cock, trying to take it deeper because he just loved the sensation of Tony deep in his throat.

"a little bit." she admitted with a smile. "i don't like him." she protested, even if she grinned showing that she was a lie. "i do give him a hard time about it. it's fun. he get's so adorably frustrated." she admitted with a giggle before nodding. "it's too dangerous to be in Space with a baby." she admitted. "or with a child, so for the next... oh, eighteen years at the least, we'll be staying here." she admitted with a smile at him. "plus, i like Earth and i know Peter get's homesick. Rocket and Groot might go off, but they'll always come back." she admitted with a smile. "so, you are alright with this? Peter doesn't know yet, i wanted to have your approval first."
“Hm, true.”Tony looked amused, sighing softly as the other leaned into him, simply enjoying the control, groaning as the other swallowed him down. Whimpering quietly as he tightened his grip on the other’s hair, rocking his hips a little, whining quietly as the other swallowed him. “You are amazing. So good.”He muttered swallowing hard, after a few moments the tugs getting desperate. “Stop, steve.”He ordered pushing him back some, not wanting to come just yet.

“He does. It’s quite amusing to see him so frustrated.”James snickered a little ebfore relaxing, swallowing hard. “You know, I never cnsidered that.”He muttered relaxed, happier with the idea of having another kid. “...Well then. It’s good.”He said running a hand through his hair, nodding. “I didn’t like the idea of you leaving with the baby...but your staying. So yes. I’m alright....I just didn’t enjoy the idea of never seeing the baby...but you’re going to be here. So yes.I promise, I’m alright.”he said squeezing her hand.
Steve looked up at him, eyes half mast and sucked harder when Ton tightened his grip, encouraging Tony. he hummed when he was told that he was amazing. he whined when he was pulled off the other, cock straining against his pants, watching the other with eager anticipation. "Ton... please. god i need you inside me." he doubted he was going to just be bent over and fucked though, Tony had that look in his eyes.

"it is very amusing." she agreed with a snigger, smiling at him. "i would never cut you out of your own baby's life." she promised him. "i know how important family is to you." she admitted with a smile. "i want to have a steady place to live for the baby, and earth is perfect." she admitted with a smile, leaning against him and cuddling up, glad that he was okay with this, looking up when Peter came back in, accepting the blanket since she was actually cold and wanted to be a bit warmer. "thank you Peter."
Tony shuddered grinning as he looked at the other, gesturing towards the door across the room.”Playroom now.”He ordered, a smirk in his tone, already heading for the door, pointing to the st. Andrew’s cross. “Lay out.”he ordered, waiting for the other to get there, tying him up stomach down, because he had every intention of fucking him like this, smirking as he picked up the whip, sighing softly as it left marks across beautiful tan skin.

“I’s just...I panicked there.”James smiled relaxing a little, pressing a kiss to her head.”Yes. Earth is perfect.”He muttered shifting, holding her as he settled back against the couch, amused as peter tucked them both under the blanket. “You’re welcome. Now both of you are going to rest.”Peter said giving them both that look until james relented and didn’t protest, snuggling down into the woman and settling in for a nap.
Steve moaned at the order, staggering to his feet and heading for the other room, settling against the cross and letting Tony tie him up. unlike some, Steve could not lay still when he was being hurt. he could not obey, that was why Tony tied him in place. Steve arched into the sharp, cracking pain, tossing his head back when he could, wriggling and writhing, crying out, making the most delicious noises and begging Tony to 'please, fuck me, can't take it, need' between strikes. how such a dominant man could be such a gorgeous sub would baffle most people. by the time Tony was done, Steve was barely standing, trembling under the delicious pain, chains taught as he sagged in them. "no. Tony... more, please?" but Tony knew the signs, knew Steve was close to the breaking point and that they had to stop. because also, unlike most subs, once Steve was low enough, he could no longer judge for himself what was safe and what was not.

"i know." she admitted "i was quite amusing." she was so sadistic! "thank you Peter." she mumbled, snuggling into James before reaching out, grabbing Peter's wrist, a flare of fear rising up in her. "you'll stay? you won't leave?" she demanded, only once she had his promise that he wouldn't leave her alone did she settle down and go back to sleep, right on top of James.
Tony smiled quietly watching him, enjoying the sight of the other writhing and needy for him. And despite usually being the sub in the relationship, the sight of the man like this. Was to much. “Shush sweetheard, I’ll take care of you.”he muttered wiping come and sweat off them both, easing the other off the cross and holding him as he moved to the bed.”Sleep, Steve. You need it.”Tony said gently cleaning him up and doctoring his back, making sure he was well taken care of, for the moment ignoring his own need to drop, to simply enjoy being with the other. Sighing softly as he settled in close, holding the other as he dropped off to sleep, though he’d be awake and ready if steve would need him again.

“you’re welcome, mora.”peter smiled amused, looking down at her, before bending down. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. Just to the chair to read while you to two snuggle. Don’t worry.”he promised kissing her head again, looking amused as they both simply settled in to sleep. Glad that they were relaxing enough to do it.
Steve whined at Tony, vaguely aware that he had cum at some point and his ass was slightly aching in the way he loved most. he was always virgin tight so sex always caused a wonderful burn. "but i didn't..." Steve protested, waiting to make Tony feel as good as he did, even if he was in no shape to do so. he hadn't expected to drop so hard or so deep so he ended up just laying there and doing at Tony's command. he would wake in the morning and take Tony through his paces ad they'd both head to breakfast in a very nice state of bliss.

Seven months later and Mora was very, very unhappy. the baby was due any moment and she felt so fat it wasn't even funny. Bruce had announced another surprise not two months ago. twins. so she was bigger than normal. unfortunately they where never turned the right way for an accurate gender announcement so that part was a surprise. Mora had finally given in and kissed Peter and they where now going out. Bruce had slowly recovered and was tentatively thinking of asking Skye out on a date. she was the only reason why he was even alive to be honest. eve the Hulk couldn't stop him from starving himself to death after all. the biggest thing going on was the wedding. Natasha's excitment was only curtailed by her adoration for baby Anna. who was perfectly healthy in every way. she was able to scoot and sit up on her own now and was always happy to roll from stomach to back to stomach again. she babbled nearly constantly and had just discovered her feet and was always sucking on her toes. she couldn't stand up yet, but Bruce said that wasn't a surprise considering her legs. still, she could crawl like a maniac and nothing was safe from her fingers or mouth. not even the table, which she was currently drooling on right then. she looked so much like Anna it almost hurt sometimes. a little carbon copy, thank goodness, nothing of Charles remained in that baby thanks to a little magic manipulation done while baby Anna was still in the womb. the only genetics still active in baby Anna where the ones that acted behind the scenes as it where. health and such. none of the coloring of baby Anna where from Charles at all.
James to, had settled. While he still had his moments of crippling self- hate and pain, the more he allowed himself to settle into life with natasha and anna, and the arrival the twins. More so then any other time in his adult life, his family and friends were getting a glimpse of the man he’d been before the Soldier, before the war had stripped him of everything. Grinning from his vantage point next to Anna, the man smiled at the baby who was cuddled against his side, even as she drooled on the table. Biting his lip to keep from amusement as she messed with her uncle’s pantleg under the table. Absently listening to the wedding talk going above him, he was enjoying his daughter’s company to much to really be listening. “This is your wedding you know. You should be helping.”Tony said smiling in amusement at the sight of Anna holding onto his pantleg, even as he looked at james. “Hm, Nat’ll make sure I know where to go, and when to show up. That’s all that matters.” “You are such a guy.”Skye said rolling his eyes before looking at Natasha.”Are you sure you want to marry the goof?”she said amused that the only person not really paying attention to the planning was the groom, hell even peter and gamora were talking and listening from her resting place on the couch.
Natasha was happy to chatter on about dresses, flowers and other such things with Pepper, Gamora and Skye. she was keeping a close eye on Anna but wasn't too worried about her with her so close to James. "alright imp." Steve complained, distracted from the wedding conversation when he felt her trying to strip him of his pants. she babbled at him, not even close to real words yet but chattering away anyway. Loki too was swollen pregnant with child. Maria and Doom's child that he had claimed as his own. he and Thor where set to be hand fasted a month after the baby was born. "i will tell you where to go and what to do." Natasha promised him with a smile. "but make sure you pay attention because i might just order you to cluck like a chicken." she warned with a giggle. "i do want to marry the goof." she admitted with a grin before blinking when Gamora squeaked and flushed. "i'm so sorry Peter..." she said, sounding rather mortified. "i've never lost control of my bladder like that before..." "uh... Gammy? i don't think that's pee." Rocket admitted after a tentative sniff.
James snickered a little as anna tugged at steve's pantleg."that's right anna. Help uncle tony get uncle steve named."Tony grinned looking amused as he smirked at his lover."...why would you order me to cluck like a chicken?that's silly. I refuze."james said making a face before yelping a little as his vantage point from the floor gave him a very good view."no definitely not pee. Peter, help bruce get her downstairs. You're about to become a parent. God help the child."james snickered amused as peter sputtered as he got to his feet."what?" "Labor. Come on 2uill, get it together."james ordered the other guardian looking amused though
"Tony! don't encourage her!" Steve protested with a chuckle, Natasha snickering before smirking at James. "it's the American marriage tradition James, you have to do weird things." she pointed out. "American's are just... odd. anyway according to this, the male clucks like a chicken to encourage long life and fertility." she stated, indicating the book in her hands. "he's also supposed to prove his virility, doesn't say how. i think it's a proof of strength of some sort." "that's probably what they do when they carry the woman into the home." Gamora stated. "i have seen many videos where the male fails this show of virility." she admitted. "they are forever made fun of on the AFV T.V." oh, Gamora was just making it better. god help James if he actually clucked like a chicken for the marriage! she'd never let him live it down. "oh, well as long as i didn't pee." Gamora decided. it wasn't surprising that she hadn't realized she was in labor. Natasha hadn't either. for a woman who had been tortured most of her life, a little stomach cramp was nothing, even if it was more pain than most women ever experienced in their lives. Natasha hadn't even needed drugs for the birth of Alina. Gamora would likely not need any either. "yeah, come on Quill! your about to be a daddy! pick up your girl and take her to the doctor already!"
“I shall encourage her all I want.”Tony said making a face. “...I am not clucking. I’ll have lots of sex, carry you through a door, and do other things to prove that I’m virile and strong.”JAmes decided. “Hm, we’ll have to make sure to film him dropping her, and clucking like a chicken.”Tony snickered. “I’m not clucking!”James protested, amused. “No, you didn’t pee.”He reassured her, well used to this reaction since he’d seen it with natasha. “I am I am, hold on!”Peter’s eyes were wide and startled, to startled really to be doing well even if he did pick gamora up and got them all heading for the medlab.
"you have to cluck, James. it's tradition!" Steve protested. "fine then, if you won't cluck, will you at least keep a rooster tied to the pulpit? that should be close enough." Natasha admitted, looking at the book again as if trying to keep to proper marriage protocol, even if she was talking out her ass. "oh, he won't dare drop me." Natasha said, giving James a very firm look. he would be sleeping on the couch for a month if he dared drop her. "....oh hell." Steve said when he looked at his phone. "Loki is also in Labor." he admitted. "he and Thor want Bruce to deliver the baby, will you be okay with sharing a room Gamora?" "yes. i like Loki." well, she liked him now. that wasn't always true of course but she liked him well enough to share a doctor. since she knew Bruce was the best and probably the only doctor that Loki trusted enough to help. Loki's past, almost a dozen children, where given birth without a doctor at all. Loki went off alone and came back with a baby, easy as pie. sort of. Loki was waiting for them when Peter finally got Gamora there and he offered her a smile, just as un-bothered by the pain as the woman was, and how sad was that? to be so used to pain that giving birth was considered easy.
“...I do not. You cluck, if you want to.”James twitched staring at the side of natasha’s head, as if trying to decide just what she was making up. “Well, damn.”Tony snickered amused that tehy were all having kids on the same day, shaking his head as they all got settled into the medlab to deliver.

Hours later Tony grinned as he poured the guys drinks, smirking as he sipped his alcohol. “Now, since none of us smoke, I thought the traditional cigar is being exchanged for the shot of whiskey, as we go ohhh and aww over the baby. Babies.” “You make it sound like you don’t like kids.” “I don’t.They’re messy.”Tony said twitching a little, not about to admit to anything, especially the traitoress needy thoughts that had gone alone with both the pregnancies and the wedding coming up. Despite being a in a serious relationship, he was so not ready to admit to his private thoughts.
"i will cluck then, since you're too..." he smirked. "chicken, to do it yourself." "...that was bad, Steve." Natasha chastised. "i know, but it was so worth it." Steve admitted with a grin.

Steve chuckled as he accepted his drink, Thor accepting his as well, tossing it back easily. "oh, Tony loves babies, he just doesn't want to be there when they poop, puke, cry, pee or do other unsavory and horrible things." Steve admitted with a grin, running his thumb over the collar around his neck. he hadn't taken it off since Tony put it on. he knew Tony had something on his mind but he wasn't really sure what. he was hoping, someday, that he and Tony could adopt, when Tony was more calm and comfortable. he looked up when River walked in, with a happy smile. "two boys and a girl." he informed them. "Gamora's twin boys, and Loki has an adorable little girl. the fathers can go and see them now, Peter, James, Thor." he indicated they where supposed to follow them. Thor took another gulp of liquid and followed River. this would be the first baby Thor had ever helped raise. sure he'd held Loki's other babies before, but he'd never actually helped. Loki was sitting up in a rocking chair looking perfectly fine, in woman form breast feeding the little girl who looked perfectly human. Gamora looked a little more tired and sweaty but she was sitting up in bed, feeding her twin boys as well and both new 'mothers' smiled at their men when they came in.
“You’re sense of humor hasn’t gotten any better over the years.”James said rolling his eyes a little.

“Really?”James said looking curious. “...Oh yea. The only mess I want on myself, is the mess I make. Oil and grease are definitely better then shit and throwup.”Tony said smiling a little absently resting a hand over steve’s shoulders as he sat next to the other,fingers absently stroking over the collar. “Thanks River.”James grinned smiling as they headed into the room. “....I find it disturbing that Loki’s a girl.”James made a face smiling at the man with a smirk, letting peter go to gamora first. Even if it was his twins biologically, he was letting peter get close. “How are you feeling?”Peter said looking worried, looking them all over.
"Tony, watch your mouth in front of Anna." Natasha scolded, ruffling her hair when Anna started babbling at Tony. she always babbled at the people Natasha scolded. half the Avengers where convinced she was trying to make the scolded feel better and the other half thought she was trying to scold them too. Phil was of the opinion she just wanted to drool on them. Steve shuddered against Tony and offered him a smile, leaning over and kissing him. "what else am i supposed to be?" Loki asked, lifting an eyebrow. "you think i'm going to feed her from man titties?" he demanded, looking amused. "would it make you feel better to know that from the waist down i'm still male?" "" Gamora admitted. "in fact, i think that's worse." Thor just chuckled and shook his head, stroking the baby's head. "her name is Alivia." Loki informed Thor, Gamora smiling, handing one of her sons to Peter and the other to James, letting the proud fathers hold their sons. Loki on the other hand, refused to let Thor hold his daughter. not that Thor seamed to actually mind, he had no idea how to hold such a tiny creature. "i wish for you to name them." Gamora informed James and Peter. "i am not good at naming things." that was true, she'd named many things, usually plants. when the plants on the ship where all named 'tinderbox, firepit, and roast ham' they learned very quickly not to let Gamora name anything.
“Oops.”Tony made a face. “I’ll add money to the swear jar I promise.”He said with a smile, grinning a little as he cooed at Anna despite his complaining about kids, he really did like having anna with him, even if it required one of the other adults, someone he trusted, to be there for him to relax. As if he didn’t trust himself alone with the baby. “Well, no, but its weird seeing you as a girl.”James shrugged before making a face shaking his head. “No, it doesn’t.” “Yea, that sorta just makes this girl thing you got going on, even worse.”Peter agreed smiling a little, as he took his son, looking amused as james fairly cuddled the first son he’d ever had. It was quite amusing to see him so enthralled to a baby. “No, you’re not. Though that fireplant from Vesparian you named ‘sparky’ was a fairly good name.”James teased a little biting his lip, looking around the group, blushing ever so slightly. “Grant Anthony.”He muttered. "Really?"Peter snickered a little, amused because the man looked so defensive over the name. "Shut up." "I think I shall name this one...Phillip Clinton..."He muttered, because he'd totally bonded with the other two men, even if he'd never admit it outloud, he enjoyed their company, much like James and steve's friendship, phil and clint had become near siblings to the only child.
she nodded. "you better." Natasha grumbled even if she was smiling at Tony. Anna giggled and babbled at him, reaching for him with the grabby hands, wanting to be picked up now that papa was gone. Natasha was the one who rescued him, picking the baby up and tickling her belly.

"it is a little odd to have breasts again. it's been over a century since my last child." he admitted. "stop looking at me like that Thor, you cannot touch my breasts." Loki growled, causing Thor to pout a little. "hmm. perhaps you are simply squeamish?" Loki mused at the others in the room, Thor snickering a little. "granted, i knew humans where a little uncivilized to begin with..." Loki mused, Thor rolling his eyes. "yes, Sparky was a good name." she agreed. she'd named it that because it sent huge fountains f sparks into the air, threatening to catch fire to anything the sparks touched. she'd adored the plant, shame Peter made her get rid of it. "Grant Anthony Quill and Phillip Clinton Quill." she mused. "or perhaps Phillip Clinton Barnes. i haven't decided yet..." she cocked her head. "Anthony and Phillip Quill-Barnes? Barnes-Quill? she scratched her head. "Anthony and Phillip Who?" having been told she needed a last name for earth citizen ship, she'd chosen the last name of Who, for her race the Whoverians. all of whom where dead save her. "i am beginning to understand why she is not allowed to name things." Loki admitted, looking amused before sighing. "oh alright Thor! hold her then, but if you drop her i will gut you." Loki warned, settling the baby girl into Thor's arms.
“I will.”Tony smiled a little looking a little disturbed as anna grabbed at him, squirming closer to steve, looking pleased as indeed she did pick up anna first. Resting his head on steve’s shoulder he sighed a little.

“The world needed that long to recover from the trauma of you actually having children. It was a good thing.”James teased snickering. “Well, can I?I mean, they look fairly squishy.”James said looking amused even if a little squeamish to. “Maybe. And we’re not that uncivilized.”He rolled his eyes. “Hmmm..”James smirked looking amused as Gamora tried to decide on names, hopefully the other four men wouldn’t be to upset that they named the babies after them, or steve wouldn’t be upset he used his middle name instead of real name. Looking thoughtful he snickered. “Yea. She’s amusing. And just name them, Quill, darling. I mean, yes they’re mine, but they’re Peter’s to.” “No, we can’t do that.”Peter frowned looking at the other, “Barnes-Quill.”He decided smiling a little.
"hmm. you might be right." Loki admitted with a grin before scowling at James. "no you may not. they are swollen and sore and i will hurt you if you try." he warned. "you are uncivilized. not as bad as the Aeser, but still uncivilized." Thor just smiled, he knew Loki was just being grumpy. "it amuses me when you two argue." Gamora admitted, quite happy with how her favorite men where getting along. "i like it. Grant Anthony Barnes-Quill and Phillip Clinton Barnes-Quill." she held her arms out when the boys began to fuss, tucking them close to her once more and soothing them. "go away." she ordered them. "the babies need feeding and i need a nap. tell people of your sons." she decided, waving them off, Loki nodding as he kicked Thor out so he could take a nap too.
“Hm, I’m always right. Natasha says so.”James said primly, before snickering. “Okay, okay. I wont touch.”he promised rolling his eyes at loki being grumpy, because she knew he was just being grumpy. “I’m glad we can be amusing.”Peter said smiling a little as he leaned over to kiss her forehead, nodding. “I like it to.”He agreed, smiling as they past the boys over to her, pouting a little. “Come on, you really don’t want to watch, and the others need to hear about the boys. Come on.”James said looking amused as he bent to kiss Gamora’s forehead, amused as they were kicked out. Grinning a little as he saw the others. “We have boys. Phillip Clinton, and Grant Anthony.”The man looked pleased.
"you are as stupid as the rest of your miserable species." Loki huffed, glaring at Thor who started to snicker. "i will hurt you, ignorant oaf!" he growled, taking his daughter back. Loki had been grumpy like that often, from hormones of carrying a baby. " named one after me?" Phil asked, his lip trembling as he struggled not to cry, Steve snickering, incorrectly assuming they had named the baby after Grant Ward, who had died trying to help Natasha and Gamora escape Latveria. he had gotten Natasha and the doped Gamora outside the compound before he was shot, head and chest, dropped dead in seconds and the girls recollected and forced back into the castle. "those are beautiful names." Natasha agreed with a smile. "what about Loki?" "A Girl! she is Alivia Lokidottr!" Thor declared. "She will bring great honor to our people!"
“Am not.”james grumbled snickering at thor’s predictiment. “We did. And Clint. And Tony and Steve, and grant.”James snickered a little looking at Steve. “Having one Steve around is enough to turn my hair grey. Naming the baby grant means there is no confusion on who I’m yelling at, and well, kills two birds with one stone.”he grinned because indeed, choosing grant instead of steve had been part of that to, for grant ward, who’d been more help then he’d ever thought. “She will indeed be a great honor.”peter grinned looking amused, happy that this was his family.

And indeed it was nearly two months later that found the precious balance upturned, by all things, a wedding. Granted, it wasn’t so much James who was having the attack of the nerves, even if he was. The brunette guardian was upset and nervous, as if waiting for Natasha to decide that he wasn’t worth marrying, but more then anything, it was tony stark who was a nervous wreck as the groomsmen waited with james for the wedding to begin. “steve?What’s wrong with the puppy?”James said studying tony as he fidgeted and messed with the decorations, having amazingly been happy to help natasha and the girls with decorating, Anna happily chewing on a chew her own fist as james held her, for once, his hair tied back to keep her from stuffing it in her mouth. The twins under steve and peter’s care as the two were sitting in the living room, the wedding happening on the balcony of the tower, a private affair, and watching a nervous upset tony through the window, was nearly enough to make james admit just how nervous he was.
Steve glanced at James and then returned his attention back to Tony. "i'm not entirely sure, but i think he's upset because he wants to ask me to marry him and he can't bring himself to because he's scared i'll say no." Steve admitted. "either that or he wants to adopt, it's hard to be sure though." he admitted, smiling at James. "you and Tony are a lot alike, always worrying about stupid shit." he teased, shaking his head a little. "i don't know..." Steve muttered, scowling at the bouquet he'd been working on, his head tilted. "it's missing something still." he grumbled. "i've never been very good at this." he admitted with a huff. "why did Natasha insist on me doing this? it's terrible!" "stop being so melodramatic." Loki ordered, examining the bouquet with a critical eye, little Alivia with Peter and Steve, since Thor was doing most of the heavy lifting. "put a red rose in the middle?" "but Red isn't the marriage colors." "do it anyway." "fine but if Natasha get's mad, i'm aiming her in your direction." he warned, adding the roses as ordered. he had to admit, it did make them look perfect, he just hoped Natasha thought so.
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