
she nodded. "they will. and we will help you do it." she promised him. "Hydra puts the universe at risk. they must be handled." she admitted. "embarrassed? about what?" she asked, looking rather confused before smiling at him. "it is very amusing! he was speaking the other day of finding a dragon to slay for me." she clapped her hands together. "i might actually offer him a smile for such a feat!" she was such a teasing little bitch! probably why Peter liked her.

Rocket huffed. "i'm a man of intelligence, i need things to keep me occupied. it's not my fault you humans are all so boring." Rocket complained. "except Tony. Tony's not boring at all." he admitted. "well i suppose you can have a few." Steve promised with a chuckle, blinking at Gamora who looked around at them. "it was green." Gamora said noncommittally. "James has gone to lay down." she informed them. "...what is a cow and how do i procure one?" "what do you want one of those nasty things for?" Steve wondered. "i wish to have the Ice-cream while we are away from earth." "...ah, yeah you know you can put ice-cream in a freezer right?" "i can?" "yes." "...i wish to own a freezer, where may i procure one?"
“Hm, good. And Loki’s promised to stick around and help to. We’ll be taking care of hydra soon enough.”James smiled at her, before sighing quietly, leaning into her. “...Because I hadn’t...dealt with things right. Simply leaving natasha, then leaving you...I knew it was the wrong way to handle things...but I did it anyways.”James shrugged blushing a little before snickering. “I’m sure he’d bring you a dragon for a smile.”He snickered amused.

“I’m never boring. Though you’ll have to deal with boredom, my boyfriend’s done beating me. I think I’m going to have sex soon, so you’ll have to find something else to do then talk to me.”Tony said snickering a little before looking up at gamora, tilting his head curiously. Wondering at her trip to the park with james, and why the super soldier who could live off only a few hours of sleep, had gone to lay down. “...I will get you a freezer, for both while you are here, and one that you can take with you.”Tony said smiling at her.

“Nat?”James muttered stirring when he heard her coming in later, squirming out from under the pile of blankets he’d been laying under, which was his usual mode when he was dealing with things. He built a fort of blankets piled high, and it looked like he not only had his own blankets, but most of natasha’s, anna’s, one of steve and tony’s, clint and phil’ looked like when he was upset, the man had built a fort made of home. Of the blankets of people who meant something to him. Squirming to look up at her, he smiled, looking more relaxed and happy then he had in awhile. The simple act of being able to talk about everything he hadn’t wanted to burden Natasha with, hadn’t been talking to natasha over because if she didn’t remember, he didn’t want to add to her nightmares, having simply made him feel a thousand times better.
"ugh. Loki." Gamora said, wrinkling her nose. "you just keep him away from me." she demanded. she hated Loki more than most, because he had worked with Thanos. true, he had been brainwashed, sort of, but he had gone to Thanos willingly in the first place and had allowed the soul of the Tesseract to have him. it wasn't until he realized he was going to have to fight Thor that he started trying to fight back. "men are never capable of handling things properly so i am unsurprised by your actions." she informed him.

"....but i hate being bored!" Rocket whined. "can you at least borrow me some stuff so i can make something?" he asked hopefully. "how about you come play games with me?" Anna offered Rocket who paused. "games?" "sure! Poker maybe? blackjack? Kings in the corner? Mario Cart?" she offered, smiling at Rocket who nodded, following her eagerly. he loved games. "thank you, Lord Stark." Gamora said, offering him a smile because she knew it would drive Peter nuts.

Natasha paused, blinking at all the blankets. she knew him well enough that she knew what all those blankets meant. she couldn't bring herself to give him an ass chewing while he was clearly very upset. "Phil's gonna be pissed if he finds out you took his Captain America blanket." she warned, feeling her heart clench with jealousy, seeing how much happier he was. well fine, she could take the hint, she just made him sad, Gamora clearly didn't. Gamora could have him, just as long as he was happy. "you feeling okay?" she asked him, a bit worried about the fort. she realized he was upset because he was probably trying to find a way to break up with her.
“I will. Promise.”James said smiling at her, “Hm, I assure you, I’ve very good at handling sex well.”he teased a little.

“Well, if you want to.”Tony said before smiling at anna. “Hm, she’s the best at games.”Tony grinned watching anna and rocket leave, knowing she’d probably head down and spend time with bruce to. “You’re welcome.”Tony smiled, flirting to. “...You hungry Gamora?”Peter said twitching a little as he watched the other two.

James smiled a little looking up at her as he rubbed a hand over the soft fuzzy captain america blanket. “Which is why you’re not going to tell him.”He said squirming out enough to reach out for him, tugging her into bed with him, snuggling close under the blankets, content and not realizing she was upset with him. “Yea, I’m feeling okay.”He muttered, squirming around, that huge lean body shifting to get comfortable, snuggling into her, resting his head on her breasts as he snuggled, buried under all the blankets again. “Less tense. Talked it out with Gamora.”He shrugged sighing quietly, twitching a little. “...I just...wanted you to know. I slept with her. While I was gone. I thought....I was going to hide it...but you need to know.”he muttered nuzzling her a little, not realizing the more he talked, the more he was going to make her freeze him out.
and Tony was right, she Brce and Rocket entertained each other quite well. "...yes." Gamora admitted. "the Ice-Cream of Cows is good, but it has only made me hungrier." she admitted. "it has little nutritional value i think." she admitted, licking her fingers a little, savoring the last little tastes of the Ice-cream. she really had enjoyed it.

she snorted. "i don't know. i might." she admitted, blinking when she was yanked into the bed, sighing as she let him snuggle her. "jeez James, it's stifling under all of these blankets." she complained, shaking her head. it took all of her effort not to tense when he talked about Gamora. fighting back the tears. so long as he was happy, that was all she wanted. "i know." she admitted. "i could tell from the first day." she admitted softly. "just go to sleep. it's okay." she promised him. "i understand." she didn't, but she thought she did.
“Hm, it doesn’t. Let’s get you some real food.”Tony said smiling a little.

James snuffled her a little, nuzzling her neck before shifting, dumping off half the blankets even as he settled in to simply rest. “Better?”He muttered before sighing softly, not realizing something was wrong, before going quiet. “Oh....okay.”He muttered frowning a little, settling in for a nap.

Nearly a week later Tony frowned as he walked into the office him and steve shared, looking puzzled as he tapped the tablet he was holding, slumping into his chair across from steve, settling in before speaking. “I just had the oddest conversation with Barnes. Do you know what’s wrong with him?”He said looking for advice on dealing with james, knowing that he wasn’t the greatest at reading moods, so maybe he was missing something totally. Needing some basis for actions on the request james had just made.

“Natasha?”James walked into their rooms, tilting his head a little as he looked around for her, fidgety and upset, more like a kicked puppy that had no idea what he’d done wrong to make natasha freeze him out. So he’d done the only thing he’d known to do, ask for help and then hope natasha would come with him.
Steve blinked at Tony, looking puzzled. "what are you talking about?" he asked. "did James pick on you again?" he wondered before frowning. "actually. i had noticed he's been acting strange lately. i think it's because Natasha has been pulling away from him." he admitted. "i tried talking to her but she's been pushing me away too." he admitted. "i'm worried. she's been acting very..." he Hesitated and then. "depressed." he finished. "have you noticed?"

Natasha wasn't in the room when he walked in, but Anna was, playing a card game on the bed since she'd been feeling rather unwell. Bruce had said she needed to take it very easy and be very careful or the risk of a premature birth would be very high. "James? something wrong?" Anna asked him, her head tilted. "Natasha went to Shield H.Q. for something." she admitted. "i didn't think to ask what she was going for."
“hm, he asked about the club, and when they opened. Wanted take natasha.And no, not mean to me, just wanted to know about the club.”tony said looking at the o ther, frowning slightly. Because he knew the man, knew while james was capable of having some of the kinkiest sex ever, the man wasn’t often caught doing it in public. “Huh. I don’t know what’s wrong. And she has, and I don’t know why. I tried calling her to warn her that she’s going out tonight, but she didn’t answer the call.”

James smiled a little when he saw Anna, tilting his head a little before walking over, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “No. Just wanted to take her out for the night, but she’s not answering her phone or here either....”James said looking and sounding depressed himself as he looked around, as if talking about her would make natasha materialize, ignoring the pang of hurt since he'd just been at base, and hadn't seen her, even if he'd told her he was going to go visit tony.
he blinked. "that's right, i forgot. James likes to show off." he admitted with a chuckle. "well... i don't know what's wrong with Natasha." he admitted. "but i'm sure whatever is wrong with her is what's making James act so weird." he admitted, scowling a little. "hold on, let me try calling her. could be she's just annoyed about something..." he dialed her number and held the phone up to his ear and smiled when she answered. "hey Nat! i was worri..." he paused, stunned. "wait... what? you can't be serious!?" he demanded down the phone. "you can't just decide to do that! what about James?! what about Anna?!" he swallowed thickly and pulled the phone away from his ear, staring at it. "she... she's leaving..."

she blinked a little. "huh. that's weird." she admitted. "i've never known her to not answer her phone." Anna admitted, frowning. "she's been really distant lately. i'm worried." she admitted. "i wonder if she blames herself?" she wondered, setting a hand on her belly, the faintest bruises still remaining. "i know your pretty upset with yourself too. i wish you wouldn't be." she admitted. "it's not your fault it happened. it's not Natasha's either, it certainly isn't my fault." she admitted. "it's His, and he's paying for it." she admitted. "i don't much like that he's in the tower, but i do like that he's getting a taste of what he did to me." she admitted.
“He does. And I think he’s feeling upset enough to want dropped for once. He wasn’t...he didn’t look good Cap. I tried to get him to come in with me, but he just went back to the tower to find her.”Tony said looking upset, hating that the other man was so upset, and that natasha was before sulking when she answered. “I hate she always answers for you.”Tony sulked a little before pausing, staring at steve. “She’s what?Is she telling him?”Tony said already reaching for the phone to text anna, knowing better then to reach out to james himself, otherwise they’d have a hysterical super soldier. So he reached out to the next best thing to see if she could get james down here without upsetting him. “Where is she?”He asked looking upset, and having every intent of wrestling her into the ground if that’s what it took to make her stay.

“I know....she’s mad at me. I don’t know why....I thought...I’d take her out and have sex, and let her punish me for whatever I did....”James said, slipping backwards into the winter soldier persona, where punishment was something he deserved, and what his handlers dished out when he did deserve it. And he was treating natasha like she was in charge, and he needed taken cared of. The man was utterly lost and out of sorts without her. “...No. She’s blaming me I’m sure. Which is fault. I didn’t think maria would do something like this....”he muttered quietly, sitting on the edge of the bed before offering a small smile. “He is. Mora went down and beat on him for awhile. She’s old. She’s good at doing nasty things to’s sorta disturbing really.”James muttered.
"your probably right. but i think Anna can drop him if he needs it that badly." he admitted. "Nat won't be too upset if he goes to her i don't think." Steve admitted, frowning, worried. "we better go check on him." he admitted. "i don't like the idea of James being upset alone, he tends to do stupid shit." he admitted. "of course she answers for me, i only call her when it's important." Steve pointed out before swallowing at the phone. "i don't think she is." he admitted. "i have to go tell him." he admitted to Tony. "if he flips his lid i'll need to restrain him. i don't think he'd attack Anna but i need to make sure he doesn't attack anyone else." he admitted. "she's at Shield." he informed Tony. "you go get her and i'll do my best to keep James calm."

"what is she mad about?" Anna wondered, looking baffled before blinking at him, startled. "punished... oh..." she looked a little surprised to realize he was in one of those rare submissive moods. she hoped Natasha came back soon. "i'm very certain she's not blaming you." she promised James. "i know because i talked to her about it, she's blaming Chris and no one else." she promised him. "i think the fact that we're keeping him alive just to beat the fuck out of him is disturbing." she admitted with a smile to show she didn't actually care before looking at her phone. "...oh no..." she muttered, looking at him. "...James... Nat's leaving..." she told him softly. "Steve doesn't know why but according to Phil's text message she's taking a 'long range' mission... i don't know what that means."
“Probably. Hopefully.”Tony swallowed hard before wincing, looking at his phone. “Jarvis says he’s at the tower with anna. Go talk to him, and do whatever you have to do. Even if you drop him, tie him up in our room and leave him there, we’ll figure it out once he’s in control again.”Tony swallowed hard before rolling his eyes. “Asking her about ice cream and sex toys was important.”Tony huffed, because he knew he called natasha for some ridiculous shit over the years, but it was his way of keeping in touch with everyone. “I’ll talk to her.”he promised before heading out to talk to natasha, “Natasha?”he called as he stepped into the mission room, cutting a glance towards the archer who appeared to be packing to go to. Well. Hopefully. Even if he hadn’t asked, he was pretty sure Clint was getting ready to go with her, at least he wouldn’t have to worry about natasha having backup, even if he was sure the woman would resist clint going. If he had to, he’d pull rank and make her accept it.

“....Don’t know.”James muttered staring down, before frowning, “...Oh. Good. But...I don’t know what I did wrong then.”He whined quietly, sounding upset and confused. Before laughing a little, “I know. It is a little disturbing...if you want. I shall ask Loki to return him to Hel.”he muttered before frowning, looking up, looking utterly confused and lost. “...She’s leaving me.”he said whimpering quietly, not lashing out in anger, simply looking defeated. His good mood at having finally gotten alot of things off his chest, breaking under the weight of the grief of knowing he’d been right. That once she’d gotten to know him again, Natasha was willingly leaving him. Not realizing it was gamora’s presence that was making natasha leave, not james himself. His mood and headspace bottoming out, making him react at the extreme end of his normal emotional response to things. this wasn't normal for him, but he was already so upset by natasha pulling away, that he was strugling to react in any sort of normalacy. “....She’ll be gone for awhile, probably different country to....”He shuffled to his feet, “I better go pack....”he sighed quietly, having every intention of moving out of her rooms before she got back. Wondering if steve’d care if he moved into his apartment?Or maybe live with anna. He could live with anna.
Steve nodded. "i'll do that." he agreed. "do your best Tony!" he offered the other luck in the form of another kiss before snorting. "no, it is not." he said, looking amused. "no wonder she won't answer the phone for you anymore." he scoffed, smiling at him a little before rushing up to James and Anna.

"Natasha is already gone." Phil said, looking rather bothered by that. "i'm sending Clint as backup because she wouldn't wait long enough to actually be briefed." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "it's a mess. i don't know what's happening but Natasha was... i've never seen her like that before." he admitted. "what's happening Tony?"

"i don't think you actually did anything James. i think she's just having some personal problems." Anna admitted. "it's not that disturbing." she admitted. "after i've given birth, and healed... i want my turn." she admitted, smiling at him. "i want a chance, to become stronger than him. better than him." she admitted before shaking her head. "of course she's not! that's not possible! you know she never could! she loves you! she probably thinks she's protecting you!" Anna said firmly. "You are not going anywhere James Barnes!" Anna snapped. "you are staying right here while i go chase Natasha out of Shield and beat the shit out of her!" she decided before looking at James. "i'm going to go get River and he's going to sit with you." "no need. i'm here." Steve said, opening the door. "Natasha's emotionally compromised." Steve explained. "i don't think she's thinking straight. i think something happened." Steve admitted, watching James. "she'll come back James. you know she will."
Tony winced as he realized that Natasha was already gone, watching the archer pack his things. “Fucking hell. I’d known they weren’t talking, but I hadn’t thought it’d gotten this bad.”he scowled a little, shaking his head. “I don’t know. Not for sure. It’s something to do with james, and she’s been pulling away since the other guardians showed up. But I don’t know. She’s not talking to us.” “I’ll drag her back if I have to, and keep her alive until she sorts it out. Call if you guys need us back.”Clint said looking for once, very serious. Dark eyes worried, well aware that this was going to be a cluster fuck. Stealing a kiss from phil as he ducked out of the room, tony was quiet as he watched the archer leave. “...where are we sending her?”he asked glancing at phil.

“...Oh.”James frowned not looking sure about that, before grinning. “Okay. We can do that. We’ll even sell popcorn and watch. It’d be great watching you deal with him.”James smiled a little before frowning, not looking so sure anymore. “....But she’s not talking to me. And didn’t even bother telling me she was leaving....”James sighed quietly, freezing at the order, in the mood to be ordered around, before looking up at steve. “...No she wont.”He said slumping back down to the edge of the bed, staring at the ground, trembling a little. “....I always told her she’d hate me if she remembered everything.....”He shuddered a little, calm, if only a little suicidal really. “...You sent someone with her?”He said sounding worried, pulling himself together. Having every intention of joining natasha if she didn’t have approiate backup.
"this is bad, whatever it is. i don't think that James is going to handle this too well." Phil admitted, running a hand through his hair. "if she's been pulling away there has to be a reason..." Phil muttered, shaking his head before smiling at Clint. "take care of hr Clint. see if you can't find out what's wrong." Phil instructed, giving his man a kiss. "make sure you bring her back, by the hair if you have to." he ordered with a smile before looking at Tony. "i shouldn't really be telling you, but... puerto rico, in case you need to go after her yourselves."

"oh, that would be fun. and then we can watch Loki send him back to Hell. it will be lots of fun." she agreed with a smile before frowning. "she's leaving because she thinks, for some reason, that it's the right thing to do. she thinks she's making us safe somehow. it's the way she works, she thinks she's doing what's right for you." Anna said, blinking at him. "it's going to be okay, she doesn't hate you and you know it." she promised him. "i don't know. Tony's finding out the specifics." Steve admitted. "but if they didn't, i'll send Clint out after her." he promised. "she'll come back James, we know she will. she's just... hiding."
“No, he wont.”Tony sighed softly, nodding. “I know she has.” “I will. And I’ll bring her back even if I have to drag her.”Clint promised as he left, looking upset and worried. He just knew this was going to be brutal. “Thanks. And hey, I should know things that are happening to shield agents. I am co-director you know.”Tony said snickering a little, though it was half hearted, he just knew this was going to be bad.

“It would be lts of fun.”James agreed, before frowning, staring down. “...But she’s not talking to me. Hasn’t talked to me really in days. Has to be me then.”James frowned looking up at anna, tilting his head a little before looking at steve, nodding. “Okay.”He muttered, slumping back into the bed, trusting steve to look after Natasha for the moment. Closing his eyes as he simply checked out, to emotionally wrung out to deal just yet.

Nearly a week later Tony looked pale and shaken, even under the mask of indifference, his emotions locked down tightly as he walked into his bedroom, looking at steve, studying the brunette hanging in the bonds. “We can’t keep doing this. We need to drag Natasha back here. Kicking and screaming if needed. He’s coming apart at the seams.”Tony said walking around the bed to look at the winter soldier, because really it wasn’t james even under the broken emotions that was all that was left as man tried to process.

For once, not even finding the interruption to his sex life hard as they dealt with james as he bounced through a bad headspace, continually spiraling. Shaken at the sight of james like this, because he'd still been dealing with steve's 'death' and his own forgotten year when james had first lost natasha, that seeing this, was brutal. Studying james' back, he shuddered a little, glancing at steve. "It's a good thing you have skills with that thing. Otherwise this beating would be bad."He muttered nodding towards the flogger steve was holding. while james hadn't wanted sex, or anything like that, the pain of being punished, was letting james at least find a little bit of footing, for a few hours at a time anyways.
Steve sighed, running a hand through his hair and wincing when he jarred the goose egg that James had given him. "your right, we need to get Natasha back. and now." he agreed. "Gamora's already gone to go look for her, no idea why. something about clearing up a misconception or something." he admitted, watching James and checking the straps that where holding him down. "i'd rather hit you." Steve admitted, carefully cleaning the cuts on James back. "how you doing buddy?" Steve asked James, stroking the others hair, checking how James was doing. "you need more James?" he asked, carefully examining the others back some more, shaking his head. "i think your done." he decided, carefully undoing the ankle straps and carefully undoing the wrist straps while supporting James weight and moved him over to the bed so he could rest.

Gamora stepped out onto the street, looking around her. she knew Natasha was here, it was just a matter of finding her. it was a little hard to find a super assassin but if she could find the one named Hawkeye, he could lead her to Natasha. she could clear everything up. she had hoped Natasha would come back on her own, but that was not an option any longer. James was dying inside, they needed to find Natasha immediately.
“Good....And probably because things went so badly when Nat figured out she’d slept with james. Makes sense Mora wants to clear things up.”Tony said though he didn’t look to sure that that would be the best thing. Studying the brunette’s back he studied the man hanging from his bonds, making a face. “I know. I’d rather you hit me to. Seeing him tied up like this is disturbing.”He said, mostly because he knew James was normally the exact opposite of a submissive, willing to take the lash. Watching him hang from his ceiling, barely able to support his own weight as he swayed a little, was like torture, watching him barely keep his feet was torture to a man who simply wanted to make things better “...Kay....I’m okay.”James muttered, nodding in agreement as the other undid the bonds, slumping into the other super soldier as he was moved over to the bed. Studying his back Tony made a face. “Despite his healing, and you being careful, some of those are going to scar.”He muttered looking at the marks that had made up a weeks worth of beatings, laid over each other as james tried to find himself some. Knowing it would hurt steve to know he’d hurt james, but there were few options, and they could handle a little guilt if it kept james from killing himself. Even if he was going to be stiff and sore as he healed, the man was getting out of control despite them trying to keep him grounded.

Clint frowned a little as he watched from his vantage point above the city, because while he was there as backup, natasha had frozen him out, kicked him out of their small apartment safe house, so he was settled onto the roof above it. And watching the alien woman, he felt sick with fear. He knew there was only one reason steve or tony would send her here, instead of letting natasha work it out on her own. Swallowing hard he whistled as he climbed down the fire escape, looking at Gamora as she neared. “hey.”
"that's true. i don't know if that's what's actually bothering Nat but it's better than nothing right?" Steve muttered. "at least Gamora can talk to Nat without dying at this point, right?" he muttered, shaking his head. "it is a little bit disturbing." Steve agreed with a sigh. "your not okay, jerk." he grumbled. "i know... i hate this." Steve admitted, carefully smearing healing cream all over the others back. it would help the wounds heal cleaner and with less lingering marks. "i hope to god Nat comes back." he admitted.

Gamora smiled, so very relieved to see Clint. "James has deteriorated too rapidly. i must see Natasha immediately. i don't think James can last another week." she admitted, looking very worried. "can you take me to her?" she asked. Natasha wasn't very happy at all when Gamora burst down the door, but when Gamora actually kicked her ass and then sat on Natasha, the woman had little other choice but to listen to Gamora explain how wrecked James had been when he'd first come to her. the truth about what had happened in the park and how bad James was at the moment. "fuck. Clint! pack my shit!" Natasha ordered. "i'm going! you catch up!" she demanded. she knew it would take a half an hour to get the private Jet set up and ready to take off. she'd do that while he was packing their things.
“I don’t know, but at least it gives us a place to start. To figure out what to do next.”Tony said before nodding. “Yea, probably.”He smiled a little before nodding, looking james over as he helped steve get the other settled. “Imma okay...gonna sleep though...”James muttered as he snuggled down into the bed, to numb to even feel that it was hurting. “Me to. She has to.”Tony said shaken at seeing james like this.

“Shit.”Clint cursed pale as he led her to the apartment silently, not even bothering to interfer, because natasha needed to hear what she had to say. “I’ll pack. Go. Gamora, go with her. Between the two of you, it’ll take even less time to get the plane ready.”Clint said cursing quietly as he watched them go, before starting to pack. Scared of what they’d find when they got home, before heading for where they’d left the jet, having rushed to pack everything so they could leave now.
"that's true. hopefully Gamora can talk to her. i don't know if James will be able to communicate well enough right now." he admitted. "okay Jamie. you sleep." he agreed, stroking James hair and smiling when James did just that. "hopefully, Nat will be back soon." he moved over to Tony, kissing him gently. "do you need to drop?" he asked the other. "while we have all the stuff set up." he teased, smiling a little. maybe Tony could hit him later too, he could use a good thrashing.

Gamora nodded. "yes. of course." Gamora agreed, following Natasha back out to the streets, ignoring the way the people whispered and pointed at her. it wasn't every day a person saw a green woman after all. once they where on the jet she watched while Natasha got the Jet up and running and ready to go, confused when a white smoke started spilling into the Jet. "has something caught fire?" Gamora asked, feeling rather whoozy. "Natasha? what... is... this?" Gamora asked, collapsing onto the floor, unaware of the cameras that where recording them, both girls soon out cold, Maria hill moving into the cabin as soon as the smoke dissipated properly, cloth over her nose and face, quickly tying up the two girls and Victor Von Doom turned the Camera to face him and Cal. "we have your girls." Victor spoke. "you will hand over Skye to Mister Calvin here. as for me? i want the Guardian. bring them both, or i will kill the females." he warned the people on the other end of the video feed. which would be sent once they where safe in Von Doom's country.
“I don’t think he can. He’s barely stringing words together.”Tony muttered smiling as james settled into the bed and slept. Kissing the other back he laughed a little, nodding. “Well, as long as we have it set up.”Tony said looking amused.

Yet it wasn’t that long before the video was interrupting sexy fun times, Jarvis sounding both regretful and worried. “Sirs?There is a video that has been uploaded to my servers, along with Agent Barton is on the line.”The archer having been a little lost at having all his stuff missing, the tech he’d needed to make a international call had all been on the plane. And it’d taken him a bit to find a way to get in touch. Hanging in his handcuffs tony frowned, trying to think through his headspace as he was yanked out of subspace by clint’s tone. “Guys, maria and gamora were taken. Maria hill I think, I think it was her I saw.” “What?”Tony jerked standing up properly, coming out of it clear headed. While he’d deal with the emotional fallout later, he was a rare sub that could deal with a soured space without having it totally fuck him up right away. “Sir, there is a video.” “Play it.”Tony scowled twisting to look at the tv even as steve got the handcuffs off, paling as he saw doom, heard his demand. “....I’ll go. Keep Skye here.”James said, having woken up at the sound of the drama, looking more put together then he had in awhile, though it was obvious his steadiness was taped together using duct tape and sheer force of will.
Steve scowled a little, he knew that Jarvis wouldn't interrupt them unless it was an emergency but he had only just gotten Tony down far enough to help the man actually relax for once. "alright, bring up the video and let Barton on the line." he ordered, scowling, worried, well aware James had just women up. "what the fuck do you mean Gamora and Natasha are fucking missing!?" Steve demanded, unsnapping the cuffs with swift movements. "James, Sit." he ordered. "Jarvis, get Skye." he ordered. "we are not going into this hot headed James. it's time to decide, do we tell Calvin the truth and hope he stops or go and put him down?" Steve demanded James. "it has to be your option, he is your son." Steve admitted, looking up when Anna came in, looking worried. "Jarvis said i needed to be here. what's wrong?" she asked, looking very worried indeed.
“I mean that Gamora arrived, they duked it out, talked and went to get the jet ready while I packed our stuff. When I got there to get on, Maria was leaving with the jet and them.”Clint said sounding upset, hating that no matter what, he was going to have to sit this fight out. “Jarvis, find the plane.”Tony ordered slumping a little as the handcuffs came off, stumbling slightly before steadying himself. James frowned, pausing before sitting down again. “....Put him down. I doubt he’ll believe it he’s my son, and if he’s going to this lengths to get Skye, I wouldn’t trust him to back off.” “Are you sure?”Tony said studying the guardian, knowing that it would kill him to kill his son. “Yes.” “Dad?What’s wrong?”Skye said looking worried as he followed Anna in, taking in the sight of them all. “Von doom and Cal have made their move.”James swallowed hard, even as he got to his feet again, swaying a little but steadying himself. Looking at the other two. “We have to go. Now. Von doom wont expect us to move quickly, and even less that we had Barton tell us before the video got here. They’ll be going to Latvia.”James said swallowing hard heading for the door, because he had to suit up, had to get moving, and talking it out wasn’t going to help.
"not just Maria." Steve informed Clint. "Calvin and Von Doom too." he admitted, shaking his head. "don't fret so much, it's not your fault, you where able to avoid detection and capture and that gives us an advantage." he admitted. "Von doom is acting under the assumption that we have no idea when the girls where taken or from where." he admitted. "or that they used our own jet to do it." "...James. there is a chance. when we get there, i would like to tell him." he admitted. "there is a chance. he's not sane at all but we can help him i think." he admitted. "i'd like to try, if you'll let me." he asked before looking at Skye and Anna, glad the pregnant woman was there, she would help them all stay calm and collected. no one argued in front of Anna, because it upset her and upset was bad for the already wounded baby. Bruce had reported the baby was sluggish, meaning it was hurt. it would still be born healthy, but it would likely have a broken leg or arm that would have to be reset. "James, Sit." Steve ordered again. "we can't just march into Latveria. it would be a declaration of war!" Steve protested. "the Avengers can't afford a war with an actual country James. we need to be more sneaky."
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