
“I love you to.’James smiled kissing her back, closing his eyes for a moment before nodding. “She was....sometimes...when I was gone...those memories of you and her....was all that got me through.”He muttered flushing a little, because in the year he’d been gone, the only reason he hadn’t tried to put a bullet through his brain was because of those memories, as long ago as they were, and that they were painful, they were also what he needed. Looking up at bruce he nodded.”That’s awesome. Makes me wonder what mine looks when compared to steve’s.”James said curious even as he let the other take the cheek swab.

“Well, that would be good to know to.”Skye smiled a little nodding, before snickering a little. “I’m sure. Though if this is true, this whole thing is going to put me in therapy for years.Just...urgh.”Skye made a face before smiling as she headed for the lab, having every intention of staying with bruce while he worked.
she smiled at him and pressed hr lips to his temple, comforting him as much as she could. "i'm glad we could help you, even if we weren't there." she admitted with a small smile. well aware he'd been suicidal but not mentioning it. "i don't know yet but i'll be sure to show you." Bruce promised, smiling at Anna before beaming at them. "thanks for the samples!" he chirped, discarding his gloves and putting nw ones on as he called for Tony.

"it would be good to know." he agreed with a smile, kissing her forehead. "good luck!" he called before startling when Bruce appeared for a swab of his cheek as well. Skye got a swab too and he let her watch while he extracted the DNA and tested it against the others. "...well..." Bruce muttered. "i have to say, this is surprising." he admitted. "Paternal Match. 99.9% accurate. James Buchanan Barns is your father." he admitted. "Maternal match, 99.9% Natasha is your mother. however. Calvin Zabu has a good number of genetic markers to you as well. to you and James but not to Natasha... i do believe..." he paused and then nodded. "yes it seams very likely. Calvin Zabu is James son. i had thought the strange chemical components in Zabu's blood was all because of the testing he did on himself, but it seams as if he has a hereditary form of James Serum.... yes. see here? Zabu's Paternity test 99.9% probability of James being the father. he must have propagated during one of his missions, resulting in Calvin Zabu."

(i HAD to. i couldn't help myself!)
James shuddered a little feelign her lips against his skin, smiling quietly before nodding. “Awesome.”He smiled amused as he watched bruce go.

“Bruce?”Tony said as he stepped into the lab, looking curious. “....Really?”Skye stared at bruce looking pale as he considered that before wincing. “How....but...”she stopped trying to think of it, trying to figure out how calvin was her brother, not her father. “..he remmbers having children later. Why wouldn’t he remember calvin?”
Bruce smiled at Tony. "i need a swab, i might have found something about the various serum in conjuncture with already active mutations." he admitted, taking a swab of his cheek before looking at Skye with a smile and a wince. "yes." he admitted, crossing his arms. "i would assume that either James had the information permanently wiped, or much more likely, he never knew Calvin existed. it could be very likely that they took sperm from James and impregnated a woman on the sly to see what would happen or he laid with a woman before he met Natasha and never realized that she became pregnant." he admitted with a shake of his head. "the question now is, do we tell Calvin and do we tell James?" James asked her. "being that it involves you, i will leave the decision up to you." he promised.
Skye swallowed thickly before nodding. “Most likely. And considering it’s hydra, I would lay even money on them stealing it, and simply impregnanting someone to see if the serum would pass would explain why they were okay with him and natasha together. They already knew that he could have super soldier kids.”Skye muttered frowning a little before swallowing, “...I don’t think Cal should know....but
I think we have to tell James. He’s already been lied to enough...he doesn’t deserve to be kept in the dark.”
"i would bet on that as well. and considering that it was indeed Hydra i wouldn't doubt they stole his sperm. as far as they where concerned he was theirs to do with as they pleased. for all we know Cal was probably abandoned as a child for not having the proper amounts of serum in his system." he admitted. "it would certainly fit what we know of Cal." he admitted. "and considering that's what they did to Skye it's ver likely." he admitted softly, glancing at her. "okay. i will ask him to come here." he hesitated. "and Natasha too." he decided, setting a hand on her shoulder. "don't worry. Natasha already loves you. she'll be delighted to know one of her daughters managed to survive." he promised her, looking up when Natasha came in, looking curious. "your done with the experiment already?" "no. it's. something else. your going to want to sit down Nat."
“He was indeed. And I wouldn’t be surprised, it would indeed fit with what Calvin went through. What little we know anyways.”Skye frowned a little before swallowing hard. Looking worried but nodding. Looking up at Bruce, smiling a little. “I know.”She muttered moving to sit down, nervous despite his reassurances, looking up at the two when they walked in. “What’s up?Did you find something else?”James said looking worried about what he could have found when using their DNA, frowning as he moved to lean against one of the tables. “What’s up Bruce?”
Bruce nodded before smiling a little, looking a bit worried. "...okay so about two hours ago Skye went to Steve with a bit of a... suspicion i suppose the word would be." he admitted, bringing up the information. "Skye... Mary Ann Poots. Daisy Zabu.... none of those are actually correct." he admitted. "her maternal mother is in reality, Natalia Romonaoff. her paternal Father is James Barnes." Bruce explained. "she either wasn't dead and they abandoned her, or she managed to survive... being thrown out." Bruce admitted softly. "what's more shocking, is that Calvin Zabu? he's biologically James Son." Natasha choked. "he's older than i am!" she protested. "i never had a son..." "no. you didn't. and i don't doubt that James doesn't remember having a child either." he admitted. "we think that Hydra stole his sperm, it's the most viable and logical explanation so far." he admitted. "so... wait... that means..." Natasha was staring at Skye, wide eyed. "that means. my baby.. your m baby.. oh my god your mine!" she was cluthcing Skye in a tight hug and was now sobbing all over her. "my baby! my precious baby!"
James tilted his head looking at skye who squirmed under the attention. “We were talking. I have a odd little birthmark.”Skye explained blushing a little looking at Natasha, wincing as James stared at her before snapping his head to look at bruce. “W-what?”James said wavering on his feet a little at the shock of knowing his kids, even if he hadn’t know about calvin, were out there. “I am. I really am.”Skye said moving closer, holding onto Natasha just as tight, turning her head to look at james wincing as she pulled away, moving towards the man, realizing what was happening before it did, wincing as he past out and dropped like a ton of bricks, having tried to catch him, but sending father and daughter sprawling in a mess of mess onto the floor.
"You have the birthmark." Natasha breathed, her eyes wet with tears. "your my daughter... oh i can't.. i can't begin to tell you how glad i am!" she gasped. "you survived, you survived!" she gasped before smiling at her, kissing her forehead. "oh dear... James?! Skye? are you alright?" she asked the girl, helping her up and looking her over for injuries before focusing on James, patting his face gently. "James. Love, come on James. it's not that big of a shock. come on now. wakey wakey."
“Me either. I’m okay, and I’m so happy.”Skye said crying herself, because for so long, she’d had no one. Startling a little as she laid on the floor she nodded. “Yea, though he weighs a ton, and is out cold.”Skye said snickering a little as she checked the super soldier over, amused that the man had fainted. Snickering more as he whined as his face was patted. “Nat?...I thought....”James muttered blinking slowly.
"i'm so glad your here." she whispered, setting her hands on Skye's face, checking out her face much more carefully this time before beaming at her. "you have your father's eyes!" she admitted with a smile before chuckle. "yeah he's a heavy bastard." she admitted, helping Skye up. "don't worry." she teased Skye with a wink. "we won't let him live this down." she promised with a chuckle before she smirked at James. "well good morning fainty head." she teased him, smirking. "you passed out, feeling okay?"
Skye flushed blushing as those blue grey eyes widened."do I really?b she said looking down at james smiling slightly at the sight of the man."good he shouldn't live this down.b she smirked amused as she gently petted his hair as if reassuring g herself this was really happening."...I did not."james frowned staring up at her."I just felt the need to lay down for a bit."
"yes yu do." she admitted with a smile. "you look just like i did at your age too. you have my face... i always thought you looked familiar, now i know why." she admitted, kissing her forehead again before smirking at James. "your excuse is lame and pathetic and will therefor be ignored." she informed him. "it was also recorded and will be leaked on You-tube, twittr, and Face-book." she informed him with a smirk.
“Well, Steve gave me the same look least we know why now.”skye smiled leaning into her before snickering at james. “Is not. None of my excuses are ever lame.”He grumbled as he sat up slowly before shaking his head. “Can’t be. Tony’s not here, and I’ve requested that jarvis not to share any of my videos.”James said looking between the two women, still looking bemused and surprised, confused at the idea of his daughter being alive. wanting to hoild her, to cuddl her, but feeling utterly lost on what to do.
she nodded before smirking at James, shaking her head a little. "like i can't take a video?" she asked, giving her phone a little wiggle. "now. are you going to give your long lost daughter a hug or am i going to have to give you a few smacks to wake you up?" she asked, looking amused.
“No, you can’t. That’s just mean.”James sulked a little making a face. Before sitting up slowly, looking Skye over nervously. “I can?” “Well, I think I’d be upset if you didn’t.”Skye said smiling as james so gently wrapped his arms around her, as if he afraid of breaking her, tears misting his eyes as he held his daughter, the baby he never got a chance to meet. It hurt him badly, to know that they’d missed so many years, but they had this now.
"oh i totally can." Natasha teased with a smirk before snorting. "of course you can hug her you idiot!" she said, bopping him over the head with a roll of her eyes. sh wrapped her arms around both of them, feeling as if some deep hurt that had been bleeding all her life had healed over. she had part of her family back. part of her life back. Alina was dead, but her second daughter was still alive and a second baby was on it's way. "i owe you like, twenty six years of birthday presents." Natasha admitted with a sniffle. "you'll be okay with being a big sister right?" she asked Skye. "i wish i had baby pictures of you, i bet you where adorable." she admitted with a smile. "i'm so glad Phil finally found you. i might-we-might never have found out if he hadn't." she admitted, kissing Skye's forehead.
“Don’t hit me!”James whined scowling even as he pressed his face into skye’s shoulder, relaxing as the girl petted his head, feeling raw and bruised. “It’s okay.”Skye muttered as she felt tears soaking her shirt, before laughing a little. “Well, we’ll have to go shopping....tony will let us use his credit card to go shopping....and Steve gave me his to...”James sniffled a little. “Of course I am fine with being a big sister.”Skye sniffled herself before shrugging. “I don’t know, but I’m sure I was. I’m adorable.”Skye smiled before nodding, “We were lucky.”She sighed. “....we get off bruce’s floor....he probably thinks we’re insane...”James muttered.
she snorted at him and playfully shook her fist at him. "if i wanted to hit you, you'd know it." she teased with a smile, stroking his back when he cried. "we do have to go shopping." she agreed. "it's a tradition for members of my family to have a gold bracelet." she admitted. "we got one for you, when you where a baby but i never got to give it to you and i had to leave it behind when i fled." she admitted, wiping her eyes. "we'll get your name engraved on it too." she admitted. "i'm assuming you'd still rather be named Skye?" she asked with a smile. "i never got a chance to name you when you where a baby, there where like, five names i was torn between." she admitted. "i was going to name you when you where born... of course, none of them really suit you now." she admitted with a smile. "oh, Bruce catches us doing things on his floor all the time." "and then i promptly bleach." Bruce agreed, mostly ignoring them as he worked on the genetic map he was working on.
“True.”James snickered a little, sniffling a little as he cuddled skye, who looked vaguely overwhelmed at having a crying super soldier clinging to her. “...A gold bracelet, and necklace. I have my mother’s necklace....we should give it to her.”James said as he drew back, wiping his eyes. “steve found it in Tony’s cap collection...seems howard cleaned out our old place, made sure everything was saved.”he muttered before looking at skye. “Definitely still skye. Going by anything else would be weird.”Skye said making a face, looking amused though, pressing a kiss to james’ head. “...that’s true.”James snickered lookign at bruce, rubbing his eyes even as he climbed to his feet. “But I still want to go see Steve since I sorta made it so he can’t have sex, I figured I can at least keep him company.”
"Natasha smiled a little and nodded. "you have your mothers necklace?" she asked, looking startled. "you don't want to keep it?" she asked, looking baffled before smiling at him, shaking her head and kissing both their foreheads. "so how much of your stuff does Tony now own that he's refusing to give back?" she asked, looking highly amused. "okay, Skye it is." she agreed, wiping her eyes. "okay, you go see Steve and babble about how amazing it is that we have our daughter back and i'll take her for a spa day because i need one." she admitted. "and i think Sky could use one too and maybe we'll take Anna with us just because she's now your unofficial Aunt, since she's going to be the godmother of your new little sister..." she said, looking rather baffled herself. she wasn't really sure what to do with a fully grown daughter.
“I do. And....I’d rather have my daughter wear’s really girly. Definitely not something I’d wear.”he shrugged a little smiling. “I’d be honored. Really.”Skye muttered smiling as she looked up at natasha. “More then he’ll admit to. I’ll fairly certain he has alot.”James sulked a little, before nodding. “Skye. It fits.” “A spa day sounds amazing.”Skye said smiling, amused as she listened to her parents babble, understanding their need to talk came from shock, “...Okay. Natasha. Calm’re looking confused.”James muttered gently stroking natasha’s hair as he got up, helping skye up as they headed for the door, looking rather baffled himself. “Go for a spa. Get anna, you guys need a day out. I’m gonna babble at steve.”he said nearly bouncing out of the room, babbling himself as he headed for steve’s room, grinning at the sight of the sleeping soldier and pouncing on top of him. “Steve!”
"that's true." Natasha agreed with a smile and a chuckle, smiling at Skye and taking her hand, giving her a little bit of comfort. "i'm sure. i could repossess some of those things if you really need me to?" she offered him with a smile. "Skye does suit her very well." she admitted with a smile before smiling sheepishly at James. "i am a little confused. i'm not sure how to handle a fully grown daughter." she admitted, scratching the back of her head. "okay. we will. go blow things up with Steve." she agreed, kissing James before following Skye into the other room where Anna was working on trying to learn how to knit. "Drop the old lady stuff, we're going to the Spa and Tony's paying." Anna obediently ditched the knitting stuff.

Steve grunted when he was pounced and blinked at the wall. "this had better be Tony hoping for sex or i'm gonna hurt you." he warned sleepily.
Skye smiled squeezing her hand back, looking amused as James made a face. “Not really. It makes him happy, might as well let him keep it. I know where to find it if I need anything.”He shrugged before kissing her lightly, nodding. “Me either, but we’ll just keep treating her like we have been, and go from there.”James said pleased with the idea. “I don’t blow things up!” “he totally does.”Skye snickered before snickering at the sight of anna knitting. “Why, in the world are you knitting?”She said as they left.

James grinned shifting, settling on his best friend’s back, “You know, you’re nearly to muscle-y to be a comfortable seat.”He muttered before bouncing a little. “wake up. Wake up, wake up captain, oh captain, my captain.”Oh yea, now that things were sinking in a little more he was starting to get hyper.
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