
“But I want to.”Tony sulked a little. “I know, but it’s maria. We should get involved.”Tony grumbled, annoyed. Showing that no matter what, maria needed dealt with, simply because the woman had managed to upset a man who was rarely upset by people’s opinion on his sex life. “True. Pepper can help....and I do not. I can make things better.”Tony made a face even if he knew they were right, he’d try to make sharon feel better, but he’d just make it worse. “Will not. It hurts.”James grumbled even as he stopped poking at his shoulder. “Only when she’s really upset with him. And it’s not a life threatening wound. Just something to get his attention.”Clint said studying anna, looking worried about the pregnant woman. “You okay? I know this isn’t ordinary...and he never considers shooting her...but...they function. They deal with their pasts the best they can...And he likes you, anna. More then I really thought he would.”Tony said softly, looking equally worried about her. Knowing exactly where her thoughts were.

JAmes looked pale and shaken as he watched her clean teh guns before stepping into the room, glad to see it was just the one gun, and not everything. Easing into a chair across from her, he stared down at the table, before nodding slowly. “...I knew where you were. You were never lost to me....I would...”James swallowed thickly, sounding so close to tears you knew he was barely keeping it together. “....I knew I couldn’t stay away forever, even if you never remembered....I just....I needed time to be able to face the idea of you never knowing me again. Needed to prepare to face that idea, and learn to not be broken by the idea.”He shuddered, curling up a little, loking broken. “...I love you. Till the end. I can’t...I would have been back, Natalia, this...this job,...just forced me back before I was really ready to do so.”He muttered.
Steve shook his head. "i can't without seaming biased and petty. you can't because Agent thirteen will chalk it up to you being jealous. we just have to wait this one through." he admitted with a sigh. "Pepper can take care of it once it happens." Steve agreed. "you can make men feel better. most f the time." Steve corrected. "women are a whole other ballgame." he admitted. "if it hurts stop poking it!" Anna growled at him, rolling her eyes before focusing on Clint and nodding. "i'm..." here she paused, hesitated and then. "i'm not sure. i'm not scared of him or Natasha if that's what your worried about. i know they won't shoot Me." she promised. "but i'm... surprised? i don't know." she admitted, shaking her head. "i know he likes me. i like him too. a lot. i trust him more than i ever thought i could trust a man again." she admitted. "but that's the problem isn't it?" she wondered, smiling a little. "we don't love each other the way he and Natasha do. not yet." she stated simply. "but i won't leave him, not when i know there will be love there." she promised.

Natasha looked up at him, startled. "you watched over me?" she asked, looking surprised and then pleased before setting her gun down and reaching across the table, taking his flesh arm because she knew he didn't like it when people touched his metal arm. "i understand." she promised him. "well, i get it now anyway. you still deserve to be shot for not telling me." she complained before smiling at him. "Я тебя люблю Слишком." she whispered to him. "i can understand you needing time though. you foolishly thought that i would never remember. you always did underestimate me." she admitted with a smile bfore sighing. "...your here to kill Skye. aren't you?" she asked, her hand tightening. "you know i can't let you do that right?" not when Natasha had practically adopted Skye as her daughter.

Translation: i love you too
“...Damn. Well. We’ll just wait it out then.”Tony sighed a little, because he really did want to fuck up maria’s day, but even if he was tired of the other bothering him, he wouldn’t turn maria into her boss just to get her to stop. Not when he knew Steve would seriously fuck up her day for screwing with him. “...Well. True. I totally never get women.”Tony snickered a little. “...A little. But I was more worried you’d dump him for showing this level of comfort at being shot.”Clint said smiling slightly. “Given that she just shot him, it’s probably a good thing you don’t love him that way.”Tony teased a little shaking his head. “You guys’ll figure it out.”He said kissing her cheek, “you hungry?”

“Yea. Well. Having a thunder god with a sorcerer brother for a friend comes in handy sometimes.”James said blushing ever so slightly, not about to outright admit that he’d called in a few favors to get Loki to come to earth in disguise at different times, just to check in on her, and get some of tony’s gadgets simply so james could keep track of her. Sighing quietly, relaxing as she took his arm he shuffled over, sitting next to her. “...I do shoulder hurts Nat.”He whined a little sighing softly, relaxing at her words, resting his head against her shoulder. “I do...You’re constantly a surprise to me.”He muttered smiling a little, “...I am.I was. I mean...I thought she was a danger...why I came to watch her...but she’ it under control, I think....and the kree haven't shown in interest in her..."
he nodded. "we don't have much choice." he admitted with a sigh. "no, you don't get women." he admitted with a chuckle. "but Anna and Natasha can certainly help her." he admitted. "yes, i won't let her suffer Maria's cruelty alone." Anna promised. "nah. if anything i'd dump Natasha." she stated with a shrug. "i know they aren't like most people." she promised. "i do have sessions with Natasha after all, or i did. since we're in a relationship now i can no longer do that." she admitted before snorting. "i think that's more her upbringing than it is her love for him." Anna pointed out. "i'm starving." she admitted. "i want something cheesy." she ordered. "with hot peppers." "you got it." Steve agreed with a chuckle.

she blinked at him. "you got Loki to help you?" of course, everyone knew of the Guardian. no one fucked with the protector of the Galaxy. ever. even Thanos steered clear of James. Loki had given James a clear mirror made of what he called star metals. enchanted with extensive spells and ruinic patterns, all James had to do was speak a name, and they would appear in the mirror. only the person, not where they where, Loki hadn't figured that part out yet, he was still working on it though. Thor just visited every once and a while and left reports with James. "good. it should hurt." she huffed. "we'll have Bruce patch you up once i'm done being annoyed with you." she promised. "a danger? well sure she's a bit dangerous but no more than Storm was." she pointed out. "or Magneto... what's a Kree?" she asked, scowling a little. so Phil had kept a few secretes after all.
"Good. Anna and natasha can figure it out.Btony muttered perking up at the idea that someone sometime would be able to help sharon."good. I know steve said. Women don't make sense to me."or relationships in general so he usually worried about every little thing."I was worried you'd dump them cause of this...and don't worry I'll see about getting anot her therapist in her for natasha."tony promised before nodding heading for the kitchen."sit relax. I'll get the food."....oh no. Tony was going to try and cook.

"Yep. Apparently loki wanted to not annoy the new guardian...and it pleased thor that he helped me....those two have the weirdest relationship ever you know?"james rolled his eyes a little."remind me and I'll show you the mirror he gave me. It's pretty cool."he smiled before whining a little."I'm sorry nat, don't make me go to bruce. You can do it can't you?"he asked giving her that puppy dog look. Not that he didn't like bruce,he just didn't like seeing him as a doctor."not so much her power but cause the kree might come looking cause she activated it..."he trailed off before frowning."you have no idea what I'm talking about do you?"
Steve nodded, glad that Tony wouldn't fight them on this at least. "women don't make sense to anyone though. even women don't understand women half the time." Steve pointed out, looking amused. "Tony Stark don't you dare set foot in that kitchen!" Steve warned, Anna giggling. "i will be making the food! you can deliver it!" Steve promised Tony. Steve was going to make grilled cheese with jalapenos inside. Anna would love it.

"huh. well at least Loki's smart enough." Natasha admitted, looking amused. "they do have a weird relationship. every-time Thor pisses Loki off, he comes down here and starts causing problems and Thor has to come get him." she snorted a little before sighing. "fine. go get the damn first aid kit." more like a surgeons kit. Natasha kept everything she needed, including things for emergency surgery. "i have no idea what your talking about." Natasha agreed. "you wanna explain using words i understand?" she asked, lifting an eyebrow.
“I can make grilled cheese!I can!”Tony said sulking a little even as he started digging out the bread and cheese. “I want to help.”He demanded looking up at steve, sulking because he knew steve wouldn’t let him.

“Indeed. I warned him about making problems, but as long as it’s mostly just things to get attention, I’m letting it go.”James shrugged a little before humming pleased. “Thanks.”he grinned, pleased with knowing she wasn’t so mad she wasn’t going to take care of him. Getting the kit he sat down in front of her before sighing softly. “The kree are...much like hydra. Except they’re a inter galactic super power who used earth as a place to get warriors to continue their war with the skrulls. They bred with humans, came up with a way to give them powers, and then left when humans proved a little to hard to control. But if enough things happen, they might be interested in coming back.”James said sighing softly.
Steve rolled his eyes. "you can help." he agreed, pulling something out of the drawer. it was a sandwich press cutter. just like a cookie cutter, but for sandwiches. "here, cut the crusts off for me, you bunch of children don't like it when i leave the crusts on." he huffed. it would also cut the sandwich in half resulting in easier eating. "Tomato or chicken?" he asked Tony, examining the two massive cans of soup. "open that for me then? i can't work the Can opener." he complained. "and then dump it in the pot there with a can full of water and put the stove to medium, that's the number SIX, Tony. paying attention? number Six! and the stir it and don't stop." he knew if Tony got distracted he could save the soup in time so he'd let Tony make the soup.

she smirked. "so your the reason why he stopped blowing things up?" she asked. mostly Loki did annoying pranks. slicked whole streets with soapy water and laughed when people fell down, though the elderly and the children never seamed to fall. turned everyone pink headed, only the people who had been bald before didn't loose their hair again after. Loki was seriously annoying, but he did make some people pretty happy, especially the kids. Loki adored kids and had once turned a blizzard into ice-cream. "so the Kree are bad." she muttered. "i would say so." a new voice piped up, Loki suddenly there, examining his fingernails. "the reason why the Kree are not interested in little Skye, is because i have blocked her from Kree sights. they cannot see her, they cannot sense her." he informed James. "i tried to tell you before but you where already gone." he admitted. "did you get shot?" he asked curiously, watching Natasha sew up James shoulder. "in any case, i have that information you wanted, Guardian." Loki admitted, handing the other sheets of blue paper with white ink written in some sort of alien language that Natasha couldn't read. "any other jobs you need me to do before i go turn all of Manhattan's cat population into winged messengers of death?" oh great. he was going to put wings on cats.
“Good.I’m good help.”tony said sounding pleased as he followed instructions, the slight glaze to his eyes saying it’d been to long since he’d truly dropped, and even following simple cooking instructions was getting to him. “Chicken.”He decided smiling as he opened the can opener, snickering a little. “Just cause it’s electronic doesn’t mean you can’t work it. I can show you.”Tony said even as he followed instructions, and indeed got the oven turned to the right setting as he stirred, looking so very serious you would have thought he was working on a iron man suit instead of working on simple soup.

“Yea. Apparently threatening to have a long discussion about incestuous relationships with certain people and kicking his ass if he didn’t behave, is enough to make him behave mostly.” James snickered a little turning his head to watch as natasha worked on his shoulder, before nodding. “They are indeed. My current nightmare really.”he said before startling, reaching for a gun before he’d registered it was loki, pausing, growling softly as he laid it down. “Don’t surprise me, Loki.”he said before frowning, tilting his head, wincing a little. Realizing that he’d been blind because it had involved natasha, that maybe he’d been ready to come back and simply used skye as a excuse to come back. “Good. Thanks.”he said pleased that he wouldn’t have to worry about skye before nodding. “I did. Apparently my girlfriend doesn’t like me hiding things from her.”He sulked a little, giving natasha those sad puppy dog eyes at getting shot before looking up at loki, taking the papers. “Thank you Loki. And it’s James.”He corrected, because it weirded him out a bit to called guardian. “....Why are we putting wings on cats?”
Steve smiled. "you are good help." he agreed. so long as Tony focused anyway. he realized pretty quickly that Tony needed to drop. "chicken soup it is." Steve agreed before huffing. "it never works for me!" he whined, sulking a little, watching Tony work the can opener. "your doing so good for me, Caesar." he purred, smiling at the other, handing the other the massive cheesy sandwiches so he could cut the crusts off, taking over the soup by dolloping it into massive bowls.

she snorted a little. "i can't believe that he actually listens to you." she admitted, shaking her head. "at least he listens to someone." she grumbled, carefully stitching up his shoulder, not that he really needed it, but it wouldn't scar so bad this way. "well that sucks. i should be the only night,ares you have." she teased with a chuckle before tensing at the sight of Loki. "if you ever paid attention, i would never be capable of sneaking up on you." Loki pointed out. "of course." Loki agreed. "i'll have to apply the protection again in another fifty years, but i imagine the threat she poses should be over by that time." he admitted. " let your girlfriend shoot you?" Loki asked, looking baffled. "you humans will never make sense to me." he admitted. "of course Guardian." he agreed, ignoring the half baked attempt to get Loki to use his name. "Thor made a comment and i am teaching him the error of his ways." Loki admitted. "...and that is?" "never give a trickster god ideas. mostly." Loki admitted. "also to never steal my dinner. he thought i didn't notice, but i did." Loki grumbled. "greedy bastard."
“Thanks.”Tony smiled, pleased at the praise as he focused intently on the soup, stirring it slowly to keep it from burning, “It knows you don’t like it, so it doesn’t work. But It’s okay. I’ll work it for you.”Tony said smiling, blushing a little as the other purred, tilting his head a little as he took the sandwiches, cutting them up before heading into the living room to deliver the food, smiling at anna. “As requested, cheese and peppers.”

“Hm, apparently I’m scary enough these days to make him listen. Though that might just be cause Thor expressed concern over my well being when he saved me from that rogue god.”James said making a face as she stitched up his shoulder. Knowing it was both that he was the guardian, and that thor cared about him and had actually sought out loki’s help when he was dying, that had the sorcerer being nice to him. “...You aren’t a nightmare. You’re the dream come true.”he said flushing a little as he ducked his head so she couldn’t see the blush, rolling his eyes at loki but not bothering to protest that he wasn’t on guard. “I’m half undressed with my girlfriend, I’m not going to be oerly aware of things.”James said rolling his eyes a little before nodding. “Well, let her is to strong of a word. I got shot for keeping secrets.”He shrugged, wincing a little, rolling his eyes at the other’s words. “You two need to work out your quirky little relationship.”As if he’s one to be talking about someone else’s relationship.
Steve smiled, amused that Tony was so focused. "your doing a good job." he agreed, kissing Tony's temple. "and the damn thing point blank hates me." he huffed, scowling at the Can opener before smiling, heading out with everyone's grilled cheese and soup. letting Tony deliver Anna's personally. "oh Tony it's perfect! you get fifty percent." she chirped, wiggling in her seat, making Phil snort. "Tony actually made the oup all by himself." Steve admitted. "so i think that deserves another fifty percent." Phil looked impressed. "you did Tony? that's very nice. i can't make soup unless it's in the microwave." Phil admitted, smiling a little.

she chuckled. "did you get powers or something for your Guardian gig?" she asked curiously. even if James did have powers Loki only did what he wanted. Loki respected James and Thor liked James so Loki listened to him. Loki had watched everything James had gone through and was impressed that he had gone through so much and hadn't turned on anyone. it had made Loki very ashamed of himself and was now doing his best to make himself better. "i'm both. i know your scared of me." Natasha teased James. "hmm. good point." Loki agreed. "we both know if you didn't want her to shoot you, she wouldn't have shot you. thus, you Let her." Loki stated, sounding almost bored, picking at his nails again, which where painted a vibrant emerald and gold to match his clothes. "i am working on my quirky relationship." he admitted. "i'm working on making Thor pay attention to me." he stated simply. "it's not my fault he's a moron. now, did you need anything else or will you contact me in the usual way?" a 'two way mirror' just a normal palm sized mirror enchanted to connect to each other. James needed him, he just called to Loki and Loki would feel his own mirror heat up. Thor had one too, as did Peter Quill and a few of James other contacts.
Tony smiled at the kiss giggling a little."no I think you hate it,and it's just making sure you know that it's trying to get attention." if it was almost alive. Which begged the question had he given it a AI to go along with calicfer? "Thanks. Yes! I'm above half way loved. That's amazing.thanks anna."tony grinned nearly squirming in place in delight before grinning at phil. He was nearly manic he was so excited having gotten the soup right."I did. Though cap made sure I had it set right and didn't let it burn. So tony with a little help."

"Being a bad ass isn't good enough?"he said with a smirk before smiling a little. "Not really. I just inherented a very impressive list of contacts, and a truly scary photographic memory....seriously the magic that keeps the Guardian role let's me remember anything I see and do,which was good sometimes for missions....not so good for the rest of my life."the magic was simply there, when he'd accepted the role it had simply added to what he'd already had, a good memory. These days everything was better,he could remember everything since it was the magic in him, not just his brain that was remembering him. It pained him sometimes to remember so well. Not only that but he knew why loki listened to him, but he wasn't about to tell natasha that the man had a better side if loki didn't want anyone to know." not."he said making a face because his fear of her,was more emotional then physical. He rarely questioned that she would never actually kill him."....I might have. And you are such a girl."he snickered at the sight of the other's nails before shaking his head."he'll pay attention...and no. I don't need anything elae. I'll contact you if I need anything."he promised Waving the other away
he huffed. "you put intelligence into the Can opener didn't you?" he demanded before snorting. "Tony your math is off. Anna had you at a hundred and ten percent. now your at a hundred and sixty." he informed the other, looking amused. "oh alright Tony, i'll give ou sixty percent." Phil agreed with a smile. glad that the other was enjoying himself. "sit and eat Tony." Steve ordered, running his fingers through Tony's hair. soothing him a little.

"i'm pretty sure it's not." she admitted with a chuckle and a shake of her head before snorting. "really?" she asked, lifting an eyebrow at him. "Loki wouldn't listen to you just because your a 'badass' i think he's scared of you." she admitted. Loki didn't bother changing her mind. "well, a photographic memory isn't all bad, you should just remember us having Sex all the time." she teased with a grin. "are too." she snorted with a grin. "otherwise you wouldn't do what i tell you to." she teased, kissing him gently. "i can be a girl if i please." Loki agreed. "i offered and you said no." Loki stated with a sniff. and it was true, Loki was somewhat attracted to James, he had offered to be a female and entertain James for a while, and had even offered to carry James child but James had declined both offers and Loki hadn't offered again, he knew better than anyone that no meant no. "toodles." Loki chirped, vanishing. "in ten minutes were going to get the call to make him stop, you know that right?"
“Yes. It was jealous of the toaster.”Tony huffed a little before frowning, thinking about it, before shaking his head. “My math is never wrong.”he said pleased with himself, before grinning pleased at phil before dropping onto the couch, and starting to eat without protest, squirming a little and leaning into steve with a sigh. “I’m okay.”He muttered looking at the other.

“No faith in me for being a badass. I feel insulted.”He said looking amused before nodding. “Really. Some very scary people in my list of people to talk to.”He shrugged a little before making a face. “If there’s more I haven’t discovered it yet....and I do. How do you think I survived a year by myself?Me and my memory got very close.”James snorted amused before rolling his eyes. “If you say so.”he said kissing her back before looking up at loki, making a face. “So I did. Somehow, I didn’t think Thunderbolt would take kindly to that. Or my girlfriend wouldn’t enjoy knowing I slept with you.”he pointed out with a smile, having declined for mother reasons then that, but that was part of it. “Hmmm, no, you will get a call. I’m injured, I can’t go make him stop.”he snickered sighing softly as he got up, stretching carefully before moving towards the bed.
he snorted a little and shook his head. "fuck. how many kitchen appliances can now think Tony?" he demanded. "and is it really nice to make a can opener sentient when that is all it will ever do is open cans? and not even on it's own?" he asked, wondering how bored the poor toaster and can opener had to be with no eyes, ears, or voices or a body to move. "you are okay, but i'll drop yu tonight." he promised Tony with a smirk. "whip, flogger or father tonight do you think?" he wondered, teasing Tony just a little.

"no faith at all." Natasha agreed with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "scary people my ass. Loki's not scary anymore, Thor never was. i dunno who else you have on that list but i doubt that they're impressive." she teased before snickering a little at his joke. "well i'm glad you had your memory." she teased. Loki just shrugged. "Thor wouldn't have said anything." Loki admitted. "the woman on the other hand..." he examined Natasha and feigned a shudder. "it is highly disconcerting to find someone who can lie better than me. i don't like her." he stated with a sniff, Natasha just smirked, she knew Loki was rather fascinated by her. "well dammit. i'm injured too... with a head cold maybe. make the others handle it, she decided, laying down with him and indeed stayed in bed while the news started reporting that flying cats and unicorns where now causing problems in main street Manhattan and that the children where delighted and that one man had been gored by one of the unicorns after he tried to kidnap one of the children that where now flocking the streets to see a real life unicorn. "he tries so hard to pretend he's evil and then he does stuff like this." Natasha scoffed.
“...Uhhh...three?The stove is a smart stove.”Well, maybe that that was how tony had managed to make the soup?”....And it talks to the toaster and stove. And it has a LED bar, so they can share thoughts, and they can talk to jarvis.”Tony said making a face, “I’m not mean!I wouldn’t make them just to have them not talk.”he whined a little before shuddering as he ate. “....Flogger.”He muttered.

“So mean.”he made a face before snickering, “okay. Maybe not as frightening as they are amusing.”James said rolling his eyes a little. ‘Indeed. Memories are good.”He agreed before snorting a little, “I know. It’s disturbing to find someone who lies better then both of us.”James agreed amused. “Hmmm, head cold it is.”he snickered as he climbed into bed, amused as the others went to deal with loki, more amused then upset about making him do so. Sighing quietly as he snuggled into Natasha he nodded a little, closing his eyes. “Indeed. Man’s adorably not evil....not that I’d ever tell him that.”He snorted amused, sighing quietly, worried about his upcoming visit to shield, wondering just how the world was going to deal with this.
he blinked at Tony and then. "no mare intelligent household appliances Tony. what's gonna happen when one of them doesn't like the others?" he wondered. "we'd have a revolt on our hands!" he stated before shrugging. "i don't know what a LED is." he admitted before smiling at him. "Flogger it is." he agreed, kissing the shell of Tony's ear.

"i am always mean." she admitted with a chuckle."hmmm, but you'd rather have the real thing, right?" she asked, eyes shining playfully. "or should i leave you here with your memories and go seduce Anna instead?" she wondered playfully. Anna did join them after a half an hour though, while Tony and Steve went and handled Loki. "Steve's gonna be pissed at you when he realizes you let Loki do this." Anna pointed out, Anna looking curious. "James can make Loki do things?" "sure can." "that's awesome. tell him to make it Snow ice-cream again." she ordered. "we should tell him that." Anna declared, amused. "look at them! they aren't even fighting, they're just trying to round up the poor things." she said, giggling." "what's truly impressive is that those Unicorns are real. they are Equines that live in the realm of Vanaheim." she admitted. "Thor told me." she admitted with a chuckle.
“...Fine. No more.”Tony sulked even if you knew he’d obey and not make any more. He’d simply tinker with the ones he had, even if he wanted a intelligent coffee machine. “The little lights things, like the numbers on the microwave.”Tony said smiling a little shivering as he was kissed. When they returned from the fight he grumbled, sulking a little. “...I feel like we should be angry with James for not showing up somehow.”Tony whined a little even as he headed for his bedroom.

“Indeed.And ohhhh, yes. The real thing is so much better.”James grinned at her stealing a kiss as he looked up at anna, amused. “...He’ll never figure it out. I’m a sneaky bastard. He wont realize it.”James said with a snicker, rolling his eyes a little at anna’s demand, before getting up and getting his mirror. “as my lady commands.”he said looking amused as the other’s rounded up the unicorns, nodding a little. “he told me that. Poor things, used in loki’s schemes.”He said rolling his eyes as he spoke the sorcerer’s name into the mirror. “Reindeer, my pregnant girl has a humble request, that as a man who understands what pregnancies are like, you should do for me. She requests next time, ice cream raining down.”
he smiled at Tony. "alright fine, you can have one more. make the Coffee machine smart enough to always start on time, but othre than that, no more." he ordered, kissing Tony's forehead. "oh... how does an LED help them communicate? can't they just do it the way the computer does?" he asked, confused before sighing, plucking feathers and clumps of cat fur off of him. every time he caught a cat in his hands, the feathers exploded, leaving the cat perfectly unharmed, but leaving whoever grabbed them full of feathers and fur. unless of course it was a child. damn things didn't explode for anyone under the age of fifteen. anyone over the age of fifteen but under the age of thirty or so thought exploding cats was hilarious. the adults on the other hand found it irritating, which was how Loki's pranks usually went down.

"good." she purred with a chuckle. "he might. if i tell him." Anna admitted, Natasha nodding her agreement. "yeah, he'll figure it out if we tell him." she teased, perfectly happy to blackmail James. "why are you getting a mirror?" "he uses it to talk to Loki i think." Natasha admitted. "he mentioned it earlier." "earlier? Loki was here?" "yeah, dropping of papers or something." "weird." "i know. in any case i don't think the Unicorns care. they are intelligent enough to avoid Loki if they didn't want to come." she admitted, amused, watching cats explode in Steve's face. "ice-ream? hmm. i can't make it snow again, i was bedridden for a week after that. apparently your earth weather patterns don't much like to be messed with. but there is something else i could manage." Loki admitted. "give me..." he paused, seamed to run some calculations and then. "an hour should do it." Loki admitted. "ah, Classissia. thanks for the help." Loki said to a brilliant white Unicorn. "tired of playing? alright i'll send you lot back home then." he agreed, waving his hand, the unicorns bounding for the bright rainbow that had just appeared, leaping up it and vanishing into glittering lights to go back home. "i'll see you in an hour." Loki promised James before the mirror turned back into a normal mirror.
“Really?Awesome. My coffee will always be amazing.”Tony grinned before smiling as he started to pick off the feathers. While most adults would find the fur and feathers irritating, tony was highly amused....and it also helped that nothing could stick to the suit really, all he had to do was step out of it and his cleanup was gone. “They have cameras to. They can read reach other and see what they’re saying....and so we can communicate with them to....should I give them voices?Would that be easier?”He said starting to help steve clean off.

“....You wouldn’t....isn’t it bad enough you shot me?”James pouted lookign at natasha with wide puppy dog eyes, well aware he was going to be blackmailed. “Magical mirror. Shush.”James ordered before snickering. “Information I wanted.”James said vaguely, for the moment not wanting to think about what loki had gotten for him, before nodding. “true. They really are pretty.”James snickered, nearly giggling at the sight of the cats exploding. “I’m going to have to tshow him a video of that....”He grinned before sighing. “Ah. Well, don’t do that then. It’s not worth messing yourself up.”James said before smirking, “A hour then.”he said before shaking his head amused as he watched the uncorns leave, settlign down onto the bed next to anna, smirking as he kissed her lightly. “A hour.”
Steve rolled his eyes. "and like it's not now?" he asked. "you still have to fill it every morning, or at least, every night." he pointed out, plucking a clump of fur off of his suit. so very, very annoying. so annoying. "i am gonna kill that spandex wearing, pointy headed freak!" Steve finally hissed when he realized he was going to have to wash his suit before he could get all the fur off. Steve wouldn't actually hurt Loki, in a few days he'd find all this just as amusing as he always did, but now Steve was tired, hungry and grumpy, especially since his plans to fuck Tony senseless had been disrupted. "god, please no. i can just imagine the toaster complaining that i'm not making the toast correctly." he huffed, shaking his head before smiling a little while the other helped him clean up. "come take a shower with me?"

she smirked. "i would, providing you don't annoy me. and give me whatever i ask for." she teased with a giggle, watching the cat explode all over Clint and Phil. "this is awesome." Natasha admitted with a giggle, Anna giggling as well. "very pretty. i wonder if i could have one?" she wondered "yes. blackmail!" Natasha agreed, nodding. "yes. i'm not about to risk my on skin, i am a coward you know." Loki admitted with a grin. "yes. one hour." Loki agreed, already lost in thought, Anna grinning. "i'm kind of very curious to see what he has planned." she admitted with a giggle. and indeed an hour later once Tony and Steve had appeared Loki appeared in the mirror. "okay! done!" he looked very proud of himself. "three floors down. room seventy seventeen." he informed them. Anna looked confused. "that's an old storage room isn't it?" most of the rooms in the tower where unused. "it was. i fixed it." Loki admitted with a grin. "i'm going." "i'm going too!" Natasha agreed, both women running out of the room, curious. room seventy seventeen was a winter wonderland. there where chocolate trees, small pond made of bubbling caramel, another one made out of strawberry glaze. heavy mounds of chocolate, Vanilla and strawberry ice-cream that looked like hills of snow. a path made of peanuts and a streetlamp made of dark chocolate and a fountain of chocolate sauce. "this. is. awesome." Anna gasped, looking around and grinning when he grabbed the nearest bowl hanging from a chocolate tree and a spoon handing from another and started scooping up her treats. there was even a river made of various chopped fruits and nuts. "wow." Natasha muttered, watching Anna scoop p a bowl of cherries, covered them in chocolate and caramel and then just sat down and scooped ice-cream into her mouth followed by the cherry, chocolate, caramel mixture. "well. did he say how long this would last? because i don't think she's going to leave."
“It is, but it’d be more amazing if it wasn’t just you who could make coffee right. At least then I could make Barnes make the coffee and I can have you in bed first thing in the morning.”Not that he ever was up first thing in the morning, but he tried. “...Hm, is it spandex?I mean, do they wear spandex in asgard?”Tony said looking thoughtful as he considered that, manic because he’d been dropping before, but he’d come up when they had to leave. Feeling lost before he grinned a little. “IT would not. Cap always does everything perfect. Even toast.”He said before grinning, “Oh yes.”he said heading for the bathroom.

“I already do that.”He pointed out before nodding, “It is indeed.”he said amused at the idea before shrugging. “Maybe. You’d have to ask him.”He said before rolling his eyes at lokis words. Eager to see what it would be. “Yes it is.”James frowned looking curious as they headed downstairs before pausing at the sight, having brought the mirror. “Loki?How long is it lasting?”He asked looking around him even as he got a bowl of chocolate strawberry for himself, looking amused.
he chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "have you ever had James Coffee? it's worse than the shit you drink." he pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head before smiling at him. "it would be pretty awesome to be able to snuggle instead of having to make Coffee, but it might be easier to just install a coffee pot and supplies into the bedroom." he pointed out. "you know, i don't know but it looks like Spandex so Spandex it is." he admitted with a smirk before smiling at him. "not everything i do is perfect." he muttered with a smile. "just most of it." he admitted with a snigger before kissing him and heading for the bathroom as well, taking his time in washing every inch of Tony before washing his hair, running his fingers through the strands, smirking a little. "hmm... how much do you want me right now?" he wondered. "how much do you want me to lay you out, take you as i please, make you ache and burn?"

"hmm that's a good point." she admitted, Anna pondering that. "well. we can have it on a back burner for the next time he does try to tell us no." Anna decided, Natasha nodding. "i can see about getting her a Unicorn. they really only go where they want so i don't know if it will stay but you can meet one at the very least." Loki promised. "until i get rid of it or she eats it all, whichever happens first. i can come in every month or so and restock it if you like." he offered. "hows she like it?" he asked, looking amused. "we, we love it." Natasha admitted, licking whipped cream off her lips making Loki blink before chuckling. "well enjoy it. i'll keep it up as long as you want it, it barely takes any effort at all." he promised. "just be careful not to stay in there too long, you'll get... what's it called? humans get it when they get too cold..." "Hypothermia? Frostbite? colds?" "yes to all of those."
“I have. And it’s not. It’s perfect.”Tony said because well, james’ coffee was only perfect when he was upset and moody, the sludge perfect for his mood sometimes. Which was amusing, considering just how finicky and moody he could be over his coffee sometimes.”....I should do that. We’ll do that.”he decided before snickering. “Okay, spandex.”he snorted amused before making a face. “You’re lying. You’re perfect.”Tony protested, sighing and squirming a little as the other washed him, simply enjoying the attention, whimpering quietly as his hair was petted, blinking up at him stupid. “...Want. Need.Want you.”Tony said trying to focus, trying to talk clearly. “Please, please steve...”

“...Evil,evil women.”James muttered rolling his eyes a little, to pleased at having them both, to truly mean it. “Thanks loki.”James said smiling a little before smirking. “Please do. I have a pregnant girlfriend, and one who’s addicted to sweets even if she wont admit it. I’d greatly be beloved if they have ice cream all the time.”James snickered a little before grinning. “It’s well loved loki.”he promised before nodding. “We’ll be careful.”He promised smiling as he watched the girls.
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