
she snorted, pulling off her own clothes, too horny to care about where they where. "your never insulted too much to enjoy fucking me." she stated simply. "and i am frustrated now hurry up or i'll go find Phil instead." she ordered.

"no problem." he promised Skye with a smile. "just for the record, never take James by surprise like that." he warned. "it's fine if he knows the hit is coming, but sneaking in a hit makes him freak out and flip back into the winter soldier. i'd tell you just to never spar with him, but i know you won't listen and he is an exceptionally good teacher." he admitted before rolling his eyes at Tony. "sit." he ordered the genius. "before something blows up. what do you want to eat?"

she chuckled a little. "yeah Steve is enough to make someone not want to have sex. he's so uptight." she agreed, amused. "of course you should. she wanted it didn't she?" she asked, lifting an eyebrow. "you are cute. super adorable." she teased with a smile before blinking, startled. "Did she? seriously? huh... i didn't realize she'd uncovered so many memories as to want to lay a claim on you son soon." she admitted, her head tilted. "she hasn't talked to me in a few days, i think she's been too busy trying to straighten out her own head." she admitted. "i should have a session with her, i don't want her to have to handle such a massive influx of emotions on her own."
Clint laughed as he joined her."well. That's true."he said amused as he got down to business.

Skye tilted her head a little, nodding."I'll keep that in mind." "And never spar alone. Take natasha or steve. I trust him to know where to draw the line, but if you startle him badly enough he'll set aside all the rules and really go after you."tony said knowing it would take them reinforcing the idea to get through to her."I find it a musing he's a good teacher when he really doesn't like teaching most people."the genius said as he sat down,"grilled cheese and noddles."he said even as his eyes went a little unfocused as he focused inwardly on the video that had just hit shields mainframe,trying to understand what he was seeing.

"He is uptight, even if he's insane in the sack...speaking from seeing it. Not because I've participated, no matter what stark Says."james snickered a little before nodding."she just...I feel like it's wrong. And I dont know why...its.."he made a frustrated sound. He hated what they'd done to him, he was emotionally withdrawn even before the ice, but his time as the winter soldier had left him even more compromised. "Yea. She was...weird. she sought me out and wanted to make sure I knew to leave a spot open for her..."he sighed a little." should go see her...after she's done...I'm sure...she frustrated at the moment."he said blushing
Steve nodded. "James isn't entirely stable." he admitted. "there are times when he's not even human. he's just a machine." Steve admitted. "there are times when he looks at me, and i don't know who he is, because he's gone all empty. no thoughts, no emotions, just a need to kill, destroy, hurt." he admitted. "it's not really something he can help, he spent so much time in that state, that it's his natural default now" he admitted. "he likes to choose his own students, people he can trust not to turn against him." Steve admitted to Tony. "he likes to have protege, not students. people who he knows will use what he teaches for the right things." he admitted. "Grilled Cheese and noodles." he agreed, smiling a little. "Skye? do you want some?"

she snorted. "i am well aware of where Steve goes when he wants sex James." she assured him with a chuckle. "we all know he's really a pervert." she admitted with a grin. "it's okay to be feeling the way you are." she promised James. "part of you is angry that you didn't go through with it. part of you is relieved, part of you is upset because you think you almost cheated on me. [art of you is glad you didn't. your all torn up inside and that's normal." she promised him with a smile before chuckling. "well, i always did underestimate her." she admitted with a smile before smirking at him. "it's your own fault, leaving the job undone." she huffed, smiling at him. "how frustrated are you?" she wondered, reaching down to fondle him. "i bet your all worked up."
Skye winced a little at the idea before nodding looking a litfle freaked out that anyone could be so abused as to have that as a natural default."well. that's true. He got twitchy when Hill tried to force him to teach until I made her back ofd."he smiled a little."yea I'll have some."Skye said studying tony."tony?" "Hm?" "Something wrong?" "Yea...weird video for natasha just arrived at shield...from your father I think. But it doesn't really make sense....just how insane is he?" "Fairly. But he usually has a reason for doing things."

"He truly is."james agreed with a snicker before relaxing,realizing she understood better then he did what he was feeling. Nodding a little he sighed softly."yes...that's exactly it..."he muttered "well. Steve startled me..."he whined because he wouldn't have cared if he'd been in more in control, but he'd been the soldier as he stared down at natasha,lost in her. The man had reacted instinctively, with a need to protect himself. And even as frustrated as he was, the man had retreated because he needed to.moaning as he was fondled he whimpered, grinding up into her hand."very."he growled.
Steve nodded, she understood now. she wouldn't do anything stupid. "yes. it doesn't help that he doesn't particularly like crowds or large groups either." Steve admitted. "So when she wanted him to teach the entire population of new recruits, she was well and truly out of her mind." Steve admitted with a smile before blinking a little at Tony. "a video for Natasha?" he asked, his head tilted. "can you have it brought here?" he asked Tony. "Skye's father...." Steve muttered, a bit worried about what that meant. he knew enough about the crazy man to know he was just as intelligent as he was a monster. there where theories that he was the start of the experiments that later turned Bruce into The Hulk. no conclusive evidence other than similar behavioral patterns, but it was a rumor.

she smiled at him and nodded, pleased that she had been able to help. "ah. yes he probably would have been a bit of a shock to the system." she admitted with a smile. "especially if you weren't yourself at the time." she admitted before smirking. "well. we'll have to do something about that, won't we?" she asked playfully, standing up gently so she wouldn't dislodge him or knock him over and settled over him, kissing him before moving down and undoing his pants, licking the head of his cock with a hum. "i wonder, how long can i tease you for?" she wondered, grinning impishly at him.
"Brilliant woman. Didn't understand people worth shit though.Btony shook his head as he sighed before making a face. "Yea. Something that doesn't quite make sense....already working on it. Jarvis is downloading it to the living room,so we can watch it before showing natasha. Decide if she needs to see it."he said looking concerned as he headed for the living room.

"Ye. Thank god it was just steve. The other's would have never let me hear the end of it."he made a face before groaning as she moved down,leaning back to rest against the wall,shivering as he watched her."oh yes we will...and only as long as it takes me to get frustrated and bend you over you desk."he said with a growl as he tangled a hand in her hair.
Steve nodded. "Maria is good at her job." he admitted. "she's just not so good with the people that come with that job. that's why she's mostly kicking ass or doing paperwork these days." Steve admitted with a smile before frowning. "doesn't make sense?" he asked, his head tilted. "it would be better if no one else knew about the video yet either, you and i will watch it alone and then decide if she needs to know, depending on the nature we might just tell her, or we might tell the others too. if it's sensitive information, she won't like it if we tell the others after all." Steve admitted.

"oh, i'm sure they won't let you live it down anyway." she admitted with a giggle. "especially since we all know Tony knows, and Clint knows, those two blabbermouths will make sure everyone knows once they know that i find it funny as hell." she admitted with a giggle. "they'd keep quite about it if i was upset of course, but i'm not a good actor so." she shrugged. "you'll never live it down." she teased him with a giggle before smirking at him. "oh. even more reason to tease you." she teased, licking the head of his cock again before lapping her way lower, giggling all the way to his balls, slurping both into her mouth just to drive him insane.
“Exactly. Thank god she found where she fits best.”Tony smield a little before nodding. Looking as unsure as he ever did, which was disturbing, since tony usually knew how to react to things. “my rooms then. I’ll put it on my personal tv.”Tony said heading for his bedroom, knowing it was about the only place that was completely private. Turning on the tv he swallowed thickly as he studied skye’s dad standing with the him. “Ms. Romanoff, I know you understand the pain of losing a child, yet we’ve both been denied our daughters by the people in our lives. Did you never wonder why he never produced a body?You daughter is alive, Aliana is alive, and though scarred by her father’s abuse, she is alive.I can return your daughter to you, all I ask, is that you return mine to me.” “Mama?”The youngish woman, late teens, early twenties smiled, softly, begging wanting to come home.

“....Dammit. I’m really never going to hear the end of it.”James grumbled sighing softly, shaking his head a litle before shuddering. “So it is.”He muttered closing his eyes as he fisted a hand in her hair, simply enjoying the touch.
he nodded. "she wasn't too happy about it though, when i changed her jobs." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "your rooms." he agreed, string at the video. "..." he narrowed hi eyes a little and then turned to Tony. "how valid do you think this is?" he asked Tony. "do we ask James? i don't know that Natasha would remember if she ever had a daughter." he admitted staring at the screen. "i'm not sure what to do here...." Steve admitted. "i'll talk to James first." he decided. "once he's done having sex with Anna. the last thing i want to do is interrupt him twice." he admitted with a shake of his head.

she smirked at him and shook her head, moaning eagerly when he gripped her hair, sucking along his dick but never giving him what he wanted. she was mean that way. a real tease.
Tony frowned as he went over the video again, sighing quietly.”I’m not finding any doctoring to the video, or changes. As far as it being a actual video being filmed, I don’t doubt that. Whether or not they have a child...well. Talking to James would be your best course of action.”Tony said wincing a little as he considered just what was going on. “...He said abuse.”Tony frowned considering it, really curious now. Before snorting a little. “No, I don’t think he’d appreciate you interrupting him again.”He said looking beaten, wondering just how badly this was going to go.

James growled as the other teased him, using her hair as a handle as he stood, carefully dragging her towards the desk, growling as he pushed her over it and tugging down her pants, snarling at her as he pushed into her, holding her still, even if he was hard and demanding, he was still being gentle with her, as if afraid of hurting her as he fucked her.
he nodded. "just because there's no doctoring, doesn't mean this isn't a trick. after all, there are several dozen different ways that girl could be faked. hell, he might have found a girl the right age with the right looks. a mutant with a body appearance manipulation, a mental illusion, well done makeup. there's no guarantee that this girl is eve real, and i don't think Natasha would know either." he admitted. "as for the abuse. James has been mid wiped so often, he could very well have punished a daughter, if she was real, without knowing who she was or why he hurt inside for smacking her around." he admitted. "that's even if James was the father. or raised her or knew of her at all." Steve admitted. "there are too may unknowns and far too many variables." he admitted before smiling a little. "yeah, i'm not about to piss him off." he admitted.

she moaned when he gripped her hair, shuddering at him. she adored it when her beau was strong enough to move her about as he pleased. she moaned when she was pinned in place, trembling as she tried to hold back her orgasm. she wanted to enjoy it for a lot longer. "James. yes. please. fuck me hard." she moaned, thrusting back against him, begging for more. "don't be o gentle. make me hurt. make me feel it." she moaned.
“True.”Tony sighed a little before running his hand through his hair. “I really wish we wouldn’t get the freaks. I mean, even if the girl is real, we can’t turn skye over, or leave aliana with him. This is just sick.”Tony sighed quietly, shaking his head as he headed for the door, twitchy about being in his bedroom with steve now that they’d watched the video. Seeing steve so close to his head was just to much for the genius.

James growled as she moved against him, pinning her more, looking vaguely worried for a moment before snarling as he fucked her harder, even if he was careful not to hurt her to much, she was going to be feeling it in the morning. Biting down on her shoulder he shuddered as he came, clinging to the woman, his whole world steadying as he calmed, the woman the only steady thing for him at the moment.
he nodded. "this is bad." he admitted, crossing his arms and staring at the screen. "and something is very wrong with that girl. she has to be a teenager, right? so why so innocent? and she called Natasha Mama. not typical behavior for any teenager. it looks as if this is just designed to yank at Natasha's heartstrings, and make her react instead of think things through. it's a very clever manipulation. even if it is real." he admitted, eyes narrowed. "i don't like it. not at all." he admitted. "no matter who that girl is though, your right, we have to get her away from that mad man." he admitted before glancing at Tony and then chuckling. "i'll bottom, if it's fucking you want." he offered. "after all, we've apparently been fucking for months. why stop?"

she moaned when he pinned her more tightly. mewling eagerly when he really gave it to her. this was great! "yes! oh god! yes! James! fuck yes!" she moaned, arching as she came, unable to hold back anymore, shuddering when he flooded her smiling. "mmm i feel better." she sighed happily, offering him a smile. "how about you? feeling better?" she asked him with a grin.
“Something indeed. But...I don’t know if it’s simply a act. I mean...he’s creepy enough that he might be forcing her to act like that, especially if it’s been awhile since Natasha saw her....we’re lucky James is still alive, otherwise we might never have had a answer to this without a bloodbath.”Tony mused, because it was obvious skye’s father hadn’t counted on the supposed father to still be around and answering questions if asked. Pausing to look at steve as he headed for the door, he twitched, ducking his head. “No.”He said shrugging. “Jarvis, will you tell James to get up here?”Tony said, he was both a coward and a dick, willing to risk the wrath of a man who terrified him, simply to avoid this conversation. Brave, brave man.

James groaned, panting softly as he pulled out of her, even as he cuddled against her, nodding as he kissed her gently. “I do. Thanks.”He muttered nuzzling her, groaning as jarvis spoke up. “Dammit....Tony’s really got to come up with a better way to avoid talking to steve.”He whined as he pulled away, tugging his jeans up, amused they hadn’t even bothered to get all the way undressed as he nudged anna.”You coming with?”He said straightening out her clothes for her.
Steve nodded. "Act or not, the girl is probably in serious trouble, if she is a girl at all anyway." he admitted. "i don't remember Natasha or James ever mentioning having any children at all though." he admitted, frowning a little. "we are very lucky that James is alive. still i don't like the timing. Natasha has only just started properly regaining her memories. and Skye hasn't been here long. do we have a spy?" he wondered. "or is someone watching us?" he shook his head a little and then smiled at Steve. "okay then." he agreed. "when you want to, just let me know. try to do it quick though, okay? it's already been two days. i don't know how long i can last without having sex." he admitted. "i won't have sex with anyone else though." looking at Tony. "i refuse to give up, until you can look me in the eye and honestly say you don't want me anymore." he admitted. "i won't cheat on you." he admitted before turning to wait for James.

she grinned. well, i got just as much out of that, so there's no need to thank me." she admitted with a smile before blinking. "huh." she shook her head. "of course i am." she admitted with a smile, letting him straighten out her clothes, following him to Tony's room.
“Hm, it seemd polite, since you helped me calm down.”he muttered sighing quietly as he nuzzled her. Before laughing a little. “You heard about the mess they’re in right?”He muttered as he headed upstairs.

Tony nodded a little, “we’ll get her away.”Tony sighed quietly before wincing. “If we had a spy among us, someone would have mentioned James being alive. He’s been in and out of the tower for two weeks.If there’s a spy, it’s at shield, they might not have made the connection, realized he’s still alive.”Tony sighed quietly before staring at the other, looking a little panicked, already backing away from the man. “...I-I’m going to go get something to eat.”He said bolting out of the door, and wincing as he ran into James, the squeak that escaped decidedly unmanly as he moved around them. “....What did you do to him?”James said as he stepped into the room, looking around.”If you called me up here to help with your sex life, I refuse.”
she giggled a little and nodded. "yeah, i heard. Pepper bitched about it for three hours." she admitted, shaking her head.

"that's true." Steve agreed. "but then, we haven' really advertised who James is, and he looks different enough now that when we told people he was Jame's grandson, they believed us." he admitted. "so you could be right that there is a spy in Shield if there is one at all." he admitted. "of course, this entire thing could be a bluff." he muttered. "i don't like this one little bit." he admitted before watching Tony leave. "don't burn the tower down!" he ordered before smiling at James. "i told him i'd be Celibate until he told me to my face that he didn't want me." "isn't that dangerous Steve?" Anna asked, looking surprised. "you told us, and him, yourself about what happens when you go too long without sex." she fretted, Steve shrugged his shoulder. "all the more reason for Tony to give in sooner." he admitted. "but i didn't call you here about that... something bad has happened and i need to know something." he turned and looked James dead in the eye. "a very disgusting man has claimed that Natasha had a daughter. we are uncertain if it is true. did Natasha ever have a child?"
"He does. Without the hair, he looks younger. Less...worn.”Tony snickered a little amused before nodding. “I’m always right you know.But it could be a bluff to.”Tony agreed.”I’m not cooking!I’m getting a snack. Have faith!” “...Playing with fire, Rogers.”James said rolling his eyes as he considered tony having to deal with the knowledge of what happens when steve doesn’t have sex. Before frowning a little.”What?”He said frowning slightly as he considered what was happening, before paling, taking a step back before he’d even been aware that he had done so. “Yes.”James said glancing at the screen.”What else did he claim”He asked shaken but his emotions locked down to the point he’d stepped abck into the winter soldier persona, hearing the pleas, hearing the pain of his last moments with aliana, struggling to focus on the here and now, instead of the past.
Steve nodded. "he looks better because he's more relaxed too. less hurt." he agreed. "he doesn't look so old when he doesn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders. he was never able to handle pressure well." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head before smiling, watching Tony leave before nodding. "i am. if he has ignored me for a week, then ill go t the club." he admitted. "i can stand it for that long at least." he admitted. "and he might finally admit he likes me if he gets jealous." he admitted before watching James. "he claimed she wasn't dead because you never produced a body. he claimed you abused her, considering how often you where mind wiped, that could very well be true." he admitted, picking up the remote and letting it play from the beginning. "the question now i, does Natasha remember having a child?" he asked softly. "and do we tell her about this?"
"Good thing he's dead these days.I hear that takes care of stress."tony snickered a little because indeed the stress had mostly disappeared once the man wasn't being bombarded on every side. "If you make him jealous tell me before you go. So I can get out of the line of fire."james snickered a little. Staring at the screen as the video played he shook his head."it's a LMD. Let him kill it."He said emotions locked down. "How do you know?"tony said as he stepped in watching the man."you didn't bring back a body did you?" "no. Because no mother should ever see their child like that. Aliana's dead. A victim to my selfishness."james snarled his control starting to fray at the edges. "'ll fix it won't you?... yes ali. Papa'll fix it." james swallowed as the memory played shaking his head."let him keep the LMD. I dont want to deal with it."he said heading for the door Snarling when tony got in his way."james. We're trying to help. Does natasha know?" "Move tony."james snarled feeling trapped.
Steve chuckled and nodded. "yeah. takes care of a lot of stress." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head before focusing on James. "i'll be sure to do that." he promised. "by the way, Anna, James. i have keyed her into my house." he admitted. "so if she ever needs a break, you can come hang out at my place." he promised. "a what?" Steve asked, his head tilted. "LMD?" he asked before frowning a little, what did that mean? a victim to James selfishness? "Tony." Steve focused on him now. "James isn't stable. you need to move out of his way. this is too much for him right now. i don't think he would know if Natasha remembers or not. we'll have to involve her." he warned. "even with haf her memories gone, she knows James the best out of all of us. she'll know the truth in the end." he admitted. "we just have to keep her calm. and keep her here until she can function properly." Anna admitted softly. "finding out she had a child who died... that is going to be very hard on her. we need to be careful when dealing with her. i would like to be the one to tell her." Anna admitted.
"Good.thanks."james said smiling a little at the knowledge that steve loved him enough to allow another person Into his house."a life model decoy. A robot."Tony said frowning as he considered the tv."it's a well built one if it is one." "It is."james growled.watching tony as the man moved out of his way before walking out."...she does know him best. Jarvis?will you ask clint and Natasha to join us in the living room?and stop james before he leaves."tony said walking out wincing a little as he watched the winter soldier pacing the living room as angry and annoyed as a caged tiger."you can tell her...we won't show her the video yet."tony said looking at anna worriedly, wanting to help but having no idea how to.
Steve smiled at him. "just don't fornicate anywhere but in your own damn bed. i don't want her booby germs all over my house." Anna couldn't help it, she laughed. Steve's reluctance to so much as look at boobs amused her to no end. she had to wonder if he didn't have a traumatic event involving a woman that made him so reluctant? "a robot? it would explain a few things." he admitted, staring at the screen. "is there a chance that the child is real?" he asked James. "i need you to be one hundred percent certain that the child is dead before we tell Natasha." he ordered, sighing when he watched the other pace. "this is not going to end well at all." he admitted softly, looking up when Natasha walked in. "i'll go calm James down." Steve decided. "if he tries to kill me, don't get involved." he commanded, heading out to give James something to hit. "what's going on?" Natasha asked, frowning, worried, letting Anna take her aside and whispered hushed explanations to her.
"I'll keep that in mind. No booby of vaginas germs all over your nice clean house."james teased looking amused."it does...the emotions....even if there's a ai in there,it's not perfect. despite how good jarvis is,robots can't sound the same as humans."tony sighed quietly. James shook his head."no there's no chance. I promise you, a liana is dead."james said The brunette looking up as steve walked out."...what does he want?beyond skye."he said sounding angry and hurting that someone had dared trying to pull a trick like this.

"I wont.just don't let him through you out the window....I know from experience it's not fun."tony muttered with a sickly smile as he settled in with natasha and anna watching the woman worriedly.
Steve smirked. "see that you don't." he ordered before examining the woman in the video. "yeah. that's what was so weird about her. there's no life in her eyes." he agreed. "no emotions in her voice. i wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't said anything." he admitted. "...he wants to make us pay, emotionally, for keeping him away from Skye." Steve stated simply. "he's starting with Natasha, because she's the closest to Skye. i have no doubt he'll make all of us pay." he admitted. "or try to anyway. i fuly expect there will be more videos..." he paused, staring at Tony before his eye twitched. "JAMES! You Threw Him Out Of A Window?!" he demanded. "i told you to apologize! he's still scared of you!" Steve complained, making Anna and Natasha both snicker a little before they focused on talking. "Tony." Natasha walked over to him. "i want to see the video." Natasha ordered, her voice soft. "'s a fake..." Natasha sighed. "Aliana had red hair." she admitted, closing her eyes. "and if it was the baby who died during childbirth, it wouldn't have had the same na,e." she whispered. "Childbirth?" Anna asked softly, Natasha nodding. "yes. i was pregnant, when Aliana died... i couldn't take it. i lost the baby, i almost died myself... James was never the same after that. even when he was blank, he wasn't the same." "you remember?" "...pieces... just bits and pieces."
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