
she moaned in return, swallowing his cum down like a greedy little whore, yelping in surprise when she was picked up and blinked, startled at the chains. "i didn't know hotels had those..." she admitted, letting him cuff her without protest. by the time James came back she was so deep in subspace all she could do was look at him and smile. she moaned, loud, long, eager when he ripped her clothes to shreds, arching into his touch letting him see all of her. there was a Tattoo on her hairless crotch, a blood red rose and vines that circled down until there just wasn't enough 'lip' to Tattoo. it had to have hurt like a bitch. from how wet she was, he could have fucked her then and there without issue. whether he was going to do that, was of course, entirely up to him.

Raven sniggered a little and shook his head. "your delusional at this point." he teased with a grin. "he would never sub to a skinny sub." he teased. although... really it was something he'd been entertaining. trying to sub. he'd never done it before. "i think he gives up control when he goes home and relaxes in a bubble bath." he teased with a grin. "i know. but your not going down too hard or too fast and that's what matters." he pointed out. "well good. i'm glad." he admitted with a grin. "yeah, me too." he admitted before smirking at the other. "ah, ah, ah. Subby Subs don't get to give orders." he warned, fingers flicking out to catch a few drops of the others cum and licked them slowly off his fingers. "Subby subs BEG for cock. go on Little Emperor, Beg."
James smirked a little. “They don’t, unless you request them, and pay enough money to make sure they’re here.”James said as he headed for the bathroom. When he returned he stared, looking her over, raising a eyebrow at the sight of the tattoo, shuddering at just how much that had to hurt. Smirking a little as he moved her around, forcing her forward, balancing a little, nearly on all fours, but most of her weight laying on her knees as he cupped a hand on her hip, settling behind her. Growling as he thrust into her, groaning as he went to town. And indeed, it was hours and hours later before the man was tired and exhausted enough to untie her, settling her onto the bed with a sigh, gently cleaning her up and doing the aftercare in quiet silence, simply enjoying the afterglow.

“I am not!And I’m not skinny. I’m helpfully thin.”He whined a little squirming. “....Next your going to try and convince me that he eats only apple pie and those stupid capsicle popsicles stark’s making.”Tony snickered at the idea, before nodding. “True.”he muttered sighing softly, before whining. Jerking at hos bonds a little at the sight, desperate as the man licked his fingers. “Please, please Raven, please fuck me like the good little whore I am, your slut, please touch me and fuck me, please.”
she blinked and then. "i am so remembering that." she admitted before whining when he left. she moaned at him when he shuddered and groaned, very happily when he slid into her, fucking her ruthlessly. she cried out, moaned, and let him do whatever he wanted to her. she whined when he stopped, wanting more, even if she was too exhausted to even move, let alone manage another Orgasm. she mumbled when he cleaned her up and settled in for sleep, not realizing he was going to stay with her. most people didn't. she was in for a surprise in the morning.

he laughed. "you are very helpfully thin." he agreed before snorting. "please. we ALL know he lives on fresh apple pie, old fashioned hamburgers and Justice!" he declared, adopting a ridiculous pose in an attempt to look heroic. "those Popsicles are actually really good. they're cream-sicles though. vanilla, strawberry and blueberry." he admitted. "i eat like, a box a day." he admitted with a chuckle. "Fuck i can't resist you when you beg like that. filthy slut." he groaned, quickly slicking his fingers and pressing the digits into the other, stretching him out properly before fucking him, slow at first just to tease him some more, then faster and harder until Caesar just couldn't think anymore. then he gently cleaned the other up and settled him down at the pre-agreed upon 'pick up spot'. like always Raven waited until the Black Car came to pick Caesar up. Raven was good that way, he never let his subbed out subs leave unless he knew there was someone to pick them up. if no one came he got them a hotel room so they wouldn't stumble across someone who would take advantage of them. "See you later Caesar!" he called, helping the other into the back of the car before heading home. Pepper glanced back at Tony and grinned. "you should ask him out on a date." she suggested.
“...he does live on justice. And you are utterly ridiculous!”Tony snickered as the other posed, dark whiskey colored eyes shining bright with laughter before smirking. “you are so weird.”He rolled his eyes a little at the knowledge the other ate the creamsicles, and really, that just made him think about Raven sucking on other things. And by the time they finished the man was wrung out and exhausted, muttering quiet protests at being made to move and shuffle into the car, “Bye Rav.”he muttered sleepily as he climbed into the car, turning to look at pepper as he shifted to lay down, snugglign her, having every intention of sleeping right there. “....Can’t. He thinks Tony Stark is a good guy. Wont ruin that.”He muttered because he liked having one person in the world who wanted him for him, instead of the normal reasons anyone wanted him.

In the morning James was sleeping on the floor, curled up on his side, with only one blanket and a pillow. While he hadn’t been able to leave her, he couldn’t bring himself to sleep next to someone either, his heart shredded at the idea of sleeping next to a woman again, when natasha was gone, lost to him. Not to say that he hadn’t liked anna, or hadn’t even enjoyed their night, but he was to broken, hurting and nursing a broken heart to handle this seemed steve was right, he couldn’t do this. But maybe...anna could help him adjust. If he could recover.

Tony smirked as he walked into the office, his dark hair a mess of curls, even as the man was focused on his tablet instead of the man he’d come to see. “So. Any ideas what was in the deposit box from yesterday?”He asked settling into his normal guest chair, looking even more relaxed then normal, the sex from the night before having done well to help relax and completely not lose his mind for the moment.
Raven smirked at him. "i am ridiculous!" he admitted with a laugh. "and i'm only weird compared to some." he pointed out with a grin. "oh don't whine at me." Raven ordered with a chuckle as he gently made sure Tony's wrists weren't hurt and he wasn't bruised too much. he actually carried the other out to the car. "get some sleep Little Emperor." he ordered before heading home. Pepper chuckled a little. "i find it amusing that he's never even tried to look in here to see who was taking you home." she admitted, brushing Tony's air out of his face. "he's a good man. better than most to be sure. most men wouldn't bother waiting to make sure you where safe in the car." she admitted. "you should give him a chance."

Anna blinked at him and then shook her head. she'd had sex with other Vets so she just assumed the bed was too soft for him and he didn't trust himself not to hurt her. she gently covered him with another blanket and then headed out to order breakfast from the restaurant downstairs. she answered the door and paid the bellhop and tipped him and then headed back into the bedroom with the food and two pots of coffee. humming as she carefully nudged his foot. "James! Breakfast! wake up now." she urged. "i ave Coffee!" she admitted with a grin.

Steve glanced up at the other and then back down at his paperwork. "Hydra crap. i looked it over last night while James was out getting laid." he admitted. "Phil has it now. he was pretty pissed that we didn't return his backpack until now." he admitted, looking amused. "you'll have it next of course." he admitted. "there's a hell of a lot of good information n there." he admitted, siging something and setting it in the out box before turning his attention to the new stuff. "by the way." he fixed Tony with a glare. "did you really think i wouldn't find out?" he demanded, reaching into his desk drawer and set something on it. an empty Capsicles box. "Tastes Like Justice, Tony!?" he demanded. "and don't try to deny it! we ALL know that this was your idea!"
“I’ll whine all I want.”Tony huffed whining a little even as he shuffled closer to the man, trying to cuddle even as he was looked over. Nodding tiredly. “Sleep is good.”he muttered sighing quietly as he let pepper pet him. “Good man. Promised not to find out who I was, so he doesn’t try.”he muttered before sighing softly. “ they wouldn’t.... And he deserves better.”He shrugged starting to fall asleep.

James’ hand snapped out, having awoke the moment she started moving around, holding her still as he tried to figure out where he was, and why he was being kicked. Until he realized that she hadn’t kicked him to hurt, simply to get him moving. “...Anna?”he muttered stirring sitting up slowly, rubbing a hand over his hair, blinking, smirkign a little. “Coffee is nice.Thanks.”He smiled reaching for the coffee, sighing quietly as he enjoyed it.

“Did he have fun?”He smirked a little curious before laughing a little. “phil was sure James was going to get his Cap Jr. Killed or something, he’ll calm down.”he snickered a little. “awesome. I’ll enjoy reading more.”he said looking interested as he considered what they were going to learn from the stuff before wincing, before growing serious. Wondering what he was going to be seeing, his eyes widenign as he realized that it was just the popsicles, having not that that would be what he got yelled at about. “Pepper asked me to make avenger themed popsicle slogans!It’s not my fault!”He whined, even if he was laughing, it was like watching a kid lie about eating cookies with chocolate smeared on his face. He was just enjoying jerking steve around to much to not want to do this. “Besides, every woman and man in the world wants to lick you ‘sicle, so I gave them the chance.”He snickered."Who told you?"He said looking interested.
she blinked when he grabbed her but didn't panic, freak out or even squeak, she just stood there, calm as a cucumber. well used to this sort of behavior from Vets. "yup! it's me." she admitted. "you awake now?" she asked, examining him before content that he wouldn't lash out and beamed at him. "your welcome." she chirped, sitting down to eat her waffle, scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon. "so. last night was awesome. if i give you my umber, you'll call me for another round right?" she asked, grinning at him. "or you could get Pepper to get hold of me. she said your scared of phones." she admitted. "so maybe that would be a better way." she admitted. "i've never met a man who could fuck me senseless. it was pretty awesome."

"Don't know. hasn't come back yet. i'd assume so though." he admitted with a chuckle before snickered. "he might have." he admitted with a grin. "who knows how kinky he is? might have used poor Cap Jr. as a sex toy." he admitted before narrowing his eyes at Tony. "i do my own shopping Tony. imagine my surprise when i saw these?" he demanded. "i'm surprised Hulk hasn't smashed you into the ground yet." he stated, pulling out another cardboard box. it was the green apple Popsicle that had a picture of Hulk on it. on it was just the words 'Hulk Smash!' at least it was semi accurate. "there is only one person i want sucking on my 'sicle' Tony and they are not it! i am unhappy." he growled scowling at the other before huffing. "throw those away." he ordered. "your my gopher for the day." he stated. "which meas you do whatever i tell you to. go get me some coffee." he ordered.
James sighed softly, calming as he realized she was okay before smiling a little, “Yea I am.”he smiled at her before sipping his coffee as he moved over to start eating himself, smirking slightly.”Told you I was capable of keeping up.”he smirked at her before nodding,”Yea I would.”He said before huffing. “I am not afraid of phones!It’s not my fault random people keep calling me when I don’t want them to. Or finding me. Easier to not have one.”He huffed a little before leaning over to the desk and snagging the pen and pad of paper there, scribbling steve’s number. “It wont be me who answers, but he’ll get me a message if you want to talk to me.”He said smiling before laughing. “It was awesome.It’s been a long time since I’ve done something like that.”

“Good....and I’m fairly certain you know just how kinky he is, Cap.”Tony rolled his eyes a little before smirking. “Ah. Well. I forgot you did your own shopping.”Tony snickered a little before smiling. “Hulk likes them, and he likes me.”He pointed out before raising a eyebrow. “....Really?who?And if you tell me it’s lady liberty, I’m going to be sick and make fun of your patriotic sex life.”Tony said making a face before whining as he snagged the popsicles and started eating one instead of throwing it away. “...I feel like I should warn you about sexual harassment or something if you’re ordering me around.”He whined as he left though, returning in a few minutes with a glass of coffee, just how steve liked it, instead of tony’s normal raise the dead coffee.
she chuckled a little and shook her head. "yes and i should have listened. that was the best sex ever." she admitted with a grin before laughing. "phones aren't all that bad." she admitted. "in fact, m phone here? highest of Stark Tech." she admitted. "no one can call you unless they are on my contacts list or are police, emergency, or whatnot." she admitted. "it's pretty awesome." she admitted, accepting his number and blinking at it. this was Steve's number. "alright! and he can call me any time to set up a sex date." she agreed with a grin giving him a kiss before blinking at her shredded clothes. "....i need to call Pepper." she sighed, dialing Pepper. "hey Pep. i need a change of clothes. ahuh. ahuh. no. yes. please? i'll buy you those lovely chocolate cream filled doughnuts. awesome! thanks!" she chirped before chuckling. "there. new clothes are coming. i'll have to remember to pack extra next time." she admitted,

he smirked even more. "i HAVE lived with him for a long time. after so much time spent as the soldier, James feels most content when he is in complete control of the bedroom." he admitted with a shrug. "so yes, very kinky. not sure if he's into pain play or not but i'd doubt it." he admitted before snorting at him. "Hulk tolerates you." he reminded the other. "it's not Lady liberty. and it's not the American flag either you sex fiend. you must have gotten laid last night if your in such a good mood." he huffed. "you'd enjoy it too much if i sexually harassed you." he scoffed before smirking when Tony returned with his cup of Coffee. Steve was a bit of an odd one. he liked caramel syrup in his coffee. no milk, no sugar, just caramel syrup. "thanks Tony." he stated before signing another piece of paperwork.
“Hm, I’m going to make a statue, and gift that to myself, with the slogan ‘best sex ever’ and brag to tony that I won it. That’d get his panties in a twist.”James snickered. “....”James sighed quietly, frowning a little. “Maybe...Maybe I’ll get him to make one... He did offer one to me.”He said frowning a little “Awesome, it’d please me greatly to make him call to set up a date for me. It’d be epic to watch him blush.”James snickered sighing softly as he kissed her back, before wincing.”Sorry....didn’t think about the morning after when I ripped them apart.”He said sighing quietly, before laughing as he listened to them talk, nodding a little. “Good. Cause I don’t always remember to not rip things apart.”he smiled tilting his head a little.

“...That’s awesome. I sorta wanna watch him have sex now. I bet it’s something out of a porno.”Tony said smirking a little as he considered it before making a face. “No, Hulk loves me. I’m a butterfly, and he chases after me.”he snickered before pouting. “I am not a fiend, but yes, I did get laid, and it was amazing, and definitely something I want to conquer again in the near future, so I’d enjoy it if we wrapped things up at a reasonable hour so I can go jump him again.”Tony said, because he was so, so not bothered by anything, and so openly bisexual you just had to be okay with it. “I totally would. Imagine the tabloids, ‘Iron man molested by national treasure.”He snorted, “Welcome....anything I can help with?”
she sniggered. "i could get one for you." she suggested. "and present it to you in front of him." she admitted with an impish grin. that would really get Tony's goat! "i'd certainly recommend it. he made one for Bruce. you know, the Hulk? that can't be tracked, traced or followed by anyone but Tony." she admitted. "since he's always being hunted by the government, the poor man." she admitted with a shake of her head before giggling. "he is a bit shy isn't he?" she asked with a grin. "it's a shame he's gay." she admitted with a pout before laughing. "i loved it when you ripped them apart." she admitted. "you turned me on so damn bad it wasn't even funny." she admitted. "oh i'll just make sure to put the bill of ruined clothes on Tony's tab." she promised him. "he buys all my clothes anyway." she admitted with a grin.

"....i could do with never, ever seeing it ever again." he admitted. "but yes it was like something out of a porno, no you can't ask to record him having sex." he stated. "yes. he chases you and when he catches you, and he will, he's going to eat you." he warned, smirking. "...." he paused and then looked up at Tony, his head tilted a little. "Conquered?" he asked, looking amused. "what an odd choice of word to use." he mused. "i wish i could get laid." he grumbled. "but yes. we'll be done by seven at the latest." he promised. "i am not staying here all night again." he huffed. "yes. you can go fire Tristan Adams." he stated, handing Tony the termination papers. "if he asks why tell him his level of nonprofessional behaviors will no longer be tolerated and his blatant disregard for personal space and sexual harassment are not tolerated on Shield property. his attempts to bully younger or less skilled agents into dating him and his attempt to force young Miss Witherspoon into giving him sexual favors will ensure he is arrested for attempted rape if he is not off of shield property within the hour." he smirked at Tony. "feel free to take your time." he offered. "or delay him a bit if you have to."
“ You should. That would be truly amusing.”James snickered a little as he considered it before nodding. “I know. Now that his phone can’t be traced, I think I will ask tony for one.”He said realizing tony could indeed make a good phone. “He is.”He snorted amused before looking relieved she wasn’t mad about the clothes. “Oh good. I’ll just have to do it more then.”he smiled stealing a kiss as he finished his food. “Eat up, we better be going soon.”

“I don’t think you’re that lucky. I bet you you’ll walk in on him sometime....and why not?It’d be the best porno ever if I could convince him to suit up.”Tony said snickering a little. “Oh yes. I won a evening with the best person in the world, conquering him, making him want me for a night, was worth everything.”Tony smirked a little. Raising a eyebrow at the other’s words, he took the papers, frowning slightly before nodding. “I’ll most definitely be seeing that Mr. Adams is taken care of.”The former director of shield frowned and looked annoyed as he headed for the door to indeed to take care of him.
"very amusing. i'm going to do it." she decided with a grin before nodding. "that's a good idea." she admitted. "then i can call you when i'm horny." she teased with a wag of her eyebrows. "phone sex is pretty awesome." she admitted. "you will have to do it more." she agreed before snorting. "i can't go anywhere until i have clothes James. unless you want me to walk out there naked?" "no need! i have clothes!" Pepper called as she walked in blinking when she realized both of them where still naked. " i feel jealous..." Pepper admitted with a sigh, making Anna laugh.

Steve snorted. "super sense of hearing and smell. i would hear them before i saw them so i'm pretty forwarded. then i just leave until they're done." he admitted. "and he'll turn you into paste before he lets you film him." he pointed out. "and i highly doubt that he'd ever willingly wear the Cap Am suit again." he admitted. "i thought i was the best person in the world?" Steve asked, looking a bit curious now. honestly... the way Tony talked, it was like he was being possessed by Caesar. "thank you Tony." Steve stated. if there was anything he and Tony couldn't stand, it was rapists and people who bullied others into sex. everyone knew to stay out of Tony's way when he looked like that, so he had no hindrances as he worked his way to Tristan Adams, who was currently leering at the timid, shy and scared out of her wits secretary who was the person who had filed the report. Deanna Witherspoon. she was so worked up and upset by Tristan that she was in tears by the time Tony showed up. she was still crying when she escaped. Tristan had never been a smart one though, so as soon as he realized he was being fired he attacked Tony. managing several good hits before they where swarmed with agents arresting the volatile rapist and trying to make sure Tony wasn't seriously hurt. he wasn't, though his broken Jaw was going to hurt like hell for a while.
“Good. I’ll have to have dinner at the tower...I’m sure you could come up, and give me the phone...”james bit his lip. “Steve would probably find it amusing enough to want to have dinner there again...”He said frowning, because he wasn’t quite sure how the team thing worked, couldn’t figure out how really the team’s friendships had survived the war, so we wasn’t sure how to act around them, or for that matter, the man had no idea how to handle being around natasha. “ sex?”He said looking so adorably confused at the idea, that you knew that if he’d ever had it before, it was one of those memories that he couldn’t quite remember. “Well, I could totally go for walking around naked.”James said, because well, if he could get away with it, he was naked, so offering to go outside naked wasn’t unusual for him. Looking up at pepper, he smirked. “You don’t have to be. I’ll let you sit in my lap, and give you a ride of a lifetime, and promise not to tell Stark you enjoyed it.”he teased smirking a little.

“...Damn. Fine.And you’re probably right, he’d never suit up.”Tony said smiling a little before smiling happily, to utterly relaxed after a night with raven, to not be a little hyper. “You are, but we’re not sleepign together. He’s better right now, cause he totally wants me.”Tony grinned before nodding. “Welcome.”He said angry himself at the agent’s actions. Yelling at the man as soon as he realized Deanna was upset, he growled as he fussed over her, growling as he shooed her away before dealing with tristian. Whining softly as his jaw broke he snarled as his suit slid seamlessly across his skin and he lashed out at the idiot, knocking him out before heading back to steve’s office after making sure the man was being escorted off the base, and making sure that everyone knew to not tell the good commander that his jaw was broken. He had no intention of letting the man fuss over him as much as he wanted to. “Adams’ is taken care of.”He said carefully, even with extremis, the bones would take a few days to heal, but he was doing better then he would have had he been completely human.
she grinned. "i could totally go up and give you the trophy. do you work with the Avengers often?" she asked curiously. she had an idea of who James really was, but a suspicion was not the same thing as knowing. "Steve Rogers right? he usually eats at the Tower after work." she admitted. "he hates being alone. he has a roommate now though, i think so he might cut back on the tower visits." she admitted. Pepper had told her that Steve's friend Bucky had come back and was staying with him. was this man Bucky? she couldn't be totally sure. "yes. phone sex. it's when you talk dirty to each other on the phone and masturbate." she admitted with a giggle. "well. maybe later." she teased with a giggle. "i don't mind being naked but i'd rather not be arrested for it." she admitted before snickering at Natasha's very unimpressed look at James. "i think i would rather not." she admitted. "for one thing Tony always knows, for another i have a boyfriend." she informed him with a sniff.

"no he wouldn't." Steve admitted with a grin. "and you know how paranoid he is about cameras, recorders and phones." he admitted. "not that i can blame him at all." he muttered before smirking. "maybe i'll just seduce you away from this dastardly character. what's her name anyway?" he asked, head tilted. he sighed when Tony came back up. "sit." he ordered, heading for the first aid kit. "pretending your fine doesn't work when your bleeding all over hell Tony." Steve stated and very carefully started cleaning up Tony's face. "you should head home." he admitted. "i'm heading there myself. can't stand the idea of working right now." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "your jaw is broken, isn't it?" e asked, lifting an eyebrow even as he started a text to Caesar that he would send once Tony was gone. 'having terrible day at work. you free later? was hoping to try something new. how do you feel about being Dom?'
“Sometimes.Though I’ve been out of town for a year or so.”James said shrugging a little before nodding. “yea, and I’ll have to call and ask..”he said not surprised she knew the phone number, figuring she probably ran into him fairly often. “Well, seeing as I’m staying with him, I’ll drag him along to this tower visit. Watching Stark be annoyed is always worth showing up.”James snickered, unaware that the other knew just who he was, simply enjoying being James. “...oh/”he said looking at the other, eyes blown as he considered what he could do with a phone. “Definitely getting a phone.”he muttered before smirking. “Well, that’s true. Having Steve bail me naked out of jail agian would be horrible. He gets so uptight about it.”He sulked a little before smirking at Pepper. “Well, as long as you’re sure.”he teased showing that he’d just been teasing as he got up and started to get dressed.

“Yea, which is both amusing and frightening....and no, I can’t really blame him.”he said sighing softly, before smiling a little. “Dastardly?”He said neatly avoiding answering the question. He didn’t want to talk about the one truly good thing going for him. Whining a little as the other cleaned him up. “It’s already done bleeding, stop fussing.”he grumbled even as he let the other clean him up as he settled into the chair, sighing softly. “Kay. We can go.”he said carefully, not talking alot for once cause his jaw killed him. “ I’m okay.”He said before getting up and heading for the door. “I’ll see you later cap.”he said as he left, and within a few minutes the text responded. “Me to. And I am....really? I could go for that. Watching you be at my mercy.
she nodded. yup, this was Steve's 'Bucky'. "Tony loves having company even if he is getting picked on." she agreed with a giggle. "and Steve i'm sure, is just glad to have company. he gets lonely a lot." she admitted before smirking at him. "yes. exactly." she agreed with a giggle. "you should totally get a phone." she agreed, nodding before laughing. "you'll have to tell me that story!" she decided, eyes glittering with mischief. "very sure." she agreed, rolling her eyes. "Sam would totally kick your ass." she teased, well aware that he would beat up Sam. the Falcon was many things, but a contender against James was not one of them. Anna giggled as she got dressed as well, shared another kiss with James and then promptly asked Pepper for a ride to work.

"yes. dastardly." Steve stated with a smirk. "i am a hero after all." Steve had been reading Comic books again. most likely his own. "as long as she doesn't hurt your feelings i wont get involved." he promised with a chuckle. "she breaks your heart and all bets are off." he warned before shaking his head. "shut up and hold still you stubborn brat." he ordered. "alright. your done bleeding." he agreed, shaking his head. "just try to rest tonight okay?" he asked with a sigh. 'yeah. i've never done it before but i'm kind of curious. it'll be okay if i can't right? i'm as nervous as i am excited. you won't hold it against me if i can't submit to you?'
“I know, which makes his whining and sulking and demanding we get out of the tower all the more amusing.”James snickered. “He does. But I’m back now.”He said looking guilty with the knowledge that he’d known how steve would get, that he’d allowed steve to believe him dead, and still left him alone. “Which one?There’s a few times Steve bailed me out of jail. Fighting naked disturbs people apparently.”James said, oh yea, now that was a story told to generations of kids, how Bucky barnes had been surprised in the bath and proceeded to ignore clothes in favor of kicking some ass. “Oh yes, well, I know how to clip the bird’s wings, so I’m sure I’d be okay.”James snickered as h eheaded out, heading for shield. Despite his nervous and anxiety about actually having sex again, he enjoyed anna’s company, and was feeling so much better now.

“Hm, you really have to stop reading your own comics.”Tony snickered and nodding. “Well, I’ll warn her then.”He teased a little. “I’m not a brat.”He whined even if he held still to let steve clean him up. “I will. Don’t worry. I’ll stay in bed.”Just not his own bed. “Of course it’s okay. I’d never make you, but I’m totally going to enjoy topping you if you can.It’ll be fun. Now shush, I have to prepare an ddecide what I’m doing. See you in a few hours.

“You look pleased with yourself.”James smirked as he walked into the office, looking just as pleased with himself, relaxed and content for the first time in awhile.

“Nat?”Skye asked as she knocked on Natasha’s door, sticking her head into the room, holding up the tablet she was working on. “I got those Shield files you asked for. It’t not much, I think the commander deleted some of what we had, but this is everything on one James ‘bucky’ barnes.” And indeed, it was down to the bare bones, to the point that it was nearly useless to read.
she giggled a little. "what makes it more amusing is when he tries to kick people out of their own homes." she admitted with a grin. "i'm glad he has someone with him. i was a bit worried about him for a while." she admitted with a shake of her head before she started to laugh. "you fought in the nude? isn't that dangerous!?" she asked with a grin. "don't you dare clip my birds wings! you might be able to take him on but i bet you wouldn't have a chance against me!" Pepper teased, smirking rather viciously at him.

"it's not m fault they're ridiculous." he complained with a grin. "i like reading them, they make me laugh!" he admitted before huffing. "you are a brat!" he grumbled, shaking his head. "good! i don't believe you for a second!" he admitted with a huff before grinning at his phone, feeling a flutter of excitement curl in his belly. he was finally going to do it. he was going to let someone else have control. just as he'd told Caesar. he was just as excited as he was nervous and just a little bit frightened. he looked up at James and smirked. "i am pleased with myself.... i'm finally going to bottom." he admitted. "this guy, Caesar, my favorite from the club..." he admitted. "i'm a little surprised he said yes. he's the subbiest sub ever. how was your night?" he asked, smirking at James. "you look very nice."

"thanks Skye." Natasha said with a smile. "wanna look them over with me?" she asked, her head tilted. "i know i shouldn't look but... he's dangerous. i can feel it." she admitted, scowling. "there's nothing here...." she said. "it's all... it's basic stuff that we already know! when he was born, when he was thought to have died, metal arm... he has a metal arm?"
“Hm, he does that. It’s quite adorable really, though we can never tell him that, or he sulks at being called adorable.”he snickered before smirking. “I did. And it was, but I was taking a bath at the time. Getting a gun seemed more important then pulling on my pants.”he said shrugging before laughing. “I’d definitely not stand a chance.”he said smiling.

“Am not.”Tony whined a little smiling as the other complained. “You should!I’m totally spending the night in bed.” “Really?”james raised a eyebrow as he eased into steve’s recently vacated chair, “He might try to please you, and please himself. I mean, he wnats to...but like you might not to actually bottom, he might not actually be able to top.”He warned, not wanting the other to get his hopes up to much before grinning. “Thanks, I always look nice but it was good. Exciting enough that she damn near exhausted what I thought was a inexhaustable libido.”He snickered a little.

Skye smiled. “Welcome. And I do.”She said settling down on the couch next to the other, nodding slightly. “he is. Even with what’s missing, he reads as dangerous.”She sighed softly before nodding, pulling up the next file. “He does. I had to go searching through tony’s personal files to find it, since the design was SI made, but not publicly, so it took awhile to find, but he does. It’s hardwired right into his nervous system, and the only one in existance like it. Tony used iron man tech and extremis tech, along with James’ own serum’d body, to create it. He wears a fake skin over it, so good that it fools even touch to think it’s real skin.”
"really." Steve admitted. "i'm kind of nervous..." he admitted before snorting a little. "James, i've seen Caesar take another sub and dominate them with nothing but words and a few touches to the head and shoulders. he can make people cum just by telling them to, he can Dom." he promised with a grin before shaking his head. "still... i hope i like it... i should like it, right? i mean, i enjoy when i... you know. to myself... so it can't be that different right?" not that he'd ever used toys on himself, they where a bit too intimidating for a man who was essentially a virgin when it came to anything to do with himself. he didn't even masturbate, not really. "...seriously?" he asked, looking impressed. "Anna right?" he asked. "damn. i mean, i knew she was a bit of a..." he frowned. "i don't wanna say whore or slut because she's not. she has standards. very high ones and she doesn't sleep around really... nymphomaniac maybe? that sounds better." he decided. "seriously though? she actually exhausted you? how was she at the end? dead?" he asked, looking very amused.

"very dangerous." Natasha admitted softly. "and familiar. very familiar." she mumbled. "i think he might be Hydra." she admitted before blinking at the folders, swallowing thickly. "the man with the metal arm..." she whispered. well aware of what that all meant. The Winter Soldier. the man who had slaughtered hundreds of thousands in the name of Hydra. she knew he had been little more than a lifeless puppet, doing as ordered because he didn't have enough of a mind left to think, let alone make decisions. "Serum? as in, super Serum? he's a Super Soldier like Steve is?" she asked, looking amazed, digging for the right files and looking them over. "....interesting."
“...Seriously?That’s awesome for a man who you say is the subbiest sub.”James snickered. “Maybe he’s taking lessons from Stark on how to be a moody bastard.”James snickered amused, because he knew even if steve didn’t, that steve had a thing for the former director. “....It is. It just is, but you should enjoy it. Just trust Caesar to be good enough to take care of you.”He smiled a little, smirking slightly because this whole conversation amused him. “Yes really. And yea. Yes, probably a nympho. She wanted to keep going even if we were both exhausted. And we both damn near were.”James snickered a little.

“What?really?”Skye said frowning, considering that before nodding. “He might be.”She said looking disturbed at the idea before frowning at Natasha, curious but not pressing the woman to know what she knew. “Yes. Cap’s first mission pulled him out of a hydra;s experimental facility, they dosed him with Hydra’s verison of the serum. It seems to not have the extreme changes steve’s had, but he did change some, but no one but him and probably steve know the exact extent of it.”Skye said sighing softly.
he smirked a little. "i know. he's perfect." he admitted, worrying his lip. "i've been thinking of telling him who i really am..." he admitted. "i'm a bit nervous to though...." he admitted, fidgeting. "because i do like Tony, a lot. but i like Caesar a lot too so...." he shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. "i'm screwed." he admitted with a sigh before smiling a little. "you know. he was pretty impressed when i told him i knew Stark and Captain America." he admitted with a grin. "he thinks i'm in higher level law enforcement. we don't actively give out our professions but we can give clues." he admitted with a chuckle ad then smirked. "sounds like she's perfect for you, you slut." he teased his friend. "you don't mind being alone for a bit tonight? i got all excited about bottoming that i forgot you where staying with me." he admitted sheepishly.

"yeah. the metal arm proves it. he's called The Winter Soldier." she explained. "he was Hydra's favorite toy. i'd call him an assassin but really he was just a toy. a pet. they wiped his mind so many times that he didn't have the ability to think, or remember, or feel." she admitted, shuddering violently. "you've seen images, of me. right? when i was under their control? how i was... blank? empty?" she asked, sounding rather traumatized. "he was like that, all the time. that's about all i really know of him, but i know that as may times as they wiped his mind, parts of him are completely gone. permanently." she admitted before scowling. "James Buchanan Barnes." she shook her head. "how did i not realize? this is the guy who... rescued me and who Steve's been sulking about for the last year..." she shook her head. "why hide that from us?" she wondered. "it must be something more. something bigger...."
“Well, you could show up in the cowl, he might take the hint that you’re the good captain.”James teased a little before sighing softly. “Talk to Tony, maybe?I dunno, Steve. Figuring out relationships was never my strong suit. Natasha was the one who figured things out for me.”He said smiling a little before laughing. “He’s probably trying to figure out who you are really. It’d be amusing really to let him guess.”James snickered amused before flushing a little. “Yea, she really is.”He said, which made him feel even worse for still being hung up on Natasha, to wanting natasha back, even if they clashed as much as they got along. “No, go ahead. I’ll settle in with a book or something. Watch TV. I can entertain myself.”He teased getting up. “Come on, let’s get some food before you head out for your date.”

“Damn...”Skye shuddered at that before nodding a little. “I was very creepy, to know that somewhere under that, there was you, even if you didn’t know at the time.”she shivered before wincing at the idea of someone being like that all the time. “He went after you right?When they got you this last time?”She questioned, frowning slightly. “...You heard clint and phil, he values his privacy. It must have been something worse then just the hydra toy...”She frowned.
he snorted. "i think not." he stated with a smile before shaking his head. "there's no way Tony would be okay with starting a relationship with me right now." he admitted. "but i feel bad for stringing Caesar along too." he admitted. "how can i start a relationship with one ma when i'm pining for the other?" he wondered before snorting. "your useless." he complained with a smile before shaking his head. "anyway. he's not trying. i know, i made sure, a lot. but he never even get's curious. it's rather frustrating actually." he admitted with a sulk. "it would be so much easier if he was being curious or trying to sneak." he grumbled. "well. if your sure?" he asked the other before holding something out. a bank card. "here. in case you need to buy anything." he admitted. "that's yours for keeps. tied directly into my account so it can't be tracked." he promised. "Shield and Tony both keep my spending's completely trace free. if you need to bolt, take that with you." he ordered. "yeah food would be good." he agreed with a smile. "what are you hungry for?"

she nodded. "very creepy. i hate watching it. but i do sometimes, just to.... so i won't forget." she admitted. "yes. he's the one who saved me." she admitted. "i'm not sure i want to dig into this anymore. what could be worse than all of this?" she wondered, shaking her head.
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