
Phil nodded. "that's true. it's better if he tells her." he admitted with a sigh. "he's also the one who saved her, don't forget. at the cost of his own life even." or so they had thought anyway. but who knew what the truth was? Phil had died and come back after all. more than once actually. not that the others knew that.

"we'll have to do that then." he agreed with a grin. "i'd invite Sam with, you'd like him, but he tends to get annoyed when i keep passing him." he admitted with a snigger before answering his phone and turning that shade of red that said he was ten seconds away from yelling. "well shit. seriously? you can't get in?" he asked, sounding stunned. he'd never heard Tony say that before. "....your a terrible liar James." Steve commented. "your coming with." he admitted. once James got there Steve had already been there for a few minutes and he paused, touching a hand to his earpiece and spoke. James couldn't hear him from that distance but he was apparently in conversation with Clint who was spying into the building and calling out what was what. "James, Clint wants to walk you through the list of people in the bank. pay attention. we don't want Civilians hurt." Steve ordered before James was connected to Clint.
“No I can’t, and it’s seriously pissing me off. I have no idea how they’re blocking me. Even before Extremis, I hadn’t met a computer I couldn’t hack. Now...”Tony made a sound of utter frustration. Raising a eyebrow as he watched Steve talking to Clint he watched before nodding, taking the ear piece from Clint. “Keep them busy. I’m going to go play super spy now.”James snickered a little as he headed for the building next door to the bank, for all intents and purposes looking like hew as leaving as he headed up the stairs. “....Clint, he’s on his way. I’m going to go be distracting and annoying.”Tony snickered a little as he talked to the robbers, sounding like his normal billionaire self, simply to give clint and james time to work. Flicking to a private line after a moment he shot Steve a amused look. “Cap, hundred bucks says Bambi drops in and ghosts them without them ever realizing he’s there.”

“Barton, tell me what I’m looking for.”James said even as he got to the top level, and barely paused as he swung out the window, smirking as he slammed through a upper window. While the lower levels of the sky scraper was a bank, the upper levels were just offices, with no alarms, giving him access without having to deal with the alarms just yet. Smirking as he slid into a vent, heading down.
"we'll try to take the leader hostage for questioning." Steve agreed. "i don't like the idea of them having a way to keep you out." he admitted. "remind me to get those new ear pieces working." Steve ordered. they where his newest toy from Shields R&D departments. a set of Bluetooth ear-sets that would allow Steve to communicate with everyone at once, or cut people in or out of conversations. it was the best of the tech, Tony could probably make better, but Steve was having him work on something a little more useful. like body armor that would actually save lives. " bet Rust Bucket." Steve stated simply, flicking to James line. "Make sure to keep one or two alive Bucky." he ordered before blinking when Natasha piped up. "Two o the roof. three on the second floor. six on the main floor. thirteen civilians. six bank employees and one crooked bank manager currently filling his own pockets with the money he can get to." she reported. "civilians and workers are tight up and surrounded. one of the bank managers is missing and i don't have sight on the leader." she stated. mostly to steal Clint's thunder.
“I know, its quite worrying. What if all the super villians have figured out how to block me.”Tony said looking nervous. “You know, I could knock those out fairly quick you know, if you wanted me to.”Tony said, even if he knew the R&D department would do them perfectly fine, he just disliked not being in on a project that was that cool really. “Okay, one or two.”James agreed even as he headed up. “Thanks.”He said snickering a little as Natasha took over for clint. “You know, I was going to tell him that.”Clint sulked at her some, settling in to watch, knowing what was going to happen next was going to be breathtakingly awesome to watch. Smirking as he watched James go to work. Starting on the roof and working his way down, it was only a few minutes before he was dropping to the main floor, stepping onto the grate he paused, waiting before dropping onto one of the men as they walked below him, hitting the floor running as he knocked them out, already moving towards the vault, looking vaguely disturbed that he hadn’t found the leader nor the missing manager as he took care of the crooked little bastard. Tying him up he frowned as he flicked his comm on. “Clear....except that I’m still missing the leader and a bank manager.”He said, and it would take knowing him as well as steve did to hear the worry in the soldier's voice as he looked around again, at a loss to find the missing people. and that disturbed him.
Steve shook his head. "i highly doubt that the Supervillains are going to spread around a secrete like that. they hate each other almost as much as they hate us you know." Steve pointed out. "and i know. this is just the first draft. you'll have your chance at them as soon as your finished with that body armor." Steve promised. he hadn't planned on it, but it was better than listening to Tony whine for the next three years. "thanks Jamie." Steve chirped. "too late!" Natasha sing songed before grinned and watched, sounding very impressed indeed. "very impressive." Natasha chirped. she had to admit, James was kind of amazing. "stay down and keep calm James." Steve ordered. "Clint, Natasha, anyone has eyes on the missing?" " wait! yes! they're in the stairwell! coming up from the basement. Leader has a gun to the head of the manager. he looks pretty beat up too, looks like he tried to struggle. he's going to need to go to the hospital, it looks like he has a broken arm."
"That's true. The only thing we can count on them really for."Tony snickered feeling better. Because it was true. The villains hated each other as much as they hated the heros. "You are such a bitch."Clint whined good naturedly,if only because he knew he'd be punished for it later."quite. I'm feeling inadequate." "Hawkeye,you live with me. You should always feel inadequate."tony chirped over the comms. And really this was some of the more well behaved conversationS that had ever happening over the comms. "I'm fine."james snapped back at steve, his temper starting to fray at the edges as he looked around. "Not from here cap."Clint growled being on the opposite side of Natasha on a different building, they'd gotten a different view on the building."then get the ambulance here, we'll be out in a minute."james said as he moved to the door,catching the door as it started coming open and used it as a battering ram, smashing it into the man's face even as james rounded the door pulling the manager away he froze when he saw who it was, his chest going ice cold,not even aware of making the decision to kill him until the man tried to shoot him, unaware of nothing but the need to kill him, to make sure he couldn't be bothered again. Though there was no one who'd ever claim it was anything g but self defense.
"i'm going to make you pay for that." Natasha warned. no one called her a bitch and got away with it, no matter how true it was. "Stark if anyone should be feeling inadequate it's you." Natasha shot back. "No Chatter!" Steve barked, making Natasha jump a little. Steve had to nip that one down before they started talking about dick sizes again. last time they did that Natasha won and the boys sulked for weeks. "don't get snappish with me James." Steve complained. "you got it." Natasha promised, already dialing for an Ambulance. "Fuck! Bucky!? are you okay? did he get you?" Steve demanded having heard the gunshots. "Clint! get i there, provide backup!" Steve demanded, already leaping off his own building to go in through the front door. "abort! James isn't hurt!" Natasha declared once she saw James move. "asshole pulled a Gun on him." Natasha reported. "he's okay Cap." "thank god... well, are all the targets down?" "all targets are down." "then move in. apply first aid to those who need it, Phil? get in there and take the live ones. we wan to know how. we want to know who, and we want to know what the fuck they where after because it sure as hell wasn't money."
"I know."Clint said with a slight smile because he always did enjoy getting punished. Smirking even wider at tonys sputtering because he knew how this covers at ion ended, sulking as steve made them stop. And surprisingly both tony and clint did stop the chatter. They might not listen outside of a fight, but in a battle, cap's word was like law from on high."I'm not snappish."james growled not answering,to far under the winter soldier conditioning to realize he was being talked to. "Got it. Me and tony_"clint said already heading for the ledge to take a flying leap knowing and trusting tony to be there to get him to the bank unharmed, freezing as his feet hit the ground he looked up as natasha'Natasha ' s words came through.letting out a breath of relief as Natasha said he was fine he headed in with tony to help the hOstages.

"...which safety deposit where they after?"james said moving over to the manager as the EMT worked on his arm. "1232."the man said despite his ordeal he was managing to keep it together. "...get to him 5o the hospital. Shield will want to talk to you later, but for now go."james said already heading for the stairs.
"you are snappish." Steve stated. though he knew why, he didn't much like it. he hated it when James went all 'ice cold' on him. he also hated it when Clint jumped off buildings but he knew Tony had enough warning to catch him. "thank goodness. Phil ou got eyes?" "i'm inside the building now Commander." Phil said, stepping in through the front door as if he'd always been there. Steve snorted and shook his head and headed inside as well. "did they get inside?" Natasha asked the banker from where she was carefully splinting his arm. "that should last you until you get proper medical care." she assured him, looking up at Phil. "find that box. if they did get it, it should be around here. if not, it will still be down there." Phil admitted eyes scanning the ground before examining the man who had been shot, rifling through his pockets. "..Hydra!!!!" Phil called a warning. "these fuckers are Hydra!" he said, ripping the patch out of the pocket and examine it, handing it to Steve. "six legs." Steve commented. "pretty damn high up." he admitted, examining the patch himself. "shame he's dead, we could really have pumped him for information." he admitted. "oh well, we've got his... friends." Steve admitted, smirking at the whimpering bastards who where tied up and still alive. for now.
“Only you could walk in like you always were here.”Clint muttered smiling slightly at phil, amused at just walked into a room, before looking at the banker. “N-no. It’s DNA and finger locked. When if they could remove the box, they needed more time then they had to get in.”The banker said sighing softly before nodding, starting to fall apart now that it was all over. “Thank you.”he muttered before letting the EMT get him to the ambulance. “Well, it seems like we’re going to have fun tonight.”Tony smirked as he pulled off his helmet, smirking at the men, frowning slightly as he realized hydra had a way of blocking least momentarily. Closing his eyes he sighed softly as he realized that he could get into the computer system again, looking at steve. “Go downstairs. James is looking for the safe box.”He muttered taking charge, and freeing steve up to go check on james, who was indeed finding the right box and was simply staring at it, deciding what he wanted to do.
Phil smiled a little at him. "yes." he agreed. he wondered how much they would freak out of they knew it was Peggy who had taught him how to do that when he was only sixteen? "whose DNA?" Phil wondered, head tilted while Natasha smiled at the manager. "you should be very proud of yourself. you held together perfectly in a crises." she admitted before turning to Tony when Steve headed down the stairs and looked for James. "Jamie." Steve said, heading for the other once he'd spotted him. "find anything? Manager said it was locked using blood." he admitted. "didn't catch whose."
The banker shrugged, “I don’t know. Well. There’s a name on it as Steven Barnes, but it is our oldest existing account, opened in the late forties, and no one’s ever come to claim it.”The man said looking up at phil before smiling slightly at natasha. “I will be. Thank you.”he muttered as he left.

“Hm?”James hummed slightly, barely looking up when he was spoken to, before nodding, smirking slightly. “Thats easy enough.”he said swiping a thumb over the lock and it would take only a moment to realize the man bloodied himself to get a fingerprint press. “It’s mine.”He said glancing up at the other, looking a little pale and shaken as he realized this was about him
Natasha blinked, stunned at the banker. "....oh hell..." she groaned, Phil wincing. "well. i can't say i'm surprised. they always where entirely too obsessed with James." Phil admitted with a sigh, staring at the patch. "...this has to do with James past then?" Natasha asked. "he used to be Hydra?" "no. never. he was just brainwashed into thinking he was." Phil admitted with a sigh.

Steve blinked a little. "it's yours?" he asked, astonished. "from before the war? i didn't know Banks lasted that long." he admitted. "i'm not surprised they're looking for any sign of you. they where pissed when you where declared Dead. none of them believed it. they probably came here looking for clues. or blackmail." he admitted.
Clint winced a little. “Damn...well.At least we know they didn’t get whatever was in it.”Clint muttered sighing quietly, knowing that whatever was in that box, it wasn’t going to be pretty. If hydra wanted it, there could only be bad things in it. “For nearly 60 years, he thought he was hydra.”Clint said sighing quietly as he looked at natasha, glancing over the bank, smirking a little at the sight of skye and tony combining forces to comb through the video feed to find out exactly what happened.

“It is.And...of a sort.”james offered a brittle smile. “I opened it before I left in ‘41, but I reopened it, put it in your name, and changed what was in it, over the years. Any time I was in NYC, I stopped....”James sighed softly. “It is blackmail. And history. And anything I thought was important when I couldn’t even remember my own name.”James sighed as he opened the box, frowning a little as he looked down into it, resisting the urge to reach in for a moment before picking up the files and photos, holding it out towards the director. “Anything in there, you can probably use against Hydra.”he said smirking a little. “This wasn’t about me. At least not wholly. It was about you....and what they knew would happen since I was really dead. Eventually, the bank would have realized that you were named my immediate next of kin, and given you the box. Even if it wasn’t my real name, I had it set up so if I didn’t show up once a year, it defaults into your custody. We’re 2 days short of a year, Stevie. This wasn’t them looking for me, but looking for their own secrets.”he said, talking, chipper and slipping the birth certificate out of the files discreetly, and knowing it was such a slight of hand to not show that he’d taken something out.
Phil nodded. "i'm sure whatever is in it, James will want it to be a secret." he admitted. "he's an astonishingly private man." he admitted. "which means no Digging Natasha. i know you where listening when we talked to Skye." "...i wasn't planning on it." Natasha admitted. "there's something about him. he scares me. deep. in my gut. the way m handlers used to." she admitted with a shudder. "i'm not going near him if i can help it." well, maybe that was for the best. he had to chuckle, Tony had nearly adopted Skye, and Fitz too. the boy was like a little duckling that Tony couldn't help but love. Simmons was busy being traumatized and was being aloof to strangers, so she hadn't really gotten close to the Avengers and mostly stayed in their labs or with Mack or Hunter. "go and help Tony and Skye." he ordered Natasha, who nodded and headed over to pester the 'geeks'.

"oh?" he asked, amused. "i just assumed you where using a fake name when they said 'Steven Barnes'." he admitted, studying the box, his head tilted. "'s incredible how much you where able to do when you where being constantly watched." he admitted softly. "here. you take it. look through it, make sure everything in there is something you want me to see and then let me have what your okay with." he suggested, giving the box a curious look before heading up. "come on. lets go home. i'm exhausted." he admitted with a sigh. "and hungry. wanna stop and grab a few burgers?" he asked, his head tilted. "and don't worry. we won't let Hydra have you." he promised. "i'll kill them first. and if i can't... then i'll kill you." he promised. he, more than anyone, knew that James would prefer death to being a living puppet again.
“Probably. And after so long having nothing private, this makes sense that he doesn’t want people to know.”Clint sighed softly, glancing at natasha, looking worried about her, because he trusted her in all things, except this. He didn’t trust her not to go digging. Smiling slightly as he watched Natasha going over to pester tony and skye, he sighed. “This could have been so much worse....”He said still worried, “Wonder if they know...he’s still around? I mean, why else would they come looking for it.”

“I did. At least in public, the account is under my real name, if anyone asked about it, they were to say it was a Steven Barnes.”James shrugged a little before sighing. “I was constantly watched, but they were foolish enough to trust their training enough. To not consider that I’d act out if given the chance. I might not have known who I was, but I knew I hated who I’d become. And I hated them even more then myself.”He shrugged a little before nodding as he picked up the box, “Okay then.”He said, slouching a little, almost relieved that steve hadn’t taken it, he wanted to look it over. “Hm, food sounds good.”he agreed before pausing on the stairs, looking at the other, nodding slightly. He knew how hard that promise had to be, and still, steve had given it. It meant more then anything else. Which meant that steve...steve was going to get to know everything, at soon as james got his head together enough to tell the story of everything in the box. Carrying it upstairs he sighed as he let steve lead before pausing.”Cap, I can’t ride the bike and carry this to.”he pointed out.
Phil nodded. "he'll protect his secretes." Phil admitted, watching her. "...she's going to get curious sooner or later." he admitted with a sigh. "for now, i'm just relieved she's not digging." he admitted, shaking his head. "everything could have gone so much worse." he admitted with a sigh.

he nodded. "makes sense." he admitted. "they where never very good at anything." he admitted. "nothing but ruining lives at any rate." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "i'm glad you where able to get free Buck." he admitted before smiling at him. "food does sound good. lets go to burger king." he decided before blinking at the other. "i'll take your bike back!" Natasha offered before she'd took stock of what she was saying. she froze, stunned at herself and Steve bit back laughter. "or you could stuff it in a backpack." Steve admitted. "Phil! give me your backpack!" "what?! but... no!" Phil protested. his lucky Captain America doll was in there!
“Me to.For now, we’ll be okay.”Clint muttered knowing it was only a matter of time before natasha got curious.

“Hm, that they were.”James shuddered a little before nodding, “Me to.”He muttered because for those moments with natasha, and the life he had with steve after he’d gotten free, nearly made the hell worth it. “Burger king?What are you, five?”He questioned snickering a little before looking startled, turning to look at the woman, to stunned to respond. “What makes you think he’ll let you ride that thing?” “Cause she’s a beautiful woman, letting her wrap her legs around something as beautiful as my bike is a deep dark fantasy really.”James quipped, shaking off the shock to act like his normal perverted self before anyone could figure out just how very shaken he was at the offer. “Backpack.... Yes.”James said looking at phil. “You could always just take it out.”Clint muttered smirking at phil a little. “I promise, I’ll take as good care of the little one, as I do the real Captain, phil.”James said smirking at the agent a little as he held out a hand. “I promise, you’ll get it back in perfect condition. Just think, you’ll have a backpack I’m carrying around 60 years worth of hydra secrets in. That has to be worth something to your collection.”James teased alittle.
Steve nodded. "yes. i am. they have the best burgers." he admitted. "i eat three number twos with extra cheese and three large fries." he admitted with a nod. "plus free refills and apple pie!" he admitted with a grin before sniggering at Natasha's shocked expression. then, to everyone's shock, she stared at James and went a very bright red. blushing. because James had flirted with her. Phil interrupted before Natasha could wonder too much about what the hell had just happened. "But...!" Phil tried to protest again before sighing and offering he other his Backpack to James. "fine! but i get second dibs on those files after the Commando and you can't touch Cap Jr.!" he ordered firmly.
Fa “You are so weird really.But I agree, burgers are good.”James snickered shaking his head a little. Looking startled himself when Natasha blushed before looking away so she couldn’t see his reaction to it he smirked at phil a little. “But I promise, it’ll be okay. I’ll let you have second dibs.”He said smiling a little as he slid the box into the bag. “And I wont. I’ll drop both the bag and cap Jr. Off before my date, I promise.”He grinned as he slipped the bag on and climbed on the bike. “ready?”He said looking at steve, needing away from natasha before he flirted more and hurt himself more. Feeling gutted and hurting at the reaction he’d got from the reaction he hadn’t thought about first. He'd have to be more careful. Flirting with natasha was second nature to him...but now all it would lead to was pain.
Steve chuckled and nodded. "Burgers are the best." he agreed with a grin and a shake of his head before sighing at Natasha's reactions and James heartbreak. "fine!" Phil mumbled sourly, letting James have the bag. he didn't really mind that James had Cap Jr. but it was his most favorite and James tended to get into trouble. "fine! you better!" "if he doesn't Phil i will okay?" Steve asked with a smile. "we won't let anything happen." he promised, making Phil sulk again but nod. "ready." Steve admitted, slinging his leg over his own bike and headed off to Burger king. he went in to get the food and then sat down at a picnic table since he didn't trust people not to mess with the very rare, very gorgeous bikes. "So." he said, looking at the other. "you okay?" he asked, looking a bit worried about Bucky.
"Don't worry. nothing ever happens around me. It'll be fine."james smiled a little. Settling at the table with a sigh as he watched the world go by, starting in on a bhis burger before looking up at steve's question with a small frown."well. Flirting with her didn't induce vomiting and nausea when she didn't know me this time, so it's a improvement really."james said with a sigh."and I'm going to have sex tonight. So life is looking up."he said wanting to brush off the concern and worry for what hydra wanted with the box in favor of being flippant.
Phil leveled a very unimpressed look at James. "i don't believe you for one single second." he informed the other but let them go without protest. "a bit of an improvement." Steve agreed, sighing. "what are you going to do when she starts getting curious? you know she will. her and Skye are too nosy and have very little self preservation." he admitted. "i don't want to loose you again." he admitted, watching James. "i don't know if i could stand it if you vanished again." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. not saying anything because even Steve needed sex once and a while. usually he went to one of the clubs. a very high end one that wouldn't leak his name to the press, or even to the clients. perfect anonymity so he could get the itch out without having to worry about his reputation. every ma needed to have sex once and a while. for a super soldier, it was even worse, because lust and physical desires and needs where amplified. just like they needed three times the amount of food, their itch was three times the strength as a normal mans. pain was felt three times as strongly, heartbreak, thrice as painful. seeing Natasha, even for a short minute, was like Torture, Steve knew. so he would do all he could to help his brother.
"Well I hear russia's good this time of year."james said with a sarcastic little smile before growing serious. "I know. Hopefully this bin of hydra secrets will keep them all busy enough to not go looking for more until I can figure out how to handle natasha....I cant...I don't want her to know steve. She cant."james sighed willing to break himself instead of knowing natasha simply was with him out of pity, knowing if she found out without the memories,well...things would get dicey. Settling in to eat he smirked a little."dont worry. I'm not leaving the city until you drive me out.....I want a home again steve,not just a place I'm staying."he shrugged before smirking."besides, I have a date tonight. Dates are good....and what about you commander? Getting that itch scratched?"he teased because he knew steve was occasionally otherwise he'd be in a much worse mood....much like james who got even more sarcastic and flirty the longer the went without sex.
he snorted. "you are not going to Russia." he stated. "the furthest i will allow is Canada or Mexico. still on the same continent at least. "she'll be distracted b the secretes for now Jamie. but we can't hide this from her forever. she deserves to know the truth at some point. she's already starting to remember some things." he admitted. "she might very well remember on her own, and what then? will you hide? wipe her brain again?" he asked softly before smiling at the other. "good. do you want me to find you an apartment?" he asked. "you can always stay with me permanently of course, but i think your going to want your own place sooner or later. you always where self reliant." he admitted, munching on a french fry before smiling. "of course i am. there's a club i go to." he admitted. "everyone wears a mask, either full or half to protect our faces. it's completely anonymous. we find someone we like, we take them to the back room and we fuck. there's one i favor there, to be honest." he admitted. "i hook up with him there about three times a month. sometimes more, sometimes less." he admitted. "but on average." he admitted. "wanna go with me sometime? they have men and women both." he admitted.
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