
“Thanks. It’s a little hard holding down a job when I keep having to leave to be a hero.”James said making a face looking amused though that after minutes of meeting, that the man he’d really, really wanted to hate, was mothering him this badly. “I find it amusing that phil’s mother henning his childhood hero. This needs a picture or something to remember it by.”Tony snickered a little. “Though you weren’t happy with me when we first met...and did you ever threaten to taze Ward?”Skye said looking thoughtful. “...Why did he taze you?”James said even as he relaxed as he felt steve holding his pinkie, as if the simple touch was enough to undo year’s worth of stress and pain he’d been putting himself through. And for the moment, it was. “Yes it does.”James muttered. “He’s old enough to have sex, and legal.”Tony grinned. “...Only if I’m not the one being tied up.”James said looking interested, “I can come back for lunch tomorrow, to meet her if you want to mention it to her...”James said tilting his head a little, because he knew he was going to be around more. After all, he couldn’t stalk them anymore since they knew it was him, but being here, in the tower, would make stalking and taking care of skye easier.
Steve rolled his eyes. "yes. your space hero exploits." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "he's been seducing green women." "beam me up Scotty!" Natasha quipped before looking horrified at herself and glaring at Clint. "i blame YOU for this." she hissed at him. Phil just snickered. "he obviously needs someone to! look at him! too thin! he clearly hasn't slept properly in days, if not weeks." Phil sniffed. "he needs a babysitter almost as much as Clint and you do apparently." he stated. "besides, we know Jarvis is taking pictures." he informed them. "yes. i did threaten to Taze ward. he touched Lola in a disgusting manner so i zapped him." "....he stroked the hood didn't he." "it was LOLA! he was clearly molesting her." "'s a Car Phil." "clearly, you just wouldn't understand." "oh... well... i touched Lola in an inappropriate manner...." Steve admitted, flushing. "i was looking under her chassie when Phil came in." Natasha dissolved into giggles, even Clint was sniggering. Phil huffed and mumbled about Super Soldier perverts which only made Steve flush harder. "oh no. she's the one being tied up." Pepper assured James. "she'd be delighted! i'll text her tonight! do you have a phone? i'll text you to see if the time works for you." she promised. "he can use mine." Steve assured her, well aware James didn't have a phone, since they could be tracked.
“Hey, some of those green women are hot. Me and Kirk were having fun.”James said wtih that wide eyed innocence that you just couldn’t decide if he was being serious or not. “Me?Why me?”Clint hissed back looking at her. “... You are quite cute like this, Agent.”Tony teased smirking a little. “...Hey, don’t give him a hard time about Lola. I nearly took tony’s hand off when he was touching my bike. Talk about a molestation....”James scowled a little. “It’s been a two years james!Stop whining about it.”Tony ordered rolling his eyes. “Good.”James said looking pleased before shaking his head, “No I don’t.” “You need a phone. I’ll make one.”Tony said looking pleased with the idea. “No.” “Yes.” “No!” “Yes. You’re getting one, you know Steve’ll feel better about getting ahold of you if you ahve one.”Tony said just as stubborn as stubborn super soldiers when he wanted to be.
Steve snorted. "no woman is hot. they're way too. breasty." Steve scoffed, making both Pepper and Natasha snort. "your the one who makes me watch that crap!" Natasha snarled, glaring at him. "you will pay for this! later. when your least expecting it." she promised, Phil snorting. "shut up Tony before i taze you and watch you drool on the carpet while i eat my Witches Delight." he warned. "he touched your Shadow?" Phil asked, horrified. "he didn't... upgrade it?" he asked, his voice so horrified at the word 'upgrade' that you knew exactly why Tony wasn't allowed to be anywhere near Lola, ever. "no, Tony." Steve said. "a Phone means he can be tracked and i'd much rather he be out of contact then dead because the wrong people where able to find him." Steve admitted with a sigh. "he just has to promise to send a post card every once in a freaking while." he complained, scowling at James even as he tightened his pinky hold on the other while Phil spread out the tiny fairy cakes and the main prize, the Witches Delight. which was fairly massive for such a heavy dessert. not that Steve cared, it was too delicious.
“Breasts are why I like women.Beyond other reasons.”James snickered at steve’s reaction, grinding his teeth as he ignored two-thirds of the resident threesome, it was just to hard to listen to closely. “It’s not crap!And it’s not my fault. Phil watches it to.”Clint grumbled a little. “....”Tony indeed shut up for once in his life at the threat of a tazing. “...He did. And he did, but only cause I wrecked it. Had to have him fix it. It was still a molestation though.”James grumbled. “Hey, I’m not the one who through the shield through it. Stop whining.”Tony rolled his eyes. “....Fine. No phone.”Tony grumbled at the idea of not giving out tech. “...Hey, I came back as soon as I could.”James grumbled, and it was true. As soon as he’d managed to get his head together again, to think enough to need someone, he’d returned. More then skye had brought him here, skye was just his excuse to doing what he wanted, which had been to return to new york. Grinning as he ate his dessert, he was smiling quietly as he ate, looking up at phil as he finished eating. “Okay....go get your stuff. Me and Stevie’ll do dishes.”He said already moving away to get the dishes, settling in to do them as he waited for phil to go get whatever collectibles he wanted signed.
Steve snorted. "well you have the women then and i can have the men." he said, wagging his eyebrows at Tony. "it IS your fault because Phil doesn't make me watch them! YOU do!" Natasha growled before sniffing and promptly ignoring her beau. " wrecked it..." Steve said, his eye twitching a little. Phil was twitching a bit too at the horror of such a fantastic Bike being destroyed. "you threw the shield through it!?" Steve demanded, horrified. "that poor Bike." never mind that he completely ignored the possible damage to his shield. "i bought you that bike special and you threw a shield through it!" Steve whined. "and then you let TONY fix it! i suppose it has spinning rims and a gold paint job now? and can fire lazers too i suppose." he grumbled before smiling at James. "i know." he admitted. "i'm glad your back." he admitted. the unsaid 'and not dead' was probably only heard by the two of them. "it's amazing isn't it?" Steve asked James, gushing over the dessert and even going so far as to lick the plate clean, only to get smacked over the head with a wooden spoon. "ow!" "table manners!" Phil chastized. "you people act like you where raised in a barn!"
“Sounds good.”James said snickering as he watched tony nearly choke on his dessert at the flirting. Really, watching tony look so confused was amusing. “I do not!you come in and sit down when I’m watching them!That’s not my fault!”Clint whined, not even aware that he was gutting james bloodlessly, the man utterly undone listening to them. “I... Sorta?I didn’t mean to.”James winced, hanging his head a little. “I-I fixed it!I only let tony make sure the parts were together right and safe!I fixed it!And it was saving someone, and the stupid bastard put the shield through the bike on the return throw.”James said sounding upset and anxious, because it had been one of those last fights he’d had with natasha, as natasha, that had destroyed his bike. Sacrificing making sure to not mess up the bike, instead pulling natasha out of it. “no. It’s exactly the same!You can’t even tell I messed it up!”he whined before offering the man a smile smile as he nodded. “Me to. It’s good to be back.”He muttered before nodding, “It is.”He grinned avoiding the spoon as he licked his own bowl clean. “They were.”Tony snickered as he finished his food, grinning as the two super soldiers started cleaning their plates.
Steve snickered. it amused the hell out of him that Tny could flirt, with anything but when someone flirted with him he wigged out a bit. hilarious. Natasha actually hissed at Clint but said nothing else. after all, it had not been Clint who had gotten her to like Star Trek. it hadn't been Phil either. Steve huffed at James weak excuse. "well i'll forgive you then." he declared. "but only because you where saving lives." Steve decided. "and because you fixed it yourself." he decided. "i'm glad your back." Steve admitted again, Natasha tilting her head as she watched them. "actually... shouldn't you be old?" "Natasha?" "what?! Bucky Barnes is Steve's childhood friend! he should be old!" "he was frozen as well. for more... sinister purposes." Phil explained, making Natasha wince.
James snickered a little, amused that steve was managing to make tony of all people, uncomfortable at flirting. Swallowing hard, trying to ignore the desire to watch star trek with clint and natasha. “Well, you should forgive me. I’m a very forgivable person.”James said smiling a little nodding, “Me to...despite everything, it’s good to be home.”James muttered which made Skye watch him. Having watched the man for most of the evening, she’d figured out he was avoiding looking at certain people, careful to not let his eyes wander farther then steve and tony, and it made her curious. “....He made a better Capsicle then Cap, he wants people to lick him warm.” “Cap’d let you lick him if you wanted.”James pointed out smirking at Tony a little, side stepping and ignoring the question on how he ended up in this century. Clint squeezed Natasha’s hand a little, smiling slightly. “You didn’t know.”He muttered not wanting her to worry about upsetting james. “....You wanted me to sign things?”James said looking at Phil, wanting to give them something to do besides pick apart his life, he didn’t want or need to look at those memories.
Steve smirked at James and wagged his eyebrows at his best friend too. "your a jerk and a skank. not very forgivable at all." Phil choked on his coffee at that ad gaped at Steve in abject horror. "just because he was me for a little while doesn't mean he was good at it." Steve scoffed rolling his eyes. "i still think your obsessed with me Buckeye." he huffed. "i should start calling you Bambi." he admitted before leering at Tony, amusement glittering in his eyes. "you can lick me anytime you want to." he promised before watching Natasha smile at Clint. "oh!" Phil leaped to his feet. "i'll be right back!" and he was gone, only to return with original Bucky Merchandise. some of them where limited edition and had only been sold for a year at the most. there was a set of Commando trading cards that Phil had to pick through to find Bucky. all the others had been signed by the various members. there was even a few Peggy Carters in there. the funny thing was. none of the Commandos had lived past the 1960's so those cards had to have been signed before then. which meant Phil had spent almost three grand on each damn card. talk about your passions. of course the only person who probably realized how much those cards where worth was Tony.
“I’m a whore, not a skank. Get the names right.”James huffed snickering as he saw Phil gaping at Steve. “Yes, yes that’s it. I’m totally obsessed with you, I want to have your babies, like Stark and Coulson here are foaming at the mouth to do.”James said rolling his eyes before staring, raising a eyebrow. “Bambi?”He asked sounding bemused. “...I uh-totally. I could totally lick you.”Tony sputtered at a loss. “It amuses me only you get him like this.”Clint snickered amused. “ do you want me to sign them?As James or Bucky?”James said looking up at Phil, tilting his head a little. Tony smiled watching bucky looking through the items, looking amused just how much some of that was worth, but knowing that between his and phil’s collections, they had two of the best collections in the world, but would never be sold. Nodding slightly when Phil answered James smiled as he signed, before passing them back, ignoring his slightly shaking hands, both flattered and disturbed at seeing his stuff. Feeling unsteady and mentally broken, glancing at Steve. “I think I’m gonna head out...”he muttered tilting his head. “Thanks for inviting me...”
"your a slut." Steve huffed. "you better want to have my babies because i'm sure as hell not risking my perfect physique." Steve sniffed. "besides, Coulson better not want my babies he needs to carry Clint's. Clint would be pretty mad at me if i impregnated his man." Steve admitted with a smirk. "Stark can carry my babies if he wants to." he admitted. "yes. Bambie. a baby Buck." he admitted. "you don't watch Disney? what have you been doing with yourself? we'll watch it later." Steve promised before chuckling at Tony's flustered appearance. "it's because, unlike you, Clint, Tony has the good taste to be attracted to me." Steve admitted. "oh... uhm... sign this one as Sergeant James Barns. and this one as James, and this one as Bucky!" Phil decided. "thank you so much!" Phil squealed. "that's the whole set!" he declared, looking like he was about to start humping a chair he was so excited. "are you sure?" Steve asked, worried. "want me to go with? i'm finished if you want me to." Steve promised, a flash of deep set terror that Bucky might never show up again flooding him.
“....”James stared at the man, not sure what to say, because really, there was nothing to say. “I would totally be mad. Though I might make a exception, I mean it’d be cap’s baby.”Clint snickered a little. “I’m carrying nobody’s babies. I’m to good looking.”Tony snickered a little. “....Oh.No. You can’t call me Bambi...”james protested, though steve could tell it was simply because he protested most things. “Well, you know, seducing women, battling super villians, normal things.”James said rolling his eyes a little. “I have good taste, I am attracted to the best two people in the twoer you know.”Clint smirked kissing NAtasha’s cheek. “Okay.”James smiled as he followed the instructions, before grinning. “Calm down, Agent, you’re going to start humping Natasha’s leg like a puppy, and I’m fairly certain she’d smack you for it.”James teased the man a little, and only steve and tony would know how much it had cost him to make the joke. “...Yea. I need to get some sleep.”James muttered before tilting his head, sighing. “Don’t worry. I’m not leaving you...but if you want to can.”James muttered looking away, and you just knew steve better go, otherwise he’d probably go hide out in a bar and try to see i he could overwhelm his body’s ability to process alcohol.
Steve smirked a little, quite pleased with himself for managing to render most of the table silent. "it would be my baby." "i would totally carry your baby." Phil admitted with a smirk. "oh i am totally calling you Bambi." Steve informed Bucky before snorting. "i'm sure." he stated dryly, not sure he believed James. wouldn't there be a report if James was fighting villains? of course there would. so what had Bucky been doing? sulking maybe? Natasha snorted when she was called 'hot' but allowed the kiss to her cheek. "i'm still annoyed with you." she informed him. "i'm sure she would too. waste of a good hump." Phil admitted without thinking, gushing over his cards and mumbling about how they where going to each be framed and hung on a wall, Natasha snorting. "well we won't see him for a few days." she admitted, sipping her own coffee. "...okay. i'll see you lot later." Steve promised, grabbing his own jacket. "march on Bambi." he ordered. "i have some real nice booze at home. it's from Asgard. i can actually get a buzz. you wanna give it a go?" he offered James, heading down to the Garage where his own bike was waiting.
James rolled his eyes at the realization that he was gaining a new nickname, amused though. Rolling his eyes a little well aware that the other had no idea if to believe him or not, which was fine by him. “I know. I’ll let you punish me later.”Clint smiled a little. “I’m sure it would be.”James snickered a little, though steve could hear the strain under it, before laughin gat the idea of not seeing phil for a few days. “Definitely not. I’ll just have to settle for my company.”Clint said smiling slightly. “....Asgardian ale sounds amazing.”James nodded rolling his eyes at bambi, “I’m not a girl you know, no need to babysit or call me a bambi.”he teased as he put on his helmet, and headed for steve’s apartment, for once not bothering to be careful with his bike as he weaved and darted through traffic, simply letting the recklessness get the pain out of his system.

“....Anyone else notice something odd about Barnes?”Skye asked raising a eyebrow as she watched tony wander off towards his lab, the genius’ social time used up for the day.
Steve chuckled a little at the eye-rolling but Bucky would get used to it soon enough. "like you have a choice. i'll punish you no matter if i have your permission or not." she admitted. "i'll settle for nothing." Natasha scoffed, smirking. "i'll have you anyway i want to have you and Phil will join us whether he wants to or not." clearly Natasha wore the pants because Phil was just nodding. or maybe he was just doing so to pretend he was listening. "it's Grog actually. i'm not sure what the difference is, but apparently there is one and Thor is very passionate about it." he admitted. "you need babysitting and i shall never stop calling you Bambi." he admitted, grinning as he raced Bucky, laughing when they got to his place, shaking his head. "your a maniac you know that?" he asked with a grin as he walked his own bike through the hologram.

"...Barnes has lost more than anyone should ever have to loose." Phil explained softly. "don't dig into his past Skye ad don't push him. you won't like what you learn and you won't like him when he snaps." Phil warned. "do you want another Witches delight?" he offered her.
“Hm, you do punish me well enough.”Clint snickered before laughing a little as phil just nodded. That was fairly amusing really. “...Really?I’ll be sure to ask Thor next time I see him.”james snickered a little before rolling his eyes at the name calling. Pulling off his helmet when he got to the apartment he smirked, “I know, but its your fault. I learned it from you, punk.”James snickered as he headed instead, having every intention of getting falling down drunk and forgetting that he’d ever seen natasha. Maybe he could just stay drunk for the whole time he was here? “Okay, serve drinks, and lets see who is under the table first.”James said as he got glasses out and settlign at the bar. Looking utterly miserable, letting the masks fall, to exhausted to keep pretending he was okay.

“....Yes I want another dessert.”Skye said smiling slightly, because while she wanted to know, she knew better then to push, at least for now. Grinning as she got food, and settled in for the night, knowing the others would slink off soon enough for sex or whatever their plans were for the evening. “Seriously, Skye. Leave it alone. He’ll break you over his knee and not care what anything thinks about it.”Clint muttered warning her gently, sharing a look with phil, well aware of the killer that lurked under the pleasant exterior, he had no intention of letting skye anywhere near his secrets, at least not knowing James would kill to keep from having anyone realize the soldier was still alive and well after he’d gone through so much trouble to make the world think he was dead.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "you have fun with that. i will hide under the couch." he admitted before smirking at the other. "i learned on the battlefield i shouldn't be your source of inspiration." he pointed out. "oh it'll take more than a glass. even this stuff is hard to get drunk on." he admitted, handing the other a clay jug. yes. a jug. not unlike a moonshine jug, only darker and unpainted. it was water sealed of course, but it was baked, sealed and then filled. "bottoms up." Steve offered, rubbing the others shoulder. he wouldn't drink. bad, bad things happened when they both got drunk.

Phil chuckled and handed it over and enjoyed a second one of his own. "James is not harmless Skye." Phil warned. "he's not stable either. he's... Natasha. times ten." he admitted with a sigh. "you need to know this right now. James is not one of us." he explained. "he is not loyal to anyone but Steve. and even then. it's a shaky loyalty at best." Phil admitted. "he won't hurt you just to hurt you, but if you learn something he doesn't want you to know, he certainly will." he admitted. "don't dig Skye. because if it came down to your safety, i would really hate to have to kill him. if i even could."
“You’re always my source of inspiration, Captain.”Bucky snickered a little, “... Well, let’s get started then.”he said sighing a little as the man rubbed his shoulders, simply starting in. Knowing steve wouldn’t drink, cause things tended to be so, so badly when they got drunk together.

“...”Skye frowned thinking it over, paling slightly before nodding. “I wont.” “He let steve believe he was dead for a year. I wouldn’t trust his loyalty to not wanting to upset Steve to protect you if you dig something up.”Clint said studying the girl, hoping she’d take it to heart. “I understand.Goodnight.”Skye said heading for the door. Clint sighed quietly, shaking his head a little. “Think she’ll leave it alone?”He muttered looking worried.

In the morning James groaned a little as he laid on his stomach, frowning as his face was buried in the pillow, turning his head a little to look at the man cooking breakfast. Amazed that he felt hungover despite how fast the serum consumed alcohol. “...When’s my date?”He asked now that he’d drank, he wanted to have sex, the man’s body running on overdrive, always first thing in the morning, reminding him how long it’d been since he’d had sex.
Phil sighed a little. "no. i don't. and i doubt Natasha will either. the question is, do we salvage more by telling them?" he asked. "or would we just risk pissing him off?"

Steve chuckled a little at the groaning, shaking his head a little as he cooked. he knew better than to make eggs when Bucky was hungover, the man would just puke. same with bacon, sausage, or ham. he was making pancakes instead, and fruit which would digest easier on an upset stomach. "morning." he chirped before flicking his phone open and examining it. "tonight at six." he admitted. "she's going to meet you at a Coffee Club and you'll go from there." he admitted. "you want Coffee this morning or just water?" he asked, glancing at the other. "you gonna stick around for the day until your date? we could play Halo." he offered.
Clint sighed softly thinking about it, biting his lip a little. “He might forgive them if they make a honest mistake and simply blunder into the truth, instead of knowing more and still searching.”

James grunted a little at the sound of him being chipper, “Don’t be so happy.”He grumbled turning his head a little to look at the other man, sighing quietly. “....Water.”he said after a long moment, before sitting up slowly, making sure he wasn’t either going to through up or fall over as he turned over and laid on his back to watch the other cooking. “...I guess. I mean....I don’t have anything else to do...”He said shrugging a little, because he truly was at a loss for what to do, or how to do it. He hated that fury hadn’t given him better directions on how to handle things now that he was in charge of taking care of the dangers, because he had no idea how to handle skye, or deal with anything else that was coming.
Phil bit his lip and nodded. that was true. then again, James was highly unpredictable to say the least. "we'll have to prepare for multiple eventualities. i don't want to have to kill James but i will if i have to." he admitted.

Steve chuckled a little. "don't be such a grump." he ordered right back before pouring James a glass of filtered water from the fridge. "well there's plenty you could do." Steve admitted. "go for a run. go find a bookstore. go bother Tony." he teased with a chuckle. "i'm not gonna make you do anything Jamie." he admitted, smiling at the other. "come on. breakfast is ready." he admitted, setting out a ice plate stuffed full of pancakes for the both of them and a full cereal bowl full of Bucky's favorite fruits.
“..He is. But being who natasha is...I don’t think even if he’s angry, he’ll kill her. Training a new student would be to much of a pain in the ass.”Clint muttered, because he knew not even that would keep natasha safe if james turned on them, but it might offer her some protection. Even without knowing everything, he trusted james to care some for natasha. “We’ll just have to prepare.”Clint sighed tiredly as he glanced down the hall towards where the girls had disappeared to. He just knew this was going to be a mess.

“...”James groaned a little even as he shuffled to get up and settled at the kitchen table to eat with a sigh, “...I might do some of that.”he muttered frowning a little as he started to eat, tilting his head at the sound of ‘star spangled man with a plan’ tony’s idea of a joke, and the current avengers notice sound that it was time to get moving and save the world....or at least stop someone from robbing the bank. Which was a normal every day crime, but the cops had learned that overall, the avengers and shield had a higher success rate in not getting anyone killed then normal swat. “.....”James looked up, biting his lip. Wanting to offer to help the director and the avengers, but not quite sure if he’d be welcomed to do so.
he nodded. "your right. i don't think he could ever hurt her." he admitted with a sigh. "do we tell Natasha?" he asked softly. "do we tell her why she knows him? or do we try and fail to protect her?" he asked. "she'll remember, she's regaining her memories at an increased rate." he admitted. "this is a mess."

Steve chuckled. "i'm going on a run later if yu want to join me. we could stop at the book store on the way back if you want?" he offered before growling at the sound of his phone ringing. "Stark. how many times are you going to change my ringtone?!" he demanded. "what's the problem?" he demanded. "do you need me there or can you and the archer take it?...." Steve demanded. "i'm bringing Bucky." he informed Tony. "he's about to crawl out of his skin."
“No, he probably wouldn’t...”clint sighed quietly, biting his lip. “...No. We can’t. If he wants her to know before she remembers who he is, he’ll tell her. Otherwise....we’ll make a bad situation worse by telling her who trained her.”Oh, it was so much worse then that, but only steve and tony knew just how much worse. Phil and Clint knew she’d been seeing someone before things had gone bad, but not who. Glancing up at the sound of the avengers call to duty, he sighed softly. “Want to come beat up things with me?”he said, even if he knew natasha was going to.

“I could go for a run.Not many people can keep up with me.”James said sounding pleased at the idea before snickering as he listened to steve talking to tony. “Always, you get so many interesting colors when I do.”Tony said utterly undisturbed at being growled at before shrugging. “No, you better come. It’s the federal reserve, all hands on deck, even extremis isn’t letting me get eyes in there.”Tony said sounding frustrated that he was being denied access, when extremis usually allowed him anywhere. “I am not. I can not do the superhero thing you know.”James whined even if he was already getting ready to go, suiting up in the combat cargo jeans and body armor, heading for the bank. “....I can get in.”James said as he parked the bike, watching the cops and iron man trying to find the best way in without getting anyone killed.
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