
"so you say, but we all know it's just excuses." Steve teased before snorting. "you where stalking her, that's perving." he pointed out. "you freaked everyone out you know." he admitted. "'ve been in my house again haven't you?" he demanded. "i thought it was weird that m shower was wet when i came home. i just thought there was a leak!" he complained, glaring at the other. "you used my Lufa on your stanky ass!" he complained. "i'll have to throw it out now! who knows how many germs you have on it now!" he whined, grinning. "i love you enough to let you sleep on my couch." he promised. "but your eating what i feed you and if you bitch about it then you can go beg on the streets for a hot dog or something." he stated before sighing. "she's... stable." he admitted. "she has nightmares fairly often, but she's been seeing a new psychiatrist and we think it's actually helping." he admitted. "mostly she talks to Clint, since he understands the most about being brainwashed." he admitted. "she's remembering a little bit about you, not much but she remembers tricking a 'man with a metal arm to walk into a bomb ie the breast obsessed asshole all men are.'..." he said with a smirk and a chuckle. "she's doing well physically to be sure. all of her wounds have healed. though she'll never have children." he admitted. "she's developed a horrible fascination with throwing knives though."
“..I live to serve. Besides, if they’re that easy to freak out, they need the practice dealing with it. I’m doing you a favor, Commander Rogers.”James said so primly you’d think he wasn’t laughing inside, before smirking. “Of course. I needed a place to wash up before stalking the ducklings.”James said before smirking. “You better. You never know how many women germs I’d get all over you if you used your lufa again.”James smirked before laughing. “Fine, I’ll take the couch and eat whatever you get, cause you know I really, really hate hot dogs.”He said before nodding, sighing quietly. “Good....that’s good.”he muttered, not sure how else to consider the woman he loved so badly, and who had no idea he existed. “....I’m not totally breast obsessed, I’m just obsessed with her breasts.”he said before smiling sadly, remembering the conversations he’d had with natasha about having kids someday. “...Developed?She’s always had one.” “Hey, I have new toys for you, and your pizza, and this is alot of food for one pe-”Tony stopped in the doorway, staring at the two super soldiers, so shocked at seeing james he didn’t even try to hold onto the pizza as the man bounced over and started eating the pizza right out of the box as he settled in his chair again
he snorted. "Phil's got super abilities now." he admitted. "after being 'infected' with that Alien genetic material he's.... advanced a bit." he admitted. "your giving me a headache that's what your doing." he scoffed. "stop acting like a twink, it doesn't suit you." he said before snorting. "no wonder you sink. you used that old crappy soap didn't you? the one i never use but keep forgetting to throw away even though it always makes my bathroom smell like ass. or maybe that's just your lingering stench." he admitted before wrinkling his nose. "oh gross. you man whore." he complained. "washing your nasty girl infected crotch all over my nice Luufa." he complained. Steve, had never really gotten over the 'girls have cooties' stage. he'd liked Peggy well enough but he'd spent three hours crying after he realized he couldn't get hard for her. it was Peggy who had explained to Steve what being Gay was and why it really was okay to be that way. "i know ou do. that's okay i'll only order horny dogs, i mean, hot dogs when i'm mad at you." he promised, smirking.

"it's better at any rate." he admitted, staring at Bucky. "your obsessed with getting laid you beast." he scoffed. "no, this is a new obsession. it's an obsession with putting those knives in Tony. fortunately she's not a very good aim yet." he admitted with a smirk before looking up at Tony. "come on in Tony. knocking is such a plebeian thing to do apparently." he said, snatching the box. "want a slice?" he offered the billionaire. "before Animal here eats it all. also, since your running errands now Tony, i need a new Luufa. Buckeye has soiled mine." he admitted, opening the other two boxes and digging his teeth into a cheesy bread. he hadn't eaten since lunch, so he was starving.
=:Ah, well then I’ll have to reconsider my stalking habits then.”James said smiling slightly smirking.”Well, the soap was sitting there. How was I supposed to know it was that bad. You’re the one who keeps it.’James whined a little before laughing. “You know, I’d think you’d be more worried about alien cooties then girl’s.”He said thoughtfully, rolling his eyes at steve’s words. “....Punk.?”He whined at the threat of hot dogs.

“I am not obsessed with getting laid. I haven’t had sex in 48 hours, I should get a reward or something.”James said before frowning, “....that’s...huh. Not so weird, Stark gives me a urge to stab him to.”James pointed out. “I never knock, I’m always hoping to catch you having sex or something in here.”Tony mused absently, still recovering from shock. “Thanks.”Tony grinend a little as he took a piece of pizza, staring to eat before frowning. “...A new lufa?Send a agent out for one or something.What do I look like, your servant?”Tony asked as he ate.
he snorted. "i hide the good soap. Tony keeps stealing it." he admitted. "i'm hoping he'll take the stuff that smells like ass next time." he admitted before he stared at James and then. "you are not Hans Solo nor are you Captain James. T. Kirk." he stated before shaking his head. "i am a punk. and your a jerk. now shut up, i'd like to get something done for once." he admitted, scowling at his piles of paperwork. "you are obsessed with getting laid you slut." he complained. "at least Tony has standards. you hump anything, including kitchen tables." that had been once! when they where like, twelve! "well. you have a point." Steve admitted with a chuckle before snorting at Tony. "Tony. Jarvis is the main security in this room. i know that he, the traitor tattle he is, would inform you if i was having Sex in here." he pointed out. "well. you did bring me Pizza so.. yes." Steve admitted. "i'll buy my own Luufa. and then hide it like i do my soap you Klepto." he coplained. "you can keep the Luufa that Bucky used. it has skank germs on it." Steve admitted, mowing down his share of the food before attempting to get at least one of the peices of Paperwork done.
“...I don’t even want to know why he steals your soap.”James rolled his eyes a little before smirking. “I am totally Captain James T. Kirk. I share two out of four words in that title, I’m totally Captain James.”James smirked a little before going quiet as he let steve work, whining a little. “...That was once!When I was twelve!I outgrew that when I discovered girls thought I was cute enough to sleep with.....not to mention women these days are more likely to want one night stands, then they were in the 30s. Truly, my life is perfect.”He said hiding behind the mask of utter playboy, to hide just how emotionally gutted he was still over losing natasha. “No he wont. I’ve nicely told him not to tell me what happens in this office, much like when I was director, cause some rooms a director needs to be private.”Tony shrugged smiling as he ate, rolling his eyes. “I steal collectibles, not your lufa. And I’ll burn the skank lufa, make sure no diseases are spread.” “...I can’t catch anything, super soldier you know.”James pointed out, raising a eyebrow as tony snagged a pile pf paperwork and started working on it. It was quite interesting to see the former director and avowed paperwork hating tony willing to do paperwork.
Steve snorted. "you where a Sergeant." he corrected. "just because you took the title of Captain doesn't mean you WHERE a captain. look at Captain Maniac! you think he's a real Captain? because i don't!" he admitted with a smirk. "you still did it." he pointed out. "mother had pictures." he admitted. "women these days are a lot more willing to have sex. a shame they're gross." he admitted, well aware that Jame's hadn't had sex with a soul since Natasha had been brainwashed. he might be a man whore but he was a man whore with standards. not to mention he was in love with the fiery Russian woman. "he will because i know you better than that." Steve stated, poking in Tony's direction with a pencil. "besides, i don't have anyone to fuck right now." he admitted. "all the women are women and most of the men are too intimidated." he admitted. "well give the Luufa to coulson then." he suggested. "or burn it that works too." he admitted, smiling at the other. "no but you can still transfer them." Steve admitted. "so make sure you wear a condom young man." he ordered before going back to paperwork. "...why does the U.S. Army keep sending me military weapons request forms? do they really think if i sign this, they can make you do things?" he asked, wrinkling his nose as he balled that contract up and threw it into the trash ten feet behind him. with both him and Tony working Steve was finished in an hour, instead of hours. "i hate paperwork." Steve sighed, leaning back in his chair. "i'm done. not doing anymore." he decided, stacking the finished ones into the out folder while stacking the others back into the 'in' folder.
“I was totally a captain. Russia upgraded me, thought it was a joke for them, making me a Kapitan.”James snickered a little, because the man just found it amusing. “And he wasn’t, but I’m totally a captain.” “It was a good looking table.”James defended, though he still only had a vague recollection of the event. While he remembered most things, some of it was foggy, less then clear, and usually took a prompting from steve to remember something fully. “...He humped a table?”Tony raised a eyebrow looking interested as he worked. “And women now aren’t that gross. I’m very popular among the models.”James said smirking, avoiding tony’s question. “Hm, he might...and that’s saddening. I’d offer to screw you Capsicle, if I wasn’t afraid of getting frostbite on my cock.”Tony mused absently, more focused on the paperwork. James twitched, grinding his teeth a little as he listened to the two men, because listening to tony and steve made his chest hurt as he remembered how they were as younger kids. “Yes, commander, sir.”James said rolling his eyes a little at the order to wear a condom. “They think you’re stupid enough to sign it without reading it, or asking me if you don’t understand.”Tony said before laughing. “I think everyone hates paperwork, and I’m extremely disappointed I can’t make it all into electronic paperwork.”Tony whined a little as he stretched. “Let’s go then. We have a dinner date with the others.”Tony said glancing at james, wondering if the man would be coming.
he snorted. "you defected and then they executed you. you don't have the title of Kapitan anymore." he stated with a chuckle. "i still don't know how the hell you managed to survive being shot sixteen times." he admitted. " was a table you pervert." Steve complained, wrinkling his nose. "yes he did. he hit puberty a bit early and was humping anything that moved because he had no self control." he admitted. "they are gross. they have breasts you know." Steve pointed out. "and they're squishy, and fragile, and... gross." Steve admitted. "dont worry Tony, i like you. i'd let you top." he teased. "we'll start with a mutual handjob hows that?" he asked, well aware that he was going to shock Tony. Steve very rarely talked filth. "you okay Jamie?" he asked James, studying the other. "headache? i have some aspirin." he offered the other. "that's damn right, Yes Commander Sir." Steve said, puffing up proudly. "see Tony? why can't you have good manners and a respect for authority like Buckeye?" he asked, smirking because he was well aware Bucky had been being sarcastic like the ass he was. "....why are all the people i have to deal with completely stupid?" Steve wondered. "yeah i've been trying to get them to go electronic too." he admitted with a sigh. "then Jarvis could do it all for me and i could focus on actually doing my job." he admitted before blinking. "dinner date?" he asked, looking horrified. "please, for the love of God Tony, don't tell me you set me up on another blind date!"
“I died as a Kapitan, I’m keeping the title.”Bucky protested, simply digging his heels in simply because he could. “And serum quick healing, and natasha supplied body armor.”Bucky supplied before smirking. “It was a very fine piece of wood.” “....You are such a pervert, Barnes.”Tony rolled his eyes before laughing. “I like them cause they’re squishy.” “And that’s okay, Captain, I’ll take care of your share of girls, they’ll be quite happy with me.”James grinned before laughing at how shocked tony looked. “well-uh-yes, I guess.”He said stuttering a little. “Fine. Listening to you is like listening to me and you sometimes though.”James muttered just loud enough for steve to hear, knowing the man would understand the memories that went with the thoughts of the past. “....That wasn’t good manners and respect. That was barely civil.”Tony snickered rolling his eyes at steve, just as aware that bucky had been sarcastic. “Because people truly are stupid most of the time.”Tony shrugged before sighing. “I wish they would. My life at SI would be even easier if I could use extremis to finish paperwork.”He shrugged, because despite having norman osborne force it offline for the whole time he was in power, tony had come back stronger then ever, with both his sanity and extremis intact. “No, not a blind date. You’re having dinner with the rest of the team, pepper, and Barnes since he’s here.”Tony said studying james. “I am not having dinner with you all.”
Steve snickered a little and shook his head before nodding. "yes. i keep forgetting you have a working Serum." he admitted. "i think it's because you never changed in appearance." he admitted. "you have no idea how gay you just sounded, do you?" he asked James with a smirk. "well you can have them then." Steve promised. "because i surely don't." he admitted before chuckling a little at Tony's stuttering before nodding at James. "he's a lot like you. same mouthy attitude." Steve admitted, voice just as soft. "are you going to be okay? do you want to go to my place?" he asked James before snorting at Tony. "it's about as good mannered as he ever gets." he admitted. "i have to work with him some more." he admitted. "that's not so bad then." Steve admitted before smiling at James. "i know it hurts. we won't forsce you." he promised James. "you can't stay here though." he warned. "you either go with us or you go back to my place. if you vanish again i'm going to kill you." he warned.
“I’m very glad I didn’t really. Though considering the serum gave us both what we needed the most, it makes sense. You needed a better body, I needed eyes that weren’t going to kill me eventually.”James shrugged a little because it had been a secret between the two of them, that james had suffered from early onset macular degeneration, had started going blind at a early age, which had left him his career as a sniper and scout at a severe crippled. The serum had given him exactly what he needed, hightened reflexes, healing, and eyesight on level with thor or loki’s. “I’m perfectly aware of how gay I sounded, I do hang out with you you know. You who sounds so, so gay.”James pointed out snickering as he watched tony nodding a little. “I’m okay.”He muttered sighing softly. “You will. Though as rude and sarcastic as he is, he’ll fit in with the rest of us perfectly well. Only Bruce is ever truly polite....though Thor tries.”tony snickered a little. “....”James sighed, frowning at the two rubbing a hand over his head, enjoying the spikey feeling against his hand. “Why not?” “Cause, if I have to put up with Cap’s moping again, I’ll kill you myself, barnes. Just behave.” “...Fine. Dinner then.”James sighed quietly as he headed for the door, “I’ll see you guys at the tower.”he said heading for where he left his bike.
Steve nodded. "that's true." he agreed with a smile. he knew that by the time Bucky had been thirty he would have been legally blind without glasses, by forty he would have been permanently and fully blind. not a pleasant prospect. then again, the way he'd gotten cured wasn't very pleasant either. "that's true." Steve agreed. "your still a jerk." he admitted with a smile before snorting at Tony. "of course he fits in with us. all of us are grade A assholes." he pointed out. "and Bruce is getting better. he actually called me a fucker the other day." Steve admitted. "i took his Coffee though so i'm pretty sure i deserved it." he admitted. "great. we'll see you then." Steve agreed. "and i'm serious if you Vanish, i will hunt you down and make your death very painful. i'll get Thor to ask his niece to reanimate your corpse." he admitted before heading for the Tower, quite happy to have James back.
“He did?What did you do?”Tony asked before laughing, “You are a brave brave man who stole the hulk’s coffee.”James snickered. “....I’ll be there.”James promised rolling his eyes as he left.

Skye smiled looking up when the two directors of shield walked in, because while they all knew tony was no longer director, that was only on paper. In life, tony acted more like deputy director then phil did most days. “You’re looking inordinately chipper.”She said studying the blond. “I’m complementing seducing the straightest man I know, it’s amusing our good captain.”Tony said smirking as he shrugged out of his jacket, “Jarvis, we’re having a guest, just show him up from the garage when he gets here.”he said, quite content to let James presence be a surprise to everyone. "So, what's for dinner?"
Steve smiled at Skye. he was the one doing the most to protect her. doing everything he could to keep her safe. Fitz knew as well, but aside from Phil no one else in the tower knew that Skye was anything less than pure human. Natasha probably knew. she knew everything after all. "Hey Kit-Kat." he chirped. he'd started calling her that, but no one not even Skye, knew why. "how's everyone been? by the way we found the stalker." he promised, Natasha twitching and studying Steve. "who was it?" "no one to be worried about. he'll be up in a few minutes. he's not a threat." he promised. "an idiot, sure but not a threat." he promised. "we're having pasta." Natasha admitted. "all kinds. some Alfredo in shrimp or chicken, some cheese ravioli. i don't know what else Phil made." she admitted. it always baffled her to see Phil cooking.
“Hey.”Skye said rolling her eyes a little at the name, because it always puzzled her. “Natasha’s beating on me again, Cap. Tell her to stop.”She whined though she did appreciate the training, she didn’t appreciate always losing. “....”clitn raised a eyebrow, looking curious about their stalker, not sure, but fairly certain they weren’t going to like it if steve was being okay with who’d been stalking them. “It’d worry about calling him a idiot, but I’ve heard you call him worse.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little as he grinned. “Good. Phil is the best.”He grinned, pleased it was phil’s night to cook, since they all took turns cooking, even if they couldn’t cook. And really, in the near hour that followed, tony was truly worried that james had bolted again, letting out a quite breath of relief as jarvis informed them that their guest was on his way up.

James Swallowed hard as he stepped into the apartment, having changed the rough worn leather pants for more modern clothes, the snug black jeans and grey t-shirt, under a black leather jacket that had been a present from natasha, the edge of a necklace peeking out from the edge of his shirt, one he never took off. Really, he looked like he was heading for a club, instead of one of the deadliest killers in the world. “sorry...there was some traffic, and I stopped to change.”He muttered stepping inside, tense and anxious, even if the emotions didn’t show, it would only take steve a glance to know they were there.
Steve snorted. "your the one who latched onto Natasha and asked her to teach you when Melinda broke her Ankle. it's your own fault." Steve stated. "you can't keep running to Papa Rogers every time you loose." he warned, chuckling. "i have called him worse. Skank was the word of the day today." Steve admitted, making Natasha choke on her tongue and gape at him, Phil biting his lip to keep from laughing when he realized who had finally come back. "i am the best, thank you. i'm making steaks too." he admitted. "does your freind like it rare, mid-rare- mid or well done?" "not sure." Steve admitted. "you'll have to ask him on that one." he admitted. Steve was getting very twitchy when James took too long and was half tempted to go look for him when he suddenly showed up.

" took you an hour to change your clothes? your worse than a wo.... uh..." Steve paused when all the women in the tower, Pepper included stared at him, daring him to finish that sentence. "....uh... never mind." Steve decided. "you look damn good like that Buckeye." Steve admitted, making Natasha blink. "as in Bucky Barnes?" she asked, looking surprised. " mean you obey traffic laws?" Phil askled, looking amused. "i never would have known. come in. how do you like your steak?" he asked the man. "and yes, Clint, you have to eat the Salad." Phil said firmly, making Natasha snicker.
“Yes I can. Though it’s more like grandpa rogers.”Skye teased the lineally older-but the nearly same age captain. Clint swallowed hard, his laughter showing in his face as he realized to, just who was coming for dinner.“Followed closely by whore and pervert.”Tony snickered, before smiling at phil. “mid-rare, more towards rare then mid.”Tony answered rolling his eyes “It amuses me that I knew that and you didn’t.”Tony teased, though he only knew because of extremis, and the fact that the winter’s soldier’s eating preferences were written down in his file for his handlers.

“Yes it did.”James glared a little, his eye twitching slightly, before snickering as the woman stared at steve. “You never did know when to not say things.”he teased walking in, slipping off his shoes and jacket, before sliding into a seat as far as he could get from natasha, wincing a little at her question. “yes, though it’s james to everyone but the punk.”He said before rolling his eyes. “well, I got yelled at the last time I drove on the sidewalks, so yes, I sat in traffic this time, as I didn’t want to risk scratching up my bike weaving between vehicles.” “You still driving that black shadow?” “Yea.” “I’m stealing that bike sometime....And I don’t want to eat the salad.”clint whined a little looking up at phil with huge puppy dog eyes
Steve snorted. "don't think your too old for a whoopin yougin." Steve warned playfully before winking at Clint and chuckling. "well he is a pervert." Steve stated simply before shrugging. "we couldn't afford Steak." he admitted. "so i never had it until after i was unfrozen. and even after i only had a few months with him." he reminded Tony. "and we didn't eat Steak then either." he admitted, Phil already slapping another steak onto the griddle.

Steve was very pleased with himself when James eye twitched. "shut up jerk." Steve ordered, sulking. "it's not may fault all the women i know can kill me." he pointed out. "James. it's nice to meet you." Phil admitted, shaking the man's hand. "i don't suppose... you might be willing to sign a few things?" Steve groaned and Natasha snickered. "you get yelled at no matter what you do." Steve pointed out to Bucky. "then again no t scratching your bike is a hell of a good reason to obey the law." he admitted with a grin and snorted at Clint. "you have to. or else you won't get steak." Phil warned. "and you sure as hell won't get the dessert i made." Phil made to die for desserts. "i made Fairy Cakes and i made Witches Desire." witches Desire was his own invention. it was a thick chocolate cake which was filled with a gooey chocolate fountain. on top of that was a rich Chocolate custard mousse. chocolate cream covered the entire thing and it was sprinkled with chocolate sprinkles. Pepper would kill someone for one of Phil's Witches Delight.
“Somehow, it’s tony’s fault all the women can kill you.” “hey!” “you’re the one who collects dangerous women, it is all your fault.”James snickered a little as he shook phil’s hand, tilting his head before nodding a little. “If you want. After dinner.”he said glad that at least not everyone in the world had known he’d been dating Natasha, at least, he hoped not. He knew most people knew he’d been tried, found guilty, and sentenced for treason and eventually ‘died’, but his private life, his life with natasha, had been his own, shared with only a few. “....Only because you yell at me, you punk. If you’d stop nearly having a heart attack every time I did something, we’d both be better.”James snickered looking curious at the idea of dessert, mostly going quiet so he could listen to the other’s, simply enjoying not being on his own anymore, though he was watching skye to...and everyone. He knew this wasn’t how fury’d expected him to do the job, but he’d do it how he wanted to dammit. “....Fine.”Clint sulked as he started nibbling on his salad.
Steve snickered. "it's totally Tony's Fault." he agreed. "all Tony's fault!" Steve agreed. "and Phil's. because he's the one who trains the women." Steve admitted, watching the interaction between Phil and Bucky. "after Dinner." Phil agreed. "eat your salad your too thin." he ordered, raking a critical eye over Bucky. "at least your clean." that caused another round of snickers. Phil was such a mother hen. "if you stopped doing stupid shit that would kill you i'd stop yelling at you." Steve stated. "speaking of, remind me to yell at you later." he ordered. "good boy." Phil said, patting the archer's head like he was a puppy. he refused to serve anyone anything else until theyd eaten their salads. so Steve and Natasha where the first to get their Steaks and pastas since they always enjoyed salads. Pepper ate rather slowly so she got hers next. "So. James right?" Pepper asked, her head tilted. "are you single?" "Pepper! No!" Steve said firmly. "he is NOT dating that monster from accounting!" "she's a wonderful girl Steve Rogers!" "she attacked me!" "it was a kiss on the cheek!" "it was molestation!" "you are such a Drama Queen." "i am not!"
“It is not, it’s not fair you two always gang up on me.”Tony sulked glaring at the two men. “Salad’s not a way to fatten someone up.”Bucky protested even if he did eat. He’d definitely not been eating enough to keep up with his super soldier metabolism, having mostly ate the bare minimum to not keel over and pass out, the man was definitely on the leaner side then normal. “...Fine. I’ll remind you.”James said rolling his eyes. “Don’t treat me like a dog.”Clint whined a little, huffing even as they ate. And while he got his steak last, it wasn’t long before james and tony had their own steaks. Really, they’d eaten quickly for not being fans of salads. “Hm?”James glanced up at the sound of his name, nodding slightly at pepper’s question, paling a little under a natural tan, but looking interested. “...Yes I am actually.”James said looking interested in the idea. Maybe a good fuck was what he needed?After all, his serum’d body hated the fact he hadn’t been having regular sex, or even masterbating, so his utter celibacy was driving him a little up the walls. Tony nearly groaned out loud, oh this was going to be bad, but he wasn’t quite sure how to stop it without telling natasha who james was, or getting beaten up by james for doing it. She knew she’d been seeing someone, but no one had told her exactly who it was, and seeing as he’d managed to add a skin like material over james’ metal arm, the fact that he was the metal armed assassin she knew, was something few knew.
Clint snorted. "you need to eat greens." he stated. "the nutrients are good for you. a balanced diet is the best way to maintain a healthy physique. now eat your salad before i taze you." Natasha snickered. that was Phil's favorite threat. and he'd do it to. he had a tazer on him, always. "now i know how much Steve eats so you'll get the same as him, yes?" Phil asked, Steve nodding. "maybe give him a scoop or four more." Steve agreed, chowing into his two steaks and three bowls of Pasta. "if you act like a child, i'll treat you like one." Phi stated. "even if you have a bit more flees than most kids do." Steve laughed before he scowled at Pepper, and then outright glared at James. "do you really think that going on a date is going to help? rebounding is not okay." "oh. did James get dumped?" Natasha asked, looking sympathetic. "no. some of James enemies caught her and she... well..." Steve shrugged. the truth, but lying because everyone would think that James lover was dead. "well... perhaps not the woman from accounting then. she's looking for something a little more permanent, i have a woman in Human resources who is itching to get laid f you'd rather go on a date with her?" Steve looked much more accepting of that. he knew James wasn't ready for a woman who was clingy or wanted a relationship, but one night stands, he was pretty sure James could handle that. no one said anything else about James lover save for a few murmured condolences.
“I do eat some, sometimes.”James said not about to admit that sometimes, a can of peas and pickles were all he could choke down for the day. “.....I thought Stark was the one you tazed, stay away from me.” “He does threaten to taze me with alarmingly regularity.”Tony twitched a little. “Yes please.”James smiled, tilting his head as he was given just as much food as steve, eating slower, knowing if he ate to quickly he’d make himself sick, so he was taking his time. “So mean to me.”Clint grumbled looking up at his lover before smiling a little. Staring at steve for a long moment after getting scolded, he refused to look at natasha at her question, nodding slightly. “After a fashion.”James said before nodding. “Rebounding is what I do best.”He pointed out to steve before looking at pepper, tilting his head a little. “That woman is insane. She jumped on Tony and Peter the other day when they were walking around the building...I think she’s got it bad for superheros.”Skye said smiling slightly before grinning. “The red head?She is good looking.”She said looking at james, supplying the man with details. “And a ass to die for.”Tony agreed because he knew this was just all going to blow up in their face sometime, but he might as well enjoy it as they could.
he snorted. "clearly you don't eat enough." Phil stated sternly. "we'll get you set up with one of Steve's bank cards." he promised. "then you don't have to worry about not being able to afford the food you need." he decided, Steve looking amused. Phil was the one who handled most of Steve's finances so if Phil wanted to get another bank card for James then Steve wasn't going to complain one little bit. it would make Steve feel better, knowing that James would have the money he needed too. "i threaten to Taze everyone." Phil admitted. "well. not Natasha, haven't needed to threaten her. and Skye, since i like Skye." he admitted. "you've threatened to Taze Steve?" Natasha asked, surprised. "correction. he HAS tazed me." Steve corrected befre reaching under the table and hooked his pinky with James. an old childhood habit. boys where supposed to be tough after all, so they'd hooked pinkies to offer comfort, as well as affirm their 'best friends forever' pinky promise. "...well, that's true." Steve admitted with a sigh. "it still doesn't help." "Peter Parker? the boy isn't nearly old enough for her to be jumping." Natasha scorned, Pepper following that sentiment. "he's only, what, Seventeen?" "eighteen now. remember? we sent him that impressive tool belt?" "oh yeah." "she's more of a copper than a red but yes." Pepper admitted. "Ashley was complaining the other day about how no one wanted to have hot kinky sex anymore." Pepper snorted. "i hope you like ropes by the way." Pepper admitted to James.
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