Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

he shook his head. "i didn't think of it either." he promised her. "he is starting to Adjust." he agreed. "it was a very good thing when they assigned you to him." he admitted, smiling at her. "he'll be okay i'm sure, we just have to get through the 'worse'..." he admitted. "okay. yeah. Eliza mentioned you where a fan. bring something with you and i'll sign it." Steve promised, glad that he wasn't pulling Tony away from anything. "are you sure i'm not dragging you away from anything? you could mail it. i don't want to be a bother..." Steve said anxiously, even if the idea of waiting for weeks for his watch made him want to crawl out of his skin. "thanks for this mister Stark." Grant said, sounding relieved before rattling off the address for Tony. "he'll probably thank you for the punching bag once he's a bit more in control of himself. he had a pretty major breakdown last night so he's pretty... well, i think you can tell." he admitted. "i'll be fine." he promised Eliza."fly safe Mr. Stark." he said to Tony. "try not to hurt him unless you have to, but whatever you do don't let him hurt you, he'd never forgive himself." he warned her. "see you at home." he agreed, smiling at her, grimacing when he saw how... obedient and pliant Steve was at the moment. it bothered him seeing Steve like that.

Steve had settled into bed and was laying there when Tony arrived. he hadn't turned violent, thank god, but he'd refused to interact or eat and even turned away from a Cigarette. Grant had taken to reading a book out loud, The Magicians Nephew, which had settled both Cap and Eliza a little bit. "come in!" Grant called, stopping mid sentence, making Steve protest a little even as he sat up. "hey Mr. Stark, come on." he offered, smiling at the man. "Coffee?" he offered, Steve staggering out of the bedroom, eyes examining Tony. he was a bit surprised, he'd have thought the other to look more like Howard.
“we’ll get through it. Glad you’re here.”She muttered because it really would have been to hard for to do this alone. “I’m sure. Don’t worry about it, I’m not doing anything to important at the moment.”Tony promised.”you’re welcome. I’ll be there soon.”Tony promised grant before snickering a little. “Glad he likes it. And I can tell.”he said trying not to be to worried about steve but trusting them to take care of him. “I know he wont. I’ll be careful.”Eliza promised hating just how pliant steve was as they left.

Eliza sighed quietly, looking worried as she watched steve, laying on the couch with grant, fidgety and nervous, letting grant’s reading calm her slowly. “Hello.”Tony smile as he stepped inside, his dark hair sticking up every which way, and looking a little pale and worse for the wear considering his recent suicidal stint, the man was well on his way to recovery though. “coffee would be good.”He said smiling as he set teh box of things down before looking at steve, eyes widening a little. “Captain, good to meet you.”She said fidgety and nervous, the man definitely looked more like his mother then howard.
Grant smiled at her. "i would never leave you behind." he promised Eliza with a smile. he had promised her that the very first day. he didn't know it, not yet, but he'd loved her the second he saw her. abandoning her when she needed him most was not an option.

Grant smiled at Tony. "he's doing better." he informed the genius. "i think we're going to be okay now, he hasn't slipped into a flashback yet so we should be okay." he hoped. "your looking better too." he admitted, running a calculating eye over Tony. "you need to eat more though." he admitted, moving into the kitchen to get Tony a sandwich and a cup of coffee. "it's nice to meet you too Mr. Stark." Steve admitted, shaking Tony's hand. "i'm sorry about all this. i'm... it's been a rough couple of days..." Steve admitted, studying the other. "if you don't mind me saying. you look just like your mother." Steve admitted with a smile. "She was a bit of a spitfire, your mother." he admitted. "scary woman, but extremely loyal." he admitted, blinking at the box, curious now. how many things had Tony brought to be signed? "eat. Steve." "i'm not hungry." "you haven't eaten since this morning. you need to eat." Grant ordered. Steve sighed but accepted the large sandwich... more of a sub, and chewed on it rather mechanically. the food tasted like ash. he just wanted his watch back.
“good. I know how bad flashbacks could be.”Tony said smiling slightly as he walked in, smiling slightly. “Feeling better to. And I eat fine!I eat!”He whined sulking a little, indeed treating them like he treated everyone, with brash and over the top childishness sometimes, but utter genius and vulnerability under that. “Thanks, I get that alot.”Tony smiled a little before laughing. “She was extremely scary sometimes. She terrified me into behaving most of my childhood.”he snickered, because it had only been after her death, that tony had started to act out. “Don’t sulk so, he’s got your watch.”Eliza muttered looking worried about steve as tony nodded and dug into the box and grabbed the watch, holding it out. “As promised.”he smiled a little, nervous about the rest of the box, but not sure if the other would appreciate it or not.
Grant nodded. he hadn't realized Tony had flashbacks, but it did make sense. "your too skinny." Grant stated simply, pressing a sub into Tony's hands. "eat." he ordered the man, completely bothered by the childishness. Clint got the same way when he wasn't feeling well. "she was scary. she molested me once you know. Howard thought it was hilarious." he grumbled. "i'm not sulking." he grumbled, twitching and, yes, sulking before relaxing, holding the Watch in his hands like it was a fragile baby bird before carefully flicking it open and examining the picture of Peggy before flicking open the second secrete compartment, smiling when tiny black seeds fell out and the names of his father and grandfather where revealed. "i forgot about these." Steve admitted. "poppy seeds." he explained "Peggy adored Poppies and these where special blue ones." he admitted. "i doubt they'd grow anything after all these years though?" he wondered, examining them. they might? he could try. "thank you for bringing this Mr. Stark.... it means the world to me..."
“I am not.”Tony sulked. “Are to. Posion and your normal eating habits, you need more food.”Eluza said giving tony that stare, he knew that stare. It was the same one natasha used to intimidate him into doing things, which was exactly what happened, he just started eating. Snickering he smiled.”Now that, doesn’t surprise me. Your a good looking man, and mother did like copping a feel.”Tony snickered watching steve before smiling. “They might, you can try, and if not, I’m sure Ms. Petrohova can find somewhere that sells poppy seeds.”Tony said before making a face.”Don’t call me that. Just tony. Mr. Stark was my dad.”He grumbled before biting his lip. “Tony, what is it?”Eliza said staring at the billionaire as he twitched. “Well...I uh...brought some of your other stuff to. Thought you might want it....couldn’t find alot giving how long I had to search, but I found a few things....”Tony said fidgeting nervously as he walked over to the box and dug out the photobook of the howling commandos, and a few of bucky’s things that had been left at camp when he had fallen, and steve had crashed.
Grant smirked. "nice to see that look works on even you." Grant admitted. "i cave every time she uses it." he admitted. "doesn't matter what she wants." he admitted, offering her a small pout, pleased that Tony was eating. Steve's massive sandwich was gone too. "i wasn't used to being good looking at the time. it took me until her lips where locked to mine that she was flirting." he admitted with a chuckle. "these are special seeds." Steve explained. "Blue Poppies are supposed to be really hard to grow and raise. i had a book that went with them too." he admitted. "im sure it's gone by now." ruined and abandoned in the front lines. Peggy never even knew she was going to get a gift. "oh... uh, alright Tony." Steve agreed, offering him a smile before blinking, surprised at the sudden gifts. "...oh..." he breathed, taking the Photo Album. "this is the photo-book we made together, the howling commandos. we took pictures constantly, even when we where getting shot at. turned into a bit of a contest really. who can take the most dangerous picture? Gabe won when he stood face to face with a man and used the flash of the camera to blind him." he admitted with a grin. "this was Bucky's. he carried it everywhere." he admitted, lifting out a hand carved wooden Rosary. "he prayed with it every day but he never took it with him because he didn't want the wood to be stained with his sins, and the sins of blood and war." he admitted, gently setting it down before picking up a slender silver bracelet. "this was his girls." he admitted. "she gave it to him for good luck. he met her just before he was deployed and they where going to get married after they returned." he admitted. "and this...." he dead panned. " one of those damn books..." he muttered, flipping it open and examining the porn images inside. most of them where signed 'Steven J Rogers.
“I’ve met natasha, I’ve learned not to argue with that look.”Tony snickered a little. “Don’t pout.”Eliza said rolling her eyes a little amused. “Huh. Well. We have internet now, I’m sure if we tried, we could find some seeds if you want some.”Eliza said tilting her head a little. “That’s awesome. Sounds like something I’d do.”Tony snickered at the idea of a dangerous picture contest, watching steve, relaxing as he realized the man really did want it. “I’m glad I kept it. You’ll have to come out to LA sometime, go through everything I have.”Tony offered smilign a little before nodding, “I met her. Mom...befriended her after the war. I spent my summers with aunt Jackie out in Brooklyn, it was awesome. It was like, so awesome to not be tony stark for once.”He snickered a little. “...What?”Eliza sputtered before grinning as she realized what it was, grinning. “Oh man, that’s awesome. Really.”
"i like pouting. it makes me look cute." Grant stated., Steve blinking. "Internet? that's that Google thing right?" he asked, his head tilted. "i'll try growing these first." he decided, smiling at the tiny black seeds. "yes i'm glad you had these." he admitted, looking the Rosary around his neck. he wasn't Catholic, but he didn't think God would mind if he wore it to keep Bucky close. "Jackie was a bit of a spitfire too." he admitted. "i'm not surprised she and Maria got along well." he admitted with a smile before snorting and sliding the book over to Eliza so she could see it. inside where very tasteful images, all carefully etched in ink and marker. most of the woman in them where laying elegantly, lower halves covered, breasts hanging perfectly, smiles on their lips. some wore panties and bras and garters and others posed in fancy, petite uniforms. "these aren't bad." rant admitted. "paint them and they'd be hanging in art museums right now." "i doubt it." Steve scoffed. "it's fine for magazines but theres no way a museum would allow nudity like that." "...." Grant glanced at Eliza and then snickered. Steve had no idea.
“You are very cute indeed.Enough to kiss you for it.”Eliza teased leaning in close, pressing a kiss to his cheek with a smile, teasing him and herself. “Yes that’s the interenet. Try growing them, and we’ll go from there.”Tony grinned a little pleased before snickering. “They were great together. Jackie did okay, after...”He shrugged a little not wanting the man to worry about her. Eliza grinned as she looked them over, nodding slightly. “They’re amazing.”She muttered before snickering. “you hadn’t gotten to the nudist exhibit did you?You should. You could totally have a career as a artist, Steve.”Eliza said smiling at him.
he smirked. "you call that a kiss?" he asked her, pressing his lips briefly to hers before focusing on Steve who nodded. "i do like the Goggle." he admitted. "i can look for anything." he admitted. "i'm not sure how the links work really but Wikipedia is my favorite so far." he admitted happily. "yah she was pretty upset when she found out Bucky died..." Steve admitted with a sigh. "she's still alive?" he asked Tony. "Peggy is..." he admitted, shaking his head again. "i only managed a few glances at some of the Landscapes." he admitted. i was mostly using the Museum to duck into a crowd to dodge any tails i might have had." he admitted with a grin before blinking a little. "i wanted to be an artist when i was younger. but not for museums, i wanted to be a comic artist." he admitted with a smile. "i might make a go of it again, drawing comics is something i can do even with the world in danger so it could be pretty fun..." he paused, blinking at his empty plate before turning to Tony. "did you eat my sandwich?" he asked, looking confused. Grant snorted. "no, Steve, you ate it you goofball." "....i don't remember that. i'm not hungry, so it must be true..." he admitted, still looking a bit baffled. he hadn't even realized he was hungry enough to eat.
“I do. It’s all your getting.”Eliza pouted a little as he stole a kiss, feeling mischivious and happy, her manic worry over steve shifting, settling, her mood evening out enough that she was going to enjoy playing with grant’s mood, simply because she could. And hope that he’d forgive her for screwing with him. “Google and wikipedia is amazing.”Tony agreed looking amused before nodding slightly. “I know. Indeed, jackie is alive and well and was at my house when you called, so I assume she is still alive.”Tony paused thinking of that. “you should come visit.She doesn’t travel well, otherwise I’d bring her here.”He muttered. “Well, maybe especially with the world in danger, you should try drawing comics.”Eliza said smiling at him before laughing, shaking her head.”No he didn’t. Do you want something more to eat?”She said, even if she didn’t move towards him, she was fussing over him nearly as much as she did grant, and didn’t even notice it, though grant probably did, and would mourn the fact that he was losing his best girl to the all american hero.
he chuckled at her. "you flirt." he whined at her, grinning. "teasing me like that. how cruel of you." Steve snickered at their flirting. "i learned more in an hour on Wikepedia than i did the last two months listening to my asshole babysitters yap at me. Eliza isn't included in that list." Steve admitted. "she's at your house?" he asked, looking rather delighted. "maybe i'll have to come visit her." he decided happily. "i'll do some research, see the kinds of comics they make these days and try my hand at it." he decided with a smile. "uh, no i think i'm okay." Steve decided, examining his empty plate. he wasn't hungry anymore so he was okay. Grant sighed a little and pouted at his own sandwich, well aware that in a matter of a month, she wasn't going to need him anymore. "you didn't bring anything to get signed Tony?" Grant asked after a moment, Steve blinking, he'd forgotten about that, he was too busy setting the time and date on his watch before carefully winding it, amazed that it still worked after all this time. it had been born in the mid eighteen hundreds after all.
“Hm, you like me cruel, you kinky bastard.”Eliza teased looking amused. “I better not be included in that list.”She smirked at steve a little. “Hm, do I need to talk to the idiots?”Tony said looking protective and annoyed at the thought of steve being treated badly, even if they’d just met, the man cared about him, not just because he was the captain, but his family-even if he disliked his father- his chosen family, peggy, jackie, his mother....the women he cared for truly, they had all cared for steve. So he cared for him. “She is. She’s been staying with me since....the incident with the palladium.Apparently neither her or pepper trust me to look after myself.”Tony sulked. “That would be awesome. There’s a few comic book stores around, we could stop in if you want sometime.”Eliza said tilting her head a little before nodding, deciding she’d just try feeding steve later. Remembering that she had to not force him, simply coax. “....I did...”Tony blushed a little, biting his lip before getting up and returning with a picture that steve had drawn for art school, him and bucky on the roof of the house, watchign the fireworks for the fourth of july, just months before america joined WW2. “ turned this in for art school, but didn’t actually sign it....can you sign it for me?”
he smirked. "i have to admit, i do. though i much prefer being the one whose cruel." he admitted with a chuckle. "no. Grant and Eliza, some guy named Phil, Clint Barton, Fury and some guy named Garret already yelled at them a lot." Steve admitted, offering Tony a smile because he knew Tony would totally go yell at people for him. as Loyal as Howard, as feisty as Peggy, as dangerous as Maria and all of it combined with a rather foul personality, a mask to hide his pain and so much brain it was dangerous. just the kind of friend Steve adored. always loyal and just a bit insane and not afraid to tell the truth. especially when it needed to be said. "yes, i heard about that." Steve admitted. "i'm certainly glad that your feeling better." he admitted with a smile. "besides, us superheros are busy saving the world, we can take care of ourselves later." "do NOT give him ideas Steve!" Grant warned. "i don't want Pepper here beating our heads in!" "i'd like that." Steve admitted, smiling at Eliza. "i always did like Comics." Steve admitted with a smile. "oh! i remember this." Steve admitted with a smile. "my art teacher recommended me to an art school, but i couldn't afford it." he admitted, uncapping a pen and signing it with a flourish. "there we go." he said, handing it to Tony with a smile.
“I don’t.”Eliza said smiling slightly as she leaned against him a little. “...Phil yeleld at them?”Tony said raising a eyebrow. “Even threatened to use his taser, and to have them talk to Natasha when she returned. The yelling’s been taken care of.”Eliza assured the billionaire, looking amused.”Steve, don’t tell him that.He doesn’t take care of himself well enough, last thing we need is him using ‘captain america said it was okay’ excuse, Pepper will break us into little pieces!She’s nearly as scary as natasha.” “No she’s not.” “....yes she is, and you know it. Just because you’re dating her doesn’t make her any less scary.” Tony snickered at that as he took the picture back, smiling quietly.”Thanks.”he smiled as he settled it back into the box, obviously he was done with signing, it seemed despite his collection, he could show some restraint, and had spent more time finding steve’s stuff that steve would want back, rather then what he wanted signed.
"yes he did." Grant admitted with a grin. "he stopped in to grab something before he left for Mexico and realized that Steve's handlers-" "babysitters." "-where mishandling him. poor man actually thought he wasn't allowed to leave." Grant admitted, making Steve huff. "and he didn't threaten anything, he actually tazed the first guy." Grant admitted. "the filthy asshole." he admitted before smirking when Steve snickered at Eliza's complaints. "besides, he never took care of himself, Pepper takes care of him from what i've heard. or Tash." Grant spit soup all over the table. "you actually call her Tash!?" "sure. why?" " reason." because he'd called her Tasha once and she'd nearly gutted him. he'd only avoided it by managing to step back before she finished the swing and then by babbling apologies. "....your dating Natasha?" he asked Eliza, smirking. "how'd you manage that?" he asked with a grin. "no problem Tony. if you ever want anything else signed, just let me know." he ordered with a smile. "are you staying for a while Tony?" Grant asked, noticing how much Steve seamed to like the younger Stark. "we have an extra spare room." he admitted, glancing at Eliza, sure she wouldn't mind but wanting to make sure.
That’s awesome. And I’m glad I’m not the only one he threatens with a tazer.”Tony grumbled a little snickering slightly. “Idiots.”Tony rolled his eyes as he realized just how badly steve had been treated, before sulking at steve’s snickering. “I can take care of myself.” “No you can’t tony. I talk to Natasha you know, I know you’re incapable of functioning without pepper.”Eliza snickered before smirking.”Oh ignore him.He’s ust sulking that you get to call her Tash, and she nearly killed him for it.Seems even Natasha falls for Cap’s charms.”She snickered a little. “I am not dating Natasha...well. Not anymore. Apparently dating me is not the best way to stay undercover. Just undercovers.”Tony snickered at the joke, “What she means is I’m dating pepper, who’s nearly as scary as natasha.” “I will, don’t worry. I’m sure there’s other things in my collection that need signed.”Tony said blushing ever so slightly, because he hadn’t wanted to seem creepy, and given the limited amount of time he’d had to get here, he hadn’t gotten nearly everything he wanted to. There’d be time later. Looking startled he tilted his head a little, studying the two. “I don’t know. I can....” “Do.Please.”Eliza said smiling a little, the small smirk on her lips saying that she was going to enjoy having the resident playboy around, if only because she enjoyed sex, and even if she rarely took anyone to bed except grant, it happened sometimes....she just wasn’t aware it was her love for grant that kept most people out of her room, instead of her dislike for most people.
"he threatens everyone with a Tazer." Grant admitted. "you should feel lucky he didn't actually use it on you. he used it on me." Grant admitted. "agreed." Steve admitted to Tony's statement that his last sitters had been idiots. "Tony. be honest. no man can take care of themselves." "i can." Grant stated simply. "in fact i take care of Eliza more than i take care of myself." Grant admitted, looking amused. "Natasha was the first person who interacted with me when i was awake, i think she just has a soft spot for me." Steve admitted before staring at Tony, wide eyed. "you dated Natasha?" he asked, stunned. "for a mission!?" he asked, blinking, stunned. "i'd be glad to sign them." Steve promised with a smile. "yeah, stay. we'd be glad to have you Mr. Stark." Steve admitted with a smile. "you can tell me all the stories your Aunt Jackie told me and i can re-edit the truth into them." he promised with a grin. "i don't sleep much anyway and i know you don't either, would be nice to have someone to talk to." Steve admitted. "plus i was hoping if i butter you up enough, you might make me another punching bag and a treadmill?"
“He threatened to watch supernanny while I drooled if he tazed me.”Tony sulked a little before nodding. “Trust me, I feel lucky he didn’t use it.”He snickered. “He does. Apparently grant’s more girl then guy, I can barely function most days.”Eliza said, and it was true, stripped down to the barest memories somedays, reeling from both taught training and cruelty, she had no idea how to function except to trust Grant to help her. “She does. I’ve talked to her more in the last four days then I have in the last four months. A soft spot indeed.”Eliza said snickered a little. “I did.While she was undercover as Pepper’s secretary...but sadly, dating me put her to much in the spotlight, to many people watching the super spy. Got dumped cause she couldn’t stay in the shadows.”Tony shrugged a little before nodding a little.”Well then, I can’t pass that up. Hearing the real story behind the romance of Barnes and Aunt Jackie would be worth staying.”Tony grinned a little before looking upset. “The punching bag broke already?”He said, and it was obvious it wasn’t the idea of makign another one that upset him, but the idea that his stuff had failed the super soldier already.
Grant snickered and nodded. "well, to be honest, i can't blame him for threatening you. you o have a reputation." he admitted with a grin. "i am fairly girly." Grant admitted with a chuckle. "she's just jealous that she can't sew as well as i can." he admitted. "or cook." he admitted with a grin, smiling at her. "you've been talking to Natasha?" Steve asked, looking curious. "is she doing okay?" he asked hopefully. "she and Clint should be back soon actually." Grant admitted. "awesome!" Steve chirped happily. "wow. Tony that's.... scary. did you kiss?" Grant asked, eyes gleaming. "did you have sex?" "Grant! Gross! why would you want to know that?" "blackmail!" "oh! it's actually sickeningly romantic." he admitted with a sigh. "she was with an abusive boyfriend and he made the mistake of slapping her in front of Bucky and he beat the shit out of the guy and invited her to the Stark Expo that me and he where going to. she and her friend where delighted, he got a date, i got a date, he was happy, i was annoyed..." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "boring." he admitted. "no. it's not broken at all. that's why i want another one." Steve admitted. "i hit that thing as hard as i could and it didn't even twitch! i want one for my room!" he admitted, grinning at Tony. "that way, if i ever move out of Shield, i can take the punching bag with me." he admitted. "plus, Fury will stop bitching at me for breaking his stuff."
“You are indeed. Such a girl.”Eliza teased smirking a little. “if you ever need a break from him, come find me. I’m all guy.”Tony smirked at the woman, teasing her simply because he couldn’t help it, a flirt to the core, even if it was dangerous to his health to be flirting with the woman. “I have, seems she’s treating you like a young chick and she’s a mother hen. She’s doing fine. Though she’s getting tired of talking science with Banner, seems there’s only so much she can take.She should be back in a few days.”Eliza smiled a little. “Yes and yes.And you can’t blackmail me, everyone knows I’m a manwhore.”Tony said smirking a little before grinning, “That’s awesome. I’d known they gone to the Expo, but she hadn’t told me the rest.”Tony smiled a little before calming a little as he realized that the bag was okay. “Good.And I’ll make one.”Tony said before snickering at steve’s words, tilting his head a little. “I’m sure I can build a treadmill that can stand up to your abuse.”Tony said yawning a little, at this point he’d been up nearly 54 hours. “I want to know everythign about your running habits, I can build a better machine that way.” "Later. You need sleep first."Eliza said looking the man over.
Grant glared at Tony for flirting with Eliza and Steve snickered under his breath. "you know, i wouldn't be surprised." Steve admitted. "she's always been overly protective, just look at how she dotes on Clint and Phil, and even Tony." Grant admitted. "she's very mothering." he admitted, grinning and wondering if this was going to get back to Natasha. he hoped not, he didn't want to be eviscerated. "i'm surprised she actually found him." "it wasn't hard. all she had to do was follow General Ross and the Explosions." Grant admitted with a huff and a shake of his head. "at least General Ross has finally been put in his place. Shield, the U.S Army and the president himself all told Ross if he ever, ever attacked the Hulk again in any way, fashion or form, he was going to be imprisoned for putting the entire population at risk. if General Ross hadn't done what he did, Harlem would have been fine." Grant admitted. he had laughed himself nearly sick when he'd read that particular report. "oh no. it's not Blackmail on You." Grant said, smirking. "i'd love to have something on Natasha." he admitted. "great!" Steve admitted, beaming at Tony. "but Eliza's right. you need to sleep." Steve admitted. "we can do the science thing after you get some sleep." he ordered. "come along Mr. Stark." Grant ordered, ushering Tony into the guest room and made him take a nap while Steve settled in to sketch Tony. simply because he wanted to give Tony something a little more personal for all his work and effort.
“She does dote. It’s quite amusing really....and you better hope Steve never tells her that. You’ll be killed, and I’d have to bury you or something.”Eliza snickered a little teasing him. “Easy enough. All she had to do was follow Ross.”Eliza pointed out indeed glad that they’d gotten Ross to back off for now. Hopefully he’d stop. “...I’d love to see you trying to blackmail Natasha.”Tony snickered a little. “...kay.”The billionaire muttered not even bothering to protest as he stumbled after the other.

In the morning Eliza frowned tiredly as she hung up her phone, running her fingers through her hair as she glanced at the mirror. Having her morning shower and sex interrupted by human resources left her grouchy. Glancing at the brunette in the shower she sighed, giving up on joining him as she dried off, “Seems I have to go back today. You okay with the two boys today?”She asked looking at grant.
Steve chuckled a little and Grant shrugged. "she'll forgive me eventually if i hide from her long enough." he admitted with a grin. "oh. well. now i HAVE to try." Grant admitted with a smirk. "you nearly dared me to." he teased Eliza before tucking Tony into bed.

Grant frowned a little. "you'll be okay?" he asked her, worried about her going alone, not that she couldn't take care of herself. "yeah i'll watch the boys." they had already learned not to leave them unsupervised for too long. Steve just had to find out why you shouldn't put Metal in a microwave and Tony had let him do it, explaining the science while the microwave was being exploded. "come back soon, check in every two hours." he ordered, which was the same orders they both gave each other when they had to leave without the other. it just settled them both a little easier. "Steve's going to strap on some science things that read science things and run as fast as he can, for as long as he can around the park." he admitted. "so we'll probably be there until lunch or so."
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