Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Forseti nodded. "yes, exactly. Frigga is rather amazing." he admitted. "she can heal anything, wheres i specialize in other areas. compulsions, truth spells, mind reading and the like. it's why i'm so good at what i do." he admitted. "i can literally reach into a persons mind and see who is telling the truth and who is lying, who is at fault, why they did what they did." he admitted. "it's not something i typically teach my students or apprentices until they've had a good dozen centuries behind them, since the chance of misuse is so great." he admitted. "i never use these talents unless in a court session." he admitted. "not all people would have the self control needed for such a thing, so it is a factor i have to take into account when choosing, and training apprentices." he blinked and looked at Eliza when she spoke and beamed at her. "she's fine Love." Steve promised. "Sif? hand her to Eliza would you? i don't have the body control yet to walk." Steve admitted.
“You have to have the control to know what to do, and even more when not to use it.”Sif said smiling slightly as she considered just how glad she was to have forseti back. “Good.”Eliza said relaxing, smiling softly as she shifted to sit up some. “of course.”Sif smiled as she took the baby, smiling as she settled the small blond child into her arms. “She’s fine, Eliza.”She promised. “So, have we decided on a name?”Eliza said with a smile as she studied their daughter.
Forseti smiled. "i didn't when i was younger." he admitted. "i was always hearing peoples hearts, souls and thoughts. i couldn't control it." he admitted. "it came with time and practice. to be honest, i had always thought you would be one to learn Heart Speech." he admitted to Sif. "you where always too much of a Wild Child to sit still long enough though." he admitted with a chuckle. "no. we haven't named her yet. we're not the ones who carried her for nine months after all." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "Grant and i thought it was only fair that you get to name her."
“I enjoy being a warrior to much, to sit still and learn that.”Sif said grinning a little,making a face. “Hm...”Eliza shifted, sitting up more, gently touching the girl’s hands, smiling softly as the girl grabbed at her finger. “Natalia Sarah.”She said after a moment, smiling as the girl tried putting her finger in her mouth.
he snorted a little. "i noticed." he admitted with a smile. "maybe in a few more centuries you'll have calmed down a little, Wild Child." he teased, shaking his head before smiling at Eliza. "oh it's perfect. Natasha's gonna cry... i think Steve is crying." "i am not! it's just... Sarah was my mom's name." Steve admitted, smiling at the little girl. "she's so gorgeous."
“Maybe.”Sif said looking amused as she quietly left the small family alone, making sure no one else would disturb them. “She will.And-”She stopped looking up at steve worriedly, smilign quietly. “I know. I went and looked...I thought....neither of us had mothers. At least, not mothers we loved, or remembered in my case. I thought....she should be named after a good woman.”Eliza said blushing ever so softly.
he chuckled at Sif and shook his head before turning his attention to his lovers. "your the best person ever. my mother would have adored you." he admitted, leaning over and kissing her. "she would have cried too, having a baby named after her... not sure how she'd handle Grant..." "she'd hate be at first and then slowly i'd grow on her." Grant admitted with a smile. "thank you Eliza. it means the world to me." he admitted with a smile. "should we let Nat in?" he asked her. as weak as all three of them where, Bruce would only let in one person at a time to meet the new baby.
“I hope so.”Eliza said flushing as she was kissed, indeed liking the idea that his mother would have liked her. Laughing softly she shook her head. “No one knows how to handle grant...and you’re not a fungus you know. You don’t grow on people.”She teased smiling a little, “Good. I’m glad you like it.”She smiled quietly before nodding. “please.” “How are you all doing?”Natasha said as she stepped inside, looking them over worriedly. The overprotective need to take care of them starting to kick in.
Steve chuckled a little and nodded. "she totally would. and she just wouldn't like Grant because he seduced me." he admitted. "you have to remember, i grew up in the forties, she grew up in the 18's or so." he admitted. "she grew up in the 1880's, which was not very friendly to gay people." he admitted. "she'd have loved him in the end, that's what matters." Steve admitted with a smile. "we're good." Steve promised her with a smile. "come see your Goddaughter. Natalia Sarah Rogers."
“Well, I remember us having to seduce him actually.”Eliza pointed out with a smile before nodding, “That is indeed all that matters.”Eliza agreed with a tired smile, despite having been sleeping, she was still tired.”Goddaughter?”Natasha said looking startled as she moved into the room, relieved that they were okay, smiling softly at the small girl as she took her from her mother, cuddling the small baby with definite ease. The boys might not have held babies before, but eliza and natasha had been left in charge of the young black widows, so taking care of babies were something they were used to.
Steve snorted. "somehow i don't think my mother was as logical as that." he admitted with a chuckle and smiled at her, kissing her forehead before nodding at Natasha. "i wanted it to be Fury, but she insisted on you." Steve teased, because they all knew that Steve would never have asked Fury to be a godfather, the man was not good with children at all and Fury would have laughed in anyone's face who tried to hoist one off on him. "you're very good at that." he admitted to Natasha, delighted that at least one of the Godparents knew what they where doing.
“....”Natasha stared at the man, shaking her head a little. “Don’t even joke about that. That’s a evil thought.”She snickered. “Not to mention he’d never accept being a godfather.”Eliza pointed out with a smile. “TRue.”Natasha smiled slightly, “Me and Eliza were in charge of the nurseries....we got a lot of baby practice.”Natasha said smiling.
Steve laughed and nodded. "i know. i'm going to tell him he's a Godfather tomorrow just to see his reaction." Steve admitted with a smirk. "or maybe i should just call him Grandfather? which would get the best reaction do you think?" he asked, head tilted. "oh... i'm not sure if i should be glad or upset..." Steve admitted, looking a bit confused as he struggled with warring emotions, Grant smiling a little. "it is good that you know how to care for a baby." he admitted. "you can train James, Tony and Steve."
“Probably grandfather.”Natasha said with a snicker, looking amused at the idea. “Be both. It’s good to know how to handle a baby, at least we’ll know what we’re doing.”Eliza said with a smile, leaning over to kiss steve’s cheek, squeezing his hand before laughing. “We will train them. They’re already looking a little sick at the idea of changing diapers really.”Natasha said with a snicker.
Steve laughed and nodded. delighted by the idea.

five years later and it was the children's first year of Kindergarten. the Twins where suitably excited, and nervous and they weren't sure how much they wanted to show off their mother and fathers to the other kids. who had been teasing them because of their unusual hair and eye color. today was Parent's day, where Parents came up to the school and told kids what they did for a living. "And this is Hayden, Hunter and Natalia's mother and fathers." the teacher chirped. "hello. i'm a God." Grant chirped with a smile. "my God name is Forseti, god of Justice and Reconciliation. that means i settle arguments and decide if someone deserves to be punished or not." Grant explained. "I'm Steve Rogers. i'm a Superhero. i fight bad guys." Steve admitted, amused. he knew that no one would be picking on the twins after this, shy as they where. the class of five and six year lds where clinging to their every word with wide, amazed eyes. once they had all three introduced themselves, Eliza included they where allowed to hang out with their kids for a while. Natalia was the outgoing one and chattered about everything they had done that day while Hunter and Hayden showed the parents the proper way to kick a ball. it was adorable.
Eliza smiled rolling her eyes at the way the guys introduced themselves. So so dramatic."I'm eliza. I help with stark industries and make sure the avengers get off to go fight bad guys."she smiled laughing a little at the wide eyed looks they were getting. Pleased to know that the kids wouldn't be teased. Really,life was perfect these days.

The end
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