Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“I will make sure that they know you are protecting them. And your children to.”Sif said looking them over, knowing that there would be some of the aesers who wouldn’t appreciate that forseti had been found and located in a human relationship. Frowning slightly she looked them over, sighing. “rest Forseti. I will take care of things until you are well again. Take care of your mates.”She ordered before leaving. “She’s right. You need some sleep, Grant.”Eliza said softly.
Forseti nodded. "tell them Heimdall won't be very pleased if they try anything either." he informed her. Heimdall, for some odd reason, had always adored Loki's children. not too fond of Loki himself, but Loki's children where Heimdall's favorite. "they would not dare to attack my children." Forseti snarled, eyes blazing before he huffed and settled back into his pillows. "fine! i'll sleep! but it's under protest!" he complained, even if he did fall asleep easily. part of him knew that Loki had already given birth to a gorgeous little boy with bright golden eyes, golden hair and wings as golden as Odin's crown. none of Loki's children where ever 'normal' to say the least. probably why so many people where afraid of his kids.
“I’ll let them know.”Sif smiled a little looking pleased that the other was getting some sleep.

A few days later Eliza smiled softly, gently stroking steve’s hair out of his face, and ignoring the slight ache to her body. Her contractions hadn’t really started yet, and she was simply enjoying steve’s company, needing to watch over him until she had to go. After all, they weren’t getting close together yet, so she was okay. “Steve?”She said looking worried about the other, wondering how he was doing.
Steve grunted a little. he was slowly recovering. he could be woken up now and could stay awake a bit longer too and for more often. he was still sleeping most of the time, but he was starting to recover. "lllza." he mumbled, tongue still thick and heavy but much more alert and aware now. he smiled at her and brought his hand up, since he could do that now and stroked her cheek. "lllv uuu." he assured her. Grant was feeding the twins in the other bed and he smiled at the interaction. "he's recovering surprisingly fast." he admitted. "Bruce is hopeful he'll start regaining full speech and mobility in a few more days." he admitted with a smile before frowning. "Eliza? are you okay?"
“Love you to.”She smiled softly, leaning into his hand, relaxing. Glancing over at Grant she nodded, relaxing. “he’s doing very well.”She said smiling softly, gently stroking steve’s hair, before nodding. “he really should be. He’s doing better then he had been.”she said before wincing, glancing at grant. “Think I’m starting to have contractions...they’re far apart though, not close yet.”
Steve smiled at her before he nodded, pleased with his own progress. had he been a normal human he probably never would have woken up, if he'd survived at all. "contractions? are you timing them?" he asked, head tilted. "Jarvis? inform Bruce that Elia has gone into a light labor and that we will send her to him once her contractions get worse please." "Of Course Sir." "the contractions hurt less when you walk around." a tired voice informed them. there was Loki, looking exhausted, pale, weak still but happy with Frigga and Thor at his side. in Thor's arms was a large blue bundle of cloth which had a fast sticking out of it, which was vainly trying to grab Thor's beard, short though it was. "Loki! come! sit! you look terrible." "why thank you Set. i feel just as good as i look." Loki admitted, staggering to the earest chair. "Mother thought it best to move me, before Tyr's stupidity infected the masses. apparently because Havardr has wings, he is the next bringer of Ragnarok, which is what he says about ALL of my children the fucking bastard." he growled. "thank goodness Baldr is there to keep him in line this time." Loki admitted, smiling at the bundle that Thor didn't seam to have any interest in putting down.
“Yes I am. Stop fussing, they’re about 20 minutes apart.”Eliza said smiling a little at jarvis agreement before looking up startled at loki, “Come in loki.”She smiled pleased to see him as she moved. “Thanks. I’ll try that.”She said smiling as she got up to walk. “Sit, loki.”Frigga ordered with a small smile, amused as her grandson tried to grab at his uncle’s beard. “Isn’t every chidl the bringer of ragnarok, since they’re all the future?”Eliza frowned slightly before moving over, gently touching the man’s shoulder.”Thank you loki. I know you didn’t do it on purpose, but you saved us both.”
he nodded. "plenty of time then." he agreed. "thank you." Loki said, smiling at her before rolling his eyes at Frigga. "Mother, i'm fine." he complained, shaking his head, though he was smiling. "no. according to Tyr and a few others, because i'm a monster in Aeser Skin, i and any blood kin to me will directly be responsible for the end of days." Loki sneered. "idiots." he growled. "Tyr lets his imagination get ahead of him, the filthy speckert." "Loki!" Thor protested. "don't use that kind of language in front of children." "oh for goodness sake Thor they can't understand what we're saying! i changed Tyr's diapers the little turncoat! i stopped the older kids from picking on him and this is how he repays me! by trying to get me and my children killed!" he complained. "it's bad enough that everyone but me knew!." Loki hissed, furious before blinking when Forseti reached over and placed the golden bracelets on Loki's wrists. "...i'm sorry i'm still hormonal..." Loki sighed, rubbing his eyes. "and i'm tired of being hated just for existing." he admitted with a sigh, smiling when he suddenly had an armful of baby. Thor cutting off Loki's bout of depression. Loki smiled and gently removed the blanket and let Forseti examine the brilliant golden wings that where sprouted from the babies back. "very nice." Forseti admitted. "he'll be able to fly with those once he gets older."
“No you’re not. Sit.”Frigga ordered, fussing enough you’d think it was his first child. “....That’s horrible.”Eliza made a face shaking her head. “You will still not use that kind of language, Loki.”Frigga ordered smacking him lightly in the shoulder. “Behave.”She said wincing at the other’s complaint, because they should have told him, but she had never found a good time to do so. “It’s okay. You’ve been through a lot.”Eliza said smiling softly as the bracelets landed on loki’s wrists, smiling as loki held the baby. Eyes widening a little as she looked at the wings, before looking at Grant. “I wont have to worry about that will I?I mean, our kids wont be...winged or anything?”She said looking close to panicking herself.
Loki sighed and rolled his eyes. he knew his mother was only fretting because he'd been missing for so long. honestly though, the woman was driving him insane. "yes mother." Loki muttered, sulking because he hated being so weak and helpless and now his mother was picking on him! "not as much as you." Loki admitted. "Iðunn has agreed to give you and Steve the Golden Apple after she saw your Histories." he admitted. "she was moved to tears over how you two did your best to protect Forseti and stayed with him even to his worst." Loki admitted. "no, love." Grant promised her. "you don't have to worry about it. Loki is a shapeshifter by blood, it's in his genetics and certain attributes tend to get passed down to his children. while i can change my shape, it is through magic, and more, i am not the one carrying your very human baby." he pointed out. "while there is a chance of your baby being born with magic or strange hair or eye color, he, or she, will not have any unusual appendages." he promised her. "even if we have more children now that i am myself, you don't have to worry about it because i cannot pass down any characteristic that's not in my blood. namely eye and hair color, the shape of my nose or magic." "the difference between what i am, and what Forseti is, is that he can alter his human appearance using high grade illusions that feel real even to himself. i can actually become other people, and even animals." he admitted. "while Forseti cannot become anything other than another humanoid." he admitted smiling at his sleeping baby. "i have to admit, my first, Jörmungandr. he was a hell of a surprise." he admitted with a chuckle. "he's a serpent you see. he lives mostly in Scotland. he likes to change form and freak out the tourists."
“....what?Really?”Eliza’s eyes went huge as she looked at loki. “I thought we were going to have to talk to her ourselves.”She said sounding startled before looking at grant, relaxing a little. “Well, good.”She swallowed hard, calming slowly. “Not that this one isn’t adorable,”She said stroking a finger over a wing, laughing quietly as the baby made a face, “Just not something I can think I can handle.”She said sighing quietly before nodding, “Oh. That makes sense.”She said at loki’s explanation before laughing a little. “I’m sure he was....and is he the reason we have stories of a loch ness monster?”She teased.
Loki nodded. "Mother showed her images of your life." he admitted. "she didn't want to run any risk that you wouldn't get the apples." he admitted. "you'll have to go to her of course, she would never risk sending an apple here where anyone could get their hands on it." he admitted. "but once the baby is born, the bridge won't hurt any of you, so you'll be able to go anytime." he admitted, smiling at her. "of course this one is adorable. not everyone is going to be okay with giving birth to children who are more animal than they are anything else you know." he admitted. "you don't have to be ashamed of that." he promised her. "i don't know what that is. Loch Ness?" he asked, looking confused, his head cocked to the side. "all i know is that Jörmungandr has a fairly impressive following." he admitted.
Eliza raised her eyebrows looking at the woman. Frigga smirked shrugging a little. “It is not cheating to stack the deck in your favor.”Frigga said, and it was obvious where loki got some of his mischievousness. She might not be his true mother, but she was the mother of his heart, and had left her mark on her jotun son. “Well, that’s fine. We’ll go when we are able to.”Eliza said smiling before relaxing, nodding. “I know, I just didn’t want to offend.”She said tilting her head a little at the other before snickering. “It’s a lake in scotland, that is rumored to have a sea serpent living in it. Gets alot of people to visit the Loch, and is see on occasion.”
Loki chuckled a little. "it's certainly not cheating. especially when you truly do deserve the chance." he admitted. "i don't know that Forseti could live beyond you." he admitted. "this is the first time we have ever seen him so devoted and emotional." he admitted. "it must have taken an extraordinary amount of love to break through his icy shell." Loki admitted. "he deserves the chance to finally have happiness, and you and Steve are his happiness." Loki admitted before chuckling. "i am not offended." he promised before nodding. "that would be the one. he likes Scotland the most. it's misty and damp which keeps him from drying out when he's in human form, and the lake is deep enough that he can swim as he pleases." he admitted. "the publicity is just a bonus. how are the contractions?" he asked Elia, his head tilted. "they seam to be getting a bit worse." he admitted.
“...We just try our best to look after him.”She said blushing at the praise and the other’s genuine happiness at finding forseti so looked after. “Ah, that’s really cool. It must be truly amusing to watch the public freak out over him.”She giggled before wincing, nodding a little. “They’re getting closer together.about 10 minutes apart now.”she said looking nervous and upset. Worried about actually having a baby now that it was here.
Loki smiled. "but that's not all you do. you love him with all of your heart and soul and it shows in everything you do." he admitted. "even Steve, as limited as he is right ow, nearly glows with the love he has for the two of you. it's rare for someone to love one person with such ferocity. it's even rarer for three people to love each other so much they would die, even kill for their lovers. you have something very special." Loki admitted. "never let anyone tell you differently." he admitted before nodding. "Thor? take Havardr." Loki ordered, settling the baby into Thor's arms. "come on Eliza. our nearing the point of no return. i'll hold our hand." Loki promised. "i've had tons of babies, the first time is scary, but nothing will go wrong with both me and mother there." he promised her.
“He saved me. And I saved him. Love forged in pain and blood is stronger, then that of simple innocence.”Eliza shrugged a little smiling softly, sweetly, relaxed, indeed loki was right. They had something special, cherished. Swallowing hard as she let frigga and loki get her into the bed she smiled a little. “Okay.” “You’ll be okay. We’re here, and Forseti’s here, and we’ll look after you.”Frigga promised even as she fussed and settled the woman in, getting ready to help the woman through this.
Loki smiled. "that is exactly true." he admitted. "we're here for you love. even Steve's awake again." he admitted, looking over at where he had carefully propped Steve up so he could see. they moved the beds closer together too so he could hold Eliza's hand. "you'll be just fie love." Grant promised, kissing her forehead. "after all, i managed it didn't i? and i'm a guy. we all know women are twenty times better than guys are." he admitted with a smile. "just take some deep breaths and calm down. Bruce will be here soon with any drugs you might want." he promised, smiling at her. "and just think, once your all done, we can have sex again!" he promised her with a smile. "we'll make Clint and Tony babysit. and whoever you name as Godparent of course." though he was pretty sure that was going to be Natasha. she was Eliza's best friend after all. "are you read to meet your baby?" Bruce asked with a smile. "it's an exciting moment." he paused and looked around at the group. "are you alright with all of these people being here Eliza?" he asked, needing to make sure. too many people could easily upset her.
“So he is.”Eliza said offering steve a shaky smile as she held his hand, squeezing as she looked up at grant, whining quietly as she tried to even out her breathing. “Hmm, drugs would be good.”she agreed, before laughing, whining as it made it hurt worse.”you think you’re ever having sex after this?Nooo. Nope.”Eliza whined. “Natasha. Natasha is godmother.”She muttered before nodding, looking up at bruce. Swallowing thickly, looking upset, “No....can...can loki and thor, and the baby leave?”She asked looking up at them, upset and at a loss.
Grant smiled at her and kissed her fingers. "it's okay. you'll be okay." he promised before smiling at her laugh. "of course we're having sex again. after all, it's Steve who got you pregnant, not me." he pointed out with a grin. "Steve's the one who can't have sex anymore." in the bed, Steve whined in protest and pouted at them. "Natasha it is." he agreed with a smile. really though, if one was going to be technical, all of the Avengers where the godparents to the babies. "yes. that's fine." Loki promised. "Thor, get out." Loki ordered before focusing on Eliza. "do you want me to watch the twins for you?" he asked, indicating the bassinet where the sleeping Hayden and Hunter. "i'll make Tony and Clint watch them with us, and Natasha." Loki promised. "i can teach them how to change diapers." that made both Steve and Grant snigger. "yes, Loki. take the twins with you." Grant ordered. "they will wake when she really goes into labor and they'll be upset, better to keep from stressing them too much." never mind that she'd be upset if the twins started screaming too. better to make her think it was for the twins benefit. which it was, to be honest.
“...No. Both of you are at fault sometime. Not having sex.”Eliza said before smiling at loki. “Please.”she said looking relieved, before snickering at the man’s words.”They’d do well to learn how to change diapers.”She said relaxing, pleased with the knowledge that the twins would be gone and not be upset by her. Whining quietly as the labor went, despite the drugs and the boy’s calming presence, she was still panicking. Frigga winced as she moved over, gently resting a hand on her forehead, pressing the calming magic into the other. “I hadn’t thought what this would do to her...”Frigga swallowed hard, looking pained as she fought against the woman’s panic as they delivered the small girl, hating that eliza’s past, that this much pain and worry and panic made her mostly lose her mind over this.
Grant sniffed. "well, we'll just see how long you stick to that decision." he teased with a smile. "i'll make sure they learn. and how to feed and burp too." Loki decided. "as well as hold. they will, no doubt, be doing a lot of baby holding." he admitted with a smile. Grant did his best to sooth her with his own magic, even singing to her and stroking her hair while she pushed and screamed and cried and panicked. doing what he could to keep her calm while Steve stroked her hand. "it's over love. shh, it's done. you made such a perfect baby girl Eliza. you can rest now. it's okay, i'll protect you both, it's okay." Grant murmured, stroking her hair while Bruce handled the baby and Frigga finished what the post birthing healing. Eliza probably wouldn't even be sore in the morning. she'd be exhausted of course, but at least she wouldn't be in any pain. "your okay baby. get some sleep." Grant murmured to her.
“I’ll stick to it.”Eliza huffed a little. “Good. And watch the genius. He’s a little insane, might forget he’s holding a kid.”She grumbled a little. And when it was over she turned her head, looking up at grant with spaced out eyes, between drugs and magic was wasn’t completely there. “...She’s okay?”She muttered. “Fine. She’s perfect Eliza.”Frigga reassured the woman as she healed her, smiling quietly as eliza went to sleep. Good. That was good, hopefully things would be better in the morning.
Loki chuckled. "i'll teach him about magic, if that would help any." he decided. "i won't let him drop the younglings." Loki promised her. "just perfect." Grant assured her, smiling at her. "you did a wonderful job." he assured her. "that was traumatizing." Grant admitted with a sigh, gently sponging his lover clean with a damp cloth so she would feel a bit better.

in the morning, Grant was there, holding the twins while a vastly recovered Steve held the little girl. "i can't believe Frigga was able to heal me so much." Steve admitted. "how come you couldn't do that?" "i can't do that kind of healing." Grant explained. "i know enough to keep someone from dying. you weren't dying. you weren't bleeding. there wasn't anything i had the skill to help with." he admitted. "think of it as.... i'm Triage and she's a surgery specialist. of sorts. maybe?"
Eliza smiled softly listening to them talk as she started to wake up. “That is a good analogy. Frigga is the goddess of healing, her magic is healing in all its forms, where forseti can simply keep someone from dying, but not fix everything.”Sif said smiling as she looked over them, having stopped in to make sure they were fine. “....Is...she okay?”Eliza muttered as she woke, blinking slowly, starting to wake up more.
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