Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“Well, she should be.”Eliza growled, looking annoyed still. Frigga nodded slightly, looking sad as she considered the two humans, hating that they had to tell them, but knowing that it had to be said.”you will.I am sorry, Grant.” “....”Eliza stared at them before abruptly walking out, retreating to their bedroom and curling up under the bed, hiding much like grant had earlier, not prepared to consider losing him. Not when she’d already faced losing him once.
"...." Grant watched her leave and then followed her. scowling, sliding under the covers with her. "never." he informed her. "never ever. i'll die the day you do. i won't ever leave you." he decided. "i'll break every law i can, even the ones that can't be broken. "i'll turn you into a god yourself before i leave you and i'll do the same to Steve if i have to. i dunno if i can, but i'm sure i can find someway to." he admitted, nodding. "i won't lose you again. never ever okay?" he asked her. "there has to be a way, somehow...."
Eliza winced as he followed her, shifting, burying her face against his chest, crying quietly, so scared of being left, of being alone. So sure that even despite his promise, that he’d leave her as they got older, not trusting that the other him, would keep the promise even if grant wanted to.”...okay...”she said quietly, though she didn’t sound sure about it.
he snuggled her intently. "i won't leave you alone. not even when your two hundred and ten." he promised, voice soft. "i won't ever leave you. not ever." he promised again, curled around her. "i'll break the world before i let anyone or anything take you from me. not even death." he stated. "i am a God, after all. i can bend the rules of reality."

"...isn't there anything we can do? it would kill Grant to outlive her..." he admitted, looking very upset. "can't we immortalize her or something?" " is rumored that a bite of the Golden Apple could turn a mortal human. but we don't know for sure. i would have to ask Iðunn." he admitted. "and she is very possessive of her apples, i don't know if she would willingly give them up...." granted, she might, for Forseti. or for a favor, but that depended on the god asking.
Eliza swallowed hard, trembling a little, utterly lost and tired as she relaxed. “...okay.”She muttered, not because she believed it, but because she wanted him to stop talking about it. “hm, you are a god.”She muttered sighing quietly.

“It would kill him.”Tony frowned looking annoyed glancing at Frigga. “It has been a long time since anyone asked Idunn for a apple.”Frigga frowned thoughtfully, swallowing hard. “It would be best not to ask now. Pregnant traveling would be hard, but when the children are here, we will go ask Idunn for a apple.” "does he have to go himself?" "Yes. Idunn is very picky about her apples, it would be best for him to ask her."
he nodded. "i am a godly god and a handsome one too." he said with a smile. "whose apparently going grey." he huffed before examining her. "i'm a bit scared." he admitted. "it's like i've lost everything all over again. just like when they took my memories." he admitted. "i can feel them now. the memories, pressing against this thin barrier in my head. it's giving me headaches...." he admitted with a sigh. "what if i don't like who i am when i remember?"

"traveling on the...u, flashy thing, would hurt the babies?" it could. the risk was low, but considering Grant was half human, and Eliza was fully human, the risk for damaging them or their babies skyrocketed. "so this.. Iðunn, she creates these apples?" Steve asked curiously. she created, and cultivated them. she gave a good portion of them to the Aeser to keep their god like physiques strong, but the special ones, those where heavily guarded. the Golden Apples could do amazing things, to gods, to humans, to anyone who ate one. if anything could make Eliza Steve and their baby immortal, it was a Golden Apple.
“You are a very handsome one.”eliza agreed before sighing quietly, nodding as she pressed her face into his chest. “I’m scared to...I don’t...I don’t you to remember...what if you don’t like me when you do?”She said swallowing hard, “Well, you can just go back to being just grant. Forget the other you, if you don’t like it.”She muttered sighing quietly.

“It might. They’re human, it could risk them or the children.”Frigga said before nodding. “She creates and grows them. They are what allow the Aeser to keep their godlike forms, but the golden ones are what...”She paused frowning slightly. “Like the greeks ambrosia, that is what idunn’s apples are to us.
he grinned at her before shaking his head. "i could never not love you." he admitted with a smile. "even though i can't remember, i get a... sensation, of sorts from the other half of me, he's really upset that you think he won't love you... it's weird. i know he's me, but i can't..." he shrugged "he loves you, even more than i do ad that's saying something. i think Gods feel feelings stronger than humans do." he admitted, looking rather baffled by that. "...that's a brilliant idea! if i don't like being him, i'll have Tony build a brain wiper and i'll go back to being just Grant." he decided. "i'm a god, i can do that." he decided. "com on. your pregnant, you need food and Steve's probably fretting because he's too damn polite to leave guests alone to come fuck us senseless." he admitted with a sigh.

Steve nodded, looking curious as he started flipping the steaks he was cooking on the massive griddle stove. dozens of steaks. huge piles of fried potatoes. massive bowls of salad and of course, dessert, apple pies. six of them. "i never really studied mythology..." he admitted. "i'll look it up later." he decided. "so. we could give me and Eliza one of Iðunn's regular apples and it wouldn't do anything?" it would. but she'd have to eat them every day for any effect really. the Gods where affected by the 'normal' apples because they amplified the powers of the Golden Apple they all ate once they where old enough to have solid food. Steve and Eliza had to have a Golden apple before the regular ones would properly affect them. "i was wondering..." Steve admitted. "you said Forseti... turned himself into a human fetus and impregnated himself into a human womb, right?" he asked, his head tilted. "what would cause a god to do something like that?" what kind of desperation would it take?
“...Really?”Eliza sniffled looking up at him, biting her lip, swallowing hard. “...Oh. Well. I love you to.”She said flushing a little stealing a kiss. “You can do that.”She smiled, not sure that woudl be that simple, but glad it made him feel better. Snickering a little. “You’re pregnant to.”she pointed out before laughing. “He really is to polite isn’t he?”She smiled before getting up.

“Not alot, she’d have to eat them every day to truly effect her as she is now. You both have to eat a golden apple first, to be able to feel the effects of a regular apple after only eating it once or twice.”Frigga smiled a little before frowning as she thought about it, nodding. “He did....and only death, and dying would drive a god to be that desperate, but what caused it, I am afraid that I do not know. And that frightens me.”
he beamed at her. "i love it when you say that." he admitted, snuggling her. "i am pregnant. and so i need food. i'm also a growing boy apparently, so i'm freaking starving all the time." he grumbled before nodding. "it's kind of sad actually." he admitted with a laugh.

he grimaced. "well that sucks." he admitted with a sigh before nodding. "and it won't.. hurt us?" he asked. "it should not." Thor admitted. "there have been other humans who where gifted immortality, but not for some thousands of years." he admitted. "Iðunn would know for sure." he admitted before grimacing at the idea of Forseti being so close to death he'd actively decided to be reborn. "Eliza! are you okay?" Steve asked, noticing her and rushing over, fretting but managing not to hover or smother, for which Grant was always grateful for. Steve always knew when it was okay to mother hen and when it would piss them off. "we might have a solution to the whole 'Grant's gonna outlive us' Thing. there's these things called Golden apples..." Steve explained, explaining what the apples did and how Grant was going to have to ask for them because the woman in charge of them didn't share well but had a crush on Forseti or something.
“I love you to when you say it.”She muttered nuzzling a little before laughing softly. “it’s adorable. And steve loves cooking for you.”she smiled as they headed out.

“No it is just rare that idunn allows someone to eat a golden apple.”Frigga smiled a little before wincing herself at the idea of forseti dying. Mayhap the god would be able to tell them when he remembered. “I’m fine.”Eliza said smiling as she looked up at the other, relaxing as she realized the man wasn’t fussing before looking pleased, though not sure, she understood that maybe, they’d be okay. “That sounds great.”She smiled leaning into grant with a happy sigh.
he smiled at her. "i love you." he whispered, face full of honest affection before grinning. "it's awesome how much Steve loves cooking for us. and if he's not there, James is always happy to cook for us too." he admitted happily.

he nodded, watching them curiously. "Forseti was close to you, huh?" he was close t everyone. he was the best at what he did, and if there could be a resolution that made both parties happy, he found it. he had personally handled every single Aeser in existance, save those that had been born after his disappearance. "it does sound pretty awesome. he can't go now though because traveling on the... bridge, could be dangerous for the babies." Steve admitted, smiling as he looked at their flat bellies, eyes alight with love and affection. "lunch is almost done." he promised them all.
“He was. He was close to everyone. If any had a problem, the man saw to it that he helped reach a good resolution for all.”Frigga smiled at the memories. “he was well loved.” “See...I’m sure you’ll like yourself.”Eliza said smiling at grant, before wincing, nodding. “well, we’re not dying anytime soon, or getting old. We’ll just have to wait.”Eliza smiled content to know that there was a answer they could see to after they weren’t pregnant, flushing a little as steve looked at their stomachs, before her stomach growled.”Good. I’m starving.”
Steve smiled. "i'm glad people liked him." he admitted. "i'm glad he had love. he hasn't had much of it as a human." he admitted with a sigh before smiling at Grant. "but me and Elia are changing that, aren't we?" "yes." Grant agreed, smiling at Steve, honest affection and love in his eyes as he pulled Steve down for a kiss. "me too!" Grant admitted, Thor chuckling. "those going through puberty are always hungry." he agreed, not bothering to protest that Grant was now munching on Thor's poptarts which Phil had offered to the asgardian. Thor knew better than to protest. it wouldn't do anything but make Grant upset.
“We are.”Eliza grinned smiling a little as she watched her two boys, before laughing as grant ate. He was indeed quite adorable.

Nearly 8 months later Eliza smiled a little as she turned her head to look up at steve, making a face as she struggled to get up.”I’m feeling like a whale. I’m serious. This is ridiculous, and your child needs to stop kicking my bladder.” “His child?” “Yes, when he’s misbehaving, he’s steve.”Eliza explained to a snickering billionaire, sighing quietly. She was looking forward to their day, they were going out for dinner and a nice walk on the beach, cause it was going to be the last time for awhile that any of them were going to be able to do anything.
Grant was so fat he had to be helped up and down now. not that he minded anymore. he thought it was great fun making people bounce around and help him twenty thousand times a day. his hair was completely white now, and his eyes where completely silver, but nothing else had changed. biologically, he was still almost completely human even if he was a bit taller now. still shorter than sin but taller than Eliza now, instead of nearly the same height. he was going to be put on bed rest soon. while a god could carry a baby just fine, a human had serious issues. his hips wouldn't be able to take the strain anymore and his back was beginning to cause problems. Bruce was worried he'd snap his spine if he was on his feet too much, so until he went into labor, he wasn't allowed to walk again. he was sitting in his wheelchair now, humming as he rubbed his bulky stomach, trying to calm the babies in his belly. "i think they might be tap dancing in there." he had been super ecstatic when Bruce looked into Grant's belly and found twins. he refused to let Bruce tell anyone, not even him, the genders though.
Eliza made a face nodding a little. “they probably are.”She made a face, easing to her feet with tony’s help, sighing quietly as she rubbed a hand over her stomach, leaning down to press a kiss to grant’s hair. “You sure you want to go out tonight?”She said fussing over him, even though she was just as pregnant, she worried about him being out for dinner even for just a few hours.
he huffed. "STEVE!!!!!" "What?! what!?" Steve demanded, rushing in from where he'd been trying to find Grant's shoes. "rub my belly. your babies are tapping on my kidneys." Steve sighed, relieved and then chuckled. the babies always settled down when Steve was close by, and indeed, Grant sighed with relief as Steve gentle rubbed his belly. "hows yours?" he asked Eliza with an adoring smile. "i want to go out! i'm tired of being inside!" he whined. "i wanna eat pasta under candlelight and snog Steve in public!" he ordered.
Eliza choked on her laughter as steve rushed in, smiling slightly. “practicing their shield throwing abilities. Come here.”she ordered leaning into him with a sigh of relief as steve rubbed her stomach, before smiling. “Fine, fine we’ll go and snog our boyfriend outside, and it’ll be perfect.”she grinned happy as she let Tony help her put on her shoes. “I found grant’s shoes.”Natasha said smiling a little as she walked into the room, kneeling down to help grant put them on.”There you go.”She smiled at him.
Steve chuckled a little and stroked the bellies of his lovers, quite happy to do anything they demanded of him. Frigga, Thor and Sif where constant sources of advice and the golden bracelets had actually saved Clint's life when he made the wrong joke when Grant was grumpy and almost got himself stabbed to death. "we will snog our boyfriend outside. it will be wonderful." Grant agreed with a grin, Steve smiling at Natasha. "thanks Nat. where where they?" "in the fridge." Clint said, looking completely baffled. Steve blinked. "...Grant? why did you put your shoes in the fridge?" "it's hot outside." "....right...." Steve muttered, blinking at his pregnant lover. "well. let's go!" he decided, smiling, not bothering to try and push Grant. the man was stubborn and wanted to do it himself. which was fine, he wouldn't hurt himself working the wheels of his wheelchair. he'd get tired soon enough.
“It will be indeed. Just imagine how many people are going to be jealous that we have the good captain.”Eliza smirked, pleased with the idea. “Fridge.”Natasha agreed snickering a little. “Can’t have that. Need cold feet.”She smiled amused as they headed out. Knowing that the three were going to be alone, but the rest of the avengers were close by, keeping a eye out on the super couple as they took their last chance of freedom for awhile. And it was well, for awhile. Until both doombots and hydra started trailing in, leaving steve alone guarding the two pregnant people as the rest of the team worked to fight their way to the resturant.
Grant smirked. "exactly!" he stated, delighted to show off his boyfriend. girlfriend too but he knew better than to announce that part. no matter he was pregnant too, Eliza would still beat him up. "yes, exactly." Grant agreed, wiggling his toes in his cold shoes with a happy sigh. he'd been having horrible heat flashes so bad that they'd taken to keeping cold packs in the fridge and draping them over him when he complained.

Steve snarled when the where attacked, spinning, whirling, attacking ad defending. eventually though, he could contain no more and a man with a bat hit Steve so hard blood splattered the walls. he choked, staggered, managed to stay on his feet and was hit again, making him collapse. laying prone on the ground with blood seeping out around him while the Hydra swarmed Eliza and Grant, using numbers to detain them. they didn't use drugs and they where very careful of the massive bellies. showing exactly what it was that they wanted.
“No!No!Steve!”Eliza snarled as she still tried to fight through to get to steve, scared as he collapsed, and trying to defend grant, but soon enough the overwhelming numbers got her out and pinned both pregnant people as they were loaded into a car and moved away from the city.

“Fucking hell!Jarvis!Find them!”Tony snarled as they ended the fight, already heading back to the tower to find the pregnant ones, trusting the other’s to get steve back in one piece as he and jarvis did what they did best, search and find.
"Steve!" Clint called, horrified, Hulk roaring so loudly glass shattered, leaping to protect Steve's prone form, bashing apart any Hydra asshole who tried to get close. only when they where all gone did he shrink back down into Bruce and start running emergency medical care. "fuck. i'm going to have to operate. he has internal bleeding..." Bruce explained. for the next eight hours, they weren't sure Steve was going to make it. four hours after that Bruce wasn't sure if Steve would wake up. when he did they could all breath a sigh of relief, though Bruce did warn there could be brain damage for a while, the Serum should fix it completely. there was no word on the assassin twins, Grant and Eliza where still missing three days later while Steve was still sleeping. he would wake up from time to time, but he was confused and couldn't seam to sbe able to speak and he only stayed awake for a few minutes at the most.

in a depleted old abandoned warehouse, Hydra agents where bustling about with drugs, medical kits, basins of warm water and other such things to get ready for a birth of a baby or three. "now." one of the main doctors stated, he had been telling Elia and Grant every detail, just to fuck with their heads. "this drug here, will induce your labor, within three hours, we aught to have a delightful bouncing baby Super Soldier for us to raise as we like." he admitted. "better than any form of brain washing." he admitted. "you, of course, will be put in the machine, your mind completely wiped. we'll leave you under long enough that there's no chance of recovery of memories. it might fry your brain, but we can work around that i'm sure." he admitted, moving over to her and smirked at her. she couldn't fight back, tied down too firmly.before he could slide the needle into her flesh however, there was a massive flash of bright, eye burning blue light and the rolling sound of the sound barrier being broken. standing in the middle of the room was a man with tangled, thick hair matted with blood and mud. emerald eyes sunk into his skull. pale and covered in cuts, burns and blood. too thin, stomach round and inner thighs dripping with liquid that meant he'd either pissed himself or had gone into labor. he looked like hell to say the least, but Grant would recognize him from Phil's files and Thor's pictures. "...holy fuck it's Loki!"
Eliza whimpered, looking up at the doctor, turning her head to look at him. “You wont. It’s mine. I’ve given you everything, but not this. He’s mine, and the twins are mine, and grant.You can’t have them.”Eliza growled, whimpering quietly, even if she sounded brave, she was scared as she saw him lowering the needle, looking up at the light, jerking, scared as she tried to get away. “Loki?”She said sounding scared,”Loki!We’re thor’s allies, help us.We can help you, but we need free!”She said sounding scared and desperate as she tried to get the jotun’s attention, focused on getting free to much to wonder what he was doing there.
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