Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

"i am! especially if Clint keeps yanking out all my hair!" he whined before nodding. "food is awesome. we need to sweep better it's dusty under here." Steve could only laugh. "yes. we haven't had a real rage since the last time." Steve admitted. "we're learning fast on how to calm him down." he admitted. "it was a shock when he came pregnant." he admitted to Frigga. "men can't get pregnant here so we weren't as safe as we aught to have been." he admitted, looking a little worried. "who is Loki?" Steve asked. "My brother. younger. he was rescued from Jotunheimr after he was abandoned and people have been... cruel to him. he fell from the bridge and has not returned. we fear he is dead." Thor admitted with a sigh before blinking when he saw Steve piling cheez whiz into a bowl filled with chocolate ice-cream. "... Lord Rogers? what are you making?" "....pregnancy food..." Steve admitted with a sigh. "and i'll most likely have to share it..." he admitted, looking a little green. "pass me the jar of Jalapenos would you? yes those..." he piled those onto the Ice-cream as well and then poured the bag of nachos into a bowl and spread chocolate sauce all over them with a shudder. "...pregnancy food?" Thor asked, looking to Frigga for explanation. Loki tended to hide when he was pregnant, nesting he had called it, but they all knew he was hiding so certain assholes couldn't try to hurt him or his children, so Thor had never witnessed cravings or mood swings outside of puberty.
“I am sure it was. Even for women, if you are not expecting it, a pregnancy can be surprising.”Frigga smiled a little before sighing. “my youngest son.”The woman said looking sad before her eyes widened at the sight of the food. “You said both are pregnant?Have they been craving the same things?”She asked, curious simply because at least if they were, it would make dealing with it a little easier. “....what....are you really going to eat that?”Sif said looking sick. “Pregnant women-and men, in this case, have cravings for odd and weird foods while pregnant.”She said looking amused at her son's reaction
he nodded. "it's been pretty hard, dealing with the both of them at the same time. if one's moody the other one usually is too." he admitted, though he sounded extremely affectionate. "they're so cute though." he admitted with a grin. "especially when they're grumpy. so it's hard not to laugh when they're outraged at something." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "well. yes actually. why, is that bad?" he asked, worried. "if they want me to... yes." Steve admitted, smiling at Sif. "they cry if they don't and i just can't take it." he admitted. "i'd much rather have them honest to god pissed at me than have them crying." he admitted. "so they crave..." "cheesy, ice-cream with strawberry, hot-sauce and Jalapenos." Steve admitted. "and Nachos and Chocolate. really it's cheese, sweets, salty and spicy they want the most." he admitted. "so even if i don't have exactly what they want, i can usually slap together a combo they'll enjoy. i'll be right back, please help yourselves to anything in the fridge while i try to coax Grant out." he offered, taking the four bowls of disgusting up to his lovers.
“Well, that makes sense. They spend alot of time together, they influence each other.”Frigga said looking amused and pleased at just how affectionate Steve sounded, at least she knew Forseti was being looked after. “No, just amusing. I’ve never seen two people crave exactly the same things”Frigga said looking amused and laughing quietly at the utterly disgusted look on sif’s face. “...I think I’d rather deal with crying then want to eat that...”Sif said wrinkling her nose a little. “Go take care of them, we’ll be fine.”Frigga assured smiling as the man left.

“Grant, steve’s here with food.”Eliza said with a small smile as she looked under the bed at him.
he blinked at her. "so they're being sympathetic? like we thought Grant was acting like he was pregnant because he was too sympathetic to her?" he asked curiously. "and how sometimes when they are feeling really sick to their stomachs in the morning i feel sick too?" he asked curiously. Sympathy pains indeed. "....amusing my ass, you don't have to eat this junk." he complained, amused. "well. next time they start to cry, i'll send them to you then." he promised before smiling at Frigga and headed for the room.

"...i like food. but i'm stuck." Grant informed them, making Steve snort and carefully lifted the bed so Grant could get back out. he was starting to show just enough that he wasn't as flexible as he was used to. "mmmm ice-cream." "if you can call it that." Steve teased, grimacing when Grant offered him a spoonful. swallowing it obediently. honestly, Grant only offered it because he liked watching the faces Steve made.
“Yes, probably. Being in such close proximity, their moods and cravings are probably making each other’s worse.”Frigga said looking thoughtful before nodding. “Indeed. Be thankful you’re not craving things.”Frigga teased a little. “Fine, I’ll deal with the crying people.”Sif said laughing a little.

“...Are you really?”she said smiling looking amused as he crawled out, snuggling into the bed as she ate hers, starting to show herself, just enough that her shirts were starting to show that she wasn’t nearly as skinny as normal, oh they were oging to have trouble once hydra figured it out. “It is ice cream.”Eliza declared eating, sighing quietly as she ate."...if you didn't look so disgusted, we wouldn't feed it to you."she said giggling a little.
Steve nodded. "i wouldn't doubt it." he admitted. "Grant and Eliza have always had a very close emotional bond." he admitted. "i do crave things. normal things. like bacon. and pizza." he admitted with a chuckle.

"....don't laugh at me." Grant whined. "it's not nice to laugh at me when i'm stuck." he whimpered before smiling happil as he ticked into his food. "i look disgusted for your amusement." he lied with a smile. "do you feel more up t meeting Lady Sif and the healer Frigga?" he asked, Grant cocking his head to the side before shrugging. "okay, but they have to watch me eat this." he decided, heading out to the kitchen, making Steve snicker a little.
“You’d totally laugh at me if I was stuck. You laughed at me the other day when I cried when I spilled my ice cream.”Eliza sulked as she ate. “Yes, I’m sure you do.”She said giggling a little as she looked up at steve, sighing softly as she looked at grant, looking relieved. “good. Let’s go then.”She said following him towards the kitchen. “Grant, it is good to see you again.”Sif said smiling at the two pregnant people, glad to see that they were well for herself. “Lord grant,lady eliza, hello.”Frigga said bowing her head slightly.
Grant shook his head. "no. i was laughing because you spilled your ice-cream down Clint's back. it was hilarious." he admitted. "besides i shared my Ice-cream with you." he admitted. he wandered out into the kitchen and blinked at Sif before shoving his spoon into his ice-cream, got a good chunk with a bit of everything on it and offered it to her, letting his eyes water up and his lip trembled when she refused. Steve pretended not to notice and struggled to keep from laughing like a maniac the way he wanted to. "Lady Sif! eat it. eat it now before he cries!" Thor hissed, looking utterly terrified of the idea of Grant being upset. or maybe terrified of Forseti, it was hard to know for sure.
“You still laughed, though watching clint howl was quite amusing.”Eliza said laughing a little before nodding. “you did.”She agreed smiling and biting her lip to keep from laughing as grant tried to feed Sif. “No thanks.”She said before looking at Thor. “You are not king yet, you can’t make me.”She said standing strong. “You could eat it, my son.”Frigga said biting her lip to keep from laughing at the sight of the crying pregnant man. Really, whoever married Sif was going to be in for a surprise someday over her utter ability to not be manipulated by tears.
he snickered a little. "it was very amusing." he agreed before focusing on manipulating Sif, sniffling a little before realizing he wasn't going to get her to eat it before turning his attention to Thor upon Frigga's suggestion, making the giant of a man swallow thickly, grimace and accept the spoonful, making Grant beam brightly. " know. it's not bad..." Thor said, making Grant look horrified. "you can't have any! it's MINE!" he stated, stalking away from the thunder god with his nose in the air, Thor looking very pleased with himself as he spat his mouthful into the sink and gulped a large glass of water while Grant was distracted. Steve couldn't help it, he started to snicker and shook his head while getting some soda's for everyone.
Eliza’s eyes widened as she looked up at Thor, before following after Grant to protect her own food. “That was brilliant.”Frigga said snickering as she realized that the two weren’t going to be offering thor food anytime soon. “So, how are you feeling, Grant?”Frigga said smiling a little as she looked at the two. Worried about them both.
"thank you Mother." Thor said, smirking. he didn't say he'd gotten the idea from Loki. no need to upset his mother anymore than she already was. "i'm feeling hungry. ad tired. and everything aches." growing pains. "and i have grey hairs!" "actually. it could be that your hair is simply returning to it's natural color. Forseti had beautiful silver hair." Thor admitted, making Grant blink. "...i'm not going grey?" "i do not think so. no." he admitted. " are forgiven Clint." "why... thank you." Clint said, amused. "don't patronize me!" Grant hissed at Clint, who did the smart thing and evacuated into a vent before he enraged Grant even more.
“Ah, that’s normal. I am sure Eliza is feeling that way to.” “Yes...sore and tired.”She shrugged a little. “Growing pains. While it will be like that most of the pregnancy, you should gow used to it.”She smiled a little before smiling. “It is probably returning to your natural color.”Frigga agreed. “Grant, eat.”Eliza ordered, distracting him.
Grant huffed. "it's not fair." he complained. "Steve should be pregnant too." "sorry Grant, i don't have that kind of amazing ability." Steve admitted. "so i'm going to have white hair?" Grant asked curiously, Thor nodding. "i should have brought a portrait, i'm sorry. i didn't think of it." he admitted. "that's okay i'll find out how ill look when i look it." Grant decided before blinking at Eliza and turned his attention back to his food. "Sif mentioned bracelets? for the... anger issues?" Steve asked after a moment. "we don't want anymore destroyed rooms... r people being thrown out windows." "he deserved it!" "yes he did." Steve agreed, knowing better than to say anything else.
“....Steve would be very cute pregnant.”Eliza said looking up at their third thoughtfully, even with knowing he couldn’t, she couldn’t stop imaging seeing the super soldier pregnant. “indeed, you look alot like Forseti already. Though you may grow a little taller.”Frigga said smiling. “Oh!Yes she did. Here.”Frigga said putting a hand in her pocket and pulling it out, showing the simple silver bangle to the man, holding the two bracelets out towards Grant even as eliza giggled a little at steve’s agreement. “This was enchanted by my son, our strongest sorcerer, it will keep you calmer....he needed them himself, as he became pregnant. Please, take them.”she said smiling sadly at the thought of loki, her such emotional son, missing him. And hoping that since his magic hadnt’ died, that it meant her son hadn’t, but even then, she didn’t have much hope the longer he was missing. Every day he was gone, made her heart bleed.
"he would! we have to make him pregnant." Grant decided, a glint in his eye that said he was planing naughty sexy times. Steve just grinned. "well. no harm in trying." he admitted. "do i?" Grant asked curiously. " indeed he did, if one looked close. his face was a bit narrower, his nose a bit shorter, eyes turning colors. "no. he probably won't grow too much more. Forseti was even shorter than Loki was." Thor admitted with a sad little smile. Grant narrowed his eyes at the bracelets suspicious. "so. they're like, mood inhibitors?" "no. more like mood enhancers. they bring up calm and happy feelings, bringing those to the forefront instead of other emotions. you can still get angry and they won't affect your thinking process." Thor promised. Grant finally held his hand out and let Frigga attach the bracelets and blinked. "i don't feel any different." "of course not. your not angry." Thor admitted, watching Grant gently stroke the bracelets. they came in handy for Aeser going through puberty as well. keeping the rages down. "thank you. it was very kind of you to give me these." he whispered. Loki had enchanted thousands of them, but these had been his personal ones. Grant wasn't sure how he knew that really. but he knew it.
“We would. We’ll have to try.”Eliza grinned, already planning naughty sexy times. “You do.”Frigga said smiling a little. “That’s right, and loki was fairly short.”Sif snickered a little. “You can still become angry, but it will not allow you to loose the complete control and rage to the point you will harm yourself or others.”Frigga said smiling softly. “You are very welcome.”Frigga said smiling sadly, “He would want you to be looked after, male pregnancies are rare. I am saddened he is not here himself to offer advice.”
he nodded eagerly. "before i'm too fat to have sex." he agreed with a grin before he glared at Sif, butter-knife in hand, pointing it at her. "Are you calling me short!?" he demanded, outraged at the slight to his honor. but delighted to realize he wasn't trying to stab her the way he might have before the bracelets. he could feel calm, happy sensations rolling through him, setting his rage onto a back burner to cool off. he liked these bracelets. "i can keep these until i'm done with... puberty or pregnancy, whichever comes last?" he asked hopefully. "i think i would have liked to meet him." Grant admitted, imaging how Loki might have been as a person. "Lady Frigga, Lady Sif, Lord Thor, are you hungry at all?" Steve asked, pulling out pans to start making lunch. "what is this bubbly drink? i much like it." Thor admitted after Grant showed him how to open the can.
“Yes, damn. We are going to be to fat for sex soon.”Eliza sulked a little. “Compared to a asgardian, yes.”Sif said reasonably, tilting her head a little. “You are...those bracelets are amazing!”Eliza said looking amazed that grant wasn’t attacking sif. They were amazing really. “Yes, of course.”Frigga said smiling a little, before looking up at steve and nodding. “Yes. I am.” “That’s soda. It’s flavored drinks.”Eliza said smiling slightly.
Grant giggled a little before he glared furiously at Sif and then examining his bracelets. "...yup. i'm gonna do it." he decided, moving to take the bracelets off. "NO! Grant, baby i don't want to have to replace the couch again. you! stop goading him or i'll break you myself!" Steve growled at Sif with an annoyed glare before murmuring in Grant's ear, the man melting from pissed to giggling gleefully in seconds. "and how much do Asgardians eat?" Steve asked curiously. "we et very gretly." Thor admitted. "however, we can come to and from Asgard easily if you do not have the food to sustain us. we know that humans require much less food and that your food is not shared equally. and can in fact, be very expensive." Thor promised, Steve nodding. "we're not too worried about it. me and Tony are pretty rich so we should be able to afford to feed you." he promised, whipping up a massive meal while Grant enjoyed Thor's soda, he'd given it up when Grant eyed it. Thor did not want to test his strength against Steve's.
“No, please don’t.”Eliza said even as she took a swing at Sif, making the female warrior laugh softly as the knife slid harmlessly off a metal gautlet as she stopped the blow. “Okay. I will leave them alone.”She promised. “You should go for now, Lady Sif.”Frigga said watching the woman, watching her leave the room, not wanting to upset the pregnant people, and despite her kindness, sif’s sense of humor could get to many. “You will tell us if it gets to much. We do not want to strain your resources.”Frigga said looking concerned before smiling as she watched grant drink thor’s drink. The man was quite adorable really.
Steve sighed a little. "Eliza don't stab our guests." he chastised playfully, kissing her gently and removing the knife from her fingers. "please don't think badly of Sif, she's never dealt with pregnancy before." Thor admitted. "and she has a... unique sense of humor." he admitted with a smile, Grant huffing. "of course we will." Steve assured the woman. "and i'll take some to Sif unless she's headed back to... uh, Asgard?" "she will probably go back to Asgard and give my father an update. my father, Odin, was very upset when Farseti vanished." he admitted. "Farseti was one of the few people who supported him when he was younger. apparently my grandfather was a... harsh man and held no affection for anyone. Farseti was more of a father to Odin than Burr ever was." Thor admitted. "Farseti was very close to us as well, he was always a bit... cold. emotionless even but he taught me how to do math when the tutor couldn't be bothered and he taught Loki Magic when it became clear he had the talent for it." he admitted with a smile. Grant looked curious. he hadn't realized that he had a whole other life, people who had missed him, loved him. it was bizarre for a man who had no affection until about a year ago when Eliza had appeared.
“But she deserved it. She’s upsetting Grant.”Eliza sulked even as she let Steve take the knife. “But it’s fine.”She sighed a little watching sif go. “I will return to Asgard.”Sif said as she left, shaking her head a little. Feeling at a loss on how to handle the pregnant ones. “He might have been cold, but he took care of my sons, and cared for my husband as well as any could.”Frigga smiled looking amused at Grant’s curiosity
Steve shook his head. "she doesn't mean to. not everyone knows how to be... gentle." he explained, wincing when Grant scowled at him. "why was he so cold?" Grant asked softly. "we can't be sure. we never thought to ask." Thor admitted. "but i imagine it has something to do with how old he is. it can't be easy getting close to people when your just going to outlive them." Thor admitted softly. "oh... will i...?" "...i'm afraid so." Thor admitted softly. Grant looked like he wanted to be sick. or cry. to outlive Elia and Steve? could he do that?
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