Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

"Tony. we all know that Pepper had those test results faked." Steve pointed out. "she had you tested to shut the people, who where complaining about you being too 'eccentric', up. she then fixed the results so that no one would know you where off your rocker. never mind that all genius' are." he pointed out with a grin. "....if it's Thor. i am going to be unhappy." Phil admitted before blinking at Grant who shrugged. "no, i guess i didn't know." he admitted. "it can't have been that bad. i did live through it after all." he admitted. "sure. your already pregnant and i can't pass on communicable diseases and we're all clean, why not?" he asked with a chuckle.
“...Lies!All lies. Pepper would never do something like that. I’m not insane.”Tony huffed making a face at them before laughing a little. “I’m the perfectly right amount of eccentric.” “Why?”Eliza said looking at phil, tilting her head a little before sighing. “Which is probably why it doesn’t bother you, you know you lived.”Eliza said smiling slightly as she rested her head on his shoulder, before grinning at steve.”Awesome.”
they all snickered at Tony's complaints, they where all pretty sure that he was well aware that Pepper had fudged his results. "because Thor gives me headaches and every time he activates his lightening powers the electricity goes out." Phil admitted with a sigh. "anyway i'll go and get the blood sample. you can have part of it. apparently the key to a few deadly diseases are in asgardian blood and we're hoping to synthesize it." he admitted. "how much do you need?" "just enough for a blood to genetic test." Bruce admitted. "a few drops should do." he admitted, Phil nodding before watching Grant shrug. "yeah. probably." he admitted.
“Ah. That makes sense.Though I totally want to watch him create a lightening storm.”Eliza said looking interested in the idea before snuggling into grant, content. “Good. We’ll find out for grant, and start working on cures. It’ll be fun.”Tony said enjoying the idea. He might be mostly a engineer, but he truly loved tinkering with anything. “we should go rest.”Eliza said stretching, fussing over grant.
"it's a very unhappy place to be." Phil stated. "watching him create thunderstorms." he admitted. "yes... fun." Phil agreed, shaking his head. "rest? but i wanted sex!... and some Jalapenos!" he admitted. "with frosting!" "...i'll go get some Jalapenos and some frosting." Steve obeyed with a chuckle and a shake of his head.
“...really?I’d think it’d be cool.”Tony said looking interested and wondering about it. “...Oh!I want some to.”Eliza said demanding before nudging grant. “Well, let’s go get in bed, and eat, then we’ll consider sex.”Eliza grinned as they left.

“....You know. You’re going to have to tell them eventually Hydra’s starting to recover.”Tony said glancing up at phil with a slightly raised eyebrow. Well, it seemed not even shield’s new security was enough to keep out a curious billionaire.
Phil gave Tony a look. "sure. very cool when our almost struck by lightening six times in a row because he's slinging that Hammer all over the place." he agreed sarcastically, shaking his head. "alright, i'll get two then." he agreed, Grant perking up and nodding.

"oh. it's worse then that." he admitted. "there have been more..." here he paused and his lips twitched. " 'funny space things' occurring. i think we're going to have another Asgardian Event." he admitted. "and i can't be sure that it will be as friendly as Thor was." he admitted, not even bothering to be annoyed with Tony at that point. "Fury wanted to move Clint to watching the Tesseract. but i'm not sure it's a good idea." he admitted. "i have a funny feeling about this..."
“Oh.Yes. That would be bad.”Tony snickered a little, amused as he watched the couple go, well at least they seemed to be handlign things well. “...Fucking hell. Well. I’ll put jarvis on watching the satelites and things, maybe we can figure out what’s going on.”Tony sighed softly, before tilting his head. “...That thing is bad news. I mean. Even without seeing it, and only reading reports of it in dad’s things, it’s not something you want to go messing around with.”Tony sighed quietly, biting his lip. “I get a weird feeling about them being pregnant, and having a asgardian event happening at once...”
Phil nodded. "when... if, an Asgardian appears, we'll need to be very ready." he admitted. "it is bad news, but what else are we supposed to do with it?" he asked. "The Council has ordered weapons to be made from it. Fury is dragging his heals. every weapon we 'make' has serious problems that simply HAVE to be fixed." he looked at Tony. "Fury doesn't like it." he admitted. "we're doing our best to keep the weapons from working, or worse, falling into Hydra hands, but the Counsel is pushing harder and harder every day." he admitted. "your right of course, it's very troubling that everything is all happening at the same time. Hydra is moving in Eliza and Grant are pregnant and now we're hving someone trying to get into earth from god knows where." he scowled a little. "it's far too much of a coincidence." he admitted. "far, far too much. not that i believe in coincidence in the first place."
“...we’ll be ready.”Tony said before frowning, thinking about it.”I have....a idea. It’s a bad one, but it might get them off his back about the weapons.”The former weapons manufacturer frowned. “I’ll make their weapons. They just wont work how they want. Maybe we can get them to go away.”Tony frowned before wincing, “I don’t believe in it either, but I refuse to believe we’re trapped and not able to do anything about it. We’ll figure this out, and keep the council from realizing they have not only a super soldier offspring on the way, but also a alien child on the matter whwat, the council would see the two as the perfect weapons."
Phil narrowed his eyes at Tony. "no." he stated simply. "you will not. for one thing they will be highly suspicious of your 'sudden change of heart'. for another it puts you in a bad position of having to obey them and that is not something we want, ever. especially with suspicions of Hydra being a part of the Counsel." he admitted. "we're not trapped. we're just in a bit of a spot." he admitted. "we're trying to find ways to 'lose' the Tesseract but there's no where we could send it." he admitted. "even using it as a power source is too dangerous right now because it's too..." he paused and then shook his head. "it acts up and every single thing it was made out of it collapses, shuts down or blows up." he admitted. "at least it's not hard to prove the weapons don't work when we have evidence that they don't. not that we're trying too hard to find a solution." he admitted. "the Councel will not find out anytime soon about the pregnancy." he assured Tony. "i don't know how long we can hide it once they start actually showing. but we'll do our best." he admitted before grimacing when a lud beeping filled the air from his phone. "oh son of a bitch. we have Alien company." "Did Phil just swear?"
“...I wont?”Tony said raising a eyebrow before frowning, looking annoyed that phil was right.”Fine. I wont be making weapons for them, but we need to figure out how to figure which ones are hydra or not.”he said sounding frustrated before tilting his head. “I can find a place to lose it, maybe.”He said already thinking it over before shaking his head. “Well, at least the tesseract is being helpful in not working.”he mused before sighign, “We’ll do our best till then. At least they’re content to stay in the tower mostly.”He muttered before wincing, staring at phil.”...yes....yes he did. And what is this company?”
Phil nodded. "you won't." he admitted. "and we're working on it, but it's more difficult than anticipated even with all the information we've gotten from Grant and James." he admitted. "we can't just leave it laying around either Tony. drowning it certainly didn't work and i don't want to run the risk of others gaining control of it either." Phil admitted. "if we could give it to Thor, that would certainly be best..." he admitted with a sigh before nodding. "That indoor garden and those fox Kits certainly helped a lot." Phil agreed before shaking his head. "we don't know yet. we have alarms that trigger when the energy connected to the Bi-Frost is activated." he admitted. "i have to go and great our guest. stay here. i'll call if anything happens." he promised.
“...That sucks. I hate not being able to fix everything quickly, and not knowing who to trust seriously bothers me.”Tony sighed looking annoyed before making a face. “Shooting it into space could work.”he said shrugging before nodding. “Maybe the big guy will be back sometime to give it to....and they do. With the kits to young to really go out, they’re being content to stay here.”Tony smiled before wincing, nodding,”Go.”He ordered watching him go before suiting up and heading upstairs to wait to see what was going to happen.
"yes. me too. at least we know we can trust each other." Phil admitted with a sigh before smirking. "and Fury. to an extent." he admitted. "just promise me if i ever get as paranoid as him you'll kidnap me and make me take a vacation somewhere. maybe Tahiti?" he mused. "no shooting it into space. aliens might get it. or worse, it'll come back down and land in Russia." he stated, shaking his head. "i hope this is him." Phil admitted, pointing up at the sky to show he meant the disturbances. he nodded and headed off to the main spike of power and stepped out of his car to stare at the well armored woman. he recalled seeing her with Thor during the New Mexico incident. "Good morning!" he called, tense even if he looked relaxed. "can we help you?"
“I promise. If you do, I’ll make you take a vacation, maybe lock you in a room with cap and James, just so you can go all geek on them, and go on vacation.”He teased a little before sighing, wincing. “True. Okay no shooting it off.”he said before nodding as he settled into the suit and headed up to guard the most vulnerable of their team, grant and eliza.

“Son of Coul, I am the lady Sif of Asgard, and I have come seeking the missing god Forseti. As you are the warriors of your kingdom-”The idea of different countries was totally beyond the woman, so she thought the world was like asgard, a whole world kingdom. “I have come to seek your help, as he has been reawoken, and needs to be returned to his rightful place in Asgard.
Phil nodded. "good. that's a great idea... we should do that anyway, just to make sure i don't get too paranoid..." he suggested with a grin before heading off to face the woman. "Missing God?" Phil asked, looking surprised. "i didn't know Gods could go missing. it seams a very odd coincidence though, as we have a young man back at our tower with Asgardian blood." he admitted. "perhaps you should come with me." he decided, ignoring the glares he was getting from the other Shield Agents. "and explain how a god can go missing... is it common for Asgardian males to get pregnant?" only the ones with magic. "what happens if your missing God doesn't want to return?" he asked, curious about what she might do. if Grant was the son of that missing God, would she force him to go with her? she'd have problems if she did.
“Missing gods are common enough, though they really lose contact totally. They are missing because they wish to be missing. This one has heard from him in.... 200 hundred of your earth years, he has worried us greatly.”Sif said before raising a eyebrow. “Truly?Then he must be who our King sensed awakening.”Sif said frowning before nodding slightly. “If he is a sorcerer, yes it is.”Sif said before pausing as she followed him. “If he wishes to stay, and is in his right mind, I would apperciate him returning with me to speak to lord odin, but if he wishes to stay....he is a god. No one tels a god to do something he does not wish to do.”
Phil nodded, that sort of made sense. "so he just.... vanished?" he asked, looking surprised. "no warning at all?" he asked, his head tilted. "i would believe so. he still has human markers though so we can only assume that he's only a half god." Phil admitted. not realizing that if Forseti had turned himself into a human fetus he would look act and be completely human until about thirty to thirty five years of age when their Asgardian genetics would start to reclaim. it was very rare to do such a thing though, and usually only happened when a God was at the edge of death and even then they had to have enough magic to do the change without dying from the lack of magic. it was very rare indeed. in fact, the only other god to have done it was Loki, and that was to infiltrate, not because he was dying. "if Grant is a Demi-God. will we have to be worried about any powers he might start to display?" Phil asked, worried. "he's pregnant you see and he's a bit frightened, even if he doesn't show it very well..." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "we don't know how to help him. Human's can't get pregnant..."
“Yes. It was very worrying, as Lord Odin is not able to see him, and he sees everything.”The woman said before frowning slightly, thinking it over. Not wanting to speak the other possibility until she had a chance to look at the man. “Yes. Some. How old is he? If he is...”she frowned, thinking how old he’d be in human years. “About 30?he would be reaching the time most asgardisn go through puberty. If he is indeed a demi-god, he might show magical abilities, as Forseti was among our most powerful sorcerers.”She said before looking worried. “he has support?Lovers to take care of him?”She demanded, looking worried about him before sighing. “I would like to meet him, then go home. I am not the best person to be help him. Lady Frigga and Lord Thor would be best. They not only are healers, lord thor was good friends with Forseti, he will be helpful.”She said thoughtfully.
he nodded. "so that means either he's... no longer amidst the living, or he wants to be missing?" he asked Sif, his head tilted. "he's thirty two." he admitted. "so it could just be normal puberty? do Asgardians often grow several inches overnight?" he asked, head tilted. "magical abilities? will he be able to control those?" he asked, worried. "will he need training? can we hire a tutor for that?" he asked. "oh yes. he has a massive support system." he admitted. "his male lover is Steve Rogers. very, protective. a real mother hen really. he's been making the most noxious food combinations and eating them just so Grant won't cry." he admitted. "Grants female lover is pregnant too. she's just as bad as Steve is.fiercely loyal and protective and a true warrior." he admitted. "Grant's been through hell and unfortunately so has his woman lover, Elia. it's not really my place to say much, but he's undergoing serious mental healing because of what's been done to him, so please, try very, very hard not to upset him. he gets worse when he's emotional." he admitted. "have you ever ridden in a car before?" he asked her. "i'll take you straight to the tower." he promised. "i just have to make a call first." he admitted, calling the tower. "Tony? yes. the visitor is Lady Sif. she wants to meet Grant. she might be able to help so i'm bringing her down. if she can't help us then we'll ask her to contact Thor for us."
“Yes, it does. Either way, we would like to know, so we can properly mourn him, or help him if he is in trouble.”Sif said before nodding slightly. “It could be. Asgardians do, and moody. And from what I understand, act like your teenagers, except more...extreme. We are a ancient race, our emotions are tempered usually, but when we are growing, we tend to be very...rebellious.”Sif said smiling before nodding slowly. “he should. They will not develop quickly., he should have time to adjust to them as they come, and he will need training. I will see about getting a tutor.”She said before nodding, “Good. It is good he has support.”She said looking concerned about the woman’s mental health, but having been friends with loki so long, and with thor, she knew there was just so emotional wounds that you didn’t go poking into without permission to do so. “I will try my best to not upset the godling.”She agreed before biting her lip. “....No?”She said looking at the car, not sure about it, but he always seemed in control, so she did not think he would harm her. “Really?Okay. Well, I’ll warn him that we’re having a guest.”Tony reassured before hanging up to indeed go warn the three that they had company.
Phil nodded. "i can understand that." he admitted. "we'll help you look if you'd like?" he offered. he didn't think for a second that Grant was the missing Forseti. after all Grant had been with Shield since he was sixteen. before then even. he had no idea what a God could do when they where desperate. "...extreme? so...." he paused and then. "you know... it makes sense." he admitted. "lately, he's been extremely.... emotional. we assumed it was from the mental scarring. and then we thought it was the pregnancy, but maybe it's the puberty?" he mused. "or a combination? after all he did just cry at a cat litter commercial the other day." he admitted. "so we won't have to worry about his magic hurting him? or the baby?" he asked, wanting to make sure that Grant and his unborn would be okay. not to mention Eliza and her baby. "Eliza doesn't have the amount of mental health problems that Grant does." he explained. "she has her fair share of emotional problems but she's perfectly in control." he admitted. "well. your in for a treat then." he admitted. "just a few things..." he gave her a brief rundown on how to behave in a car. wear the seat-belt. don't grab the wheel, don't grab him, no screaming. cars could be frightening for first timers, but no worries, Phil had been driving for a good number of years now. soon he had her at the Tower and he was pleased when she didn't seam too traumatized by the experience.
“I would much apperciate it if you would, son of coul.”She said accepting the offer before nodding slightly. “Yes, rages, crying, depression....emotional responses to normal things that seem over the top.”Sif said before nodding. “It might be a combination of them.”She agreed before laughing at the idea of crying for a cat, even if she had no idea what litter and commercial was it sounded amusing. “No, you shouldn’t, but I will have to ask Lady Frigga to be sure.”She said nodding a little as she settled into the car, looking thoughtful as they drove. “Interesting. This was not the dangerous beast that Thor claimed attacked him.”she said as she got out of the car and headed upstairs. Pausing at the sight of the coupel waiting for them.

"Lady Eliza?Lord Grant?Lord Steven?"Sif said bowing her head slightly towards the three. "Yes, welcome to the tower."Eliza said offering a shaky smile.
Phil smiled a little. he had long since given up trying to correct Thor of his last name and he didn't expect he'd have any better luck with Sif. "...yes. rages..." he agreed, shuddering a little. the other day Grant had flown into a terrible rage. he'd destroyed three rooms and had tried to attack Steve because Steve had stolen a single chip from Grants overflowing plate of nachos. then he'd sobbed in misery for an hour because he was sorry and he'd attacked the man he loved. poor Steve had been traumatized even as he held and comforted his lover. "i would appreciate any information you can give us." he agreed. "oh, that's because Thor was in the way of one." he admitted. "these things can travel very fast. an impact with one going only fifteen miles an hour can kill a person." he admitted. "while riving is typically safe, crashes are also very common and can cause a lot of pain and death." he admitted. "you should always be careful when dealing with vehicles." he warned before smiling as he headed up.

Grant had been overtaken by a serious bout of shyness and was now hiding behind Thor and peeking out at Sif as if he was terrified she was going to give him cooties or something. "Sif is here looking for missing God. one we think might be Grant's birth father." Phil admitted. "as for your... mood swings. it could very well be the puberty and pregnancy combination." "...are you saying i'm overly emotional?" Grant asked, lip trembling, making Phil wince. "of course not Grant. your emotional levels are perfectly normal for a person in your condition." Phil assured the man, which seamed to calm Grant down rather well.
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