Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

she snorted. "no. the purple ones go next." she informed him, amused with his whining. "the sooner you finish the sooner we can have sex."

they blinked at her, amazed and rather awestruck before they each abandoned the game and moved over to her. "we're gonna have you." "right here." "over the table." "across the couch." "against the fridge." "on the floor." they where playing open mouthed sucking kisses over every inch of skin they could find now, intending on fucking her so much and so well she forgot her own name.
“Pepper!Stop changing your mind.”Tony whined sitting up, looking at her. “I should go make eliza do this. She’s the one who wanted a garden.”Tony sulked annoyed as he looked at his amused girlfriend.

Eliza laughed moaning as they moved over to her, smirking. “Awfully ambitious for the first time aren’t you?”She whined, squirming as they held onto her, moaning as they kissed her, whining quietly as she tugged at their clothes, having every intention of undressing and fucking them where ever she could. "Where first?"
Pepper smirked. "it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind Tony." she stated simply, examining her perfect manicure. "besides, it's your own fault for not letting anyone else in here." she pointed out. "after the purple goes one of the Day-lilies. no, Tony, the other Day-lilies."

Steve snickered. "it's not our fault your too delicious too resist. now the big question." "do we remove the clothes or fuck you wearing them?" Grant finished, both of them looking impishly devious. "right here." Steve growled eagerl, already removing his shirt. "on the floor. because i'm a horny slut and can't wait till we make it to the bedroom." "what if she wants to be in the bedroom." "then i will curb my whorish tendencies."
“...Would you stop doing this just to screw with me?”Tony whined a little as he moved the plants around before sighing. “It’s supposed to be a surprise. Now come here.”he growled reaching out and wrapping a hand around her ankle and pulling her onto the ground with him, smirking as he crawled over for a kiss.

“...Wearing them.”She shuddered looking up at them, panting softly, hands sliding over their chests, simply enjoying touching them, before laughing. “Floor. Floor please.”She demanded squirming as they laid her back on the floor.
Pepper giggled at him and yelped when she was yanked to the ground, glaring at him. "your paying for a new dress." she growled, though she did let him kiss her, wrapping her arms around his neck with a giggle. "are you going to fuck me like an animal Tony?" she asked, sly all of a sudden. "maybe you should have to... hunt me down, hmm?" she asked with a smirk.

they both snickered. "i never realized how Kinky you where Eliza." Steve teased, kissing her deep while Grant divested her of her underwear and tucked right in with his tongue, slurping and licking and humming against her while Steve played with her breasts through the material of the slinky number she was wearing.
“I pay for all your clothes anyways, don’t mind buying them to get you a little dirty in.”Tony grinned, smiling as he kissed her, raising a eyebrow.”I should....and do you want to make me hunt you,”He asked raising up enough to let her squirm away from him.

“You are a bad influence, Steve.”Eliza teased laughing breathlessly as they went to town, squirming and needy as she buried her hands in Grant’s hair, tugging desperately as she came, looking up at steve with blown eyes as he played with her. Oh yea, she was perfect for them, so utterly responsive and soft as she fell apart under their attentions.
she snorted ad then smirked at him, wiggling free and sprinting off, giggling wildly. "Catch me if you can lover!" she teased. she let him catch her right in the midst of freshly planted grass and flipped onto her belly, breathless from giggling and lifted her hips to him. "go on Tony. fuck your prey." she breathed, giving her pert, firm ass a wiggle.

"very bad influence." Steve agreed with a snigger. Grant moaned, sucking and licking more firmly when she started yanking on his hair and Steve chuckled. "your so perfect for us Eliza. look at you. so open, so willing. just for us." he breathed, nibbling on her neck before slipping his fingers into her while Grant took a breather. they took turns pleasuring her with fingers and tongue and then had to debate who got to fuck her first. Grant got to go first because he promised Steve that the super soldier could fuck him while Eliza was taking her breather.
Tony laughed watching her go for a moment, shaking his head as he raced after her. “I can always catch you!”he yelled after her grinning as he pounced on her, toppling them both gently into the grass, smirking as she flipped over. “You are very very naughty aren’t you?”He teased palming her ass, growling as he pushed her skirt up around her hips and slid into her with a groan, shuddering.

Eliza whimpered, moaning as she tilted her head back to look at steve with wide, blown eyes, “just yours. Just you two.”She muttered whimpering quiet as she rocked into steve’s hand, panting as she shuddered, falling apart as they took turns. Oh man, this was insanely awesome, and by the time they were done, the woman was exhausted, curled up on the floor of the kitchen, to tired to even attempt to go for bed.
she laughed and wiggled against him, moaning eagerly when he palmed her ass. "so naughty." which was proven when he lifted her skirt and saw she wasn't wearing any underwear. she moaned when he slid into her and sounded like the whore she was while he fucked her.

Steve chuckled, watching Eliza rest while he moved inside of Grant who was gasping and moaning like a slut. he kind of was a slut but that was besides the point. he grunted when Grant came, spurting all over the floor and filled the other, smirking. "can you stand?" he asked once Grant had gotten his breath back. "y..yuh." Grant agreed, staggering to his feet and blinking when Steve carefully picked up Eliza and carried her to bed, Grant grinning as he joined them for a nice long nap.
Tony laughed, shaking his head a little. Amused that his so prim and proper girlfriend, was just such a naughty little vixen. It was quite cute and adorable really.

Eliza smiled tiredly as she watched, “You two are amazing...”she muttered sighing quietly watching them, that was quite amazing to watch. Whining quietly as she was picked up, shifting to snuggle close as she settled in for a nap.

Later Tony grinned as he bounded into the room, ignorign the naked people as he looked down at the couple tangled up in bed. “Wake up. Wake up, I let you guys sleep hours, like pepper told me to. So now you have to get up.”Tony said, nearly manic in his excitement now that he’d managed to finish the garden.
Steve groaned and Grant sat up, aimed and shot Tony three times. then blinked because his gun wasn't loaded with bullets and Tony now had three sucker Nerf darts attached to his face. "whussit?" Grant asked, blinking stupidly at his gun before slumping back into the bed and snuggled up, Steve shaking his head. "and he wonders why we took away all his guns." Steve sighed. "you should know better than to rush in here like that Tony. trained assassins remember? like Natasha, Clint and Phil?" he asked, amused.
Tony yelped as he rolled his eyes up to look at the nerf gun, “Why do you think you guys all have nerf guns?”Tony said going a little cross eyed as he looked at Eliza as she shot him with a nerf gun to the groin. Grunting a little he rolled his eyes. “I replaced all your guns, made sure the first ones you’d reach for would be nerf guns, just in case I forgot to not rush in.”Tony squirmed a little, because he really did know better, but he was also aware of himself enough to know that he’d forget half the time to not surprise them.
Steve chuckled at Tony's yelp. "i'm the one who exchanged all their hidden guns Tony." Steve pointed out. "at least the ones in immediate reach of sleeping." he admitted before laughing as Tony was pegged in the crotch. "good aim love." he chirped, kissing her temple. "so what's got you so excited you rushed in?" he asked curiously. "if your here to tell me you got laid i'm going to hurt you." he warned.
“And I thank you for it. I wouldn’t look nearly as lovely or awesome if I was healing a gunshot wound.”Tony said snickering a little before sighing as he was shot. “Thanks.”eliza muttered sleepily raising a eyebrow as she looked up at tony. “...I did get laid, but that’s not why I’m in here. Your garden’s done.”He said with a smile.
both Steve and Grant snorted before brightening. "really?! come on lets go see!" Grant ordered, leaping out of the bed, uncaring of his nudity to get dressed. Steve chuckled and slid out of bed as well, pausing to stretch before he headed to get dressed. "how are you feeling this morning?" Grant asked Eliza. "where we too rough? are you hurting anywhere?"
"Lets."Eliza grinned happily as she stretched and got dressed herself smiling as they followed the hyper billionaire."I'm fine. Sore and tender,but okay."she promised smiling up at steve and grant, squeezing his hand. "I'm fine."she promised not wanting him to worry.
Steve chuckled at Tony's hyper-ness and Grant's over-protectiveness. it was all kinds of cute. he smiled at her and kissed her gently. "i know you are." he assured her. "you weren't a virgin and we weren't rough last night. well, not too much." he admitted. "Grant's just fussy. i know you'd tell us if you where in pain." he admitted.
Eliza smiled kissing him back."I know. And you werent. This is just him being him. I'd forgotten how adorable he'd gotten the first time we had sex. This is quite endearing really."Eliza snickered knowing grant was still missing memoeries, but seeing him act like this despite that,gave her hope. Eyes widening as she looked at the garden she laughed."xamn. He really is a genius. This is better then I thought." "thanks. I did try."tony grinned.
Steve chuckled a little. "he is fairly cute." he admitted. "all fussy and worried. actually, Grant? how are you feeling?" "my ass hurts. your cock is too big. can we do it again?" he asked hopefully, making Steve laugh. "wow. Tony." Steve said, looking around in stunned amazement. "are those butterflies? and real birds?" he asked, watching a yellow canary flit from one tree to another while a few doves cooed at him from a bird house. "this is amazing."
“He is.”She smiled before looking a little worried, before laughing. “You can’t complain about his cock, then want to do it again.”She teased stealing a kiss. “Yes and yes. I spent hours, Hours! Getting just the right birds for in here. You want to add any other animals, you can. Clint and Natasha were thinking about adding a small pond and a turtle. Said it was the best pet for them, one that didn’t need alot of attention.”Tony snickered a little.
"sure i can! it is too big! it stirs me up all the way to my brain until i can't think. it's glorious!" Grant admitted, making Steve had to stop to laugh, bent over and holding his ribs as he laughed. "we need some fish." Steve decided at Tony's offer of more animals. "those bog Japanese ones." Koi." "yeah. i love those things." he admitted. "we need foxes!" Grant decided, eyes twinkling. "Foxes are wild. we can't have a fox for a pet." "why not?" "because they'll bite someone." "so?" "....i think you don't get the point of a pet, Grant." "sure i do. it's having something totally cooler than anyone else right?" "" "...oh."
“”Ahhh, it does that to me to. It’s quite a good feeling really.”Eliza said laughing herself as she rested a hand on steve’s back, amused that he was nearly hysterical with laughter, before nodding. “We’ll get some koi.”Tony grinned amused. “you can train foxes. If you get them as kits.”Eliza said before laughing. “that is totally the point of a pet. We’ll get a fox to.”She smiled a little, running her fingers through grant’s hair with a smile as she leaned into him.
Grant grinned and Steve just laughed some more before finally sobering himself and shaking his head. "you guys are gonna be the death of me." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before blinking. "well. if we get them as kits then they'll need a lot of care and attention, not to mention we'll have to get a special license... Pepper, what is that?" he asked, watching her come in with a small cardboard box. "three baby red foxes that are about two days old. i know Grant's obsessed with them and they needed a home." she admitted, very gently picking each one up. "they're brown." "they are, yes. until about a month old, then you'll start to notice their fur turning orange to red and the white will start coming out." she admitted.
“No we’re not.”Eliza said laughing a little before sighing, “I know, but he wants some. And I’m not very good at telling Grant no.”Eliza pointed out before looking up startled at pepper, and casting a suspicious glance at tony’s cat-ate-the-carnary smile, already suspecting what was in the box. “Well, we can give them a home. We’ll have to keep them with us.”Eliza said very gently picking one up, cuddling the small animal, glancing at the boys. “Look, we all get one of our own. This is great....I think I’ll name mine Syn.”
Steve sighed. "neither am i." he groaned, making Grant beam. Pepper giggled a little and shook her head at Tony's grin and smiled at them. "fine! but as soon as they start biting they are Tony's problem." Steve informed them even as he picked up his own tiny fox which yawed at him. "this is Deathlock Rumtaggert!" Grant declared, making Pepper and Steve choke on their laughter. "Fawn." Steve decided, stroking the tiny head. "...Deathlock Rumtaggert Grant?" Pepper asked, lifting an eyebrow. "really?" "yes! why? you don't like his new name? he likes his new name." Steve snickered a little, wondering if Grant was fucking with them or if he really was naming the poor Fox that.
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