Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“It is, as it’s not signed just by mr. Garret, captain.”Dmitri frowned, annoyed that this was taking longer then they’d promised him, he hated being in the states. They were just all so arrognant. “Of course not. I work for the russian goverment, who is interested in having Eliza back on russian soil. While she might be american, she was still committing crimes in the motherland. Much like another Russian agent you have.”Dmitri looked serious. “You can lose one, Captain, or lose both.” Eliza swallowed hard, stepping back, gently squeezing grant’s hand. Using morse code, knowing he’d understand, ‘let me go. You can alway come get me.
Steve stared at the man. "but it is signed by a man wanted by the U.S. Government which makes the paperwork invalid until investigated." he admitted. "in any case any crimes she commited where not her fault. or do you routinely punish people who have been abused and forced to do things against their will? brainwashed?" he demanded. "furthermore is it Russian policy to brainwash people? because we have i our custody four separate individuals who have had their memories locked away, their minds raped, and their mental abilities shattered by people from within our government. all of whome are, in fact, of American Citizenship. one might think your trying to start a war on American Soil." he stated, his eyes narrowing at the man. "is that what Russia wants? a war with America Sir? because i can garentee one if that's what you want." he stated. "Steven Rogers that is enough." Phil said, stalking towards them. "i do apologize for him Mr..?" Phil asked, looking for a name. "Steven is very protective over the lost souls from Russia." he admitted. "everything he has said is the truth of course. i have to admit, the fact that you choose now of all times to go after both Natasha and Eliza is worrying. after all if you really wanted them for their crimes, you would have acted much sooner than a year and a half, or int he case of the other, ten years after the fact to try and have them deported. particularly when it was only just discovered that Mr. Garret was in fact spying on our most impressive Government protective agency for the Russians as well as for the organization known as Hydra. one might think this was a retaliation strike." Phil admitted. "i'm afraid until all of this is sorted out, Eliza and Natasha cannot go anywhere., the American public would revolt if they found out we where handing over American citizens to the Russian Government because a Russian Spy commanded it." Grant had simply grabbed her hand and refused to let go, ignoring Eliza's Morse code.
Dmitri frowned at them, tilting his head before stepping back. “I see. That does change things.”The man sighed before shaking his head. “No, that’s not what we want.”The man said before looking up at phil. “Volkov.”He said looking at phil before sighing quietly. Because while he might not be the brightest person in the world, he now knew his bosses had set him up, sent him here knowing he’d cause a international incident, and he wasn’t enjoying the feeling. “I am sorry, I only came for them because I was told that they had recently escaped custody in the motherland.....”The man swallowed, looking at a loss, “No. They can’t go anywhere.”The man suddenly looked nervous, not sure if he should say anything, but needing to. “My orders were to see them safely to Moscow, and Gulug.”He said swallowing hard, because he trusted the men to talk to james, to ask about the gulug, which was the russian version of alcatraz, the jail that no one ever escaped. “They cannot go anywhere....yet.”He said hoping they’d get the message to not let the women or james, go anywhere no matter what, stepping away. “I am sorry for interrupting your day.....I will not be the last they try. I was just the most civilized."
Steve nodded, relaxing a bit when the man stepped back. "Mr. Volkov." Phil nodded his head in greeting. "oh they have escaped custody to be sure. how familiar are you with the practices of the Red Room?" he asked. "Mrs. Natasha, previously Natalia, was abandoned on American soil after a mission went sour. she was, in fact, adopted by myself making her a full American Citizen." he admitted. "that her people want her back now after more than ten years is clearly a power play that was doomed to fail from the beginning." Phil admitted. "Gulug?" Grant asked, voice frightened. "they where going to send Eliza into that place?!" he demanded, outraged. "i am afraid, Mr. Volkov that you cannot be allowed to leave yet." Phil admitted, handing the man a piece of paper. it was nothing really, just a small sentence that Phil had written that said. 'help us send a message to Hydra.' "there is paperwork to be done first." he admitted. "plus i was hoping you could be the bearer of a few files that needs to go to Russia." he admitted. "of course, we can always wait for the next person if you are very busy." Phil wouldn't force the man.
“....It seems not as familiar as I should be, if they’re playing these games with me.”Dmitri frowned looking very annoyed that Hydra was indeed making his life turn this sour. Studying the four, he knew if he made this choice, then his life at home was going to be gone. “They were.”he said looking at grant. “What?But-I can’t!No.”Eliza said her voice going that high breathy qaulity of near panic, lookign worried as she tried to relax and not run. “Hm?”The man said looking a little startled at being stopped before taking it, nodding slightly. “Yes, I am sure there is paperwork to be done. And I’m better at it then most.”He said, hoping that if he helped, he could force the red room and hydra to back off.
Phil nodded. "it seams they where hoping for you to cause an international incident." he admitted. "i have to wonder if your president even knows about this." he admitted. "i can't see him agreeing to letting anyone come to America trying to snatch American citizens." he admitted. "we'll have to make a call." he admitted. "hush. you won't go. we'll vanish before that happens." Grant promised her, Steve nodding. "Thor could easily take you to Asgard for protection." Steve promised Eliza and Grant. "i'm half tempted to send you now but i don't think any of you would do that without a long and bloody fight." he admitted. "we won't let them take you Eliza." "especially since i doubt they would have kept you in that prison. they'd have remanded you into the Rad Room, KGB, or Hydra possession." Phil admitted before smiling at Dmitri. "please follow us then." he offered. "Steven, you behave." Phil ordered, making Steve scowl but nod. "do you have to call me that?" "yes."
“It seems that I was indeed supposed to. Though i don’t quite know how they expected me to deal with the good Captain.”Dmitri sighed a little before nodding. “I’ll get that call put through.” “...Kay.Oaky.”eliza whimpered, trying to calm as she looked up at the two, before growling. “We’re not going anywhere.”she muttered to stubborn to run away from a fight even if it was probably a good idea. “...Steven, behave, and i’ll reward you later.”she muttered holding onto their hands as they left, looking nervous and fidgety as they headed back to the tower.
Steve puffed up, pleased with himself. "i've been studying." he admitted. "a lot of those pumped up senators seam to think i have to listen to them. i love cramming the law down their throats. and i had to use a lot of international law back in the war. i was mostly bluffing but i'm glad to see that most of the laws are the same." he admitted, happy with himself. "thank you very much for your cooperation. if you feel your life is in any way at threat, feel free to accept our offer of political asylum." he offered. "i figured you where going to say that." Steve admitted to Eliza before pouting. "but i thought i was being punished?" he asked before glancing at Phil who nodded. "come on." Steve ordered, dragging Elia and Grant into their car. "we need to go him and snuggle." "i have m own mode of transportation." Phil assured them. "take her and Grant home, get them calmed down."
“You did quite well, Kapitan.”Dmitri said smiling, “And I might do that.”the man said as they left. Looking nervous about the idea of returning home after this, having a feeling that things were going to get very dangerous when he didn’t return with either black widow.s “”....You...I...well.That’s true. We could punish you.”Eliza said swallowing hard, trying to calm down, and hating how she couldn’t stop shaking even as she handed the keys over to steve, not trusting herself to drive, and knowing tony had showed him at least the basics of driving a car.
Steve grinned at the man. "i don't hate you now." he admitted, shaking the man's hand before leaving. "don't worry Eliza. we'll put the tower on lockdown." he admitted. "no one in, no one out without specific clearance. they'll stop coming after us ina couple of months after we start blowing up Hydra facilities. James, and Grant, have given us a list of almost thirty places here in the united states alone." he admitted. "they'll have bigger things to worry about then two escaped soviets." "...hey Steve?" Grant asked suddenly. "was that true, about Eliza's birth certificate?" "well, yes. didn't you know she was born a U.S Citizen?" he asked. "her parents never stopped searching for her, but unfortunately they died in an accident when she was two." he admitted, wincing when he nudged the curb. "sorry... reverse...." he muttered to himself, switching to back up and then pulled out. "look! i haven't crashed!" "...maybe we should walk?" Grant mused.
“Good. That will be good.”Eliza said, and no matter how paranoid she was, she also knew that jarvis and tony were on a whole other level of paranoid and that the tower would be the safest place on earth. “....I had parents?They....they wanted me?”Eliza said sounding even more upset trembling a little as she bit her lip, trying to keep from crying, looking up as steve pulled out, giving a quiet little giggle. “...You want me to call Tony or Clint?They can come get us if you don’t want to try...”She said looking equally worried about steve’s driving.
Steve nodded. "it will be good. and Phil will take care of everything else." in fact, Phil was talking to Dimitri right now about faking a huge scene by having him arrested and wondering if that would help or hinder Dimitri from returning home later. "i... you didn't know?" Steve asked, looking upset. "shit, Eliza i thought you knew... yeah they wanted you." he admitted. "i thought you knew." he admitted. "they searched the world for you." he admitted. "when nothing turned up in the united states they started spreading their attention. they where Shield Agents, Level Seven. they died in a plane crash heading for Russia. we think that the Russians knew they where coming for you and shot them down." he admitted before grimacing. "...yeah call Clint." he agreed with a sigh. Grant sighing in relief.
“No, I didn’t.”Eliza said looking startled and confused at the idea as she leaned into grant, swallowing hard as she buried her face against grant’s chest, clinging to the man as she cried. Hating that she had gotten her parents killed. Sniffling a little as she dialed clint, talking to the archer for a few minutes before hanging up. “He’s on his way. Should be here soon enough.”she said sighing quietly, before looking up as she realized how clint was gettting there, shaking her head a little at the sight of tony flying with the man. “You three okay?”Tony asked as he landed, flicking the faceplate up to look them over as he set clint on the ground.
Steve shook his head and parked the car and moved to the backseat so he could hold her as well, stroking her back while he cried. "i'm sorry. i didn't realize you didn't know." he admitted softly. "i'm so sorry you had to find out in the back of a car..." he admitted, shaking his head before rolling his eyes at the pair. "well. there goes out low key exit." he muttered. "we're okay. just a few too many shocks." Steve admitted. "think you guys could drive? apparently my skills aren't up to par enough yet. i think Grant pissed himself a little." "i did not!"
“I-It’s okay.”Eliza said sniffling as she snuggled into the two men, calming slowly, though no less clingy. “hey, this was faster, I figured you three would appreciate leaving quickly more then waiting for clint to drive out here on his own.”Tony shrugged, not abotu to mention he was playing escort to as Clint settled behind the wheel. “I’m sure you didn’t.”Clint said with a snicker as tony flew overhead, heading back to the tower.
Steve shook his head. "it's not okay." he murmured. "we have a whole file on them, if you want to see it later? Phil put it together for you." he admitted. "he wasn't sure how you felt about it though, so decided to wait until you asked someone about them." he admitted before snorting at Tony. "shut up Clint! Jerk!" Grant complained, sulking while the Archer drove them home. Phil was back at the tower by the time they got there. "Mr. Valkov is being very helpful." Phil admitted. "apparently Vladimir had no knowledge of any of this and is very annoyed that one of his best officers has been arrested without his knowledge." Phil admitted, his lips twitching. "he and Fury are chatting it up right now. they are both paranoid bastards." he admitted before focusing on Eliza. "are you okay?" he asked softly. "don't worry. your not alone anymore. we will always keep you safe." he promised. "it might be best if you all stayed inside for a few days though." he admitted. "i hate to keep you cooped up. your not prisoners...." "we'll talk to Tony. maybe he can make one of the unused rooms into an indoor garden or something?" Steve decided. "it won't be quite like going outside, but we won't feel as cooped up either." never mind that this was the first time they'd left the tower in weeks.Steve wanted an indoor garden and he wasn't above manipulating Tony to get one.
“...Yes. I would like that.”Eliza said smiling quietly, smiling at the idea. “I...I didn’t know I’d had anyone to ask about....natasha either, probably.”She said going quiet, amused as they drove home. “Really?”Eliza said looking startled, laughing a little. “Well, at least something good came out of this. Maybe between fury and him, we can clean this up.”She said taking a shaky breath before nodding, “I...I’m okay.”She said, not really but she was saying it. “....It’s okay. I wont put anyone in danger by going out...”She said before looking up interested.”Hmm, tony would probably enjoy putting in a garden.”She said thoughtfully. "Tony would enjoy what?"tony asked as he walked in from stripping off the suit
Steve shook his head. "Natasha already knows about her parents. they where... they sold her to the ed room for money." he admitted. "so they could pay off their drug and gambling debts." he admitted with a sigh. "yes really." he promised with a smile. "i'm sure we won't have many issues once we start blowing up Hydra bases." Phil admitted. "Fury wants a tactical all strike so we have to organize." he admitted. "we've kept a few of the spies and they'll be giving one date while we actually attack on another." he admitted. "it will be a full and total destruction." he admitted. "...are you sure your alright?" "she just found out about her parents, and the threat of that prison spooked her more than she'll admit." ", didn't know about your parents?!" Phil demanded, horrified. "oh Eliza i'm sorry. i thought... but of course he wouldn't. fucking Garret." Phil grumbled before looking up at Tony. "we're trapped inside and don't like it. we where hoping you might build an indoor Garden of some sort."
“oh. Well. At least she knows what happened.”Eliza winced at that before smirking slightly. “Hm, no one ever has issues when we get to blow shit up. It’ll be fun.”Eliza said smiling slightly before nodding as she realized they’d have to wait and prepare. It was going to be great. “/..Yea, I’m sure.”he muttered swallowing hard, frowning. “I am not spooked.”she growled making a face before shaking her head. “Didn’t even know I was american.”She said shrugging a little. “Ah. Well. I can do that. Some sort of garden...I’ll get pepper to help. She’s good at girly stuff like that.”He said looking interested in the idea of doing a indoor garden for them all.
Steve nodded. "yeah... unfortunately they took every opportunity to tell Tash." he admitted. "i the red room i men, they liked to torment her with the information." he admitted. "oh. i was more thinking that Hydra would be too distracted trying to rebuild than chase after us. it is fun blowing things up though." he admitted with a nod. "you where spooked. Grant was spooked. fuck even Phil was phased!" he pointed out before smiling. "yeah. your birth name was Elizabeth Sinclair." he admitted. "all babies of certain government employees have their blood and fingerprints downloaded into a special system so we can find them if they go missing." Phil admitted. "when we first recovered you, we ran both against the system and you came up positive." Phil admitted. "i will get the file with all the information in it." he promised. " really expect Pepper to enjoy playing in the dirt?" Grant asked, sounding properly Disbelieving.
“...that sucks.”Eliza sighed softly shaking her head at the idea before laughing. “Well, that to. But blowing it up will be fun.”she snickered a little leaning into grant a little, swallowing hard. “Yea, okay, prison spooked me.”She sighed before looking startled and pleased, disturbed at the idea of that. “...Fucking Garret....”She muttered hating that he’d known this whole time, and she hadn’t been told. Not that she’d been able to do anything with the knowledge, but it would have been nice to know. “I expect Pepper to enjoy taking a roll in the dirt, yes. And she’s a flower person. She’ll like it.”Tony smirked even as he grabbed one of his tablets and started designing.
he nodded. "it does. but no ones surprised. the Red Room loved to make you as emotionally dependent upon them as possible." he admitted with a shake of his head. "very fucking Garret." Phil agreed with a sigh before blinking at Tony. "she likes flowers that aren't covered in dirt." he pointed out before sighing when he realized Tony wasn't listening to him. "oh well. not my fault if she kills him." Phil admitted. it would turn out later that Phil and Steve where right. Pepper would oversee but she refused to touch the dirt.
Tony sulked as he watched pepper choosing flowers, “You know, when I said I wanted to get dirty with you, I was voicing a desire to have sex in dirt.”Tony whined as he [;anted the flowers, having forbidden anyone else from coming in until it was done, he’d been eft to plant and design all on his own.

Eliza sighed quietly, the week stuck inside had driven her insane, the woman fidgety and annoyed at being stuck inside, even if she was being kept busy with planning the attacks on shield, and work. And smirking a little as she looked down at her outfit, she smirked. Having put off the sex until she was feeling better, the woman was anxious to seduce both her boys for the first time, it was both exciting and nerve wracking. The soft black and red outfit, both appealing to her, and something she’d never worn before. Usually, she wasn’t a lingerie person, but wanting to impress both men was driving her to try. Smiling as she headed for their room’s living room section, she tilted her head at the sight of grant and steve playing video games, wondering how long it’d take them to notice.
she snorted at him. "i can't abide dirt Tony. you know that... the BLUE Flower is supposed to go there." she informed him loftily.

Steve wasn't fairing much better. he was used to going outside three times a day to run out his energy. now he had to do it in the gym and it just wasn't the same. Grant was recovering even ore and Jean Grey had upped their mental healing to three times a week. he'd still had a screaming fit, but it had only happened once and he was starting to remember without agonizing pain. Grant had taken to playing video games with Steve to 'male bond' as it where and they where about equally matched now. "you Fucker! stop sniping me!" "YOU Fucker! Stop screen-watching!" Steve protested right back. "we had a pact!" "it died when you started screen watching!" "i'm not!" "you are! i can see your eyes flicking!" "i have a twitch!" "liar! hey Eliz....uuuuuuh...." Steve did a double take and then stared, wide eyed and stunned at the woman. "...Grant? pinch me okay?" "what, why?" "because i think i'm dreaming. OW... it's a figure of speech!" "well you shouldn't tell me to do things then! oh WOW Eliza!..." Grant gasped.
“But having sex should be worth putting up with a little dirt!I’d totally take a shower with you later.”Tony whined even as moved the blue flower into the right place.

Eliza smiled as she leaned against the door, watching the two men, smirking a little. “You two are really funny like this.”She teased a little before blushing as steve did a double take, ducking her head a little as she looked at the two. “You like?I did promise I had clothes for you when we went shopping...”She smiled slightly.
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