Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“really.We were looking for you, to bring you back. Good thing you found us on your own, made it easier to track you down.”She muttered nodding slightly, but not voicing just how hurt she had been to be turned away. “...we’ll kill him and move on. I know people, and I am very good at killing. Even if you never remember, we’ll get rid of garret, and that’ll take care of everything.”She shuddered resting her head against him."Me to."
he nodded and hugged her a little tighter. "thank you. for not giving up on me." he murmured. "...can we kill him?" he asked, worried. "won't we get in trouble for doing that?" he asked before blinking at her. "okay." he agreed. trusting her. if she said they could kill him and move on, then he believed her. he wasn't sure it would solve everything though. not everything. he was still shattered inside, he needed help, but who could help him?
“You’re welcome. I don’t want to ever let you go.”she muttered before smiling. “We might, but we’ll see how things go. We’ll figure something out.”she muttered knowing they had to figure something out.

Two days later Eliza smiled a little as she stepped into steve’s rooms, looking worried. Having not been able to see him while he healed, the woman was anxious to see him. “steve?”she said moving to the edge of the bed, looking at her captain worriedly.
he nodded. "okay." he agreed with a smile.

Steve hummed a little when she came in an turned his head to blink at her. aside from a mass of scabs all over his back, he was fine. tired all the time from spending so much time healing, but fine. "hey Eliza!" he said, smiling at her. "i'm sorry i look like such a mess. how have you been?" he asked her, giving her a smile. "i hear we have Grant back. a little but at least." and he would be working with Jean Grey every week to help him recover from the extensive mental scarring.
Eliza shuffled over to the bed, looking him over anxiously, considering her boyfriend. Making sure he was okay before smiling, relieved to see that they hadn’t gotten him scarred irrepairably, or that the others hadn’t been lying about how he was doing. “I’m doing okay. The rest of us are healed and good, only you worried us.”She said smiling a little, nodding. “We do. Some. He refused to leave me, only left me alone now cause I was coming in here.”
Steve smiled at her. "i'm fine. healing takes a lot of energy so i'm too tired to even make it to the bathroom. i tried. i fell asleep half way there." he admitted, pouting before yawning. "i'm glad you where all okay." he admitted. relieved. the mission was well worth a little pain in his back. from what Bruce told him, they had collected almost every single Hydra insurgent almost overnight. hit every Hydra safe house, research center, and training camp. they found all of the red rooms and rescued the children, those that they could. "it's good that he's protecting you." Steve admitted with a smile. "i don't like the idea of you being alone." he admitted.
“That’s both saddening and amusing.”She said laughing quietly as he pouted, smiling a little as she sat down on the edge of his bed. “We are. And we got everything we could ever hope for.”She said though she did appreciate everything, and knew it was a fair trade, it still scared her that he had been hurt to get it. “I wasn’t alone, you were alone...I don’t like the idea of you being in here alone.”She said looking worried about him despite seeing that he was recovering
he chuckled a little and nodded. "it was pretty embarrassing waking up to Bruce informing me that i was an idiot and that i'd pissed all over myself." he admitted with a huff. "then he had to help me wash up, which i fell asleep through again. it was horrible." he admitted, pouting. "we got everything we needed to help Grant and that will always make it worth it." he admitted. a lot of the information they'd recovered had indeed been the intense experimentation into the mental manipulations of various individuals. it was giving Jean Grey the assistance she needed to really help Grant. and was helping Bruce too since he was helping with Grant's recovery a lot as well. "i wasn't alone either. Tony usually sat with me. even if he couldn't come inside because of germs and stuff. since i'm all scabbed over now, we don't have to worr about infections. Bruce is going to move me back to our rooms today." he admitted happily. "he said i'll likely spend the next two days sleeping yet, but that's okay."
“Hm, you are a idiot, but a quite adorable one.”She teased a little, leaning over and kissing his cheek. “...well. That’s true. I dislike that you were hurt, but getting what grant needed...yes. It made all the worry over you, worth it.”Eliza said sighing a little before nodding. “So bruce said. I’m glad you are well enough to come in, I hated not being able to come in....and that’s okay. Even if you sleep the next two days, I still want to be with you, in our rooms. It’ll be better then being in here.”She said smiling slightly.
"i am adorable aren't i?" Steve asked with a grin before chuckling. "it was my own fault for getting hurt in the first place." he admitted. "i know better than to just let someone start destroying things in a Hydra Compound. they are always booby trapped. i was so worked up i forgot to use my brain." he admitted. "i'm just glad none of you got hurt too bad. you, Clint and Natasha would have been crippled for life if you'd taken that blast." he admitted, worried about what might have happened. "hows Grant been doing?" he was much better, he still had episodes, where he sat in a corner and screamed, or when he flinched away and found places to hide, but he hadn't bit Eliza yet, and he doted on her when he had the presence of mind to know she wasn't a threat or an enemy. Tony, on the other hand had been bitten six times, Bruce twenty. even Jean, few times as she saw him, had been bitten a total of six times. thank god she didn't mind because she was the only reason he was recovering at all.
"You are very adorable."she agreed looking amused before sighing."I know. We both knew better but we still did it....we'll just remember we go beat on hydra later..."Eliza sighed a before nodding."we would have been. Even the light blistering we did get was uncomfortable."she smiled a little."he's doing better.less episodes....though he still has them. And I'm the only one that's Not been bitten, and he dotes on me."
he nodded. "i really am." he agreed with a chuckle before he grimaced a little. "well. there is that. apparently a lot of the people they've captured are being stubborn. at least none of them had any Cyanide pills. that was a pain in the ass back in the war." he admitted. "i guess that fell out of favor or something." he admitted. "good. i'm glad he's doing better." he admitted with a smile. "of course he dotes on you." he teased, smirking. "your adorable." he admitted. "now. how about you do me a favor? go get Bruce? i have to piss and i still can't make it to the bathroom on my own. then i can go up to our bedroom." he admitted happy with the idea that he could go back to his own rooms and be comfortable.
“Yea, that would be a pain. Suicide’s not all that it cracked up to be.”She said rolling her eyes a little before nodding. “He is doing better. Though he’s worried he might never remember everything....garret messed him up bad, steve...”She said before smirking. “I am indeed adorable.”She smirked before nodding, looking concerned before laughing as she realized why he wanted bruce.”Don’t want me to help you?”she teased even as she left to go get bruce.
he shrugged. "i wouldn't know." he admitted before smiled a little. "i'm glad he's doing better. and even if he never remembers, we'll still love him." he assured her. "he's been fucked with, but he's still a kind, caring, good man." he admitted. "he's still him, even if he can't remember anything." he admitted before snorting. "i'd love your help, but i don't think you can carry two hundred and sixty pounds." he pointed out. "and my legs are too weak to support my own body weight right now." he admitted. tiny, skinny bruce tended to turn into the hulk who carried him into the massive bathroom. if Steve needed a bath then he turned back into Bruce, did the washing and then turned back into Hulk. Steve was delighted by how much better the two worked together.
“I know. We do. It’s just...he’s so upset about it, and I can do nothing to help him feel better, or more relaxed about it...”She sighed softly, before nodding. “he is a good man.”She agreed before laughing. “That’s true. I’m strong, but not that strong.”She snickered a little amused as she watched them, before smirking a little as she watched the two, though the hulk made her nervous, even if she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. “Want me to get Grant, we could meet you in our rooms. I mean, I know he wants to see how you’re doing...”She said a little fidgety and nervous.
Steve nodded. "i know. he'll calm down once he realizes it's going to be okay." he promised. "and he will be okay he just needs time to calm down and heal." he explained, taking her hand and kissing her fingertips. "oh! that's a good idea!" Steve agreed, Hulk grunting as he very carefully lifted Steve so gentle that the man didn't even wince. with burns that bad even the slightest motion should have hurt. "you go get him and i'll see you up there in ten okay?" he asked with a grin. and indeed ten minutes later he was delivered by a very gentle Hulk who laid him so very, very carefully on the bed. Grant was hiding in the corner, staring at Hulk with massive, awestruck, but not frightened eyes. "wow. big." "Hulk, Big!" Hulk agreed, pleased by the compliment before he shrank back down into Bruce who staggered a little bit. the 'landing' was always a bit hard to manage. "that was cool!" Grant admitted, sounding like an excited five year old and both Grant and Steve chuckled.
“I know, it’s just nerve wracking till then.”Eliza said smiling a little before grinning. “Ten minutes.”She agreed as she left. Laughing out loud as she watched Grant, snickering as she gently tucked steve into bed, fussing over him. “He is indeed big.”Eliza agreed snickering at hulk’s pleasure at the compliment, reaching out to steady bruce. “You okay?”She smiled softly
"i'm alright." Bruce promised. "it's a bit like Vertigo, being so big and then suddenly being so small. makes me a bit dizzy, and tired. he admitted with a shake of his head. "now, don't get his back wet." he ordered. "other than that, once he has the strength he can stand up, walk around, sit up, whatever he wants. don't let him exert himself too much, make sure he eats and drinks and gets plenty of rest. no sex until his back is completely healed. that should be in a day, two at the most." Bruce informed them before smiling. "i'm going to go take a nap." "me too." Steve decided with a yawn.
“Ah, sorta like reverse-vertigo for steve. He went from being small, to being huge.”Eliza snickered a little before nodding, looking very serious as she considered what she needed to do to help steve. “I can do that.”he said looking serious as she considered what to do, before nodding.”Night Bruce.”She smiled sitting on the edge of steve’s bed, gently pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Go to sleep.”she ordered softly.
he snorted. "i don't think Steve had that problem." "no. though i did have to figure out my strength. i kept breaking everything i touched at first." he admitted with a chuckle. Grant hesitated once Bruce was gone before he hopped onto the bed and snuggled into Steve's hip, where he wouldn't bother the burns. Steve smiled and gently ran his fingers through the man's hair and lifted his arm so Eliza could join him too, his unburned side wouldn't be bothered by her snuggling.
Eliza smiled gently as she watched grant snuggling into the other, smiling quietly as she moved over, and climbed onto the bed with the other, “You sure this is okay?You might hurt....”She said looking worried as she shifted, snuggling into the other, resting his head against the other’s chest as he sighed softly.
Steve smiled a little. "it won't hurt. it's mostly numb." he promised her. "the nerves are all still dead, they won't come back online until everything else heals." he promised her, sighing happily once she was cuddled up with him.

in the morning Grant was helping Steve to the bathroom and back, since he could now keep his feet under him for a short period of time. his back was peeling, the scabs starting to fall off. he complained about being itchy until Grant very carefully massaged lotion into Steve's back. by nightfall he could stay awake for more than an hour at a time. by the next morning he could walk t the bathroom himself. though he had to pause to catch his breath before he made his way back. by that night his nerves came back online, a painful ordeal and Grant had to rub his back again to help the nerves settle down. by the second morning it was like he hadn't been hurt at all. though the pile of shed scabs was gross.
Eliza made a face as she looked the room over, carefully cleaning up as she looked up at the super soldier, raising a eyebrow. “This is gross. I really should make you clean it up yourself.”She teased before leaning over, kissing the super soldier as he woke up, fidgety and nervous, now that he wasn’t hurt, she was nervous about grant leaving; as if she kept expecting him to wake up and walk away. To remember why he hadn’t wanted to be with them. “So.I was thinking....we need to go on a date...or do something...just the three of us...”She said looking around nervous but wanting to ask now that he was able to get up and around by himself.
Steve mumbled when he woke up and chuckled a little. "i'll clean it up." he premised with a yawn an a chuckle, sliding out of bed and showing his back to her. "hows it look?" he asked. aside from a few places still scabbed over, it was smooth and new. pale too, from never having seen the sun yet. it would tan quickly he knew. "i wanna go on a date." Grant mumbled from where he was laying covered by the blankets. "i just have a question... what's a date?" Steve chuckled a little. "it's basically us hanging out to get to know each other o a deeper level and affirm the bods we already have." "...hang out? i like hanging out." he admitted. "i do too." Steve agreed, smiling at Eliza. "what did you have in mind?" he asked with a smile at Eliza as he searched for the hand held vacuum so he could clean up his mess.
“Good.Cause I don’t want to.”Eliza muttered smiling a little as she stopped cleaning, moving closer to study his back, smiling slightly. “Looks like you’re all healed. You’ll probably get a sunburn when you go out, since it’s such new skin, but you’ll be okay.”Elia said smiling softly as she gently ran her fingers over the skin. Glancing down at Grant she snickered a little as his question, shaking her head a little. “I was thinking we could go to coney island.”She said sounding amused at grant’s confusion on what a date was.
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