Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“You do. I know you do.”Eliza said with a pained smile as she watched Grant, wincing as he moved away, for the moment ignoring the two super soldiers as she gently eased closer to to agent, crouching down, but staying away from him, not crowding him, but closer. “Grant, please, let me make sure the wound’s not getting infected.”She said before glancing back at james, and nodding. “J?Can you have Tony look into that.”Eliza said smiling as the AI said he would before paling, frowning as she looked at Steve.”Isn’t came from?”she asked after a moment.”Way to dangerous to be let loose right now.”
Grant snarled when she came close to him, his eyes wild with rage and fear, trying to press himself into the corner, away from her. this was actually when he was the most dangerous, as all cornered animals where. when she crouched he paused, startled. no one ever crouched. that was. not something someone did when they where going to attack... he narrowed his eyes at her, waiting for trickery but didn't snarl again when she cautiously approached. he stared at her, stunned while she examined his head. not infected and healing properly even if it was going to be sore for some time. "yes. that's where i came from. where Captain America was Born. part of him anyway, it's where they chose me. technically Captain America was born underneath an Antique Store in Brooklyn." he admitted, watching as Grant calmed down again now that no one was in his space. feral animal indeed.
“Shhh, you’re okay. I just want to look at your head.”Eliza soothed, looking at him, remembering how things had been when he’d coaxed her through her own feral time when she’d first joined shield. “Good, not infected, it’s good.”She soothedd smiling slightly as she moved away looking at steve. “I’ll go with you.And natasha and clint. We’ll leave the other two here to watch these two.”Eliza said knowing steve would have no business going to the camp alone."That should be a sign you know. That you were going to be a antique during your lifetime."She teased smirking at him, teasing him for being a 95 year old in a 24 year old's body.
Grant growled at her again before letting her do as she wanted, trembling with fright, his eyes wild. he wasn't attacking her, which was a sight better than when Garret had first brought him to the Shield. he was so feral the only person who could come near him was Garret. and even then Garret got bitten more often than not. she didn't get bitten though, so that was a very good sign. Steve swallowed thickly and then nodded. "i don't want to go alone." he admitted softly. "you'll come with me." he asked her, hopeful. if he was lucky, he wouldn't have a flashback. if he wasn't, he knew she could take him down or snap him out of it. hopefully. "yeah, i guess it should have been a sign." he admitted with a chuckle, watching Grant slowly come out from his corner, still watching everyone suspiciously. "anyway are you to comfortable? do you need anything else?" "alcohol." was James suggestion. "no." James barely managed to get the full word out before Steve had snapped a negative, making James pout. "not even a little?" "no." "please?" "no." "why not?" "because i've seen both you and Grant drunk and i am not dealing with the mess you two will make." "well that's not fair." "of course it's not. ou can get drunk when your not on my watch. until then, tough." "fine." "good."
“Of course I’ll go with you.”Eliza said softly, smiling quietly at him, leaning into him a little as he looked at grant, swallowing hard. Trying not to crowd him to much, but being ripped apart by her need to be close. Feeling at a loss, because when he’d first arrived, she’d been just as damaged. She had no idea how to deal with this now that she was the one in control, and he wasn’t. Snickering at james pout she smirked a little at steve, “But they’re going to be on tony’s watch soon.”She pointed out, smirking because while no one said it, they all knew tony was their resident alcoholic, who was always teetering on falling off the wagon.
Steve relaxed and smiled at her before glancing at Grant who was studying them, curious about them even if he was trying to hide it. feeling the unfamiliar sting of jealousy that confused the hell out of him. "such a shame i poured out every last drop of alcohol and replaced it with tinted water." he murmured for Eliza's ears only, James snorting, looking amused enough that you knew he had heard them. "well when they're on Tony's watch then he can deal with the mess they make." Steve decided with a grin and a shake of his head. "more books." James decided. "i've almost finished the last one." he admitted. "Fantasy preferably." he suggested and Steve smiled. "you always did love to read." he admitted. "i'll pick up some more stuff." he promised.
Eliza snorted at that. “He’ll kill you if he finds that out.”she muttered amused, well aware that tony always teetered on teh edge of falling off, and his expensive alcohol was the best he could get, even if he didn’t drink it all the time. “well, I’m sure they’ll all make messes.”Eliza snickered as she stood, tilting her head. “We’ll pick up some books. Anything for you, Grant?”She said watching him.
he smirked. "he can try." he admitted. "....any chance of a video game counsel?" Grant asked, glancing at them. "sure." Steve agreed. "i'll get the collection, i don't play much." he admitted. Steve had all the consoles. X-Box, Wii, Playstation, even a Gamecube. he even had an old Atari, an Nes, and an old Sega console. his favorite so far was the Nintendo 64. he had an original Gameboy and each version of it after. including the newest one and a huge selection of games. Steve was nearly obsessed with them and spent a good portion of his money buying old games and consoles that still worked. his collection impressed even the Video Game museum. he didn't play all that often though because most of the games he could beat in a few hours. well, the old ones anyway. he liked the new games, like Fable, Call of Duty, the ones that took a lot longer to beat because of all the extra missions in the games. he and Tony had long Halo battles together often. they where about equally matched. well, once Steve got used tot he controls anyway.
“You have the world’s best collection of things.”Eliza laughed to herself as she helped steve and tony get the games down to the boys, at least they could have that until they brought the books back. By the time they were ready to go, eliza was nervous and worried about steve, her utter worry over grant rubbing off onto her boyfriend. “You sure you want to go?Me and Natasha could go by ourselves you know.”She pointed out to the captain, knowing that going back to camp leigh was going to be hard.
Steve smirked. "of course i do, i troll the internet looking for anything i can find." he admitted. Grant was delighted by the selection, he adored the old style games. he'd never been able to play at home, so he delighted in getting to try them now. "i'll be fine." Steve promised her. "i have to go. i have to know." he admitted, looking at her. "i have to know if Hydra was always a part of Shield." he admitted, taking her hand. "i have to be there." he admitted softly. "i have to see for myself."
Eliza rolled her eyes, amused at his need to find games. “...okay. Let’s go find out if the big bad guys were always such good spies.”She said squeezing his hand before slipping onto his bike, smirking. “I thought you could use some time to drive.”She looked amused, settling against his back even as natasha rolled her eyes as she got in a car with clint, the two couples heading for camp leigh.

"...this is sad. I's just abandoned."Eliza frowned as they walked in, looking worried as she looked around them, on guard and worried.
Steve snorted. "somehow, i doubt it." he admitted. "people have gotten stupider over the years." he admitted before smiling at her. "you just want to hug me." he teased, giving her a kiss before heading off. "...yeah. they abandoned it after i fell." he admitted. "they didn't have the funding, the scientists, or the blood to try again." he admitted. "this place literally had only one purpose. creating me. and others like me." he admitted. "when they couldn't anymore, they left it all." "well. where do we start?" Clint asked, looking around, blinking when Steve pointed. "right there. that building is in the wrong place." he admitted. "keep your eyes peeled. you never know where someone might be."
“Hm, I do. Always.”Eliza snickered a little. Frowning as she looked around, shaking her head. “that’s both disturbing and interesting. I mean, they had to have wasted so much time and money, makes you wonder just how much a hand the military had in the serum- projects that followed.”Natasha muttered thinking about it, startlign a little. “How do you know?”She said eyeing the building even as they followed the super soldier, trusting his instincts, but curious at the reasoning. “...Use the shield to bust the lock. I’d shoot it if I didn’t want a ricochet.”Eliza muttered.
Steve nodded. "i know Bruce's project was Government funded. of course, he didn't know that's what he was working on. poor guy." Steve admitted. "he has no idea how close he really came." he admitted. "the only reason why he agreed to move in and become our doctor is because we promised we didn't mind his giant rage monster and that we'd keep that filthy general off his ass." Steve admitted before smiling. "there are rules in Camps like this. that building is an armament. it's not allowed to be within so many feet of the Mess hall." he admitted. "and since that mess hall was there when i was here, and that building wasn't, that's the building we need to check." he admitted, moving over to the door and glancing at Clint. "can you?" "of course." Clint stated, carefully picking the lock with his lock picks. they didn't want to make too many loud noises. "done." Clint said, unhooking the lock and carefully opening the door. "...everyone be careful but have a look around." Steve suggested, eyes scanning the room.
“Well, that and tony has some pretty amazing toys.”Eliza mused snickering a little. “We really don’t mind him. We have alot of weird things already in the tower.”She mused. “Ah. That makes sense.”Natasha said looking at the building, watching clint pick the locks before stepping in, wincing a little in the dark, sliding a hand along the wall, smiling slightly as she threw the breaker, blinking in the sudden light. “Well. Someone’s here. Why else keep electric going?”She muttered. “...Hey. If you’re already working in a secret base...why do you need another?”Eliza said as she stepped towards the shelves along the wall, inspecting them before pushing against it, shoving and feeling it start to move.
Steve chuckled. "Tony does have some amazing toys." he admitted with a nod. "i kind of like Bruce." Steve admitted. "he's wicked smart but he doesn't get hyper like Tony does." he admitted, tensing when the lights popped on. "yeah. this place is supposed to be abandoned, which means there shouldn't be any running electricity." he agreed, blinking at Kate. "good eyes." he praised, smiling at her. "shall we?" he asked, carefully inching into the room and blinking when Clint found the light switch this time. "...computers?" he muttered, eyes racking the dust free area. "yeah. people have been in here. a lot. they keep it clean, notice that?" he asked, crouching down and brushing his hands along the floor. "they've cleaned recently. there's still soap scum on the floor from the last time." he admitted. "think we'll trigger any alarms if we start up those computers and see what we can find?" he asked, setting his shield down.
“I think that’s more tony’s bipolar, then anything to do with his genius.”Natasha pointed out, having read the man’s medical files when she was undercover with him, she’d known he’d been diagnosed as a child with the manic-depression and medicated himself with alcohol instead of real medicine, his own unstable childhood having left him both without the ability to get real medicine or see a psychologist as howard had thought it was a weakness. But hopefully they could help him. “We shall.”She said easing into teh room, raising a eyebrow as natasha nodded, looking over the computers. “Might. But I don’t think we have much choice if we want answers.”Natasha said as she turned the computers on, smirking as she saw the question. “Do you want to play a game?” “....I didn’t know you watched movies, Black widow.” “Clint’s a geek. Makes me watch stupid movies.”Natasha sadi rolling her eyes a little at the other black widow.
Steve blinked. "what's Bi-Polar?" he asked, looking confused. "we'll explain later. maybe we can get Tony to get real help?" Clint wondered before blinking a little at Natasha and grinning. "well. your the best with them NAt, help yourself." Steve agreed before blinking. "i don't get this reference." Steve admitted, leaning over and typing 'Y.E.S.' "oh fuck no, you didn't just do that. now a creepy man is going to pipe up and make us choose who lives and who dies!" "...what kind of fucked up TV do you people watch?" Steve demanded before cringing away from the computer when everything started to click into life. "Good Morning, Herr Rogers." "...Arnim Zola...."
“It’s a mood disorder. We’ll tell you later....and we might. Steve’d probably have the best chance to convince him to get help.”Natasha muttered. “It’s a movie about a computer game.”Natasha said before smirking, “You are so weird.”She muttered rolling her eyes at clint’s protest. “....Creepy stuff.”Eliza said eyes widening as the computer clicked to life, raising her gun, both black widows going pale as they responded to Zola’s presence, shivering a little even as they back slowly away from the computers.
Clint blinked. "computer game? i was talking about the Jigsaw killer. you know. Saw?" he asked, blinking at her. "what computer game?" he asked, looking baffled. "...well there goes your excuses." Steve teased Natasha, looking amused. "...fuck, Clint? get them out of here." Steve ordered, realizing that this was the green man, the A.I that made Natasha, James, Grant and Eliza all cringe when Jarvis spoke. "so. start talking Zola." Steve demanded even as he started plugging i Tony's wireless controlling... thingies he had sent. just plug em in and Tony could access whatever computer they where plugged into.Steve would distract Zola, and Tony would pull out all of the information. he had no doubt that Jarvis was stronger than Zola.
“..I had erased the memory of those movies from my mind. Don’t remind me....and I’m confused now to.”Natasha frowned a little before snickering at steve. “Yes, I guess it does.” “...No...can’t leave steve.”Eliza said even as clint started making them leave, fighting to stay there, swallowing hard as she watched tony’s computer gadgets starting to override the system, knowing within moments jarvis would have everything, but it didn’t make her happy to be leaving steve.
he blinked at her and Steve just snickered at Natasha being caught in a lie because Clint was an idiot. "Eliza. it's okay." he promised her. "Zola can't do a thing to me." he assured her. "and i've dealt with him before." he admitted, staring at him. "it's because of him that James is the way he is. he developed the cyrogenics and the mind wiping technology." he admitted. "he created Jame's metal arm too." he admitted. "isn't that right, Herr Doctor?" Steve asked, clearly mocking the man. "your also the one who started building Hydra within Shield, using a man named Dr. Ivchenko who was a master at mental manipulations and hypnotism." Steve stated, reading the information off of his Stark Pad. "my my, you have been naughty haven't you Vanko?" he asked. "brainwashing good recruits and making them fanatically loyal to Hydra, stealing babies from cribs to train them in the red room. tsk tsk. i wonder what would happen, Vanko, if i went over to those computers and started tearing things up? would you hurt? would you die?" Steve wondered, smiling almost serenely at Zola. "i think we should see, don't you?"
“...okay.”Eliza said still looking unsure, but letting Clint pull her and natasha closer to the door, while they did move away, they weren’t leaving completely either. “...It is. He was the finest warrior I ever created.”Zola said before hissing a little, “Even if you kill me, hydra will live on.” “Let’s destroy him. Tony has everything.”Eliza said as she glanced at her phone, wincing even as Natasha started emptying her clip into the machines, before joining her fellow black widow in destroying the computers, for a moment the two intelligent women so focused on destroying their nightmares, that they didn’t even think that they’d be tripping a booby trap.
Steve smirked at Zola. "well he's OUR finest warrior now." he admitted. "he'll get his memories back, and no that we have every drop of information you had in your servers, we have all the names we need to take down Hydra." he admitted. "Hydra is about to die. we don't need to cut off a head, well just cut out the heart." Steve admitted, watching them tear through the room before tensing. "Stop! do you hear that!?" he demanded, his head tilted. it was a faint... whistling sound. "i think we need to leave ow." Clint admitted, cautiously looking around.
“What?”Eliza paused, looking up at Steve’s words, frowning slightly before nodding. “Time to go.”She said before wincing. “No time. It’s a missle, coming in. We have to-”Natasha scowled, “Here!Get in.”Natasha said throwing the screen up, and climbing into the bunker, waiting until they were all in and pulling the metal plate down, and getting steve to cover their heads at least with the shield, hopefully that would be enough protection until the others came for them, having no doubt that tony at least was on his way. Probably Phil and Fury to. Wincing as she heard the explosion, she wrapped her arms around the younger girl tighter, holding eliza as the woman cried, fear of what they’d done, and confronting zola breaking her as she faced death.
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