Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

"he does that anyway." Steve pointed out, looking amused before he was shot, blinking, a bit startled to find himself on the ground. it didn't hurt, not really, it was sort of numb. was he dying? it didn't feel like ding. it felt like- "i'm in shock...." Steve mumbled, blinking again. he knew this wouldn't kill him. even if they'd have to have surgery later to remove the bullet he wouldn't die, his wound was already closing over. "Stop." another, familiar voice ordered. it was Grant, the soft white scar broken open, red and bruised from his own fight against the machine. "They want that one alive." Grant's voice was toneless, empty, he didn't know her. didn't recognize her. James scowled but dropped the gun. "He is not dead." "he doesn't matter." Grant said, examining Steve. "he won't be able to follow anyway. he's too hurt. grab the woman. we need to leave before the others come for them." "Too late." Clint said, Bow drawn sitting atop the restaurant. Grant scowled up at him. "Come on Buddy. you know me. it's Clint, you remember me right?" "of course. Phil Coulson's whore. who could forget?" "...ouch." Clint muttered, wincing even if he knew pretty much everyone felt that way.
“You are. Just stay with me okay?”Eliza said even as she focused on the soldier in front of her, not the blond under her hand, trying not to lose either of them, before her eyes widened at the sound of grant’s voice. “Grant?Ward, it’s me.Help me.”Eliza demanded even as she fingered off the safety, not about to let either of them take her, even if she had to fight them out of it. “Way to late.”Natasha said as she walked out from the other alley, guns ready, even as she heard the whine of repulsors getting closer, knowing tony’d be there soon enough. “You know us, Grant. Eliza and Natasha, yes?”Natasha said moving around, trying to get closer without having to shoot either super soldier. “Now, are you two going to go quietly, or are we going to have to hurt you?”
Steve nodded. "it won't kill me." he promised. "the wounds closing. Bruce is going to have to cut the bullet out later..." Steve admitted, sounding oddly detached, just showing how deep into shock he really was. "god dammit." Grant mumbled, eyes narrowed as his eyes flicked about, analyzing the situation. could he and James escape? no. could just James escape? plausible but unlikely. he growled but straightened and tossed his gun off tot he side. James scowled but relented as well, following Grant's lead. "no prison will hold us. you know that." Grant said, voice cold, angry. upset that he had failed his mission before it had even started. "how did you know we where here?!" "Secrete." Clint chirped as he hopped down off the building, crouching next to Cap and examining him. "he's safe, the bleeding's already stopped." he promised. "the wounds not closing though, probably because of the bullet." he admitted. "we shouldn't move him too much, might have hurt his spine or something."
“Okay, well, good.”eliza said sounding equally detatched even as she looked up at the other’s, curious herself about how they’d gotten her so fast. “Very good.”Natasha praised smiling slightly as she watched two. “You’re not going to prison. And my basement will most definitely hold you two.”Tony said as he landed next to them, smirking. “It’s a very good secret.”Tony agreed covering clint as the man crouched down. “Really?”Eliza said looking at clint anxiously, eyes scared even if she was showing every bit of control and training the red room had talked, the emotions of fear for both steve and grant were showing. “...we’re going to have to move him some, we’re drawing a crowd.”Tony said before cursing softly. “privacy or ambulance? I can get a car down here for him and take him back, or we call the police and let them help.”Tony said knowing that if they called the police, shield and the hydra within shield, would know what happened and come even stronger for the injured captain.
Clint smiled at her. "when Tony suggested you go out he put a fw precautions up just in case." he explained simply. "when we realized they where waiting for you, we high kicked it here." he admitted. "....basement? your putting us in a basement?" Grant asked, sounding like he wanted to laugh. James just muttered in Russian that his handlers where all morons. "yes. really." Clint assured her with a smile. "privacy." Steve ordered. still aware enough to know they didn't want people finding out. soon enough there was a car, Grant had his hands cuffed, James was restrained using God level handcuffs, after Thor they weren't taking any chances and the where stuffed into the back of a car as well.
“Ah, makes sense.Thanks.”Eliza muttered looking relieved that at least the genius had thought further ahead then they had. “Yes we are. But its only a basement cause I was told I can’t have my work area upstairs anymore.”Tony shrugged as they got them into the car, wincing as steve was settled onto a backboard with eliza holding onto him as natasha drove. “I feel like we should be going to a party.”Tony snickered a little as they got back to the tower, helping clint get steve inside before gathering grant and james, finding it amused that for the moment eliza was so very worried about steve that she wasn’t even truly registering that grant was there.
Clint nodded. "you guys needed to have a bit of life, but you needed to be safe too, so it was a compromise." he admitted with a smile. "...your taking us into a lab?" "of sorts." Clint admitted, smirking at Grant. the two Hydra assassins where loaded into one car and Steve into another, they didn't want James trying to finish the job after all. being who he was, they had no doubt that he could do it too, even with his arms bound. Grant growled at them but let them take him wherever they wanted. James just sighed, muttered under his breath and followed. "where are we keeping them? do we have a prison that will hold them until we can start fishing out their memories?" Clint asked, looking at the duo.
“Sorta.”Tony snickered a little as he watched steve and eliza heading down to the med lab to see bruce, looking at grant and james as he and clint took them downstairs.”I wasn’t lying about the lab. I have a vault that’s indestructible....made Bruce hulk out and test it for me.”Tony snickered. “...why....?”Natasha frowned. “It’s where all my patents aqnd SI things are, not even a bomb could blow it up.”Tony said smiling slightly as he slid a hand over the scanner,wincing as it drew blood. Well, at least they weren’t going anywhere without tony’s blood and handprint. “In.”He ordered looking at the two brainwashed soldiers.
Bruce was working on Steve who appeared to still be in shock. he didn't look too bad really and Bruce carefully extracted the bullet using a pair of tongs and nodded, pleased when the wound started to close. "he'll be okay. a bit woozy from bloodloss and he'll probably be tired for a few days but he's fine." Bruce promised. "the bullet didn't even come close to hitting anything important." he admitted.

"indestructible? that's kind of awesome." Clint admitted. "is it okay to leave them in there with all your stuff though?" he asked, a bit concerned hen the doors slid open, Grant and James obeying even if Grant hissed a few vulgarities at them before slipping into the room. James just followed him in silently. "this is your fault." James finally said. "if we had just taken shelter like i said to." "shut up. your the one who disobeyed direct orders and shot the captain!" "i was told to remove anyone on the Threat List if possible. i was following orders. your the one who broke command."
Eliza looked relieved as she saw the wound starting to close,swallowing thickly around the fear as she held onto steve's hand."you're sure?"she asked before wincing a little. Of course bruce was sure. He was amazing.

"Yea. Short of a nuclear blast that vaults not going anywhere."tony said before nodding. "I removed the paper hard copies of everything...I figured we'd need a place to 'store' our soldier when he came for us. Only thing left in there is the computer screens and my work table And jarvis has already blocked access to those."tony said. And indeed the smallish room, about 10 by 10 room had three curved walla holding hologram screens and a smallish work hologram table. When he was simply designing instead of actually builsing, he worked in here. This room was where all of SI's best inventions were born."we were looking for you both. You were screwed the moment you went after them."tony said studying the two
Bruce smiled at her. "of course i am. fixed you up without even a scar didn't i?" he asked, smiling at her. "he's going to need a lot of sleep and bed rest, but that's all." he promised. "he's going to need a lot of food too, his metabolism is burning calories like this. sit here with him while i go get him his energy drinks and bars okay?" he asked her. the energy drinks and energy bars would pick Steve's calorie count back up until he could get a proper meal into him.

"very nice." Clint admitted. glad that they wouldn't be able to access anything. "there's no chairs. or bed." Grant complained. "Spoiled brat." James huffed. he never had a bed. sometimes he had a chair. usually he was expected to stand for hours on end until he was needed. "brainless fucker." Grant hissed at him before scowling at the holograms before glaring at Tony. "you won't hold us for long." he assured the other. James just rolled his eyes and moved over to examine a Hologram. "i wonder if you can get Cable on this thing?" he mused, Grant huffing. "we don't have access." he reminded the other, hating that James had slipped free of his restraints while he was still handcuffed. "those are supposed to be god proof..." Clint complained, scowling at the cuffs that where supposed to be around James wrists as he undid Grants and shoved him further into the room before leaving so Tony could lock the door. "i've never seen Grant so... angry at everything before." Clint admitted with a sigh. "is it because of the brainwashing do you think?"
“That’s true. You did.”Eliza said smiling up at him, twitching nervous. Obsessing over steve in a effort to not focus on the other man of her life downstairs. “Okay. I can stay here.”She smiled watching him go, moving settling into bed next to steve, snuggling him ever so gently.

“I’ll bring a blanket, and there’s a floor. A good enough bed.”Tony said, even if he knew once eliza pulled it together enough, she’d probably bring them down some real bedding. “I’ll hold you as long as I want, considering I have someone upstairs you both need to meet. Well. Two people actually.”Tony said smiling slightly. “You don’t, but Jarvis can play movies. It wont play anything that will give you outside access, but movies are on a close circuit if you really want something.”Tony said before whining, scowling. “Noooo my cuffs didn’t work...”He whined unhappy about the cuffs before locking the door, nodding slightly. “...I do. Did you know him before Eliza?I mean...I don’t know if it’s simply what they wanted him to be, angry, or if it was taking care of eliza that changed him...”
Bruce smiled at her. "he'll be up in a little bit, don't let him try to move too much." he ordered. "the damage is not life threatening but if he tries to get up it could make it a lot worse." he warned before leaving. as promised Steve was awake in a matter of a minute. "....Eliza?" he asked, blinking down at her, relaxed when he realized it was indeed her.

"...." "spoiled brat." James stated again, making Grant snarl at him again. " it's to be torture then?" James asked, sounding more curious than upset at the idea. "stop sounding so happy!" "stop speaking."James ordered right back. of course they would bot assume 'people' meant specialist in torture. "awesome... what's a Jarvis?" James asked curiously. "it's an A.I." Grant explained, blinking when James went so pale so fast the man almost passed out. "...." "not that kind of A.I." Grant hastened to promise. "Jarvis can't hurt us." he promised the now shaken Soldier. "he just watches. works the TV's and stuff. and you expected handcuffs to work on the Winter soldier?" Grant asked, sneering at Tony before moving over to the screen as asking for an episode of Bizarre foods. "well. no. actually. i mean, i'd seen him around, when he was first brought in." Clint admitted. "he was more scared of everything than angry." he admitted. "it wasn't until after Eliza was brought in that Natasha and i got curious. Red room victim and all. he was suspicious but not all that angry." he admitted. "it must have been Eliza's influence.
“Okay, I wont.”She said smiling slightly though still worried, she raised her head to look at him, gently stroking his hair out of his face.”Yea, it’s me. Try not to move to much. You’re still hurt.”she said smiling softly.

“Yes, it is.”Tony said not bothering to correct them, because he had no idea what the two black widows would do. Well aware that their form of helping and loving could be painful if they thought it would help. “My AI.”Tony said before looking startled, moving towards james to support him before thinking better of it and stopping. “He watches and works the electronics. Not whatever, you’re worried about.”Tony said looking curious before whining. “They worked on thor!”He whined. “...Huh.”Tony frowned thinking it over before nodding. “Maybe. Can’t wait till our black widows get down here, they’re going to be interesting.”Tony smirked a little, well aware natasha was upstairs guarding the med lab, while he knew she wanted to be down here, she’d protect her teammate until steve was back on his feet.
Steve nodded and settled down again, just glad that she was there to protect him while he was down. "god i'm hungry...." he mumbled, blinking when Bruce returned with his energy bars and chocolate milk energy drinks. "here Steve." Bruce chirped, dumping a good number of energy drinks into a large glass and carefully fitting the straw into his mouth. Steve gulped down every drop and ate a good twelve energy bars before he settled down to go back to sleep.

Grant grimaced, James just shrugged. torture wouldn't get anything out of him, he didn't know anything and since he was tortured every day anyway, he had a very impressive pain tolerance. "...." James didn't look all that convinced and looked around as if checking to make sure there was no green face making commands he didn't want to follow, ordering torture and brain pain when he hesitated. he knew he wasn't supposed to remember the green face, or the pain when they dragged his memories away and buried them deep. he did though. he remembered and he feared the green face who commanded such pain. "yes, but Thor depends entirely on his brute strength." Steve pointed out. "somehow i think the Winter Soldier is a bit smarter than Thor is." he admitted, watching the two through the little window. "i don't think they managed to erase as much of James as they expected to." he admitted. "if they where erasing his memories before and after every mission. he shouldn't remember anything about any A.I. and he sure as hell shouldn't have that kind of reaction."
“Bruce is getting food.”Eliza said smiling softly, before wincing as she watched the other move, wanting to make him lay down, but knowing he needed to eat. Smiling as she settled in next to him to sleep herself.

“...True.Still doesn’t make me feel better about him getting out of them.”Tony sulked a little twitching slightly before nodding. “Me either. He’s reacting to things that if he was simply a blank slate, shouldn’t bother him.”Tony muttered sighing softly, rubbing a hand over his face. “We should get some sleep before dealing with them...I have a feeling we’re going to need it.”
he nodded and devoured what Bruce had brought. by the time he woke up again his wound was completely closed up, though he felt as week as a worm. he couldn't even sit up on his own. it took two full days before he could stand on his own. during that time Grant and James had rather settled into their little living space. James was still acting normal but Grant... it looked as if the most recent mental manipulations had gone too far and had caused his mind to snap because he'd be sitting, fine and perfect and almost content watching weird TV hows and then a second later he'd be screaming and raging and attacking the walls while James ignored him or pinned him down so Grant couldn't hurt himself.
Eliza was shaken and worried as she watched grant and james, having waited on seeing either of them until steve could to with her. Hoping that between the two of them they'd have more luck then natasha, who both had recognized but couldn't make any true connection to themselves with."you sure you're ready to go in?"Eliza said looking up at steve even as tony pulled open the vault door."prisoners!"ha what a joke. More like guests considering how well they were being treated."you have visitors."
James and Grant where sitting on the floor on the massive fluffy mattresses they had been given, no bed frame since Grant was so volatile. James was chewing on snacks and Grant was watching another episode of Bizarre Foods, which was about to end and probably switch to some Anime crap he liked. James mostly ignored the TV and read books that Tony had left down there for them. Grant stilled when the door opened, going unnaturally still as he always did, awaiting the torture he was sure was going to come. James sat up, slid a bookmark into his place and set the book on the table before calmly facing his 'visitors'. Grant shuddered and mimicked the others actions. "Captain America is going to torture us?" Grant demanded, feeling all the blood leave his face. he had half a notion to let himself pass out. he doubted that would save him from the torture though. "nope. just to talk." Steve admitted. "you don't remember, but we've spent a good number of weeks, months even, in each others company." he glanced at James. "and i've known you since you where three." he admitted. "we're just hoping to have our friends back." Grant scowled a little. "i have funny memories." he admitted. "things i'm pretty sure never happened but that i remember anyway." he admitted. James shrugging. "i know my memories where taken." he admitted. "they don't think i should remember, but i do. the green face int eh screens says that they can take my mind, but they can't." he admitted. "i will remember, if i have time to."when i remember, well. we'll see what happens then." James admitted dismissively.
Tony snickered a littel as he retreated back into the lab, giving them privacy, knowing the two, and knowing that things would go badly if eliza was feeling spied on. “No.he’s not. Unless you consider subjecting you to listen to him, torture.”She said teasing them both a little as she sat down, her humor hiding how much this was hurting and scared her. “Funny memories might be your real memories, Grant.”eliza said studying the man before looking at james. “You always did. The longer you’re off ice, the more you act out against things.”Eliza said watching the man who’d trained her, at a utter loss on how to think and feel over this. This was so weird.
Steve smiled a little. "i have the dulcet tones of an angel, people should pay to listen to me ramble." Steve said with a sniff, making Grant snort, amused despite his nervousness. "i've never been brainwashed. so the memories can't be real. it's just trickery." Grant huffed, James shaking his head before blinking at Elia and smirking. "Malen'kiy D'yavol." he stated. it was an old 'pet name' he'd had for her while she was in training. it meant 'Little Devil'. "i remember you a little bit. "you where almost as natural a fighter as 'Malen'kaya pantera'." a pet name for Natasha, Little Panther.
“People do pay to listen to you ramble, or did you miss the last time Tony put you on youtube?I think he got like a million hits in a few hours.”Eliza snickered a little. Before frowning at him, pointing to the scars at his temple. “You were. Matching scars, his are from fighting the machine, so are yours.”Eliza said sighing a little. “Yes, I am....and we put it to the test on occasion. We both learned well.”Eliza smiled looking pleased he remembered her.
Steve blinked. "youtube is what again?" he asked, his head tilted. "and why should he be happy about getting smacked a million times?" "i hit my head." Grant scoffed, wincing as he prodded the tender flesh. "i feel from a balcony on a mission gone wrong, everyone knows that." he scoffed. which was the same thing he'd told her about why he couldn't remember the day they first met. 'they told me i fell from a Balcony, i'm not sure if i believe them' that was what he had said. they had taken his memories from him, but why? why remove that memory? "put it to the test? i wasn't aware you two had ever met." he admitted, scratching the back of his head. "then again you are around the same age, i could have trained you both i suppose." he mused, pondering that before shrugging. "my memories are... sketchy at best." he admitted. "the longer i stay awake the more my memories come back." he admitted. "eventually i'll be as volatile as he is." he jerked a thumb at Grant. "but because i've undergone this so many more times it's much less traumatic an experience for me." he admitted. "it's safer for you to just leave us down here." he admitted. "plus i like this room. can i keep it if i stay?" "uh... no, but we can make one just like it if you really want." Steve promised with a chuckle.
“It’s videos on the internet, and hits are people watching it.”Eliza snickered a little before wincing as she studied grant. “I don’t think so. When...last time...we were talking, you said you weren’t sure you believed that, cause it took the memory of how we met...”Eliza looked a little anxious leaning closer, looking worried for a moment before inspecting the skin, making sure he was okay and not getting infected before nodding. “We didn’t when we were being trained. We met later.As adults.”Eliza said smiling a little before frowning slightly. “...will he steady out the longer he’s here?You to?I’re going to be volatile, but is there anyway we can help?”Eliza said worried about them both before snickering. “I think Tony would freak out if you got the vault, but we can get a room like it.”
Grant scowled. "i don't know you. we have never spoken." he was so deep in denial he didn't even take notice of how his heart felt shredded when he said that. never mind that he wasn't sure he believed the story of falling and hitting his head even before he was 'kidnapped'. he jerked back, away from her when she leaned in to examine him and was across the room in a corner before she could even blink. a defensive posture, one she would easily recognize from when they'd first met. when he thought he was in trouble, he would move to a corner to better protect himself. to fight off the punishment. to rail against the torture his mother and sister and father and elder brother had done to him. Hydra, had done to him. "ah." James nodded. he'd trained Natasha first, he was sure. only she was Natalia back then. he had named her himself because she'd come to them, just a baby in a blanket, on Christmas day. Eliza had come with a name. "it depends on the person, i think. i'm not sure. i've never been allowed to recover complete memories." he admitted. "not in a long time, though there was extensive research done into the brain wipe process. if you can find those studies you might have better luck." he admitted. "there's a base. Camp Lehigh. the Green man is there and so is pretty much anything that's more than thirty years old." he admitted before blinking when he realized Steve was pale. "yeah. we have rooms for you of course, once we're sure you remember us enough not to murder us in our sleep." Steve assured them. "until your stable, your just too dangerous to be loose."
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