Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

"fuck." Steve winced, following Natasha and obediently lifting his Shield to cover them. he wasn't sure if this could kill him, but he was damned if he was going to let Eliza and Natasha and Clint go. no way in hell! he hissed when the flames and heat escaped into their hatch, he refused to budge. the burns he was getting would be healed in a matter of days anyway. then it was gone, the explosion was done, the flames pulled back, the heat went down and Steve slumped onto them, trembling from pain. they where alive, that was all that mattered. they where alive. "Steve! Eliza! Natasha!? Clint!? can you hear me?!" that was Phil, voice laced with panic. Steve managed a small whimper. his back was covered in burns, so where his ribs. he had been kneeling over the other three, shield up over all of their heads. it was probobly the only reason why Steve's face wasn't burned too. or his arms.
“Cap!Scary ladies!Birdbrain!you there-oh hey I have them. Over here, Phil.”Tony’s mechanical voice sounded panicked even as he started digging through the rubble that had come crashing down, flipping up the visor as he found them. “hey, Cap, I got you.”Tony said softly as he hopped down into the hole with them, gently easing the shield away,”Come on cap, you saved them. Let me help.”he muttered even as Eliza and natasha shifted to support steve as they stood, trying not to hurt him more.
Steve whimpered again when dust and ash settled onto his burns, that just couldn't be helped though. "T-Tony." Steve managed to gasp, Clint grimacing as he did his best to keep Steve upright. he let the shield drop from numb fingers and cried out when he was moved. there was a stretcher already ready for him and Bruce was there, carefully working on pulling the burned i suit out of Steve's flesh as soon as he was laid, stomach down onto the stretcher. "is anyone else hurt?" Phil asked, worried. "no. no Steve... he took all the D-Damage." Clint managed to stutter, ignoring the fact that he had minor burns where the heat had gotten to him. they all had burns, Steve was the only one actually damaged though.
“Hey Cap. We got you.”Tony said soothingly as he helped them get steve onto the stretcher, looking over the others even as he flicked the visor down just so he could make jarvis check them all. “Hey’s right. They all need looked over, but Steve’s the only pressing concern.”Tony said wincing a little. “We’re o-kay.”Eliza said though her eyes were wide and blown, even if she wasn’t hurt, she was in shock. They probably all were. “Can you get them back to the tower?”Tony asked looking at phil, “I can get steve and bruce back to the tower quicker if you take them....”
Steve panted and closed his eyes, relaxing now that Tony was there, Tony could keep Eliza safe. "Eliza... Tash... safe?" Steve had to know. had to make sure they where okay. "they're fine Steve." Bruce promised. "a little banged up but nothing that won't be completely healed in a few days." he promised, Steve relaxing even more. "he can't be flown Tony." Bruce warned. "he has to stay as still as possible, he's in a severe state of shock and his burns are bad. fourth degree..." that meant the burn went into the muscle and fat. sometimes even down to the bone. "i can take them. we'll take them straight to the tower." Fury agreed. "we have two well trusted doctors on stand-bye to lend a hand. i'll make sure that they are there."
“we’re fine.Promise.”Eliza said sounding a little spacy though. “...Dammit.”Tony cursed as he realized he couldn’t fly, get steve help faster. Nodding as they got him into a ambulance that shield had gotten there discreetly, “Thanks. We’ll see you there.”Tony said even as he let bruce ride along with steve, even if he wanted to go, the suit made getting into a ambulance not ideal.

“....James. We need your help.”Natasha said as she pushed open the prison door, bandaged and okay for the moment ,she looked at the soldier. Hoping that james would be able to do what they couldn’t. With steve down, there was no one else who might break through to eliza. “James, Eliza’s losing it. We need your help getting through to her. We sedated her, but she’s still fighting it.”Natasha said wondering if they could trust him, but wanting to, hoping that he still cared enough for what he could remember of his student, enough to help.
Steve nodded. "okay." he sighed, relieved to hear her voice, letting unconsciousness take him.

James looked up, surprised when they walked in bandaged and stinking of blood, sweat and fear, fire and smoke and burnt flesh. mission gone wrong? Grant was faster than that, he was past Natasha before she could even move and, with hissed questions to Jarvis, was in Eliza's room before Tony or Natasha could even fully react to the realization that they had lost Grant. "Eliza?" he asked, gently stroking her face. "Eliza? wake up please." he didn't remember her, but he could feel the overwhelming need to make her safe. protectiveness, possessiveness, desire. he needed her to be okay.
Natasha nodded, looking at James. “Very wrong.”She muttered seeing the question in his eyes before yelping as Grant left, startled and for a moment not able to move before following, hanging back, watching. Wary, but hopeful. Maybe grant would get through to her, and to himself?

“No!No don’t touch me!stop!I have to go!”Eliza hissed turning her head, snapping at his fingers, though she managed to not actually bite him as she strugged against the handcuffs, but it was sluggish and slowing even more, “Please...don’t make me go away again...”She whimpered her eyes closing, anxious and scared to be being put under.
"what..!?" James demanded, startled when Grant fled and turned to blink at Tony. "am i still supposed to go, or...?" he asked, a bit confused by Grant's sudden decision to, what, escape? help? either way it was a bit sudden.

"shh. Eliza. hush now. it's okay." he promised. "i'm here. i won't let anyone hurt you." Grant promised, fingers twitching out of the way before he realized what he was doing. he'd done this before. he'd calmed her down before. he knew her, he just couldn't remember her. "i won't make you go away." he promised, stroking her hair and hesitating before un-cuffing her and pulled her, very carefully, into his arms. "i won't make you go away." he promised again.
Tony sighed softly, biting his lip. Startled at grant’s sudden leaving before nodding. “Come on.”He said showing him up to the medical wing where all the of injured ones were either gathered to watch over steve, or being seen to.

“Grant?Grant....”She muttered calming slightly as he stroked her hair, whimpering quietly as she sighed. Closing her eyes, she leaned her head against his chest, slight burn marks on her arms and a wicked looking one against her shoulder where it’d been pressed against the heated shield, but mostly, it was just the trauma of seeing steve hurt, and the shock of seeing zola that had put her in shock.”...Don’t want to. You have to come back to...”She muttered.
James nodded and followed Tony, gasping at the sight of Steve. "holy shit..." he breathed. he knew better than to go into the room, burns where nasty. the slightest introduction of germ, dust or, well, anything could cause them to get badly infected. which was why Bruce had completely sterilized the room Steve was now sitting in and was wearing full hospital scrubs while he worked. super healing or not, they had to be careful to remove, and that meant scrubbing, every single thing out of the vicious burns. all that was left of Steve's back was the gleam of white bone, the red of muscle and the pink of blood. it was enough to make a person want to puke, but Bruce worked calmly and perfectly.

"yes. it's me." Grant promised her. "shh now." he mumbled, stroking her hair. he knew Steve and Bruce where in the other room, he could hear them through the wall. "shh, it's okay. i'm coming back." he promised. "i won't leave you." he promised. "go to sleep, i'll stay here." he promised.
“Yea...”Tony swallowed looking a little sick as he looked in on steve, shaken to see the man like this. “The girls destroyed the computer holding Zola...didn’t think about the repercussions of doing a bomb going off or something, Steve protected them all, they’re all a little burned but nothing like this....he took the burns he knew would disable them if they had been the others....”Tony looked pained and hated himself for not being able to help his friend beyond being there, and giving him a place to heal.

“...Kay...”Eliza whimpered, sighing softly as she relaxed, “...Good...don’t want go anywhere....”She muttered as she fell asleep.
James set a hand on Tony's shoulder. "he'll be fine. he's had worse." he promised Tony. "once, he was shot sixteen times and lost all the skin on his arm and he was back up and fighting in the front lines three days later." he admitted. "he's damn near immortal." he admitted. "so long as they don't hit something too important, he can't die." James admitted. "he'll be up and annoying you again in no time at all." James promised Tony. "giving him the privacy here is the best thing you can do for him." he admitted.

"i'll stay here. right here." he promised her softly, holding her gently and baring his teeth at anyone who tried to come in. he would protect her with his life. nothing would get through him. no one. nothing. it wasn't going to happen.
“....I find that both a disturbing, and interesting story.”Tony said looking at the other man, tilting his head a little. Indeed, the friend in him was utterly disturbed at steve suffering like that, but the scientist was jumping for joy. That was utterly fascinating to watch. Nodding slightly he smiled. “Well, then we’ll give it to him, and look after eliza until he’s up and moving.”Tony grinned smiling a little.

“Good.”Eliza muttered as she slept.

When she woke hours later Eliza frowned a little, turning her head to look at the man holding her, looking confused and lost at finding grant in bed with her. “...Grant?”She muttered frowning a little.
he nodded. "now i just need to remember why he got shot so many times..." he admitted, frowning with his head cocked to the side. "and why he seams to be two different people in my head." he admitted, watching Steve. "it's kind of neat, isn't it, watching him heal at three times the speed. you can actually see the flesh regrowing." he admitted.

"hmmm..." Grant mumbled, blinking awake. "yes. i'm here." he promised her, stroking her hair. "it's okay. i won't leave. go back to sleep." he murmured, on autopilot. which meant he'd done this a time or two while she was asleep.
“...You were in a war. Bound to get life threatening wounds.”he said looking pleased that the other was starting to remember more, before smiling again. “The super serum. What allows him to heal, also improved his body. He went from being about 5’3” to being this hulking huge captain.”Tony snickered before nodding. “It really is.Both fascinating and weird.”

“....I’m awake....are you...?I mean...are you...yourself?”Eliza frowned sitting up slowly, looking worried as she looked down at him, looking utterly confused at having the man in bed with her.
he blinked. "a war? which war?" he asked curiously. "oh. so he really as that Tiny?" he asked, looking amused. "i used to pick him up and carry him under my arm like a sack of potatoes when he picked fights with people who where too big for him." he admitted with a smile before chuckling. "very weird."

"no. not awake." Grant mumbled before shaking his head. "no. but i... when they said you where hurt i knew i had to protect you." he admitted, blinking at her. "i remember being in love with you." he admitted. "and i remember being afraid of that for some reason. only i'm still afraid." he admitted. "but i have to keep you safe so that's more important than anything."
“World War 2.”Tony said smiling a little before snickering slightly. “Oh yea, he was that tiny. Remind me, I’ll show you what pictures I have.”Tony said before laughing, eyes widening a little amused. “That’s amusing. I can totally see you carrying him around.”

“....Oh.”she said blushing a little as she looked at him, smiling slightly. “Oh....I...thank you. I...I love you to...”She said stuttering a little, despit everything, the words were still hard for her to say, before swallowing hard, “ broke up with me...”She sighed softly, shifting to snuggle him, for the moment, determined to enjoy his company because she was sure once he remembered everything, he’d leave.
"World War two? there's no possible way. i'm not old enough. neither is Steve." he pointed out. "has to be a different War." he stated calmly before brightening. "i'd love to see pictures." he admitted with a nod. "i bet i could still carry him... though, he'd probably put up a better fight." he admitted with a chuckle.

he blinked at her before offering her a shy, hesitant smile, as if he wasn't sure she really meant that. still, he felt warm and comfortable inside so he was sure it was a good thing. "i... did?" he asked, his head tilted. "must be because i was scared." he admitted, wrapping his arms around her. "or maybe it was because of Garret." he mused. "he does things. in my head." fuck, it was Garret who was pissing with Grant's brain!? Garret who was mind raping people!? well, it certainly made sense.
“Yes, well you two have had a interesting ride, and I assure you, it was world war 2.”Tony said before laughing. “He most definitely would put up a better fight these days.”

Eliza smiled back at him, as equally shy and hesitant as she shifted to get more comfortable, her arms aching ever so slightly but starting to heal well. “....Garret?”She muttered pain tightening her voice at the idea that she had trusted the man, despite knowing something was wrong with the man, she had still trusted garret. It hurt to know just how bad he was.
he blinked at Tony and then chuckled. "i get it. your picking on the guy with the mental issues." he teased, shaking his head. "i'm going to go finish my book. let me know when Steve's awake." he ordered.

he smiled as he gently helped her adjust her position. "yeah. he's my handler." he explained to her. "he can reach inside my brain. it makes me a bit dizzy but after i can never remember what he changed." he admitted. "i wasn't sure he was doing it at first." he admitted. "but he was." he admitted, holding her. "i can see that now. he was messing with me. using me..." he muttered, shaking his head. "but i won't let him use me anymore."
“....Yes. That’s totally it.”Tony said rolling his eyes amused as he nodded, watching james leave as he settled in to wait for steve to wake up.

“....That’s....horrible.”She shuddered at that, smiling slightly as he helped her, while her body hurt, it was okay. As long as he was with her, she’d be okay. “....I’m glad you know. What’s going’re missing things. We’ll help you figure things out.”She said smiling at him softly, before smiling. “Good. We’ll get him, and he wont get a chance to use anyone anymore.”
he nodded. "it is pretty horrible." he agreed with a shake of his head. "yeah. i can feel the missing parts now. sometimes they shift... and all i can do is hide and scream because it hurts so much and i'm so afraid." well that explained the screaming in a corner episodes he went through. "i won't leave." he promised her, snuggling into her. "never." he promised. "i know your... dating Steve but... do you think... would he mind... i don't want to be alone..."
“...I’m so sorry, Grant.”She muttered raising a hand, gently stroking his hair, concern showing in her features, before smiling softly. “...we offered...before. You ran away from the idea of us all being together...but...I want...I need you guys...”She said biting her lip a little, relieved and happy that he wasn’t going to try and leave.
Grant nodded, leaning into the hand and shuddering. "really?" he asked, looking worried. "i'm sorry. i must have hurt you...." he admitted, biting his lip. "i need you too." he admitted softly. "what if i never get my mind back though? what if Garret makes me forget you again?" he asked, suddenly very worried about abandoning her again, or worse, being abandoned. "i'm scared."
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