Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

he chuckled a little. "and i wasn't expecting you to." he admitted before smiling. "i know. but a sunburn only lasts like, an hour at most." he admitted, sighing happily as she stroked his back. "that feels really nice." he admitted before chuckling at Grant. "Coney Island! yes!" Steve agreed. "...i've never been to Coney Island, i want to go too." he admitted with a grin. "i've heard it's tons of fun." he admitted.
“Well, that’s true. Its good to be you. I go out, I burn like a lobster for days.”Eliza sulked a little before smiling, leaning in to brush her lips over his skin. “Good. I always want you to feel good when I’m touching you.”she teased softly, smirking before laughing. “I’ve heard Steve’s not allowed on the tilt-a-whirl, but otherwise that it’s great fun.”Eliza snickered. “Let’s get ready, we can go this afternoon, and then go out to dinner.”
he chuckled a little. "it's a pain in the ass sometimes. hickies don't last long for example." he admitted before laughing. "i always will." he promised her, eyes glittering with playful joy as he pulled her down into a deep kiss, humming happily. "Tilt-a-Whirl?" Grant asked curiously while Steve flushed red. "who told you that lie? i have to yell at them for spreading slander!" Steve complained. "i like Dinner." Grant agreed, sliding out of the bed when Steve kicked on the vacuum cleaner to clean up what was left of the scabs. "what does one wear on a date?" Grant wondered. "nice clothes. not too fancy though." "... Eliza? will you pick my clothes?" that made Steve laugh.
“Hm, no I assume they don’t. Though I’m sure you’ll make up for it when you inflict hickies on us.”She teased shuddering at the promise, kissing her back before smiling. “Yea, it’s a ride that spins.”Eliza explained before laughing. “James. He remembered a few things while you were healing.”She smirked a little before smiling. “I will. Go grab something to snack on, I know you, you’ll be hungry before we get there if you don’t.”she said smiling as she started picking out clothes for them.
he snickered a little. "i'm sure i will." he agreed with a nod. "i like spinning." Grant admitted before smirking when Steve sputtered. "well.. you... i.... i'm going to make him pay for this." Steve complained, pouting. "i'm going to put Glue in his shampoo. and glitter in his body soap. and dye all his clothes pink." he decided. "hungry before we get there? hell i'm hungry now." Steve admitted, making Grant laugh and follow Steve, hoping for munchies of his own. "...Grant? did you get Taller?" Steve asked suddenly and Grant blinked. "i don't think so." "huh... i could have sworn you where shorter..." "...vertigo?" "maybe."
“”I’m sure you will.”Eliza snickered amused at steve’s plans of revenge, smiling quietly. “I’m not sure that he’d appreciate it if you did any of that.”she pointed out before smiling, laughing a little. “Well then, go eat.”She ordered before frowning, looking at grant. “...You two look fine...”She said frowning, trying to not worry to much as she considered them before getting jeans and a nice shirt for them both, before changing her own clothes into a good pair of jeans and a soft black shirt before going in search of the other two.
Steve smiled a little. "well of course he won't appreciate it, that's the point!" he explained with a smile. "we will eat. you want me to make you anything?" he offered her wit a smile before grinning when Grant brightened a little, pleased he had proper clothes for her. "...i grew." Grant informed them both when he tried t pull on his pants. the waist was still okay, but the legs where now a few inches too short. "do people do that?" "sometimes." Steve admitted. "certain mutant powers or drugs can cause unexpected growth." Steve admitted. "mutants coming into their power, or people with alternate genetic material can change physically as well." Steve admitted. "it's rarely dangerous or bad. your probably maturing into a mutant power late because of all the mental scarring and repression you've gone through." he admitted, Grant blinking. "you think so?" "yup. we'll have Bruce test your blood." he promised, handing the other a plate of Pizza Rolls. "most people entering a physical change ache a lot." Grant nodded. his joints had been aching. "they also tend to be hungry all the time." he teased, making grant flus when he realized he'd eaten all the Pizza Rolls on his plate already.
“Really?”Eliza said looking startled as she realized that he had indeed grown. Frowning slightly. “We’ll have to stop and get a few pairs of pants while we go out anyways.”She said smiling slightly before nodding. “It makes sense if he’s coming into it late. I mean, the scarring might have very well blocked how your power worked until now. Now that jane’s helping you through it, it might be undoing itself and wroking out what you really are, and what powers you have.”She mused before snickering as grant started eating everything, eating some herself. “Grant’s hungry all the time anyways.”
Steve nodded. "yeah, really." he admitted before smirking. "shopping, yes!... where you going Grant?" "no! not shopping! no! i protest! you can't make me!" Grant wailed when Steve hooked an arm around Grants waist and picked him up like the man was a sack of flour. "don't make me! i can't! i hate shopping! have mercy! have mercy!" he pleaded, Steve ignored him and nodded to Eliza. "Jean's been helping him a lot right? there is some theory that suggests tat coming into excessive contact with a mutant power can trigger a dormant Gene. there's no real study into it, but it is a possibility." he admitted. "if it's a mental based Mutation then it could very well be exactly that." e agreed with Kate. "we'll take him down, have Bruce draw some blood and then take him shopping. he needs new underwear anyway. his all have holes in them." "you went through my underwear drawer?" "no. Jarvis informed me." "that traitor."
“Yes we can. You need clothes, and despite usually doing it, I refuse to guess what size you need know. Easier to just take you since you grew, I can’t guess anymore.”Eliza made a face at him, laughing quietly at the other’s pleas as steve picked him up and headed for the lab where bruce was. “She has....well. You know, that makes sense.”She agreed before smirking a little, before nodding. "Hmmmm, I'm going to get him some good underwear. better then those stupid boxer briefs he buys himself."She said, because she knew given the choice, grant ran in, grabbed the first cheap box of underwear he found, and left. she was going to spoil him now that they had money, since not only tony had been paying if they needed things, but they'd gotten the money garret had been stealing from them, so she needed to be able to spoil the man she loved, when so many times before she couldn't.
He did the only thing that worked. well, sometimes. he whined and pouted and sniffled and looked as close to bursting into tears as he could but Steve was an unfeeling bastard who didn't let go and there was no escape. "but i don't wanna go!" Grant wailed, trying to grab things to hold on to. all he did was make a mess until Steve readjusted and Grant found his arms pinned. "god dammit!" "no cussing." Steve ordered. "i hate you!" "you love me, really." "i feel betrayed!" "it's for your own good. consider tis an intervention." "i like Boxer Breifs!" "they're horrid." "you really think so?" "the ones you buy are. totally unsexy." Grant paused in his struggles. now that Steve mentioned it, both Steve and Elia had rather pretty underwear. "...only a few. and i refuse to try on pants." "you ave to, otherwise ow will you know if they fit?" "no pants." "no pants, no sex." Grant sucked in a breath. that was so not fair! what the hell was he supposed to do, just give in!? "no more than five pairs." "agreed." "what.. really?" "yes." "...fine."
"Well you're going to go. You need more stuff. And you want to look good on our dates don't you?"Eliza said bracing,waiting for the explosion biting her lip to keep from laughing as steve managed to handle the tantrum like a expert."we do. They're good when they're better but you always by the cheapest worst ones you can."Eliza said before nodding."no sex unless you let us get you more clothes and try them on."she said smiling kissing him lightly."so good grant."she praised gently.
Grant huffed. "yes..." he did want to look nice for Eliza and Steve. part of him realized he'd just been manipulated, but it was Steve, so he didn't mind too much. "well... okay." he grumbled. "but it's under protest!" he informed them, Steve snorting. like there was anything less with the way Grant was bitching. he beamed at her though, when he was called a good Grant. he was so very rarely praised.
“Good.”Eliza grinned smiling as she pulled on her shoes, laughing. “We all know that. I think everyone knows its under protest.”She teased before nudging him, heading for the car. “Come on, let’s go the get clothes and shopping and then we’ll head to coney island as soon as it’s open.”She smiled a little, heading for the garage.
he huffed. "can i walk on my own now?" "nope. you'll run away. he needs new socks too, and a new pair of shoes, the ones he has don't fit right." he admitted. "they're old and full of holes. we'll get him a couple of shirts too but most of his are in good condition." he admitted, setting Grant down only once they where in the car, smirking when Grant sulked. there was no escape now. he'd agreed. dammit. e was very surprised to find he didn't mind shopping as much as he expected. he had nice, fancy underwear and Steve teased Eliza about her bra selection and offered her some skimpy slinky thng that she pretended to strangle Steve with. the pants where the worst but he was surprised by how nice they felt and how good he looked in a pair that fit properly. the shoes where the worst. he hated them, so much. he had spent more than half his life never wearing a pair, so he found them uncomfortable to say the least. he struggled against Steve while Elia measured his feet. Steve actually had the audacity to explain to the worried shoe store manager that Grant had 'mental problems' that 'made fitting him with proper clothing difficult'. he wasn't being difficult! he just didn't want any blasted shoes! eventually he gave in and sulked as Elia and Steve got him boots, shoes, sandles, slippers, dress shoes, dress boots and a pair of crocks. stupid heads.
“Hopefully we can get him to wear the shoes if we get him some proper ones.”Eliza snickered well aware that they were going to have problems, smirking as they finished shopping, looking a little tired, but utterly pleased at having been able to spoil her difficult boyfriend. “Grant, I promise. Tonight, when we get home, I’ll wear that skimpy little thing for you, if you just behave and wear your new clothes, and go on our date. You want to go right?”She smiled as she stuffed everything into the car before heading for the amusement park.
Steve chuckled a little and nodded. "i don't think so, but here's hoping." he agreed. "we're done?" Grant asked, looking rather suspicious. clearly wondering if they where going to trick im into anything else." "yup. all done. Coney Island here we come." that, at least had Grant brightening happily before flushing at the promise, Steve looking surprised. "you actually bought that thing? awesome." Steve admitted, looking like e was about to start drooling right then and there. "i do want to go." Grant agreed. he was delighted when they got out into the park the first thing he did was made Steve buy him food. doughnuts, cotton candy and an ice cream cone. with his mouth full of sweets all previous infractions where immediately forgiven. "i want to go on that one." he ordered, staring up at the massive Ferris wheel with delight.
“We are.”Eliza smield amused as they headed for the island, smirking. “I didn’t buy that certain one, but I did buy something skimpy and slutty.”Eliza smirked laughing at the look on the blond’s face rolling her eyes as they got to the park. Smiling as she slipped a arm through steve’s as they walked, “It’s amazing how happy he is with something in his mouth.”Eliza smirked a little before nodding.”Finish eating, Grant, then we’ll go up.”
Steve smirked. "oooh a surprise present." he murmured. "will we get to unwrap you?" he asked with a grin, Grant snickering. "i know right?" Steve asked, smirking when Grant went so red his hair almost caught fire, swallowing his doughnut. "hey! you tortured me already today! pick on Steve for a while!" he complained, sulking before brightening at the promise of going up. he swallowed down the last of his food, grabbed their hands with his own sticky fingers and dragged them to the Ferris wheel with a bright grin, Steve laughing as he let himself be dragged. all in all Grant was clearly having the most fun out of the three of them. they did in fact go on the Tilt-a-whirl. amusingly enough, it was Grant who puked. Steve had no problem since the Serum had taken care of his inner ear problems. "you okay Grant?" Steve asked, gently rubbing the man's back. "fine.... can i have a funnel cake?" Steve could only laugh.
“Hmm, a very surprise present.”Eliza teased before flushing at the question, swallowing hard. “if you should like to.”She said blushing as she looked at them both. Laughing she nodded, “It’s quite adorable how much he enjoys it really.”She muttered smirking as grant blushed. “Fine, I’ll pick on steve now.”She smirked a little as they were dragged for the ferris wheel, grinning as they got on, unaware that their night was going to be interesting when the hydra agents in the crowd tracked them down. But for the moment, she was enjoying their date. “...Yea, I’ll go get one.Be right back.”She smiled rubbing grant’s back for a moment before moving away to get a funnel cake for him.
"i think we would like to very much." Grant chirped, eyes glittering playfully. "can we tie you up in a ribbon too? cus that would be totally hot." he admitted, Steve nodding. "very hot indeed. i might have some red ribbon leftover fro Tony's birthday party a few months ago." he admitted. "...your a packrat aren't you." "there is nothing wrong with saving useful things. i can use that ribbon for other presents. and tying up mouthy subs." "who said i was the sub!?" "the fact that i'm bigger than you." " that how it works?" "in this relationship it is." "...don't we have to, like, vote on that?" "nope. your Eliza's Bitch, she's my Bitch, that makes you our sub." "should you be calling her a bitch?" "of course not, but she'll punish me for it later and i like it when she does." "....oh. so your a sub too?" "sometimes." Steve admitted with a chuckle. Steve chuckled and stayed with Grant, rubbing the man's back again. "come on, let's follow Eliza." he suggested once Grant had control over himself again.
“you want to tie me up?”She said looking at the two with wide eyes, startled at the idea, and while it made her nervous, she also trusted them to not hurt her to. “Packrat.”Eliza teased snickering a little before smirking, tilting her head towards Steve. “I’m your sub?”She smirked before growling at steve, nodding. “I’m going to definitely be punishing you later.”She agreed.

“You could have sat down, recovered.”Eliza pointed out to grant, looking worried about him, barely noticing the russian officers approaching them, at least until they’d gotten to them. “Eliza Petronova, you are under arrest for treason against the state, and war crimes committed against your native russia.”The older agent said, a heavy accent to his words as he started to handcuff the woman.
they grinned at her. "well, we'd like to try it. if you don't like it then we'll tie Grant up instead." "i like being tied up." Grant admitted, nodding. "especially when there's sex involved." he admitted before laughing when Steve sulked. "i am not a pack rat!" he complained before smirking at her. "you are indeed." he teased before humming happily at the idea of a punishment.

"no we couldn't. i don't like you on your own." he complained before looking startled when the Agents arrived. "Hold!" Steve demanded, grabbing the Man's Arm. "one! Eliza Petronova is under political asylum via the United States Authority and is working for the betterment of Mankind through civil services not tied to this or any country. Two, do you have permission from this United States Government to act on soil not your own!? Three, Do you have proper paperwork indicating that you are within this country legally and four. i want to see your badge before you so much as lay a finger on Eliza. Grant. call Phil." Steve ordered. "i'm sure these fine gentlemen wouldn't mind speaking to Eliza's boss and... i guess the most accurate term would be probation officer."
“ohhh, I like that. Tying Grant up would be amusing.”Eliza snickered a little before grinning. “You are to.”

The man paused, shaking the captain off, “Captain, I am Agent Dmitri Volkov, and I do. A warrant to from the Attorney general to escort Ms. Petronova back to mother russia.”Dmitri said holding the warrant and paperwork over, ignoring the panicked look on Eliza’s face that said she wanted to bolt. Nodding slightly at the captain’s words he produced his badge to let the others see it. Well, it seemed Garret had every intention of fucking them up now that they'd gotten grant and james away from them. Screwing Eliza, messing her up badly enough to go back to russia, would destroy her.
Steve nodded and examined the paperwork and then. "i'm afraid that this is, in fact, not a legal document Mr. Volkov. John Garret, the man who signed off on several of these is wanted by the American government for treason, amidst other crimes including petty theft, Tax evasion, grand larceny, abuse, selling American secretes, working in a Cultist organization against the American government... need i go on? speaking of which, you wouldn't happen to be a part of that cult, would you Mr. Volkov?" he asked, eyes narrowed. "you can see why i would be suspicious of all of this, when in fact the Russian government has trained young miss Petronova to be an assassin since she was a newborn. she was born in America you know. we have her original birth certificate on file. she was cradle snatched right at the hospital. so really, Russia has no claims to her at all. of course, we would be happy to work this out as soon as my superior arrives."
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