Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Eliza snickered a little as she looked at how pleased grant was at the idea of them not saying no to him before laughing. “Agreed. They’re tony’s problem when they bite.” “They wont bite. And if they do, I’ll teach them better.”Tony decided smiling a little. “...Deathlock...”Tony stared at the man, wondering if he was fucking with him. “I think you’re fucking with us. Are you seriously naming your kit that?”Eliza said smiling a little, tilting her head, wondering like steve, if he was going to really name his poor kit that.
Grant smirked. "Deathlock Rumtaggert! you have to say it right!" he corrected. "they won't bite if we train them not to bite. after all puppies and dogs can bite if they aren't trained right." he pointed out. "here. feed them. they'll be hungry." Pepper explained, handing out tiny bottles to the three, Steve chuckling as he gently fed the kit. he had practice from feeding sick kittens and puppies. he could never afford to keep them, but he could save them and then give them to someone who would treat them well.
"Well if your sure that's a good Name."Eliza said smiling slightly wondering just what he was going to do now. It was quite adorable seeing grant like this."we'll that's true. We'll just train them."she said smiling before taking a bottle yelping a little as she got bit as she tried to feed hers. Sitting on the ground she looked adorable, even if she was extremely nervous about what was going on in the rest of the world
Grant nodded and then blinked at the bottle in his hand, examining it before pressing the nipple to the kit's mouth, frowning when it turned it's head away. "" he ordered, pressing again and sulking when nothing happened, Steve chuckling. "it's unfamiliar, you have to open his mouth and insert the bottle before it will understand. sometimes they take a while to learn, sucking on a bottle and sucking a teet are different." he explained. "some don't have too much of a problem." he admitted, indicating Eliza's fox kit. "but some need a little help." he admitted, grinning when Grant nodded and fumbled with his kit, trying to open it's mouth. yelping when he was bitten. those teeth where sharp! but it had lathed on now and was drinking eagerly. "this is amazing! look! we're raising babies!"
Eliza laughed quietly at grants problems."be careful."she said smiling quietly at steve's directions,gently petting her kit as he ate. GrinNing as deathlock started to eat."we are.thus is fun."she said blushing a little at the idea of raising kids with them.

Nearly a month later Eliza sighed softly as she walked into the kitchen, syn curled up in her arms as she gathered food. "....are you eating pizza and peanut butter?"tony said staring at the woman from over his plate of eggs. "Yes."Eliza said before going in search of her boys as she ate.
the kits where bouncing around at a month old, and had grown their white markings, though most of their fur was still brown. they where trying real food a little bit now, and where hyper and happy. "hey! hey! i want a bite!" Grant ordered, snatching her piece of Pizza with a laugh and skipping off with it. "it needs Soy Sauce!" he informed them all, making Steve who had just walked in, wince. " i the only person who thinks grant's taste-buds are dead?" he asked, sitting down next to Tony to help himself to the massive pile of eggs that James had cooked for everyone. he'd been locked up for the last few weeks because of extremely violent reactions to his own memories. Jean Grey had ended up in the care of Bruce when she'd tried to go into James chaotic mind and straighten things out. she'd spent three days in a coma because she hadn't been able to handle his mind. Steve grimaced when Grant poured a bit of soy sauce onto his Pizza and chomped on it. "see!? try it this way." he offered the slice back to Eliza with a beaming grin.
“No!It’s mine!”Eliza whined, nearly whimpering as he took her pizza. “No, I think they’ve both lost all sense of taste.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little as he ate. “You’re so hyper.”Eliza whined but taking the pizza and nibbling on it, before grinning. “That is better.” “I’m telling you, they’ve both damaged themselves into having no taste.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little.
Steve groaned. "at least you don't have to eat what they cook." he pointed out. "Grant gave me a bowl f Ice-cream last night with black olives, pickles, and hot sauce mixed in it." he admitted. "and for lunch, Eliza made grilled cheese with mustard, sardines, and applesauce inside." he admitted. "if t wasn't for the fact that gruel and food picked out of the garbage was twenty times wore i'd probably have been sick." he admitted. "the weird part is, if i didn't know any better i'd swear they where pregnant. but considering it's BOTH of them." he shook his head. "not to mention Eliza's on the pill and we always wear condoms." he admitted. "i'm half tempted to take them to Bruce. maybe it's a virus?"
“...Why are you eating it anyways?” “Cause they get teary and upset when he refuses.”Natasha snickered. “besides, he’s eaten worse. It wont kill him to eat their food.” “...It wasn’t that bad!”Eliza whined a little as she ate. “...Well. Super soldier sperm there, Captain. Maybe she really is pregnant, and Grant’s having a sympathy response....I’d take them just to make sure.”Tony shrugged a little.
Steve smiled a little and pointed at Natasha. "precisely." he admitted. "and i have eaten worse. a lot worse. half rotten roadkill for example." he admitted before pausing and paling. "does that really happen? sympathy responses?" he asked before shaking his head. "Eliza! Grant! we're going to Bruce!, here! Tony, watch the pups." he ordered. Deathlock, now named D.T. instantly decided Tony was the perfect place to use the bathroom. there was no one to complain to though because Steve and his lovers where already out the door and headed for Bruce.
“....I’m trying to eat captain!Stop!”Tony whined looking disgusted as he pushed his plate of food away, making a face. “Yea. Sometimes. Especially for close relationships.”Natasha said frowning a little. “What?”eliza startled looking up and sputtering as she was dragged out of the room with steve, snickering quietly at tony’s whining as he was used as a toilet.
Steve smirked. "you don't want that then?" he asked, claiming Tony's eggs for himself. sneaky bastard. "there's no one closer than Grant and Eliza." he agreed. Bruce was more than happy to check, and drew a sample of both their blood so he could run tests. then he frowned, drew a bit more blood from Grant and did the test again. "....huh...." a third sample and a straight out scowl. "....Grant? lay in the MRI for me?" "why? what's wrong?" "Elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin." "...what's that mean?" "it means either your pregnant, or you have testicular cancer." "WHAT?!" "lay down please." "...." "by the way, Eliza. your pregnant." Bruce admitted. "i'll run you through the MRI as well, see how far along you are." he promised.
“No I don’t, you sneaky bastard.”Tony scowled a little even as he gave the other his eggs. “No there isn’t.”Natasha smiled a little. “What?”Eliza frowned looking upset as she watched bruce, shifting to snuggle against grant, sounding upset and scared as she watched them before shifting away to let grant lay down, paling slightly as she realized she was pregnant, but for the moment, that shoved aside for later consideration as she considered what was wrong with grant.”Just take care of grant first.”
Steve snickered and devoured the last of Tony's eggs before vanishing. "don't worry. as low as the hCG is, i don't think he'd be far along into testicular can...." he paused. blinked at the results highlighted on his Tablet and then. "...don't move Grant." he ordered, making the machine scan him again. with the same result, making Bruce blink and then. "uh.... Steve? would you go get Tony?" "....what is it?" "i don't know. it's not cancer. it's not medically possible either...." he stated. "....Jarvis get Tony?" Steve asked. once Tony was there Bruce handed the tablet, showing the third result after a third Scan. " that saying. what i think it's saying?" Bruce asked Tony.
“Well good.”Eliza whined a little, the soft worried whine to her words, sounding anxious as she watched. “What?”She demanded her voice going high and worried. “He’s on his way,Doctor.”Jarvis said. “Yea?”Tony said walking in, before frowning, staring at the tablet before looking up at the three worried looking people, “....I didn’t know the super soldier was capable of getting even males pregnant....I...I’m not sure what to think of this, but...I think...he’s pregnant.”Tony said sounding at a loss.
Bruce shook his head. "i want a second opinion first." he admitted, watching her. "this is... all i can think of is impossible but if it's true then apparently not." he admitted before looking at Tony. "....i got... Grant... pregnant?" Steve asked, blinking. "it's more than that." Bruce admitted, handing Tony the tablet again. "this is a sample of alien genetic material found by a team in the Swiss Alps." he stated. "and this is Grant's blood. this is Steve's blood, and this is human blood. what do you see?" Grant's genetic material was different from all of them, though the closest match was the alien genetic material. "i don't think Grant is fully human." "what!?" Grant demanded, startled. "not human?"
“Apparently not.”Tony said sounding confused. “You did. At least that’s what it looks like.” “how’s that...”Eliza said looking upset and confused as she wrapped her arms around grant, clinging to the man, afraid of losing him. “all different...”tony muttered frowning, eyes glazing slightly as he bypassed everything and worked with extremis to work that much faster though he was mumbling to himself.”Swiss...switzerland....norway...Viking....Viking gods....Asgardian.”Tony’s head jerked up at the end of the thought, frowning slightly. “Phil. I need phil.”he said already heading for the door, to focused on his need for information, to be truly aware he was being rude.
Bruce nodded. "i know. it's amazing." Bruce admitted, making Grant wince. "don't worry Grant. we won't experiment on you." he promised. "we will have to run some tests of course. i don't know if you'll be able to physically handle carrying a baby to full term. you'll have to be monitored very carefully for signs of failing health in either you or the baby, but we aren't going to turn you into a lab rat. i swear it." he promised. "Tony... you can't just jump to conclusions like that!" Bruce protested, shaking his head. "hey!" "i'm right here Tony. Jarvis called as soon as he realized there was an anomaly in Grant's blood." Phil admitted. "what's going on?"
“we wont. But we’ll have to be careful.”Tony said looking at eliza’s panicked eyes even if she was being calm. “we’ll make sure they’re both safe, El.”He said trying to calm her before huffing. “I can to!you said swiss, it’s a logical conclusion. I’m a very logical person.”he said before looking at phil. “Do you have a way to get in touch with Thor?"
"Very careful." Bruce agreed before scowling at Tony. "Tony Thor isn't a real pers...." Bruce started to complain before freezing when Phil shook his head. "i'm not even going to bother asking how you know about New Mexico. unfortunately, no. we cannot get in contact with Thor at this time, we don't even know where his world is, let alone get a message to him." Phil admitted. "i suppose we could try screaming at the sky for the man Thor calls for a lift, Heimdall. somehow, i doubt tht would do it." Phil admitted. "i do, however have a blood sample from Thor if that would help at all?" "....Thor. as in, Norse god of Thunder?" "correct." " in. son of Odin the King of the Gods? ruler of the nine realms? that's all real!?" "indeed." "...i need to sit down." Bruce admitted, scrubbing his face.
“Yes he is.”Tony huffed before smirking at phil. “I was dying, not stupid. Fury said I wasn’t the biggest problem he had in the southwest. I was curious.”Tony snickered before growling, looking annoyed at the knowledge they couldn’t get in touch with him. “Damn it. That’s not-Oh!yes that would be helpful, though I reserve the right to yell for heimdall later if needed.”Tony said looking at bruce, before laughing. “Yes, yes it is. He’s a very good looking god to. Good thing he doesn’t hang around alot, otherwise I’d no longer be the sexiest bastard in the world.”He smirked a little. "Can we have the blood sample?"Eliza said looking anxious.
Phil rolled his eyes and muttered about upgrading their security systems before chuckling. "Just make sure to record it. i want to have video evidence of you screaming at the Sky." he admitted making Grant chuckle and sat up. "so you think i might be an Asgardian?" "there's a mild chance. there is evidence others have stayed. you might be an offspring, or might be from a completely different species." Phil admitted. "whatever alien genetics you have, clearly they have enabled your pregnancy." Bruce admitted. "so it could be a lot less physically taxing then we believe it could be. we'll still have to keep a close eye on you, but we don't really have to worry as much." he admitted. "why now though? i've grown three inches in the last week. why did the Genetics all of a sudden come to... uh... life? now?" "age? stress? who knows." Bruce admitted. "it could be that whatever Race you are enters puberty later than humans do." "a second puberty? ugh kill me now." Grant grimaced. "are we sure?" "no. this is Alien biology we're dealing with here." Bruce pointed out.
“...I scream at the sky all the time. I mean, you guys watch me yell at jarvis.”He pointed out smirking a little. “Might. Or at least a offspring somewhere.”Tony said thoughtfully. “....Jean grey’s in your head. Well, she was. Maybe undoing hydra’s manipulation, jump started things, or you’re just aging slower then most humans due to it...there’s no way to tell.”Tony said. “Just think, you’d have the sex drive of a teenager.”Eliza teased leaning into grant, worried about how he’d handle things, before sighing. “we’ll just have to play it from ear then.”
Grant snorted. "well, that's certainly true." he admitted, grinning at Tony. "you are completely insane." he agreed. "there are human Genetic markers in his DNA." Bruce admitted. "that could mean many things of course but i'd imagine he's a half-blood of some sort. you know, like a Demi-God." "she is i my head. she's very nice for helping me unlock my memories like she is." Grant admitted. "she has to keep stopping to cry though, so that's kind of annoying." Jean was so mortified by the things she saw, that she could only handle so much of Grant's mind. "i always had the sex drive of a teenager." Grant reminded her. "since i'm already pregnant, that means we can fuck without condoms right?" "...yes Grant, it means we can fuck without Condoms." "awesome."
“True. And I am not!My girlfriend had me tested.”Tony huffed at the declration of his insanity, smirking a little. “Well, a demi-god has a god parent. Makes me wonder who it is.”tony said looking thoughtful. “She is. And she’s crying because you’ve gone through some bad stuff, you know.”Eliza said smiling softly as she struggled his hair, sighing as she leaned into him. “....We can?”Eliza said tilting her head up to look at steve, looking thoughtful. “we can indeed.”she snickered a little, amused at how pleased grant was with the idea.
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