Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“We have a magical bracelet available, to help with the rages...they act as a stablizer, so he will not hurt someone. I will get you one when I contact thor.”She promised before nodding, “Oh. That makes sense. Sort of like how horses are dangerou sometimes.”Sif said thoughtfully.

Sif tilted her head as she studied the shy man, indeed it seemed he was going through puberty. “Indeed, you seem very calm for all the chagnes that have been happening to you, lord grant.”Sif said watching the man, rolling with the punches, keeping calm and waiting to see hwat he would do. “I would like to touch your hand, young one. Would that be permissible?”She said glancing at the three. “Grant?”Eliza muttered gently stroking grant’s hair, looking worried for him.
Phil sighed and slumped in relief. "oh thank god..." he muttered. "he destroyed the tower two days ago because someone took a chip from his plate." he admitted. "having a way to reduce that would be very, very good." he admitted. "in the end Steve, his lover, had to hold him still for five minutes while he finished raging." he admitted. "he pulled so hard he bruised himself and Steve was terrified he was going to have to hurt Grant to get him to stop." he admitted. "er... of a sort." he agreed.

Grant blinked at her and then pulled a little more behind Steve who smiled at him and gently dragged his fingers through Grant's hair to calm him. "...why?" Grant demanded, suspicious, looking up at Eliza and smiling at her, leaning into the hand before deciding he was safe. with Steve and Phil and Kate and Bruce and Phil, Clint was in the vents and Natasha was behind Sif. she couldn't hurt him with everyone so close. he held out his right hand, being left handed he wanted to be able to grab his gun quickly if she did something he didn't like.
“I will be able to tell if you are our missing god, or a child of his. I will be able to help you.”Sif said smiling slightly at his suspicion. It was good to be cautious when a unknown god approaches. “It’s okay Grant.”Eliza muttered gently stroking his hair, before shifting to let Sif get closer even if she was tense and waiting to see what sif would do. “Thank you.”Sif smiled as she took Grant’s hand, closing her eyes, and grant would feel just a gentle pressure against his skin as sif used magic to sesarch, it was slightly weird but not harmful. Eyes snapping open startled as she stepped back, tilting her head a little. “Forseti....I did not expect to find a god reborn....”she frowned in concern, glancing at them. “he must have been dying....only a truly desperate god would attempt to become human to save himself..."she frowned looking thoughtful
Grant narrowed his eyes more firmly at her, checking her face for signs of deception before nodding, letting Elia keep him calm. he shuddered at the feeling of magic spreading across him and snapped his hand back in surprise, wiping his palm on his pants as if to wipe away the odd sensation. "whose Forseti?" Grant demanded suspiciously. "i'm sorry. explain that part. about being reborn." Phil asked. "are you saying that this, god. Forseti... what, inhabited a fetus?" no. he'd entered a womb and became a fetus. he must not have had enough magic left to retain his memories, so for all intent and purposes he had been one hundred percent human until entering the puberty stage, A.K.A now when his magic began to grow. his body would slowly alter itself back into the God, or it would happen all of a sudden in a flash if he was in danger or his lovers where. there was a reason none of the Norse Gods, not even Loki, not Odin Tyr or Thor, fucked with Forseti. he was from Buri's Days. Buri, the Grandfather of Odin. he was literally the oldest Aeser and the most powerful. during Burr's reign, Odi's father, he decimated over two thirds of the entire Aeser population after Burr tried to slaughter Odin's creations, Mankind. to punish Burr he turned the man to snow, and made him witness man's growth every winter, while he then crowned Odin as King. no one fucked with Forseti. so it was likely that he would slowly regain his original form and memories.
“Forseti is the norse god of justice and reconcilation.He is law to Asgard.”Sif said watching Grant as she dropped her hand before looking up at Phil, shaking her head. “No. He found a woman, probably baragained with her, to let him become her child, returning to teh womb. But it seems he did not have enough magic to retain who he was. For all intents and purposes, he has become human.Until he reached a age his magic has started to develop.”the woman frowned looking worried. “You will slowly return to being a god, or if your lovers are in danger, you will go through the transformation quickly.”She frowned thinking about it. "So, what does this mean?"Eliza said looking upset. "Nothing. he is well liked among asgardians, they will celebrate that he has been found, but he will not be forced to return if he wants to stay. Though my King would appreciate if you would visit to reassure everyone you are real and okay."
"he's Asgards law? no wonder you wanted him back..." Steve muttered, tightening his arm around Grant. "that's not correct." Phil stated. "if he had bartered, then the things that happened to him, wouldn't have happened. he was tortured as a child by both mother and father. i don't think he had time to barter. i think he just settled into the first womb he could." he admitted, Grant nodding. "Mother always said i should never have been born." he admitted. "she said i was her 'little mistake'." Grant admitted. "she only wanted two children. the eldest was to be their public face and the her and the second child was supposed to be born to be loved. they never wanted me, and they never understood how i was born when she and my father hadn't been... you know. copulating. they never forgave me for being born, even when the hereditary tests proved that i was my fathers. apparently he thought she'd cheated on him." he admitted, shrugging a shoulder. "so. i'll change?" Grant asked, looking very worried. "will i still love Steve and Eliza?" of course he would. he was still himself after all, he'd just have a new set of memories to go with it. "i don't want to." Grant mumbled, sulking and narrowing his eyes at Sif suspiciously. he didn't want to go to another world, he wanted to stay with Steve and Eliza.
“he is. Odin is king, but Forseti was the man who was our judge, and set the laws that odin enforced.”Sif smiled before wincing. “...No. It would haven ot happened that way if Forseti had a chance to handle things properly.”Sif said frowning, wondering what could have made the other be so desperate to allow that to happen. And worried about would have sent him to such desperation. “Yes. But you will still be you, as Grant Ward. You will simply gain Forseti’s memories to go with it.You will still love them”Sif reassured before frowning, nodding slightly. “Then I will not force you. Though Thor may visit.”She said looking at the other’s, knowing that they would need warned if he was indeed coming
Steve blinked a little. "amazing. so he's like your judge, jury, lawman and council..." he hesitated. "what did you do when he vanished?" it wouldn't be the first time. Forseti did have apprentices and they worked together to keep everything running. they argued with each other more than they got anything done though so it was a much slower process. " long as i still love Eliza and Steve." Grant decided. he was okay with this so long as he didn't have to leave. "if your leaving right away, i would ask you for a favor." Phil admitted, blinking at her. "we have a... power source that we are simply not prepared to handle. out... kings. want us to make weapons from it, but our leaders do not want to. we would ask you, since we know you to be trustworthy, to take it and stash it in Asgard." he asked her. "if you want to stay for a while, i'm sure we have room. i have questions still. about Grant's pregnancy." he admitted. "i don't know how to take proper care of him and his mood swings are..." "...dangerous." Grant admitted. "i scare myself..." he admitted, rubbing his arm. "i tried to hurt Steve..."
“Yes, he is. And it is not the first time he’s gone, though it has been the longest. He has apprentices, but they take a much longer time to decide things then Forseti did.”She said smiling slightly. “You will.”Sif reassured smilign slightly, before tilting her head. “I will be leaving now. But I will return, with Thor and Frigga, if they are available. Lady frigga is our foremost healer, she will be better equiped to explain, but if she is not available, I will bring a healer. I promise.”She said tilting her head, looking at phil. “I would see this power source before I go.”She said frowning slightly, worried about what it could be.
they all nodded. it made sense that someone as powerful as Forseti to have backup plans. "we would be eternally grateful to you." Phil admitted. "it's unnerving to find a man pregnant to say the least and we're all a little... okay a lot, protective of Grant." Phil admitted. "knowing what to expect ad how best to help him would go a long way to helping him, and us, stay calm." he admitted. "we'll have to get back into the car." he admitted. "it's a bit of a drive." he warned, leading the way to the outside once more. "thank you for all of this." he said to her once they where in the car. "life has been getting very dangerous for Grant and Eliza." he admitted. "getting rid of this power source and learning about male pregnancy and how best to help will go a long way to reducing stress." he admitted, pulling into the Shield headquarters an hour later and leading her into the catacombs where the Tesseract was being held. "this is it. we've been calling it a Tesseract." he explained. "we don't know what it is, but we do know it's finicky and seams to be semi sentient." he admitted. "it's caused thirteen fights since we've had it." he admitted. "one second they where fine and the next they where screaming at each other and throwing punches."
“it is very unnerving. Even among the Aeser, it is rare for a man to be pregnant. We will help any way we can.”Sif said smiling slightly before perking up. “Car?Yes. I would like that.” Which just made Eliza laugh a little at the idea. “You are welcome. I will see what we can do to make them a little safer.”Sif smiled a little as they walked into the HQ, frowning as she considered the tesseract. “It is a power source, a infinity stone, it is one of five that have been missing for centuries.”Sif said looking concerned at its presence even as she lifted it out of the cage, “It is good that it is being returned, it is not something that belongs in anyone’s hands. I will see that it is returned to Odin’s vaults and hidden well away from anyone.”
he blinked a little. "it is?" he asked, astonished. "well. you said they had to have magic... is it a certain level of magic or something?" they had to be pretty powerful sorcerers to form a magical womb, yes. out of all the Aeser, only three males could carry a baby. Loki, Forseti and one of Loki's children, Jormungandr. there had been others in past years, but sorcery was a dying art. "you like the car huh?" Phil asked with a grin. "infinity stone?" he asked curiously, before letting her take it without trouble. "thank you for taking it...." he paused when it pulsed and things started to explode again, making him sigh. "it clearly doesn't like being used the way it was being used." he admitted with a smile. "thank god." he admitted. "if it wasn't doing that, it would have been hell trying to pretend we where having problems." he admitted. "granted, i could do without the walls collapsing every-time it does that." he admitted. "where do you want me to drop you off?" he asked her. "does the... uh, rainbow bridge? have to be activated in specific locations?"
“Yes. Only the most powerful of the male’s can. Sorcery is dying among our world, there are not that many that are talented anymore.”Sif said before nodding. “Yes I do.”She said smiling. “it is a source of power, one of five such stones.”Sif said looking disturbed by its presence before laughing a little. “It is quite tempermental really.”She said before shaking her head. “Somewhere that you do not mind the ground being messed up. It does not require a specific location, just open skies.”Sif said as she walked out with him again.
he nodded. "interesting. why is it a dying art?" he wondered. "sorcery, little i know f it, seams to be an amazing source of power, healing and well, everything!" he admitted. it was also blood based. meaning unless both parents had sorcery in their blood, their children wouldn't have it unless they where born by magic. any children Loki or Forseti had would have magic. that didn't necessarily mean they would be powerful mages of course. "very temperamental." he agreed with a shake of his head. "alright. i'll take you back outside then." he decided. "we don't care about messed up ground here, it's easy enough to sweep dirt over the markings." he assured her. leading her back out of the labyrinth and smiled as they hit the sunshine again. "when will you be back? i'll pick you up if you appear close enough to the tower." he offered.
“It is, but it also requires both the right...lineage to be able to use, and a dedication to study. Careless mages get themselves killed young, the most skilled are those who live after.”She shrugged a little before smiling slightly. “Thank you.”She said walking outside, blinking in the sun before nodding. “I shall appear near the tower then. I should be two days, at the most. It will take a little while to free both the queen and prince from other duties.”She explained,”Not to mention taking care of the weapon.”
Phil blinked a little and then nodded. "well at least Aeser are smart enough to not breed with their cousins or sisters." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. Aeser where very, very well aware of what inbreeding could do. they where, after all, a few billion years older than humans where. "no problem." he assured her. "i'll keep an eye out for you then." he promised before examining the Tesseract. "just be careful with it?" he hoped. "i can only imagine the devastation it could cause in the wrong hands." he admitted before stepping back so she could leave. heading back to the tower once she was gone.

"" Grant mumbled after a long awkward silence where everyone pondered what it meant. "im a god..." he looked around at them all. "what does that even mean, does anyone know?" he asked.
“oh, wisdom comes with age, and we are much older then humans.”Sif said looking amused at the idea before nodding. “I will be careful.”She promised as she left, looking pleased to having found such good warriors among the humans.

“...Yea...”Eliza frowned having been quiet and thoughtful as she snuggled grant, having tried to come to terms with things, before frowning. “No...but you’re still grant. You’re still ours, and you’re not going anywhere...nothing else matters.”she said looking worried about how he’d handle things.
he smiled. "so how old can you live to be? if Forseti is so old?" Forseti was older than the earth itself. anyone Odin's age or older saw the birth of humanity. Odin himself had formed them in an attempt to impress his cruel and hard hearted father. Burr himself had sewn life into the oceans and watched them rise from the waters and populate the earth. an Aeser only died when they where killed, as violent as they where one as long lived as Heimdall and Forseti where rare. never mind that Heimdall was a good billion years older than Forseti was.

Grant relaxed, sighing a little. relieved that they wouldn't leave him because he was a freak. "okay." he murmured, snuggling into her. "i love you." "come here Grant. you've had a long day. you should get some sleep." Steve offered, smiling at them, though he glanced at Eliza, looking a bit worried about Grant who was, in fact, drooping he was so tired. "okay. i love you too Steve." "i love you too Grant. cme on. up to bed." "okay. but i want snuggles." "of course. me and Eliza will snuggle you all you want."
“Forseti is older then midgard, he was the man that set reason into the very bones of humanity. The one who helped odin shape man.”Sif said with a small smile.

“Love you to.”Eliza muttered nuzzling her face against grant’s neck,holding onto him with a sigh. Scared of what was going to happen. Looking up at steve she nodded a little, looking worried about how tired grant was, worried about hwo this was going to change things before smiling. “We’ll always snuggle you. And definitely stay in bed as long as you want.”She smiled as she got up, letting steve carry grant into bed, before snuggling into the bed with a sigh.
Grant smiled at her and snuggled into Eliza when she nuzzled him. "kay." he mumbled, already asleep once they got to the bedroom. "i'm hoping that's normal." Steve admitted. "when James and i went through Puberty, we where always getting tired at the drop of a hat right? and he just had a pretty good shock... so. it's normal." he hoped. he decided to ask Sif, or Frigga, Thor maybe when they got here.

Grant took no time at all to get used to the idea that he was changing, though waking up and finding white hair in his perfect black locks was not okay. he spent an hour crying because he was 'going grey and now he looked old'. and then bitched for another hour when Clint reached out and yanked out the white hairs in the attempt to make Grant feel better. at least he hadn't grown anymore. Forseti had always been a bit of a short god. scrawny too, not that it made him weak or helpless in any way.
“I think it is. I mean, everything’s changing about him...and he’s pregnant. And I’m tired to...”She sighed softly, before nodding a little. “It’s normal.”She agreed, hoping that it was.

Snickering slightly as she gently stroked Grant’s hair, sighed softly. “You’re not looking old. You’re amazing, Grant.”she said pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, before looking up as Jarvis announced that the three asgardians had arrived with phil. “You ready to go speak to them?”she asked as they sat in the bedroom, looking worried about grant.
Grant sniffled. "but i have grey hairs! and then Clint pulled them out!" he whined. "i hate him!" he complained, far too moody to be consoled. "yes. we gathered that when you threw him out the window." Steve admitted, looking very amused. thankfully, Clint always carried grappling hooks so he wasn't hurt at all. "no. i refuse. i don't wanna talk to them." he growled, slinking under the bed, making Steve sigh. "...i'll go talk to them if you'll stay here with him?" Steve offered Eliza. "he'll calm down once i get him some.... food. you want anything?" he asked her. already wincing at the idea of more cheez-whiz ice-cream with hot sauce and strawberry sauce. once he had her order he went down to great the asgardians. "hey! uh, Grant's having a bit of a temper tantrum and is refusing to come out from under the bed because someone..." here he glared at Clint. "pulled his hair out." "i take it being thrown out the window doesn't mean i've been forgiven?" "apparently not."
“You do not, you’re just angry with him.”Eliza said sighing quietly, before looking up at steve, nodding a little. “I’ll stay. And I want some nachos and chocolate.”she said smiling slightly, sighing quietly as she settled onto the floor, sitting to simply keep grant company. “...Has his temper tantrums gotten that much worse?”Sif said looking worried with the idea as she looked at thor and frigga.”Is this normal behavior?I’ve not been around a young asgardian since I was one...”
"no i hate him. he didn't learn not to pull hair." he grumbled. "now i'm going to go bald too." he mumbled unhappily before perking up at the idea of food. "two nachos and chocolate!" "...okay." Steve agreed, grimacing. "no. not too much worse. this is actually rather tame for him." Steve admitted to Sif. "he's just upset because he had grey hair this morning." he admitted. "Clint yanked em out because Grant was crying and that just pissed him off so..." he shrugged. "i'm going to take him a few noxious combinations and he'll forget about being angry." he promised. "i think this one is the pregnancy, not the puberty." Steve admitted. "it is normal behavior." Thor assured her. "recall that Loki did not come until after we had reached our own puberty, remember how terrible he was?" he asked with a smile before it fell and he grimaced. he missed Loki. even if the man had been a total hellion.
“You are not going to go bald, Grant.”Eliza said trying not to laugh, smiling. “See?Food makes everything better.”She said smirking a little at the look on steve’s face, knowing it was enough to make even the super soldier sick to his stomach. “That’s good.”Sif said looking relieved. “That is definitely normal. Especially for a man who is both pregnant and going through puberty.”Frigga reassured smiling slightly. “....Oh. That was hell. I wanted to lock him in a room and leave him there.”Sif said wincing a little as she leaned into thor, offering him comfort, missing loki herself. He might have been a pain in the ass, but she missed him to.
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