Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Loki swayed on the spot and couched, a gush of blood spilling out of his mouth to drip down his chin. he was in hell of a shape. but he was alive and that meant something. he was also very pregnant, and horrifically, there was now blood leaking out between his legs. something was going wrong with his own pregnancy. "...kill him!" the doctor demanded. that got Loki's attention because he snapped to attention and a wave of power slammed into the approaching Hydra agents. flinging them all back and knocking most of them out. Loki staggered and grabbed hold of the end of Eliza's bed to keep himself standing upright. "...Thor..." Loki whispered. "Thor... Thor..." he looked around, waiting. Thor would be there soon. he would have felt the surge of power. "Thor..." Loki's knees buckled and he looked over at her. "you smell like Thor." he whispered, reaching out and touching her bindings. they clicked and then snapped open. "you smell like Mother." he breathed, resting his head on the edge of her bed and closed his eyes just as Thor burst in. "LOKI!!... Eliza?" Thor asked, looking surprised. "....oh Odin almighty... Loki!" Thor whispered, gathering the now unconscious man into his arms. Grant, on the other hand, was standing up, and glowing so bright it almost hurt to look at him. "Thor. take Loki home." Grant ordered, his voice strong. "...Forseti?" "yes. though, i think i would prefer Grant." Grant admitted with a small smile. "i've gone into labor." he explained. "i'll take myself and Eliza to the Tower. Loki needs medical assistance now before he looses the baby." Grant explained, moving over to her and gently cupping her face. "are you okay?" he whispered, the glow fading away, revealing a new face, a new body, even new clothes, but still Grant.
Eliza gasped softly as the man grabbed the end of her bed, jerking at her hands, trying to help him, even if she was trapped. “They’re staying with us. Helping us. He is a friend.”Eliza said swallowing hard as she pulled her hands out of the bindings, swallowing hard as she tried to move enough to help loki, but big enough to be to awkward to get him up. “Yes, he saved us.”Eliza explained quickly, swallowing hard looking up at grant, blinking hard. “Get Loki to Frigga. Go.”She said urging the brother’s away even as she looked up at grant, smiling softly, leaning into his hand. “I am fine. Though I think the baby’s coming soon....”She said biting her lip, while her water hadn’t broke yet, the stress and fear was enough to send her over. "let's get home."
Loki nodded. "okay." he didn't seam to really understand what was going on. in so much pain, too sick to function. it was more of an accident that he had appeared at all. focusing on the highest energy signature, which had happened to be Forseti. "are you sure?" Thor asked, hesitating. "go. now. and send Sif down to us. her skill in healing will be useful." Forseti admitted, smiling at Eliza, stroking her face. "i still love you." he assured her with a smile. "hold tightly to my arms. this is going to feel very strange for you but it won't hurt." Grant promised her. "hold on tight... here we go." and with a sensation like she had just been plunged into cold, black ink they where gone. then the sensation was gone and they where in the medical lab with Bruce who had leveled a gun at them. "...Eliza!" he called, delighted to see her. "...Grant?!" "i have gone into labor. you must get ready to do the C-Section." "...well damn." Bruce huffed. "lay down, both of you let me give you a quick exam. how far apart are the contractions?" "fifteen minutes approximately. they last about a minute and a half." "mild labor then. you don't have to worry just yet. let me know when they are about four or five minutes apart. are you hurt in any way?" "not anymore. once i became my true form once more, all damage was healed. Eliza has a few injuries." "how did you escape?" "Loki appeared. he was in very bad shape." "he's alive?" "amazingly, yes."
"Yes. Go."Eliza assured the god as he took his brother to their mother looking worried even as she leaned into grant's touch."oh good. I was worried."she smiled a little because she had been. Despite months of reassurances she'd still worried and fussed."okay..."she gasped at the sensation blinking stupidly at bruce as she shuddered."...that weird..."she muttered before looking up at sif as the woman came in."frigga is seeing to loki. How may I help you here?"she said looking worried about them both as Eliza was settled onto the table so bruce could look her over. She wasn't hurt overly, a few bruises,but the most harm was the fear and stress.
Grant smiled. "i know." he admitted, stroking her hair and giving her a kiss, gentle and loving. "when we are better, i will have to thank you." he admitted. smiling at her. "you taught me how to feel again." he admitted before taking her away. "it is a very odd sensation." Grant agreed with a smile. "Bruce will need your assistance during the birth." Grant explained to her. "i am not in danger just yet, but he will need to slice open my stomach to extract my children." he explained to the woman. "you will need to do anything he asks of you and be ready with any healing spells you know." he admitted. "my birth canal never formed." he explained to her. normally, a male Sorcerer developed a birthing canal with magic that would allow them to give birth just like a woman, sort of. sometimes though, they didn't have enough magic to do that and sustain the magical womb. had Grant changed into Forseti before it probably wouldn't have been a problem, but he had remained mostly human until labor set in, so the babies would have to be cut out. "should Eliza go into labor during the procedure, you will have to focus on helping her." he explained to the woman. "i know you have helped women through birth before so it will be fine." he promised her. "Eliza is fine." Bruce promised. "she's a bit bruised but there are no lasting injuries., do you need to be put under?" "no. human drugs will have very little effect on me. i can numb the area so i will feel nothing." he promised.
“I can do that.”Sif said looking worried though as she looked them over, nodding. “how are you feeling otherwise?”she asked worried about him, and eliza. Her and frigga had assumed that he’d need a c-section simply because he’d remained mostly human. “He’ll be fine.”sif said agreeing with grant’s no need of drugs, looking them both over, smiling slightly. “I am?Fine I mean?”Eliza said looking relieved a sshe rubbed a hand over her stomach.
Forseti smiled and nodded. "i am sure you can. i did train you myself after all." he admitted. "for a little while anyway, Wild Child." it was rare for a woman to want to be a warrior. most of them pursued crafts instead of bloodthirst. he had tried to teach her all manner of things, sewing, weaving, sword-crafting, healing, weapon-smithing, jewelry making, anything at all. finally he'd sent her to Tyr to learn to be a warrior and she had soared with it. Forseti usually only trained the children of the King and Queen, but since Sif's parents had been slaughtered he had taken her in to train her alongside Thor and Loki, one of the reasons why she was so loyal to Thor, was because he was the one who had first brought her to Forseti, who had ensured her well being.

"i am fine." he assure her. "emotionally speaking i am... confused. it has been a very, very long time since i had such close relations with my own emotions. after a few billion years emotions just get so dull. it is... strange to feel worry over something as simple as childbirth again." he admitted. he smiled at Elia. "it is well worth it to feel the taste of love agai.... oh!" he gasped, clutching his stomach and gritting his teeth. "it's okay. it's fine... just a particularly impressive contraction." he assured them all. "....your fine Elia, though the stress you received might cause you to go into labor." he warned. "you don't have to worry, the little tyke is fully developed." he promised her. "so you want to stay for the surgery?" "wait... where is Steve?" Grant demanded and Bruce winced. "he's... in a coma of sorts. there was impressive damage, though any lingering brain damage will be healed by the Serum, he can't stay awake for more than a couple of minutes at a time at the most and he's disoriented and confused when he is awake. he might be another week or more before he fully recovers. he will fully recover." he promised. "i've been monitoring him very closely, he will recover completely."
“So you did. We’ll be okay.”Sif said softly, relieved to see the other, to know that her teacher was okay. Glad that the other was here, blushing a little at the nickname.

“..Ah. Yes, that would be confusing. But me and steve are here for you.”Eliza said smiling softly, squeezing his hand. “So I can see. But you have good mates, Forseti.”Sif said smiling before wincing at the gasp, looking him over. Eliza opened her mouth to reply before pausing, frowning a little as she realized that indeed, steve wasn’t there. Looking at bruce she swallowed hard. “No...I’m not going to stay...I think I’ll go see Steve.”She said easing to her feet slowly, looking upset and worried despite bruce’s reassurances.
Grant smiled at her. "i know you are. and i won't let my emotions close off again." so long as he had Steve and Eliza, there was no need. because the taste of love was worth the worry, anxiety and pain. "i do have good mates." he agreed, smiling at Sif before frowning, worried about Steve but logically he knew Steve would be fine. "Sif. go with her." he ordered, before gently kissing Eliza. "once you leave, Bruce is going to lock the door." he warned her. "stay with Steve and Jarvis will tell you when the procedure is done. Bruce can't afford to be distracted, considering he's going to be cutting me open." he admitted, offering her a smile. "give him a kiss for me. i'll be on bed rest for a few days after the surgery." he admitted with a sigh. "i am so tired of being stuck in a bed." he whined, sounding so very much like Grant that it was easy to ignore all the changes.
“Good.”Eliza smiled at him, before smiling. “The very best.”Sif said smiling softly as she watched them, before nodding. “I’ll watch over her.And we’ll stay there until we’re needed.”Sif said reassuring him. “I will.”Eliza promised before laughing. “You wont be on bed rest much longer.”she promised smiling as they headed to visit with steve, the woman fussing as she settled into her chair, worried as she watched steve.
Steve was laying in bed, breathing calmly with crisp white bandages wrapped around his head. he looked exceptionally peaceful laying there, though he didn't wake up. not until Jarvis spoke up, saying that the surgery was done and that Eliza could go back to Grant now. "Grrr,nnnt.? Lllza?" Steve slurred, blinking sluggishly, flexing a hand on the sheets because he couldn't manage to work anything more than that. "ssssf?" he struggled to make the words. he couldn't talk and that kind of scared him. but he could sort of see Eliza sitting there, safe and that braught him more relief than he could ever say. "Grrnt?" he tried again, frowning. "Grrnt?!"
Eliza tensed, wincing a little at the sound of steve’s voice. It hurt to see him like that. Reaching out she squeezed his hand. “We’re here, we’re both safe. I promise. Bruce just delivered the twins, both twins and grant are safe. I promise.”She reassured getting up slowly. “I’m going to check on them okay?Then I’ll be right back. Just rest Steve.”she said awkwardly leaning over to kiss his forehead.
he sighed ad relaxed a little, curling his fingers around hers, glad she was okay. "lfff uuu." he slurred, smiling at her a best as he could, closing his eyes and letting sleep take him again. Grant was sitting up when she got there and he offered her a sleepy, but content smile. "Eliza. come meet the twins." he urged her, settling a bundle into her arms once she got close enough. the baby already had a tuft of soft snow white hair ad Steve's ultra baby blue eyes. it was sleeping, content and so was his twin brother. "i wanted your input on the names." he admitted. "what do you think of Hayden Anthony and Hunter Clint Rogers?" he asked curiously. "if you don't like those i have other ideas." he admitted, watching her.
“Love you to.”Eliza smiled at him, glad he was okay before making her way back to the house. Smiling softly as she setted into a chair, she looked amazed as she looked at the twins, “They’re adorable, Grant.”she said softly, gently stroking the baby’s hair as the twin laid on her stomach, before tilting her head, smiling. “I like them. I think the boy’s will be especially honored to share names with them.”She smiled at him.
Steve smiled at her, delighted that she had been able to understand what he was trying to say. he was often very frustrated trying to communicate with those in the Tower who stood watch over him. "aren't they? they look just like Steve." he admitted, looking very, very pleased with himself. "Hayden and Hunter then." he agreed with a smile. "how is Steve?" he asked, looking worried. "Bruce promised that once i rested a bit, he'd move me into Steve's room." he admitted. "my magic is still a bit weak so i can't heal myself like i would normally." he admitted. "not that i'm too concerned." he admitted. "it's rather common for a sorcerers magic to be weak after giving birth." he admitted with a smile before she could worry about it. "how are you doing? no labor pains yet?" he asked curiously. "Bruce was a bit worried you might go into labor while i was in surgery." he admitted. which was why he'd made Sif go with her, just in case.
“They do. Good thing we have a very cute lover, otherwise I’d worry about our kids being un-cute.”She snickered at the idea before looking worried. “he’s tired. And he’s not... Talking. I can understand him, but its slurred and broken...almost like he’s drunk.”She said looking upset before looking pleased.”good. Makes it easier to look after you both if you are together.”she smiled before frowning, relaxing at his words. “Good. I’m glad you’re okay.”she smiled softly, before shaking her head. “No, not yet. I’m starting to think we lucked out, but I’m still waiting to see.”She sighed softly.
he chuckled. "you don't think i'm cute?" he asked, pouting at her. "i think i'm cute. i have a very nice butt now you know." he admitted with a smile before he hesitated. "you don't mind, do you? if you do i can go back into my human form. Loki isn't the only shapeshifter after all." he admitted. "i can't do it now, magic is too tired, but once i've recovered i can settle into human form again without repercussions." he assured her, looking honestly worried about it. he knew some humans had problems with the way a God looked. "i'm fine." he promised with a smile, looking up at Bruce. "no labor pains?" Bruce asked her, setting up the wheelchair, making Grant whine again and sulk. well, at least he'd be able to stand up for a few seconds. "have you decided on names?" "yes! Hayden Anthony and Hunter Clint!" Bruce laughed. "they are never going to let you live that down." "i know! it's going to be great!"
“Oh, I think you are devastatingly handsome. And you always had a nice ass.”She teased before shrugging, “No. Whatever form is most comfortable to you is fine. It’s still you, it doesn’t matter what you look like.”She said smiling at him, before haking her head. “No. Not yet.”Eliza reassured before nodding. “We have.”She said looking amused as grant sulked at the wheelchair, snickering. “We’ll be lucky if we get to hold our own kids once those two find out they’re named after them.”She smiled getting up slowly, carefully with the baby and heading for steve’s room.
he laughed and nodded. "i am devastatingly handsome. not quite as handsome as Steve, but certainly prettier than him." he admitted with a playful grin before relaxing, smiling at her. "thanks." he murmured. "i was a bit worried. some humans take to a Gods appearance... unwell." he admitted, snuggling into her. "i know! instant baby sitters!" Grant admitted, eyes glittering playfully as he let Bruce wheel him into Steve's bedroom where a second and third bed where being set up. Steve was, astonishingly, still awake and he smiled at Grant. "uutfffllllll." he slurred, making Grant blink, startled before blushing hard. Steve, he was sure, had just called him beautiful. "hey baby." Grant smiled at him. "i want you to meet your sons. Hunter Clint and Hayden Anthony Rogers..." he said, lifting his twin so Steve could see, making Steve beam at the sleepy baby. "rrrfct..." Steve slurred, delighted with his babies, and wishing he could hold them. he had no strength in any of his body though, so all he could do was stare at the precious, perfect baby.
“That you are. We should totally put makeup on you, you’d be so pretty.”She teased a little before smiling slightly. “You’re perfect.”She promised, before snickering at the idea of instant babysitters. “...He is quite beautiful isn’t he?”Eliza said with a smile, glancing at grant, before smiling as steve looked over the babies. “They are indeed.”She said before wincing, feeling the contractions starting, but not wanting to leave yet. Not wanting to be alone, so scared of actually having the baby.
he blinked and then cocked his head to the side. "i've worn it before." he admitted. "i oft, wore it for important trials or meetings." he admitted. "though Asgardian makeup is much different from human makeup, it's still sort of the same principle." he admitted with a smile before grinning bashfully when she said he was perfect. "of course i am. i'm a god." he agreed with a smile before blushing even more when she agreed that he was beautiful. "your even more beautiful than i am." he assured her with a smile, taking her hand before stroking teve's hand. "Trrd..." Steve sighed, closing his eyes and going back to sleep, Grant chuckling as he gently kissed Steve's forehead and settled into bed with his baby, with Bruce's help of course. "has there been any word from Thor or Frigga?" Grant asked once he was settled. "Loki was in terrible shape..." he was worried about the young asgardian/Jotun.
“...Oh. I like it. You should wear it somethings, you’d be pretty.”She said smiling, amused at him being bashful, kissing his forehead even as she blushed herself. “Am not.”she muttered smiling at steve. “Go to sleep then, silly.”She ordered pleased as he fell asleep, settling into her own chair. “I just spoke to thor. He is in labor and hurt badly, but frigga has stablized him and helped him recover enough that both father and child should be fine.”Sif said as she stepped into the room
he smiled. "i'll be sure to." he promised with a nod. "you are." he assured her with a smile. "not just physically either. you are one of the most beautiful people, inside and out, that i have ever seen." he promised her before looking up at Sif, relaxing. "thank goodness." he sighed. "has he said anything?" nothing, aside from 'if it has to be me or the baby, choose the baby'. after that he was in too much pain to even know where he was, let alone speak. "will Frigga be bringing him back down or keeping him above?" Grant asked curiously.
“...You’re delusional you know.”Eliza said flushing brightly at the praise, swallowing hard. “Nothing except if we have to choose, chose the baby. He’s to lost in pain to truly understand what’s going on.”Sif said looking worried before sighing quietly. “Probably will be staying up there for the moment, until he is steady, then she will move him here.”Sif said knowing frigga would bring him here to protect both loki and the baby.
"i am? i don't think i am but i could be wrong." he admitted with a chuckle before grimacing at Loki's orders. still, if he was in the position he would have done the same. "it would be best if the other Aeser did not have a chance to harm Loki or the youngling." Grant admitted, his face approaching thunderous. "they might have grown lax since i have not been there to control them and i have yet to forgive them for what they did to the young Fenrir." he admitted, baring his teeth in a rare show of utter disgust. "ensure that they all know that if anyone dares lay a hand on Loki or his child i will deal with them personally." he ordered Sif. certain that word had spread that Forseti had been found.
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