Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

"i'm not feeling any better or worse than i was when i woke up." he scoffed, completely uncaring that he was a moody bastard. "not always around?" Steve asked, looking a bit puzzled. "they send him on long term missions then?" he asked, his head tilted. he had to admit, he was a but curious about another Super Soldier. maybe they could convert him? so long as he wasn't a Hydra Fanatical they had a chance right? "hmm." he examined her a moment as if trying to find the killer in her. not judging, just looking for the monster that lurked underneath. "i'm sorry i upset you." Grant mumbled. "my social capabilities are extremely limited." he admitted. "i don't know what i did to upset you, but if you tell me i'll never do it again." he promised before gasping a little as he was pinned to his back, a spark of lust lighting in his eye as he moved, swift as fire and soon had her on her back kissing her senseless, rocking his hips roughly into hers, grinding their sexes together, a hand sliding up her shirt while his other hand pinned her wrists to the mat, pulling away from the kiss to litter bites all over her neck and shoulders, ignoring the startled squeak of a woman whode walked in to try and flirt some more. she didn't stay long.
“Moody bastard.”She teased rolling her eyes a little before biting her lip. “I...I don’t think so. But I don’t know for sure. He was...always different when he came back.”She frowned, because she had left later then natasha, natasha had gotten out at 22, Eliza had been there for years longer. At nearly 25 herself, she felt old, despite being relative young still. Both women had been James prized students, the two women who’d been bred and trained specifically for Red Room projects, instead of simply found. “more...devoted, less likely to question orders, or what he was training us to do. He’d be around for a few weeks, then he’d do something out of character, or training of what Hydra liked, and he’d be gone. I think...they hurt him, but I never found out for sure what they did. Natasha might know.”She said frowning slightly as she watched steve go. “...You are extremely didn’t even know they wanted you.”She said running her fingers through his hair. Laughing as she was turned over, kissing him back as she rocked her hips into his, groaning as he pinned her. Tilting her head back to look at the woman, laughing softly. Knowing that soon enough SHIELD would know they were together, and probably would be having a talk about appropriateness with phil, but for the moment, she was enjoying this. Twisting, squirming she rolled them again, looking down at him. “Think we can get privacy long enough to have sex in here?”She panted leaning down to leave her own marks along his neck.
he snorted at her. as if he cared about her opinion. "....different?" he asked, frowning a little. that was interesting. "you think they where torturing him to modify his behavior?" he asked. might not be too hard to sway him to the 'good' side after all. who knew for sure though. "i think i need to call Natasha." he mumbled as he left. "i am limited.... wait.. they what!?" he demanded, looking honest to god startled, a blushing spreading across his cheeks. "....well that explains the giggling..." he said, looking rather horrified that all those girls had... had... wanted him. he wasn't the sort who liked attention of any kind so having girls wanting him like... like That, made him wince. Eliza was enough for him thank you very much and when she fell in love, well, he could move on and find someone else then. "fuck yes." he growled, fingers working at the buttons of her pants. "i wanna watch you ride me." he growled. he loved watching her claim his body as her own, riding him like a maniac and dragging her nails across his skin.
“Yes.I think they were. But it never lasted as long as they thought it should...he always...rebelled.”She shrugged a little watching him, because she knew natasha would be able to fill in the blanks, she’d known james the best out of the two of them. “...They wanted you.”She said closing a hand around his neck,squeezing ever so slightly, “Hm, you are dense. Why wouldn’t they want you?You’re good looking, a amazing agent, and can give a girl a orgasm that’ll make her walk funny for days. I’m amazed they haven’t tried more often to get you.”She growled softly, laughing quietly as he worked on the buttons squirming away. “I can totally ride you.You like that don’t you?”She teased squirming out of her workout outfit, before stripping him of everything but his pants, in to much of a hurry to bother undressing him, much less her then what was absolutely needed. “To bad Cap left, we could shock and scar him for life.”She snickered as she moved back to straddle him, moaning as she sank down onto him, taking her time riding him,even if it was soon enough she was losing herself in exactly what she was doing, nails and teeth finding his skin, marking him, claiming him before closing a gentle hand around his neck, leaning back as she rode him, looking at his face. “...who’s are you?”She growled at him.

"Captain, of all the people I thought to hear from, you were one I hadn't thought would call. Do you need me to come back?"She asked promptly, because despite not having the orders to do so, she would come back, if he needed her. having given the captain her encrypted cell phone number before leaving, she had thought he'd forgotten he had it. having tried not to worry to much when she heard nothing of what was going on back at the base. stepping away from the window she was looking out of, focusing on the captain.
Steve nodded. very interesting indeed. "hello Romanoff. no i'm fie, this babysitters halfway okay i guess." Steve admitted. "at least i can go outside again." he admitted. "that's not why i called though, i need information on a guy you trained under. a Russian Super soldier, one of the girls here, Eliza with some funny last name i can't pronounce or remember. she mentioned him. mentioned that he'd come back for few weeks and then vanish when he acted out i any way and when he returned he was... devout. know who i'm talking about here?" Steve asked, wondering why he was so obsessed with this?

he snorted. "okay, i'm a prime catch, but why all of a sudden and what the hell makes them think i'd ever want them?" he asked, baffled before shivering, moaning at her. "yes. i like that." he panted. it was a rare moment when she was being dominant. but god he loved it. he preferred to be dominant but there where times when she flipped his switch and it was all he could do to hang on. "somehow i don't think he'd be as shocked as we expect him to be." Grant admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before moaning as he helped her get him undressed, hissing in delight when she sank down onto him, hands gripping her hips, shuddering every time she bit or clawed him, gasping, moaning mewling! he gasped as she settled a hand on his neck and he tipped his head back, presenting his smooth neck to her, submitting. "yours. yours. yours." he chanted, panting hard as his hips slammed into her, desperate. "gonna cum.... gonna cum. please!"
“Natasha is fine Steve.”She said though she sounded calm, she was still worried him. She knew the idiots working there, she could only hope maria had done a intelligent thing, and gotten a good person to watch him. “...They told you you weren’t allowed outside?”she said her voice threading a little with anger before wincing. “Eliza Petrohova, former Black Widow, I assume you know that since you’re calling.”She said frowning. “And I do. Yes.”She said because she had her suspicions about who and what james was, but not sure how to deal with it. “....They called him the Winter Soldier. Active for the last 70 years, a WW2 assassin. They figured out how you survived, before anyone knew you were alive. Ice can keep a super soldier alive, without aging him, Cap.”She said wondering why he was being so curious, but willing to supply him with what she knew, when she knew they could use all the help they could get to track him down.

“probably cause we’re not drifting out like usual. We’re actually staying here.”She pointed out. Shivering as he did, because she was usually submissive, the black widow training slipping in, an even if he wasn’t her handler, she treated him like he was in charge most of the time, trusted him enough to let him be in control. Smirking as she listened to him come undone under her, looking down at him as he submitted, dark eyes wide and blown as she considered him. Gasping as the other slammed up into her, hands scrambling to keep her balance on his chest, “Come for me.”she panted, gasping as she came, nearly falling on top of him with the force on her orgasm.
Steve ignored her. "yeah, the first guy did. first babysitter i mean, turns out he was lying but the guys that came after him all thought it was an order. flight risk or something...." he admitted. "it's all fixed now." he promised. "Maria was pretty pissed off and some guy named Phil Coulson busted some balls." he admitted. "yeah. honestly i'm surprised it took me so long to notice, she walks exactly like you do." he admitted. "and talks. though she's a bit meaner than you are." he admitted before blinking. "this guy is seventy years old?" he asked, startled before sucking i a harsh gasp. "they.... they...freeze him?" he asked, his voice filled with such a broken horror you knew he was remembering his own time on the ice. "is there a chance we could convert him? a second super soldier, if he wasn't twisted up inside then it means he's a good person right? the Serum amplifies that sort of thing. bad becomes evil and all that." he admitted. "can we bring him in do you think?"

he blinked a little. "huh.... good point." he agreed. "were home bound for a month at the least. so i guess that makes sense." he muttered. "still annoying." he was still faintly horrified that they where trying to flirt with him. he moaned eagerly as they fucked, shuddering when he came, flooding her. he was using the newest in genetic technology. so long as he took a little pill every month, he was completely sterile. if he ever decided to have children, he'd just stop taking the pill, just like a woman taking birth control pills. they weren't on the market yet, but they where completely safe and FDA approved so Grant didn't worry too much. "fuck..." he moaned, examining his bleeding chest. "that's going to sting in a few minutes." he admitted, still running too high on adrenaline to care at the moment.
“...Idiots.”Was natasha’s summary of the idea of that, before frowning as she thought. “Coulson is my and Clint’s handlers, one of the best that Shield has. If you need help, ask him. He’s more liable to be helpful then Maria. the book. He likes the rulebook, but is willing to throw it out the window on occassion.”Natasha said before laughing. “She is a little meaner. She hasn’t quite figured out that you can get closer to people if you’re nice to them.”Natasha smiled a little before wincing. “Closer to 90 I think, he’s in his 20s...and they do.”She said for once there was sympathy in her words, knowing what he was thinking about. “He’s survived, only aged a few years since’s twisted him up.”she said before going quiet, thinking. “....It amplifies, it’s made him a better soldier, a better warrior...but its not...he doesn’t follow their orders if he’s left off ice and out of the brainwashing for to long...he’s....I think he was a good man before. Now...I’m not quite sure. But yes, if we can bring him in, I think we could recruit him, if he’s not so insane he makes us put a bullet in his brain.”She said, sounding sad at the idea of killing him, but also knowing she’d once made a promise to do so if there was nothing left of the man he’d been.

“At least.”She muttered amused at how horrified he sounded. Shivering as she shifted off him, on the pill herself. Between the two of them, they were perfectly safe, and considering they had been tested monthly to test for disease, it was perfectly safe since neither of them had anything. Shifting off him she laid down next to him, a leg resting over his hips as she nodded, “Probably....mine to.”She muttered raising her head to look at the fingermarks showing on her hips.".,..we should probably move before anyone shows up..."
"i agree, yeah. idiots. especially when i've been on Shield Issue since i woke up." he admitted. "no one thought to go shopping." he admitted, voice dry ad bitter and angry. "i'll do that. i think he's gone right now though." he admitted. "well. considering she's snagged one of the hottest guys on base i think she's doing okay. they where fucking in the gym five minutes ago." he admitted, sounding sadistically amused before swallowing thickly. "if he's being brainwashed to control him, then it's reasonable to say he was one of the kidnapped experiments." he muttered. "when i went to save Bucky, he was strapped to a table and had needle marks all over his body. he never displayed any signs at all but i know they where working on a way of replicating the serum using living test subjects. The Winter Soldier could easily be an old captured U.S. general or soldier." he admitted. "there where a lot of people in that base, i could have missed one. or they could have moved him once he survived the procedure." he admitted. "we'll have to make sure he's given a chance." he decided. "thanks for the info. i'm gonna sneak out while my babysitters getting a talking to and see how many people panic." he admitted. he was already out of the building. in the park actually.

he snorted a little and grinned at her, sighing a little. "yeah we need to clean up before..." he paused when someone cleared their throat and he blinked and turned, blush growing across his cheeks. "oh. uh... hey Garret." "get dressed, your scaring the recruits." Garret ordered, sounding highly amused. he'd known they where fucking from day one. and considering they'd fucked each other the day they met that was saying something. "while you two where fucking, Steve Rogers vacated the building while talking on the phone." Garret stated simply. "Mariah's in a panic thinking Steve's doing a runner. better get on that." he warned.
“...I told them to get you things...I am sorry steve.”She said sounding just as angry. Before nodding, even if steve couldn’t see it. “He is. But Eliza knows how to get ahold of him if needed.”She said before laughing, “Her and Grant?I had thought they were just flirting. ”Because while she usually knew everything going on, she generally tried to stay out of the other black widow’s business, simply aware that there were few things they could have as a private life, they both deserved what they could get. “And you sound to amused by that idea of them to be screwing in public to be from the 30s. Are you sure I’m talking to the good Captain?”She teased.“Yes, maybe. I never learned, and he’s,...he doesn’t know anything beyond waking up that time for the most part.”Natasha sighed quietly, “We’ll try.”she said glad to have someone else working on thinking of how to deal with the soldier, before smiling. “You’re welcome. HAve fun steve, let me know how that goes.”she said snickering as she hung up.

“Yea...”She sighed turned her head to look up at Garret with a look of lazy contentment, to relaxed and happy, both at the good sex and the knowledge that grant had no desire to date anyone else, that she couldn’t be worked up by the idea of garret catching them.”...Don’t we always scare the recruits?”She asked as she got up to find her clothes, dressing slowly, before frowning, and shrugging a little. “He probably is. As in-running. He does that. If allowed to you know. After being told he couldn’t leave, are you really surprised he’s not here?”She said brushing her hand through her hair as she headed for the door, ignoring the recruits and agents they past as she headed for the outside door to track down steve.
he nodded. "it's not your fault." he promised. "honestly i was... so mad, when they made you leave i just didn't care anymore." he admitted. Natasha had been the only thing in his life that wasn't strange, baffling or frightening at the time. she was his rock, he could go to her, like a small child, for anything. he had depended on her so much and they had made her leave and he had been furious and his babysitters had taken advantage of his grief and fear and rage. "nope. fucking like bunnies." Steve admitted. "oh, well it might be the fact that i made sure several people leaving." he admitted with a grin. "so they're going to get caught fucking in the gym. i hope it's Fury." he admitted. "i will. thanks for being there for me NAt. i appreciate it." he admitted, hanging up and decided to look around the city just for the hell of it.

Garret snorted at her. "focus!" he ordered, amused. "and es but i'd rather they weren't scarred in quite this manner." he pointed out. "half the women in base are ow crying because they found out you two are fucking. half of them think you two are already married." he admitted before blinking at her comment. "wait... what? what do you mean he thought he couldn't leave?" he asked, scowling. "that's not the orders i gave Natasha's replacement! where is that fucker?!" he demanded, storming off, Grant chuckling. "you know Steve did this now in order to fuck with us right?" he asked, amused. "fifty bucks says he gets lost." Grant was practically prophetic because three hours after they started looking Steve finally called her Cell. "Eliza? i don't know where i am..." Steve admitted, sounding rather disgusted about having to call for help.
“I was angry to. But Stark’s suicidal moment had to be taken care of. Thankfully it is, I should be returning soon. I have a few things to take care of first, but me and clint should be back soon.”She said before laughing, “I’m sure you do. You’ll be lucky if she doesn’t take it out of your hide if it’s fury.”She warned laughing. “And you’re very welcome.”She said hanging up.

“...”Eliza smiled at Garret’s order, before smirking a little. “They should be scarred in this way. They were flirting.”She growled annoyed before twitching, glancing at grant before looking at garret again. “Just fucking, not married. I would have had to list something like that with human resources, and that’s to much paperwork. Besides, I’m fairly certain he doesn’t want to be stuck with me for life.”She snickered a little before nodding. “He was under the thought that he had orders to not go out, and all he had was shield issued clothes, apartment stuff, and for fuck’s sake, soap. Phil already scolded them, but have fun yelling at them again!”She called after him, snickering a little as he left before looking at grant. “I know. We probably deserve it, I mean, we did keep him inside today.”She snickered before nodding. “100 says he wanders for awhile before calling.”She said before heading for the park, simply walking around with him, mostly just enjoying the outdoors.

Answering when steve called she motioned for grant’s phone, already flicking through the apps. “Hey Steve. Give me a second, I’m finding you now.”She said smiling, because she could have done it the whole time, but letting the man have a illusion of being able to bolt, well it made her feel better about letting him go. “Keptin,”She said, just to tease him with a slight russian accent and the word for captain, “there’s a coffee shop about a block and a half from you, called Samatha’s?Can you see it?Yes?Go there, and wait. We’ll be there in about 20 minutes.”She said after making sure he could get there before hanging up, shaking her head. “How he gets himself all the way to hell’s kitchen, is a mystery to me.”She snickered nudging grant. “Race you to sam’s.”She said, heading for the out of the corner coffee house they usually went to if given the option of not going to starbucks, grinning as she started jogging that way.
Steve nodded. "yeah they said something about a Bruce Banner." he admitted. "it'll be worth it." he admitted with a snigger.

Garret lifted an eyebrow. "your riding him in the middle of the most public gym in the entire base because some twit of a woman thought he was cute?" "it was a lot of women. and i didn't realize they where flirting." Grant admitted, sulking. "well. it wouldn't be a miserable existence." Grant admitted, grinning impishly at her. his own kind of flirting. "....oh i am gonna fucking Kill Erikson." Garret hissed furiously. he had told Erikson to keep the Captain under control, not lock him up like the man was a criminal! why did he work with such fucking idiots?! Grant just snorted at her. "he didn't want to go out." he reminded her. "you tried to get him to go for a jog, i know you did." he admitted before smirking and shaking her hand to seal the deal. by the time Steve called he'd already paid her and even bought her an ice-cream cone and a hot dog. just so he could later tell her it was the best date he'd ever had.

"finding me?" Steve asked, sounding confused. "how?" clearly no one had thought to explain GPS and satellites to him yet. "...yes. i see it it." Steve admitted, sounding rather relieved. "thanks Eliza." Steve said with a sigh, though what kind of sigh it was one couldn't tell. "he's all the way in Hell's kitchen? how the hell did he manage that?" he asked, looking very amused. "well have to ask him." he decided, jogging with her. she could kick his ass any day of the week in a spar, but when it came to distance and speed running he was always faster and more long winded than she was. Steve was sitting in Sam's nursing a hot Coffee and sulking when they walked in. "how'd you end up all the way out here Captain?" Grant asked, amused. "i don't know! i was in the park, i was just going to go look at one of the museums for a bit, you know the ones with the art? i stayed there for a half an hour and went to go back and then..." he shrugged, looking very frustrated. "everything looks so different!" "why didn't you call us?" "i did!" he whined. "twenty minutes ago!" he stated making Grant snort. "why didn't you call us before that?" "because i was enjoying seeing things." he admitted. "i haven't had a full hour all to myself since before the war. i was enjoying it."
“Yes.And it was alot of women.”Eliza said twitching a little before smiling slightly as grant sulked, shifting to brush against him, simply to make him feel better. “...”She stared at him for a moment, at a loss to what to think of his flirting, at a loss at the idea of marriage. “You are weird, you know that?”she muttered before grinning. “Do so. They’re idiots.”She said watching garret leave before shrugging. “he didn’t want to leave when he was in a bad mood. But he might when he wants to fuck with us.”She shrugged laughing a little as she took his money, amused as she ate her food, wondering why he was doing it, but okay with it.

“Your cell phone has a tracker in it, just so I can do this if you get lost.”Eliza said smiling. “You’re welcome.”She said, frowning a little worried at the sigh, but for the moment willing to let it go until she caught up to him. Hanging up she nodded. “I don’t know, but he grew up in hell’s kitchen before it was hell’s kitchen. Maybe he tried to go home.”She shrugged as she jogged with him, out of breath and annoyed that he could always run her into the ground. “No wonder your good at sex, you have staminia.”She teased rolling her eyes a little as they walked in, pausing to get herself and grant a coffee before joining steve at his table. “Yea I know. And it probably wasn’t your fault. That art museum by the park is like two city blocks long, you get turned around coming out the wrong door, and you have no idea where you are. I get lost there to.”She shrugged before smiling as teh boys argued about calling. “Ignore grant, he’s just annoyed you didn’t call sooner cause he lost money.”She rolled her eyes, before smiling a little. “Well, I’ll show you how to use your phone to get home, and you can always call if you need help.”She smiled more, tilting her head.”....You know you made it back to brooklyn right?You went home...”She said worried about him, worried that if she didn’t warn him, he’d recognize something and have a bad trip down memory lane.
Garret snorted. "Lass. the only way any of those women are getting with Grant is if they tie him down and rape him. you know how skittish he is." he pointed out, well aware she was jealous. "how long did it take for him to really warm up to you?" he asked. it was three months before he actually talked to her, let her in. they fucked almost constantly because they needed the closeness, but he didn't let her into his heart, into his trust until she took a bullet meant for him. "he's not going to leave you for some trollop." he promised her. "am i weird?" Grant asked, having not heard Garrets comments.

"ah. good." Steve stated. "means someone can come find me o matter how lost i get." and it would be damn easy enough to ditch the phone if he really wanted to leave too. "why thank you." Grant said, grinning at her complaint. "you know i wouldn't doubt it. although it's changed so much he probably doesn't realize where he is." he mused. "oh. i didn't realize it was so big." Steve said, looking shocked. "i just went i because i saw the artwork from the doorway." he admitted. "....he had to pay money?" "betting." Grant explained, Steve snorting, hiding a grin with his hand and then looked surprised that he'd smiled. "my phone can take me back to base?" Steve asked, looking surprised. "how does that work?" he asked, examining the little black square he barely knew how to use before he went stiff and turned to look out the window. "this is... Brooklyn...." he whispered before standing up and walking outside, eyes scanning the streets before he headed off at a jog, following a path only he knew. Grant and Eliza following easily, since he was slow enough they could keep up. "this is where i grew up." he said softly, staring up at a half rotted house, it was entirely caved in and the basement was showing through the floor, only half a wall still stood, a shattered window all that was left. "my mother died there." he admitted. "i buried her in the backyard because we couldn't afford a funeral or even a tombstone, or a cemetery plot." he admitted. "i moved out before she died, but this house was all we had left of my father." he admitted. "the deed was mine, after she died but i couldn't bring myself to move back in or sell it." he admitted. voice oddly toneless.
“....I know.”She muttered ducking her head a little as she considered that, blushing as she realized garret had figured out just how blinded by her jealousy she’d been, even if Grant hadn’t just yet. “...Long enough. Months.”She muttered absently rubbing her side, not even really aware of brushing a hand over the scar at her side from that bullet, relaxing a little at garret’s words. Trusting him. “No, I guess he’s not.”she muttered before nodding, “You are indeed.”She said snickering at grant.

“Yep, and you can lose us if needed, though if you do, I’d appreciate a warning, just so I can run as far and fast as I can before fury realizes it.”She teased a little before nodding. “Probably not.”She agreed before laughing softly. “it’s definitely huge, something you need awhile to simply enjoy going through and see everything.”She smiled before nodding. “He thought you’d call sooner then you did.”She shrugged a little before nodding, moving around to sit next to steve, “it can. You have a built in map here. Lets see...”She muttered showing him how to ask for directions to the base, “or if needed, you can put in a address, and do directions from where ever you are.”She explained before nodding. “It is.”She said before following him, looking wide eyed at the house, surprised. “...I’m sorry Steve.”She muttered moving over to stand next to him, hesitating, worried before slipping a hand into his, squeezing his hand. “We might not be able to save the house, but if you wanted....we can have your mom moved to a actual cemetary, a real place to rest. So it’s not visit her, if you wanted.”She said looking up at him, at a utter loss on how to help him, and feeling weird and awkwar actually wanting to. It was weird, she rarely wanted to help or emotionally console anyone.
Steve snorted. "i was trying to play a prank. looks like it backfired on me." he huffed before snorting. "if i really wanted to vanish completely, do you really think anyone could stop me?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at her. "i might have to take an afternoon just to look at the art museum." he agreed before snorting and mumbled something. "what was that?" Grant asked. "i said i forgot how to turn on my phone...." Grant started to laugh, he couldn't help it! he blinked and watched her intently, memorizing every button she pushed. memorizing it so he could do it again himself later. he could go anywhere! then he realized where he was. he twitched when her hand slid into his and twitched again when Grant did the same on his other side before he realized they weren't dragging him away, they where comforting him. that.... was a very new sensation. "Peggy already did that." Steve admitted. "when i told her, a few days after i formed the howling commandos, she pulled a few strings to have what little remains where left into a cemetery. i even got to visit..." he admitted. "they tore the cemetery up though, back in the nineteen sixties so they could build ore houses for an influx of the Jews seeking sanctuary i America. her bones are buried under cement and steal, all mixed up with other bones and bodies..." his voice choked and suddenly he was sitting on his ass, face pressed into his knees, crying. finally having the breakdown that had been building up ever since he first woke up from the ice.
“Well, it was a good prank. Even one that got us yelled at for having sex in the gym, and I know it was you who didn’t stop anyone.”She teased, “Pranks are fun.”She smiled a little before shaking her head. “No, I doubt anyone would. But I’d still appreciate a warning, not only cause of fury, but Natasha...and I’d worry.”She said tilting her head a little before laughing softly at his words. “I’m sorry, that’s just amusing.”She said choking a little as she calmed down, smiling slightly as she realized just how happy he was with the phone. “...Okay.”She muttered flinching at that, “I’m sorry Cap. I’m so sorry.”She muttered before yelping as her arm was pulled down with him, glancing at grant, tilting her head, waving him off, silently telling him to make sure no one would interrupt or walk down the area before kneeling down next to steve, hesitating, at a loss before wrapping her arms around him, gently stroking his back as she rested her head against his. Almost using her smaller body to shield his, even if she knew he was bigger and stronger then her, she was trying so hard to protect him. “I got you cap.”She muttered not telling him it was okay, or that it’d be fine, because she knew there was nothing that could make this okay, but she could be strong for him, and give him someone to lean on.
he smirked a little. "well at least you got yelled at. was it Fury? i had hoped so but since neither of you are maimed..." he muttered before blinking at her. "....oh." he hadn't realized she liked him enough to worry about him. he also realized she didn't know he had Nat's number memorized so completely he could call her from a pay phone. just in case. well, he wasn't about to go blabbing about it. he knew if push came to shove, Natasha would help him hide, and he didn't want people suspecting her of it in case they started giving her grief or something. "...." he scowled at them but didn't try to defend himself. it was pretty sad forgetting to turn on a phone.

Grant gave her a nod and stood guard so no one would bother them. anyone walking down int the abandoned part of Hell's kitchen took one look at him and left. Steve tensed, a sob choking him as he tried to cringe away from her, relaxing when he realized she was just holding him. just protecting him and he let himself weep for everything he had lost. everything he could never have again. it took him quite a while to calm down, and Clint had called Garret to tell him that they where taking Steve back to one of their safe houses since he wasn't in any condition to be trapped in a tiny apartment underground just then Garret promised to tell Fury and Maria and as soon as Steve could get to his feet he helped Eliza guide Steve to the closest Safe-house just on the edge of Hell's Kitchen. Steve collapsed into the bed they took him to and in seconds he was asleep. "well... i can't sa that was unexpected." he admitted, glancing at her. "i never thought he'd just... break down like that. i thought he'd get agry and throw things... are you okay?" he asked her, knowing that had to have been a bit hard on her.
“No, just garret, which was bad enough.”She said rolling her eyes a little, smiling as she realized he hadn’t known she’d worry. While it was rare for her to form bondes enough to care if people go missing, there was just something about the captain.

Eliza winced a littel as he tensed, simply holding onto him when he didn’t try to pull away anymore. Looking up at grant as he spoke she nodded a little, “Come on Steve.We’re going to get some rest okay?”She muttered helping him up and steering the super soldier towards the safe house, smiling quietly as he collapsed into bed. Tense and anxious even if it wasn’t showing she nodded slightly as she watched steve sleep. “No, not unexpected, though you know, less anger then I thought.”She muttered turning to look at him, before nodding silently and stepped into the other bedroom, before returning to him, biting her lip. “Sleep with me?”She muttered, which more then anything, said she wasn’t doing okay. She rarely let him sleep with her, they had sex like bunnies, but she rarely let him actually simply sleep next to her, even her utter trust in grant usually didn’t extend that far. Changing into the extra set of clothes he had, the woman smiled quietly as he climbed into bed with her, simply snuggling into him, even if she was resting a hand up near the headboard, while she didn’t go as far to handcuff herself-most of the safehouses didn’t have cuffs- she still slept with a hand over her head. “....I don’t know if I can do this, Grant.”She muttered.
"O...Okay." Steve stuttered, walking with them rather sluggishly, as if h wasn't sure if he was dizzy or not. "...i never expected him to cry..." he admitted. "i wonder if he ever had the chance to grieve?" he wondered. for Steve, it had only been a few months since Bucky had died. only a few months since he had woken up to find everyone he loved dead. everyone he knew dead. everything he had once held dear gone. even his wn mothers grave. he might have mourned if Natasha had stayed. he might have been okay, but instead he got shitty handlers and a shittier life and this was the first time he'd felt at all safe enough to break down even if he didn't trust them much. "sure." he agreed, smiling at her gently, promising not to make a fuss. he got dressed into his pajamas as well and settled next to her, ignoring her sleep habit. he was well practiced in it. "of course you can do it. in fact you might be the best person for the job." he admitted. "you know what it's like to be ripped from one place without warning, stuffed into a box and then shown a world that shouldn't exist. if anyone can empathise with him, it's you." he admitted, smiling at her. "you'll do fine." he promised.
“Me either. But I doubt it...probably didn’t feel safe enough to grieve.”She muttered worrie about him. Because she had never considered until then, that it had only been a few months since the war ended for steve, not years. “Kay.”He muttered smiling as he settled next to her, shifting to fit her body to his, simply relaxing as she closed her eyes. “....You have more faith in me, then I do.Let’s hope it really is okay.”she muttered sighing quietly as she relaxed into sleep.

In the morning when the boys got up she had breakfast going, eggs, bacon, toast....about more food then any of them could eat, having not slept well and gotten up to cook, so she worked and cooked, and if the tablet sitting on the table was any indiction, she was doing her own search for the mentor she’d had to leave behind, a project that she'd been working on and off on for years, always to busy, to few rumors to go on of the soldier's existence, for the woman to follow without actually being in russia to follow them. So she did her best. “Morning you two.”She smiled turning off the map and tablet, putting down the last plates of piled high eggs and bacon for them as she sat down herself to eat.
he nodded. "i wonder if he knows Peggy Carter is still alive, maybe it would help?" he asked her softly. "some closure of some sort?" he wondered before smiling as he wrapped his arms around her. "of course i have more faith in you. i see who you really are, instead of who you see yourself as." he admitted with a smile.

Steve blinked stupidly when he woke up. where the hell was he?" it took him a long moment to remember and cringed when he realized he'd had a full on meltdown. not, the highlight of his life, no matter how much better he felt. "uhm... morning." Steve muttered, looking skittish and awkward and uncertain. "morning." Grant mumbled, slipping into his chair and set his head on the table. he was nearly impossible to wake up in the mornings. not until he had a cigarette and cup of coffee. " he dead?" Steve asked, looking amused. "nnnnng." "hmm, just dying then?" Steve decided when he heard Grant make noise.
“...I don’t know. We’ll have to tell him.”She sighed quietly, rolling her eyes a little at his words, but not protesting as she snuggle in to sleep.

“Hm, dying. Coffee is neccessary to wake him up. Cigarettes and coffee. And maybe sex if he doesn’t wake up.”Eliza rolled her eyes a little as she held the coffee up out to him and lit a cigarette, passing it over to him. “Wake up, Ward.”She ordered teasing as she bent to press a kiss to his forehead as she settled in to eat, focusing on teasing grant to give steve time to settle and be okay. “Eat.”She ordered them both, eating herself.
Steve snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "if you have sex again i'm leaving." he warned, looking more amused than annoyed, watching Grant suck on his Cigarette and Coffee both, slowly waking up. he even chewed on some breakfast in-between drags of his cancer stick and his liquid life. Steve inhaled enough breakfast to make a normal person sick and then settled back with a pilfered Cigarette. he preferred rolling his own of course, but this was okay. Cigarettes where at least one thing that his babysitters had always made sure he had enough of. he usually onl had two or three a day, but he got very, very grumpy if he didn't have them for the morning breakfast at the very least. "huh. captain America smokes..." "everyone who lived in the twenties, thirties and forties smoked." Steve said simply. "we didn't know it was bad for us back then, and since they can't hurt me, i don't care." he admitted. "people find very quickly if i don't have a cigarette in the morning after my breakfast i turn into a bitch." he admitted. "i like to have one after lunch and dinner too but i can miss them if i have to." he admitted, Grant chuckling. "i smoke a lot more than you do." he admitted. "i like to have a Cig every couple of hours." Grant admitted, looking much ore awake.
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