Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

We might actually. Natasha will be quite disappointed she wasn't here to see."she said looking equally gleeful."that's true. People are stupid. Why did it only take us a few hours...okay a hour when we finally got around to thinking on it..."heh let steve wonder about what havoc they'd been doing."to figure this out?and I'm fairly certain people are just stupid."she said before frowning as she moved back into the hall to look at steve."of course you can. Everyone shield agent can leave when they need to,as long as they let someone know."Eliza said indeed looking confused at his thoughts and nearly stuffed her fist into her mouth to keep from laughing at grant as he went to deal with things. She'd have to reward him for being so Very awesome. Looking at steve when grant came back she waved a hand at him."you heard the man,out the door. We're going shopping while he redoes your rooms."she ordered.
he snorted. "then i'll wait until she's back too. or record it for her." he decided before shaking his head. "honestly as soon as we walked in here we noticed something was wrong!" he complained. "i mean, for goodness sakes i know we where busy for a bit but what excuse do those morons have for ot noticing this within the first day!? he doesn't even have his own soap!" he complained, glaring at the cheep little bar that Shield handed out, usually to people only staying for a few days because they didn't have anything else. they typically only had to use it for three days or so before they where kipped out with new stuff of their choice. "...that is not what i as lead to believe." Steve admitted, scowling. he'd have settled a hell of a lot faster if he could have actually gone running out in the city or something. fresh air was a commodity he greatly missed, being that his room was in the middle of the base and underground. "do i not get a choice in this?" he demanded even as he grabbed his Shield issue phone, shield issue jacket, Shield issue hat and followed her out. he paused once they where out the door and turned his face up to the sun, just enjoying not being trapped inside for a moment. she didn't know it, but this simple thing, meant more to him than anything else she could ever do for him. being trapped, being locked up, had gone a long way to making him very sour to pretty much everyone. this simple act of actually trying to help him, soothed the hurt in him a little.
"I know. And we might have killed a few brain cells with that last round, so our intelligence level was about the level of everyone elses...people are stupid."Eliza whined a little Before wincing."oh god. That's punishment in itself. That soap smells like the inside of a toilet."she grumbled, scowling a little herself."then I apologize for all of shield for failing you. You should have been allowed to leave. And if your not...well phil and grant will get things straightened out."she said smiling a little as he grabbed his things."no you dont. Fresh air and sunlight are you what need капитан."she said for once not stopping the Russian word escaping. Usually she was very diligent about not speaking it if she didn't have to, but grant...and now steve it appeared were the only ones who got to hear it by accident."so. We're both dressed for a run if you want to work out before we go shopping."she offered realizing he probably wouldn't want to go inside a store just yet

Russian- captain
he snorted. "our intelligence could never drop that far." Grant scoffed. "it does i know!" he grumbled. no wonder Steve didn't want to bathe. Steve's nose was very sensitive, so the soap that everyone else thought stank? smelled back enough that Steve would rather smell himself than the soap. Steve gave her a baffled look when she apologized and was starting to wonder if he wasn't being tricked somehow. "i could use a little fresh air." he agreed. "Russian? i know German but not Russian." he admitted before smiling. "i would like to go for a jog, yes. speed and distance?" he asked her, wondering how slow he would have to go for a really long run. he was glad he wouldn't have to go shopping right away, he really didn't want to spend anymore time inside. he sighed a little, looked around, tugged his cap down a little more firmly and set off at a slow jog, well, slow for him, so she could keep up. he'd have to run six days straight at this speed for it to ever have any effect, but he was outside so he didn't care as much.
"Yes russian. I said you needed some air captain."Eliza smiled a litrle as she tilted her head at hIm. Simply glad tht he seemed happier because of the air."hm a fast jog."she said starting to jog with him,a fast jog for her even if she knew that she was slowing hI'm down. Simply going quiet as she worked to keep up with him
Steve delighted in being able to run and even convinced her to sit down on a bench so he could go full out for a half an hour. by the time they hit the stores, he was looking so very much better. calmer, gentler, less tense and aggravated. it was amazing how much an hour in the open air had soothed him. as soon as he found out shield was paying for everything he had no compunctions at all about buying everything he wanted. clothes, about a hundred books, dozens of movies that he had heard about and wanted to see. it was just as Natasha had written 'cautious but curious about the modern world and an understandable avoidance of anything to do with War' where her exact words. he was already perking up back to normal, though he was still giving any person who looked at him the cold shoulder. he had a fun time in bath and body getting soap and shampoo and even managed to find an authentic shaving kid, the kinds he was used to. with a straight razor and shaving brush with cream. there was even a strop. Steve was ecstatic and didn't care that he he had to pay, or rather Shield had to pay, close to a hundred bucks for the kit. he hated the safety razors, they just didn't shave close enough. soon he had everything he needed, most of what he wanted, including new bedding and a better mattress.
Eliza smiled as she settled on the bench and simply watched him run. This was good. To see him like this instead of the grouchy super soldier she'd found that morning. She was going to have words with phil. Cause despite garret being her SO, it was always phil she talked to if given the choicen because it had been him clint and Natasha who'd pulled her out of hell. It was quite simply to follow him around and be okay with having his stuff delivered to the base, and with a quick text to grant to make sure he'd go pick it up from the guards. It was good to see that. Natasha had been right, cautious but curious indeed.

By the time they got back to the base she was tired bone tired and just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep for the next 12 hours."now Cap, careful with that straight razor. If you kill yourselfwith it I'll be scolded from here to hell, and probably be stationed in Alaska for the next decade."She teased tilting her head to look up at him as she nibbled on the hot pretzels she was eating, taking grant's advice and simply eating around him instead of trying to coax him to eat. Shifting the bag of food she'd picked up for him she walked into his apartment raising a eyebrow as she looked around at what grant had done. "You know, I think you have a future as a interior decorator."
Steve wasn't tired at all, and he was eating his own pretzel, he'd watched her buy one and had been curious about about how they tasted that when she didn't force him or even look at him, he got one himself. "they where better when i was a kid..." he mumbled. "the cheese is kind of awesome though." he admitted. "i've seen melting cheese. Velveeta was invented when i was a kid, but we where too poor to afford it." he admitted, examining the liquid cheese. "these plastic things are kind of awesome too." he admitted, tearing off another chunk of Pretzel. he was so much more calm and accepting that he was actually initiating conversation, something he hadn't done since Natasha left."...i can't use a straight razor to kill myself. i heal too fast and i don't bleed fast enough." he admitted. "i've been stabbed a lot in the war, if i was going to kill myself i'd have to jump off a real high building or snap my neck hanging myself. which again, would mean jumping off a high place." he admitted. "slow death doesn't work, though i suppose i could suffocate myself." he mused. "" Steve muttered, astonished. gone where all the stainless steel, replaced by marble slabs, well, not real marble but they looked real enough, and porcelain and plastic. the terrible furniture was replaced with rosewood and leather and a huge easy chair that made Steve abandon his piles upon piles of groceries and move to examine it. it was a monster of a chair and something he'd never seen before. he examined the lever very curiously and then tugged on it, leaping away when the leg rest popped out and he went wide eyed. "oh! that's awesome..." he murmured, pulling the leg rest back down before blinking at the thick, rich blue carpet that he was now kneeling on, running his fingers through it because he couldn't believe they made Carpet that soft and thick! Grant chuckled, watching Steve mumble and murmur as he explored his new surroundings. "told you men where like dogs. he's just like a puppy that has to sniff everything." he admitted, uncaring at the scowl he got from Steve for that remark before yipping in delight at a bathtub he could actually fit in, and a shower he didn't have to hunch over to fit into the water stream. he examined the funny black box sitting in a space under his new, fancy TV and poked the large silver button and leaped back when it beeped at him, eyes wide. "That's an X-Box captain! a Gaming system." " Monopoly?" "....well you can play monopoly on it, sure...uh., it's hard to explain when you won't have any reference... uhm. the first thing came out in 1950.... so..." he tilted his head. "i'll get you a book." he promised Steve who blinked, confused before turning to examine the new fridge. he was amazed at how big it was, and how it could make it's own ice. "wow, i mean, with how grouchy he was i never would have expected him to be so curious." "you try living in a tiny room and a gym for as long as i have and see how You feel." Steve ordered, examining the microwave, head cocked to the side. "what is this?"
"Really? That's gard to believe considering how good they are right now."she said before nodding."yea the cheese is fairly awesome. And it's cheap, we can get it on about anything thesender days."she smiled a little. Glad to see that it hadn't taken much to get him to eat. She'd just have to remember to not bug him about eating and simply eat." know it disturbs me a bit to consider you thou gh t on that."she mutter ed though she to had wondered what it'd take to kill a super soldier. Laughing out loud when steve found the recliner she smiled.and that's a high end chair,so don't worry about throwing yourself into it and breaking. It should be able to take a beating,even one delivered by a super soldier."she smiled glad that he was this happy with his apartment. Having been worried he'd freak out on them for changing everything "well as long as he doesn't sniff my ass, I don't mind having a puppy around."Eliza snickered a little,like grant ignoring the glare she got for it."it's games you can play on the tv...but we'll get a book that explains the history and everything you could ever want to know."she said as he examined the Xbox as she started to put the food away from him and simply listening to the other two talk."it's called a mircoeave...its like a...instant heat watch. It warms up stuff."she said putting in the last of her pretzel and warming it up for a few seconds and showing him."instantly reheated goodness."
he blinked at her. "i keep forgetting that 'cheep' to people these days is a whole three dollars..." he admitted, shaking his head. "god. when i was a kid a pretzel like this was about five cents." he admitted, tossing his plastic container into a recycle bin. "that cheese would be pretty good on a hot dog though." he admitted with a grin before shrugging. "i thought about it a lot after Bucky..." he admitted softly. "bullets don't do it, though i'm pretty sure a good shot to the head or the heart would still take me down..." he admitted. "it's not exactly been tested, what i'm fully capable of. the only Super soldier ever made and all that. some have gotten pretty disturbingly close though." he admitted before focusing on his new room. he had to admit, he felt a lot more comfortable now, just from te living room and the blue and yellow walls. "i don't break my things." Steve admitted. "too used to going without." he admitted. "fuck you." Steve stated simply, Grant snickering at Steve's response. Natasha had said Steve had an absolutely filthy mouth when he was comfortable with whoever was around him. so he was already warming up to them.

"....that's amazing!" Steve gasped. "you don't have to heat up the oven to heat things up!" "there's an entire food culture revolved entirely around the microwave. Ramen, Pizza Rolls, hot pockets, pop-tarts.... you don't know what those are." Grant sighed when Steve just blinked at him. "nope. but it sounds pretty good." Steve admitted before returning to his poking about. "hey a toaster! i've always wanted one of these.... why are there dials?" he wondered. soon he had explored every inch of his new space and had discovered some rather amazing new things before starting to sort his books and movies and other things he'd collected including clothes, showering supplies and even a toothbrush and toothpaste. "well he's a hell of a lot happier." Grant muttered. "i guess i can understand it though, being a prisoner in your own home? must have really sucked especially when he hated his home... maybe we should consider getting him an apartment once he's a little more stable?"
"it was to. Here...its weird paying so much for everything."she mutter ed before wincing."I grew up in the former Soviet. expensive things were usually reserved for corrupt politicans or gangsters."sheshrugged a little.thinking over what he could do,already plotting how to push his limits, simply because that's what she'd been trained to do, and she felt that he'd do better with something to work towards instead of simply fighting a punching bag. Smirking a little as he cursed,sharing a look with grant. Good. He was warming up to them.

"He doesnt,but I'll make sure to grab some. Probably won't be good for him considering how fast his body burns calories but we'll get you some of the instant food."Eliza said looking amused at his reaction to the mircoeave "different setting to use your toast to. Burnt, slightly burnt, toasted and barely toaster."Eliza explained at his question nodding a litrle in response to grant's observation."we might. Probably be a good idea...but for now..."she shrugged sticking her head into the bedroom."me and grant are heading out. You need anything before we go?"
he nodded. he'd never been to Russia but he'd heard Natasha grumbling about the price differences. "actually, considering how many calories are in a ramen by itself, i think it would probably be okay for him." he admitted. "he needs almost five times our caloric intake according to his files." he admitted. "Medical files i mean." he admitted. "....uh. okay...." he muttered, giving the toaster a baffled look before shrugging and going back to organizing things, including setting up his sketchpads and pencils. he hadn't been able to have any before that. drawing had been such a big part of his life that being unable to sketch properly had been just as bad as being trapped inside all the time. "huh? no no, i'm fine." Steve promised, waving her off from where he was making his bed with the new, much more firm mattress. he had been sleeping on the floor because the other mattress had been like sinking into a marshmallow and made him feel as if he was falling, or drowning. he was fine for the night, he didn't sleep and instead spent the night reading, trying to work the TV and microwave, and sketching places he remembered from the war. he enjoyed a hot bath at one point.

when Eliza walked in he was in a sour mood again, from the bags under his eyes it was easy to see he'd not gotten any sleep, which meant he'd probably had some nightmares. he refused to eat anything she offered him, no matter what she ate in front of him. he didn't even have interest in the new food. he wouldn't talk to her and he refused to even acknowledge that Grant was even there and ignored Grants attempts at showing him how the TV worked. he just growled and snarled at them and sketched in his books pretending they didn't exist. "well... his good mood didn't last long." Grant muttered, not too bothered by Steve's reversion back into a moody dick.
"You know it might be. I'll see to getting his ome ramen. It's not the tastes thing in the world but he could probably eat some."she said looking thoughtful because it might be one of the few things that could give him alot of calories fast. "Kay. See you later."Eliza said as they left.

Twitchy and upset herself, Eliza was in no better mood then her project. A distinct lack of sleep on her part due to her own nightmares. While she didn't always have them, there a s something about the captain that had drawn them to the surface."no it didnt. I'm going to sTay I think,but you can go. I'll read or something."she muttered looking up at him tilting her head. Having a feeling it would simply be better to rids steve's moodiness out for the moment instead of dealing with it."how about I meet you in the gym later, with or without captain sulk-a-lot I could use a spar."she said smiling at him a little. That small smile showing that she wanted privacy nearly as much as steve did. she didn't get nearly as wound up and moody but she had her moments.
Grant smiled at her and nodded, giving her a kiss. he knew she wanted some time to herself to calm down. a chance to settle in and relax. "i'll see you in a few hours." he agreed. "i need to talk to Garret, and i'll hand in your report to Maria." which was basically a receipt of everything they'd bought and why. as well as a basic first impression of Steve's mental stability. "if he doesn't relax, try taking him outside for a good run." he suggested. "that seamed to really make him feel better yesterday." Grant admitted before leaving. Steve refused to go for a jog when she offered though, he just sat there and obsessively sketched various things, mostly people. Bucky, Peggy, Howard, the Commandos and his mother. probably the people he had dreamed of. he did seam to calm once he had their faces down on paper, as if he'd been worried he might forget them, forget what they had looked like. in the end, he still refused to eat but he did drink a good three energy drinks before following her to the gym, blinking at what he was seeing. nearly all of the female junior agents where flirting with an oblivious Grant Ward while he showed them how to attack an enemy. he seamed completely unaware of their coy flirting, though he did keep their hands away from his body unless he had to touch them. "sorry ladies. my partner is here for a spar." Grant informed them, making them whine and out, Grant just gave them slightly baffled looks. had they really been having that much fun getting tossed around?
"A few hours then."Eliza said simply settling on steve's couch with her book,ignoring him just as much as he ignored her. Though she did look a little frustrated by the time they made it down to the gym, frustrated that whatever progress she'd made had been undone. Pausing in the door as she took in the sight of all the females she growled quietly, dark eyes going even darker as she took in the scene. Her jealousy and the mental unbalanced she was from her nightmares letting out the inner black widow. The one trained to kill, and for a moment not truly seeing her least not really. Recognizing he was there but simply shrugging it off in favor of thinking about how to kill the female agents. There was a reason that for the most part, her and Natasha weren't allowed to play with others when they had their chosen partners. Because their moods could switch at a drop of the hat, the training settling into place once again."captain,welcome to what passes as the local pickup bar. At least when there's fresh meat."she muttered her vowels stretching a little, settling into russian more then her typical American accent."having fun,agent warrd?"she asked which was a sign something was definitely wrong as she crossed the room. She rarely called him agent ward, usually it was just grant or ward.
Steve blinked at her when she growled and reached over and set a hand on her shoulder. it was the first time he'd willingly initiated contact in a long time. "easy." Steve murmured softly. "they don't know you have a claim on him." he pointed out. "oooh! Captain Rogers! hello!" a coy flirter chirped. Steve offered her a disgusted glare and she pouted. the others took the hint and in seconds the group was gone. Grant grimaced when she called him Agent and looked baffled. Steve just raised an eyebrow. was Grant really that stupid? no. no, Grant was just so focused on Eliza that he had no idea the other women had been flirting maybe? "not really." Grant admitted. "i hate giving lessons to the new kids." he admitted. "they can't even do a wrist grab right." he complained, scowling a little, giving her a wary look. he knew better than to outright ask her what was wrong by now. he liked to keep his limbs attached. Steve just rolled his eyes and left them there to work on a punching bag, pausing when he realized it looked a little different. Steve didn't know it, but Phil had complained to Tony about all the bags Steve went through, so Tony had thrown this thing together. it was nearly indestructible. Steve blinked at it, and started throwing a few cautious punches, soon he was hitting it with every last ounce of his strength. the entire bag was even reinforced with special chans, bars and hooks so that it couldn't even tear free pf hinges or out of the war. Steve was delighted. Grant was fearing for his life wondering what had pissed Eliza off so badly.
Eliza tensed a little under steve's hand, though she settled a little at the touch. At least enough not to tear grant's arm off and beat him with it."...I told you. Fresh captain. I'd worry about your virtue if I didn't know you were a partner on the other hand isn't quite one."she muttered sounding annoyed and angry as she started taping up her hands."new kids?I think some of them joined when I did."two years then. Definitely not new,but new enough to want to be flirting with grant and not knowing better. They'd managed to discreet, keeping nearly as a low profile and clint and Natasha most days. turning her head to look at steve she raised a eyebrow at te ob ious tech and thought it'd probably taken."I take it stark'stark's off suicide watch then?"she said studying the bag as she slid into the ring with grant. And theN proceeded to not beat the crap out of grant,actually she didn't hurt him at all even if every touch held more violence then usual, as if she was really struggling to not Crack bone when a single tap would do to let him know he'd messed up.
Steve snorted. "as if i'd ever." he scoffed. "and you do realize he wasn't doing anything?" Steve asked, lifting an eyebrow at her. "...wait. seriously?" Grant asked, looking confused and startled. "...huh, i don't remember seeing any of them before." he admitted with a shrug. "Tony Stark made it." Grat explained. "Phil complained about the costs of having to replace fifty broken bags every day and Tony's just obsessive and fanatic enough to be very eager to make something for Captain America." he admitted with a chuckle. "and yes, he's off suicide watch. he found the new element he needed to cure the palladium poisoning, finally. of course now Phil's in Mexico with Clint looking into some weird hammer while Natasha looks into the crazy person who attacked Tony Stark and hunts down Bruce Banner A.K.A the Hulk who was recently spotted crossing into the American border." he admitted. "it's a hell of a week." he admitted before whining when he got his ass handed to him, sulking when Steve slid into the ring. "your going to break him if you keep hitting him like that. you should play nicer with your toys." Steve pointed out. for once, he was sweating ad had a bit of a pant going, and he looked to be in a much better mood as he lifted his fists and faced her, allowing Grant to slink to the benches and nurse his wounded pride.
“....”Eliza growled at him, not even bothering to respond to the other’s question, but she hadn’t known any such thing. “That’s because you don’t pay attention.”She rolled her eyes a little before snickering. “Why am I not surprised it was phil who got him to do it?”She snorted vaguely amused, but pleased that tony was at least okay for now. “Damn.”She muttered making a face at the idea their friends weren’t going to be back just yet before nodding. “yea, a hell of a week.”She muttered, panting, out of breath as she twisted to look at steve, “I didn’t break him.”She growled, that tone, caught on the edge of darkness, holding the screaming abyss of the red room, definitely her jealousy and nightmares had pushed her into a bad space. Grant really was lucky she liked him, otherwise she probably would have bloodied him. “Same could be said for you and punching bags to.”She pointed out to the super soldier even as she went at him, determined to hurt him, at least to make him hurt her, knowing she was a danger to grant, and needed put down hard before she damaged him, and despite having just met him, trusting steve to put her down.
Grant shrugged. "why pay attention to people i won't interact with?" he asked. "it's not like i'm looking for friends." he admitted. "i have all the friends i need." he admitted. "those girls where kind of weird anyway." he admitted, sounding baffled again. "you certainly tried to." Steve scoffed. "besides those aren't MY toys. they're someone else's." he stated. "people i don't much like, so i enjoy breaking their toys." he admitted. he let her hit him three times, a little surprised that it actually hurt before he dropped her, hard. he was twice as fast as he was yesterday, being able to actually warm up, bring his muscles to peek form made a hell of a difference. her back hit the mat so hard all the breath left her in a large Woosh. she wasn't hurt, she'd just had the air knocked out of her. Grant, being who he was, was in the ring in an instant, yelling at Steve for playing too rough. with a twitch, he was on the ground too, gasping for air. he wasn't nearly as bad off as Aliza, though it was still Eliza who recovered first. Steve just stood there, leaning against the ring post picking at his fingernails, waiting for them to recover. "why are you so much better today?" "the muscles i have are laced with Serum." Steve stated simply. "the muscles need to get warm before i can work at peak physical ability." he admitted. "haven't ever been able to do that before outside of battle."
“They wanted to be friends with you.”Eliza frowned making a face at how baffled he sounded. He couldn’t be that dense could he?”Weird?”She said shaking her head. “....Well. As long as you’re enjoying breaking their toys.”she muttered. Gasping as she hit the floor, her eyes went wide as she fought to breath. While she wasn’t hurt, it had shocked her, turning her head as she dragged a breath in as grant yelled at steve, blinking hard as she looke up at steve. “Well, I’m glad you got a chance to do this time.”Eliza wheezed, sitting up slowly, much more calmer, and while sulking, she was definitely more calm and less ready to tear both of them apart.
he blinked. "....why?" he asked, wrinkling his nose. "they never paid any attention to me before. maybe they just want something?" he wondered. "i bet that's it, i'm up for a promotion or i'm expected to get a new toy and they want to be my friend so they can bask in the windfall." he decided. he was too cynical to think anyone might just want to be his friend unless they where Garret, Eliza, Clint, Natasha or Phil. if Steve got his head out of his ass he might consider trusting him as a friend to be sure. he'd been used too much to trust people. "hmm. yes." Steve agreed, looking Grant over, highly amused at the man who was so oblivious he didn't realize that the women had been giggling because they thought him cute. that was funny as hell. "you know. it actually hurts when you hit me. i'm impressed." he admitted, examining her. "the Serum killed all my surface nerves." he admitted. "or maybe it was the Vita Rays? either way in order for something to hurt you have to punch hard enough to reach deeper tissue." he admitted. "i have to say, it surprised me a bit." he admitted as Grant finally rolled onto his side, gulping in proper breaths of air now. "you asshole!"
“....You’re a idiot. Of course they wanted something.”Eliza growled, not about to tell him if he hadn’t figured it out yet. Having calmed down enough to be embarrassed at her reaction to the girls flirting with him.twitching a little as she realized why steve looked so amused, she sighed. “You don’t have to look so amused and smug you know.”She grumbled before flushing a little, “My trainer was like you. A...well. I’m not sure what he was, but he was a russian version of a super soldier.”Ah, so none of the black widows had realized that the winter soldier really was american. “we learned to hit hard enough to injure him.”She shrugged a little before laughing a little as she patted grant’s side as she sat next to him. “Be nice, Grant.”She muttered avoiding his eyes, utterly, so embarassed
he rolled his eyes. "yes, but what they wanted is the question...." he muttered, scowling. "for all of them to be there all of a sudden it has to be something big..." he mumbled. this was going to bug the hell out of him now. Steve just started to snicker. "i'm always smug." Steve stated simply clearly he was feeling much better after beating the shit out of the bag and drawing. "....a Russian super-soldier?" he asked, looking very wary at the idea. "that, is not a good thing." he admitted. "i know that the Hydra personnel where experimenting with the version of the Serum they had leftover from the creation of the red skull. if they managed to perfect to that could be a disaster." he admitted, looking very troubled. "Fury knows about it." that made Steve relax a little and glance at Grant. "Natasha Romanoff was trained by him, she warned Fury as son as Clint made the call not to kill her and Fury backed it up." he admitted. "Natasha...." Steve blinked, suddenly making the connection. "your a black widow." he said, blinking at Eliza. "no wonder your so good." he mumbled, shaking his head. he didn't look bothered in the least by her past. "i'm not the one who needs to learn to play nice with others! tell him to play nice!" Grant complained, scowling at Steve who smirked. "it's not my fault your an idiot." Steve stated, leaving the ring and heading out, Grant huffing. "he's such an asshole!"
Eliza rolled her eyes a little at grant trying to figure out what the girls wanted. He was such a idiot sometimes. It was adorable and annoying both. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”She said rolling her eyes a little before nodding. “No it’s not, but he’s...he’s not always around.”She said her features shadowed and pained, while she hadn’t developed the same relationship with the Soldier as natasha had, she had still bonded with him. “He’s keeping a eye out for a hint that he’s surfaced again, but when....we left...he was still off the radar.”Eliza said before looking up at steve, nodding slightly, looking nervous about his reaction.”I am. Was.”She said realizing it wasn’t bothering him. That she wouldn’t have to work to be normal like she had to with so many of the others. “No.”She said simply looking at grant, looking up at steve. Torn between following him and staying with grant. Before sighing. Knowing she’d have to check on him later, but for the moment, simply willing to let steve enjoy his good mood while she dealt with grant. Glancing at the door she smirked to herself. Well. Maybe this would get her point across, after all, they were still in the public gym. Pushing grant onto his back she pinned him easily, hands around his wrists, knowing he’d fight her, because they were both to dominate to easily give in without fighting for it. And if someone should walk in....well, they deserved to know. “You’re the one who’s a idiot, and a asshole.”She muttered.
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