Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“No I don’t think it’ll come to that.He’s waking up.”Eliza said snickering a little as she ate, rolling her eyes a little with a small dorky smile that said even without words that she cared about grant, even if she’d never admit it. It was adorable really, to see. Shaking her head as tehy both smoked she laughed softly. “Not like it’ll kill the good captain.”She pointed out shrugging, before smirking. “And never deny Grant his cigs, he gets very bitchy without. Remember that time in budapest, and you had to go like two days without sex cause we were backing clint and natasha up?Oh, that was bad.”She chuckled shaking her head a little.
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "it won't kill me." he admitted. "considering i was diagnosed with Lukemia just weeks before i was deployed for the Rebirth project. i was only supposed to last another year at the most." he admitted. "as soon as i was 'reborn' it, and everything else, was gone." he admitted. "if Lukemia can't hurt me anymore, you can bet that Cigarettes can't." he admitted. "....they let you do it even though you had Cancer!?" "of course, i had nothing to lose and everything to prove. of course, no one knew." he admitted. "Bucky sure as hell didn't and i never told anyone afterwords." he admitted. "Budapest?" Steve asked curiously. "Budapest! you had to bring up Budapest!" Grant whined. "Clint stared at that fucking Book fountain for HOURS!!!!" he complained. "and i don't even want to get into the giant slime monster or the rape tentacle beast or the Zombies that started showing up!" "....your trying to... what is it they say now, Troll? your trying troll me aren't you?" Steve demanded, Grant smirking. "maybe a little."
“....that’s amazing and disturbing all at once. That it cured you, and no one knew you were sick.”Eliza looked amused that he’d managed to get ‘reborn’ to do so, and disturbing to know they could never repeat that process. “Yea, one of our last missions before you showed up.”Eliza smiled slightly before snickering, “He was utterly fascinated with that thing.”she said shaking her head a little before nodding. “only about the monsters. Clint really had stared a a fountain for hours.”she said pulling up a picture of the fountain on her tablet to show him. "Don't know what he found so fascinating, but hours wasted while he stared."She snickered
he shrugged. "well i sure as hell couldn't tell Bucky, not when he'd just been drafted." he huffed. "stupid idiot honestly thought he was being sneaky, telling me he'd enlisted." he admitted, looking amused. "honestly, i don't think they knew i had Lukemia when they strapped me into that machine." he admitted. "i'm sure Dr. Erskine knew, being as he had all my medical files. but i don't think anyone else did." he admitted before snorting. "i kind of miss going on missions." Steve admitted with a sigh. "at least if i was fighting i wouldn't be thinking all the time." he admitted before smirking. "it's Clint Barton. i've never met him but i can believe it." he admitted, draining the last of his coffee and stamping out the butt of his cigarette. "we heading back?" Grant asked, repeating Steve's motions. "i'm fine with whatever." Steve admitted with a shrug. he honestly didn't care, he was too emotionally wrung out after last night to really give a damn what they did.
“I’m sure he thought it was better that way.”Eliza said looking amused before frowning a little. “....I’ll see what I can do. They might not let you out on anything, but if nothing else, you could go harass Stark for awhile. He’ll go ballastic.”She snickered a little because everyone in SHIELD knew just how deep tony’s obsession with the good captain went, and had bets going on if it was a sexual thing like so many things were with tony, or if it was something else all together. Eliza had money on it was simply a coping mechanism, she’d after all read his file, she knew what his childhood had been like. Knew you learned to cope, or it broke you. “You stick around long enough, you’ll met him.”She said smiling a little as she finishe eating and her coffee, before tilting her head, studying the two. Trying to decide what would be best, before shaking her head a little. “No. Not yet. I don’t....”She looked away, her own emotions and dreams having tortured her for the night, like they did most nights. “I don’t want to deal with the idiot women yet. Let’s do something in the city. Make Garret sweat we’re not coming back. It’ll be amusing to watch shield freak out. After all, they’ll all mourn they’re missing both their most eligible bachelors.”She teased rolling her eyes.
he snorted. "he was an idiot who didn't want to hurt my feelings by admitting he didn't want to go back to war when he'd already served." he scoffed. "he didn't just become a sergeant overnight after all." he admitted. "not to mention that he left the damn Drafting notice on the damn table where i could, would, and did find it, read it, and then burn it." he admitted, amused. "Stark... Howard's son right?" Steve asked, his head tilted. "he's the one that made that awesome punching bag that i can't break. and he stopped making weapons after being tortured in Afghanistan and was blown up by his own weapon right?" he asked. "Natasha was watching him for a bit." he muttered, wondering if he could meet Stark. Natasha had sent in a pretty good report on Tony Stark. "i'm sure i will. i'm actually more curious in meeting Phil Coulson." he admitted. "i heard he was the one who first assigned Natasha to me, and he kept them from experimenting on me while i was still unconscious. one of the doctors, apparently, tried to steal my.... you know... junk..." he admitted, glancing down at his groin. "....seriously? they tried to steal your semen?" "yeah." he admitted before grinning. "well i won't complain." he admitted when she decided she didn't want to go back, Grant nodding. "as far as those women will ever be concerned. i'm gay. as far as ay man will be concerned, i'm straight." Steve stated firmly, smirking a little. "so your going to lie a lot? does that work?" "course it does." Steve admitted. "so... are you gay or are you straight?" Grant asked, curious when Steve smirked. "well. that's my little secrete."
“That makes sense. Especially when he didn’t want to go back, where you would give anything to had a good friend, Cap.”She muttered before laughing. “Okay, now that was a little stupid. He could have at least gotten rid of it.”She snickered a little before nodding. “Yes, howard’s son, and yes. Tony’s given up weapons manufacuring. Seems being blown up by his own weapon was a little to much for the man.”she smiled slightly, having read natasha’s report, she knew that while the man had some personality problems, he could and would work on a team if needed, could work with others. “Phil is awesome. I’m hoping he’ll be back soon...and really?”Eliza said eyes wide as she considered that, glancing down, then blushing as she got caught looking at his groin, before looking up again. “Why?”She sai frowning, “They wanted to make kids or something?”She muttered before snickering as she listened to the other’s question, shaking her head.”He’s bi.”She said as she got up and started to clean up, getting ready to go out.
Steve nodded. "i was such a dumb little shit." he admitted. "i wanted to make something of the little life i had left." he admitted. "i thought going to War, like Bucky, like his father, like my father. i thought i could make a name for myself but all i got was blood and nightmares and death." he admitted with a sigh before snorting. "he was never the brightest man." he admitted. "he quit school after his ma died so he could take care of his siblings. he was in middle school then." he admitted. "while i made it to the middle of my high school career before my ma died." he admitted. "i was sixteen." he admitted before smiling a little. "i wouldn't mind meeting Tony." he admitted. "i know Howard was probably the shitiest father on earth, but if Tony's anything like his old man then he's a hell of a loyal friend." he admitted. "yes. really." Steve admitted before nodding. "that's it exactly. they couldn't recreate the Serum from my blood. so they thought they'd breed a new super soldier." Steve admitted. "at least, that's what Natasha said." he admitted before blinking at her. "how the hell do you know?" he wondered. "is it the way i walk or something!?" he asked, scowling at her, making Grant snicker. "no. she's just really good at reading people." he promised.
"War does nothing but hurt strong people...and destroy others. To bad we haven't figured out how to live with each other yet..."he's he sighed quietly Thinking on her on pain and nightmares before smiling a little."you hear ot of stories like that from then. These days if someone quit that young it'd be a crime."she made a face,both pain and longing because it would have been nice having someone looking after her as a kid."Howard was, and from everyreport,tony Is. I'll have to see when he's going to be in new York next,maybewe can get him to visit."she smiled."...that's disturbing and weird."Eliza said making a face at the idea of trying to breed a super soldier before snickering at steve's reaction."that and you said you would pretend to be one or the other depending on who you were talking to. bi people have a easier time,because they really are attracted to both then a heterosexual."she explained pulling on her jacket."ready to go you two?"
he nodded. "yeah." he agreed, sighing a little. "honestly i don't know that people will ever be able to get along with each other." he admitted softly. "we're all too different and everyone hates those who aren't exactly the same as them." he admitted with a sigh. "yeah... school wasn't free back then. it wasn't necessary after a certain age. so long as you could read and write it was usually enough." he admitted. "most kids attended until they where sixteen and then quite to go to work." he admitted. "it was the legal limit back then for full time. some, like Bucky, worked part time while attending school to help where he could before dropping to attend full time work." he admitted. "i never could get a real job because of my weak health. instead i made my money by..." here he smirked. "well. drawing porn really." he admitted. "granted, you wouldn't think of it as porn these days, but it was little books of dirty, funny pictures to entertain the boys in the war. i actually came across a few of my books while i was deployed." he admitted. "i didn't get paid much, but it was enough to buy food and keep my roof over my head." he admitted. "i hope so." he admitted with a smile. "i'd like to thank him for that punching bag and maybe ask him if he'd be willing to build me a treadmill." he admitted. "...well. at least most people won't be able to tell." Steve decided. he didn't mind really, if Grant and her knew. they wouldn't ruin the game. "go where?" Grant asked. "you said we weren't going back to Shield base yet."
"Probably not. We just find more creative ways of killing each other."Eliza sighed softly before nodding." I didnt learn more then that until I was old enough to be...used. reading andwriting was enough for the red room...I was a adult before I learned more."Eliza sighed sadly before staring at him and grinning, laughing outloud."oh man. That's awesome. Cap drawing porn. I like it."she smirked a little."uh I'm fairly certain he'll come just to visit you...he has a...I don't think it's quite a obsession but he has one of the world's best collections of cap stuff. He'd probably fall over himself getting here if we tell him you want to meet him."she snickered."no most people won't be able to tell....and...oh. oops. I was thinking to myself instead of telling you..."she muttered flushing brightly because it was a common thing for her, she spent so much time in her head she sometimes couldn't tell when she spoke out loud or simply was thinking it."...I there...there's something you need to know steve."she said looking worried."Peggy carter's alive...I thought we could visit if you wanted..."she said still blushing and fidgeting
he nodded. "honestly, as volatile as people are now and as impressive as the weapons that have been made, i'm kind of surprised anyone's survived this long at all." he admitted. "....i could teach you a few things, if you'd like. i never made very good grades but i can at least touch you a little history, or German. French, Italian maybe." Steve admitted, looking a bit startled about actually offering to spend more time with her. "yup. lot's of porn actually." he admitted with a chuckle. "well, i'll invite him then." Steve decided. "once i figure out how to do the Testing thing..." he admitted, narrowing his eyes at his phone, laying innocent at the table. "it's Texting." "whatever." he muttered before blinking at her. "so he's a fan... i can't say i'm surprised, Howard was pretty obsessed with me too." he admitted. "i'm pretty sure he's the one that started all that collectables crap." he admitted, wrinkling his nose before blinking at her, face going pale and he swallowed thickly. "pe... Peg's alive?" he asked, voice choked as he staggered to his feet. "god she must be... old." he whispered. "we can... we can go.. see?" he asked. "...she might not remember you Steve." Grant warned, making Steve scowl. "she's got Alzheimer. she's not always aware of who people are..." he warned, having looked into Peggy's medical records, just in case. "She'll know me." Steve whispered. "i... i need to see her, even if she doesn't."
“They’ve done their damnedest to not to. But humans tend to survive even teh Apocalypse.”Eliza smiled a little before loking just as startled as steve, biting her lip a little. Trying to see if he really meant it, before nodding a little. “I would like that. I know bits and pieces, but...not alot of stuff.”She said looking away, not liking the feeling of being stupid. “It’s not that hard. We’ll show you.”She smiled a little before nodding slightly. “From what Natasha says, Howard got him started...and the worse his childhood got, the more he bought. Seems he copes by collecting stuff.”She said wanting to warn him, knowing that tony could be intense. “She is.And we can.”She said looking worried for him, wincing as he scowled. “Well. Go grab your shoes, and we’ll go.”She said looking at grant frowning a little, wincing. “Cap, can you ride a motorcycle?I mean, drive?”She asked, because while they coudl take the train, it would be faster if they could take the bikes they kept at most of the safehouses, a simply easy transportation if they needed to bolt.
he snorted and mumbled something under his breath. "really? you watch The Walking Dead?" Grant asked, looking very amused. "that's hilarious." he admitted. "well. we'll learn together." Steve decided. "i have a lot about this world to learn." he admitted. "i'll teach you and you'll teach me, hows that?" he offered. "it is hard." he grumbled. "i've tried everything, even books!" he complained, shaking his head. "yeah. i kind of figured." Steve admitted, shaking his head. he had a feeling Tony's childhood had sucked big time. "better buying things than cutting." Steve admitted. "one of Bucky's brothers did that." he explained when Grant paled. "oh. okay." he muttered, relaxing a bit. "yeah... shoes." Steve agreed, not really paying any attention as he slid his shoes on and blinked at her when she asked if he could ride a bike, snorting. "so long as i don't get pulled over." he admitted. "i can ride a bike just fine but i don't have a license yet." he admitted. "oh! sorry. i have that, i set it up for you." Grant said. "when i found out you hadn't left, i'd assumed you hadn't been given any new information either." he admitted, heading for his bag and handing Steve a manilla packet. inside was a shiny new Drivers license, a social security card, a medical file, a GED certificate, and everything else Steve needed including work History, housing information, and background information. a complete and total life that he had really lived, just with new dates so he wouldn't draw attention to himself. "okay then i'm fine." Steve admitted, tucking what he needed to into his wallet and leaving everything else on the table, following Eliza into the Garage for a bike.
“Hey, no teasing him. The walking dead is awesome.”Eliza snickered a little before perking up, looking a little easier as she considered that they would both learn together. “Yea, that works. We can both learn, and Grant can supervise.”She snickered a little before wincing at the idea of cutting. Even though she’d been bad off, she’d inflicted violence on others as a way of dealing, instead of herself. “Good. And you’ll have to forgive grant for forgetting things. I think I hit him one to many times in the head.”She snickered a little amused as they headed outside, sighing softly. “It still depresses me we have to leave these bikes here, Grant, instead of taking them out with us.”She whined, because she knew the indian bikes would go missing within days if they left them at the base whiel they went on missions. Handing a set of keys over to steve sne smiled. “Go ahead, take mine,”She said gesturing to the red one. “I’ll ride with Grant.”She said smiling as she settled onto the bike.
he rolled his eyes. "it is awesome, yes. but i never expected Steve Rogers to like them." "Zombie comics where really popular when i was a kid." he admitted. "i saved up every penny i found, earned or stole and bought the new comics rather religiously." he admitted. "a penny might not seam like much to you, but back then a few pennies could buy a dozen eggs, a quart of milk, or even a loaf of bread." he admitted. "after my Da died, i couldn't afford to save up pennies for comics anymore, but one of the kids at school collected them to and would let me read them all i wanted if i cleaned his room." he admitted with a grin. "or i can teach you both things you don't know about yourself." Grant admitted with a chuckle. "she does hit me in the head a lot." Grant admitted before chuckling at his partners whining. "just be glad no one else knows about this Safe house or they'd still go missing." Grant pointed out, Steve grinning as he sat down on the bike, feeling it's strength and the power. god he'd missed riding a bike. "uh oh..." Grant murmured to her. "i don't think your getting that bike back." he mumbled, amused before Kicking his bike into Gear and leading the way out to the hospital where Peggy Carter was living full time because of her failing health. once they where at the hospital, Steve had gone quiet and tense again and Grant kept Eliza out while Steve spoke to Peggy. he had a feeling Steve wouldn't want them in there. he was right because Steve closed the door for privacy. he was in there for almost two hours, talking with Peggy.
“You know, I’d heard that. Hadn’t really believed that zombies were popular then, but that’s fairly amusing.”She said before shaking her head. “You have to remember, I grew up in soviet russia, and grant was the least favorite child in a family of three. We know what it’s like to have to save to get things.”She smiled a little before smirking at grant. “Yea, or you could do that.”She snickered before whining quietly. “I know, but I’d still rather ride, and the bikes at the base suck. Only clint’s is worth riding, and he’s got the thing so tweaked out of shape and set to his specifications, that it’s hard to ride.”She grumbled a little before sighing as she looked at steve. “No, I don’t think I am.”She muttered leaning into his back as they rode. Looking worried but nodding as she let steve go in alone, settling into one of the waiting room couches to simply wait, looking up at steve with a small worried frown when he emerged.”Steve?”She muttered.
he nodded. "the only thing more popular than Zombies where Aliens. i actually got to hear the original War of the Worlds on the Radio." he admitted with a grin. "i was scared pissless" he admitted. "me and Buck hid in the closet and listened." he admitted with a grin. "we where eighteen at the time but no one really believed that Aliens where invading." he admitted. "not really. not until the newspapers, who where loosing money to the radio news, printed some sensational story that people actually believed the story and caused panics." he snorted. "it made me laugh so hard when Natasha told me about it. she thought i was nuts." he admitted before blinking at them. "good point." he admitted sheepishly. "sorry." he muttered. "i'm just too used to people in this day and age being spoiled that i forget not everyone is." he admitted before blinking at her. "why don't you buy two new bikes that are less amazing and keep them at base and tell Phil to make sure no ones to touch them?" Steve asked, lifting an eyebrow. "if Phil Coulson tells them not to touch something, they listen so i'm sure you could keep a couple of normal bikes there." he pointed out before grinning as he drove to the Hospital.

when he came out there where drying tears on his face. "i need to go to the Smithsonian." Steve ordered, heading for the door. "what? why!?" "i'm missing something." he admitted, hopping onto the bike and taking off. Grant glanced at Eliza and sighed. "you go after him, you'll drive faster without me weighting it down. i'll hail a cab." he promised, well aware they probably wouldn't catch up to Steve until after he'd already gone into the museum. by the time they'd caught up to him, he was indeed talking to one of the curators, not in trouble, not causing damage, not trying to steal anything. "i'm sorry MR. Rogers, but this is the only one we have here." the Curator apologized. "are yu sure you don't want any of your other things back? i hate to keep them when your.... you know. not dead." "no. no i don't need them." Steve promised the man. "keep them.if i eed something else i'll just come back." he promised, glancing at Eliza. "sorry. my rides here... thanks for the help." he said to the curator who nodded and rushed off, clutching something in his hands. "...they don't have it here..." Steve muttered. "maybe Howard? did he have it? i need to call Tony Stark...."
“That’s awesome. Even tehn, papers were making things up.”Eliza laughed amused at the idea before smiling at him. “I’d rather you forget most of the time, but we do understand, Steve, so just let us help, okay?”She smiled at him before making a face.”because there’ll always be someone who decides to push it, and ruin my bike or something.but I might have.”She smiled a little at the idea.

“What-steve what...”Eliza started, looking confused as he rushed off before nodding. “I’ll see you there.”She said as she took off after steve, and she hadn’t caught up to him, but she wasn’t far behind. Looking wind blown and annoyed, calming as she realized he wasn’t causing problems, looking worried. “What’s wrong?What do you have?”she asked looking at him holding onto it even as she pulled out her phone, flicking through her contacts before dialing. “Phil?Hey, I need a favor. Tony Stark’s cell phone number, I have a anxious captain here that needs to talk to him.Thanks.”She said hanging up to open the text message and dialing again before handing it over to steve. “said he’ll answer, always does.” “...Hello, you’ve reached the life model decoy of Anthony Steven Stark, my boss is otherwise busy and doesn’t want to get read the riot act over my latest conquest, so leave a message and I’ll get back to you.”Said the phone, though it was obvious that when there was no beep or tone, that it was just tony fucking with whoever the unknown number was on his cell phone.
he nodded. "it's blown way out of proportion since then." he admitted with a chuckle before glancing away, not sure he could promise to let her help. "that's true. but then you can make them buy you a new one." Steve admitted. "that'd teach em." he admitted.

"....i don't have it. i need it." he muttered, not appearing to actually notice she was there. it was like when he'd been in the middle of a flash back. he had kept calling Natasha 'Peggy' but didn't respond when she actually talked to him. like he had been in a dream. in his hands he was clutching a very old wallet. inside was an old picture of his mother, Bucky, his father and some old bills. he was sitting down now, stroking the wallet and muttering to himself before blinking at the Cell phone. "...uh,... hello. is this Anthony Stark? i'm. i'm looking for Anthony Stark, i need... Howard might have had..." he was stuttering now, falling apart and he swallowed thickly. "i need to find something and i think you might have it.... it's a g.. gold Pocket watch. old one. from like, the eighteen hundreds old. it used to be my grandfathers, and then my fathers. it's a picture of Peggy inside and i... n..need it..." he stuttered, uncertain if Tony knew who this was or if there was really a decoy person on the other end. he still wasn't sure how phones worked.
“Steve, have what?”Eliza said, softening her voice, looking anxious and worried. Glancing towards the door, wanting grant to come in. Grant knew what was going on. Grant would know what to do. Looking even more worried as she saw the pictures, looking worried. Gently guiding him to the bench and making him sit down on as he talked. “...yes, this is tony stark. Who is this?”Tony asked looking up from the project he’d been working on, realizing it wasn’t pepper, or natasha screwing with him, but something was wrong. “...Rogers?Captain?”Tony asked after a moment as he realized who it had to be, “Are you okay?”He said his tone sharpening with worry even as he snagged his phone and heading for his collection room, worried about the tone of the other’s voice. “A watch you said?”He asked as he stepped inside, starting to look.
"Elizah? what's happening?" Grant asked as he walked in, watching Steve babble into the phone. "yes. yes i'm Captain Rogers." Steve said, nodding. "yes, i'm fine. i just. i just. i need my Watch. i need. Peggy said..." he stuttered to a halt, cleared his throat and then. "it's a dennison howard davis pocket watch. it's got a picture of Peggy inside and it's inscribed with 'To My Son, With Love' on the back..." he said, struggling to stay focused. "it was my grandfathers... i told you that already...." "oh...." Grant murmured, understanding now that he was listening. "that pocket watch went with him everywhere." he explained to Eliza. "he gave it to Peggy Carter the day before he went to his final battle with the Red Skull, she apparently gave it to Howard for safe keeping, it was reported as stolen with Howard's technology out of his Vault. he found it again when someone tried to sell it, since it had Anthony Rogers, Joseph Rogers, and Steve rogers etched into the case." he admitted. "i guess Steve remembered he didn't have it after talking to Peggy." he admitted. "from what i know, he adn Peggy shared the watch, when one of them really needed to remember Steve, they'd just hold it. Howard must have had it last after he died and Peggy must not have thought to ask for it back, or she did and one of her children has it. if Tony Stark can't find it, i'll start calling Peggy's relations. or have Phil do it, since he actually knows her."
“He’s looking for something.”Eliza said looking up at grant anxiously, needing him to help her figure out what t odo. “Okay, okay Captain, I’m looking. Give me a moment.”Tony said, his voice going that soothing purr that got even the most pissed off women in bed with him, trying to sooth teh distraught captain. “Oh.I see.”Eliza said wincing as she realized what he was upset about, “Hopefully Tony has it.”She muttered watching steve as they waited for tony to look. “Oh!I found it I think.”Tony paused in the middle of going through his inventory list, and you could hear him cursing and sulking as he worked on finding it, “Ha!I have it. I can-”Tony paused raising his wrist to look at the time. “If I leave now, I can be in new york in three hours. Can you hang on that long, captain?”Tony asked sounding anxious and upset over how bad off steve sounded, and trying so hard to help the man calm.
Grant grimaced a little and shook his head. "i can't say this is unexpected after the emotional draining he went through last night." he admitted softly. "he's going to be pretty off kilter for a while." he admitted softly. Steve found himself relaxing at the purr, "okay." he whispered, sounding a bit more calm, wow, that soothing purr worked on upset men too apparently. "yeah, i really hope so too." he admitted to her. "you found it?!" Steve asked, voice delighted, hopeful, even more relaxed. "thank you. thanks. i don't. i don't know why it was so important all of a sudden." Steve admitted, babbling again because he was still all worked up "yes. yes. three hours. okay. that's okay.". "Steve? let me have the phone for a moment." Grant ordered gently. "Mister Stark? this is Grant Ward. i've been helping the good captain. if your coming down yourself we'll have a room for you." he promised the billionaire. "Steve's really worked up so i'm going to hang up and get him into someplace a little less public. my partner, Eliza, is going to text you our address, can you have whoever is bringing the watch, or yourself whichever, go to that location?" he asked hopefully, nodding to Eliza, who was already helping Steve to his feet. "you get Steve back tot he apartment, i'll get the bikes back. take a cab, he's too heavy for you to drive and he's in no shape to ride himself back." he warned the woman. "try and calm him down, i think he's right on the edge of a flashback and if he crosses that line he could very easily turn violent so be careful. you have the narcotics that the medical gave you?" all of Steve's handlers had an epi pen like device full of a narcotic that would drop Steve if he got dangerous. to himself or to others.
“True. Didn’t think of that when I told him peggy was alive.”Eliza muttered looking worried, before nodding. “He is. But it’s good. Means he’s starting to adjust to this life.... Things got to be worse, before they get better...”she muttered. “Yea, okay.”Tony said cheering up a little as he realized that the tone had soothed steve some “I did. And don’t worry about it, I was going to visit when you expressed a desire to see me anyways, so coming isn’t a problem.”Tony said forstalling the other’s worries about dragging him away, knowing that if given enough time, steve would worry about what he was interrupting, at least tony figured he would. And his own desire to see steve, had been offset by the worry of if the other would want to meet him, so he’d simply waited. “Yes.And I am. I’ll be there in a few hours. And I can go wherever you need to tony.”tony promised even as he started packing up the a small box of things, instead of just the watch. “okay, I’m leaving now, just have her text me and I’ll see you there.” “Be careful.”Eliza said looking worried about him to, even as she nodded, gently wrapping a arm around steve’s waist. “I do. And I can hurt him if I need to.”She said, knowing she wasn’t any match for steve most of the time, but if she was willing to really hurt him, she could drop him long enough to keep him from hurting her. “I’ll see you at home.”She said, because while it was a safehouse, the small apartment house had become home to them to when they were in the city, a bolt-hole to hide in, a place to simply be them. Not even garret knew where this house was, only phil did, and that was only because the agent was Coulson, and knew everything.

When tony arrived the man stepped out of the iron man suit, holding the metal box, and stepping up the stairs. Having gotten a text from eliza he knew that the super soldier was still hovering near a flashback, so he had no intention of simply walking in...besides, walking in on two specialists, tended to end in bloodshed. Knocking lightly on the door he waited to see if it was okay to go in.
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