Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“I’ll be fine. It’s just some stupid paperpusher who wants to talk to me. Probably yell at the stupid sex in the gym thing.”Eliza shrugged a little, a slight frown on her face before it smoothed out. “Good. They both need supervision.You’d think a genius would know better, but I think he’s enjoying watching steve figure out things.”She shook her head a little before noding, leaning in to steal a kiss.”I will. Promise. Every two hours, and I’ll call if I need help.”She promised before snickering, “Have fun.I think the words ‘it’s for science!’ is all we’re going to hear as long as tony is here.”She snickered as she got dressed an headed out. Despite having been cool, she was still worried.She didn’t like this.

And yet, despite the promise, it was nearly evening before they heard from her, and even then, it wasn’t Eliza, but Natasha walking in the house, cold fury tightening her features, before pausing at the sight of the men in the living room. “....Should I be worried Stark’s trying to teach Steve video games?” “Why does he get his first name, and I get my last?” “I like him better.”Natasha said simply as she looked them over, sensing the worried mood of the house, the three men who’d probably been worried all day and hiding it behind stupid games and science things, because they all knew eliza wouldn’t appreciate being rescued....even if she needed it. Heartily glad her own partner in crime was back, at least she trusted Clint to stand guard over Eliza until they got back.
"alright." he agreed, shaking his head. "although if you where getting yelled at i would have been called in too." he admitted. "it's probably about Steve." he admitted. "they do need supervision! they're worse than Children!" he complained, wincing when he heard a shriek from Steve and then gales of laughter. "...oh god what are they doing now!?" he wondered before smiling at her, kissing her back. "ah yes.... it's for science... i'm going to carve it into his skin if he doesn't knock it off." he growled before heading off to figure out what the two where up to. they where playing with baking soda and vinegar. "...i am NOT cleaning this up."

that night Grant was twitching and in a bad mood and was texting Eliza every ten minutes, desperate to get a response. he knew she'd hate him if he went after her but if she didn't respond in another half hour he was going anyway. "Tash!" Steve chirped, looking very relieved to see her. "i'm learning how to play Mario Cart!" he admitted with a grin that was a little strained. clearly he knew she knew where Eliza was and he was very anxious about her safety. "where's Eliza?" Grant demanded, tone just that sharp edge that warned that if Natasha didn't have the right answer, people where going to end up dead.
“Well, that’s true.”Eliza said looking a little easier about that, before nodding. “Probably right. Stupid people, probably want to yell for us not dragging him back.”She made a face before snickering. “They are, but it’s fairly amusing.”she said shaking her head a little before nodding.”Fairly amazed it’s not already tattooed somewhere on him...”she muttered amused that tony was making little rocket bottle bombs with soda and vinegar. The man was insane.”make them clean it up.”She suggested as she left.

“So I can see. Looks like your driving backwards though.”Natasha said smiling a little, though it was strained, which for natasha, said alot. It took alot to get to her, but this had definitely got to her. “Shield medical until she’s been cleared to leave.Clint’s staying with her.”She said knowing he’d be worried, looking a little pained, swallowing hard. Knowing she was going to piss them off, but really, shield deserved whatever grant, tony, and steve could do to them...not to mention phil, garret, and clint. It was going to be a mess if they didn’t get her out soon. “Don’t leave until I tell you everything.”She said even as tony moved to get up, glaring at the billionaire until he froze. “....I didn’t get the full story, but whatever happened in her meeting made her react badly, got herself put on lockdown, and instead of doing the sensible thing and sending for garret or you, the stupid bint she talked to left her alone and isolated.I don’t know what they told her, but she reverted enough to be a danger to herself...without any guard to stop her from following through with the feeling.”Natasha said eyes sad, while she didn’t see the woman alot, she did care for the slightly younger black widow, and seeing her like that had been hard.
Steve nodded. "i am." he admitted with a sigh. "i can't seam to make it go the right direction no matter which direction i push the stick." he admitted, his sharp ears picking up on Natasha's strained voice effortlessly. something was wrong. "excuse me?" Grant demanded, puffing up with rage. "what the fuck do you mean, she's in medical!?" he snarled, eyes flashing, the only reason he wasn't tearing through Natasha to get to Elia was the promise that Clint was with her. "Tell, me, now." Grant snarled, Steve's eyes dark with rage, flexing. he would go through Natasha himself if she didn't get to the goddamn point. ".....fuck." Grant hissed. "Stark? do me a favor. hack Shield, find the recording of what the fuck went down in that meeting." he knew Tony could do it. even from a remote location. "Steve, your with me. we're going to need to restrain her i'm sure and your stronger than me and can actually beat Eliza in a fight." he admitted. "Natasha. you find me the fucking bitch who left her alone and i want you to find out what the fuck she was thinking, where the hell Garret is and what the fuck Fury is playing at." Grant demanded, taking charge because Steve was too furious to make the calls. "and find out where the hell Phil is, i want him there to smack people down." he ordered. Phil was only ten minutes away, returning from Mexico. Grant had a sinking feeling that Eliza had tried to kill herself. she'd done it before, frightened of herself, worried she would hurt someone, hating herself for the things she'd done. he had been there to stop her though. "i knew i shouldn't have let her go alone..." Grant whispered, already shoving past Natasha and heading for the car.
Natasha winced, “She’s hurt.”She said simply, because she was taking her time explaining what happened, because she knew just how badly they were going to take it, an explaining as best as she could when she hadn’t been there when it happened. “Got it.”Tony said already playing on his phone to find out what had happened, ignoring them in favor o fworking. “Garret’s with Fury dealing with a energy problem that Coulson brought back with him from New Mexico, and Phil’s ten minutes out, he’ll beat us back to base. But I’ll find out what was going on.”Natasha said even as they headed for the cars, gently leading a focused tony to her car and stuffing him in, ignoring his squawk of protest at being manhandled. “I don’t know what happened grant, but its not your fault.”Natasha said resting a hand briefly on his arm, before sliding into the car, knowing that things were about to get messy at the base.

When they arrived at medical, it was obvious that eliza was badly hurt, despite still trying to kick clint’s ass, and keeping the doctors away from her. Despite rapidly weakening ,she was keeping anyone from getting near her, the blood darkening her sleeves so much that the fabric wasn’t soakign it up anymore, simply letting it drip onto the floor as she fought. Fighting as nastily and angrily as a cornered wolf, obviously not recognizing anyone, fighting simply to be left alone even if it was killing her.
Grant nodded. "well then you get Garret and Fury and demand to know what the fuck they where doing letting her go to a meeting alone. she is an Agent after all and Garret is her handler. she should not be facing anyone, be in any meetings, or be given any orders without Garret present." Grant growled. "i want Phil appraised of the situation, Tony will wait for him and show him the recording of the meeting. Phil will know best how to handle whatever Tony finds." Grant admitted. "it is my fault. no matter how she seams she's not stable and i knew it and i let her go anyway. whatever happened though, someone is going to pay." he snarled, baring teeth like he was a dog. the way he'd been raised, he was practically an animal anyway so it was a move everyone was used to.

Steve moved as soon as he saw her. he pulled out the Epi-Pen full of Narcotics and jabbed her in the leg with it. then gathered her into his arms and held her still while it took effect, bear hugging her so she couldn't struggle while the doctors cut her shirt sleeves off and got to work stitching and closing her wounds. "no, freaking, common Sense." Steve hissed, glaring at the doctors, who where looking very sheepish for have failed to think of drugging her.
“I already put in a call. They’re on their way back.”Natasha said, not sure why they’d called her in without them, but everyone should have known better then to confront eliza over something when they knew she was unstable. “I’ll get him.”Natasha said knowing that between garret and phil, they would be well taken care of. Not bothered at being snarled at, after all she’d worked with clint and grant to long to be disturbed by their more animal reactions.

“No, none at all.”Natasha shook her head as she moved into the room, wincing as she realized why clint hadn’t been helping. She’d knocked him out and had been standing guard over him. Like she hadn’t registered him when he tried to help her, but had known enough to know that she should protect him. Stepping back to let the doctors help the assassin she sighed, looking at grant and steve as phil walked in followed by tony. “Next room. We can watch her from there.”Natasha said stepping into the next room, though she let grant have the place by the door to watch eliza. “I found what happened.”Tony said laying his phone down and letting the hologram form, and played the video.

Paling rapidly as she watched the meeting, the woman shook her head. She was surrounded by idiots, truly. Someone had filed a sexual harassment complaint against eliza, and had gone so far as to accuse her of raping her partner, so the idiots had followed standard procedure, separating the partners and locking eliza in the brig until the accusations could be investigated, having not taken into consideration the woman’s unique circumstances of unstablity, and her own response to not only thinking Grant had accused her-because while it wasn’t outright said, that was the illusion the human resources agent had given her- but having then demanded she be alone until her handler and fury could be found to deal with her....leaving her with more tehn enough time to harm herself.
he nodded. "good." he growled. pleased that everyone was just doing as he ordered them. no arguments.

Steve opted to stay with Eliza and held her gently while the doctors worked. Grant turned to watch the video, while still keeping an eye on Eliza. "those filthy fucking sluts!" Grant snarled, Clint wincing and grabbing Grant's shoulders. having woken up from his brain damage. "you can't do anything right now." he warned. "you need to stay here with Eliza." he warned. "i'll inform Garret, Fury and Phil of what happened.... what do you mean Sluts?" "a group of twenty or thirty girls where flirting with me, only i didn't know it. Eliza got jealous. it's hot when she get's jealous so i let her fuck me in the gym because i was horny, she was being deliciously dominant and i have no self control." he admitted. "that fucking bint who walked in on us must have said something." he admitted, his eyes narrowed. "the standard procedure is to speak to me first and they never did which means they fucked her up for no reason." he hissed, Steve sighing. "this is a cluster fuck and i want it dealt with NOW!" Grant snarled, Clint nodding as he ran off. thirteen minutes later every single woman agent in the building that had been flirting with Grant had been summoned and Phil had questioned all of them extensively until the one who had reported Eliza was found. the HR people where screamed at and their jobs where threatened if they couldn't find a reasonable reason for not speaking to Grant before hauling in an Agent without her Handler present. particularly one with a White Flag on her files. white Flags meant they where unstable but not considered a flight risk. White Flags warned that the agent was dangerous to themselves or others under certain circumstances. White Flags meant that you did not do anything to or for that agent without their handlers permission and presence. the White Flag meant HR was fucked.
Natasha startled a little frowning at Grant’s words, tilting her head.”we’ll inform the others, and find out what happened. Stay here.”Natasha said softly before her eyes widened as she realized what had caused this, sighing softly. “Neither of you have self control, but we knew that. And they should have at least allowed you to come in with her, even if they didn’t want to talk to you first.”Natasha frowned, anger in her features before nodding as she followed clint out, helping phil question everyone. Shaking her head a little as she listened to one of the woman prattle, “Eliza Petrohova is white flagged for a reason. What did you do, just ignore it?” “There has been no incident recently-” “because she-they wouldn’t report it. Not because nothing happened, but because Grant wont turn her in.” “Is he afraid of her?”Oh, the stupid bint liked grant, was so obsessively protective of the agent who was so rarely on base, that she couldn’t even see the danger anymore. “No.Grant Ward is one of the few people in the world, that have no reason to fear Eliza.”Natasha shook her head in disgust glancing a phil. “Can’t we just kill them all, and start over?”Her own black widow training settlign in, making her coldly practical in the face of dealing with might still be the death of a good friend.

“....”Eliza blinked slowly, staring at the cieling, feeling lost and alone, turning her head slightly, surprised and shocked to find both garret and grant with her, not to mention the good captain standing guard. Looking utterly lost and confused at what was going on.
Grant snarled again but nodded, letting Natasha take the command. "they don't like her." Grant said, voice a growl. "that's why. they don't like her. because she was a Widow. they never trusted her and because of my own history of abuse assumed i wouldn't be able to tell them, or wouldn't tell them. i want those fuckers punished Natasha." he ordered eyes glowing. "or i'll kill them myself and me and Eliza will be Gone." and he had already proven that he could do it. he had vanished for three months once, no one had been able to find him. not Hydra, not Shield, not the military, not his handlers, not even Natasha. he'd come back eventually, no explanation at all to anyone. though, he had told Phil, who had been satisfied by the answer.

"You are on very thin ice." Phil warned, voice as cold as ice. "there has been no incident because she has a handler who takes care of those incidents before they happen." he explained. "she is still a white flag for a reason and you had no right to go around her handler, myself AND the Commander, who WILL be hearing about this. you went behind our backs to have her punished and i would like, to know, why." Phil demanded, ignoring the stupid woman for the moment. she would be dealt with by Grant himself. "Grant Ward isn't even afraid of fucking Natasha Romanoff you stupid bitch." Clint stated, narrowing his eyes at her. "your goddamn infatuation with a man who doesn't even know your name, let alone your face might very well have killed her, caused Grant to go on a murdering rampage and put Captain America's life, safety and health at risk!" he hissed at her. "i'm half tempted to let you." Phil admitted, eyes narrowed. "but that would mean a lot of paperwork and i don't feel like doing it." he admitted. "if Eliza dies. you will ALL, be held responsible and be charged with planned homicide." Phil warned. "you are not to leave the base, you are not to leave this room, you are not to speak to anyone, you will be guarded at all times and you are not to try to escape, speak to your guards or manipulate anything. failure to abide by these rules will be seen as direct hostility against Shield and you will be killed on sight have i made myself clear?!"

Steve was standing in front of her bed, his sharp eyes fixed on every little moment the doctors made as they tried to keep her stable. Grant was snarling, hissing, spitting in rage at Garret, eyes wild with fury as he demanded that someone be punished for what happened to Eliza. no matter that he knew that Garret didn't have the authority to demand that. "...Eliza?" Steve asked gently, realizing she was awake. "your going to be alright." he promised her. "Phil, Natasha and Clint are handling it." he promised. "you just rest okay? you won't be in any trouble at all." he promised softly.
“...Then we’ll show then what we do to people we don’t like. I think we’re the more dangerous of these people.”Natasha snarled before nodding. “I’ll see to it. And if it’s not enough, take the good captain with you, and go.”Natasha muttered, supporting and even encouraging him to take care of himself, and eliza.

“She’s a danger to everyone!” “And you thought leaving her alone was a good idea?She could have left if she wanted.”Natasha looke disgusted, wishing James was here. And not only because she cared for the Soldier, but because he was one of the few people she knew who’d ever been able to handle Eliza’s unstability without blinking. Even if she knew they would do their best, she was truly afraid of what this would do to eliza. “You should let us. Otherwise Grant and Steve are going to be up here as soon as Eliza’s stable, and tear them apart.”NAtasha pointed out, sulking that they wouldn’t be allowed to do anything. “Yes sir.”All the women muttered looking both scared and sick, and not sure what to do.

Eliza frowned a little as she looked up at steve, her heart beat doing that sick little stuttering beat, of going to fast then droppign off, her body’s way of saying she was really really hurt, had bled herself to much, that even as the doctors were stitching up her wrists and neck were she’d tried to scratch open the veins, that she’d mesed herself up. But even then, she was starting to stabilize, it would just take time to heal. Thank god she’d been so far gone all she’d had to use was her own nails to hurt herself, having come so unglued as to not even try to find a weapon. “....I didn’t....hurt...”She muttered looking so scared even as she went under again, letting the drugs drag her under in the face of the fact that she trusted steve when he said it was alright.
Grant looked a bit surprised that she was telling him to leave before he nodded. focused on keeping Eliza safe and happy more than anything else.

"the only person she's a danger to, is herself at this point." Phil sneered, eyes narrowed with rage. "there is a reason we assigned her to Garret and to Grant you stupid brat." he stated firmly. "if Eliza does survive, then you will all be punished individually. as for YOU." he informed the woman who had reported the sexual misconduct. "you will be given to Grant to be dealt with. no one will step in to stop him if he decides a lesson in torture would be just the thing you need. we will stop him from killing you of course. we might even stop him from permanently maiming you. no matter what he decides to do with you, your job at Shield is done. you are, from this point, fired and your files will be flagged, i think you will find yourself having difficulty getting a job after this, particularly a job in government, health care, public services.... need i go on?" he asked her. "you are one of the most disgusting excuses i have ever seen of a human being. as for YOU." he focused on the HR people. "...we'll see if you deserve to keep your jobs after an in depth review." he stated. "now keep your mouths shut and don't piss me off anymore than i already am." he growled at them before stalking out, a line of guards moving in and removing them all to separate cells one by one. anyone who struggled was dropped. with a Tazer.

Steve smiled at her. "it's okay. i know." he promised her gently. "i'm right here and i'm not leaving." he promised. "i'll keep you safe." he promised her before she slipped off to sleep. "Grant." Clint chirped as he walked up, explaining to him and Garret what was being done. everyone involved was being detained and would be questioned for their roll. those who involved would be, at minimum, suspended without pay for three months. at the worst they where fired with their files flagged in the public systems or worse, arrested on the spot, though that wasn't likely unless they intended for Eliza to harm herself or others. anyone who intended Eliza to be hurt, or for her to hurt others would receive no mercy.
“Do we have to stop him?I mean, she’s going to be permanently maimed.”Natasha muttered to clint, tilting her hea as she stood watching the girls, definitely being the silent threat, smirking a little as the woman stuttered a no, everyone near tears in the face of phil’s rage. Snorting her amusement and disgust as she left with clint.

“Kay...”Eliza breathed closing her eyes, simply going under again. “We’ve got news.”Natasha said smirking as she followed clint into the room, silently staying with grant, wanting to backhim up, ready to catch him if he broke.

When Eliza woke again she frowned slightly, feeling hazy with pain.”Hey El.”Tony muttered from where he was standing guard, the team having taken turns watching her....well, except grant, who’d refused to leave the bed, having curled up at her feet-the only space of the bed that he was sure wouldn’t hurt her to lay on. “Grant, Eliza’s up.”Tony muttered gently touching the man’s shoulder."What...I don't....why are you guys here?"Eliza said quietly, frowning a little, such utter confusion at having them with her when she'd been told she couldn't see anyone.
Clint snorted. "yes unfortunately or she might come back and try to cause more problems. protesting her punishment or whatever. " Clint admitted. "we don't want to leave any lasting marks on her." he admitted.

Grant stirred when Tony spoke and blinked sluggishly while Steve gently settled a straw to her lips. "it's water, drink as much as you can." he coaxed. "we're here to protect you of course." Clint explained, smiling at her as he walked in for his watch because Steve also refused to leave save to eat or sleep. Clint sat down next to her and carefully examined her wounds. "they had no right doing what they did." Clint explained. "it was mostly a set up. they wanted you to hurt yourself, or someone else because you where an easier target than Natasha. they don't like that 'Russian spies' where here so they nudged some bint with a crush on Grant in the right direction and took it from there." Clint explained. "the two who wanted you dead are in prison. the woman who filed the false rape report has been taken care of by Grant himself and has been fired and everyone else involved has been suspended for three months. no pay and a few of them have been demoted." he explained to her. "Phil and Garret where more furious than i've ever seen them. they weren't even this apoplectic when they found out Steve was being mistreated."
Eliza frowned a little at steve, trying to figure out why he was being helpful, before realizing of course he was, he was the cap. Sipping the water slowly, she rolled her eyes to look at clint, looking confused even as tony bent down to kiss her forehead.”Gotta get some sleep. Rest.”Tony muttered even as he shuffled towards the next room to sleep, the last 24 hours having been hard on the genius. “...False?”she said softly, sounding upset, because she couldn’t see grant, only feel the weight against her legs,so she assumed the man wasn’t in the room with her, and it hurt to much to look around more then slightly turning her head to look at steve and clint. “,...They didn’t have to do that....They’re going to trouble....”She muttered worried about getting the handlers in trouble, even if she was the one that were nearly broken, shaken to much to realize that she was the victim, not the one at fault.
Steve smiled a little at her before nodding at Tony. "thanks Tony." Steve said, Grant nodding to him as well. "yeah." Grant grunted. "False." he admitted, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "stupid bitch. wanted you out of the way...." he mumbled. "someone drugged me..." he complained, Steve chuckling a little. "sorry Grant. we had to. you wouldn't sleep otherwise." "hate you all... 'scept you Eliza..." he assured her. "they aren't going to get in trouble. they're the ones who are in trouble. the people who did that to you went behind Phil, Fury, and Garrets backs. they where not allowed to talk to you without Garret and they did it anyway. they are in big. big trouble. Fury is pretty pissed that one of his best assets is down because of their stupidity." Clint admitted, grinning at her. "he's moving us all to Stark's pad. Stark offered." he admitted. "you need to heal, Steve needs to settle and Grant? well... Grant's not doing to good either." he admitted, examining the man who had gone back to sleep. "go back to sleep now." he suggested, stroking her hair. "we'll watch over you. it's okay. your safe with us." he promised her.
“Welcome.wake me up later.”Tony muttered nearly asleep on his feet. “...Oh.”Eliza swallowed thickly as she looked up at grant, the relief so pain that it was painful to see, to realize that she really had believed that she was at fault. “....need to rest grant.”She muttered looking up at grant, smiling slightly at grant’s words. “Good.They shouldn’t be in trouble...”Eliza muttered, relieved that the people she cared for, wasn’t going to be getting in trouble for her stupidity. “....When?”She said a little antsy in medical, she really hated being down here. “Soon.”Natasha reassured smiling a little.”You and grant will be okay, we got you.”Natasha said looking worried for the other black widow as she closed her eyes, following the orders to go back to sleep. “....I could kill them for this...”Natasha muttered watching her go to sleep, looking up at clint. Much like eliza, trusting her partner to keep her from totally losing it.
"we'll wake you up when it' your turn." Steve promised Tony. "need to sleep." Grant agreed, patting her ankle before settling down for more rest. "they aren't. but those who where involved are." Steve admitted. "Fury's pretty pissed." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "it's okay." Steve promised her with a smile. "we wont let the mean doctors do anything." he promised her, he hated doctors too after all. they where always trying to steal his blood, or hair or.... other things. "get in line." Steve ordered. "i want them first." he stated, lips lifting into a sneer before glancing at Grant. "...i was wondering... Grant... he's a bit... off, yeah?" he asked, not nervous just... curious, confused. "it's because of his childhood. his mother basically made him into a dog. a mistreated one. he attacked when he was told to, slept in a filthy closet, he was more animal than boy when Garret found him." Clint admitted. "it was made a bit worse when Garret left him in the woods so he could talk Shield into taking him on. at least, that's what i understand of the situation." Clint admitted. "he doesn't much like talking about it of course." "of course." Steve agreed softly. there was something else though. something he just couldn't put his finger on. "when are we going to Tony's?" he asked NAtasha. "i don't like leaving her here when these Doctors can't be trusted." the nurse who was checking her vitals winced.
“,,,Good.Grant needs looked after...”Eliza frowned worriedly, before smiling a little, nodding.”Good. No mean doctors....”She muttered as she slept. “I think you’re going to have to wait. Grant gets them first when he recovers enough to do so.”Natasha muttered knowing that until Eliza was up, Grant would be more animal then human, wouldn’t leave her until she was moving on her own. “When he’s upset, like now, he reverts to then mostly. Just to handle it, human emotion confuses him mostly...leaves him with no way to handle things. So he understands just how bad Eliza can be when she reverts back to the basics of widow training.”Natasha nodde a little, “5 months in the wild, while Garret convinced shiel to take a chance....he’s more feral then he is normal.”She said knowing steve would understand that. It hadn’t been common, but one of the first documented cases of a feral wild child, had been in the early 30s. Not knowing what difference steve meant. “They do well together, she’s nearly as feral as he is.”She muttered glancing at the nurse, watching her closely,”Now that she’s coherent some?As soon as tony’s awake. We’ll have to be careful, but I’d rather have her under Banner’s care then leave her here.”she said, because despite most of shield’s dislike to do it, she’d asked, and gotten permission, to have doctor banner move in with them to, and he was one of the few she trusted right now to take care of Eliza.
"Grant does need looking after." Steve agreed with a smile. "of course Grant get's them first." he huffed, rolling his eyes. "but Garret get's them before Grant does and i don't thin there's going to be anything left of them after those two." he complained, watching the sleeping pair. "so he's like Mowgli, or Tarzan. he can interact with people but he's spent so much time outside of human society tat he doesn't understand them much..." he mumbled. "when he gets upset he reverts to that state. where he has to protect himself from people..." he mumbled. "but there's something else. something... wild..." he shook his head, unable to explain. "everyone is feral in some ways." Steve admitted before smiling at Natasha. "you found him then?" he asked. "you brought him back?" no, but Banner would return if only to meet Tony Stark and play with Tony's toys so long as they promised there would be no military. "Garret's not too happy about it." Clint admitted. "he's been complaining to Phil for the last half an hour about removing Kate from Shield's immediate influence. seams to think she can't be trusted not to take a runner." he admitted. "personally i couldn't blame her at all if she does take a runner."
“Well, that’s true. There wont be anything left.”natasha snickered a little before nodding slightly. “Exactly. Him and Eliza both, despite being able to pretend they understand, for the most part they don’t get society rules...especially when they’re upset they simply revert to what they know best.”Natasha said before frowning, shrugging a little before shaking her head.”I didn’t, but I got a message to him that Tony Stark had a room open and waiting for him, where no military would be able to bother him, and that Tony had new toys for him to test out.”Natasha snickered a little. “Garret can complain all he wants, we all know she’ll do a runner if she could...but she wont go without Grant, so as long as he’s staying put, and she’s not beign hurt or dealing with any of the bints, Eliza’ll stay.”
Steve grinned a little. "well. i'm sure i could have first shot at my sitters, you think?" he asked, amused before giving them another glance. "what about you? you where a black widow too, why aren't you like her?" Steve asked, his head tilted. Natasha had been out for a lot longer. she had never fully completed her training, Clint had saved her when she was a teenager. Kate on the other hand had fully completed her training and had only been rescued a year, three or four at the most. "it would be pretty amazing to meet Bruce Banner." Steve admitted. "i wonder if he'd piss himself if he realized how close he came to actually fully completing the Super Serum." he mused before smirking. "if they wanted to, they'd leave right now. at this point, i think the only thing keeping her from taking off is me." he admitted softly. "i'm.... not well." he admitted, looking at Natasha. she would understand, he knew. she had woken him from screaming nightmares, had held him while he cried, had coaxed food into him even though he constantly felt sick. much the same way Eliza did. "if they hurt her again, i will rip this place apart from the inside out. make sure they know that." Steve warned, eyes dark with anger at the idea of Eliza being hurt so badly she'd tried to claw herself to death.
“Well, true. You are the Captain, you might get first shot.”Natasha snickered a little, tilting her head. “I got out when I was 16, Clint pulled me out before I completed my training. Eliza didn’t leave until she was 24, she’s only been here about 18 months, and almost all of it’s been spent in Grant’s company. I’m not surprised she freaked out.”Natasha shook her head a little, thinking it over. And as painful as it was to know that the girl had been left there so long, at least she also knew that somewhere, the winter soldier was still alive, still training. They could get him out. “Probably, though only after he freaks out over everything tony has in the lab. I swear, his lab looks like a mini-mall down there, with just about everything you could want.”Natasha rolled her eyes a little before nodding, leaning into him a little. “I know. She might be staying for you, but you’ll be as good for her as she is for you.”Natasha muttered before nodding, “I’ll go make sure they’re aware. We’ll leave in a hour or so.”Seh said knowing tony wouldn’t sleep much longer then that.
he blinked a little. "so she's still traumatized where your starting to fully recover." he muttered, curious about it as he looked at the sleeping two. "i would have freak out too. anyone would have freaked out, thinking they'd raped their lover." he admitted, shaking his head. "sick bastards." he growled, scowling a little. "sometimes i forget just how sick we humans can really be." he admitted softly, scowling at his own feet before he smiled a little. "Tony's a bit of an odd duck but he's really brilliant." he admitted. "he's a lot better a man than Howard ever was." he admitted. "thanks, Tasha." he said, smiling at her. "we'll look out for each other. we're a team, maybe not the team Fury wanted, but we won't let anything happen to each other." he admitted, watching Grant and Eliza. once Tony was up, he gently cradled Eliza while Grant staggered in a drunken stupor after him. "how are we getting there? Jet?"
“Exactly. She’s not had enough time to figure out normal life yet.”Natasha muttered before flinching, shaking her head. “They really are.hopefully everyone will just leave them alone now.”she said watching him, curious about his attatchment to them before snickering. “He’s a lot of a odd duck, but he’s a good man. You get used to the quirks really.”Natasha shook his head before smiling. “Welcome. And we’ll be what we need, not what others want us to be.”She smiled a she left

“Yea. A private jet, so it’ll just be us, an phil and garret if they wanted to come out and get you all settled.”Tony said not sure if the handlers were coming, smiling slightly as they walke out onto the runway, glad to see that indeed his corporate jet was waiting for them, gesturing towards the back. “There’s a bedroom back there if you want to put Eliza there, or a couch if you want to keep ahold of her.”Tony said as he settled into his seat, watching a slightly still drugged grant stumbling after steve. “...Grant?”Eliza made a sound of distress at being moved, whimpering in pain as she lifted her head from steve’s chest to look around her. While they’d taken her off the drugs before leaving medical, the doctors having refused to let her go while drugged-as if wanting to make sure she was sure about leaving- the woman was still out of it.
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