Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

“I’m sure they will, but for the moment, they’re not doing well.”Tony said shrugging a little, though he did relax at the idea that they’d be okay, that they’d settle in time. “Hmm, you don’t have to be smart like that to give me ideas, simply talking to people makes me think of more things.”Tony grinned a little. “Something like that. And you will find, that Shield is like middle school, the drama and dating problems.”Natasha snickered rolling her eyes a little. “Yes, but a bad argentinian soap opera would need more then just telling people you can’t speak english.”Tony snickered a little. “...”Eliza turned her head a little to watch bruce approaching, relaxing a little as she watched his hands, realizing he was okay. “...You know, its a good thing I have a fully equipped med lab for you.” “ you have...a full med lab?”Eliza frowned a little, talking slwoly, her throat hurt, the damage she’d managed to inflict on herself all the more impressive considering her nails were fairly short. “Cause he injures himself at least once a week, and pepper got tired of taking him to the hospital.”Natasha snickered a little.
he nodded. "it'll take time but so long as they have people they can depend on they should be fine." he promised before smirking a little. "well. we'll have to talk often then." he agreed, blushing a little and Clint bit back a laugh. that was cute! Bruce had a major crush on Tony! "i never went to Middle School." Bruce admitted. "i went straight to Collage when i was sixteen." he admitted. "i never had to deal with the silly jealousy and stuff. by the time i had to go through it i was already an adult." he admitted before chuckling at Steve shrugging. "me robaste el hombre! usted Hussy!." Bruce nearly fell over he was laughing so hard. "No quise decir que dormir con mi medio hermano!" Steve chirped, making Bruce squeak in disgust even as he laughed. "let's see... what else?" Steve mumbled. "no ore! god Steve that's horrible!" "one of my 'babysitters' liked Soap Operas." Steve admitted, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "do you? i've enver been able to work in an actual med lab before." he admitted. "i work in hospitals a lot but it's not the same thing." he admitted, smiling at her. "i'm going to take the bandages off, to check the wounds." he explained, waiting for her to acknowledge that before he slowly unwound her wrist and scowled a little at the wounds. "hmm... whoever stitched these did an impressive job." he admitted, looking them over carefully. "we'll have to keep an eye our for infection. fingernails have a lot of bacteria and filth underneath them." he admitted. "we'll need to check them at least every day for any sign of redness or swelling." he admitted, carefully, very carefully cleaning the arm before bandaging it with clean bandages and moving to the other arm and repeating the procedure before examining her neck. "...i'm going to have to undo these stitches." he warned. "she'll have to be sedated for that." he admitted. "working with necks are tricky business." he admitted, looking at her. "will you be okay with being sedated? Grant and the good captain will be here watching me the whole time." he promised her.

You stole my Man! you Hussy!
I did not mean to sleep with my half brother!
"Good.they will.tony muttered. He hadn't known them long but he cared for the people in his house, and that was a rare rhing. For him to actually like anyone enough to let them in."I went to middle school as a toddler so the problems with middle school skipped me." "Tony you live in a permanent middle school. Between being rich and add some you just don't get a break."Natasha snickered a little. "...I want to watch soap operas with cap. It'll be like watching supernanny."tony laughed his chest hurting from laughing to hard."I do. It's less expensive then going to the hospital every time I welded my hand to something or other."tony shrugged because his self care was legendary in the fact that he just wasn't as careful as he should he."okay..."Eliza said still tense but no jerking away as bruce took off the bandages taking a deep breath as she realized her arms were doing okay."I've had injuries before. I can take care of them..."she muttered not liking the idea of him taking care of her even if she knew she needed to let him. "agent carson. She's the only doctor me and Eliza can stand going to."Natasha said in response to bruce's observation on the stitches. Because agent carson was the only one who never made them feel like it was a waste of her time to take care of them."what?do we have to?"Eliza said shrinking away from him not liking the idea of being under even with ghards.
Bruce shrugged. "i was home schooled." he admitted, shuddering. Tony and Natasha where problem the only people who understood that shudder. until Bruce was twelve he was taught by his father who was a drunk and very abusive. if Bruce didn't get the answer correct the first time, every time he was slapped around for 'being stupid' never mind that most adults couldn't solve equations like that. after that he was placed in a rehabilitation facility to be taught how to be a 'normal' person before he went to collage because he was too smart for most people. "nah Tony's more like high school, too much drinking and sex for middle school." Clint admitted with a grin. "ugh. no thanks, i'll blow up the TV." Steve warned. "i actually threw that babysitter out the window." he admitted. "too bad we where only two floors up. that's when they moved me to the underground levels." he admitted.

"i'm sure you can, as much pain as your in i would suggest letting one of your boys do it for you, i'll show them the proper way to clean and change the bandages tonight." he promised her before wincing. "no jerking please." he asked. "you'll tear the stitches out and that'll be a mess." he warned. "no. we don't HAVE to have you under. but it would be a lot less painful for you and i wouldn't have to have them hold you still." he admitted. "being where the damage is, one wrong poke and it's over." he admitted. "i need to fix these stitches. they are well done, they are just the wrong kind of stitches for a neck wound." he admitted. "if you tip your head too far they'll rip out and i'm not sure we could stop the bleeding." he admitted. "the choice is yours but sedation would be easier for everyone, yourself in particular."
Tony winced at that, shivering a little. “That sucks.”he muttered before snickering, “Definitely to old and wise for middle school.”Tony said smirking a little. “...nooo. That’s not fair. Fine. No soap operas.”he sulked a little snickering at steve’s words.

“...”Eliza stared at the other man, blushing ever so slightly at the term ‘your boys’ after all, she didn’t considered Steve hers, even if he was the only person she trusted as much as she trusted grant. And much like grant, it had been a near instant bonding for her. “...Kay.”Eliza muttered swallowing hard as she forced herself to hold still before frowning at him. “I promise eliza, the house is safe. And your boys can look after you, nothing can happen.”Tony muttered watching the woman. “....”Eliza stared looking at them all, before focusing on grant, “You wont leave?”
Steve and Grant where blushing too, but Bruce didn't seam to notice. "i won't leave.. never." Grant promised, gently taking her hand while Steve settled next to the bed, out of Bruce's way but close enough he could pummel the doctor if he had to. "i won't leave either. your safe." "i'll give you a half dose." Bruce promised. "you might still have a bit of cognition, but you shouldn't feel anything. i want you to tell me immediately if you do, alright?" he asked her. "the fogginess will only last a few hours on a half dose but you might say some interesting things." he admitted. "like when you watch AFV and the kids get their wisdom teeth out?" Grant asked. "mmm yes fairly similar i suppose." Bruce agreed, letting her see the needle before slipping it into her arm and waiting for her to get sleepy before sliding a needle into her neck. "i'm numbing the area." he explained. "to further insulate her against the pain." he admitted, carefully picking up a tiny, tiny pair of scissors and gently, gently cut the stitches before very carefully redoing the stitches the proper way. "the problem, with neck wounds..." he said after a moment. "is that the neck is a major mobile location. most people who get hurt on the neck bad enough to need stitches, don't live long enough to stop the bleeding, so neck wounds are rare when you deal with emergencies the way your Doctor Carson probably is." he admitted, gently cutting the final stitch and carefully cleaning them before re-bandaging them. "the stitches need to be tight enough to hold the wound closed, but loose enough to allow movement." he admitted, checking her pupils to make sure she was still okay, glad to see they where dilated but would shrink when light shone on them. "there, all done. she's going to e very thirsty when she wakes up so be ready for that. until then she needs to sleep as much as possible. she's in no danger. she's just a bit weak from pain and bloodloss. i'll write her a prescription for a specialty painkiller. it'll dumb the pain but it shouldn't mess with her mental faculties." he admitted, writing something out on a doctors pad. "it's not typically available to the public so someone will have to go to Shield to have the prescription filled." "i'll get that done." Clint promised from the doorway, knowing Eliza wouldn't like people in there when she was drugged.
“Good.don’t go.”Eliza muttered quietly, turning her head a little to look at steve, smiling slightly, closing her eyes. Taking their promises as assurance that she’d be okay with the doctor. “Alright.”she said. “I’m sure you guys will tell me if I say anything.”She muttered looking a little disturbed at the idea, but relaxing as she saw the needle, settling in and sleepy as she listened to teh others talking. “It’s a good thing she was already in medical when she ripped her neck apart, otherwise it would have been messier.”Natasha said from the door, staying out, but guarding the door, even more reassurance that eliza was safe. “....I love you.You’re pretty. So pretty...”Eliza muttered absently patting grant’s arm, before whimpering in pain the motion felt. while she hadn’t damaged most of the muscles under her skin, it still hurt to move. Natasha started, glancing into the room, eyes wide. knowing Eliza didn't say that alot, or ever. as far as she knew, she'd never told grant what the rest of them had known, that Eliza loved grant in her own broken shattered way.
they both smiled at her. "i won't go." they both promised in unison, glancing at each other and smiling again. it was nice to have backup for people to watch over Eliza. "we will." Steve promised, smirking at her. "it will be excellent blackmail, i'll even record it." he decided. "Tony? do you have anything that records things?" he asked. "like they do for TV?" he asked before smiling as she settled in to doze. "yes it was a good thing. too bad the only reason she hurt herself was because those assholes left a suicide risk alone." "they ever should have been talking to her at all. she's flagged." "yeah they mentioned that, what's that mean?" "it's a high risk personality. Green flag means they might take off, red flag means they might become homicidal, yellow flag means they are suicide watch and highly depressed. white flags, like Eliza, mean they are unstable and could become a flight risk or a danger to themselves or others." Clint explained from the doorway. "like Grant there, is a Green Flag." Clint admitted. "me and Natasha are too but we have red stripes because we could become dangerous if pushed too hard or too far." he admitted. "it's a way for Shield to manage their assets without harming them i suppose." "...i love you too Eliza." Grant promised, smiling at her. of course, for him, all love was the same, he didn't feel many emotions. he was loyal to her, and only to her, so for him, that was love. "don't move гадюка." he murmered. "you'll hurt yourself. just sleep for now. we won't leave."
“Kay....and you can’t blackmail me!You’re the captain. Golden boy can’t blackmail people.”Eliza muttered. “Of course. J?Record please.”Tony said before wincing. “And just so you all know, Jarvis does watch all the house, but the bedrooms, are set to just sound, like if you ask him something or need something, useless you specifically ask him to record something. Like now.”Tony explained smiling a little. “Because of her unique circumstances, and the nature of what crimes they accused her of, Eliza’s a danger to herself. She’s not been gone from Hydra long enough to be able to stabalize herself well, so we work hard to make sure she’s as okay as she can be....the idiots fucked up a years worth of work.”natasha muttered shaking his head, well aware that this incident had set eliza back months, if not years in her recovery. “Kay....Sleeping’s good...”Eliza muttered dozing mostly, but somewhat aware of them still, despite the drugs, not liking the people around her, whining quietly when she tried to sleep, whimpering at finding her wrists trapped and not able to find her handcuffs.””She whined sounding druggedly upset.
Steve blinked and then smiled at the ceiling. he had spent an hour or so just talking to the A.I and he already knew Jarvis wouldn't impede on their privacy unless specifically asked. like Steve had asked Jarvis to wake him up if he had a nightmare or something similar. Clint wasn't bothered, he was constantly watched at Shield too, everyone was. Grant wasn't too bothered wither for the same reason. Steve nodded. "thats why she's with Grant and Garret right? because they can stabilize her properly?" he asked curiously. "yes. all Handlers have to have specialized training and when a new asset comes in, they are profiled and given to the Handler that can best help them. i don't much care for Garret, but he was very good at what he did." Clint admitted. "the worst of us usually went to him, because he was soothing and could control even the wildest of agents." "like me. i was more animal than i was person when he found me." Grant admitted. "he helped me a lot. sucks that he's a traitor." Grant admitted, sounding torn. he loved Garret as the father he'd always wanted. but his loyalty to Eliza was much stronger. "sleeping is good." Grant agreed with a smile before sighing and gathering her right arm and carefully pulling it over her head, hand around her wrist, acting like a living handcuff. it helped sometimes. "cuffs? what is she talking about?" Steve asked, worried. "the Red Room cuffed their children to the bed. it's a habit that lasts well into adult hood. she can't sleep well without having her hand over her head and she sleeps better if she's actually wearing a handcuff." Grant explained. "it's... a hard habit to break but it makes her feel... i dunno, safe i guess..." he shrugged. "even Natasha had the habit for a long time." Clint admitted, glancing at her. "sometimes when she's really upset, she'll still do it."
“Yes. Despite everything, and my personal opinion of him, Garret is very good at unstable people. Understands them teh best. And how to help them.”natasha smiled a little before nodding. “It really is. But at least we know he is.”She pointed out. Eliza sighed softly as grant carefully held her wrist, frowning a little as she listened to them talk even though she was mostly asleep. “It’s...she doesnt’ trust herself not to hurt someone if she wakes up. Or to not...sleep walk or hurt someone....being cuffed keeps her from doing any of that.”Natasha said before nodding. “I do.”She said to the look she was getting, “It’s...a habit that’s years old. Something reassuring when I’m upset and need to ground myself.”Natasha shrugged. “Steve...can’t go. You have to stay. Always.Never leave, captain...You make me safe. To strong, strong enough I can’t hurt you...not like I did grant...”eliza muttered turning her head a little looking up at the blond.
Steve pondered that for a moment and then. "do i have a flag?" "yes. a Green flag with a yellow stripe. means you might leave and are suicidal or depressed." he admitted. "you also have a red dot stripe which means your more than willing to hurt someone if they push you too hard." "just because i threw one guy out a window, threw another through a wall and hit a punching bag so hard into a third that he had broken ribs does not mean i'm dangerous!" he complained, even if there was a smirk on his lips. "still, the flag isn't wrong." he admitted. "well, no i'm not suicidal, but i am depressed a lot. it's not so bad now that Eliza's been helping me." he admitted before giving Elia a worried look. "oh..." he mumbled before smiling when she babbled, Grant's face falling in dismay only for a second before he was able to hide it. "shh. Eliza. i won't leave. i promise." Steve swore, never noticing Grant's face falling. "just relax Passerotta." he ordered with a shake of his head. "i won't let you hurt anyone. Go to sleep. Guarderò sopra i vostri sogni."

Sparrow (a term of endearment)
I will watch over your dreams.
“Just because you took care of a idiot, does mean you’re dangerous, as the idiots are in charge.”Natasha snickered a little. “Good. I’m glad she’s helping you. Maybe you’ll help her now.”Natasha said smiling slightly, looking steve over, fining it amusing that one of the most unsocial people she knew, was the one he was letting help him. No one, not even Eliza, noticed the look crossing grant’s face as the woman nodded slightly, relaxing into grant’s hands as he held her wrists, shifting to relax, falling asleep at the promise to watch over her, trusting steve to not let her hurt anyone, and grant to hold her. She was safe here.
Steve snorted. "exactly!" he agreed with a grin at Natasha before shrugging. "i'll do my best." he admitted, the soft tone letting everyone in the room know exactly why he was letting her help him. he was falling in love with her. probably because she was the first person to actually see him for himself. when she woke up the room was empty save for Grant and Steve, though there was a huge bowl of broth still warm on the bedside table and Grant and Steve where talking. "so if i press this button then i can text?" "no. you push this button to brig up your menu. then you select the envelope. then you create a new message. try it." Grant ordered. ah, Grant was teaching Steve how to use his phone.
"Good."Natasha said though she looked a little concerned with just how the man was acting. This was going to be a mess and she didn't know how to stop it beyond letting it happen. Stirring as she listened to the other's talking turning her head to look at them."might be easier to see it up so all he has to do is hit our picture to either call or text us on his home screen instead of entering the menu...there's only a few people he'd be texting all the time..."she muttered closing her eyes, simply enjoying listening to them talk, knowing that they'd keep her safe, had been keeping her safe.
Grant and Steve both jumped when she spoke and they blinked at her. "you can do that?" Grant asked, looking at the phone in his hands, amazed. "...i thought you knew what your doing?" "i do! i just didn't know you could do that!" Grant protested, sulking. "so you Don't know what your doing!" "i do too! just because i don't know every single thing there is to know, doesn't mean i don't know what i'm doing!" "it does too!" "so that means you don't know anything about Baseball then?!" "of course i do, you think i didn't look up all the new rules after i woke up!? filthy traitor Dodgers." "oi! don't get him started on freaking baseball again!" Clint demanded from the doorway. "what's wrong with Baseball!?" "nothing! nothing! nothing at all!" "i thought so!" they where like children. "anyway... are you hungry Eliza?" Steve asked, remembering she was awake. "Bruce said you probably couldn't chew with your throat hurt, but that you could probably swallow easily enough..."
"You can. I'll show you."Eliza held out a hand for the phone only to be ignored by the arguing man, looking at them confused as she listened."what's wrong is you won't consider going to a home game here."tony smirked having spent the last few hours ring to convict him to go see the LA dodgers. "Such children."Natasha said rolling her eyes a little as she considered them. Eliza frowned slightly as her stomach growled nodding a little as she looked up at steve."please."She said sitting up slowly wincing a little but determined to not be flat on her back.
Grant and Steve both shook their heads "your hurt, you shouldn't use your hands too much, Bruce said." Grant stated firmly. "you might make it worse. you can show us when your better." he promised her. "i refuse. shut up Tony." Steve ordered, knowing Tony wouldn't be upset by the order. after all, Steve told everyone to shut up. he'd even told Clint to shut up three times in the last hour. the only person he hadn't told to shut up was Natasha and Eliza. "hey. don't do that." Steve ordered gently, carefully helping her to sit up and gathering up enough pillows so she could sort of sit up on her own. "Straw or spoon? you really shouldn't feed yourself but Bruce said if you insisted it probably wouldn't hurt too much so long as someone held the bowl." Grant admitted. "there's a lot of vitamins and stuff in the soup Steve made it himself, it actually tastes pretty damn good." "it's a recipe from my mom. i was sick a lot, this was often the only thing i could stomach." he admitted, smiling at her.
"....I don't like bruce. This isn't fair."Eliza sulked hating the feeling of being so absolutely helpless as she made a face. This was truly horrible really. "No. You can't tell me to shut up. If I can talk through a blowjob you're not going to simply order me to be quiet."tony huffed. "You talked through..." "yea. Bitch was boring me and didn't think I'd keep my head together enough to form coherent words."tony snickered at Natasha as the woman rolled her eyes."I'm fine...stop."Eliza growled even though she let him prop her up on pillows sighing quietly before nodding."...fine. spoon and Ill let you guys feed me..."she said sulking but her wrists hurt already so she was willing to let them do it. "I forgot you were a sick kid. It's amazing the serum didn't kill you."Natasha said looking amused knowing just how much the bed rest was killing eliza
Steve chuckled. "that's a pity. i like Bruce." he admitted with a smile. "he's painfully shy but he's pretty nice." he admitted. "and it isn't fair i know, but it's only for a week or so." he promised her before blinking at Tony wondering if he was insane. "yes. he's nuts." Grant agreed with Steve, realizing where Steve's thoughts where going. "i won't stop." Steve said back, completely uncaring about her bad mood. "here Grant, you feed her." Steve ordered. "i'll hold the bowl, it's heavy." he said. Grant hesitated, examining Eliza before nodding. "fine but she has to promise not to bite me first." Steve snickered before grimacing, glancing at Natasha. "actually, the Serum saved my life." Steve admitted. "i had Cancer, without the Serum i would have been dead before Bucky ever came home. of course, being that he'd been kidnapped, he probably never would have come home." he admitted, watching Grant feed Eliza so he didn't have to see the other expressions.
“...Well...maybe.”Eliza muttered willing to give the man a chance, even if she didn’t want to be nice to him since she was in need of a doctor, and hated doctors. It was just bruce’s misfortune to be treating her. “...I am not nuts. Just very picky about some bimbo telling me to shut up.”Tony huffed. “....”Eliza stared at Grant, before nodding. “Fine. I wont bite you.”She sighed quietly, starting to eat before wincing, “What?” “Oh. I remember reading about that.”Tony made a face, nodding slightly. “serum really did save you, even if it nearly killed you in the process.”
he chuckled. "Bruce isn't the same kind of doctor as your used to." Steve admitted with a smile. "he's more of a..." here he paused. "you know those doctors that go and deal with epidemics and fatally contagious diseases? he's one of those." Steve admitted. "he handles diseases more than damage. he's a specialist of sorts." he admitted. "he's great for emergencies though because he did a lot of work in emergency rooms too, which is why he knew you needed different stitches for your neck. he even knows how to do most surgeries." Steve admitted. "he's actually pretty cool." "you better not bite me." Grant mumbled. "i know where your ticklish." he mumbled, making Steve snicker. "it really did. i think that's why Dr. Erskine let me have it. because even though i was dying i was doing my damnedest to do my part." he admitted with a grin. "used to drive Bucky nuts." he admitted with a snigger. "hows the soup? does it need more salt? less pepper?" he asked, hoping she liked it and determined to make it perfect for her. she'd be eating a lot of it after all.
“...oh. Like a ER doctor, but for all the world. That makes sense.”Eliza muttered sighing softly, “I don’t hate him...I just don’t like being stuck like this....”She said well aware until she was healed, she probably wasn’t going to be walking or moving overly much. “Hm, but you like it when I bite you sometimes. And I’m not ticklish.”Eliza made a face at him. “’s fine. Could use a little more spice though.” “Russians usually have spicy foods, hot stuff.”Natasha said tilting her head a little.
he nodded. "yeah something like that. he also does a lot of stuff with genetics and medicine that make me confused." Steve admitted. "looking for cures and stuff like that." Grant further explained. "i know you hate it. but you need to stay still as much as possible so you'll heal faster." he explained softly. "it should only take four or five days for you to not have to worry about the stitches." he explained. "you'll need that time to regain your strength anyway." Grant admitted, smiling at her. "spices? oh! i know!" he agreed, handing the bowl to Grant before vanishing, returning with a few jars which he added to the soup before stirring it and motioning for Grant to continue. Steve had added quite the kick, red pepper flakes, something that burned in the back of the throat and what tasted almost like Tabasco. "hows that? better?"
Eliza sighed quietly, nodding a little as she rested her head back, looking quite sulky at having to stay in bed, but for the moment, quite willing to listen to them as it hurt to much to do anything. “I’ll stay still.At least, I’ll try to.”She muttered biting her lip a little. “Yes, spices...”Eliza said looking startled as eh disappeared, eyes widening as she took a sip of the broth, nodding eagerly, whimpering at the motion. “Very good.”She agreed smiling at him.
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