Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

Steve beamed at her, face lighting up like the sun when she said it was good. "good! i'll make sure to keep it spicy for you." he agreed happily. "there's all kinds of soups i could make for you." he admitted. "Tony can help me find Russian recipes if you'd like. he has this glowing square phone that he can find anything on!" "it's called a Tablet." "Tables don't glow!" "TABLET!" "ah. whatever." Steve shrugged. "you finish eating." he suggested, patting her knee gently.

it was four days before she fully had the strength to move around on her own. seven before Bruce could carefully remove the stitches and declared her mostly all better. he warned her not to do anything too physical but that light exercise would be okay so long as it didn't involve hitting or being hit. Steve had, as promised found all kinds of recipes for her. letting her choose what she wanted to eat. he did the same thing for Clint when the poor bastard came down with a severe head cold while she was recovering. poor Clint was still sick, huddled up i his nest and refusing to come down. they made a pulley system to deliver food. he refused to let Bruce look at him but Bruce wasn't too concerned, seeing as how he could just go up when Clint was sleeping to make sure it wasn't more than just a cold. he was giving Clint a few more days to start recovering before he did that though. "how are you feeling?" Steve asked, smiling at Elia when she came back after having her stitches pulled out. Grant, oddly enough, had started avoiding her a bit. he seamed to be mired in misery really, but wouldn't tell anyone what was wrong.
“Thanks Cap.”Eliza smiled a little. “Though it really is just a bigger phone if you think about it...”Tony said thoughtfully smirking a little as eliza ate.

Eliza was miserable, and not just because she hated being bed bound. But because she had noticed grant had made a effort to avoid her, though it wasn’t a huge effort considering she’d been bed bound until now. Worrying her, the misery and pain, and utter fear totally locked away, hiding behind her training to keep from asking the one question she really was afraid of. Had she been really abusing grant, and being called on it finally given him the bravery to tell her no? “It feels weird, and tender, but okay.”Eliza said gently touching her neck, tilting her head a little. “Bruce said I could do physical activities now. Do you think sex is to much of a strain?”she asked the good captain, because sex was the one way she connected with people, could show she cared, so the more upset she was, the more abandoned she was feeling, the more she wanted grant, though she was so utterly scared that maybe she’d forced grant?Maybe...biting her lip a little she swallowed hard, sitting down next to him. “What are you up to?”
Steve smiled a little at her. "well at least you've recovered well." he admitted happily. "now if only we could fix up Clint and Grant. Bruce thinks Grant has the cold ad that's why he's been acting funny." Steve admitted, trying to ease her worry. too bad she knew that Grant turned into the biggest limpet when he so much as had a sniffle. he curled up to the nearest person, whether he liked them or not and refused to move unless it was to move to someone he liked a bit more. he wasn't snuggling anyone, he was actively avoiding people. particularly Steve. Steve refused to admit he was really hurt by the behavior. "i dunno. did you ask him?" Steve asked, looking amused. "it's probably okay so long as no one grabs your wrists or neck." he admitted. "trying to find something to do." Steve admitted with a sigh. "i'm bored as hell and there's only so much working out and drawing a man can do." he admitted with a sigh.
“I’m glad. Better to be up and moving.”Eliza said before nodding. “If only. And he’s not....he’s...”She stared at the floor as she sighed quietly, “he’s a limpet when he’s sick. Grabs onto the nearest person and doesn’t let go.”Eliza muttered, sighing quietly. Hating that she had abused grant, and that it had taken this to make him feel safe enough to start avoding her. “Jarvis, will you ask Bruce if sex is okay?”She asked the AI smiling a little before tilting her head. “Well, we could go into town. I want to do some shopping, and tony said we could use his credit card.”She said, simply wanting out of the house that was becoming to much of a prison for her, and because, well she bought gifts for people when she thought she fucked up badly and needed to make it up. While it wasn’t the healthiest way of dealing with things, it was the only way eliza knew how to deal.
Steve nodded before he winced and nodded. "yeah... i had hoped he was sick. he's been avoiding me a lot too." he admitted with a sigh. "i don't know why it makes me twitchy." he admitted, looking upset. "do you think i did something?" Steve just assumed he'd done something wrong and Grant was avoiding him, and since he was always with Eliza that meant he wouldn't be around Eliza. Bruce reported back that sex was fine so long as it wasn't rough and didn't involve cuffs or restraints of any kind. "shopping?" Steve asked, perking up, his eyes glinting. the man was a maniac when it came to shopping, especially when it was with other people's money. "what are we waiting for? lets go!"
“Yea...I dunno.He’s...avoiding me...”Eliza said sadly, biting her lip, before shaking her head. “No. I mean, you haven’t done anything that I know would upset him. He’s just being weird.”Eliza said, not about to voice her concerns, not wanting comforted over her knowledge that she had fucked up badly. “Yes shopping. I want to get something for grant for being so good. And something for you to.”Eliza smiled grinning as they headed for the garage, having already gotten permission from tony to burrow one of the cars. “Just choose which car you want, and we’ll go shopping. Tony said the shopping district had a little bit of everything we could do.”
Steve shook his head. "i'm pretty sure he's avoiding me." Steve admitted. "every time i enter a room, he's leaving it." he admitted. "i had to have done something..." he mumbled unhappily. "he is being weird!" Steve agreed, scowling at the floor before smiling at her. "maybe he'd like a present. i'll get him one too." he decided before blinking at the cars. "i can't drive motor vehicles." he admitted. "i can drive a motorcycle of course, you saw that, but i can't drive a car, i never learned." he admitted. "they where too expensive for someone like me." he admitted before pointing. "let's drive that one!" it was the most normal looking car of the bunch of course.
“Well...he does the same thing to me. Though he’s usually polite enough to say he’s going to find tony or something...”Eliza said biting her lip, before nodding. “he likes presents. Hopefully he’ll stop running away.”She said looking upset before frowning. “Well, there’s bikes here to.”She pointed out before nodding, “Let’s.”She said looking amused as she got into the car, and when they got to the shopping district she looked around her, hands itching for a knife, feeling defenseless and annoyed by the crowds, but her need to get grant something washing away everything else. Swallowing hard, she set about finding something.

But it was hours later, and only steve’s pure happiness at shopping, that kept her from bolting as she grew even more frustrated at not finding the perfect gift as they stepped into the last boutique, pausing as she stared at the bracelet, before pointing at it to the helper. “I want that, with the coordinates 41°0′23.98″N 74°7′10″W.”she said swallowing thickly, so worried about what she was doing, but maybe...maybe it would be okay? Maybe grant would understand?
Steve nodded. "everyone likes presets. i'm going to buy Tony a present." he decided with a smirk. "the fact that i am buying it with his own money doesn't matter." Steve was such a little shit. "he's not that polite to me..." he admitted, sulking. "he just leaves... i really think he hates me." he admitted. "i don't want to take a bike, it's too cold out. you'll have to drive." he informed her. "you don't mind right?" he asked with a smile. he reached out and gently took her hand when he saw her twitch. he recognized the behavior from... well, everyone he associated with actually. "easy." he murmured softly. "it's okay." he promised her. "no one will fuck with you when i'm right next to you." he promised. Steve had bought a bunch of crap he didn't really want or need. he did as promised and got Tony, Bruce and Grant a present. as well as Natasha, Clint and Phil. he's picked one up for Eliza too but he'd managed to be sneaky enough that he was pretty sure she didn't know he'd gotten it. "of course Ma'am." the store clerk assured the woman, picking up a blank and setting it into the machine, rattling off the numbers again to make sure she'd put it in correctly. a minute later and Eliza had the bracelet in hand. "why those coordinates?" Steve asked curiously.
“He’d probably like that. Probably doesn’t get alot of gifts.”Eliza said looking thoughtful before sighing. “...Just try and talk to him. I mean, you are stronger then him. Kist keep him in the room, an we’ll find out what’s wrong.”Eliza said biting her lip, worried because she had no idea what was wrong, and truly scared that what shield had accused her of, was true. “No, I can drive.”She smiled as she drove, though definitely being more careful then normal, her wrists still tender enough that she was afrai of driving like her normal manic self. “...Okay. I’m okay.”She muttered holding his hand, smiling slightly. Amused as she watched steve buy everything he could ever want, indeed she didn’t even realize that he’d gotten something for her to. “Thank you.”Eliza smiled as she took the bracelet, cradling it in her hands as they headed for the car, eager to get home, to give grant his bracelet. “’s the coordinates for the hermitage museum in russia....first place I ever met Grant."She said with that soft, relaxed smile, soft and loving really.
he nodded. "that's what i was thinking." he admitted with a smile before grimacing. "i don't think forcing him to talk to me will help..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "if he's not better in three days, we'll do that." he decided. "tie him to a chair or something." he decided before smiling at her. "great! nd you can teach me how to drive sometime." he decided. "your my babysitter, your supposed to teach me these things." he teased with a grin. "your doing fine." he promised her.

"that's really romantic." Steve admitted with a smile. "i suppose asking you out on a date would be foolish of me?" he asked her, looking hopeful. "i really like you and Grant... i could ask you separately if you want? but i don't want to intrude in you and his relationship either..." he admitted, babbling a bit now because he was nervous. "i'm sorry. i shouldn't have said anything. now you'll think i'm stupid..." Steve groaned, hiding his face in his hands. "i was supposed to be all cool and suave and confident and now i'm just a babbling mess..."
“Probably not, but we’d at least know what was going on.”Eliza pointed out before laughing. “I will do that. And I thought you didn’t want babysitters.”She teased nodding, relaxing as she realized she was indeed doing okay.

“I thought so to...”Eliza said smiling a little before looking startled as she stared at him, not quiet sure what to say, because no one ever asked her out. Even grant, they’d just sorta, fell together, not really asked out. “ date us?”She said looking confused as he babbled, at a loss. “You are babbling...”She said staring at him, resting her hands on his shoulders, worried about him. Not realizing that if they asked him, grant would say no, simply because he thought they’d be asking him out of pity, not true desire to be with him.
"that's true." he agreed with a smile. "and i don't. but since i like you, i guess i don't mind so much." he admitted with a chuckle before blushing hard when he realized he was indeed babbling and making a fool of himself. "i... yes. i really like you ad Grant and your both really good looking so... yes, i want to date you." he admitted, blushing hard. "both of you. i mean. if that's okay..." he muttered, running a hand through his hair. "you can say no of course, i won't be upset." he promised her. "but i wanted to ask... i didn't want to not tell you." he admitted, fidgeting. "i just. i thought you should know."
Eliza stared at him, blushing herself, before nodding a little. “I would like that. A date, I mean.”She said blushing just as much before swallowing, “Let’s...go talk to Grant. I don’t want to decide anything without him...”She said biting her lip as she got into the car, nervous as she headed back to the house. "Grant!"She yelled as they walked into the house, smiling as they got home.
Steve blinked, looking almost startled. "you.. you would?" he asked, before brightening up as if he'd just turned into the sun. "okay!" he agreed, nodding happily. "do you want to talk to him alone?" he asked her curiously. "if you wat to do it alone i'll go deliver Tony's gift." he offered. "he's gonna be totally stoked!" he admitted with a grin, blinking in surprise when Grant actually appeared a few seconds later, looking worried. "Eliza? what's wrong?!"
“I would.”She smiled at him, amazed as she watched him brighten. It was amazing to see him like that, considering just how sad and upset he’d been when they first met. Biting her lip as she nodded a little. “I would be better.Considering how weird he’s been...”Eliza said before grinning. “He really is going to be stoked.”She snickered a little as she cheered at the sight of grant, smiling. “Nothing. Just wanted to talk. Come on, let’s go out to the beach. I wnat to go for a walk, spend time with you.”she smiled at him, heading for the door, dragging him with her, though she was still tired easily, and recovering, she wanted, needed to be with the other. Holding out the present box she was holding she smiled at him. “This is for you.”
Steve smiled at her. "okay!" he agreed happily. "he is! this thing is so cool! think he'll let me play with it too?" he asked curiously before smiling at Grant and skipping off, calling for Tony, Grant and Bruce. "...oh." Grant said, looking a bit fidgety. "okay." he agreed, yipping in surprise as he was dragged. "here. i'll drive. it's too far to walk." he decided.
“I’m fairly certain he would.”Eliza said smiling as she watched steve go, tilting her head as she looked at the other, worry darkening her features before nodding a little. “okay. Driving is okay.”She said proving that she was fairly tired still, settling into the car with him as he drove. Happy as they got to the beach, for once showing just how very happy and content she was to be with him, emotions showing instead of hidden as she got out and headed for the water. Kicking off her shoes she smiled as she held out the box to him,”for you.”She said looking nervous about giving him his gift, even if she knew he’d know what the coordinates meant, she wasn’t sure if he’d like it now that she'd had time to think about it.
he smiled a little and fidgeted again before opening the door for her simply because he needed to. he was a proper little gentlemen after all, Garret had made sure of that. "you look really happy." Grant admitted, relaxing a little. she was happy, he could be glad for her as long as she was truly happy. "what is it?" he asked, confused, examining the box. he'd never gotten a gift before. he'd received things of course, practical useful things. guns, clothes, essentials, even a few books that he was supposed to read to catch up to modern society and be a proper human being, but never a gift. he blinked at it and pulled it out, his head tilted. "what's it do?" he asked, baffled at it as he looked it over, head tilted. "is it for a mission?" he asked, wondering about the numbers and letters. he didn't know coordinates. he'd look them up later.
“I am. Really. I’m out of bed, I’m with you, and steve, and I guess the others are nice to have around to.”She snickered a little before tilting her head, frowning slightly.”It’s a gift. I saw this, and you’ve been in such a bad mood recently, I thought you’d be happy to get it.”She said looking nervous as he examined it, her features settling into anxiety as she realized he didn’t like it. “No, no mission. Just a reminder of where we first met...”She smiled quietly, softly. “Hermitage Museum, russia. That’s the map coordinates for it...”She explained smiling quietly.
he smiled a little at her. "i'm glad your feeling better." he admitted, smiling at her a little. "a gift?" he asked, looking even more baffled. "what for? i've never had a gift before." he admitted, looking a little bit more open to the idea now. after all, it was her giving it to him. "i haven't been in a bad mood..." he denied, a little too quickly of course. so of course he was lying. "...oh..." he looked guilty suddenly. "i... don't remember that mission..." he admitted, giving her a guilty glance. "i hit my head really hard and i don't remember about. three months...." he admitted, looking upset. "i don't remember meeting you for the first time... i'm sure you kicked my ass...."
“Yes a gift. And because I thought you’d like it. I mean, I thought you’d feel better if you knew you mattered to me...”She said blushing ever so softly, as close to admitting to loving him without being drugged as she’d ever had. “Yes you have.”She sighed quietly before wincing, looking hurt before hiding it, mentally stepping back. “No, you actually kicked stopped me from stealing a 084....”She said something hurt in her voice as she struggled to not have it show, wondering if it had just been that unimportant to him to forget, even if it hadn’t been till weeks later that he’d rescued her. Wondering why anyone would bother lying about that, and she was sure the hit to the head was a lie, after all, it was a bad one....feeling lost and hurt she swallowed hard, shaking her head, “Never mind. It was just a mission...we had plenty of those together after that one...”She shrugged before tilting her head. “There was something else I wanted to talk to you about to...”
he blinked at her. "oh..." he looked a little less unhappy at that, realizing she did care about him. "i haven't..." he protested, sulking a little before wincing. "i'm sorry." he mumbled. "i should remember. but..." he reached up and traced a finger along a tiny scar right at the edge of his hairline. "they told me i fell off the balcony." he admitted. "i'm not sure i believe them." he admitted before he scoffed. "there's no way i beat you." he stated, shaking his head. "it's impossible." he huffed. "it wasn't just a mission." he mumbled. "not if it was important to you." he admitted, looking at her before blinking at her. "you and Steve are starting a relationship. i know. i'm glad your happy." he admitted with a smile. "you two will be good for each other."
“It’s okay.”She sighed smiling slightly, looking up, frowning a little at the scar, “’re not that stupid. Falling off a balcony doesn’t seem like something you’d do, even by accident.”She muttered looking at the scar, before smiling wider, shrugging. Not willing to upset him more then he already was by not remembering, not willing to tell him exactly why it was important to her. “Well, i was more focused on getting the painting, instead of fighting. You beat me into paying attention.”She snickered a little before tilting her head, studying him.”We are. But he wants to date us both.Together.He asked when we went out, and I wanted to talk to you about it....he didn’t want to mess up anything, and since you’ve been avoiding us....I thought it’d be easier to just talk to you.”
he shook his head. "i was knocked off." he explained. "i don't remember it so i can't be sure but i imagine that you knocked me off it." he teased with a grin before shrugging. it seamed a bit baffling to him too but he wasn't about to dig into it. he wasn't curious enough. he'd never been a very curious child, probably because Curiosity just got him in trouble. "painting?" he asked, looking startled. "i thought you where going after an 0-8-4?" he asked, blinking a little. "well, i suppose a painting could be one." he agreed. "there was a pen that was an 0-8-4 once." he admitted before snorting. "i can't beat you when your half dead." he pointed out. "there's no way i could have ever beaten you." he scoffed, shaking his head before blinking at her, startled before he looked away. "...Eliza..." he whispered, sounding pained. "i'm not the kind of guy you want to date... i don't love." he said, wanting it to be his fault so she didn't know that he knew she was only taking him in out of pity. "i don't... feel things. not like you do. i'm empty inside, i'm not good for dating. i'd just ruin it." he admitted, standing up. "i can't be the man you need me to be... i'm sorry."
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