Reasons To Live(Avengers)Moon/Lady

he nodded. "we'll have to help them then." he decided. "granted, i don't know much about living life in this time either but i could help a little right?" he asked with a smile. "i like him actually. he's quirky but he's fun." he admitted with a smile. "that's right. Dr. Selvig said something like that to me once." he admitted, smiling at Natasha. "Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier, but a good man. that's what he said to me. i think it could apply to any one of us." he admitted.

"nice. i think Phil is coming. Garret is sulking like a child." Clint admitted, amused. "Phil's coming along as our 'handler' to keep us from doing stupid things, Natasha and me are coming with as 'violence prevention'. well that's it officially. unofficially we're there to keep Grant and Eliza from running away, not that we'd actually stop them if they wanted to, not that Garret and Fury need to know that. even if i think Fury does know." Clint admitted. "we better keep her held up. if there's turbulence she'll fall off the bed." Clint warned. "injured as she is, that could be dangerous." he admitted. "i'm here Eliza." Grant promised, starting to wake up a bit. "your with Steve, we're moving to a safer location." he explained. "it's okay." Steve promised. "i have you."
“Well, Tony knows more then any of us, so we’ll let him take care of the living in now moments, and simply just try to help some.”natasha smiled a little.”I think it does.”She smiled a little at the knowledge that they’d just have to be good.

“Hmmm, he just doesn’t want them leaving.”Natasha snickered a little well aware that Garret was sulking at having two of shield’s best leaving, having noticed that while he cared for them, eliza and grant’s presence to him was more about how they made him look good, instead of them as them. “Unofficially, we’re here to encourage you guys to stay with tony, better working enviroment, SI could use some good spies.” “I don’t need more spies in my company!”Tony whined a little shaking his head as he settled into his chair, listening to the other’s get settled, smiling softly as he watched steve and grant both settling onto the couch with eliza. “...Steve....captain?”She muttered relaxing as she realized just who was holding her, sighing quietly, “...Safe....”she muttered shifting a little to rest her head on his shoulder, even if she was lookign at grant with sleepy drugged eyes.
Steve nodded. "Garret rubs me the wrong way." he admitted with a huff. "he looks at people like he's calculating how best to use them for his own advantage." he grumbled before blinking at her. "stay with... Tony?" he asked. he'd never thought of that. it was... he liked the idea. a lot. he wasn't a Shield agent after all. and if Natasha wanted it, then it had to be safe. he trusted Natasha more than anyone else, save Fury. Fury he trusted too and if Fury and Natasha both wanted him to stay with Stark then there was probably a reason. a big one. he would have to find out later. "everyone needs spies in their company. to protect you from other spies if nothing else. i bet Justin Hammer has spies." Clint admitted. "i bet he's always trying to sneak in here and steal your stuff. that new gun of his looks an awful lot like the one you made." Clint admitted, amused. "only while ours shoots non lethal stuff his has bullets. probably why it doesn't work properly. then again it could just be that Hammer is a idiot." "yes. i'm here." he promised her before glancing at Grant. "that's right Elia. we're safe." Grant promised her, smiling. "go back to sleep гадюка."

“He rubs alot of us the wrong way.”Natasha agreed before nodding a little. “Yes.Staying with tony. It’s safe, best security money can buy, and super villians tend to attack him, so sticking around him will give us people to fight.”Natasha snickered a little before looking amused at tony’s reaction, knowing it was all bluster, seeing the truth underneath, he really wasn’t minding having them around. “Hammer is to stupid to know how to have good spies. I keep them around cause watching him try figuring out my stuff amuses me.”Tony huffe snickering a little as he yawned, settling back to nap while they flew. “...kay...”Eliza muttered as she drifted to sleep.

“Welcome, my favorite house, the one I spend the most time in, make yourselves comfortable. Anything you need, ask Jarvis.” Natasha snickered silently, knowing that the AI was a well kept secret mostly, so having tony announce his presence was going to shock them. “jarvis?”Eliza muttered somewhat awake from where she was resting in steve’s arms, rollign her eyes to look around her, tense and unsettled in his arms, but not trying to get away either. “Hm, Jarvis, say hello.” Tony grinned laughing outloud as the AI’s voice made Eliza, and even natasha who was expecting it, jump some.
Steve nodded. "i like it!" he admitted with a grin. "i hope his girlfriend doesn't mind." he admitted. "Pepper right? he just saved her life a few weeks ago so...." he was not about to admit the idea of annoying Pepper scared the hell out of him. "i wouldn't mind fighting." Steve admitted with a grin. "it would be pretty awesome taking on some bad guys again." he admitted before smiling at Eliza as Clint snorted at Tony. "you do realize eventually he's gonna get lucky right?"Clint asked Tony.

"...hey Tony?" Steve said, blinking at the house. "there are rocks in your house." he informed the man before twitching when Jarvis spoke, only his long, long history with self control stopped him from completely freaking out. Clint had a weapon in hand as soon as Jarvis spoke and Grant had pulled a gun while Phil, who was just walking in, greeted the A.I. "please don't play pranks on jumpy Shield Agents stark." Phil ordered. "you can calm down. Jarvis does not have a physical bod and can neither hurt, nor attack you."
“She wont.At least not much, she generally thinks tony needs more people looking after him.”Natasha smiled a little before snickering. “I’m sure you’ll find some then.”She said pleased to know that the idea of the team, was going to make them all happy. Tony jummed a little, glancing at clint, “who?Hammer or Cap?”He muttered a little having been watching steve and eliza.

“they’re artful rocks.”Tony said before snickering as they all freaked at jarvis, smirking slightly. “But Agent, it’s not nearly as fun telling them right out that it’s a AI.”Tony sulked at his fun being ruined, and his fun being restricted down to not playing pranks on them. Eliza sighed swallowing hard, because that sounded like zola, turning her face into steve’s chest she pressed closer to him, trying to hide from the creepy fake voice, sure that there was going to be pain to go with it. “Anyone hungry?Need anything?”Tony offered, anxious to make them comfortable now that he’d upset them without meaning to. While he’d wanted to prank them, looking at the slightly panicked look on eliza’s face, made him feel bad about it.
he nodded. "honestly? he probably does." he admitted with a chuckle. Clint smirking at Tony. "both." he admitted.

...."Artful Rocks...." Steve muttered, wrinkling his nose. modern Architecture baffled him and modern interiors did too it seamed. "Tony. you cannot play pranks on people who are traumatized." Clint explained. "i'll explain later okay?" he knew Natasha was unnerved by Jarvis too because of her own experiences with Zola. "Eliza needs a bed." Steve admitted, looking worried about her, Grant murmuring soft, reassuring things to her. Steve let Grant have her, now that he was awake enough to carry her without risking dropping her or falling over himself. "i could use some food." Clint admitted, his stomach growling. distracting Tony from his self guilt hopefully.
"...okay. I need rules."tony said watching him all, looking upset because he'd thought it would just be a little amusing, he hadn't realized it'd be something to mess hI'm up. Biting his lip as he looked at them all before his features shut down, simply stepping back and not willing to let them see how upset he really was. "Beds down that hallway. My rooms locked choose whatever room you want."tony said pointing down the hall and looking at clint."foods this way."tony said heading for the kitchen. Natasha sighed quietly shaking her head, yea this was bad. She hadn't considered warning the other's just how bad tony could be.
Phil offered Tony a smile. "no one's angry at you Tony." he promised the man. "we didn't think to warn you, that's my fault if it's going to be anyone's." he admitted. "go and pick a room." Phil ordered the gathered group. Clint, he knew, was probably going to roost in the vents instead of picking a room. "Pranks aren't bad Tony." Clint promised the man as they walked. "the problem here is that... the Red Room... god how do i explain this?" he asked, running a hand through his hair. "there's a man, named Zola. he downloaded his brain into a computer system not unlike Jarvis, only ola is cruel, wicked, evil really.... it is Zola who sets their punishment, Zola who decides which girls from the Red Room go on and which are too weak to continue. Zola who... decides when a girl needs to be tortured. for Natasha it's not so bad, but for Eliza... she's been out for a year, year and a half... she's still extremely traumatized." he explained to Tony. "she won't be mad, but she's probably never going to like Jarvis." Phil admitted. "not because Jarvis frightens her, but because he's too much like Zola." he looked at Tony. "you can still play pranks, i'd just recommend not doing it to Eliza or Grant. they're still very damaged from their pasts."
Tony frowned at the agent, tilting his head a little. “Well, that’s it. You don’t get that shield you nearly walked off with. And no threatening to taze me.”Tony huffed calming down a little before frowning at clint, paling slightly as he realized what had happened. “I was a teenager when I left, things didn’t get really bad until your teen years. Eliza’s still adjusting to teh real world....probably thinks he’s like Zola or something....though considering he controls your suit, he’s like a more mild version.”Natasha said looking thoughtful and wondering if they could use Jarvis to track down Zola. That was the man reason she was staying here with Tony, because she was trusting that she could use all that intelligence and tech to track down James. “....Oh. No pranks on Eliza or grant...easy enough. What about the captain?” “As long as you don’t mind risking getting punched, and he knows that it’s just you screwing with him, he probably wouldn’t care.”
Phil snorted a little. "i didn't 'nearly' anything." he stated with a sniff. "oh yeah, he has that puppy hanging in his office. didn't you notice?" Clint asked, looking amused. "Phil's a little thief really. it's a problem, i've tried getting him into rehab but apparently they don't make those for people who are kleptomaniacs." "shut up Clint. i don't steal from anyone." "unless it's captain America stuff." "it's for a good cause. it's not stealing if they never even notice it's missing." Phil said with a sniff. "besides, my tazer is my life. i need it." Phil said. "i can promise only to use it on you if you really really deserve it." he promised. "hell, she still sleeps with her arm cuffed to her bed." Clint admitted, sounding pretty bothered by that. "they did that. handcuffed the girls to the beds so they couldn't escape during the night." "the Red Room is still in full effect, working with Hydra. so far we have been unable to ascertain their location. all we know is that there are several." Phil admitted. "i was hoping to get your help tracking several different key factors." Phil admitted, looking at Tony. "our world is in Danger Mr. Stark and you could very well be the lynch pin that pulls a team together to save that world. if not The Lynchpin then at least one of them." he admitted, glancing at Tony. "officially i cannot say a word. unofficially, Fury needs you to protect our Agents." he said, voice so low you almost couldn't hear it. "the seven headed snake sits on a shield after all." Clint gasped, a strangled, horrified sound and Phil looked away from Tony. "Shield will not ask for your help Mr. Stark because we are not allowed. but Captain? Natasha? Eliza? i do hope if they ask, you'll help them." he admitted before walking off to check on Grant and Eliza.
“...Really?But I...”Tony frowned thinking it over,”Well. Damn. I guess I got so distracted by discovering a new element, you walked off with it. You are a sneaky bastard, Coulson.” “He’s quite a cute Klepto though.”Natasha snickered a little before smirking. “And I would make sure you’re collections well hidden, Tony.”She warned smirking a little. “...fine. I can live with that.”Tony huffed before wincing, looking bothered at the idea of eliza sleeping handcuffed. “Well, hopefully we can help her.”he muttered calming a little before tilting his head, looking vaguely worried and disturbed that Phil was asking this of him. Because it meant it was dangerous and serious, if they were looking for help outside of their normal means. “I’ll protect them.Even from your stupid shield.”Tony muttered his eyes glazing a little, already mentally working on what needed to be done to find hydra. “...What do you two want to eat?”Tony said starting to look through the cupboards to find something.

Eliza stirred a little at the sound of phil walking in, head resting on Grant’s chest as they laid in the bed, sighing quietly.”Hey phil.”She said carefully, slowly. More aware, but talking hurt.
Phil just gave Tony a small, innocent smile. "why, i distinctly remember you asking me if i wanted it." "did he?" "yes. when he smashed it with a pipe." "...aah..." Clint muttered, laughing. sometimes Phil was worse than Tony was! "i am adorable. obey me." Phil agreed with a chuckle before his eyes gleamed. "i had forgotten that you had a collection." he admitted, staring at Tony. "you know what else is hilarious? he's been in Steve's presence six times and Steve still hasn't met you." Phil paused, looking startled and then horrified. it was true! "i am sure if anyone can truly help Steve and Eliza it is the people here." Phil admitted. "take care of yourself too Tony. don't work too hard. Steve will be upset if you get sick." Clint warned. "i can't believe it though. Hydra in shield.... not good." he mumbled. "anything is fine." Clint promised. "i can't cook, i eat pretty much anything." he admitted. "Natasha's a bit pickier though." he admitted with a grin.

"hello Eliza." Phil said, gently sitting by her legs so he wouldn't jar her too much. "i need you to listen very carefully." he informed her, voice very soft. "you cannot return to Shield. too many people want you gone. those loyal to shield are no problem, but not everyone there is loyal to shield." he informed her. "if you ever receive a call to go back, Do. Not. Go. do you understand?" he asked, Grant nodding. "it's Hydra, isn't it. you've finally discovered... them." "...them?" "...Garret is Hydra." "what!?" Phil demanded, vice filled with hurt when Grant nodded. "..and you?" he asked Grant. "are you Hydra?" "not anymore. no. i was. for Garret. because i thought.... but he doesn't. Eliza does. Cap does. i'm loyal to them." Grant admitted. "what about you?" "we don't have proof yet. we don't have the information we need. we'll set it up that Stark gave you a better offer. it will hopefully keep everyone off our backs but be careful."
“....I distinctly don’t remember this. I think you’re being delusional and you need admitted.”Tony decided before smirking. “I have a huge collection, and you can’t have it.” “That is fairly amusing. You’ll have to introduce yourself, Phil.”natasha snickered a little before nodding, “I’m sure he would be. I’ll take care of myself.”He muttered as he started cooking pasta and some cheese sticks, before nodding. “It’s not good. But this house, we’re okay in here.” “Pasta’s fine, tony.”natasha said looking amused as the man looked at her to make sure the food was okay.

“Hm?”Eliza frowned at him, eyes widening a little, swallowing thickly. “I understand. I wasn’t...going to go back anyways. Only reason to go back, was garret and steve...and nat clint and you...”She muttered before tensing a little, looking up at grant, resting her head on his shoulder. Pained because she’d known, well...had guessed, but hadn’t known for sure that garret was hydra, that she’d still been doing widow’s work even if she’d been working for shield. “....Be careful. Garret’s good at reading people...”She muttered worried about phil before nodding. “Stark mentioned hiring us in as spies to SI. A definitely better offer....and one Garret might even try to exploit himself...might be able to expose him that way....”
Phil huffed. "i think your the one who is delusional Mr. Stark. being as i was holding it when i told you i was going to new Mexico. i took your silence as permission." "Klepto!" "don't make me punish you." "shutting up!" "my collection is vastly larger than yours." Phil said with a sniff. "i certainly will have to." Phil agreed, eyes gleaming with excitement. "i wonder if he'll sign my cards?" he mumbled s he left, Clint snickering. "god he's amusing." he admitted with a grin before glancing at Tony, his head tilted. "want some help?" Clint asked, wondering if he could boil water without making an explosion? probably not. "you know what? never mind. i'm told it's impolite to break other peoples kitchens..."

Phil nodded. "good." he said, relieved before smiling at her. "i'll be going back, but i have ways to get out if it becomes too dangerous for me." he promised her. "so don't worry about me." he ordered with a smile, Grant nuzzling her hair a little. "i could never betray you that way." he promised her. "he is good at reading people." Phil admitted with a shake of his head. "we're hoping that Tony might have a way to find list or ledgers, something, anything that will help us find out who is Hydra and who is loyal to Shield." he admitted. "granted, i can't actually ask Tony. i hope i wasn't TOO subtle for him.... i'm told that it's a failing of mine." he admitted with a smile. "you get some rest and recover." he ordered gently. "your safe here and we have a doctor coming in.... well i think he's coming." he admitted.
Tony snickered rolling his eyes, before smirking. “That’s the only thing that’s larger then mine. So I’ll let you have that one.”Tony smirked a little before smiling. “He probably will, and he is amusing.”Tony snickered pointing at him. “Stay away from my kitchen. I’ve been told how you cook, Barton.” “You do tend to blow things up.”Natasha smirked looking amused, tilting her head a little as she glanced at the clock. “When was Banner getting in?” “Anytime tonight. He was flying in from Bangkok.”Tony shrugged smiling as he cooked.

“...Good. And you will leave if it gets worried. You wont have Clint or Natasha to look after you.”She muttered worried despite his order not to. Relaxing a little as grant nuzzled her, “Good.”She muttered, trusting him, because grant was one of the few people she trusted, she couldn’t doubt him, otherwise she’d go insane. “....Natasha’ll probably ask him to look for James. Which in turn should lead to other things...”She muttered before snickering, wincing at the pain before nodding. “It is a failing, but with Tony, if you don’t get him directions, I have a sense you get more then you could ever dream of.”She pointed out before nodding a little, shifting to settle and yawning. Trusting steve and grant to look after her while she slept, even if she twitched a little at the idea of not being handcuffed, but not quite sure how to ask for them without freaking the boys out. “Natasha sai he was on the way. I’m sure the doc’ll be here soon.”
Clint actually laughed at the sexual innuendos and shook his head. "sometimes i forget that Phil can be a child." he admitted with a smile before pouting at Tony. "not even a little explosion? come on, it will be fun." he promised, eyes glittering with mischief. "Bangkok?" he asked, smirking. "i wonder if he's gay?" he mused. there would be a lot of jokes there for a guy coming back from a place called Bangkok.

he nodded. "if i even get the faintest hint of danger i'll be gone." he promised her. "besides, i have Fury watching my back, and a few others that i know without a doubt can be trusted." he promised. "i'll be fine." he promised, smiling at the two little love bugs. "James. i forgot about that." Phil admitted, looking guilty. "i agree, finding him could open a lot of doors." he admitted before smiling. "Tony will have everything we need before the month is out i'm sure." he admitted. "he's a brilliant man." he admitted with a smile. "good. i'd feel better knowing Dr. Banner was assisting her." he admitted. "hey." Steve chirped as he walked in with some more blankets, blinking at Phil who was now blushing. "oh. Captain! I gotta say, it's an honor to meet you, officially. I sort of met you, I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping. I mean, I was... I was present while you were unconscious from the ice. You know, it's really, it's just a... just a huge honor to meet you...." Phil stuttered out, going bright red when Steve stared at him. "uh.... the honors all mine..." Steve said, shaking Phil's hand and blinked when he stuttered some excuses and fled. "...huh...."
“No, no explosions. Pepper will blame it on me, and I already get yelled at enough for explosions.” “If you’d not blow the lab up once a week, you wouldn’t have to restrain yourself.”Natasha pointed out smirking a little. “Yes Bangkok, India. You are such a child, Clint.”Natasha teased rolling her eyes. “I wish. Imagine my sex life if he was, I could have both science and sex at once.” “No you wouldn’t.” “Why not?” “Because, if you were screwing someone just as brilliant as you, you’d stop and talk science instead of having sex.” “Would not!”

“Good.”Eliza smiled a little before nodding, looking pained before resting a hand on the other’s arm, even if it made her wrists ache. “Don’t worry. We’ve been working on it, trying to not get him in trouble, and make things worse, is what took so long, not because you forgot to help us.”She said knowing he’d understand. Her and natasha had been working in near silence, under the radar, so that the hydra they knew were in control, wouldn’t realize that they were looking for james. Snickering quietly at phil’s stuttering she smiled tiredly as she snuggled against grant, reaching out for a blanket and shaking her head a little as phil fled. “You’ll have to forgive him. Not all your fans are as cool and collected as Tony. He’s usually more articulated then that.”She smiled a little.
Clint huffed. "Pepper ruins all my fun."he complained before smirking at Natasha. "i am a child, that's why Phil Loves me." he stated, looking pleased with himself before he started to laugh at the idea of Tony having sex with Bruce Banner. "she's right and you know it!" he paused when the elevator dinged and a shy man entered. "uh, hello? the disembodied Voice told me i could just come up... that's a pretty amazing system you have by the way..." he admitted, rubbing the back of his head, looking shy and decidedly homeless with the dirty and torn clothes and the beard that clearly hadn't been shaved in weeks. he was clean though, mostly and looked so shy it was hard not to run over and snuggle him. "are you Bruce Banner?" "uhm. yes..." "it's a pleasure to meet you, Clint Barton, this is Natasha Romanoff, you might recognize her from that mess in Harlem?" Bruce nodded. it was only thanks to her that he'd been able to escape in the end. "and this is Tony Stark, owner of the disembodied voice! where's your stuff?" "oh.. uh." he blinked at his empty hand. "oh... i must have left it downstairs... the voice startled me a bit." of course, he only had the one duffel bag.

Phil smiled at her. "try not to move." he ordered gently. "with Stark helping, i'm sure you won't have any trouble finding him." he admitted. "now you get some sleep." he ordered. "yur hurt fairly bad and i don't want you making yourself worse." he warned with a smile. "uhm..." Steve blinked at Phil when he left before smiling at Eliza. "i'll have to take your word for it." he admitted, gently spreading the blanket over her so she wouldn't get cold. "that Doctor Phil called for is here. he will probably be up soon." he admitted. "how are you feeling? hungry or thirsty at all?"
“She ruins my fun to. So many dates end badly when she stares at them.” “...Tony, you have more sex then anyone without a STD should ever have. Don’t complain.”Natasha rolled her eyes because she knew most of tony’s one nights stands ended with pepper kicking the girls out, then joining tony in bed herself for a good morning snuggle. The spy actually found it amazing most of the time that the two hadn’t simply given in and had sex yet really. Anyone going through tony’s near death experience knew they had it bad for each other. “That’s jarvis.”Tony supplied grinning at the other man, looking him over, biting his lip to keep from bouncing in place, simply glad to have another scientist around, because it was rare that he had smart people around to talk at. “Welcome back to the states, Bruce.”Natasha smiled a little snickering at bruce’s words.”Sit. I’ll get your bag, get some food before you run off to check on your patient.”She said leaving the room. “I feel like I should turn off jarvis to stop from freaking you all out...”

“Kay.”Eliza winced a little sighing softly, before nodding a little. “Hopefully not.”she muttered closing her eyes, because despite not being drugged, she was still tired. Her body not recovering quickly from being hurt. “I wont.”She promised, glancing up at steve, sighing softly in pleasure as the warm blanket settled over her and grant, “...A drink would be good.”
Clint snorted. "honestly i don't understand why she lets you sleep around like that." he admitted. "i mean honestly how are you two not a couple?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at Tony before smiling at Bruce. "Jarvis." Bruce muttered, sounding impressed. "thank you Ms. Romanoff." Bruce said with a smile. "and thanks for helping me escape the States too." he admitted. "i could go for some food." Bruce agreed before blinking at Tony. "Turn him off?! no don't do that! he's amazing! is he an algorithm?" he asked. "there's been rumors that you created an honest to god A.I, is that what he is? however did you manage it?! does he truly have a will of his own? a personality? or is it just a very clever imitation?" Bruce asked, looking just as excited as Tony. "i'd love to study him if you'd let me... oh. thank you." he said when he had food in front of him. as Skinny as Bruce was, Clint had made sure to share most of his food with the man. Bruce clearly had been roughing it, a lot since he had escaped the grip of General Ross. he looked as if he'd been living in the woods. wherever he'd been, he clearly hadn't been eating enough. clearly that hadn't dampened his scientific nature from the way he was talking to Tony about math, computer programs and other such things.

"here..." Steve murmured, setting a straw to her lips and letting her gulp her fill before standing watch while she rested. he and Grant where very protective of her. aint no one was getting through them to hurt her.
“Pepper’s given up trying to stop me from sleeping around....and we’re not a couple because we’re not.”Tony said blushing a little, tilting his head a little. “you’re welcome.”Natasha smiled a little. “Well, he freaks out the others. And he’s a honest to god AI, I don’t do iminatations.”Tony smirked a little. “And go ahead and study him if you want. Just don’t change anything, even if he’s a true AI, it wouldn’t take much to mess up his code, and considering I need him to run the suit...”Tony shrugged a little smiling, pleased to see the other man eating.

“Thanks.”She muttered sipping it before settlign back into the bed, closing her eyes as she settled back and falling asleep.
Steve chuckled a little. "i think the only person who doesn't think your a couple is you." Clint admitted, smiling at Tony. "but so long as your both happy then i'm certainly not going to cast any judgement." he admitted. "why would he freak people out? aside from a slight shock...." "it's their pasts more than anything." Clint explained to Bruce. "they where tortured under a A.I controlled by Hydra. not that he's a real A.I." "...that sucks." Bruce admitted, looking horrified at the idea of someone being tortured because some fake machine ordered it. "i won't change his code." Bruce promised. it was easy to see he was both very nervous, and very excited to be there. so excited that he babbled science to Tony and never noticed that Clint and Natasha kept sliding more food onto his plate. he only seamed to realize when an hour had passed and he was still eating. "i should check on the woman... they never told me her name." he admitted. "only that she was a... well it's not fit for polite conversation. they sounded pretty disgusted that they had to call me in for her..." "she's a turned Russian Spy. they don't like her. they don't like Natasha either but they can't touch her because she's been in shield for too long and knows too may powerful people." " it does happen everywhere." Bruce mumbled as he let Tony lead him up the stairs. he faltered at the sight of Captain America, his brain screaming at him to 'Run! it's the military!' he could hear Hulk growling in the back of his head, but then the Captain Smiled at him and all that fear went away. "you must be Bruce Banner. it's nice to meet you, Tony's been crawling the walls ever since ou decided to join us. apparently unschooled ninety year olds don't make for stimulating conversation." his voice was full of laughter and Bruce calmed down even more. "i'm excited to be here. i haven't had a chance to talk science with another person since i... er. broke Harlem... and even then he wasn't all that bright..."
“...”Tony stared at him, shrugging a little. “She’s happy bossing me around.”Tony shrugged a little before wincing. “Yea, Jarvis is to close to what they remember to really be okay with him.”Tony said looking just as horrified at the idea of a computer torturing someone.”Good. Jarvis is smart enough without anyone tweaking around with him.”Natasha snickered a little, amused as they got the man to eat some more. “Eliza.... And they were very disgusted with her. Not only is she formerly a russian spy, but she’s also screwing one of the most eligible bachelors in shield, not that he was ever availible to date, but they thought he was.”Natasha snickered a little. “Cap, this is bruce.”Tony grinned amused as he looked at bruce, looking nervous. Knowing the other’s problems with the military, so he was hoping that it would be okay. Snickering a little. “You’re right. You’re definitely not stimulating conversation. You don’t even understand english.” Not that have the science stuff sounded like english really. “...Hello?”Eliza growled softly, pained as she tensed, prepared to defend herself even if she had two better protectors there to.
Clint snorted. "i'll say!" he agreed with a grin. "oh..." Bruce grimaced a little before shaking his head. "they'll adjust to it. once they realize Jarvis has no pain connotations they'll stop being so afraid of him. they might never really like him, but they'll get to the point to where they won't mind him." Bruce assured Tony. "oh, i said i wouldn't mess with him, i never said i wouldn't give Tony ideas." Bruce admitted, looking amused. "granted, electronics and technology aren't my major scientific route so i'm not sure if i could actually help there." he admitted. "when it comes to Computers Tony is quite a bit smarter than me." he admitted before blinking. "okay so they hate her because she got the guy?" he asked, looking close to laughing. "that's is like a bad Argentinian soap opera." he admitted. "No, non una parola di inglese." Steve chirped, making Bruce snicker. "Nein, kein Wort Englisch." Steve chirped, making Bruce snicker again. "No, no es una palabra de Inglés." now Bruce was outright chuckling and Steve smiled like an innocent Cherub. "it's okay Eliza. it's just the doctor." Grant promised, stroking her hair. "Doc? could you come in slow? make sure she can see your hands." "of course, of course." Bruce promised, walking in slow at an angle so she could see him easily, his hands up. "my name is Bruce Banner. i'm a Medical Doctor as well as an astrophysicist, Chemist and Biologist." he explained. "they asked me to come in and look after you. i need my bag... my medical kit is in it." "i'll go get it Doc." Clint promised, vanishing down to the lobby. he was scowling when he came back up, a half full duffel in hand. "is this really all you have?" "it's best to travel light when the government wants to do an autopsy on your still living, breathing body." he pointed out.

Translation for all three:
No, Not a word of English.
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