love is blind (moon/lady)

“I do not. I can always talk and be amazing.” “Thank you tony. Really. This is amazing.”Kate said eyes tearing up a little. “hey, hey hey, no crying. Birdbrain, stop her. She’s crying. I’m so terrible I made her cry.”Tony whined looking annoyed because his chances of seducing Clint was going to go down the drain if the idiot was focusing on kate. Whining nearly in disappointment he huffed. “Okay, I can make one for you to.Though I want something for it, barton.”Tony smirked a little. “And no I wouldn’t, because if I did, it’d be me fury called to fix all the problems, and not even on my best day do I want to deal with that.”
"it's okay Tony. she's just emotionally overwhelmed." Matt explained. "she's finally feeling calm and safe enough to process what's happened so her moods are going to be a bit all over the place." he admitted, Clint nodding. "she's really happy for the gift Tony. it's okay. you didn't make her cry, she's just overwhelmed. Agents like us? we're not used to having help. usually we're expected to do everything for ourselves. so all the support is..." he shrugged and Steve made a face. "how about a vintage Captain America lunchbox first edition good condition?" Clint asked, smirking at Tony. "and i want two of them for it."
“....okay then.”Tony said looking skittish and vaguely annoyed with the tears, though he didn’t protest, not wanting to upset kate even more. “I really am okay. This is amazing,even if I can’t read it yet.”Kate said rubbing her fingers over the braille, before nodding. “We’re not used to help.”she agrred shrugging a little. “....Okay.”Tony said simply not even bothering to argue like he would usually for the price of tech, which said the lunchbox was probably something he didn’t have.
Clint smiled at Tony ad gently reached out and took his hand, holding it to offer Tony a brief moment of comfort until he'd settled himself back down. "you'll learn quickly. all the letters are the same, it's just remembering the new way of writing them." Matt admitted. "personally, i don't think most people are really used to help." "people are a lot less to offer help these days unless your close to them emotionally." Steve agreed. "or obligated. strangers helping strangers just doesn't happen anymore." he was pointedly ignoring the fact that Clint was probably giving away one of Phil's collectables. though, it was from the pile Phil had literally, allowed Clint to use as bartering tools with Tony. Clint, desperate to remain close to Phil, was still ordering new, and always hard to come by collectables. some of which Phil already had, the doubled items usually went into the pile for using against Tony. not that Tony knew that.
“Tony smiled a little as he settled, tilting his head a little as he smiled at the archer before squirming to get comfortable, leaning into him, settlign in to his newest project ‘seduce hawkeye.’ “True...and since this is also a keyboard, you already know what it looks like. You can simply work on remembering the letters.”Tony pointed out with a smile. “Oh. That makes sense...”Kate said calming a little before smiling. “No, it doesn’t happen anymore.”Tony said shrugging, also ignoring clint’s giving away phil’s stuff, because he knew if it was down in the room, he could always just set it aside to let clint visit it if he really wanted to.
Clint smiled at Tony and snuggled him, glad to have the physical contact, plus it made Steve twitchy. "that's right." all Shield agents where taught how to type properly so they could do office hours without issue. she wouldn't have any trouble typing on the Braille Keyboard. "some people still manage to be kind but it's pretty rare." Steve agreed with a sigh, fighting the urge to glare at Clint and make him stop snuggling Tony. "i'll bring you the lunchbox tomorrow." Clint promised. Phil already had a lunchbox, so he didn't mind giving Tony the second one. "so... how big a... collection, does Phil have?" "as big as Tony's." Clint admitted, making Steve wince. even if most of the collection was the same, if one in every ten was something the other didn't have.... that was a lot of merchandise. no wonder Steve had so much money in his account.
Tony smiled resting his head against clint’s shoulder, absently playing with the other’s hand, rubbing at the small muscles, rubbing the knots out. After all, clint spent a lot of time using his hands, and from personal experience, he knew just how knotted up your hands could get when you constantly used them like they did. “Awesome, thanks clint.”Tony muttered smirking at steve, “If it makes you feel better, he didn’t collect the current pictures Cap.”tony teased. "collections?"Kate asked shifting to relax into the couch, simply content yelping a little as her head hit matt's shoulder.
Clint sighed a little as Tony massaged his hand. it always ached a bit after a long mission and sometimes when he pushed himself too hard during training. since he'd had nothing else to do he'd just trained for the most part until he'd gotten the task of helping Kate so his fingers where aching a bit, especially since he didn't take care of himself. "sure. of course." Clint mumbled, his head resting on Tony's, his eyes closed. simply enjoying the close contact. "...there are... current pictures?" Steve asked, sounding so horrified it was hilarious. "Phil used to collect Captan America things. as well as old spy toys and a fw other things." Clint explained to Kate, tensing a little when she sat nearly on top of Matt. "sorry. are you alright?" Matt asked. "i'll have to remember to make noise when i move." Matt apologized. he wasn't used to being around someone else who was blind so he often forgot he needed to make noise for other people.
Tony smirked as clint settled against him, utterly pleased with himself at a good start to his plan. “Yes there are. Though none have made it to the lunchboxes yet, or anything. Phil didn’t collect anything but the older cap stuff. I collect of..nudist flagged wrapped national icons....”it really had been amazing tony’d refrained from teasing him this long. Really, the man couldn’t help himself. “He thought there was something wrong about it. I on the oter hand, like watchng you blush like a schoolgirl every time I mention it.” “Ah. That’s cool.”Kate said looking amused at the idea before resting her hands on matt’s shoulders, before moving over some, sitting down, blushing brightly as she did. “I’m fine. Startled. Not used to being around other people....”
Clint didn't notice the smirk, he was too busy relaxing an enjoying the contact. "well fuck my life." Steve sighed. "at least Phil wasn't too creepy about it..." here Steve chuckled. "he told me, the first day he saw me, that he watched me while i was sleeping." Clint made a strangled laughing sound. "he was rather horrified about it. i couldn't help but think he was adorable." Steve admitted. "he was like this star struck little kid who was trying so desperately to be a grown up." he admitted with a smile before going bright red at Tony's comments. "...." "....nudist flag wrapped national icon?" Clint asked, sounding very curious. "it's nothing! it was for the War effort! house wives and single women payed for a good chunk of the war. i don't wanna talk about this anymore!" and with that Steve fled, Clint laughing into Tony's hair. "that poor man. he's so shy." Clint mumbled, amused. "it's alright. i'm not used to being with other people either. it's mostly just me and Foggy." Matt admitted. "it doesn't help that because of my... hobby, being silent and unseen is a talent i've cultivated." he admitted with a chuckle.
“I’m not creepy about it.”Tony whined a little before snickering at the thought of phil doing that. “Yes, nude national icon.”Tony smirked amused as he watched steve go read, amused as he fled, snickering as he looked up at clint.”He really is shy. It’s adorable. Those lucky lucky housewives. They got to buy pictures without getting yelled at. I buy them and I get whined at.”He grumbled. “Yea, that could be a problemif your not used to haVing other bLind peoplease around.”Kate said laughing a little at matt’s words, sighing softly as she leaned back into the couch, closing her eyes, simply relaxing. simply enjoying being around people who didn't think of her as less for not being able to see. Even if her head was starting to hurt she didn't want to leave.
Steve snorted. "creepy enough." he complained before fleeing, Clint laughing. "that's awesome. he really has a naked calender of him?" he asked with a grin. "Tony he whines at you because you constantly bring it up." Clint pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "you just have to pick on him." he teased Tony with a grin. he couldn't blame Tony, Steve was absolutely adorable when he was flustered and embarrassed. "Kate? are you alright? your pale." Clint said, suddenly realizing Kate was acting a bit off. Matt gently settled a hand on her forehead. "she's a bit warm, but there's no fever." Matt assured Clint.
"...."tony bit his lip as he considered that, he really was going to have to work to not freak steve out more. Nodding a little he smirked."yes he does. It's awesome."tony muttered fidgeting a little,at a loss. Because he hated thinking he upset steve, but talking sex and teasingthe man was the only way tony knew how to interact with people."I try not to then we end up talking about it and I dunno..."he shrugged before looking at kate worriedly. "My head hurts."kate said sighing quietly closing his eyes
Clint chuckled a little. "don't worry so much. if he really hated it he'd tell you." he pointed out, smiling at Tony. "hold on. i'll get you some painkillers." Clint promised, kissing Tony's temple before heading off to get some aspirin and a glass of water, gently settling both into Kate's hands. "here. sip slowly, don't flood yourself." he warned gently.
"...well I guess that's true..."tony muttered frowning a little as he thought. "Thanks."kate said as she took the painkillers and slowly spiped it, her features showing just how hard she was listening to the water slush as to not splash it everywhere. Looking relieved when she didn't spill any she smiled."this is getting easier...better when there's no one around making me feel like a idiot..."
Clint chuckled a little at Tony and shook his head. how could Tony not realize that Steve had the hugest crush on him? "no problem. we'll keep it down for a while so your headache doesn't get worse." he promised softly. "of course it's getting easier, your not surrounded by assholes and idiots who make you want to curl up and hide from the world." Matt admitted, Clint making a sound of agreement. "so. wanna play a game?" Matt asked after a moment. "Twenty questions is always a good one." "ooh i like that game!" Clint agreed. plus, they didn't have to see the thing they where guessing at. "who wants to start? and no using things that we don't see or use in every day life Stark!" Clint ordered. "so no using any of your amazing high tech stuff!"
“Thanks.”Kate smiled a little as they all talked softly, closing her eyes as she shifted, biting her lip before snuggling into matt, resting her head on his shoulder, simply because he was there, and hadn’t shoved her away, so she figured itw as okay. “What?That’s not fair.”Tony pouted sulking. “How do you play?I’ve never played.”Kate said frowning a little.
Matt smiled, enjoying her warmth. it was rare for him to have intimate contact with someone so he was enjoying this. "it's easy. you think of a thing. a ball for example and we have to guess what it is by asking you specific questions that you answer with yes, no, sometimes, or i don't know." he admitted. "if we can't guess what it is after twenty questions, you win." he admitted. "in the beginning, you have to tell us if it's an animal, mineral, plant, food or object." he admitted. "and then the game begins." he admitted. "here, we'll make Clint go first." he decided. "Clint?" "it's an Animal." " it a hawk?" "NO! yes.... okay, it's an Object." "is it bigger than a loaf of bread?" "yes." "is it colorful?" "sometimes." "does it make noise?" "yes." on and on it went until, nineteen questions later. "is it a Guitar?" "yes." Clint grumbled, Matt grinning. "want to try Kate?"
“well, that’s easy enough.Okay.’Kate grinned a little as she settled in to listen and play, amuse as she listened to tony and matt talk, mostly dozing as she rested her head on matt’s shoulder. The woman sleepy enough to not really be paying attention by the time they asked her, startling a little as she blinked slowly, looking up at the two. “huh?”She muttered. Tony snickered a little shaking his head. “Well, I think that’s a sigh we should let her get some sleep.”he said looking amused.
Matt and Clint chuckled and Clint gently picked her up. "go back to sleep Kate." he murmured against her hair. "i'll take you to bed." he promised.

when she woke, it was to his voice. "The Girls grieved over such a number of ladies, but where comforted the day before the ball by hearing, that instead of twelve he brought only six with him from London-his five sisters and a cousin. And when the party entered the assembly room it consisted of only five altogether-Mr. Bingley, his two sisters, the husband of the eldest and another young man." he read aloud. "Mr. Bingley was good-looking and Gentlemanlike; he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners. his sisters.... oh. are you awake?" Clint asked her. "...sorry... i didn't mean to wake you... it's... um. Jane Austen. the Pride and the Prejudice... i'm used to reading it aloud. Phil... used to... i used to always read it for him." he admitted, voice soft, hurting. he was probably reading it to remember Phil. if Natasha was there, she'd recognize the signs that he'd had another nightmare, and was reading aloud to the soul of Phil to try and drive away the bitter regret and horrified guilt that kept Clint awake at night.
Kate frowned softly as she woke, looking vaguely confused as she considered what she was hearing. Not knowing what it was, but it was good to hear. Offering a small smile she sat up slowly, before nodding. “I am.That was nice....I don’ waking up alone these days....I feel lost when I do.”Kate said softly, looking worried for him, focusing as she reached out to gingerly touch his shoulder, “Come here. Lay down.You’re upset and need to rest. Lay down.”She ordered scooting around to let him lay down, fussing over him. guessing what he was feeling, and determined to make him feel better.
Clint relaxed, glad that she wasn't bothered by him reading to her. "alright... well, i'll make sure to read to you more often then." he promised her with a smile before wincing when she touched him, knowing she could tell how tense he was. "...I'm not... i'm fine. i'm not tired..." he protested, though he didn't fight her. "i don't need to sleep...." he murmured, laying down and closing his eyes, too tired to do anything more than verbally protest. in seconds he was asleep, lax and loose next to her and snoring softly.
“Good.”She smiled at him, before frowning slightly at how tense he was. “You do. You’re exhausted, come on, lay down.”she coaxed, gently petting his hair as she got him settled. Settlign in with her audio book and headphones, simply petting him as he slept, trying to let him relax.

In the morning Natasha frowned as she walked into teh apartment, shaking her head a little at the sight of steve drawing in the living room, and a...drunken? Tony past out on the couch, the man having obviously been doing science things as long as he could without sleep, and come up to go to bed, but unable to get further then the couch before he past out. “Long night?Where’s Clint?”she asked looking around, having expected to see the archer curled up with tony like he normally was when the genius finally past out.
he shook his head. "don't. won't." he mumbled, sighing as she pet him.

"hey." Steve greeted her, smiling at him. "yeah it was a long night, he was working hard on making some real useful gadgets for the blind folk with Matt Murdock." Steve admitted. "i just checked on Clint. he's up, sleeping with Kate. from the looks of things she bullied him into bed so he'd sleep a bit. he's still wearing his shoes." he admitted. "you can go up, just make sure to make noise before you walk in so you don't scare Kate. she's down in Tony's soundproof lab room until he finishes a soundproof room for her." he admitted. "it's nice to have you back. i don't know what's going to happen when Clint finally breaks down." he admitted, worried about the archer.
“That’s amusing. Even if he needs to take better care of himself.”Natasha muttered shaking her head a little as she walked over, gently tucking a blanket around tony. She’d never admit it, but her time at stark industries, the billionaire had grown on her, and had a habit of clinging like a limpet if she let him. “Good. He usually needs sleep.”Natasha said looking a little worried before nodding. “I’ll go check on them.”She said before looking at steve, biting her lip. “It’s nice to be back, really. And me to.But..we’ll just have to deal when he does.”She said heading upstairs, knocking lightly before stepping into the room.”Kate?It’s natasha.”She said softly, raising a eyebrow as she watched the blade hovering in the air, willing the woman to accept her presence. “...Romanoff?” “Yes.”Natasha said smiling as the weapon was set on the nighttable. The girl might be helpless at the moment, but she was willing to fight. good.
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