love is blind (moon/lady)

"Hopefully. I feel calmer...I managed to feed myself earlier and find the table without getting lost..."kate smiled proud of herself before wincing a little. Realizing what Matt was saying. She wasn't doing as well as she'd thought on the mood front, her fight or flight had simply locked it out. Now that she was calmer it was going to be worse."sounds fun."she said rolling her eyes a little."it was bad...even more disorienting when I came out then when I was in it."kate sighed smiling though as she heard matts grumbling. Having no doubt that the doctor was going to get a earful from daredevil to. "Don't worry. Clint's already shown the doctor the error in his ways."she snickered a little before nodding."its...I can...see the sounds. Some. It's how I knew where clint ws to grab his arm...but it's like...splotchy. Like a radio station cutting in and out, I can't get a total picture all the time...and you're right."she said sounding pleased."shield training that week had been horrible with the dark blind testing week."She snickered holding out a hand."let's go for our walk then."
"it's good you feel better." Matt agreed. "it means when you have your breakdown, it won't be as bad." he admitted. "because you feel safe here, the bad parts won't last as long." Clint promised her, feeling quite proud that she felt safe there. "i can imagine so." Matt admitted. "they're lucky they didn't damage your senses. the ones that remain i mean. spending too much time in sensory deprivation could very well kill parts of your sensory input." he explained, turning to Clint who was growling and muttering about filthy doctors who had no place being anything but a drive through order taker person. "yes, well. clearly i didn't give the Doc enough of one. though i'm sure Fury did." he admitted, shaking his head. "ah, yes. that happens though i wasn't aware it could occur naturally." Matt admitted, sounding curious. "i have the same sensory input." he admitted. "it's not unlike echolocation and you can hone that as well." he admitted. "most anyone can learn how, though it will take you a lot less time than it would a person having to learn from scratch. the more you get used to it, the more you learn about it, the less fuzzy the images will be." Matt promised, smiling when Clit hopped to his feet and gently offered her his arm. "well then. where shall we go?" he asked with a smile. "or shall i just take you to the top and work our way down?" he asked her. "we do have to skip some floors. Pepper's floors, Tony's floors and Bruce's floors are typically off limits." he admitted. "they don't mind you in their main rooms, like their living room and stuff but they don't like people in their labs too much." he admitted.
"..that's good."Kate said still worried about how bad her breakdown was going to be, but it was going to be okay. She had people to help her through it."I got lucky. Thank god. I'd hate to be worse off because of a idiot."kate sighed quietly before looking relieved that she could indeed make sense of the sounds she was hearing. "That's exactly it. A Echolocation."kate smiled slightly glad to know that someone else knew what was happening to her."so like everything,time is what I needed. Not demanding and pushing."kate sighed turning her head towards clint as he moved smiling slightly as she took his arm."...well then I feel even more special tony's giving up his lab for now until my rooms are done..."she said before biting her lip,blushing brightly. "...Jarvis said the captain was here." "He is indeed. Him and Sir are the kitchen."which meant that they were having tony's usual conversation over eating enough. Since steve'd seen him eat before, it was a day that steve didn't try to get him to eat even more
Matt grinned, that impish lopsided grin of his and Clint chuckled. "you got very lucky." Clint agreed. "i'm going to call Fury later and find out what happened to that asshole. he bears keeping an eye on." he admitted. "yes. the sounds, or rather 'pings' are just like learning a new sense. it will take a while but you'll learn it pretty quickly since it's always happening even if you don't want it to." he admitted. "unfortunately certain sounds will always bother you a bit, especially the really loud or the very high pitched ones. i wince every time i hear a dog whistle go off." he admitted. "when Foggy's mad at me, he tends to blow one just to make me wince." he admitted. "he was always a bit of an idiot though." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Tony would like him then." Clint scoffed, amused. "yes. demanding and pushing will only make your body rebel." Matt agreed. "Tony's a funny guy. he lets me in this lab all the time. i nap in here sometimes." Clint admitted. "but he won't let like, Steve down here." he admitted. "Bruce comes in all the time but Natasha actually got hissed at when she tried to come in. Pepper and Matt are allowed in for short intervals, but Thor, Fury, Darcy, Jane, other people whose names i can't remember but are so smart they make my head hurt aren't. he's... odd." Clint admitted. "same Argument J?" Clint asked, having been here often enough to know what they where arguing about. if they where in the bedroom it was how little Tony slept, in the lab it was how much Tony spent too much time in there, kitchen, how much Tony ate, anyplace else was usually about how Tony needed to shower, Tony needed to be more serious, Tony needed to file reports or Steve was asking for help or advice. "well this is the lab, i'll give you a short tour, it's cluttered and it's really easy to get turned around in here." he admitted. "if you absolutely can't find your way back out, ask for Jarvis, Dum-E, U, or Butterfingers they can help you orient yourself." he promised Kate. "everything is always moving in here so i'll show you the things that are bolted to the floor. they might still move but even fr Tony that's a difficult task."
"That's what I thought. Nothing motivating learning faster then constant assault on the senses."he snickered a little before wincing at the idea of a dog whistle before smiling."tony already said he was making me ear plugs of some kid so hopefully he can make it so there's not quite as many sounds that bother me."kate said before laughing."that is a truly odd mix of people whow are allowed in or not."kate said looking bemused at the idea of tony's eccentricity before following clint hesitantly testing things with her foot first making sure the area was clear. "Of course it is clint. Today's is on tony's need to eat."Jarvis said sounding amused because it did amuse him that for once someone was hassling tony into doing things other then pepper."okay...easy enough to remmember."she said nodding to herself as she let clint show her the workbenches that didn't move,room dividing rooms that never changed. Tilting her head a little As her stomach growled,hungry again.
Matt chuckled. "precisely." he agreed with a grin. "yes Tony is exceptionally good at things like that, but you shouldn't become too reliant on them." Matt warned. "they can be as much of a hindrance as they are an aid." he admitted. "i think it changes too." Clint admitted. "like, depending on who hasn't annoyed Tony, is who he lets in or something." he admitted, chuckling. "here. try this." Matt suggested, sliding something into her hand, a white sensory cane. long and thin she could tap her way around to check for obstacles well before she stubbed her toe on them. "it takes a little getting used to, using it, but Clint can teach you to use it properly." he promised. "well. tell them both i'll be up to make lunch soon and that if they're still fighting when i bring Kate up they'll regret it." Matt actually snickered. the idea that Clint of all people could make Steve regret anything... "come on, i'll take you up to the communal kitchens first." Clint promised once he heard her stomach growl. "what do you want for lunch? i can make pancakes, grilled cheese, macaroni and hotdogs, and canned soup." Matt snickered again. "or we could order a Pizza." "or we could order a Pizza." Cling agreed.
"I'll try not to. Cause even stark tech,can fail if you need it to work all the time. Better get used to not having it all the time."she hummed a little thinking about it."ah that makes sense."He he snickered amused that everything depended on tony's mood. "...a cane."kate said after a moment,mostly to herself as she figured out how to hold it,he was right it was awkward."I'll do that clint."Jarvis said before relaying the orders."pizza."Kate snickered alittle as they headed upstairs pausing as they walked into the kitches tilting her head,she could almost hear the sound of tony's sulking as he played on his tablet, but indeed the argument had stopped."hey matt.kate. birdbrain."tony muttered careful to not be as loud and annoying as he usually was having no doubt clint would hurt him if he was
Matt made a sound of agreement. "Stark tech is the very best, but even Stark Tech can, and will, fail." he admitted before snickering at the idea of Tony being so flighty. "yeah, a cane." Matt agreed. "it is one of the most important items you can have. with this cane, people can not only tell that you are blind, but they'll be less likely to be rude to you." he admitted. "you can feel around your world and gain a broader range of freedom. plus, if you get the same kind as me, you can beat people up with it." that made Clint laugh. "thank you Jarvis." he said calmly, risking at the sulking Tony. "hey Tones." Clint said. "Jarvis ordered Pizza for us." Clint admitted, well aware as soon as Kate had decided on Pizza, Jarvis had ordered one for everyone in their favorite flavor. how Jarvis knew Kate's was a mystery. "Steve? this is Matt Murdock, also known as Daredevil." "it's an honor to meet you Mr. Murdock. i actually grew up in Hell's kitchen before it was Hell's Kitchen." Steve admitted. "i try not to go in there anymore. it's... depressing." Steve admitted. "i'm glad your there to keep the place at least a little bit cleaned up. crimes dropped in that district over twenty five percent since you've started work there." "thank you. please, call me Matt Captain." "i insist you call me Steve." Clit chuckled. "and this is Kate Daniels. she's newly blind and is having problems adjusting to the amplification she's going through." "it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Daniels." Steve agreed, shaking her hand. "no ones better than Clint in helping the newly disabled."
"You know I never noticed it before but people tend to be less rude to those who are disabled."she looked amused at the idea as she used the cane before lau gh ing."then I'll definitely be getting one like yours. As a weapon against clint,if nothing else."she teased the arCher a little. "Pizza?good. See capsicle,I will be eating soon."tony sulked at the man as they settledat the table to talk,as the communal kitchen had long turned to a gathering place."I doubt he wants to talk about work,cap. God,you're boring. Don't you have other stuff to talk abkut?"tony grumbled. Really his and steve's fighting was either they really didn't like each other or simply how tony figured out how to be friends with people."hello steve."kate stuttered a little blushing as she shook his hand,the action making tony laugh outloud. "Oh look cap,you have another fan."
"that or they're exceptionally rude." Matt agreed. "you would not believe how may people try to use me being blind against me in court." he admitted. "as if you could beat me up." Clint huffed. "you'll have to train for at least another ten years before you have a chance of that." he admitted simply before chuckling at Tony. he was well used to the man's constant testing. it was just something Tony did, to see who would leave when things got rough and who could be trusted. Tony still tested Clint even, not that the man really minded, because he tested people too. he had to, after all the pain he'd been through, he had to. "i just wanted him to know how much i appreciate the work he's doing Tony. unlike SOME people, he actually hides his Daredevil identity so he rarely gets thanked." "that's true. and i do appreciate it captain." Matt assured the other. "Tony, be nice!" Clint ordered, rolling his eyes. "Kate isn't used to being picked on." Steve snorted. "sure. sure, run to Her defense." Steve teased, making Clint snort. "Cap. you can rip wood logs in half with your bare hands. i think you can take a skinny scientist in a tin can." "true."
"Really?well I guess I can see it. Anyway to get a leg up on someone I guess."she frowned as he thought about it. Snickering a little as she listened to steve and tony going back and forth. "Hey I tried to not let anyone know who I was. It didn't work well."tony grumbled a little. Really it lasted all of like 10 minutes."a birdbrain knight in shining armor. .interesting."tony smirked at Clint before nudging steve."I told you she was beautiful despite what barton said.tony snicker ed knowing it would get clint in a bit of trouble, but definite revenge for scolding him. "Despite what clint said?"kate raised a eyebrow "and it's not a tin can!"tony whined at the two avengers teasing,sulking.
"yes but it's a pretty dirty handed trick and the Judge never really likes it when they do it." he admitted. "really all they're doing is making people more sympathetic to me and the like." he admitted. "you didn't try at all!" Steve complained. "Fury bitched for WEEKS about that Tony! bitched to ME! why he did i have no idea." he admitted with a grumble. "but he did and that's all your fault!" he complained before chuckling when Clint blushed. "being that i'm Gay, Kate, i find that your pretty but not attractive." he informed her. lying of course, he wasn't gay, he just said he was so girls wouldn't bother him while he was grieving. plus it would get him out of trouble. "of course it's not a tin Can." Matt agreed soothingly. "it's a Titanium Alloy Can."
"I did to!I had this when speech prepared and then the stupid bint I slept with pounced on me and I just had to prove I was super hero material."really that just made it worse."and I don't why he yelled at you. He should have yelled at phil. Phil was in charge."he whined a little at getting yelled at for something that wasn't his fault Before rolling his eyes at clint's answer. He was such a liar. "Okay you're forgiven. After all I'd believe tony stark's opinion on a beautiful woman before a gay guys."she said easily believing the lie."...stop being helpful murdock. See if I make you any new toys."tony huffed at Matt soothing.
Steve snorted. "so in other words, you where thinking with your dick." he pointed out. "i think it's because Phil was smart enough to hide and i wasn't." he admitted. "of course i'm forgiven, i'm too cute to be mad at." Clint admitted. "and i wouldn't trust Tony too much, he's been known to sleep with anything that moves." he admitted with a chuckle. "but you love making me toys." Matt pointed out. "besides, if you stop i'll have to use Justine Hammers tech, or worse, Osborne's tech and you wouldn't want that would you?" he asked.
"Yea but it was annoying she didn't believe it was possible for me to be iron man."he whined a little. "Ahhh that makes sense. Poor steve,not smart enough to hide."he teased."I can't see you. Cuteness has no say in that."kate pointed out in amusement."...true. maybe trusting tony isn't a good idea." "Hey!trusting me is always a good idea and that was dirty, murdock. So dirty. Blackmailing me with threats of hammer tech."
Steve snorted. "and this is why that guy, the crazy Russian with the whips? knew who you where, and how to hurt you the most." Steve scoffed. "it's not like i knew Fury was pissed at you." he pointed out. "i'm still having trouble with my coffee maker." he admitted. "so the TV is well beyond my abilities." Clint smirked "i Sound Adorable though." Clint pointed out. "so it does count." he admitted with a snicker. "well. trusting Tony on some things is a good idea... just don't let him near you with pokey objects when he's bored and you should be fine." "it's your own fault for threatening to cut off my toys."
"Well yea. But crazy people always find me. Even before then."tony made a face. "And you should have troubles with your coffee machine."tony huffed."okay so you sound sdorable."kate teased a little sounding amused. "None of you love me!in going down to the lab. Find me when pizzas here."tony grumbled as he left about stupid people and annoying people as he disappeared downstairs. "...he's very dramatic isn't he?"kate said tilting her head a little.
Steve snorted. "i don't have that problem. Daredevil doesn't have that problem. the X-men don't usually have that problem. it's your own fault for showing off." he said with a shrug. "i do have a problem with my coffee maker. it's... confusing." he admitted, scowling a little. "we will." Steve promised, smirking a little. "he's fine." Clint promised. "he's just twitchy because he hasn't done science yet today. he'll go down and blow a few things up and it'll be good." Steve promised.
"You know what the common thread in all that is?you all weren't billionaires beforehand either."tony twitched,yea definitely not handling sharing his space well."it's a tony stark one of a kind coffee maker. Bring it here and I'll use it and you can go back to that piece of shit thing you had before."tony grunted as he disappeared downstairs. "...if he's that upset I can stay on the helicarrier for awhile. he did say it'd only be a few days to finish my rooms so it wouldn't be that bad...."she said not wanting to totally mess up tony's life.
they all paused and then. "he has a point." Matt admitted. "a good one too. even if he had kept his mouth closed people would have known in a few weeks anyway because people are too nosy." Steve agreed. "i was barely able to keep my identity a secrete for more than a month." he muttered unhappily. "stupid Chitauri." "no you can't stay on the helicarrier. Tony just doesn't handle people well. he's just upset because he's not used to there being people around him and he gets twitchy when there are new people in his life. he'll settle down easily enough." Clint promised. "too many people have betrayed him for him to be comfortable with people, and he just takes a while to adjust that's all."
"I think the only person who managed to escape without actually being identify was clint and that was mostly cause he stayed on roofs for most of that fight."kate said looking amused even if she knew that clint's cover had been mostly blown. They might not know his name, but the public knew him as a avenger. "Oh...that makes long as your sure."kate said still looking a unsure but willing to go with if. Turning her head slightly as she heard the elevator and jarvis announcement that the pizza was there.
"that and most people didn't realize how pivotal he was in the fight." Steve admitted, making Clint blush bright re and mad an annoyed/embarrassed sound. he was the reason Loki had the upper hand in the first place! "they don't know his name but they know his face." Steve admitted. "he's woefully overlooked though. him and Natasha both, i think because they are human and don't have showy powers the way the rest of us do." "i like the anonymity you know. and so does Tasha." Clint admitted simply. "where is Natasha anyway?" "....dunno." Clint admitted, it was obviously a lie, but it wasn't hard t guess why. she was grieving the loss of her father figure, and didn't want to be disturbed. "i'll take Tony's down." Steve decided, paying the Pizza boy and sorting through the Pizza's to figure out whose was whose.
"He is woefully overlooked. It's amusing to me just how focused even the shield reports was on you guys,but still managed to ignore the most human of the team."kate said smiling and nodding."well you are a spy. not knowing your name is a good thing, cause Barton does not sound as cool as Bond."she teased smiling a little nervous at the worry of making a mess with the pizza.

"...your in the lab..."tony said eyebrow twitching as he pushed his welders goggles up to look at the blond bringing him food.
Clint huffed. "i'm GLAD for that! and so is Natasha!!!!" he declared, Daredevil chuckling. "i dunno. Barton. Clint Barton...." Clint spoke, mimicking Bond's accent perfectly. "doesn't that sound nifty? i think it does." he admitted. "don't worry so much about eating Kate. it takes practice but no ones going to pick on you for making a mess." Matt promised. "just take your time." he suggested.

"i am in the lab. and i bring food and coffee." he admitted, lifting the large pizza and the coffee pot. "you know they didn't mean anything by it right?" he asked Tony with a smile. "Matt thinks your the greatest guy on earth and Clint adores you." he admitted. "he certainly won't cuddle up to me after he has a nightmare."
"Hmmm it does. But not quite as a dad's as bond, james bond."she teased before sighing a little. "I know you guys's just....I dislike making messes because it means someone is cleaning up after I don't know...I just feel bad."she said shrugging a little.

"...okay. I can let you in for coffee."he muttered taking a mug of coffee and digging out a slice before frowning as steve a little....I wasn't upset you know."he grumbled which meant yes he had been,and no tht despite his ego he didn't trust that they liked and wanted him aRiund.
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