love is blind (moon/lady)

he nodded. "good. you should find your strength returning quite quickly now." he admitted. "a good nap can fix even the silliest of issues." he admitted with a chuckle. "something Stark could stand to learn the insomniac." he admitted with a huff. "alright, they're sweet enough on their own you shouldn't need syrup." he admitted. "if you do need syrup, i'll pour some in a bowl so you can dip them, you'll have more control that way." he admitted before blinking at him. "hey. hey. easy." he ordered gently. "i know for a fact that you are i no way stupid." he informed her. "you have o relearn everything. that's ging to take time. it's going to take even more time because your upset, disoriented and afraid. your brain cannot interpret new information until your calm. that's why it's important to settle you down first before you try learning an entirely new language." he admitted. "ignore what the doctors said, we've already established that their stupid fuckers... seriously. putting you in a deprivation tank? it's like their brains leaked out of their ears." he huffed before gently taking her arm. "so. this is the bedroom." he informed her. "the bed is here. nightstand is on both sides. three steps over is the dresser. and then right next to it is the closet. this is the door into the living room, this is a..." he paused. "i'm not actually sure why Tony has a work bench in here..." he admitted, letting her feel the table. "this is the bathroom, watch your step there's a bit of a dip." he warned. "here is the sink, this is the toilet. here's the shower, and this is the tub." moving slowly and carefully so she could orient herself. "this is the cupboard where Tony keeps the towels, i have some unscented soap and shampoo and conditioner for you too. when your feeling more comfortable i'll go into bath and body and get a whole bunch of stuff and let you see what you like the most." he promised her. "now we're back in the bedroom, out the door and into the living room..." on this went, letting her carefully get used to her surroundings, ending in the kitchen. showing her everything she'd need to know to make life comfortable, like where the glasses where, where the wink handles where. things that so may people took for granted.
"That's good. I dislike not being able to feel like I can take care of myself, even if I'm to disoriented to do it."Katell said tilting her head a little."good....control is good..."he's he muttered glad for his calmness, knowing that he'd simply ride the moods as she adjusted."...they are fairly stupid. But clint I've tried clint. I just don't get it..."Kate said and it was obvious the weeks her self confidence had been badly shaken. Starfling a little as the other touched her arm she smiled slightly. As she let him show her everything before frowning as she touched the bench."you said he was a insomniac right? Might try to keep working even if he's in bed if it's in here."she snickered a little at the idea. Stumbling slightly despite the warning of a dip she leaned into him more before sighing softly."I'd pay money to see you in bat and body. Seems very girly for you."she teased a little. Relaxing even more as he showed her everything, made enough noise that she could 'see' what she was feeling. This was perfect truly."thank you clint..."she muttered.
he nodded. "i know how you feel." he admitted. "i hate being injured." he agreed before smiling. "Control is all a matter of perspective of course." he admitted. "no. you did what you where told. that is different." he admitted. "there is more than one way to learn and they clearly didn't know how to teach. when working with disabilities, you have to be careful not to overtax yourself. they got you so wired up you can't tell up from down." he admitted. "they told you what to do and got frustrated when you couldn't and that's their fault, not yours." he promised her. "you know... you might have a point... i might have to set Jarvis to alert me if he hasn't slept a proper number of hours or something. Tony needs a babysitter in the worst way." he admitted. "well i'm a feminine little flower." Clint admitted with a smirk. "and i wouldn't pick on me too much, i got to see your underwear." he teased. "if we're going to talk about Girly that is." he admitted before smiling at her. "it's no problem." he praised her. "how can you be independent if you can't even find your way around? the important thing to remember is even people who have been blind all their lives get disoriented in their own homes sometimes." he admitted. "the important thing is to stay calm, find the nearest location and reorient yourself. this will take time. as far as your brain, and body are concerned, this time apartment is like the whole of Manhattan." he admitted. "people are so used to eyesight to keep themselves oriented that suddenly loosing it makes your brain panic. it's like waking up and suddenly having to use your left hand for everything instead of your right. your body just can't flip, it takes adjustment. it takes time." he admitted. "and you trying to force yourself isn't going to do you any good. just think of your brain as a two year old. the more you tell it to eat it's peas the more it's going to say 'no' and pitch a tantrum."
"...are you sure?"kate said tilting her head at the man, wanting to trust him that she could do this. That she would be okay."probably a good idea. I mean if he's got a workbench in here he's obviously not even trying to sleep unless he collapses."she pointed out with a shrug before flushing brightly. "I'm a girl. I'm allowed having girly underwear."she said with a slight smile. Flushing at the praise she ducked her head a little, smiling slightly. "So don't panic if I can't find something right away...simply try and orient myslef....I can do that..."she muttered biting her lip as she considered what she was going to have to do. Maybe she really could do this."...okay that makes sense. Relax and not force it."she smiled slightly moving back a few steps and smiling happily as she found the bed,sitting down and tilting her head a little."...I'm still bored. Being blind has seriously limited my hobbies..."she said hoping he'd have something
he smirked. "i'm very sure." he admitted. "the problem with the doctors, they get frustrated easily because they don't really understand. this isn't just 'oh she'll get used to it in a few days'. it's like you've been yanked out of your body and stuffed into a new one. you have to relearn almost everything. how to hear, how to smell, how to move. even how to brush your hair and how to get dressed. people are so focused on what they see, that when it's lost they can't hardly do anything." he admitted. "those doctors had no right trying to help you. they're neither disabled, nor trained in how to help a person with disabilities. they hurt you a lot and set back any progress you might have made every time they left you in that fucking tank." he admitted. "of course you can do that." he agreed with a smile. "you do that everyday anyway. i mean, come on, how many freaky things do you come across in a day at Shield?" he asked her. "you've seen some pretty freaky shit right? so just apply Shield Training to this. always stay calm, don't panic, use your head." he suggested. "that's right. but it's not just your body that needs to be calm, but your brain too. right now it's in hyper-drive Fight or Flight mode." he explained. "people can't learn when their in that state, so you have t give yourself time to settle properly." he admitted. "see? you can do it! very well done too you didn't get disoriented at all." he admitted, pleased she was starting to calm down already. "ah, well..." he paused. "you know, no ones ever asked about hobbies before. let me make a fw calls and see what i can come up with. in the meantime, try listening to very soft music. it'll help you adjust to sounds again and i've heard it's quite the experience." he admitted, sounding just a touch wistful. he couldn't listen to music unless it was Tony level of insanity. and even then more often than not he felt the pulsing vibrations more than he could actually understand the music. "you want to eat in here or do you want to see if you can find your way into the kitchen?"
"Yes!that's what it feels like. Most days...I don't know myself. Even if I know what I look like, know where to put my hands in a fitht,without being able to see...its not the same."Kaye smiled a little glad that he understood. She knew he'd always been the best at helping the disabled agents, but she hadn't known why. She didn't know he was deaf. Snickering a little before nodding."you're right. I've seen some freaky shit,the least of it being a man frozen in ice for 70 years."she snickered a little calming indeed as she considered just how freaky her life was. This was just something else to get used to."seriously?no one's ever asked? It's sorta boring like this...can't read or watch TV and as a specialist I never really had any down time so this inactivity has been driving me insane."she snickered a little at the surprise she could hear in his voice before nodding."I'll try that."she said frowning a little at his tone trying to figure it out."kitchen."she said holding a hand out and slowly moving towards the kitchen."..three steps To the door...then the tables right..yes!"she grinned happily as she found the chair and tabe gingerly easing into it.
he nodded. "yes exactly. it's a lot easier for people who have been disabled all their lives. they don't know any different. to suddenly find something so important cut out of your life is extremely traumatic." he admitted. "some people even go into shock, weeks after the effect. in a way, you got the shortest shitiest end of the stick, ever." he admitted. "oh god i know! you should have heard Phil Sq...." he gasped, a short, quick, hurt sound and he fell silent. "most..." his voice caught and he cleared his throat. "most people i help can still see. your only the third person i've helped overcome being blinded." he admitted. "the other two where dealing with their grief and shock by forcing themselves to learn, everything they could in the shortest amount of time. and no matter what anyone says, you will grieve the loss of your eyesight. you'll have viscous, violent mood swings, you'll cry, you'll fall into the deepest despair and that's all very normal." he admitted. "i could set up some textiles for you if you like, to entertain yourself. it won't do much to learn what the different textures are on your own but it will help you get used to your fingertip sensitivity." he admitted. "and you can still listen to the TV even if you can't see what happens. Matt Murdock, the blind lawyer? he likes to watch the news. because you don't need to see for most of it." he admitted. "uhm... oh! audio books of course, i know a good place to buy almost anything. tell JArvis or me anytime you want a new book, or make a list of books you want and i'll pick them up for you." he decided. "i'll find out what else i can get for you." he promised. "Tony's already promised to make you a slew of gadgets to make your life easier." he admitted. "very good! you've made the first step into self organization too." he admitted. "here. the plate is right in front of you." he informed her. "for and knife are to your left. what do you want to drink? Tony has.... a LOT of juice...." he admitted. "Orange. apple. peach. grape. cranapple, strawberry watermelon... uhm.... why does he have so much juice?" he wondered. because Bruce couldn't drink Coffee and he was down there often enough that he needed to have something to drink other than tea that Bruce wouldn't drink from a coffee pot anyway.
"Well I feel special theN. Though as long as I have a stick I can beat someone with it."she smiled and indeed she was combating her depression and fear with humor. It'd hit her soon enough, but for the moment she was okay."...I miss him to."she muttered he ring the hurt in his voice, blindly reaching g for him, and making a frustrated sound when she couldn't find his arm,couldn't offer some silent support to the loss. Letting him move on she smiled slightly."that would be nice. As it is I won't be able to enjoy most of my clothes. Getting used to touching fabrics would be good."She agreed tilting her head at the mention of the lawyer."I've met him. Might have to call him sometime...I mean talking to another blind person has to help..."she said looking interested in the idea of TV and just listening before looking starled."oh. Audio books would be good to."she said looking interested and eager because books were her secret passion."thanks."she said as she felt around for the fork, and slowly but surely feeding herself though she did hit heself in the face with the fork more often then not. "...juice? Maybe someone finally yelled at him for mainlining coffee?"she snickered because tony stark's addiction to coffee was a well known fact around shield as annoying as he could be, the billionaire was a favorite among agents to.
he chuckled a little. "just make sure you wash your hands after handling it." he ordered before grimacing. "yes well... your not the one who got him killed." self hate dripping from every syllable while he stood out, out of reach of comfort he didn't deserve. "sure i'll make one this afternoon." he promised. "in any case, just because your blind doesn't mean you can't enjoy dressing up." he pointed out. "just because you can't see the colors, doesn't mean it has to loose it's appeal." he admitted. "i could set you up." he agreed. "that's actually who i was going t call, him, Amy Love and Timothy Redgrass." he admitted. "Amy and Tim are the ones i helped before, they'll know how to keep you entertained." he promised. "no problem." he promised with a smile. "you know, i wouldn't doubt it if Bruce yelled at Tony often enough Tony finally gave up." he admitted with a chuckle. "how are the pancakes? sweet enough? do you want some syrup?"
Kate tilted her head for a moment at a loss on how to get through his self hate, deciding to set it aside for the moment in favor of simple finding herself again before tackling his problems."though I'll have to have you tell me if the colors get to riddculously clashing. I'm blind, no reason to blind the rest of the world." She made a face before grinning."well great minds think alike. I'd appreciate the introduction to them."she smiled a little as she thought about being able to talk to others before nodding."they're fine. Great really. Taste like sugar cookises."she said thoughtfully before shaking her head."no. No syrup. I'm making enough of a mess without it."
he chuckled a little. "don't worry about that. there are a few different ways to prevent color clashing and asking someone to help you is one way, coordinating them in sets is another, tagging them with their colors is another. you can't read braille yet, but tagging something with a plastic tag that said 'baby blue' or even 'happy face' can go a long way to color coordinating your wardrobe." he admitted. "granted you'll need help while shopping probably but organizing your clothing is actually one of the easier tasks an experienced blind person tackles." he admitted. "i'll call them then, Matt Murdock is a Hyper sensitive s he's the best person to call to find ways to really help you adjust." he admitted. "good i'm glad you like them." he admitted, pleased that she wasn't too bothered by the dry pancakes. "your not making a mess at all actually. your a neater eater than Tony is to be sure." he promised her. "i'll still never find out how he gets Syrup in his hair and on the end of the table he's not sitting at." he admitted. "anyway i'm going to go call Matt, Amy and Tim and make sure Steve and Tony haven't killed each other." he admitted. "will you be okay on your own for an hour or two if i go shopping? you don't have any food in here." he admitted. "and i might see what i can find for your entertainment too. if you tel Jarvis the books you want, he'll make a list and email it to me and i'll pick those up. he'll play any music you ask for ad switch to any TV channel you want too." he admitted.
"Well that sounds simple enough."she said tilting her head a little. "I know....when fury realized just how sensitive I was, he said something about murdock. Even called him to ask how to block out the sounds so I could sleep...though I doubt Matt realized theyd leave me in the tank for so long."she said making a face as she turned her head a little listening. Because she had something very close to Matt's second sight using sound, but she hadn't had the time or the right coaches on how to figure out using it yet. Talking to Matt really was something she needed to do."...really?"she said not sure if she believed him about the man being such a messy eater. If he was you'd think there'd been a tabloid article about it or something."I'll be fine. Go. I'll watch TV or something. Jarvis can find something." "Of course ms. Daniels."jarvis said his normal voice adjusted down to Not upset her with being loud."go I'll be fine. I'll think of hooks and settle in."she said waving the other away.
"the deprivation tank is fine for sleeping, if your already used to how hyper sensitive your body is." he admitted. "Murdock's been blind and hyper sensitive since he was a child." he admitted. "he probably didn't realize it would fuck you up because he's always used it." he admitted. "your right though, only a fecking idiot would leave you in a dep tank for... how long where you in there anyway?" he asked. "it had to have been longer than a few hours." he muttered. "Tony's basically a big child. i wouldn't be surprised if he flicked syrup soaked pieces at Bruce." he admitted, sounding both fond and exasperated. "especially if he's had too much coffee and to little sleep." he admitted. "i mean, being that he can be comfortable in a ten star restaurant i KNOW he can be very sophisticated.... but god the man is like a giant toddler when he's at home." he gasped. "oh... my... god i've turned into Tony's housewife...." he said, horrified that he'd only just now realized that. "okay." he agreed. "if you need anything, have Jarvis call my cell and i'll come right back, or you can ask for Bruce, he knows a little bit on how to help with a disability, he can at least get you a drink of water or walk you to the bathroom if nothing else." he admitted, chuckling at her waving him off and heading out to gather the things she'd need to be a bit more independent and a bit more comfortable.
"That makes sense.grew up used to it..."she said smiling knowing Matt hadn't done it on purpose. Swallowing hard,nes glancing away because she knew it was going to pissed him off with the answer. "16 hours in 8 hours out."Katell said smiling a little."...I wish I could say that I can't see it...but I can totally see him flicking stuff at people."she snickered shaking her head a little."it's just further proof that you are indeed a girl Barton."she teased smiking at him."Don't worry I'll be okay I promise."she smiled and indeed by the time he got to the store he had like a list of a hundred books and even more music that she wanted. It seemed she was doing okay.
".....right...." Clint muttered. " might take me three or four hours to get done 'shopping'." his Tone was just icy enough that you knew the doctors and Fury where going to have their balls ripped off and stuffed down their throats. "your lucky your muscles didn't atrophy." he grumbled. "fecking idiots. god. you know we entered into the twenty first century and common sense just died." he growled before snorting at her poor attempt at a joke. "oh, you should see what happens when i feed him pees." he admitted, amused. "you know. i'm less of a House Wife than i am his mother." he admitted with a snigger. he stopped at Shield and screamed at anyone involved with the decision to put a helpless overwhelmed woman in a deprivation tank for long enough hours that she could have had physical damage from it! he beat up a few idiots who scoffed that she was 'just a liability' and screamed at Fury for a full half an hour for hiring 'fecking morons who had no place being in Shield let alone being a doctor for people who where now 'liabilities' if the doctor who was her primary caretaker could be believed!'. it was no wonder Kate had so many issues with a bastard like that trying to teach her. he was pleased to have the list and, using Tony's credit card since the billionaire had insisted, bought every book and every CD she asked for. as well as a Braille typewriter, a Braille tag maker, a Braille Label maker. a Braille and talking watch, a talking alarm clock with Braille numbers, a Braille Kindle for when she learned Braille, a talking Coffee maker, a talking Mug to let her know when she'd hit the level of liquid she wanted. he talked to Matt Murdock, Tim and Amy about technology to make her life easier, she would probably not always live in the tower so having Jarvis do everything wouldn't be any help at all. "Kate? i'm back." Clint called, hauling in pies and piles of grocery bags. "and i brought Matt Murdock with me!" he admitted. "Tim couldn't come because he has a doctors appointment and Amy has the flu." he admitted. "it's nice to meet you Ms. Daniels." Matt said with a smile. "i'd offer to shake your hand, but that never ends well when there's two blind involved." he admitted Clint chuckling. "he's roguishly handsome too." he admitted. "make sure you swoon properly. ow! that was my head!" "it was supposed to be." from the cracking sound, Matt had just hit Clint with his cane.
"Okay. I'm sure I can find something to do. I lived without you before barton, I can do it again."she rolled her eyes again as he went to deal with the others. And I need shield's medical staff was getting a talking to from fury, since he had known she was in a tank but not how long. So after clint finished with them, fury started.

When he got there kate ventured out of the bathroom,her hair wet and smelling slightly like soap that said she'd at least attempted to take a shower and clean up."hey clint."she said and from the way she was resting a hand against the wall it said she'd figured out the easiest way to get around for the moment was touch."no need to be so loud."she whined a little before smiling."hello mister murdock."kate said smiling slightly."I'm sure two blind people shaking hands equals lots of accidental groping."she snickered and it's just kate."she said before tilting her head slightly.I've seen him you know. You're right he is handsome."she teased them both looking amused.
he snorted. "fine. fine, one would think you wanted me to leave." he scoffed. he was quite pleased to see Fury screaming at the medical staff when he turned to leave.

he grinned, pleased to see that her independence was growing already. "and you said you where too stupid to learn." he scoffed, amused. "you look like your doing just fine to me. by the way, the doctor who was trying to teach you? last i saw Fury was ball busting him and threatening to fire him." he sneered. "filthy bastard. i took great joy in beating him up." he admitted. "sorry." both Clint and Matt said, lowering their voices for her. "just call me Matt, please." Matt said, smiling a little. "oh yes. i tried to shake Amy's hand once and got a little... closer, than intended. never underestimate the strength of an angry woman slapping you across the face, blind or not." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm still not sure how she managed to know where my face was." "have you seen him? i didn't know you two had met before." "i don't remember if we have, sorry." Matt admitted. "but considering my face is on a billboard..." "oh... right, of course." Clint agreed. "anyway! i picked up a ton of fancy things for you to help you out. including a talking watch, a talking alarm clock, a talking Coffee maker, a fun little doodad that you hook onto the edge of a cup that'll tell you when it's getting full, so you won't burn your fingers. a couple of Braille making tools for once you've learned so you can label, well, everything. uhm..." "Clint? are you okay?" Matt asked, sounding a bit concerned. "huh? yeah i'm fine." Clint said dismissively. "that doctor said something, about your disability didn't he?" "he's a dick and i hope he dies. oh! i got all those audiobooks you wanted." Clint said, pretending that being told he was a 'liability' and a 'useless' agent didn't hurt, quite deeply. it wasn't the first time he'd come across someone who thought being 'fully functional' was the only way you could ever be good at anything.
"Fairly certain I am,but my hair was starting to smell so I had to clean it."Kaye said making a face "good. He shouldn't be trusted with people. I can't be the first he mistreated or took good advice and used it wrong."kate sighed a little."I never do. Being a woman it's always easier to see women as threats then men see then as...I've taken advantage of that a few times to."kate snickered a little Amused at Matt getting a grope by accident."probably instinct. Anger makes people accurate."she teased amused."billboards and I worked as a specialist stationed out of hell's kitchen for a few months. He might not have worked together, but I was there long enough to know of the famous blind lawyer."she teased a little."that's awesome. That's clint. Really. I could do with can tell tony I don't need more..."she said not wanting them to go through to much trouble before looking at clint,worried. Hearing the same thing Matt did."clint?"she asked worried but not sure if she should pry before smiling happily."thanks. It'll be nice to have entertainment."she said listening focusing even if it made her head hurt and catching clint's wrist in her hand,holding on."what did he say,cause I will totally be up the ass hole for you...well. when I can."
he nodded. "it's from being in the tank for so long, you haven't had a chance to really get clean." he admitted. "he shouldn't be trusted with people, no. i'm not even sure he's a real doctor." he admitted. "there's no way that someone that dumb was able to pass his Doctorates." he huffed. "let alone graduated from high school." he grumbled before chuckling at her. "well, Electra's not one you 'forget' is dangerous." Matt admitted. "you worked in Hell's kitchen?" he asked, startled. "i didn't know Shield was monitoring that situation." "we aren't anymore. your doing a very good job." Clint admitted. "we still have a few stationed there same as we do everywhere, but mostly we leave the night to night business to you and provide backup in case you get in over your head." "ah. i didn't know." "you weren't supposed to." Clint admitted with a grin. "well the thing is, you probably won't be able to do without all this." he admitted. "you probably won't live here forever and relying on Jarvis for all of this is a handicap i don't think you'd be willing to have." he admitted. "besides i didn't pay for any of this." he admitted with a chuckle. "besides, if he makes something for you, and it works, then he can sell it for other Blind folk to make their lives easier. technically, your just a guinea pig." he admitted with a snigger. "'s nothing that hasn't been said before." he assured her, a bit startled that she'd managed to catch his wrist. "the problem with having your SO and handler deal with all the nay Sayers of having a Deaf Archer, is that once he's gone you have to deal with it yourself..." he admitted. he didn't realize she didn't know. he thought everyone knew he was deaf. "besides, i think Fury is taking care of it." he admitted.
"Well that explains that. I always felt icky getting it it. I mean I always wondered if they changed the water."she shrugged a little shaking her head at the idea of a doctor that dumb."I did. I knew the area. I grew up just outside of the kitchen. For the most part the agents who end up there are former residents if they can. We blend in better. And were all on rotation for city duty. It was just my bad luck to be on the carrier then."she said letting her voice for once hold just a hint of that Brooklyn hell's kitchen Twang."...damn. that's true...but I made a fair amount of money you know. You could at least let me pay you back."she said not believing him about not paying for it."well as long as it's not just me."she said feeling better at the idea of not being the only one to benefit from tony's inventions."'re deaf?"she frowned her fingers tightening, not about to let him get away without talking. After all he'd gotten in trouble on her account,she could at least hear what was said.
"Probably not. unsanitary idiots. your lucky you didn't get a Skin Staff or an infection. idiots." he huffed. "that's true of any shield agent posted on street duty." he admitted. "they need people who look comfortable there. people who are supposed to be there, they're a lot less noticeable that way." he admitted. "in Hell's kitchen though, they have to be impeccable. there's a sort of lingo, or a walk, i dunno that natives there notice right away." he admitted. he cringed at the mention of her being on the Helicarrier and did everything he could to make no sound, fearing they might notice his soul crushing guilt if he did that. "nope. no paying. you'll hurt Tony's feelings. and then he'll whimper and whine at you for days until you agree to take the money back. i've tried." Clint admitted before chucklinlg. "when it's tony, it's NEVER just you, unless he's making something special, like my bow." he admitted. "well, yeah. i am, you didn't know?" he asked, sounding honestly surprised. "eighty percent in both ears. have been since i was born." he admitted. "i think that might be why my Pa left, couldn't handle a special needs kid i guess." he admitted. "can i have my wrist back? one would think you wanted to hold hands."
"Hell's kitchen is unique in just how difficult it is to blend in. unlike other places it's almost exclusively natives."kate said."...if you're sure it would upset him if I paid."she said looking annoyed at the idea of not being able to pay but willing to let it go. "no I didnt. I mean I know youve always helped the agents who got hurt in the line of duty, andthe doctor said you'd be the best person to talk about this to be cruel considering how I ended up like this..."she said though there was a quiet low anger there, it wasn't directed at him simply angry annoyed with the doctor, there was more sadness to her tone then anger."no I'm just making sure you don't run away from talking."Kate flushed brightly as she quickly dropped his wrist moving away from him.
Matt nodded. "it's like how people who have fought in war can recognize other soldiers, how an abused kid can recognize other abuse victims. it's a.. trauma, having to struggle to survive, having to scuttle through alleyways in order to keep from getting beaten up. Hell's Kitchen is like it's own little War Zone and it leaves a mark on a person." Matt admitted before tilting his head when Clint cringed again at the anger in her voice and the mention of how she'd ended up blind. "it is cruel to make me help you." he admitted. "but i'm the only one who really can at this point. unless Matt wants to lend a hand?" "i can help of course, but i can't help her the way you can Clint." Matt admitted. "i've been blind so long i can't remember what it's like to see. i can't help her to adjust." he admitted. "i don't run away from talks, between Natasha and... others, i've had that habit worn out of me a long time ago." he admitted. "besides, it's nothing i want to hide. i thought everyone knew i was deaf." he admitted. "i'm not bothered by it, and i have special hearing aids that let me understand most verbal speech even if i can't hear grunts, whistles or music i can at least hear people talking." he admitted. ", Kate." Matt said suddenly. "how have you been settling?" Matt asked, deciding to rescue Clint.
"Yes. That. I've been around the world, and there's no place quite like hell's kitchen."kate smiled slightly at the thought of home. Because no matter how hard it'd been,it was home."I'm sorry clint."kate muttered hating she was putting him through this when she knew he wanted to be anywhere else."well I didnt."be he shrugged deciding to drop it before wincing at Matt's question."not well...this is the most functional I've been since it happened."she said before giving him a brief overview on just how the doctor had been using g matt's advice. Before sighing quietly."...I want to go for a walk. I know the tower is downtown...I want to 'see' what it's like inside."
he shook his head. "i'm the one who should be sorry. you shouldn't have to put up with me when i'm the reason...." he cleared his throat. "that's weird, i can't believe no one told you, course they could have believed you already knew." he admitted. "that's not unexpected." Matt admitted. "considering your not being stuffed into a box of water here." he admitted. "your calm here too, ou feel safer so you'll start adjusting a lot better here." Matt admitted. "as you calm down, be sure to anticipate nightmares. once you leave your Flight or Fight mode your brain will start to process. usually meas nightmares, mood swings, all kinds of fun things." Matt admitted. "talking about the nightmares is a good idea, it will help you settle." he admitted. "damn doctors. an hour or two to help you sleep. six at the most. even i can't use the deprivation tank for a full eight hours." he grumbled. "taking a walk is a good idea." Clint agreed. "it will help you gain some confidence and let you feel your surroundings." "of course, feeling isn't just with your skin. vibrations, sounds, the smells you encounter all help you paint an image of your surroundings." Matt explained. "as a hyper sensitive, a single thrum in the air can tell you if someone is there, or if it's an animal." he admitted. "that is very difficult and can take years to fully master." he admitted. "you'll have a bonus i didn't have, in being that you've already been semi trained to recognize your surroundings, even without sight."
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