love is blind (moon/lady)

Clint snorted. "please, i am way sexier than Bond." he scoffed. "besides, he's not a very good spy is he? telling everyone his name and sleeping with anything that moves? he's just a horny bastard that's all he is." he admitted simply. "it's alright. we don't do the cleaning up around here. Tony's robots d and they're always happy to have a job to do." Clint admitted. "so no worries."

Steve chuckled a little and gave Tony the Coffee and settled in to watch the other work. unlike some people, he never felt the urge to touch. anything. ever. he was too nervous around tech to handle even a knut or a bolt in Tony' lab, who knew when something was going to start chirping, clicking or worse, talking? "you where too." he admitted. "they like you. they're just testing you the same way you test them. you know how many times Barton's been abandoned, and Matt only has the one friend so he doesn't know much how to interact with someone just as screwed up as he is." he admitted.
"Hm I'll let you think that."she teased before snickering."it takes a spy to critize the most famous spy In the world."she looked amused at the idea. Biting her lip before nodding."well. To make the bots happy."she snickered as she settled in to eat. And while she did make a fairly big mess, of both herself and the table, she'd also managed to feed herself, refusing help for the most part, wanting to do it on her own. Usually a independent person, this depenancy as she figured out things again was killing her.

Tony grinned a little because while he might complain about the captains presence in the lab,and outright refuse to let him in sometimes, most of the time it was obvious he really didn't mind. Most of the time actually enjoying having him there, as steve saw the world just differently enough that if tony ran into a problem talking it through could help Even if steve had no idea what he was talking about. "... we're all sort of broken toys aren't we?"tony said rolling his eyes as he ate with one hand and fiddled with the bracelet he was working on. "clint's going to be a mess...the girl lost her sight in the helicarrier attack...this is going to be bad..."he was worried about his friend
Clint scoffed. "Bond is the worst spy in existence. he's literally just a cover." he admitted. "so people don't realize M15 is real and there's really a 007." "wait... WHAT?!" Matt demanded, stunned. "are you telling me that there's really...." he paused. "....Shield. Shield exists so why not M15?" "it's a part of the SSR." he admitted. "the SSR is one half and M15 is the other. one handles minor threats and the other handles major. it's pretty awesome actually. they often work together. and they are always happy to have a helping hand from shield." Clint admitted. "Fuck!" "what?" Matt demanded ten minutes later, startled. "....i dropped all of the toppings on my pizza...." Clint admitted, sulking. all he had was a tomato covered crust and all the cheese and toppings where on the floor where a happy little robot was beeping and whirring as it cleaned up.

Steve chuckled a little at the others grin. honestly he liked watching Tony work. and rather liked hanging out with Tony. "yeah. we're all pretty broken." he agreed with a sigh before gasping. "oh god... poor Clint." he breathed, horrified that Clint was being faced with something like that. Clint was, as always, the best man for the job. Clint hadn't even come close to forgiving himself though, let alone come to terms or grieved for Phil. "maybe i should stay for a while?" he asked Tony, looking very worried about Clint now. "he's been gearing up for a massive breakdown and i'm rather worried about what might happen if there isn't someone there to restrain him..." he admitted. "you could, using the suit but i think the suit would crack or break his bones. i'm not sure how much control over the strength you have on that thing." he admitted.
"I never considered that. That's actually a awesome bit of lying work. And planning."she snickered a little before jumping when clint cursed frowning."what?"She said yelping a little as the robot brushed against her foot,and even without being able to see she leaned over as if to look at it,some habits to engraved to not keep doing even if the action was pointless."it sounds cute. Clint,is the robot cute?"she said trying to figure out why the small machine was chirping and so happy,not realizing tony had made almost all the machines in the tower ai's.

"Yea but as cruel as it is, he's still the best to help her. And being in the tower is less traumatic for here. Not as many people and way more sound proofing for her then normal. I mean it's not perfect,or totally done,but the tower is mostly sound proof anyways, I'm just finishing a apartment for her so she has her own space."tony sighed a little before nodding."you know you're always welcome cap,eveN if you mother hen me to death...and I have fairly good control but not nearly as much as you. Even as connected to the suit as I am,it is still a machine. I could hurt him without eaning to. Besides more people on hand the better...might ask murdock to stay while I'm at it,make it the superhero clubhouse."
Clint nodded. "sometimes the best way t stay hidden is to suply a scapegoat. they make movies about it so it can't be real." Clint mused, smiling a little before scowling at his empty crust. "it's creepy is what it is." Clint huffed before shaking his head. "it's rather cute i guess. it's kind of like a silver tank without the turret." he admitted. "it's got a really big mouth with a trap hinge that scoops up the dropped solids and then a spritzer in the back that sprays soapy water and a big bristle brush on it's belly and a squeegee that it uses to soak up the soapy water on it's back end." he admitted. "so it's kinda cute i guess." he glanced at the robot. "thanks tiny creepy dog like creation." it beeped happily and scuttled away once it's job was done.

Steve nodded. "could be good for Clint too. so far all he's been doing is hiding it all, pretending he's not close to a complete and total meltdown." he muttered. "your a really good guy you know that? doing all this for a complete stranger." Steve admitted with a smile. "most people couldn't be bothered." he admitted. "thanks Tony." really, he had thought about just moving in, but all of Tony's little robots scared him a bit still. "Matt's a good guy to have around." he agreed. "for Kate if nothing else." Steve agreed. "and i think i could talk Natasha into coming, if it's for Clint. i'm worried about her being all on her own..." he admitted, looking very, very worried indeed.
"It does sound cute."kate agreed snickering,mostly agreeing that it was cute cause clint sounded disturbed at the idea. Snickering a little."just think this is tony's version of a dog, sorta like your kinda his house wife....though what does that make steve?"she smirked a little amused as she relaxed finishing her food,leaning back with a contented sigh."okay,so tell me, just how much of a mess did I make?though I think you beat me on the mess making end today..."

"Probably would be good for him."Tony agreed before making a face."not so good. I'm totally signing this off as a tax write off for helping a charitable case. Pepper says I have to do some sort of charity work each year, helping the blind is just this year's project."tony said brushing off the praise like he always did because he so rarely accepted compliments on his good behavior, hiding it all behind ego and charm."that's what I'm thinking. Between clint and Matt she'd always have someone around who understood exactly what she needs...I mean we can try...but we can't get it."he shrugged before nodding."you can try. Last time I talked to her she a s taking out her angry grief on the poor stupid politicans."
Clint snorted. "it's natural." he muttered even as he patted the robots 'head', making it chirp before scuttling back into it's home in the walls. "Steve's his mother." Clint commented simply. "you actually didn't do too bad." Clint admitted. "most of the mess you made stayed on your plate." he admitted. "so yes. i won in the mess making department." he huffed, sulking as he devoured another piece of pizza. "so. i was talking to Matt here, and he had a lot of ideas for how you can entertain yourself." he admitted with a smile. "knitting and crocheting can actually be very calming, and you don't really have to see to be able to do it well. sewing is very ice too, and even if you can't see you can still do some art, like pottery, woodworking, even carving, though i'd avoid sharp objects until your a little more in tune with your body." he admitted. "paper-crafts can certainly be done even without eyesight and when you have more confidence going for a jog can really lift your spirits." he admitted. "there's a very large list of how ou can keep entertained and listening to music, TV and audiobooks are only part of it." he admitted.

Steve snorted a little. "your full of shit." he admitted with a chuckle. "you do charity work every day, don't think i don't know that you own all the copy write laws on the Avengers and that every penny made goes to various charities of our choice." he said, well aware that Tony had been sneaky about it, finding out which charities they all liked best. Steve's VA hospitals assistance's, Natasha's children's Homes and Clint's animal shelters. even Phil's favorite Children's hospitals and Bruce's cancer and cerebral palsy and other research facilities looking for a cure got a cut of the Avenger profits. "i'll have to. it makes me nervous, her all on her own." he admitted, twitching a little at the mention of Natasha unleashing her rage on poor hapless politicians. "well at least she's being productive." he agreed, smirking.
"Mother steve. I can see it."she snickered a little before tilting her head as she listened to the things she could do,biting her lip as she considered that."...that sounds...interesting."she made a frustrated sound."I hate this! I mean. I used to have physical raining hobbies, I hate that my life's been restricted down to crocheting and sewing. And oh paper making. This is such bullshit."kate scowled. Oh yea,the mood swings were starting. At least it meant she a s settling more.

"How dare you!I am not. Besidesnthats all still taxable write off for all of us. Definitely bonus points for making us loved."tony said shrugging a little because they both knew he was so full of it."she is being productive. The poor poor fools. I'd almost feel bad for them if they weren't such scum."he snickered a little amused
Matt chuckled. "well there are physical things you can do too." he promised her. "Yoga, Tai Chi, you can run through training exercises your already used to, basic training is easy enough." he pointed out. "you don't have to see to do jumping jacks, squats, pushups, crunches, pull ups or other things." he said, rolling with the mood swing so easily it was clear he was used to being yelled at. "you life is only as limited as you allow it to be Kate. just because you can't do thing right now, doesn't mean you'll always be limited." he promised.

"i dare a lot of things." he stated with a smirk. "and while it is a tax deductible, you still do it and that's what's important." he admitted. "in any case, it's the thought that really counts." he admitted. "they are scum." he agreed. "most of them anyway. there is one. Thomas Ward? he's an absolute sweetheart of a man. compared to his brother, Christian who's all but a walking dick." he admitted with a grin. "Thomas is one of those people who are actually trying to make things better instead of trying to line his own pockets."
"Well. no I guess I don't have to see to work out."kate said reasonably so thrown by matt'matt's calm acceptance that it knocked the anger ri gh t out of her as she considered him."...I don't want a limited life.I want what I had."she said her tone shifting from anger to grief. Mourning what she'd lost,which she really hadn't done. Having simply tried to accept. It was amazing really,that she hadn't started in on clint yet,despite him helping her he had to know she'd lash out at him eventually.

"well I guess it comes with the territory. I mean,you go out dressed like a spandex model."ha,so that's where the tabloid had gotten the story about steve modeling atuff. Tony was just incapable of keeping his mouth shut sometimez."hm I think Thomas is the one Natashas working for..."he paused raising the metal bracelet he was finishing showing the sleek piece of gadgetry to steve."girly enough to be seen in public wearing you think?"
Matt grinned, well aware he'd thrown her off. "you won't have a limited life. you think that just because you can't see anymore that your somehow less than other people?" Clint demanded firmly. "your not. you might not be able to see but that's not going to stop you from doing anything you want to do." he admitted. "hell, just look at Matt! he's a goddamn Lawyer and on top of that, he's a superhero! you think just anyone could do that? it's not a disability, it's not a limitation, it's just something that happened that you have to learn how to cope with. no you can't do much now, but you will!" he promised her. "you aren't being held back, your just launching yourself forward. just like a bow and arrow, you have to pull it back before you can send the arrow flying."

Steve glared at him. "you Jerk! your the one who started that filthy rumor!" he complained. "Johnny and Wolverine have yet to let me live it down! and don't even get me started on Daredevil and Blade!" he complained, voice actually a whine! Tony had made Steve whine! "i hope so, he's a pretty handsome guy." Steve admitted, smirking. "could be she could get a nice date out of it, maybe that'll make her feel better?" he mused before blinking at the bracelet. "uh... yes? i don't know much about fashion, all the rules are different than i'm used to." he admitted. "you'd be better off asking Clint or Bruce to be honest. what does it do?"
"yes!I mean-no i-"she frowned looking so utterly lost at their argument that she had no idea how she was feeling anymore. Slumping back into her chair she sighed quietly before frowning."no I guess not everyone could have become A superhero even if they can see...much less be blind..."she sighed."...I can't shoot a bow. I whack the shit out of my bobs when I try."she frowned,a sad quiet attempt at humor.

"I'm sorry!in all honesty I hadn't meant it!I'd only said you looked like you should be modeling underwear and you were a stunning representation on what a good model could look in spandex,it's not my fault they took it wrongly!"tony whined Himself snickering as he listened to captain america of all people whine. "Be ex always makes me feel better. Don't know if that's how it works for scary females who kill people with their thighs though."tony said so logically it'd take a moment to know he was inwardly laughing."dammit. I will then...and let's seen...the soft band in the middle,that black band?is Reforma blessed plastic that can create braille letters to give her instructions if needed. like if she needed to mame a list then read talks. Well. Jarvis talks through it. And it's connected to jarvis so if she gets lost he can find her and help. Also it's a epically awesome fashion statement I of a kind. Not everyone's getting hooked into jarvis, but I could mass produce a similar thing if she likes it...and besides. Kate. Clint lik s her. She's getting better toys."he shrugged because everyone knew if you we re someone tony cared for or someone he cared for cared for you,you got the most nifty things in the world.
Grant chuckled a little. "it's okay." he promised her. "i just overreacted a little bit. i'm too used to people thinking that just because they lost an arm, or can't hear, or can't see that they're helpless and hopeless and useless." he admitted, huffing. "it's not true and i won't let anyone think it!" he mumbled before snickering at her attempt at humor.

Steve huffed. "you did it on purpose!" he complained. "you knew people would jump all over that! for gods sake they wrote a newspaper article on you because you wet shopping and held the receipt in your mouth!" he complained before snorting. "sex isn't the answer to everything Tony.... though, i think it might help Natasha." he admitted, well aware that Tony was laughing his ass off and refusing to humor the man before focusing on the band, his head tilted. "reforma... that's the stuff they make those Braille E-readers with right?" he asked, looking impressed. "wait... you connected her to Jarvis?" he asked, sounding astonished. "wow i didn't realize you liked her that much." he admitted, amused. "and he does like her. a lot, i think he might be hiding a crush." he admitted.
“ITs not that...its just...I dislike feeling that way. Helpless. Hopeless. I sorta want to curl up and simply not o anything for awhile....not because I don’t think I can learn it again...well...okay. I had...but...”She sighed softly, hating how utterly helpless she sounded.

“I did not. And I know, it was epic. I shared it on facebook to just see how many people would repost it.”Tony snickered a little before smirking. “Sex is indeed the answer to everything.”He said before nodding. “Yes that stuff.”He said smirking before nodding, shrugging a little. “I did. And I don’t. I like her, but she’s in my space and I can’t blow shit up while she’s down here, but Clint likes her. So I hooked her in so he could find her if he needed to.”Tony shrugged a little, he truly did hate sharing his space as much as he loved sharing his was truly a love hate relationship
"i know." Clint admitted. "we've all gone through this, every single person on earth, cripple or not goes through this at some point. it's just that you have a physical manifestation that triggered it." Clint admitted, Matt making a sound of agreement. "that's right, everyone goes through times when they thing they are helpless, useless or worthless." he admitted. "even Electra and Floppy, powerful and happy as they are." he admitted. "Floppy actually convinced himself he was the worst lawyer in the world when he failed to stop an innocent man from going to jail. it was pretty rough. for three weeks all he did was lay in a bathrobe and eat ice-cream and cry." "and he'd never forgive you for telling us that would he?" Clint asked, sounding very amused. "no, he wouldn't." Matt agreed.

Steve snorted. "you glory hound." he teased affectionately. "you do look rather cute in that picture though. why on earth where you shopping? don't you have peons to do that for you?" he asked, amused before rolling his eyes. "Tony Sex is not going to bring world peace, drop the prices of oil, stop starvation in Africa or make Clint forgive himself." he pointed out. "while Sex can solve a lost of problems it isn't the absolute solution." how weird a conversation was that? Steve just grinned at Tony. "ah, your a bad liar Tony." Steve teased with a chuckle. "you adore her. if only because Clint likes her so much." he admitted, smiling at him. "i know how hard this is for you." he admitted. "just remember, it's your tower, if you need them to leave you alone, tell them so."
“....You two are to understanding this is weird. I can’t yell at you for being understanding.”she muttered running her hands through her hair, “...Really?Well, it wasn’t a bathrobe and ice cream, but I did eat alot of pizza and cry...”She muttered a little smiling slightly before laughing a little. “I’m sure he wouldn’t. Poor floppy, you’re just telling us all sorts of things.”She snickered a little.

“I’m always cute. And I do have peons, but apparently they were busy taking care of a blind girl and breaking their shield. Had to get my own BBQ chips. It was horrible.”Tony huffed a little before smirking. “...Sex with me might do all that stuff. Might even get barton to stop sulking really.”Tony said continuing the conversation because well, getting the captain to talk sex was sometimes like pulling teeth, so dragging it out just amused him. “I am not. I’m a amazing liar. And I know I can, but I really can’t kick her out currently, as the only room she can truly sleep in, is in the lab. So I’ll just go bother bruce when she’s down here....whatever. Come on, I have to go see if this is fashionable neough to be seen wearing.”Tony said scooping up the bracelet and heading back upstairs, eating his pizza as he went.
they chuckled. "you can still yell at us." Matt assured her. "we just won't get hurt feelings about it." he admitted. "we can pretend to if you'd like?" Clint offered with a grin. "sure. we can do that." Clint agreed with a chuckle. "oh i have lots of other blackmail on Foggy." he admitted. "what i want to know." Clint commented. "is what the hell his mother was thinking naming a guy 'Foggy'." "his real name is Franklin." Matt explained. "i 'm not sure where the nickname came from, he was already being called that when i met him in Law School." he admitted.

he snorted. "i am NOT a peon Tony." he complained, looking very amused. "Clint, sure, he's a Peon, but i am not." he huffed, grinning. "well. Sex with me could probably do it a lot better. i am the American dream personified according to all those Calenders they made me pose for." he admitted. "i'd pay to see you try to seduce Clint. twenty bucks says he makes you feel two feet tall and like you've had your dick cut off." he teased. "your really a good man Tony. doing all this for her." he admitted. "you'll have her new room up and finished in no time so you'll have your space back in a matter of what, two days? you can last that long right?" Steve asked with a smile, following him. "where is Bruce anyway?" Bruce was on a science Binge. he'd made a breakthrough and refused to stop until he either finished it or hit another dead end. he was worse than Tony sometimes.
“Well.Okay.”She said smiling a little. “Hm, no. I think it’d be’s just weird I guess...”she shrugged making a face a little snickering. “That’s fairly bad. Poor foggy.”She smiled looking at clint. “Though I gotta say, you have it worse, considering what computers auto-correct your name into being.”She teased.

“Yes you are.”Tony huffed before staring at the other man, “...I bet you even taste like apple pie and freedom to, and I bought some of those calenders you know. It’s all down in a room.”He teased, because he knew it freaked the other out a little to know howard had collected captain stuff, and young tony had simply added a prince’s ransom worth of stuff to it as he got older. “...I’ll take that bet.”Tony grinned already planning. “Yea,yea whatever.”he said brushing it off before nodding. “Yea, it’ll be done by this weekend. It just makes me twitchy.”Tony sulked a little, before smirking. “And Bruce is on a science binge, and refuses to leave until he finishes it. I’m monitoring him and making sure he’s okay. Otherwise I’m letting him do what he wants.”He shrugged smirking as they walked into the living room. “Birdbrain, how you doing?I have a present for your girl.”Toyn said holding up the bracelet.
they both chuckled and Matt outright laughed when he realized that they where picking on Clint now. Clint was blushing so hard that he was sure they could feel the heat of it. "shut up! it's not my fault! you would think a phone would know that Clint is a name!" he complained. "Tony mocked me for MONTHS!" he complained, sulking before looking up when Tony and Steve came in.

"i do not! i taste like skin." he huffed rolling his eyes before flushing furiously. "Tony!... some of those are semi nudes!" he protested, so red it almost looked like he was about to explode. "that's not funny Tony burn those things!" he pleaded. it made him very uncomfortable to know that people obsessively collected things that had his face on them. "i know it does. but you won't have to worry about her playing with your things at least." he admitted. " scientists and your nerd fests." he muttered playfully. "i'm fine. a present for her?" he asked before blinking at the bracelet. "that's pretty." he agreed. "whats it do?"
“I’m sure it’s not. Though if it’s a stark tech phone, are you sure it’s not just tony fucking with you?”Kate teased smirking a little as she realized he was probably blushing.

“Nooo, apple pie definitely.”Tony teased before nodding.”I know. Very good pictures to. That one of you wrapped up in the flag for July was truly inspired. And no, I’m not burning them. I paid good money for them.”Tony said snicking her before growing serious, glancing at steve. “Cap they’re in my captain room, dusty and hidden, and only for my personal enjoyment.Though I don’t go looking at them alot, I just collect.”He shrugged not about to explain the only times he went down there, was when teh memories of his childhood battered him to pieces, and he needed a quiet place to relax. “That’s true. She wont be going touching everything...”He said snickering at steve’s words before smirking at clint. “Indeed. A readable braille bracelet for notes and such, and a connect to Jarvis, for both talking if she needed help, and GPS location for her, and it’s damn near indestructible, someone would have to really be esperate to get it off her.” “Thanks tony.”She said looking amazed.
Clint huffed. "you know. i wouldn't doubt it." he grumbled.

Steve snorted before going even more red. "T..Tony!" he protested, fidgeting. "could you at least stop bringing them up?" he whined. he didn't want to admit that the idea of Tony collecting his things made him feel tight in his belly, possessive too. it made him think and feel very strange things. "you still have them." he grumbled, following the other and refusing to think dirty things when tony said 'personal enjoyment'. "cool!" Clint admitted. "may i?" because he had learned to always ask before touching anything of Tony's. he could be touchy about things. "that's an impressive piece of tech." Matt admitted. "it will make her life a lot easier to be sure. even without the Jarvis features." Matt admitted. "can i have one?"
“Fine. . I promise, no more”Tony said snickering to himself, because he’d leave it alone for now, and really, that was all steve could hope for. Cause well, this was tony’s awkward little mating ritual, testing and pushing. “Of course.”tony said passing it over, showing him how to work it. “here’s the voice recorder so you can record notes and such, and have it turn into braille, or if you want, it can fold out into a hologram braille keyboard. While it wont be great for reading, if you just have quick notes to take, or a message to pass on, then you can.”Tony said shrugging a little. “It sorta acts as a wearable cell phone...sorta. I guess.”Tony shrugged awkward at the praise. He might praise himself undoubtedly, but it still made him slightly awkward to hear other’s doing it. “...As long as you never threaten me again with Hammer Tech, sure you can have one"
Steve huffed. "why don't i believe you?" he asked Tony before smiling while Clint worked with the bracelet. "this, is awesome." Clint admitted. "you really are a genius you know that Tony?" Clint asked with a grin. "you have no idea how much this is going to help her." he admitted, sliding it carefully into Kate's fingers ad showing her how to work it just like Tony had just shown him. "hmm. i suppose i can agree to that deal." Matt agreed with a chuckle.
“Cause you never believe me.”Tony whined a little. “Thanks. And of course I know it.” “Not shy are you?” “Nope, I’m a certifiable genius, no reason to hide what everyone knows.”Tony snickered a little. “And no I don’t, but I have a feeling it’ll make things easier. And I’m still working on some things this was just done first.” “Thanks tony.”Tony said smiling biting her lip a little as she worked the bracelet, knowing clint was more patient and better at explaining things then he was was. Kate’s eyes wiening as she spoke their names, and the braille surfaced under her fingers. “Oh man, that’s amazing.”She said. “Good. Hammer tech is a cruel and unusual punishment, that I wouldn’t even seek to inflict on SHIELD on the worst days.”
Steve just snickered. "oh he's plenty shy when you give him an honest to god heart felt compliment. he actually shuts up for a few seconds before he tries to tell you bullshit about how he's actually in reality a terrible person." Steve admitted, Clint laughing. "he's wrong of course." sieve admitted with a chuckle. "it is pretty awesome." Clint admitted. "i'm going to want one too Stark. this would make a great way to communicate silently from spy to spy." Clint admitted. "you wouldn't want to inflict Justine Hammer on shield?" Clint asked, sulking. "not even a little?" he asked. "because i would totally unleash Justine Hammer on shield."
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